Sutton Komilla Module I PDF
Sutton Komilla Module I PDF
Sutton Komilla Module I PDF
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Vedic Astrology Foundation Course Syllabus :: Schedule of Topics Komilla's Courses & Books
March 10 The overview of the Course - The Philosophy of the Vedic Astrology- Understanding
Karma, the transmigration of the Soul, the four aims of life and the spiritual basic on
which all Vedic principles are formed, Gunas, prakriti. Vedas, Upanishads. The Sidereal
Zodiac, The North Indian and the South Indian Charts. The Ayanamsha, Whole signs,
Bhavas, House cusps etc. The Five Great Elements, Panchang, the Overview of Vedic
Courses on CDs
March 17 The Nava Grahas The Nine Planets Surya, Chandra, Mangala, Mithun, Guru, Shukra and
Shani - Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Rahu Ketu, the Shadow Live Lectures, Foundation
planets. Courses, Live Workshops,
Study Courses and more.
March 24 The nine planets continued.
March 31 Rahu Ketu - Shadow planets, How past karma controls our present and more.
April 7 Planetary relationships, exaltation and debilitation, planetary strengths and aspects,
April 14 The Rashis ( Zodiac signs). Mesha ( Aries) to Mina ( Pisces), Kalapurusha, Rashi
India Trips for 2014
characteristics, Prakriti, Rashi aspects and lots more.
May 5 Introduction to Nakshatras, the stars beyond the zodiac, the role of symbols, deities,
gunas and lunar mandala.
June 16 The Bhava Chakra- the twelve houses of the zodiac. The karakas (significators), the
meanings, the rulers of each house. How the placement of house rulers effect the chart. Essentials of Vedic
1st to 12th houses. Lagna Page 1 of 3
Schedule of Topics for Foundation Course :: Komilla Sutton :: Vedic Astrology 11/2/13 12:44 PM
July 21 Sudharshan chakra and different view points from Sun and Moon lagna. the positive and
the negative planets for each lagna. Combining the information together to begin to
analyse the chart. Lunar Nodes
July 28 Planetary Yogas - Panchamahapurusha, Raja yogas, Pravrajya, Sun and Moon yogas,
Gajakesari, kemadruma- many yogas will be taught.
August 18 Introduction to Vargas, the 16 harmonic charts with special emphasis on the
Navamsha- the 9th harmonic dealing with relationships and dharma.
August 25 Navamsha
September 8 Vimshottari Dasha system- the unique predictive system of Vedic astrology based on
the Nakshatras. The predictive techniques that will make the knowledge of Jyotish come
October 6 Gochara, the transits to include Jupiter good transits and Saturn's Challenging one
including sade sati,, daily, monthly, yearly movement of the planets and how they effect
and change the quality of the chart.
October 27 Panchanga, the 5 limbs of the day. Dina, Nakshatra, Tithi, Karana, Yoga.
November 10 Upaye - remedial measures, the different ways to improve the birth chart. Page 2 of 3
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