Commodity: Coconut
Coconut has been a part of the Indian culture and has been produced in India since a very long
time. Currently, India stands third among coconut producing countries of the world. The
southern part of the country literally thrives on coconut, it being a staple food there. It is a
perennial crop which involves high investment when compared to seasonal and annual crops.
Unique features of the commodity:
Coconut is a large hard fruit which has much higher shelf life as compared to other
Different parts of coconut fruit have utilities, like the outer husk cover like fiber is used
to make ropes, mat, etc.; meat inside the hard cover is used in various cuisines all over
the world; fluid inside the seed is considered as a healthy drink and is widely consumed.
Hence coconut has high economic value
Coconut milk extract is nearest alternative to milk, considering nutritional benefits and
organoleptic features like colour, texture, mouth feel, etc.
Coconut Oil is the major product that is widely used in southern parts of India and
countries like Phillipines, Africa and Europe. Virgin coconut oil is widely used in
various cosmetics
Coconut, as a fruit, can be used at various stages of its existence. Green coconut water
is highly nutritious. When it turns brown with the husk cover, its thick fresh meat is
used in various delicacies. Mature coconut is used to extract oil. Interestingly, the whole
tree has its own uses. The leaves can be woven to mats, trunk can be used as building
material, shell after drying can be turn to bowls, spoons, etc.
Dairy Development: Project Write-up
p39026, p39017, p39009, p39043, p39078, p39208, p39034
This broadly shows that the farmers get good returns over coconut produce. Average price
being ₹43/kg is high due to supply constraints. This has come when the production level fell in
major producing states factoring failed monsoon. So, these prices won’t really help the farmers
when they don’t have enough produce to sell.
Trade dynamics:
While India is third largest producer of coconut in the world, it is imperative to look at global
scenario. India has only meagre visibility of share in export market. However, total value of
export of coconut products during year 2016-17 was ₹20617 million, which was 42% higher
than 2015-16 exports. Also, imports of the same for 2016-17 were valued at ₹2706 million and
observed to be 29% less than the previous year. Though it is also the fact that India has a large
domestic market with increasing consumption, but it is high time to get into exporting the
commodity. Currently, India’s consumption-production ratio is 0.97, which is highest among
all leading producer countries across the world.