Ieee Csde Icoste 2019 Final Program
Ieee Csde Icoste 2019 Final Program
Ieee Csde Icoste 2019 Final Program
Chief Guest: Professor Young-Ho Lee, Korea Maritime & Ocean University, Republic of South Korea
Special Guest: Professor Katsunori Shimohara, Doshisha University, Japan
Rajesh Palit
Investigating Acceptance factors of Clinical Decision Support Systems in a
117 Developing Country Context
Keynote Talk II
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Roman Ahmed, ANZ Bank, Australia
Title: Challenges for Advanced Statistics and Machine Learning in Modern Data Science
Chair: Professor Katsunori Shimohara, Doshisha University, Japan
Date: 11th December, 2019; Time: 08:30 – 09:15
Venue: Room - Exhibition Room
Invited Talk II
Invited Speaker: Professor Tetsuya Maeshiro, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Title: Quantitative evaluation, modeling and prediction of Kansei
Chair: Professor Takeshi Koshiba, Waseda University, Japan
Date: 11th December, 2019; Time: 09:15 -10:00
Venue: Room - Exhibition Room