Course Manual - NGN

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JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus

Greater Noida, 201306

Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi)

B. Tech (ECE) – Course Manual Audit Report

Subject Code – ETEC 428 Subject Name – NGN
Audited by …………………………….. Date of Audit…………………….

The following have been duly audited, verified and got corrected from
Dr. J. K. Gupta who updated the Course Manual.

Sr. No. Attributes Completed &

Complied with
1 Standardization of Format of Table of Contents (TOC)
(Format enclosed)

2 Latest University Question Papers

3 Latest Mid Term Papers

4 Latest Case Studies (if any)

5 Latest Handouts

6 Inclusion of Course Objectives, Course Outcomes &

Teaching Pedagogy (along with Graphical Representation)
7 Assignments I & II – Soft copy got emailed to the Library
and academic assistant from the concerned faculty

Undertaking by Auditor

All the above mentioned requirements have been duly updated / completed and complied

Signature of Auditor Countersigned by

(Head –ECE)
JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus
Greater Noida, 201306
Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi)

Table of Contents

Subject – NGN (ETEC 428) Semester -VIII

Sr. No. Content Page Nos.

(e.g. 1.1-1.5)
1. Syllabus

2. Course Objectives & Course Outcomes

3. Teaching Pedagogy

4. Lesson Plan

5. Assignments

6. Model Test Papers and Mid Term Papers

7. Question Bank

8. End Term Question Papers

(Last Five Years)

9. Handouts

10. Case Studies (If Applicable)

11. Soft Copy of Assignments mailed to the academic

JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus
Greater Noida, 201306
Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi)

Subject – NGN (ETEC 428)

Course Objectives: On completion of this course, the students will be able to understand:

 the new technologies and services that telecommunication operators have

 New 3G networks based on packet switched rather than circuit switched Telephony
 Multimedia coverage based on packet switched rather than circuit switched

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

 Understand new technologies and services,

 Understand new 3G networks
 Understand multimedia coverage

Teaching Pedagogy
 Class room delivery
 Assignment
 Quiz
 Tutorial
 Mid Semester Examination
JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus
Greater Noida, 201306
Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi)

Paper Code: ETEC-428 L T/P C

Paper: Next Generation Networks 3 0 3


1. Question No. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should have objective or short
answer type questions. It should be of 25 marks.
2. Apart from Question No. 1, rest of the paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit should have two
questions. However, student may be asked to attempt only 1 question from each unit. Each question should be of 12.5

Objective: The objective of this course is to provide exposure to the new technologies and services that
telecommunication operators have as they create new 3G networks and beyond where multimedia coverage is based on
packet switched rather than circuit switched Telephony.

Introduction to next generation networks. Communicating in the new Era, New Era of Networking, Technologies
influencing change, IP Everywhere, Optical fiber anywhere, wireless access, building blocks for NGN, IP Networks,
VOIP, Multi service Flexible Networks architecture. VPNs, Optical Networks, Wire line & Wireless Networks, NGN
Services, Network Infrastructure convergence, services convergence, from technology push to service pull.
[T1,T2] [No. of Hrs. 11]
IP Networks ,IP past, present and future, IP influence and confluence, IP version 4, I. P. Version 6, IP Network
convergence, LAN Technologies, IP Routing, LAN Switching, WAN’s, WAN Technologies and Topologies. Wireless IP
LANS, Mobility Networks, Global IP Networks, Global capacity, Globally Resilient IP, Internet – A Network of
Networks. Beyond IP, Technology Brief – IP Networks, Business Drivers, Success factors, Applications and Service
[T1,T2] [No. of Hrs. 11]
Muti service Networks Origin of multi service ATM, Next Generation Multi service Networks, Next Generation Multi
service ATM switching, Multi protocol Label switching, Networks, Frame Based MPLS, Cell based MPLS, MPLS
services and their benefits, multi service provisioning platforms (MSPP) & Multi service switching platform (MSSP).
[T1,T2] [No. of Hrs. 11]
NGN Applications Internet connectivity, e-commerce, call center, third party application service provision, UMTS, WAP,
WiMAX, integrated billing, security and directory enabled networks.
[T1,T2] [No. of Hrs. 11]
Text Books:
[T1] Neill Wilkinson, “Next Generation Networks Services, Technologies and Strategies”, Wiley.
[T2] Robet Wood, “Next Generation Network Services”, Pearson

Reference Books
[R1] Next Generation Telecommunications Network, Parliament office of Science and Technology (Postnote). Dec
2007, No. 296, Ref.
[R2] Huber, J.F.’ “ Mobile Next Generation Networks”, IEEE Multimedia Vol. 11, Issue I Jan- March 2004.
[R3] J.C. Crimi, “Next Generation Network (NGN) Service”, A Telecoolia Technologies white paper; refer
[R4] International Conference on Next Generation Networks & Basestations Tackles LTE, WiMAX, Femtocells,
Backhaul, Spectum Re-farming and Also Goes. Green '.
Conference+on+Next+Generation+Networks+%26+ Basestations...-a0176872977
[R5] Carugi, M.; Hirschman, B.; Narita, A., "Introduction to the ITU-T NGN focus group release 1: target
environment, services, and capabilities,"Communications Magazine, IEEE , vol.43, no.10, pp. 42-48, Oct. 2005
doi: 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1522123 URL:
JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus
Greater Noida, 201306
Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi)

Lesson Plan
Course: B. Tech (ECE) Semester: 8th Semester
Subject Code: ETEC428 Subject: NGN

Unit Topic and Sub Topics Learning Outcome References % of

No. of
1 UNIT 1 On completion of this unit, the students will able to explain:
1.1 Introduction to next generation next generation networks T1 1 4
1.2 Communicating in the new Era, New next generation networks T1 1 4
Era of Networking, Technologies
influencing change, IP Everywhere,
1.3 Optical fiber anywhere, wireless Optical fiber, wireless T1 2 4
access, building blocks for NGN, IP access
1.4 VOIP, Multi service Flexible VOIP, and VPN T1 2 4
Networks architecture. VPNs,
1.5 Optical Networks, Wire line & Wire line & Wireless T1 2 4
Wireless Networks, NGN Services, Networks

1.6 Network Infrastructure convergence, Network Infrastructure T1 2 5

services convergence, from and services
technology push to service pull.
2 UNIT 2 On completion of this unit, the students will able to explain:
2.1 IP Networks ,IP past, present and IP Networks T1 1 3
future, IP influence and confluence
2.2 IP version 4, I. P. Version 6, IP Networks T1 1 3
2.3 IP Network convergence, LAN IP Networks T1 1 3
2.4 IP Routing, LAN Switching, IP Networks T1 2 3
2.5 WAN’s, WAN Technologies and WAN Technologies T1 2 3
2.6 Wireless IP LANS, Mobility Mobility Networks T1 1 3
Networks, Global IP Networks,
2.7 Global capacity, Globally Resilient Mobility Networks T1 1 2
2.8 Internet – A Network of Networks. Internet T1 1 2
Beyond IP,
2.9 Technology Brief – IP Networks, Technology T1 1 3
Business Drivers, Success factors,
Applications and Service Value.
3 UNIT 3 On completion of this unit, the students will able to explain:
3.1 Muti service Networks Origin of Muti service T1 2 4
multi service ATM
3.2 Next Generation Multi service Muti service T1 1 4
Networks, Next Generation Multi
service ATM switching,
3.3 Multi protocol Label switching, Muti service T1 2 4
3.4 Frame Based MPLS, Cell based MPLS T1 1 5
MPLS, MPLS services and their
3.5 Multi service provisioning platforms Muti service T1 2 4

3.6 Multi service switching platform Muti service T1 1 4


4 UNIT 4 On completion of this unit, the students will able to explain:

4.1 NGN Applications Internet NGN Applications T1 2 5
4.2 e-commerce, call center, third party NGN Applications T1 2 5
application service provision
4.3 UMTS, WAP NGN Applications T1 2 5
4.4 WiMAX, integrated billing, NGN Applications T1 2 5
4.5 security and directory enabled NGN Applications T1 2 5

Text Books:
[T1] Neill Wilkinson,“Next Generation Networks Services, Technologies and Strategies”, Wiley.
[T2] Robet Wood, “Next Generation Network Services”, Pearson

Reference Books
[R1] Next Generation Telecommunications Network, Parliament office of Science and Technology
(Postnote). Dec 2007, No. 296, Ref.
[R2] Huber, J.F.’ “ Mobile Next Generation Networks”, IEEE Multimedia Vol. 11, Issue I Jan-
March 2004.
[R3] J.C. Crimi, “Next Generation Network (NGN) Service”, A Telecoolia Technologies white
paper; refer
[R4] International Conference on Next Generation Networks & Basestations Tackles LTE,
WiMAX, Femtocells, Backhaul, Spectum Re-farming and Also Goes. Green
'. Conference+on+Next+Generation+Networks+
%26+ Basestations...-a0176872977
[R5] Carugi, M.; Hirschman, B.; Narita, A., "Introduction to the ITU-T NGN focus group release
1: target environment, services, and capabilities,"Communications Magazine, IEEE , vol.43,
no.10, pp. 42-48, Oct. 2005 doi: 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1522123 URL:http:// &isnumber=32552http://
Journals (J):


Websites (W):


ICT Tools:

1. Self Lecture/PPTs
2. Videos
JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus
Greater Noida, 201306
Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi)

Course: BTech (ECE) Semester: 8th Semester

Subject Code: ETEC428 Subject: NGN
Assignment 1
1. Discuss difference between the existing telecommunication
environment and next generation convergence environment. Discuss
the limitations of the convergence and its possible solutions.
2. Discuss in brief types of convergence. With neat architecture, explain
the VoIP network. Also explain various VoIP sessions.

Rubrics for the assessment 1

Question 1 Marks 2 Marks 3 Marks 4 Marks 5 Marks Total
1 1 difference 2 difference 3 difference 3 difference+ 3 difference+ limitation+ 5
limitation Solution
2 convergence Convergence Convergence+ Convergence+ Convergence+ Diagram 5
+ Diagram Diagram + Diagram + + Explanation with
Explanation Explanation with details + VoIP
JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus
Greater Noida, 201306
Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi)

Course: BTech (ECE) Semester: 8th Semester

Subject Code: ETEC428 Subject: NGN
Assignment 2
1. Differentiate between unicast, Multicast and Broadcast Addresses?

2. Explain LAN, MAN LAN in details. What are the some of the factors
that determine whether a communication system is a LAN or WAN?
3. What is IP6 frame format? What are the deficiencies of IPv4. Give the
advantage of IPv4 and IPv6 packet header. Show that how an IPv6
packet header converted to IPV4 packet header.

Rubrics for the assessment 2

Question 1 Marks 2 Marks 3 Marks 4 Marks 5 Marks Total
1 1 difference 2 difference 3 difference 4 difference 5 difference 5
AN N +Application +Application + factors
3 ------------ IP6 frame IP6 frame IP6 frame format IP6 frame format + 5
format format + + deficiencies of deficiencies of IPv4
deficiencies of IPv4 +advantage +advantage+ IP4 to IP6
Model Questions
1. What is meant by network virtualization?
2. Explain the feather of the Wi-Fi networks.
3. What is Fiber to Premises (FTTP)?
4. Explain long-haul Managed Networks.
5. List the roles of the Session Initiated Protocols(SIP).
6. State advantage of VoIP over PSTN.
7. State characteristic of SOAP.
8. List motivation factor of the NGN.
9. List the advantage of LTE networks.
10. State the roles of the RTP/RTCP.
11. Explain NGN Architecture with its implementation.
12. Explain the operation of RTP control protocol.
13. Write Short notes on 3G and 5G.
14. Discuss data center and wide area traffic management in NGN.
15. Explain re-configurability in NGN. List the roles of the core networks and
access networks.
16. With the neat architecture explain software defined networking (SDN). Also
discuss various challenges associated with the SDN.
17. With the neat schematic, explain the behavior of IPTV. Also explain its
18. With neat architecture, explain the VoIP network. Also explain various VoIP
19. List some of the advantage of NGN.
20. What is convergence in networking point of view.
21. Discuss the limitations of the convergence and its possible solutions.
22. Discuss in brief types of convergence.
23. Discuss difference between the existing telecommunication environment and
next generation convergence environment.
24. Differentiate between unicast, Multicast and Broadcast Addresses?
25. Explain LAN, MAN LAN in details. What are the some of the factors that
determine whether a communication system is a LAN or WAN?
26. What is IP6 frame format? What are the deficiencies of IPv4. Give the
advantage of IPv4 and IPv6 packet header. Show that how an IPv6 packet
header converted to IPV4 packet header.
Question Bank

1. Explain the relation between unicast, multicast & broadcast address.

2. What is the purpose of NIC (N/w interface card)?
3. In a block of address we know the IP address of one host is What are the
first address & last address in this block?
4. An ISP granted a block of address starting with The ISP is to distribute these
block to 2600 customers as follows :-
a. The first group has 200 medium size businesses each need 16 addresses
b. Second group has 400 small businesses each needs 8 addresses
5. Explain the types of WDM in detail.
6. Explain briefly the test beds for Broadcast and select WDM networks
7. Distinguish 1) MAN from WAN 2) MAN from LAN
8. Explain the differences between FDM and WDM.
9. Describe Asynchronous Transfer mode with its concept for data communication and its
10. Describe various types of ATM services.
11. Describe ATM Switch operation.
12. Describe various types of Switched networks.
13. Describe Frame Relay protocol and its advantages with respect to other protocol.
14. Describe ISDN and its types for data communication.
15. Describe different ISDN services and the conceptual view of ISDN.
16. Describe Wireless LAN and its characteristics. Give architectural comparison of wired and
wireless LANs.
17. What are the advantages of IPv6?
18. What are the addresses formats of IP6?
19. What is the difference between fragmentation in IPv6 versus IPv4?
20. Name two main problems in IPv4 that were addressed by the original design IPv6.
21. Discuss the issues and solutions related to the interworking of IPv6 and IPv4.
22. Explain briefly what is meant by confidentiality, integrity and authentication.
23. What is meant by network virtualization?
24. Explain the feather of the Wi-Fi networks.
25. What is Fiber to Premises (FTTP)?
26. Explain long-haul Managed Networks.
27. List the roles of the Session Initiated Protocols(SIP).
28. State advantage of VoIP over PSTN.
29. State characteristic of SOAP.
30. List motivation factor of the NGN.
31. List the advantage of LTE networks.
32. State the roles of the RTP/RTCP.
33. Explain NGN Architecture with its implementation.
34. Explain the operation of RTP control protocol.
35. Write Short notes on 3G and 5G.
36. Discuss data center and wide area traffic management in NGN.
37. Explain re-configurability in NGN. List the roles of the core networks and access networks.
38. With the neat architecture explain software defined networking (SDN). Also discuss various
challenges associated with the SDN.
39. With the neat schematic, explain the behavior of IPTV. Also explain its advantage.
40. With neat architecture, explain the VoIP network. Also explain various VoIP session.
41. List some of the advantage of NGN.
42. What is convergence in networking point of view.
43. Discuss the limitations of the convergence and its possible solutions.
44. Discuss in brief types of convergence.
45. Discuss difference between the existing telecommunication environment and next generation
convergence environment.
46. Differentiate between unicast, Multicast and Broadcast Addresses?
47. Explain LAN, MAN LAN in details. What are the some of the factors that determine whether
a communication system is a LAN or WAN?
48. What is IP6 frame format? What are the deficiencies of IPv4. Give the advantage of IPv4 and
IPv6 packet header. Show that how an IPv6 packet header converted to IPV4 packet header.

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