Joko Priyana Scientific Approach
Joko Priyana Scientific Approach
Joko Priyana Scientific Approach
Joko Priyana
Yogyakarta State University
Abstract: The Ministry of Education and Culture recommends that the scientific method be applied in the
teaching and learning process of all subjects, including English language, in theimplementation of Curriculum
2013. Language learning takes place through the steps of observing texts, formulating questions, collecting data,
analyzing data (and drawing conclusions), communicating findings, and creating texts. It is believed that such
steps effectively facilitate students to attain knowledge about language, communication skills, and attitudes.
Currently teachers have different views regarding the typical language learning activities, learning objectives of
each of the steps, the roles of the teachers, and the classroom steps. This paper briefly proposes the learning
activities and objectives of each step, the teacher’s roles, and the steps of a scientific-method-based language
Based on the Basic Competences in the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 68, 69, and
70/2013, English language teaching in Junior, Senior, and Vocational High Schools aim to develop the student’s
ability to communicate in the target language orally and in writing accurately and appropriately in the four
language skills in a variety of contexts for varied purposes using a range of text types and language functions. To
support the ability to communicate, the English language teaching also aims to equip the students with adequate
knowledge about texts, particularly social function, text structure, grammar, and vocabulary. In addition, English
Curriculum 2013 intends to help students develop acceptable behaviour in personal, social, academic, and
professional contexts.
To attain the above-mentioned aims, the ministry recommends that the scientific method to teaching and
learning be applied (Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 65/2013).
My meetings with English language teachers from different parts of Indonesia in workshops on
Curriculum 2013 and some articles on language classroom with the scientific method (for example Suharyadi,
2013; Direktorat Pembinaan SMP, 2013) suggest that teachers have different views regarding the typical
language learning activities, learning objectives of each of the steps, the teacher roles in the learning process, and
the classroom steps. For that reason, this paper proposes the learning activities and objectives of each step, the
roles of the teacher in every step, and the steps of a scientific-method-based language classroom.
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watching videos), interviewing resource persons, and reading books. By the end of this step the
students will have enough data/information to answer their questions.
d. Associating (analyzing data/information)
In this step students analyze data/information to answer their questions and draw conclusions. With or
without teacher’s support students sort out, classify, and identify patterns to answer their questions.
At his step the students produce answers to their questions.
e. Communicating (answers/conclusions)
After aswering questions (drawing conclusions) based on the (analysis of) data they gather, students
communicate their answers or conclusions to the class in writing and/or orally. Their answers
(conclusions) represent the knowledge they ‘construct’ or learn. At the end of this step the students are
expected to have learned the necessary knowledge (especially about the social function of the text,
structure of the text, grammar, and vocabulary) in order to comprehend and create texts.
f. Creating (texts)
Learning language does not end when the students already learn the features of the targeted text. Their
knowledge about the text should be used to comprehend and create texts. Learners must be given a lot
of opportunity to communicate thoughts using the newly-learned knowledge. The messages the obtain
from texts and the texts they create can be further communicated to others orally and/or in writing.
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1. Observing texts and
2. Questioning (asking questions)
(With the teacher’s support) students read and/or listen to text to list items they need to know in order to
comprehend and create texts and formulate questions.
a. Question 1 (vocabulary)
b. Question 2 (comprehension)
c. Question 3 (social function) The questions at least cover
d. Question 4 (text structure) all the achievement indicators.
e. Question 5 (grammar)
f. ...
6. Creating texts
For that reason, one or two learning tasks that require the students to collect and analyze data as well as
communicate answers may be designed for every two related questions. Thus, some of the learning steps are
repeated. The repeated steps are the experimenting (collecting data/information), associating (analyzing
data/information), and communicating (reporting answers/conclusions) steps. Figure 1 presents the classroom
Steps 1 to 5 are for the students to get knowledge about texts (e.g.: social function, text structure,
grammar, vocabulary) and step 6 is for the students to use the knowledge they learn to comprehend and create
texts or communicate ideas/thoughts. Students should spend much more time to create texts (step 6) than they do
to get knowledge about texts (steps 1 to 5). That the scientific method classroom steps facilitate students to
obtain knowledge about language and get a lot opportunity to produce language is in line with current views in
language teaching and learning (see for example Kumaravadivelu, 2006).
To conclude this paper, a number of points are presented.
1. The curriculum recommends that the scientific method be applied. Language learning takes place through
the steps of observing texts, questioning (asking questions), experimenting (collecting data), associating
(analyzing data and drawing conclusions), communicating (findings or knowledge), and creating texts.
2. An English teacher plays a number of roles in the teaching and learning process. The teacher should provide
support in every step, particularly assistance in listing items to understand, formulating questions, collecting
data, associating data (and drawing conclusions), communicating answers (knowledge), and creating (and
comprehending) texts.
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3. A model of classroom steps has been proposed. Observing (texts) and questioning steps are combined. The
three following steps – data collection, data analysis, and communicating steps can be repeated for different
questions. When all questions have been answered and communicated, the final step, creating (texts) is
done. In this final step, first, students are provided with every necessary support in order to produce
language. Next, less support is given and finally minimum or no support is made available.
Direktorat Pembinaan SMP. (2013). Panduan Penguatan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2013). Kerangka dasar dan struktur kurikulum SMP/MTs
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2013). Kerangka dasar dan struktur kurikulum SMA/MA
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2013). Kerangka dasar dan struktur kurikulum SMK/MAK
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2014). Standar proses.
Kumaravadivelu, B. (2006). Understanding language teaching from method to postmethod. New Jersey:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Publishers.
Priyana, J. (2014). English curriculum 2013: goals, contents, methods, and assessment techniques. A paper
presented at the 11th JETA International Conference 18 – 19 June, 2014.
Suharyadi. (2013). Exploring “scientific approach” in English language teaching. Accessed from, 8 August 2014.
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