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Delightful Poems, Research-Based Lessons, and Instant Activities

That Teach the Top High-Frequency Words

ISBN 0-43T 57 40 4 - fl

78043 574044

Perfect Po«ms
^Teaching Sight Words
Delightful Poems, Research-Based Lessons, and Instant Activities
That Teach the Top High-Frequency Words

By Deborah Ellermeyer and Judith Rowell

New York • Toronto • London • Auckland • Sydney Teaching

Mexico City • New Delhi • Hong Kong • Buenos Aires
- UJKU.C IB c, 3

To my father, Paul Sanko, with love and best wishes.


To my husband, Dick, with love.


Cover art and design by Kathy Massaro

Interior design by Solutions by Design, Inc.
Illustration by James Hale

ISBN: 0-439-57404-8
Copyright © 2005 Deborah Ellermeyer and Judith Rowell
Published by Scholastic Inc.
All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06
I Contents


We Are Opposites Antonyms 14

Color With Me Color Words 19

Counting Circus Number Words 26

The Little, Little Man Synonyms 32

I’m All Mixed Up Homophones 37

All About You Question Words 41

My Busy Day Verbs 45

Me, You, and Them Personal Pronouns 49

My Game Prepositions 53

Two Funny, Little Red Apples Adjectives 58

Double Silly Same Double-Consonant Words 61

Terrific Tongue Twisters Same Beginning Sound Words 64

What Am I? Dolch Nouns and Adjectives 69

Clap Your Hands Counting Syllables 73

Word Families Word Family Words 77

One Word Out Word Categories 81

I Have a Little Secret Words Within Words 85

May, Bea, Ike, Joe, and Beulah Words With Long Vowel Sounds 92

Singing Ducks Words With Short Vowel Sounds 99

Neighborhood Noise This, That, These, Those 104

Welcome to Perfect Poems

for Teaching Sight Words'.
ight words and poetry are a winning combination! Sight words—words that are
recognized at a glance, without decoding—are key to reading success, and the
rhythm and rhyme of poetry is a natural invitation into reading. This book brings
the two together into one valuable resource.
The poems within this book feature words from the Dolch list, a widely recognized list
of sight words (see page 10). The Dolch list is comprised of the 220 most frequently
encountered words in books that children read. The Dolch list of the 95 most commonly
encountered nouns (see page 12) expands the scope of the first list.
Not only does each poem provide an authentic context for children’s experiences with
sight words, the poems and companion activities also present an opportunity to
introduce children to specific elements of language such as parts of speech, word
families, and more. This gives children an opportunity to learn the words in a meaningful
context as well as examine them in isolation. (Though each lesson indicates a particular
element of language you may not be labeling yet for children, such as antonyms, children
will be exploring the language concept at their own developmental level and using it as
an organizing principle. For instance, even if you do use the term antonyms, children will
still be developing their understanding of opposites.) In addition, many of the activities
use the sight words from the poems as springboards to vocabulary building, introducing
new words which are not sight words but fit into the target category.

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Use the poems and lessons to:

Introduce beginning readers to new sight words.

Reinforce previously learned sight words and provide children with

reading practice.

Assess children’s retention of sight words. Ask individual children to read selected

poems to you, and make note of any words that require additional practice.

Present language skills as they arise within the language arts curriculum (such as

synonyms, antonyms, and parts of speech).

Enrich learning in other curriculum areas. For example, you might integrate the

poem “Counting Circus” into a math unit, or use it to activate prior knowledge

before reading a story about the circus.

I ?m m m m m -m mm ss m, mmmmm m, m

4 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

What Are Sight Words?
Why Focus on Sight Words? We Are Opp°sl,eS

A sight word is a word that is recognized instantly and We are opposites.

And I'll tell you more.
I say after.
without word analysis (Richek, Caldwell, Jennings and And you say

I look up.
And you look down.

Lerner, 2002). Many of these high-frequency words are I like to walk.

You run to town.
I come In.
I say stop.
And you go out.
function words, such as the, of, and to, and have little And you say flo
We are opposites
Let's give
i shout!
I told you so!

meaning of their own. Consequently, children must learn to I think it's hot.
You think it's cold
I am small.
As small as can be.
You are big.
I say it's new.
Much bigger than me.
You say it’s old
recognize them at a glance to increase reading fluency and We are opposites,
IPs like 1 said before.
Think of yoor awn

comprehension. Sight word instruction is essential for If,ou want any morel

emergent, beginning, and struggling readers. Dolch words

are commonly taught at the primary level; however, sight
word instruction is also an essential component of most
remedial reading programs.
Research has long stressed the importance of children’s
Color With Me
learning sight words, not only in isolation but also in Y#"°". b/ue, block nnrl
Brown r.H ' d Ween,

context. Children should be able to instantly recognize the Would be just right?
T° color the sun ‘
Way up in the sky?

words on flash cards and within sentences. Using patterned To color the water
That passes us by?
To color the night

and predictable text such as poetry with beginning readers As dark as can be’
To color the grass
That grows under me?

has long been recognized as best practice. Plus, it’s lots T

To color the dirt
the f lower bed’
To color the apple

of fun! at falls on my head?

To c°'°r the snow

a ..I1"" "e “Se 10 make

.“"angel, a snowball
great big Snow'cake?
follow, blue, block nr,H

Would be just right?

About This Book

The benefits of this book are many. Here are some:

It’s easy to use. Lessons require little preparation and

few outside materials. Each unit includes an original poem
rich with Dolch sight words as well as several engaging The Little, Little Man

activities that enhance sight word development and the In a big. big city.
Lived a little. ««e man.
In his hat. hot ho.se
With a fast, fast fa".
featured language skill. Sight words within the poems are Be had funny, flmny children.

identified by boldface type. What a good, good life!

And have happy, happy

It’s versatile. You can use the poems to introduce sight D„,o«know thisMemtmt
Oh, whoever could he be
Why, that lltt'e. IWIn mo"
is just silly, Silly mel
words, or to review and reinforce previously learned sight
words. You can also use the lessons for whole-class or
small-group instruction.

3 The poems are engaging, enjoyable, and authentic.

Children see an immediate purpose for learning the sight

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources 5

0—“(§) Ow-@07

1( words, since they are needed for the successful reading of

the poems. The progression from whole text to words
back to whole text allows children to make important
connections between the Dolch words and the larger text
(Rasinski and Padak, 2000).

4 Kids get multiple exposures and repetition of

sight words. Word learning requires children to view
words repeatedly in a variety of texts (McCormick, 1994,
1995). Many of these poems repeat words and phrases,
so that children get multiple opportunities with the
sight words.

Poems feature controlled vocabulary, with emphasis

on sight words. Each poem has beep carefully composed
to include a high percentage of Dolch sight words and a
low percentage of non-Dolch words. The non-Dolch words
enhance the poems, since many high-frequency words are
function words, such as the, of, and to. These words take
on meaning only by acting as connectors for other words
(Richek, Caldwell, Jennings, and Lerner, 2002).

6 Text is patterned and predictable, perfect for

emergent or beginning readers. Research has
repeatedly demonstrated that the use of patterned and
predictable text is extremely beneficial (Rasinski and
Padak, 2001). Using predictable materials not only assists
in sight word development but encourages children to use
context clues when encountering unknown words, and
also creates positive feelings about reading aloud (Bridge,
Winograd, and Haley, 1983). The rhythmic nature of poetry
and the use of rhyme provide a helpful scaffold for
children. Children can use background knowledge,
1I context clues, and their own sense of rhythm and rhyme to
I help them decode unfamiliar words.
I — •

1 Poems can be used for authentic, performance-based

| assessment. Poems can be used as an assessment of
I children’s retention of sight words. As children
I individually read selected poems, you can make note of
T7 sight words with which the child needs additional

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

practice. You may also elect to have individual children
read the poems on audiotape. Having children read on
tape provides a record of progress over time that can be
easily included in the child’s portfolio of work samples.
You might also use the poems to assess fluency skills
and expression.

8 Enjoyable activities reinforce sight word

development. The activities provide additional practice
of sight words, as well as other essential language skills.
Rasinski and Padak (2000) stress the need for children to
“explore, make, and play with words.” The activities are an
opportunity for children to do just that. Many of the
activities are designed to engage children working in pairs
or small groups. This arrangement promotes socialization
and overall language usage among children.

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Adapting the Poems and Activities for Different Levels

Depending on the age and level of your students, you’ll want to
adapt the poems and activities as necessary. Older children may
benefit from having a copy of the poem page as well as seeing it
displayed on chart paper, while younger children will benefit
from choral readings of the poem on the chart paper only. i
Older children may be able to work independently on some I
activities, while younger children will need help writing. If you §

have reading buddies or older students who visit your class, the
reproducible activities are ideal for this type of one-on-one I
work. Younger children might also simply say an answer aloud
or dictate as an adult records. In addition, you might do the
| activities in small groups during reading center time. This way i
S you can work closely with each child and scaffold as necessary. §

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

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Using the Poems

Follow this simple step-by-step procedure for each poem.

I Read the poem in advance. Preview the poems and

activities yourself before you use them with children.
This gives you an opportunity to familiarize yourself
with the words that will be introduced or reviewed and
to select the activity that best suits children’s
instructional needs.

Write the poem on chart paper and highlight the

Dolch words. Print the poem on chart paper prior to
presenting it. Write the target (boldface) words in a
different-colored marker to draw children’s attention to
them. Please note that the boldface words are sight words

I Have a Little Secret

related to the focus of the lessons, such as hot and cold for
T have a little secret-
“Antonyms.” (There will be non-boldface sight words in
Like be end for and or.
the poems as well.)

But for now I" JuST5e , U..W
To find an and and in hand ^ \-
In sit, there's It.
There's let in letter
In chair, there's air-
Point to the words as you read the poem aloud.
Find a word in togeth

In stop, there's top.

In start, find art.
Use a pointer or your finger to track the print as you read
What words are in think
Oh. you’re so smart.

Find man, little words!"

aloud to the group. This gives children an opportunity to
The funn,. ,e«o« Pb™ =“
Ran around the flower bed
»„d lot with robin for a chat. see the words as they are read. You can make pointers
Look for little words in big ones. easily with a dowel rod and a small decoration added to
Each letter is a clue.

the tip. For example, an apple eraser makes a good

September pointer decoration.

4 Engage in repeated readings of the poem. Since

children require multiple exposures to new sight words,
read the poems repeatedly in a variety of ways: chorally, in
two groups with each group reading every other line, and
so on. Children might also act out the poems.

Examine selected Dolch words in isolation and in

context. After reading the poem as a whole piece of text
several times, children can explore individual words and
complete the related activities. Then have children revisit
the poem. This progression from whole text, to words, and
back to whole text provides children with a necessary and
r; authentic context for learning (Rasinski and Padak, 2000).

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources


Have children write words on index cards and add
them to individual Dolch word banks. Have children
create and maintain individual word banks that contain
the Dolch words as you introduce them. Word banks are
containers (recipe card holders work well), in which
children store words in two groups: Words I Know and
Words to Learn. Children file unfamiliar words in the
Words to Learn section of the container and gradually
move words over to the Words I Know section. Children
can also alphabetize the cards or sort them into groups
(words with one or two syllables; nouns, verbs, adjectives,
and prepositions; by vowel sound, and so on).

7 Afterward, keep the poem visible so that children

will continue seeing the words. This ensures multiple
exposures to the words. A weekly poetry walk around the
classroom is a wonderful way to review the Dolch words
within the poems. You might also create a word wall of all
the sight words.


Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

The Dolch 220 Basic Sight Words
a brown first hold
about but five hot
after buy fly how
again by for hurt
all call found 1
always came four if
am can from in
an carry full into
and clean funny is
any cold gave it
are come get its
around could give jump
as cut go just
ask did goes keep
at do going kind
ate does good know
away done got laugh
be don't green let
because down grow light
been draw had like
before drink has little
best eat have live
better eight he long
big every help look
black fall her made
blue far here make
both fast him many
bring find his may

10 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Q> <§—H3—O

me ran ten warm

much read thank was
my red that wash
myself ride the we
never right their well
new round them went
no run then were
not said there what
now saw these when
of say they where
off see think which
old seven this white
on shall those who
once she three why
one should to will
only show today wish
open sing together with
or sit too work
our six try would
out sleep two write
over small under yellow <5

own so up yes
pick some upon you
play soon us your
please start use
pretty stop very
pull take walk
put tell want

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

A The Dolch 95 Commonly Used Nouns

i apple day home school

i baby dog horse seed
back doll house sheep
ball door kitty shoe
bear duck leg sister
bed egg letter snow
bell eye man song
bird farm men squirrel
birthday farmer milk stick
boat father money street
box feet morning sun
boy fire mother table
bread fish name thing
brother floor nest time
cake flower night top
car game paper toy
cat garden party tree
chair girl picture watch
chicken good-bye pig water
children grass rabbit way
Christmas ground rain wind
coat hand ring window
corn head robin wood
cow hill Santa Claus

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

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Activities p






Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

We Are Opposites

We are opposites,
And I’ll tell you more!
I say after,
And you say before.
I look up,
And you look down.
I like to walk,
You run to town.
I say stop.
I come in,
And you say go.
And you go out.
We are opposites—
We are opposites,
I told you so!
Let’s give a shout!
I think it’s hot,
I am small,
You think it’s cold.
As small as can be.
I say it’s new,
You are big,
You say it’s old.
Much bigger than me.
We are opposites,
It’s like I said before.
Think of your own,
If you want any more!

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Begin by writing the poem “We Are Opposites” on chart paper, writing the pairs of
opposites in a different colored marker. After reading the poem (see pages 8-9 for step-by-
step instructions on how to share the poems), draw children’s attention to the highlighted
words and discuss the concept of antonyms, or opposites. Have children share other
examples of opposites.

Activity 1
i ii i i i i i f i i i i i i f i n i i i i i i t « i i i i i i i i f i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i «> * i * i i « > 11 111
< ^

Ollie’s Opposites
♦ to understand the concept of opposites

It to use or guess sight words that are opposites correctly

in a pantomime
Setup i
O copies of octopus
0 Draw a simple outline of an octopus onto posterboard and cut pattern (page 16),
out. Tape to the chalkboard or wall and write “Ollie” on the head. one per child
Copy page 16 for each child. I
O posterboard
% Write the following words on separate index cards so that you I
O 8 large paper clips
have 16 cards total: after/before, up/down, hot/cold, walk/run, or clothespins
new/old, stop/go, small/big, and out/in. i;
O 16 3- by 5-inch
index cards
Directions I

I Read each index card aloud with the class. Distribute the cards
(one per child, 16 children can play at once). 1

8 ....*
Distribute copies of page 16. Tell children they will record word
pairs during the game they are about to play.

3 Invite one child to pantomime his or her word, using gestures

only. The group guesses the word. The child holding that word’s

opposite comes up and joins the first child. They both show
their cards to the group.

4 The pair clips their cards onto one octopus arm. On their sheets,
children record the words on one octopus leg. Continue until
Ollie has “collected” eight pairs of opposites. I

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources


Ollie’s Opposites

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 2 :

* * * S * M * M » 8 * 8 * S * * * * # K « 8 * * S * » * » » * * * S « » * * * 8 ** * «mi » * * * * * * * * * 8 K * 8 I « ** 15 8 M S »
Opposites Pyramid
♦ to identify the antonym of a given sight word

0 Copy one Opposites Pyramid page per child. MATERIALS
♦ Write the first word of each of the following pairs on the O copies of page 18
chalkboard: black/white, him/her, he/she, to/from, (one per child)
after/before, give/take, yes/no, up/down, out/in, new/old,
O 10 counters (bingo
under/over, hot/cold, little/big, on/off, start/stop, chips or dry beans)
bring/take, come/go, came/went, do/don’t, run/walk, per child
always/never, long/short, light/heavy, full/empty, far/near,
O 40 3- by S-inch
clean/dirty, right/wrong, sit/stand, pull/push, many/few, index cards
gave/took, lost/found, first/last, fast/slow, all/none, good/bad,
O hat, bag or box
open/close, high/low, lose/win, better/worse.
(boldface indicates Dolch list words)
O marker

♦ Using a marker, write the second word of each pair above on a O chalk

3- by 5-inch index card and place a hat, bag or box.

Distribute an Opposites Pyramid page and 10 counters to
each child.

Have children randomly select words from the list on the

chalkboard and write each in a space on the pyramid. Each
child’s pyramid will look different, as on a Bingo card.

3 Place the word cards in a hat, bag or box. Randomly draw one
card at a time. Say the word, show it to children, and direct
them to think of the opposite of that word. If the child has that
word on the pyramid, he or she covers the space with a counter.

Continue drawing cards until a child has filled the pyramid, at

which time he or she raises a hand and says, “Pyramid!”

In order to check the answers, the child should say each

covered word and its opposite. >
Have children exchange papers and play again. |

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name: Date:

Opposites Pyramid

18 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Color With Me
Yellow, blue, black, and green,
Brown, red, and white.
Which of these seven colors
Would be just right?
To color the sun
Way up in the sky?
To color the water
That passes us by?
To color the night
As dark as can be?
To color the grass»
That grows under me?

To color the dirt

In the flower bed?
To color the apple
That falls on my head?
To color the snow
That we use to make
a snow angel, a snowball,
And a great big snow cake?
Yellow, blue, black, and green,
Brown, red, and white.
Which of these seven colors
Would be just right?

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Begin by writing the poem “Color With Me” on chart paper. Write the color words in a
corresponding colored marker. Ask several children to name a favorite color. While
reading the poem, pause and ask children to identify the colors suggested in each
stanza of the poem. In addition, have them identify classroom objects that are the
color mentioned. See pages 8-9 for ideas on sharing the poem.
(NOTE: Before beginning any work with colors, determine whether any children in the class are color blind.)

1 Activity 1
S J 8 « « « ! H I M H M I H M I « » 8 8 # « I * M 8 8 I U M » H S I H M I 8 I I * H I « »

Draw Me a Color
0 to select and use the correct color to draw a picture
% to recognize sight words for colors

O copies of page 21 Copy and distribute the Draw Me a Color reproducible to children.
(one per child)
I Ask children to read and follow the directions. Have them use
crayons or markers to complete the page. Together, you might
brainstorm things in each color group.

2 Then invite each child to draw his or her own picture in the last
box and write its color on the line. Have children share their
drawings when complete.


Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name: Date:

Draw Me a Color
Read and follow the directions for each box.

Draw a small yellow ball. Draw a brown cow.





■ Draw a blue cat. Draw a red apple.




Draw a black fly. Draw a white snowman.

t Draw a green bug. Draw your own picture. Write its
color on the line.


Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

-Cf— <9 ^-o— ©—O-r'@v-<>— O'

Activity 2 S8#HHii®SH88HJS8?SHiM***Si58

Focus S

Guess the Color
Color Words |
8 Objectives
1 0 to write sight words for colors
t ♦ to create a color riddle
;§ Setup
O chart paper or i
! Copy and distribute page 23. Write the color sight words
chalkboard 8
on chart paper or on the chalkboard. To provide support for
O copies of page 23 8
8 younger children, you might print the color words in the
(one per child) 8
8 corresponding colors.
O paper and pencils 0
s Directions
i 1 Direct children’s attention to the color words written on the
chart paper or chalkboard. Review the words. Tell children that
they will be using these words to answer color riddles.

Read each color riddle together several times. Then have

£» children write the answers to the riddles on their papers.

8 3 When you have finished reading all the riddles, go over the
answers to the riddles and have children tell why they chose
each answer. Ask, Are there other colors that could answer each
| riddle? Tell why or why not.
4 Have children write their own color riddles and share them
with the class. Remind them that their riddles do not need
to rhyme.



Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name: Date:

Color Riddles
Read the riddles. Write the answers on the lines.


■ A dandelion, Billy's eyes, Your eyes are open,
I cold lemonade, the color of sky, but you can barely see. j
; a drawing of the sun round little berries The night is dark,
| that I just made. in a fresh-baked pie. just right for me.
: What color am I? What color am I? What color am I?
■i -


I am veggies and fruit, An apple, a valentine, Write your own riddle:

dollars and peas. a big strawberry,
I'm the soft grass a nose when it's cold,
beneath your feet. a nice sweet cherry.
What color am I? What color am I?

Monkeys, seedpods, My pearly teeth,

bark on trees, the polar bear,
squishy mud, it's kind of a color
old dried leaves. that isn't there.
What color am I? What color am I?

1 I


Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 3
8 8 * » * » 8 * !M 8 * * * * * * M » « » 8 * » 8 S « S 8 S S «B*8«g«8S55*«*g8®*S®

M ?;, 3- -ST ITVgi 3

Jungle Colors
Color Words
J Objective
V_ w *' *» x *mmmmzmmm. wtm ^
♦ to match the correct sight word with its color

MATERIALS 0 Copy and distribute page 25 (one per child).

O copies of page 25 0 Cut sheets of yellow, blue, green, red, white, and brown
(one per child) construction paper into 1-inch squares.
O 1-inch colored 0 Place a square of each color in the bags and distribute (one
construction paper per child).
squares: yellow,
blue, green, red, Directions
white, brown (one of
each per child) I Have children take out their crayons. Make sure that each child
has one of each of the following color crayons: yellow, blue,
O scissors
green, red, white (optional), and brown.
O small, self-sealing
plastic bags (one
Tell children to look at the Jungle Colors page and notice the
per child)
color words written in the boxes. Say each color as children
O crayons or markers point to the words.
O glue sticks
Direct children to match each color square in the plastic bag to
the correct color word on the jungle scene by placing it on the
page and gluing it down.

Have children color the objects the correct color. Children can
either leave the white flowers blank or color them with a
white crayon.

Once children are done with the six colors, they may continue
coloring the rest of the picture.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sigh t Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name: Date:

Jungle Colors

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Counting Circus
One funny clown Six red balls
With one funny nose, Tossed up in the sky.
Juggles one ball Two hands catch them
In his big, big clothes. As they fly by.

Two balloons fly Seven bears dance

Up, up, and away. Way up on their toes.
Two balloons fly, ) One falls down,
But I wish they could stay! Right on his bear nose!

Three circus rings, Eight red apples

Count them with me. On short brown sticks
Three round rings, Are eaten by children
What else do I see? As eight clowns do tricks.

cySjt a
Four white dogs Nine bags of popcorn,
Walk, jump, and play. They feel so warm.
One black cat Outside, nine clouds gather
Runs quickly away. For a summer rainstorm.

Five children laugh It’s now ten o’clock,

At the circus show. And it’s time to go.
Asking, “Oh, no! Thank you for coming
Is it time to go?” To the circus show!

26 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write the poem “Counting Circus” on chart paper, writing the number words in a different-
colored marker. As you read the poem aloud (see pages 8-9 for tips on sharing the poem),
ask children to raise the correct number of fingers each time they hear a number word. You
might also pause at each number word and ask children questions such as: What number
comes before this one? What number comes after it? Is this number even or odd?

Activity 1 I
i i i i i i i « i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i « i i i i i i f i i i i i i f mil i i I

Ben’s Number Soup

* to associate numerical amounts with number words
G copies of page 28
0 to read the sight words for numerals
(one per child)
♦ to create original number stories i
O copies of page 29
(one per child)
Setup I
' O chart paper
# Write the “Ben’s Number Soup” story (below right) on I
chart paper. G markers
I _
♦ Duplicate and distribute to each child the soup bowl and I O scissors
vegetable reproducibles (pages 28-29). Also provide children O glue sticks
with scissors and glue sticks. * t | | H 9 I I M HI I t i t I I I 1 t I 9

I Read “Ben’s Number Soup” (see box, right) aloud with
children. After reading, review the numerals and number
Ben loves soup. He eats it
every day. One day, Ben’s
words used in the story. mother asked him to help
her make vegetable soup.
Next, tell children they can help Ben make the soup. Direct She asked him to read the
their attention to the number soup recipe and read it aloud list of ingredients and tell
together. Ask children to point to each vegetable picture to her how many she needed
of each vegetable. Ben
make sure they can identify it.
knew the numerals 1, 2, 3,
Have children cut out and fit their vegetables in the bowl, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10,
but the numbers were
then glue them into place. Circulate to check children’s work
written as words instead:
as they go. one, two, three, four, five,

4 On the back of the page, children can create their own soup
“recipes” by gluing on different amounts of leftover vegetable
six, seven, eight, nine,
and ten.

cutouts. Tell children to write the appropriate number words

(one through ten) beside each ingredient.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name: Date:

Ben’s Number Soup

Cut out and glue the correct number of each vegetable in Ben’s soup bowl.
# four carrots seven celery sticks 0 nine onions
0 three string beans ten tomatoes * six potatoes
0 one cabbage two cobs of corn 0 eight lima beans
# five peas

28 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources


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Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 2 «*»«»«»«« 8R*8»
if s » e ss » ss s s * « s
What’s Hiding?
♦ to distinguish number words from non-number words
H to write number words from one through ten

O copies of page 31 Copy and distribute page 31 (one per child). Alternatively, create a
(one per child) transparency and place the page on an overhead, or write the text on
O pencils or chart paper.
marker Directions
1 Direct children’s attention to the activity page, transparency,
or chart. Have children read each set of words carefully and
cross out the word in each set that does not belong. (If
children will be completing the activity individually, you
might work through the first set as a group.)

2 Next, have children write a number word on the line at the

end of each list. Children may write any number word from
one through ten that is not already on the list.

3 When children are finished, help them check their work.



30 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Little, Little Man
In a big, big city,
Lived a little, little man,
In his hot, hot house,
With a fast, fast fan.
He had funny, funny children,
And a pretty, pretty wife.
They would laugh, laugh, laugh,
What a good, good life!
They would run around the house,
They would say jokes and rhymes.
They would jump up and down,
And have happy, happy times.
Do you know this little man?
Oh, whoever could he be?
Why, that little, little man
Is just silly, silly me!

32 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write the poem “The Little, Little Man” on chart paper, using a different colored marker for the
highlighted words. Read the poem aloud with children (see pages 8-9 for step-by-step
instructions). Then invite children to perform an echo reading of the poem by reading one line
at a time and having them repeat it after you. As you read, point out each highlighted word.
in .. | mm—.. ii .....—.. .....in ......... ..^ n» ' '.... ..«n.' ...w.huh ..n

Activity 1

Super Synonyms
H to understand that synonyms are words with similar meanings
♦ to brainstorm synonyms for target sight words
♦ to recognize that synonyms can have different degrees of meaning
Setup O chart paper
Display the chart paper poem you created for “The Little, Little Man”
O markers
(see Using the Poem, above).
O sticky notes
1 Discuss the concept of synonyms. Explain to children that
synonyms are words that mean about the same thing.

Call children’s attention to the word big in the first line and
write the word on the chart paper. Then invite children to
suggest other words that mean about the same thing (large,
huge, enormous, giant, jumbo, and so on). Write children’s
ideas on the chart paper underneath the word big.

3 Review the list of synonyms together and ask children if they

think there are any differences among the words. For I

example, ask: Which is bigger, something that is large or I

something that is enormous? Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each II
highlighted word in the poem. I
Rewrite the poem together, using sticky notes to replace |
the highlighted words with different synonyms from the lists. I
Read the new poem aloud together. I

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

tI Activity 2

Odd Word Out
| Objectives
S 0 to identify synonyms for target sight words
t 0 to choose the word that does not belong to a set of synonyms
i # to state a synonym that belongs to a set of synonyms
i Setup
O 48 index cards *
Print each word below on an index card. You might use a different
O markers color for each set of words.
Set 1: big, large, tiny Set 9: pretty, cute, ugly
Set 2: little, large, small Set 10: cold, hot, icy

I Set 3: start, begin, stop Set 11: fast, quick, slow

I Set 4: away, gone, here Set 12: many, lots, few
1 Set 5: go, come, leave
s Set 13: sleep, nap, wake
s Set 6: jump, swim, hop Set 14: going, coming, leaving
if Set 7: run, dash, walk Set 15: pull, push, tug
> Set 8: hot, cold, warm Set 16: may, don’t, can
i Directions
1 Discuss synonyms. Guide children to understand that
synonyms are words that have the same general meaning.
Divide the class into pairs.

Give each pair a set of three prepared index cards.

Tell children to read the three words and decide which word
Xj doesn’t belong in the set.

4 Invite each pair to stand in front of the group, show their

cards, and say which one does not belong. Ask the group to
su§Sesf words that could belong to the remaining pair.


34 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 3

Synonym Pairs
• to rewrite the poem “The Little, Little Man” with synonyms

Copy page 36 for each pair of children.
O copies of page 36

1 Divide the group into pairs. Distribute copies of page 36 to

each pair.
(one per pair)

O pencils

2 Ask children to work together to fill in the blanks with

“synonym pairs”—for instance, “the Silly, Funny Man” or

O crayons

O paper
“In a loud, noisy city.”
3 After children have rewritten the poems, they can illustrate
them on separate sheets of paper. |
4 Have children read their poems aloud to their group.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name: Date:
*8*8 8 888888 *888838*8*88*8: 8X88*8X8 8 8 3 8 9 8 8«8*888«8888****a»S*8»88»a*» *8*8888*8*8*88 * 8 8 8 X £


: In a_,_city

Lived a_,_man,

In his_,_house,
With one_,_fan.

He had_,_ _ children,

And a_,_ wife.

They would laugh, laugh, laugh.

What a_,_ life!

They would run around the house.

They would say jokes and rhymes.

They would jump up and down.

And have__times.

Do you know this little man?

Oh, whoever could he be?

Why, that__man

Is just__me!


36 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

I’m All Mixed Up
I’m all mixed up.
I need help from you.
How do I no /know
Why the sky is blue/blew?
I do not no/know.
I wish I new/knew!

Is my sister aged for / four or too / to / two?

Eye/I am named Marie.
She is named Be/Bee/Bea.
We eat red /read berries
By the water at the see/sea.

I have a lot of work to do/due!

I’ll so/sew a button
on the coat you wear/where.
I’ll sit on that chair.
I’ll wait right/write over there/ their.

I’m all mixed up.

I need help from you.
Can you choose the right words?
See what you can do!

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write the poem “I’m All Mixed Up” on chart paper, using a different-colored marker for the
highlighted homophones. Tell the class that you will need their help in correcting the poem.
Share the poem with children and then have them read it chorally. (See pages 8-9 for tips
on sharing the poems.) NOTE: Sets of boldface words contain both Dolch and
Non-Dolch words.
win«-nii—I Illfll*"mi„l>wi»—'ill

Activity 1

Homophone Help
H to recognize sight words that are homophones
♦ to use homophones correctly in a sentence

Display the chart paper poem you created for “I’m All Mixed Up”
(see Using the Poem, above).

1 After reading the poem once through, ask, Why is the person
in the poem confused?

Engage children in a discussion of the meaning of each

homophone. Point out how the homophones in each group are
alike (they sound the same when read aloud) and different (they
are spelled differently and have different meanings).

3 Help children identify which homophones belong in the poem.

Circle the correct word in each line.

4 Next, encourage volunteers to use each circled homophone in

a sentence of their own, then use the uncircled homophone in a

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 2

Our Homophone Book

0 to write and illustrate sentences for homophones

Choose a homophone pair from the poem or from the MATERIALS
box below and write a sentence on the chalkboard using O paper
each homophone.
O stapler or “O” ring

2 Tell children that they will be writing and illustrating their

own homophone sentences and creating a class book. Divide
the class into pairs and assign each pair a homophone pair.
G crayons

O markers

Have them fold their papers in half and write a sentence for O pencils
each homophone on either side. Children can then illustrate
their sentences.

When children are finished, bind all the pages together into a
class book. Read the book together.


More Homophone Pairs

pairs/pear 0 brake/break

knot/not # cent/sent

aunt/ant • days/daze

ate/ant 0 facts/fax

flour/flower ♦ toes/tows

weight/wait 0 buy/by

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources


Activity 3

^ 19^? lW.ojd.EQ CM
Homophone Stories
Homophones I

♦ to locate homophones in picture books

Gather a collection of picture books that contain homophones in
O picture books
(one per small
the text (see below left). Divide the class into small groups and
group) distribute one book to each group, along with writing paper
and pencils.
O writing paper

O pencils Directions
\ Have children write the titles of their books at the top of
their papers.

Picture Books Then encourage children to take turns reading the book
Featuring Homonyms
€m„ aloud to each other. As they read, have them search for
The Moose Is in the homophones in the text.
Mousse by Pam
Scheunemann Invite children to list any pairs of homophones they find.
(SandCastle, 2002)
(Be sure children understand that the homophones do not
Sam Has a Sundae on have to appear next to each other in the book.)
Sunday by Pam
Scheunemann Children might also list words that they know homophones
(SandCastle, 2002) for, even if the corresponding homophone does not appear in
Harry Is Hot Hairy by the book. For example, if children spot only the word to, they
Pam Scheunemann might add the words too/two to their lists.
(SandCastle, 2002)
The King Who Rained When partners are finished, have them share their
by Fred Gwynne w homophones with the class.
(Aladdin, 1988)
A Chocolate Moose for
Dinner by Fred Gwynne
(Aladdin, 1988)
Eight Ate: A Feast of
Homonym Riddles by

Marvin Terban (Clarion

Books, 1982)

40 Perfect Poems for Teach ing Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
All About You
Who are you?
Do you have a name?
Who are you?
How are we the same?

What do you do
After school is done?
What do you do
In the rain, snow, and sun?

Where do you go
With your very best friends?
Where do you go
When the school week ends?

How do you get to school?

In a car or bus?
How do you get to school?
You can walk with us!

Which kind of books

Do you read each day?
Books about people,
Or lands far away?

When do you go
To sleep every night?
When do you wake up?
Is the time just right?

Why do I ask these questions?

Why do I want to find out?
Because we are alike, yet different.
And that’s what it’s all about!
Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
Write the poem “All About You” on chart paper, highlighting the question words with a
different-colored marker. Read the poem aloud once through and ask children what they
notice about the highlighted words. After eliciting that these are question words, reread the
poem and invite children to chime in on those words. (For tips on sharing the poems, see
pages 8-9.)
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Activity 1

Who Are You?

♦ to use sight words that are question Words in
classmate interviews
♦ to introduce a classmate to the group using information
gathered from the interview
O copies of page 43
(one per child) Setup
O pencils Duplicate and distribute the Interview Form (page 43), one to each
child. Then divide the class into pairs. You might partner children
with classmates they do not often spend time with.

Review the highlighted question words from the poem with
children. Explain that we can use these words when we meet
new people to find out about them.

2 Invite pairs of children to take turns interviewing each other,

using the questions on the Interview Form. Have children
write their partner’s responses on the lines.

3 After partners have completed their interviews, they can take

turns “introducing” each other to the class. Encourage
children to use the information from the interview in their



Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

My Name: Partner’s Name:


Interview Form
: 1. Who are you? Tell your first, middle, and last name.

: 2. What is your favorite thing to do after school? :

m m
m m

: 3. Where is your favorite place to go on the weekend?



m Mi

: 4. How do you get to school most days? :

* at,

: 5. Which is your favorite kind of book to read—books about

people, animals, or places?


6. When do you go to sleep on school nights?

When do you get up in the morning?

mt w


Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources 43

—Cy~~ ~ (S—-Q—-(S>—-0 o

Activity 2
J * J a « 8 »!»« S « S 8 I 8 8 M ! « * « ! 8 * M 8 J 1 * K * * * 8 I i * « » * * * j J * S 8 * 5 » S * S ! 8 t
tight Word Focus
Question Words
Scavenger Hunt
0 to locate information in a newspaper article

0 to summarize the article by answering key questions
O multiple copies of I Setup
five or six different i Locate five to six different newspaper articles with photos (from a
newspaper or 8
l school newspaper or classroom magazine). Copy each article for use
magazine articles (
l in small groups. Then write the following six questions on the chalk¬
(one copy per child i
within each group) I board:
O highlighter pens
i What happened in the story?
(one per child) * When did it happen?
S B I 1 I 9 t I II M I I 1 t 1 I R > I I I 1
I Where did it happen?
\ Why did it happen?
* How did it happen?
i Who was involved?
1 Divide the class into five to six groups, one group for each set
of newspaper articles.

Q Provide each group with a different article, one copy per

dL. child. Also provide each child with a highlighter pen.

Direct children’s attention to the key questions on the

W* chalkboard and read them aloud as a class.

4 Encourage children to read the article together and find the
answers to the questions. Have each child highlight the key
i information on his or her copy of the article.

When children are finished, have each group work together to
i prepare a presentation of the information they found. You
I might like to have each child in the group choose one of the
i six questions to answer for the class.

44 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

My Busy Day
I run. I ride.
I read and w
I pick. I pull.
I fly a kite.
open and close,
touch my nose,
carry a sled
n case it snows.
I give a gift.
I tell a tale.
I see a sign.
I shout, “For sale!”
I clean. I wash.
I eat so I’ll grow.
Who makes my food?
I want to know.
I cut. I draw.
My art I show.
I sit. I sing. “
Up high, down low.
I look. I jump.
I find a nest. *

I trip. I fall.
I need a rest!
From day to night
I keep on the go.
I close my eyes
To sleep! Shh! Tiptoe!
Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources 45
Write the poem “My Busy Day” on chart paper, using a different-colored marker for the
highlighted verbs. As you read the poem for the first time, ask children to close their eyes
and imagine each action. Then have them open their eyes. Read the poem once more,
inviting children to chime in on each action word. Explain to children that action words are
called verbs. (For tips on sharing the poem, see pages 8-9.)

f\ Activity 1
i I 1 I 1 E t i I i I M I I I I i I I M I I I I I ( I I 1 i E lit ! i > i i I I 1 S I I I 1 I I I i I i I I I I i!

Mime Action
♦ to read and write sight words that arc action words
♦ to act out verbs and identify verbs acted out by others

Write each verb from the poem on chart paper, then write each on
O hat, bag, or box an index card. Place the index cards in a hat, bag, or box.
O paper
O chart paper

O marker

O pencils
i Have a child choose a card from the hat, bag, or box without
peeking. Encourage him or her to silently read the secret
verb and then pantomime the action for the whole group.

When children think they know what verb is being

pantomimed, have them write it on a sheet of paper. They
can refer to the list on chart paper.

3 Once all children have written their guesses, have the “mime”
call on a classmate to tell his or her guess. If the guess is
correct, that child gets up and chooses the next verb from the
hat, bag, or box.

4 Continue play according to children’s interest. Children can

even brainstorm a new list of verbs and play again!


Perfect Poems for Teach ing Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
—O-(S>—o o o o -o—m—o—€

Activity 2
Today and Yesterday p
Objective Sight Word Focus
i Verbs
to distinguish between sight words that are present and past i & * ». m »» m 3* 80

tense verbs I
Display the chart paper poem you created for “My Busy Day” (see i
l O chart paper
Using the Poem, page 46). Post a blank sheet of chart paper next to s
1 G markers
the poem. I
Directions Ii
Reread the poem together and remind children that each i
highlighted word names an action. Ask: When does the action 8
in the poem take place? Is it happening today, or did it |
happen yesterday? Explain that each action word is in the
present tense—that means it is happening now, or today. 8

2 Reread the poem, this time inserting the word Today before
each line that contains an action word.

Next, ask children: What would happen to the action words I
if we began each line with Yesterday? How would they I
change? Explain that to describe actions that happened 8
yesterday, each action word (verb) needs be past tense: run I
changes to ran, fly changes to flew, and so on. |

4 Work together to write each past tense verb on a separate

sheet of chart paper. Then read a new version of the poem,
starting each line with Yesterday and inserting the past tense I
verbs. You might point out that some past tense verbs are I
spelled the same but pronounced differently (read) and some !
are exactly the same (cut). I

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources 47

d)—o—©—o——o—©—a o—@—Q—

t Activity 3 8«a*#*8«#88«S*»#*S***a»8®*®sg*®**#**a*

On the Double
SigM Word Focus
Verbs Objectives
Ht to recognize sight words that are double-usage words (words that
are both verbs and nouns)
0 to use double-usage words correctly in sentences

O chart paper Display the chart paper poem you created for “My Busy Day” (see
O marker Using the Poem, page 46). Post a blank sheet of chart paper next to
O writing paper the poem and distribute writing paper and pencils to children.

O pencils Directions

i Remind children that a verb names an action. Then explain

that a noun names a person, place, thing, or idea. Read the
poem aloud, asking children if they see any words that can
be both verbs and nouns.

Work together to list each double-usage word from the

iim poem on chart paper (ride, pick, fly, cut, show, look, jump,
fall, sleep).

Next, show how to use the words both ways: as verbs and
nouns. Write example sentences on chart paper—for
instance: The ride on the roller coaster was exciting. I ride
to school on the school bus. Ask children to tell which ride
names an action (verb) and which ride names a thing (noun).

Then have children choose three words from the list and
write two sentences for each—one using the word as a verb
and one using the word as a noun.

When children are finished, have them share their sentences

with the class. Encourage the group to tell whether the word
is being used as a noun or a verb in each sentence.


48 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Me, You, and Them
He is a boy, and
His name is Jim.
If this toy is his, then
It belongs to him.

She is a girl, and

r<S3l am Her name is Sue.
Hers is the boat
That is painted blue.

You are you.

That is plain to see.
I am not you,
And you are not me!

We are together.
We are more than one.
Please come join us
In our fun!

“They” describes others.

They are more than one.
They walk and talk together.
Together they play and run.

I am me,
And I am special as can be.
You are my friend.
Together, you and I are we!
Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
Write the poem “Me, You, and Them” on chart paper, highlighting the personal pronouns
with a different-colored marker. Read the poem to children as you point to the words (for
step-by-step instructions on sharing poems, see pages 8-9). Then reread the poem, dividing
the class into two groups and alternating stanzas. Finally, call children’s attention to the
highlighted words. Explain that pronouns are words that stand in for names of people
and objects.
&w. m**' w*****^ )lll11fr—^ *nr~n mt „ purr

I Activity 1
I Pick a Pronoun
♦ to recognize sight words that are personal pronouns as words
j that stand in for names of people and objects
I1 ♦ to distinguish between singular and plural pronouns
MATERIALS j ♦ to use pronouns in spoken language
O index cards
O hat, bag, or box
Display the chart paper poem you created for “Me, You, and Them”
(see Using the Poem, above). Then write each of the following
pronouns on an index card: me, you, them, he, his, it, him, she, her,
hers, I, they, we, us, our, and my. Place the cards in a hat, bag, or

After reading the poem together, ask children which highlighted
1 words refer to people (/, we, they, he, she, and so on) and which
word refers to things {it).
2 Make a list of pronouns on the board. Discuss which pronouns
refer to one person or thing (singular) and which refer to more
than one (plural).

3 Next, invite children to take turns choosing a pronoun card from

the hat, bag, or box. Have each child use the word he or she
picked in a sentence.


50 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources


Activity 2
n « • « I » » m « I » I , , « « » « « > n > t ! , I • • 1 1 » « » « « • « • « n m » I 1 « « I 1 « I » n I » •«« I « I « I

Lift-the-Flap Pronouns
# to write a sight word pronoun and use it correctly in a sentence

Write the following pronouns on the chalkboard: I, me, it, my, we, MATERIALS
| Wmemrnm Wm%m

you, he, our, she, they, her, him, his, them, it, us, your, and their. \

O 8 1/2- by 11-inch
Directions sheets of light
construction paper
Provide each child with a sheet of construction paper and have
\ O scissors
children fold it lengthwise down the middle. I
| O pencils
Next, help children cut slits in the top half of the sheet, dividing |
I « ! » i i < •« » j u n i m » n m

it into six equal sections. This will create a simple lift-the-flap

book with six flaps.
3 Encourage each child to choose any six pronouns from the list
on the board and write one on each of the six flaps.

4 Then have children lift each flap and write a sentence using the
pronoun in the space underneath. Have children underline the
pronoun in the sentence. 1


Invite children to share their work by exchanging books and

reading the sentences aloud.


Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources 51

Activity 3

iiabt. W.o.rd J:Qcus,

Pronoun Search
Personal Pronouns I I Objectives
...... j i
i H to identify sight word pronouns in text
s + to create a classroom word wall of pronouns
O index cards i Gather a variety of texts that children use—anything from
S picture books to the school newsletter. Set out index cards and
O markers i
t markers, and make space available on a bulletin board or
O pushpins or tape i
classroom wall.
O variety of texts, jl

such as textbooks, Directions

picture books,
newspapers, and
I Show children the texts and invite them to go on a pronoun
hunt. If they like, children can also search for pronouns in
I S I 1 f 1 I I I I B M 8 i I S 1 « K f 1 f I
environmental print, such as classroom signs and posters.

As children find pronouns, have them write the words on index

cards. Challenge each child to find as many as he or she can
without repeating any words.

*,[ Display the word cards on a classroom wall or bulletin board.

4 Use the word wall to reinforce children’s sight word recognition.

Simply point to random cards with a laser pointer or flashlight,
and have children read the words aloud.



52 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

My Game
I have a little pretend game I play
When Daddy calls to me.
I say, “I’m right here, Daddy!

I’m under the sea!"

Or I say, “I’m in the window.

Or else, “I’m out the door."
“I’m on top of the table,"
Or “I’m under the floor."

I say, “I’m right here, Daddy!

I’m next to the fish!"
The fish who’s swimming
Around his little dish.

I’m jumping over boxes,

Or off a big red cube.
I’m climbing up a tree,
Or swimming with my inner tube!

I say, “I’m right here, Daddy!

I’m hiding by the door."
And our dog has just come in
From a terrible rainstorm!

Now I’m tired of this game.

Let’s read “Once upon a time."
“Now I’m right here, Daddy.
Into your lap I’ll climb."

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write the poem “My Game” on chart paper, using a different-colored marker for the
highlighted prepositions or prepositional phrases. Share the poem with children (for
detailed tips on sharing poems, see pages 8-9). Then ask children what they notice about
the highlighted words. Explain that these words tell about the position of things, or where
things are. They are called prepositions or prepositional phrases. (NOTE: In the poem, the
Non-Dolch word next is shown in boldface because it is part of a prepositional phrase
with to.)
m mi _ ■' ■* II ||IL_J,| I— nil ... i m_, m n. _m ■■ m._j n" m ... —.mi,,.... "■ii—m—i'fl ...1. .. .

f8 Activity 1
s i i i « i « i i f i « i y i i i i i m a i i i « t i » « i i i * i « « i i « > i i * i « » ( « « i i i i < i « « * i i • i i i * i i < i < * i

Where Is Everyone?
MB 9 Zt'9, , S
I ♦ to recognize and create prepositional phrases using sight words
Ii in a song
O copies of page 55 Duplicate the song sheet for “Where Is Everyone?” (page 55) and
(one per child) distribute to children.
B S f £ * £ 8 * K9t«£3£888K£f£i£

First, familiarize children with the tune by singing “Frere
Jacques” (or “Are You Sleeping?”). Then tell children they will
be learning new words to the song. Read the words on the
song sheet together several times, until children are familiar
with the pattern.

Then sing the song “Where Is Everyone?” together, inserting

a child’s name in the blank. Have that child hide under his or
her desk!

3 Point out the highlighted phrase “under the desk.” Explain that
this is a prepositional phrase—it tells the location, or position,
of the person in the song.

Then sing the song several more times, inserting different

children’s names and substituting “under the desk” with the
other prepositional phrases on the sheet. Children go to the
place described.

5 As children become more familiar with prepositional phrases,

invite them to invent their own and lead the class in a
new verse.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Where Is Everyone?
(Sing to the tune of "Frere Jacques," or "Are You Sleeping?")

Where is_?
Where is_?
Under the desk.
Under the desk.
When I look I’ll find him/her.
When I look I’ll find him/her.
Under the desk.
Under the desk.

Sing the song again. Replace under the desk

with one of these phrases:
with his/her friend
by the window
on the floor
out the door
upon the rug
at the math center
next to me
in the reading nook
• nm • • » • i m i i « « i » m • i i i « » m i « » « m • » « « •

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources 55

—O'"—(5):-O- (§■

Activity 2
* 8 S * 8 * * S * * 8 * » * 8 # 8 8 2 * 8 * * 8 i * * 8 8 « B 8 * M * 8 S 8 B 8 B 8 * 8 8 * 8 * 8 8 8 * * « * *********** ® * * * *

Design a Room
♦ to orally describe a room, using sight word prepositions
♦ to write a descriptive paragraph, using prepositions

© Display the chart paper poem you created for “My Game”
O large sheets of
(see Using the Poem, page 54).
construction paper
0 Write the prepositions and prepositional phrases from the poem
O old magazines
on the chalkboard.
O scissors
0 Provide children with construction paper, old magazines,
O glue sticks
scissors, glue sticks, crayons, writing paper, and pencils.
O crayons
O pencils
8K**sa£«K 8»*'«S8SC88Kgg8S
1 Reread the poem “My Game” as a class. Then point out the list
of prepositions on the board. Explain that these words help tell
where things are located.

Next, invite children to use prepositions to describe the position

of objects in the classroom. Elicit responses with questions such
as: Where is the bulletin board? (next to the door); Where is the
clock? (over the desk); Where are your coats? (in the cubbies);
and so on.

Then invite children to use the art materials to design their very
own room. They can cut pictures of objects from magazines and
paste them on construction paper. Children can also draw their
own objects with crayons. As they work, encourage children to
think about the position of objects in relationship to other
objects in the room.

4 Once the room designs are complete, have children write

prepositional phrases near the objects, such as over the
fireplace, on the wall, and beside the chair.

Older children might write a summary paragraph describing

their room on a separate sheet of paper. Encourage them to use
prepositional phrases in their descriptions.

56 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

~Or~~ <s-—O—-o- -O—(®- -O—S'—o

Activity 3
S 8 B 8 U I * !! 8 H «* (i H H 8 8 8 * B 8 M I 8 a 8 S S 1 S 8 * $ » 8 IS S 8 * 8 a *

What Am I?
#■ to use sight words in prepositional phrases
♦ to guess classroom objects based on location

On index cards, write the names of classroom objects, such as clock,


pencil sharpener, door, window, teacher’s desk, and sharing chair. O index cards
Create at least one card per child. Place the cards in a hat, bag, |
O marker
or box. J
O hat, bag, or box
Directions j i .... i . .... .
1 Explain to children that they will be playing a guessing game to
practice using prepositions. Show children the hat, bag, or box
and tell them it contains cards with the names of “secret”
classroom objects. I
2 Have a child randomly pick a card and give the class one clue
about the object on his or her card. The clue can relate to the
object’s color, size, shape, or use.

3 Then have children ask questions that contain prepositional
phrases to help them guess the item. For instance, questions
might include: Is it near the door? Is it on the bookshelf?

Is it on top of the desk? The clue-giver can answer “warm” or 1
“cool,” depending on how close the secret item is |
to that location. I

4 When children think they know the item, have them raise their
hands and call out their guesses. If the item is guessed correctly,
another volunteer selects the next card. If not, children continue i
asking questions until the item is revealed. I


Perfect Poems for Teach ing Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
Two Funny, Little Red Apples

Two funny, little red apples

Fell from a tree one day.
Both small apples rolled and rolled
Till they got far away.

They rolled into a big, green yard,

Right past three white dogs.
They rolled right past a cold, blue
lake. And over four brown logs.

They didn’t stop. They kept on going,

Fast as a speeding train.
Until they felt some small, wet drops
Fall from the dark sky as rain.

They rolled into a pretty, new house.

Where a kind lady made them dry.
Then she put the two clean, red
apples into her apple pie!

58 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write the poem “Two Funny, Little Red Apples,” on chart paper, highlighting the adjectives
with a different color marker. First, read the poem to children, pointing to the words as you
go. Then divide the class into pairs. Have children reread the poem line by line, letting
each pair read a different line. (For step-by-step instructions on sharing the poems, see
pages 8-9.) Then point out the highlighted words to children. Explain that these words are
adjectives—words that describe people, places, or things.
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Activity 1

Describe It
♦ to understand that adjectives are describing words
♦ to identify sight word adjectives in the poem
♦ to brainstorm adjectives to describe a picture

Setup O colored markers

• Display the chart paper poem you created for “Two Funny, Little O pictures cut from
Red Apples” (see Using the Poem, above). Underline each noun magazines
in the poem using a different-colored marker than the adjectives.
♦ Cut out pictures from magazines featuring people, animals,
places, and things. Choose pictures with multiple elements that
will easily elicit nouns and adjectives, such as a circus
advertisement featuring a huge elephant and afunny clown.

Remind children that the highlighted words are describing words, or adjectives. Then draw their
attention to the underlined words. Explain that they are nouns and that a noun names a person,
animal, place, thing, or idea.

Next, show children one of the magazine pictures. Ask what they see and list their responses in
a column on the right side of the chalkboard under the heading Nouns. Then invite children to
describe each noun with one or more adjectives. For instance, a dog might be brown and furry
and a flower might be purple and pretty. Use a different color marker to list children’s adjectives
on the left side of the chalkboard under the heading Adjectives, across from the corresponding

Next, divide the class into pairs and provide each pair with a different magazine picture and a
sheet of writing paper. Have children fold their papers lengthwise, then unfold to create two
columns. They can then follow the example from the board, with their own nouns and adjectives.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

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Activity 2 ........
Match and Draw
Adjectives I
I Objectives
| ♦ to illustrate adjective-noun phrases using sight words
j ♦ to match adjective-noun phrases to drawings
O 56 index cards t# On 28 index cards, write the following nouns: baby, ball, bed,
boat, boy, cake, car, chair, com, doll, farm, feet, flower, girl,
O two paper bags
grass, head, hill, nest, picture, seed, shoe, song, street, table,
O drawing paper toy, tree, watch and window. Place the cards in a paper bag
O crayons and/or labeled “Nouns.” <*
♦ On 28 index cards, write the following adjectives: big, black, blue,
O pushpins brown, clean, cold, eight, fast, first, five, four, funny, green, hot,
little, long, many, new, one, pretty, red, round, small, three, two,
warm, white, and yellow. Place the cards in a separate paper bag
S labeled “Adjectives.”

I Have each child randomly draw one card from each bag and put
them together to create an adjective-noun phrase (brown table,
» yellow flower, and so on). If children pick a numerical adjective,
show them how to make their noun plural (five toys, four nests).

2 Provide children with paper, markers, and crayons and invite
them to draw a picture that illustrates their phrase. Encourage
i children to be creative: a cold tree might be covered in icicles, and
I a, fast chair might have wheels! (If children choose a particularly
! difficult combination, allow them to pick new cards.)
3 When children are finished, post their illustrations on a bulletin
board. Post or lay out the nouns and adjectives nearby, in
I mixed-up order.
4 Then let the matching begin! Encourage the group to work
together to find the two cards that go with each picture and post
them beneath the corresponding illustration.

£ Once all the words and pictures have been matched, leave
the completed display up in the classroom for sight word
reading practice.

60 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Double Silly

I have a funny little kitty

Who jumps off of me.
In all the red and yellow flowers
She tries to catch a bee.

My brother has a pretty rabbit

That he likes to carry.
In the fall, we play baseball,
And eat small apples and berries.

On a hill, upon the grass.

There sits a squirrel in the chill.
I put some corn into my hand;
He will come if I am still.

I shall write a letter to my doll

If the weather does not get better.
I will tell her to keep well,
And to pull on her warm sweater!

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources 61

Write the poem “Double Silly” on chart paper, using a different-colored marker for the
highlighted same double-consonant words. After reading the poem together, draw
children’s attention to the highlighted words and ask them what they notice. Point out the
double consonants and ask children if they can think of any other examples of these kinds
of words (happy, balloon, and so on). For tips on how to share the poems, see pages 8-9.

Activity 1
*#»*** * » * l« * I * I « * * I n ««»»»«**»»*»•**»**»******»*»« 1 * * ‘ * 1 1 8 * * 1

Missing Doubles
♦ to place appropriate double consonants in sight words
0 to use double-consonant sight words in sentences

Write each of the following double-consonant words (with blanks for
O index cards the boldface missing letters) on an index card: squirrel, letter, funny,
O hat, bag, or box yellow, pretty, little, better, carry, rabbit, kitty, well, shall, doll,
O pencils or markers hill, apple, ball, pull, tell, fall, small, off, all. Place the cards in a
hat, bag, or box.
0 sentence strips
■ *K*S388«SftX*8SS8»«»S8*S
1 Divide the class into pairs. Have each pair pick a card from the
hat, bag, or box. Let pairs work together to decide which
double-consonant pair is missing.

Next, have children write the completed word, and then a

sentence using that word, on a sentence strip. (Be sure children
do not write on the original word card.)

3 When each pair is finished, have children present the original

word card to the class. Invite volunteers to guess the missing
letters, say the complete word, and then read aloud the sentence
on the strip.


Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

O—d>—o- r\

Activity 2
* * * " *.....

Double Fun
Objectives Same Double-
Consonant Words
® to write and illustrate sentences using several double-consonant
sight words

Write the double-consonant words from Activity 1 on the chalkboard MATERIALS

(see page 62). Provide each child with a sheet of paper, a pencil, and O paper for writing
crayons or markers. and drawing (lined
on the bottom,
Directions blank on top)
O pencils
Read the list of double-consonant words aloud with children.
O crayons or markers

Invite children to create a sentence using as many of the double¬

consonant words as they can—for instance: The funny squirrel
shared a small apple with the pretty rabbit. (If they like, 1
children can also include their own double-consonant words,
such as butter, fiddle, or teddy bear.) I
Have children write their sentences on the bottom (lined) part
of the paper and draw a corresponding picture on the top I

(blank) section.
4 Let children share their sentences and illustrations with the
class. You can display their work on a bulletin board, or bind the

pages together to create a class book entitled “Double Fun”! i

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Terrific Tongue Twisters
Tongue twisters twist your tongue.
It goes this way and that.
Tongue twisters twist your tongue.
Can you imagine that?

Listen for the sound you hear

At the start of almost every word.
Then create your own tongue twister,
And we’ll listen for the sound that’s heard!

Big brown bears buy bread in a blue box.

Carrie can cut and clean cold corn.
Fanny found five fast and funny flies.
He has helped her hold her hurt hand.
Lenny likes to laugh and live a little.
My mother, May, made me make it myself.
Six sad sheep sleep.
Which window shall we wash?
64 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
Write the poem “Terrific Tongue Twisters” on chart paper, using a different-colored marker
for the same initial consonant tongue twister words. Share the poem with children (for step-
by-step instructions on sharing poems, see pages 8-9). Then discuss what tongue twisters
are. Ask children to think about strategies for reading tongue twisters, such as reading
slower, reading to yourself first, or reading aloud to a partner. You might pair children up
and assign each pair a different tongue twister from the poem to practice together. You
can also invite volunteers to read a tongue twister to the class.

Activity 1
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Tongue Twister Towns

Objectives Same Beginning
# to identify the initial consonant sound repeated in Sound Words
tongue twisters containing sight words
0 to create and illustrate original tongue twisters
O small slips of paper
Display the chart paper poem you created for “Terrific Tongue
Twisters” (see Using the Poem, above). Write each of the following © hat, bag, or box

consonants on separate small slips of paper: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, O drawing paper

n, p, r, s, t, v, and w. Place the slips of paper in a hat, bag, or box. © pencils

© crayons and markers

I Read the poem chart aloud together. Invite children to identify
the repeated initial consonant sound in each of the eight tongue
twisters. Have volunteers underline the repeated initial letters
for each tongue twister on the chart.

2 Next, divide the class into pairs and invite each pair to pick a
letter from the hat, bag, or box. Provide pairs with drawing
paper, pencils, and crayons or markers.

3 Challenge children to create a “tongue twister town” using the

letter they chose. Children can draw and label things in a scene
on their paper that begin with that letter. For example, in
“Y-Town,” you might find yodeling yams, yelling yaks, yellow
yolks, and yummy yogurt. A children s picture dictionary 4
might spark ideas.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

r<>7 -o—(5,-^0—

f Activity 2
mimimiimiMiiiimmiuiiiMiiiiif iimif imiiiiiif iimitmi

Tongue Twister Tales
I Objective
Same Beginning | f
Sound Words I 0 to create cooperative oral stories using same initial
i consonant words
j| Setup
! Place chairs in a circle or have children sit in a circle on the floor.
none *
K f t 1 I ( I 1 ( i I I » | I S I 1 I I i I IE
i ■M, •

Explain that children will work together to create their own

! tongue twister tale. Each child will add one word to the tale.
I The trick is, each word must begin with the same sound!
i n
i Begin the tongue twister yourself by saying a proper name, such
5 as Suzy. Then have the child to your left add one word to
I continue the tongue twister. The next child adds the next word,
i and so on. (Children can add connecting words such as to, and,
i the, and of.) For example:
s Teacher: Suzy
Child 1: sold
s Child 2: silly
I Child 3: stamps
| Child 4: to sailors

I Child 5: sitting
i Child 6: by the sea.
! Continue around the circle until the story comes to
I a conclusion.
i Begin a new tongue twister by saying a name with a
8 different initial consonant sound.

66 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

PjIP (§n —rQ— (§ —^0-% —($}.——Q - (^ <>

Activity 3
Tangled Tongue Twisters i
Objective I
0 to use syntactic and semantic cues to unscramble tongue twisters i


It Copy the Tangled Tongue Twisters reproducible on page 68 onto

heavy paper. (The number of copies you will need depends on
your class size: You’ll need one tongue twister strip for each pair | O copies of
of children.) I page 68
I O self-sealing bags
0 Cut apart the tongue twister strips along the solid lines. Then cut §

apart the words for each twister, along the dotted lines. Place the (one per pair of
Ii children)
word cards for each tongue twister in separate plastic bags.
I G scissors
Directions O paper
Divide the class into pairs. Provide each pair with a tongue I O pencils
twister puzzle bag, writing paper, and pencils. 1|
Have children open their bags and spread the word cards out on I
i 1 a table. Encourage them to move the cards around until they
have a tongue twister that makes sense. As pairs unscramble 1
. Jan9led Tongu Twisters e
their tongue twisters, have children write them down (in the i
br'P3 Bert's baby
bird back I
| | Bob better buy
correct word order). |
brown j

Connie can cut
| clean corn I
| 1 j ^0n doesn’t dry
When pairs are finished, have them put the word cards back in I Fred found
dog dishes
five full
j 1 fish
the bag and exchange with another pair. As they unscramble |
Father's feet feel fairly funny
the new twister, have them record it on their paper beneath the | farmers (arm five full fields
Harry helped her
first one. I hop home

likes live


Mother made me my
Pairs continue to trade puzzle bags until each pair has 1 1 milk
1 | j p°t painted paper
pigs pink
unscrambled several tangled tongue twisters. t & ‘

5 When children are finished, have them share their unscrambled

tongue twisters aloud. As a class, discuss any similarities and I
differences among children’s interpretations. !

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Tangled Tongue Twisters
bring ; Bert’s i baby bird back

Bob i better ; buy ; brown ; bread

Connie i can cut i clean I corn

Don i doesn’t i
» i
dog i dishes
i i

Fred i found five full £

s I

Father’s; feet feel ; fairly i funny

farmers I farm five full fields

Harry I helped i her hop home

little Lily likes £

live ; lizards

* i i

Mother i made me

my milk

Pat ! painted I paper pigs pink

68 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
What Am I?
I can roll downhill.
Or lay flat on your dish.
I come from a chicken.
You can scramble me if you wish!
What am I?
I’m needed everywhere.
I begin with small drops.
In dry deserts I am rare,
But I am very good for crops!
What am I?
I wrote it, I stamped it,
I sent it on its way.
I heard it was a big hit
At your birthday party today!
What am I?
I’m a home up high,
And I hold eggs.
You’ll find me in trees.
Now take a guess, please!
What am I?

I’m always with you,

I’m attached to your wrist.
I can wave with one, clap with two,
Or make a tight fist!
What am I? puoq ‘|sau ‘jane] ‘uidj ‘669 :sj9Msuv

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write the poem “What Am I?” on chart paper. Each riddle ansv/er is a sight word; write
these words next to the riddles and then cover each one with a sticky note. Read the poem
all the way through to familiarize children with the pattern (for more tips on sharing poems,
see pages 8-9). Be sure to leave the sticky notes in place until children guess the answer.

Activity 1
I f I I I I I I M ( I I i I I I 1 X I I t I I I t I I f I I I I U f i I 1 I I t I I f I I 1 I * « I I I I I I I I I I I I I « I t 1 I I K I

Solving Riddles
♦ to find Dolch words that help solve riddles
♦ to explain solutions to riddles

Display the chart paper poem you created for “What Am I?,”
making sure a sticky note covers each answer word (see Using
the Poem, above).

I Ask children: What is a riddle? Explain that a riddle is like a
question. Reread the riddle poem with children.

One riddle at a time, encourage children to find clue words that

might help them guess the answer. For instance, clue words for
the first riddle might include roll, chicken, and scramble; clues
to the third riddle might include stamped, sent, and birthday.

3 After finding the clue words, invite children to guess the answer
to each riddle. You can then remove the sticky notes to let
children check their guesses and read the sight words.

4 Children can write their own riddles (they do not need to

rhyme). If you like, brainstorm a list of themes as a class
(animals, holidays, food, colors, numbers, places, and so on).
Remind children to use clue words in their riddles. Then let
children share their riddles for others to guess.

70 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

-O——<3—®i—o <| r~Q

Activity 2 f
Hink Pinks i

Objective Dolch Nouns

u to read sight words that are nouns and adjectives and Adjectives

Q to write original “hink pink” riddles and build awareness

of sight words that rhyme
O sentence strips
Write the following hink pinks on sentence strips. Write each answer
on the reverse side of the strip. O writing paper

♦ What is a hink pink for a large hog? (big pig) O pencils

♦ What is a hink pink for a chubby kitty? (fat cat)

♦ What is a hink pink for an unhappy father? (sad dad)

1 Explain that a hink pink is a riddle whose answer consists of
two one-syllable words that rhyme.

Present the prepared hink pink sentence strips. Help children

solve each hink pink by inviting them to think of synonyms for
each clue word. For instance, for the first hink pink, ask: What
other words can you think of that mean the same as large?
Once children guess the first word correctly (big), invite them to
think of a rhyming synonym for hog (pig). When children solve
each riddle, turn the sentence strip over to reveal the answer.

3 Once children are familiar with the concept, invite them to

work in pairs to write their own hink pink riddles. You might
encourage children to work backward: They can start by coming
up with the rhyming two-word answer, and then think
of synonyms to use for their question. When pairs are finished,
have them present their hink pinks for the class to solve.

4 As an extension activity, you can have children write hinky

pinkies: riddles whose answers consist of two two-syllable
rhyming words. For example: What is a hinky pinky for a
silly rabbit? (Answer: funny bunny)


Perfect Poem,sfor Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Q—- (5)

Activity 3
» n 8 H 9 8 it 8 U 18 * * It ii J « 8 8 * 8 ! 8 H U 8 I * s M H H * t 8 M H i 8 1 s H « S H S * * * M I U S * 8 * S H

i Who Am I?
0 to use clue words to create riddles about classmates
MATERIALS 0 On chart paper, write the following riddle:
I work in a special place at school.
O chart paper
I show you how to find a good book.
O writing paper
I help you find information.
O pencils I can read you stories and poems.
O two hats, bags, ? Who am I? •
or boxes I
0 Set aside one hat, bag, or box for children’s riddles.
O small slips of paper m Place the slips of paper with children’s names inside the second
printed with
hat, bag, or box.
children’s names I
(one per child)
Introduce the prepared chart paper riddle. Discuss each of the
four clues together and invite children to guess the answer

Next, invite each child to create his or her own riddle, following
the example by writing four clues about him- or herself and
ending with the phrase Who am I? (Younger children can
dictate their clues.) Children’s clues might relate to favorite
activities, hair color, eye color, clothes they are wearing that
day, and so on. Make sure children do not write their names on
their riddles. Place riddles in a hat, bag, or box.

Have each child randomly pick a riddle and read the clues aloud
to the class. When the group guesses the child the riddle is
about, the child who wrote it can stand up to confirm the
answer. Continue until all children are standing.

Children can also write riddles about their classmates. Let each
child choose a name from the hat, bag, or box and create a
riddle about that person, following the same format. Let
children share their riddles with the class as the group guesses
the answers.

72 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Clap Your Hands

Say each word.
Hear each sound.
Clap your hands
For each one found.
Red, for, big, and blue.
Clap just once,
And then you’re through.
Look, make, go, and please.
Each has one syllable.
Now try these!
Going, myself, and today.
You clap twice
For each sound you say.
Over, under, and before.
Each has two syllables.
Can you think of any more?

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write the poem “Clap Your Hands” on chart paper, using a different-colored marker for the
highlighted words. You may want to use one color for one-syllable words and a different
color for two-syllable words. Read the poem with children (for more tips on sharing poems,
see pages 8-9).
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Activity 1
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Syllable Signal

Sight. W,o.rdFp(;u:
Counting Syllables Objective
♦ to distinguish between one- and two-syllable sight words

0 Display the chart paper poem you created for “Clap Your Hands”
(see Using the Poem, above).
O 30 large index
cards 0 Print one of the following sight words on each of the large index
cards: see, clean, draw, drink, grow, laugh, start, keep, full,
O small index cards
thank, round, sing, jump, help, long, about, better, carry,
(one per child)
myself, today, never, after, going, because, before, over, away,
funny, little, under. On each small index card, write the numeral
1 on one side and the numeral 2 on the other. Distribute a card to
each child.

1 Begin by rereading the poem to children. As you read, model
how to clap your hands once on the highlighted one-syllable
words and twice on the highlighted two-syllable words.

Then read the poem again, this time inviting children to clap out
the syllables in the highlighted words.

Next, have children take out their numeral cards. Explain that
you will be showing children sight words that have both one and
two syllables. As you hold up each word card and read it aloud,
have children hold up the side of their card that shows the
number of syllables they hear. For example, children would hold
up the 1 side for the word see and the 2 side for the word funny.

Continue until the group has clapped out each word.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

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Activity 2

Syllable Sort §
# to sort sight words by the number of syllables they contain I
# to write sight words that contain one and two syllables i


Divide the class into groups of several children each. For each ! MATERIALS
group, prepare a set of 20 index cards by printing a different sight I O 25 index cards per
word on each. Include both one- and two-syllable words, and I small group of

vary the words as much as possible from set to set. (See the I children
Dolch lists on pages 10-12 for word choices.) ?
O pencils
Distribute a set of prepared cards to each group, along with I ><■««»»*»«••»•>•>««•»»*•
pencils and five blank index cards. 1
Invite each group to work together to read the words on their |
cards. Encourage volunteers to take turns reading the words i
aloud as group members clap out the syllables. |

Next, have children sort their cards into two piles, according to I
* the number of syllables they contain (one or two). i
On the blank cards, have children write five new words (they I
might like to use classmates’ names). Explain that each word or
name should contain either one or two syllables. Then have I
children sort their new cards into the appropriate piles. i
4 When groups are finished, have them mix up all 25 cards and
then exchange with another group to repeat the activity.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

A Activity 3
Syllable Add-Ons
i ♦ to attach common suffixes to one-syllable sight words
#• to create sentences using the new words
I Setup
MATERIALS Write one of the following suffixes on each of five index cards:
O index cards -ing, -er, -ful, -est, and -able. Attach a piece of magnetic tape to
the back of each card and place the cards in a row on the
O magnets or
magnetic tape chalkboard. Or, use regular magnets to post the cards.

lllMllllRIEIIMltlMlf 1 0 Beneath the cards, list the following sight words on the board:
I see, full, thank, light, drink, keep, new, hurt, cold, walk, start,
i long, help, round, laugh, grow, kind, hurt, big, wash, clean,
1I small, watch, hot, and jump.
1 Point out the suffix index cards and ask: Where are these word
parts usually found? (at the ends of words) Tell children that
these word endings are called suffixes. Together, count out the
number of syllables in each suffix.

2 Invite children to take turns coming to the board to create new

words. They can do this by attaching one of the suffix cards to
the end of one of the sight words. Help children read the word
I aloud, both before and after attaching the suffix. Does it make a
real word?

Before returning the suffix card to its place at the top of the
board, help children use chalk to write the word ending on the
board next to the original word. Be sure to point out necessary
spelling changes in words such as hottest and biggest (an extra
letter is added to correctly spell the new word).

Once children have completed the new word, have them count
out the number of syllables and then challenge them to use the
new word in a sentence.

- Continue until each sight word has been given a suffix.

Perfect. Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Families

We all belong to a family.

We all belong to a group.
We all belong to a family,
A class, a team, or troop.

A word can belong to a family

Of words with the same look and sound.
Like hit, bit, sit, and fit,
Or found, round, and ground.

Bake, cake, and rake are in a family.

So are hop, mop, and drop.
Which words belong to the same family
As flop, crop, and stop?

Which words belong to the families

Of play and can and ball?
Which words belong in the family of got?
Let’s try to name them all!

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write the poem “Word Families” on chart paper, using different colored-markers for the
highlighted words (you may want to use a separate color for each word family). Read the
poem aloud to children. Then divide the class into two groups and have groups alternate lines.
Next, have groups alternate every two lines. Finally, have groups alternate stanzas. To wrap
up, have the whole class read the entire poem together. For tips on sharing the poem, see
pages 8-9.
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Activity 1

Word Family Race

Word Family Words Objective
# to brainstorm Dolch and non-Dolch words that belong to the
following word families: -it, -ound, -ake, -op, -ay, -an, -all,
-ot, and -at
0 to create a Word Family Word Wall in the classroom
O nine sheets chart
At the top of each sheet of chart paper, write one of the following
O markers rimes from the poem: -it, -ound, -ake, -op, -ay, -an, -all, -ot, or -at.

1 After reading the poem (see Using the Poem, above), discuss the
concept of word families with children. Point out that word
family words not only sound alike (rhyme) but also end with the
same spelling pattern.

Divide the class into nine teams. Give each team a sheet of chart
paper (with a rime printed at the top) and a marker. Explain that
teams will have five minutes to write as many word family
words for their word ending as they can. When you say “Go,”
have children record the words on the paper.

3 When the five minutes are up, have teams share their words with
the class.

4 Have children print the words on individual index cards. Post

these cards on separate sections of a bulletin board (one section
per family) to begin a Word Family Word Wall. You can expand
on this wall as described in Activity 2 (see page 79).

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 2 f
Word Family Wall I
Objectives *
| Word Family Words
C 3 to identify and write Dolch and non-Dolch words belonging to I
various word families
# to sort and categorize words belonging to various word families

© to create a Word Family Word Wall in the classroom 8

Setup i O index cards
♦ Print the following rimes on index cards (since you will need I (four per child)
four cards per child, each rime will be used more than once): I O hat, bag, or box
-ab -eat -ice -ob -un i O markers
-ace -ed -ig -og -um %

-ack -eep -ight -old -ub 1s
-age -en -ill -oy -ust
-am -est -in -ope -ush 8
Place the completed cards in a hat, bag, or box. i
Directions 8
Have each child pick four index cards from the hat, bag, or box. i
f t Invite children to add a letter or letters at the beginning of the
rime to create a new word. Encourage children to try to create 8

words they think no one else in the class will think of.

3 When children are finished, invite them to share their words and
compare them to the words of other children who chose the

same rime. These children might stand in front of the group and ?

hold up their cards.

Then draw children’s attention to the Word Family Word Wall I
you began in Activity 1 (see page 78). Have children expand the i
word wall by adding their new words to different sections of the
bulletin board. s

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 3

Word Family Flip Books

# to create word family books of Dolch and non-Dolch words by
| adding initial letter(s) to rimes
I 0 to illustrate the new words

O 8 1/2- by 11-inch O In advance, as a model for children, make a flip book as follows.
paper (one sheet First, cut an 8 1/2- by 11-inch sheet of paper into 10 equal pieces
per child) (approximately 2 by 4 inches each). Stack the 10 small pieces and
O 8 1/2- by 2-inch then attach a 2- by 8 1/2-inch strip of paper to the back. Staple
strips of paper together in the upper left corner (see below right).
(one per child)
I ♦ Write the word family rimes used in Activity 1 (page 78) and
O stapler Activity 2 (page 79) on small slips of paper. Place the slips in a
O small slips of paper hat, bag, or box.
O hat, bag, or box Directions

markers or crayons
I Help children prepare blank flip books and staple them. Then
have each child randomly pick a rime from the hat, bag, or box.
1 f 1 M 1 MB I f t I 1 M S II f I f I t

To begin the flip book, have the child write his or her rime on the
right side of the long strip of paper, next to the smaller pages.

3 Then, on each of the 10 small flip book sheets, invite children to

write a different initial letter or letters that will form a word
jl with the rime. For instance, if a child writes ake on the long
| strip, he or she might write c, r, and sn on the small pages to
j form the words cake, rake, and snake. (If children have trouble
j coming up with 10 words, they can confer with classmates for
I additional ideas. For older children, a rhyming dictionary is also
a good resource.)

On the back of each letter square, children can illustrate

the word.

5 When children are finished,

let them trade books and
have fun flipping the pages
to see new words.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

One Word Out
Some words belong together
Because they are alike.
Words like seat, wheels, and pedals
Are all parts of my bike.

Big, large, and huge

Are words that mean the same.
Tag, jump rope, and hopscotch
Are all kinds of fun games.

Let’s see if you can choose

The word that does not fit
In each group of words below:
Just find and circle it!
• «»***«#«#*#»««*■*»*««*«*»*»*»*» ' i * # * * I 1 * * 8 8 i * I **#»** 8 * i * * I S 8 * 8 * # * *

ft. 1. yellow blue four red

2. 1 me your my

3. warm cold many hot


4. down seven six

5. run walk jump laugh


6. to blue two too

7. say play over may

88 % ! js » ». a tit ft.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write the poem “One Word Out” on chart paper. On a separate sheet of chart paper, write
the seven word groups. Use different-colored markers for each row. Read the body of the
poem aloud to children. Then read it a second time, inviting children to join in with you (for
more tips on sharing poems, see pages 8-9). NOTE: Sight words are not indicated on the
reproducible poem. You can have children look for and circle sight words such as and
and are.

I Activity 1

I Which Word Out?
Word Categories \
[ Objectives
! ♦ to identify the word that does not belong in a given group of
I sight words
MATERIALS I ♦ to state similarities and differences among given words
G marker I
| Display the chart paper poem you created for “One Word Out”
j (see Using the Poem, above).
I Directions
jj After reading the poem “One Word Out” with children, call their
I attention to the seven sets of words.

Ask a volunteer to come up to the chart and read aloud the first
group of words. Have that child choose the word he or she
thinks does not belong and tell why. Invite the class to signal
I agreement with a thumbs-up. Once the class has agreed which
t word does not belong, have the volunteer circle it with a marker.
I (See below for correct answers.)
I Repeat for each of the remaining word sets.


1. four is the only word that is not a color 5. laugh is the only activity not done with the legs and feet
2. your is the only word that refers to someone else 6. blue is the only word that sounds different when
read aloud
3. many is the only word that does not refer to temperature
4. down is the only word that is not a number 7. over is the only word that is not part of the word family

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources


Activity 2
. ...

♦ to state sight words that belong to a specific category

Print names of several word categories on separate index cards. Also MATERIALS
have available blank index cards for categories children may suggest.
Categories might include: O index cards
I O markers
songs farm animals
O chart paper
fruit colors |
■ IMIllUllllIIMli

vegetables things found in school I

clothing holidays I
jobs playground games
things you ride weather words

Have a volunteer choose a category card and read it aloud to
I the class.

2 Invite the group to brainstorm words that fit the category.

Children can raise their hands each time they come up with a
new word. For instance, words for the weather category might |
include hot, cold, storm, and rain. S
Record the words on chart paper. Continue until children run
out of words for the category. I
Repeat with a different category. I

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 3
2 2 9 8 I » » S 2 * 2 8 9 ! 8 ? * 8 2 9 « 9 S 9 * « 8 M « « * 9 M 9 S * ? 9 * * » * * « * * » * * * * * « « » » * * * * ^ * « * * * * * *

Magazine Scavenger
Hunt Collage
♦ to locate Dolch and non-Dolch words and pictures that belong to
a specific category
O large sheets of
plain construction Provide children with large sheets of construction paper, scissors,
paper glue sticks, old magazines, and sticky notes.
O scissors
O glue sticks
Invite each child to choose a category for his or her collage. You
O old magazines
might like to brainstorm possible categories as a class (foods,
O sticky notes feelings, sports, and so on). You can also let children choose
nt m m » o 2 % s s f o s « 9 e n u
from categories not used in Activity 2 (see page 83).

Invite children to write the names of their categories in the

center of their papers. Then have them go on a scavenger hunt
through old magazines to find words and pictures that fit the
category. For instance, a child who chose sports might glue on
pictures of equipment and athletes, and words such as baseball
and score.

Encourage children to share any words and pictures they find

^ that another classmate might be able to use. For instance, a
child who is creating a sports collage might find a picture of an
apple and give it to a child creating a collage of fruits.

Have children glue down their pictures, and help them label
each of them with a sticky note.

84 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

I Have a Little Secret
I have a little secret.
Look inside the word before.
Can you find some little words?
Like be and for and or?
I want to be a detective
In a near or far-off land,
But for now I’ll just search words
To find an and and in hand.
In sit, there’s it.
There’s let in letter.
In chair, there’s air.
Find a word in together!
In stop, there’s top.
In start, find art.
What words are in think?
Oh, you’re so smart.
Find many little words in this:
The funny, yellow party cat
Ran around the flower bed
And sat with robin for a chat.
Now you know my little secret.
Think of big words like I do.
Look for little words in big ones.
Each letter is a clue!
Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
Children love secrets and mysteries, and this poem has both! Write the poem “I Have a Little
Secret” on chart paper, using a different-colored marker for the highlighted words. Try using
one color for the “big” words (before, hand, sit, letter, chair, together, stop, start, think, and
each highlighted word in the fifth stanza) and another color for the “little” words (be, for,
or, an, and, it, let, air, top, art). Then read the poem aloud to children (for step-by-step
instructions on sharing poems, see pages 8-9). Ask: What is the secret in the poem? What
does a ‘‘word detective” do? To help children start solving the “word mysteries,” see
Activity 1 below.
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Activity 1
Word Spy
H to locate and identify small sight words within larger words
I Setup
MATERIALS • Display the chart paper poem you created for “I Have a Little
i j» If Jj rf I Secret” (see Using the Poem, above).
O copies of page 87
(one for every two • Post another sheet of chart paper next to the poem. Across the
children) top, write the heading Word Detectives at Work. Then draw a line
down the middle to create two columns. Label the first column
O chart paper
Words Are Hiding Here! and the second column Words
© markers We Found.
» K I I I 1 I X t « t « I I 1 I 8 » I I I M X
After reading the poem with children, explain that they will be
“word detectives.” Their job is to find “secret” small words in
larger words.

Invite children to point out the larger highlighted words in the

poem that need to be “investigated” (together, start, think, and
the highlighted words in the fifth stanza). Write these words on
the chart paper in the Words Are Hiding Here! column.

3 Next, let children play Word Spy. Give each child a Word Spy
sheet and invite him or her to choose a word from the list. They
write this word on the first line, then record any words they can
find within. Together, in the second column, list the words
children found.

86 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

There are some words hiding in this word:

Here they are!

Word Spy
There are some words hiding in this word:

Here they are!


Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 2

String Bean Word Soup

>fflW Word Focus
Words Within Objectives
Words 0 to find small sight words in larger words

0 Copy the string bean patterns (page 89) and distribute one to
MATERIALS each child. Have children cut apart the string bean patterns so
O copies of page 89 that they have a pile of string beans. Then have children place
(one per child) them in a cup or bowl beside their bowl-shaped (semicircle)
sheet of construction paper.
O scissors
O small paper cups Directions
or bowls (one per
child) Begin by telling children that they will be “cooking” a pot of
O construction paper string bean soup. The problem is, the beans are too long!
cut into semicircles Explain that children will need to look at the word on each bean
(one per child) to find the right place to “snap” it into smaller pieces.
Invite children to pick a string bean from their cup or bowl and
IL read the word. Can they find one or more smaller words on the
bean? Have children cut the bean into pieces to create the new
word(s) and then glue them onto their paper “bowls.” For
instance, a bean with the word upon can be cut into two
pieces: up and on.

As children continue choosing and cutting beans, explain that

any letters that cannot be used may be put aside. For example,
window can be cut to make win and do; the final w can be set
aside and used to form a new word. Children may find yet
another small word in a bean that has already been cut (shall
can be cut to hall, which contains all). In this case, have
children circle the smaller word on the cut bean.

When children are

finished, have them
i “read” their soup
\ words to a friend.
They can also write
other words that
contain smaller
words on the blank beans.

88 Perfect Poems for Teach ing Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
Activity 3

Mystery Sentences
$ to find small sight words in larger words
# to logically complete sentences

MATERIALS ♦ Write the following “mystery sentence” on the chalkboard:
O copies of page 91 “Johnny, call_the dogs into the house.”
(one per child) II Copy the Mystery Sentences reproducible (page 91) and
O pencils distribute one to each child.

1 Begin by working through the example on the board with
children. First, read the sentence aloud. Then encourage
children to look carefully at each word. Can children find a
smaller, “hidden” word that will complete the sentence?

Point out the word call and ask, What smaller word do you see
in this word? (all) Circle the word all in call and ask, Does this
word complete the sentence? (yes)

Write the word all on the line and then read the completed
sentence aloud with children.

When children are familiar with the process, encourage them to

use the same method to complete the Mystery Sentences on
their sheets. Depending on children’s level, you may want to
work through a few more sentences as a group, or pair children
up for the activity.

5 When children are finished, let them exchange papers and

compare answers.

Answers: 1 .farm in farmer, 2. ink in drink; 3. or in door, 4. hat in what;

5. row in grow, 6. how in show, 7. ring in bring-, 8. able in table-,
9. ouch in couch.

90 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name: Date:

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Mystery Sentences
Read each sentence. Look carefully at the boldface word to find a
hidden word that will complete the sentence. Circle the hidden word.
Then write it on the line.

1. The farmer has work to do on his

2. Never drink

3. Should we open the window open the door?

4. What kind of will you wear on your head?

5. I will grow a of corn.

6. I do not know we will get to the show.

7. Our teacher brings us to class when the bell

8. Please set the table if you are

9. I fell off the couch and yelled.


Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources 91

May, Bea, Ike, Joe, and Beulah
May, Bea, Ike, Joe, and Beulah
Are friends to me and friends to you.
Read and see if you agree
That they are as different as they can be.
May can play games
In the rain all day.
May can make great cakes
For her best friend, Jay.
Bea keeps three seeds
In the deep green weeds.
She likes to clean,
And she likes to read.
Ike likes to ride
On his tiny white bike.
Ike likes to climb,
And he likes to hike.
Joe loves to go
Out in the snow.
And owns a boat
That he likes to row.
Beulah can use a tube
Of bright blue glue
To fix her bike.
Now her bike won’t move!

92 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

The poem “May, Bea, Ike, Joe, and Beulah” combines friends and their interests with long
vowel sounds. Write the poem on chart paper, using different colored markers for the
highlighted words. Use a separate color to highlight words with the featured long vowel
sound in each stanza (for example, write the long-a words in the second stanza with a red
marker, the long-e words in the third stanza with a green marker, and so on). Then read the
poem aloud to children. For more tips on sharing poems, see pages 8-9.
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Activity 1

Sound Mystery
Words With Long
Objectives Vowel Sounds
♦ to identify sight words with long vowel sounds
♦ to use long vowel sound clues to answer questions MATERIALS

Setup © none

Display the chart paper poem you created for “May, Bea, Ike, Joe,
and Beulah” (see Using the Poem, above).

Directions I
After reading the poem once through with children, read it again
line by line. Invite children to do an echo reading by repeating Long Vowel Questions
each line after you. 1. Who takes the train?
Next, help children examine each stanza to discover what is
2. Who likes the color white?
interesting about each of the five friends. Draw attention to the
highlighted words and ask, What sound do you hear in these 3. Who throws snow? (Joe)
words? Lead children to see that each friend likes things that 4. Who likes unicorns?
contain the same vowel sound as his or her name. Explain that (Beulah)
these are called long vowel sounds. Long vowel sounds sound 5. Who needs the number
like the letter name of the vowel. three? (Bea)

3 Read each question (see right) aloud, emphasizing the words

with long vowel sounds. Explain that the sounds in these words
6. Who do you see in the
tree? (Bea)
7. Who came on a plane?
will give children clues to the answer. As children make their (May)
guesses, encourage them to tell why they chose that friend. 8. Who uses a night light?
9. Who loves oranges? (Joe)

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 2

Sweet Sounds
♦ to discriminate among long vowel sounds
0 to sort sight words by long vowel sounds
0 to write words containing long vowel sounds
jf Setup
O Five copies of
i ♦ Make five copies of the cake pattern (page 95). Glue the cake
page 95 i
patterns to a sheet of posterboard (for durability) and cut them
O copy of page 96 s
i out. Label each cake with one of the following: a, e, i, o, u. You
G> copy of page 97 i can attach the cakes to the chalkboard with magnetic tape, or
O posterboard jj use pushpins or removable adhesive to attach them to a bulletin
s board or wall.
O scissors I
I ♦ Make one copy of the blank candle patterns on page 96 and cut
O glue i
8 them apart.
O magnetic tape or *
♦ Make one copy of the sight word candles on page 97. Cut apart
pushpins |
i the candles and place them in a hat, bag, or box.
O removable adhesive i
O hat, bag, or box I
* Direction^
O pencils
i i i i i i i n e i i i M t t i t i i i ; i
IShow children the cakes and read the labels aloud. Explain that
children will be putting candles on the birthday cakes according
to vowel sounds. Children might like to color the cakes.

2 Have children take turns picking a sight word candle from the
hat, bag, or box. The child then reads the word aloud, names the
long vowel sound, and attaches the candle to the correct cake
with removable adhesive.

3 Continue until all the printed candles have been sorted and
placed on the cakes. Next, give each child a blank candle. Invite
children to think of a new word that contains a long vowel
sound of their choice. (Depending on children’s level, you might
brainstorm a list of possibilities.) Then have children write the
word on their candle, read the word aloud, and place it on the
appropriate cake.

4 For an additional challenge, help children examine the words on

each cake and identify the different spelling patterns for each
V long vowel sound.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
96 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
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f Activity 3

Swat the Word

♦ to identify Dolch and non-Dolch words with different long
vowel sounds

MATERIALS On each of the 50 index cards, write one of the long vowel sight
O 50 index cards words from the candles on page 97. Attach a piece of magnetic tape
to the back of each card and attach the cards to the chalkboard
O magnetic tape or
randomly. Otherwise, you can simply post the cards on the board
using a small piece of tape or regular magnets.
O two flyswatters
1 Divide the class into two teams and have each team line up
in front of the chalkboard. Give the first child in each line a

Call out a long vowel sound, such as long a or long e. Each

player tries to find a word with that sound, read it aloud, and
swat the word with the swatter (remind children to be careful
with their swatters). The first player to successfully read and
swat a correct word removes the card from the board.

3 If a player swats an incorrect word, the other player gets a

chance to locate, read, swat, and remove another word with the
vowel sound.

4 When the first two players have completed the round, have them
hand the flyswatter to the next child in line and then get in the
back of the line.
Continue play, calling out a different vowel sound for each
%J round, until the board is empty. The team with the most
cards wins.


98 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Singing Ducks
Some silly yellow ducks
Sat upon their little nests.
And sang a silly song
To keep away the pests.

One duck sang,

“Robin came to visit me.
It really was so much fun.
We ate eggs and fish,
And laid out in the sun.”

One duck sang,

“I shall help the men
Who pick up all the litter
Over and over again
To save every critter.”

One duck sang,

“Furry little rabbit,
With your strong legs.
You dash, hop, and flit
Like you’re scrambling some eggs!”

The ducks all sang at once.

They all sang together.
They’ll keep singing all year long
In every kind of weather.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources 99

Write the poem “Singing Ducks” on chart paper. If you like, you can use a separate color to
highlight words with short vowel sounds. Read the poem once through with children. For tips
on sharing poems, see pages 8-9.

I Activity 1
« I I I * I R I I « I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I B I t « I I I I I > I I I I « • I I R I 1 * < * > * i * < I • > * i * ■ * • I 1 > • 1 1 1
Short Vowel Word Wall
i Objectives
I 0 to identify Dolch and non-Dolch words with short vowel sounds
I 0 to write words with short vowel sounds for a word wall
l Display the chart paper poem you created for “Singing Ducks” (see
O index cards i
Using the Poem, above).
O markers
1 Reread the poem with children, pointing to the short vowel
words (ducks, nests) or syllables (yell in yellow, sill in silly) as
you go. Explain that the vowel sounds in these words are called
short vowel sounds: Unlike long vowel sounds, they do not sound
like the letter name of the vowel.


Read through the poem several times, focusing on a different

short vowel sound each time. As you locate words and syllables
for each short vowel (there are many non-Dolch short vowel
words in the poem as well), have children repeat them after you.

3 Invite children to create a Short Vowel Word Wall. Provide

children with index cards and help them find words in the poem
that contain only short vowel sounds. Words can contain one

short vowel syllable (duck) or more than one (rabbit).

A Have children write the short vowel words on the index cards
and post them on a bulletin board, grouping by sound. You can
add to the word wall as children come upon new short vowel
j words in their reading.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

•O-777 ^ @ —_q—-<§> —~0—

Activity 2
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Short Vowel Show

Objective Words With Short
Vowel Sounds
to perform a readers’ theater version of the poem

U Duplicate the poem “Singing Ducks” (page 99) and distribute one i
copy to each child, along with highlighter pens. Divide the class i
into groups of four children each. (If you have children left over, I
some can double up for a few speaking parts.) §
Directions I
Once children are grouped, assign each child a role for the 1
performance: Narrator, Duck 1, Duck 2, and Duck 3. 1 O copies of page 99
f (one per child)
Explain that Narrator 1 will read the title and the first stanza, s
I O highlighter pens
and each Duck will read the speaking lines (indicated in
quotation marks) for his or her stanza; and the whole group
will read the last stanza together. 1

Help children in each group locate their lines and mark them i
with a highlighter pen. Give children plenty of time to practice i
their lines. Circulate among groups to check on children’s
fluency and provide assistance as needed. I
When the groups are ready, have each put on a show! Rotate to i
let each group of children perform their version of the piece. |
Children not “onstage” can act as audience members, or you Ij
might even invite another class to see the performances. i



Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 3

Fox, Fox, on the Run

Words With Short
Vowel Sounds 0 to identify in a song words with short vowel sound words
0 to sort words by short vowel sounds

MATERIALS 0 Duplicate copies of the “Fox, Fox, on the Run” song sheet (page
103) and distribute one to each child.
O copies of page 103
(one per child) 0 Create five columns on the chalkboard. Give each column one
of the following headings: Short A, Short E, Short I, Short O,
O pencils
Short U.
© index cards
O markers Directions
Begin by singing the song “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” with
children. Once they are familiar with the tune, direct children to
their song sheets and practice singing “Fox, Fox, on the Run.”
Sing the song several times, until children are comfortable with
the words.

Next, give each child a pencil and invite children to identify

short vowel words in the lyrics by circling each one. Tell
children that the words can be one syllable or more than one
syllable, but they can contain only short vowel sounds. You
Answers i
might go through the first verse as a class to model the
i procedure.
Short A Words: pat, *
cat, that, lap, has, t
When children are finished, draw their attention to the five
and, chat, nap
vowel categories on the board. Have volunteers take turns
Short E Words: head, writing the short vowel words they found under the appropriate
heading. For instance, fox would go in the Short O column; run
Short I Words: hill, in the Short U column; and so on. (For complete answers, see
it’s, still, sits, think,
left. Note that pumpkin can be placed in two different columns;
wink, its, it, think,
short U and I.)

Short O Words: When your board is complete, provide children with index cards
fox, on
and markers. Let each child choose a few words to write on the
Short U words: run, cards and then add them to your Short Vowel Word Wall (see
cut, rub, upon, up, Activity 1, page 100).

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight, Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Fox, Fox, on the Run
Sing to the tune of "Row, Row: Row Your Boat"

w Fox, fox, on the run,

Softly down the hill.
» It’s a long, long way to home.
So you’re running still!

Pat, pat, pat the cat

That sits upon your lap.
He purrs, meows, and has a chat,
And curls up for a nap.

Cut, cut, cut the pumpkin,

Its face looks real, we think.
We shake our heads and rub our eyes
When we see it wink! !S*
m ex
m xs
m tts
m xe
m VS.

m m
m ex

m m



Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources 103
Neighborhood Noise

This dog and this cat

Live in my house.
They like it here.

But that dog and that cat

Live with my friend Mike.
They like it over there.

These rabbits and these birds

Live in my yard.
They like it over here.

But those rabbits and those birds

Live in that yard.
They like it over there.

But this dog, and that dog,

This cat, and that cat,
These rabbits, and those rabbits,
These birds, and those birds,
ALL make lots of noise—perhaps you’ve heard!

104 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
Write the poem “Neighborhood Noise” on chart paper, using a different-colored marker to
highlight the words this, that, these, and those. Read the poem aloud with children,
emphasizing the highlighted words. For instructions on sharing poems, see pages 8-9.

Activity 1
> ■ ■ « t « 1 It » ■ ■.....

, That, These,
and Those This, That,
These, Those
♦ to recognize this and these as referring to items close by i
♦ to recognize that and those as referring to items farther away
0 to correctly use this, that, these, and those in sentences MATERIALS

Setup O paper

Display the chart paper poem you created for “Neighborhood Noise” O pencils
(see Using the Poem, above).

y'' <- ✓f", s * *y'' /, y '
After reading the poem once through with children, discuss |
each stanza one at a time. In the first stanza, discuss the use of 1
this in the phrase this dog. Ask: How many dogs? (one) Where
is the dog? Is it nearby or far away? (nearby) Then ask similar I
questions about this cat. I
Repeat the procedure for each stanza, focusing on each new I
highlighted word. Lead children to see that this and that refer to I
one (singular), and these and those refer to more than one I
(plural). Also point out that this and these refer to nearby I
things, while that and those refer to things farther away. I

3 When children are familiar with the concepts, invite them to

write their own four sentences, having them use one of the four
target words in each. You can post children’s work on a bulletin I
board for discussion. I

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 2

Josh and Linda’s

Camping Fun
O copies of page 107 0 to use picture and language clues to correctly complete
(one per child)
sentences with this, that, these, or those
O copies of page 108
(one per child) Setup
O crayons Duplicate pages 107 and 108 and distribute one of each to each child,
O pencils \
along with pencils and crayons. Write this, that, these, and those on
I the board.
i s i f i h n M m i i i t m t m It m

Invite children to look at the picture of Josh and Linda’s

campsite (page 107). Point out that it is pictured from above.
They can color the river with crayons, if they wish. Ask: What
things can you see on Josh and Linda's side of the river? What
i can you see on the other side?
s Next, turn children’s attention to the camping story (page 108).
li Read the introductory paragraph aloud. Explain that children
i can use both the picture and the other words in each sentence
to help them decide which word fits best in the blank.

3 Try completing the first sentence as a class. Then let children

complete the remaining sentences on their own. (For correct
answers, see below.)

As an extension activity, older children might enjoy adding their

own pictures to the campsite scene. Invite them to draw items
(such as fishing poles and marshmallows) on both sides of the
river. They can then write their own sentences about the items
using this, that, these, and those.

| Answers: 1. this 2. that 3. this 4. that 5. those 6. these 7. those
I 8. these 9. this 10. that

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Josh and Linda’s Campsite

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Name:______ Date:__

Josh and Linda’s Campsite

Josh and Linda set up their campsite before a rainstorm upset their plans.
Now their campsite is divided in half by a river, and they cannot get across!
Help Josh and Linda complete the sentences below. Fill in each blank with
this, that, these, or those. Use the picture of the campsite to help you.

1. We can use_tent right here, on our side of

the river.

2. We can't use_campsite over there, across

the river.

3. We can eat_food on our picnic table.

4. But we can't reach the food in_tree across

the river.

5. We can't use_two cooking pots across the river.

6. But we can cook our food in_three pots.

7. We can't use_three blankets across the river.

8. It's lucky we have_two blankets here to keep us

warm tonight!

9. It's also lucky that we are on_side of the river,

instead of the other side.

10. We're lucky because we are here, and big snake

is over there!

The End »w.

108 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity 3

The Gumball Game

# to use this, that, these, and those correctly with singular and
plural nouns
O copies of pages
Copy the Gumball Machine pattern (page 110) onto colored paper 110-111
and glue it to the front of a paper bag. Then copy the Gumball Nouns
O paper bag
reproducible (page 111) onto colored paper and cut apart the
gumballs. Place the gumballs in the paper bag. O sentence strips
(two per child)
Directions O pencils

Invite each child to pick a random “gumball” noun from the

bubble gum machine. Have children read their words aloud.

Next, invite children to look at the words printed on the outside

of the gumball machine (this, that, these, and those). Ask:
Which two words can you use with the gumball you chose?
Lead children to see that if their noun is singular (boy) they can
use it with this and that (this boy, that boy). If their noun is
plural (boys) they can use it with these and those (these boys,
those boys). Children hold their gumballs for the duration of
the game.

Give each child two sentence strips. Have children write one
sentence for each of the appropriate word combinations—for
example: This bon likes to play soccer. That boy likes to play

Display children’s completed sentences on a bulletin board and

let volunteers take turns reading them aloud.

As an extension, cut circles of plain white paper and let children

write their own singular and plural nouns. Add the new gumball
nouns to the bubble gum machine and play again!

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Gumboil Machine

110 Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources
Gumboil Nouns
t i i x i i i i ii m i i i i i ( m s ii m ii m ii m i i« i m m n i i m n ii i ii


(•■>■>•>»«>>»•«>< • ■•••■»>«•••».»>»■**•*.mi

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching Resources

Bridge, C., Winograd, P., and Haley, D. (1983) Using predictable
materials versus preprimers to teach beginning sight words.
The Reading Teacher, 36, 884-891.

McCormick, S. (1994). A nonreader becomes a reader: A case

study of literacy acquisition by a severely disabled reader.
Reading Research Quarterly, 29, 156-176.

McCormick, S. (1995). Instructing children who have literacy

problems. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Rasinski, T., and Padak, N. (2001). From phonics to fluency:

Effective teaching of decoding and reading fluency in the
elementary school. New York: Addison Wesley Longman.

Richek, M., Caldwell, J., Jennings, J., and Lerner, J. (2002).

Reading problems: Assessment and teaching strategies.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Perfect Poems for Teaching Sight Words Scholastic Teaching

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your local teacher store or call 1 -800-SCHOLAS(TIC).
T eaching sight words can be pure poetry! These kid-pleasing poems
help kids recognize and read words from the Dolch list in a playful,
engaging context. Ready-to-use companion lessons include easy games
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synonyms, adjectives and verbs, and more. Poems.feature predictable
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