British Coins PDF
British Coins PDF
British Coins PDF
Has this happened to you? Have you ever wondered why British money is seemingly so
illogical? Is there a reason that justifies the varying sizes?
In the UK we take this a step further by putting our coins, not in groups of 3, but in
pairs. So, we put 1p with 2p (small and large with a smooth edge, make with a copper
coloured metal), 5p with 10p (small and large with a rough edge and made of nickel, a
silver colour), 20p with 50p (small and large with an angular edge) and £1 with £2
(much thicker than the other coins). The sharp contrast in size between the two coins
in each pair, as well as the different textures of the edges and the colours of the metals
make it much easier for blind or partially-sighted people to identify the coins and
much more easily identifiable when paying for things.
The newest UK coins,
released in 2008 join together to make a picture,
the image of a shield. But why do these new
coins only have text to identify their value (FIVE
PENCE) and not numbers (5 PENCE)? Well, the
above system is judged to be so effective that it
was unnecessary. Most British people can identify coins from a large distance and by feel-
ing the weight of the coin without looking at the number. Both of these are much more
difficult to do with euro coins. Try it with a friend. Stand 15-20 metres away from a friend
and try to identify the coin that they are holding up.
However, these new coins, although clever, admittedly do make it much more difficult for
foreign visitors and tourists who may not speak English and who are not familiar with the
British system.
Do you agree with the decision in 2008 to remove numbers from the coins? If you worked
for the Royal Mint (the organisation that produces our money) what other changes would
you make to British coins to make them easier for foreign visitors, while retaining their
blind-friendly features?