35 - Vol 12 - Epaper PDF
35 - Vol 12 - Epaper PDF
35 - Vol 12 - Epaper PDF
e x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m
Vol.12 No. 35 Dec 28-Jan 3, 2020 80 Cents New York Edition Follow us on TheSouthAsianTimes.info
People from
across India
were seen
prayers in
church aisles
even as
and shrines
were decked
up in bright
colors. Britain's Queen Elizabeth poses after recording her annual Christmas Day
message in Windsor Castle, Berkshire, Britain. In the message she acknowl‑
edged that 2019 has been ʻquite bumpyʼ for her country. (Photo : Reuters).
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TheSouthAsianTimes.info TRISTATE COMMUNITY Dec 28-Jan 3, 2020 3
Blindsided on CAA, Modi govt for and against the contentious CAA and
now in damage control mode NRC (National Register of Citizens).
Continued from page 1
Pakistan. At least 21 people have died in Trump slams Pelosi for
clashes with police. delaying impeach trial in
Ruling BJP leaders were taken aback by Senate
the backlash, some party members told Continued from page 1
Reuters. They said they had been prepared him to deal with foreign leaders. Trump
for some anger from Muslims, but not the quoted conservat ive commentator
widespread protests that have convulsed Bradley Blakeman as saying Pelosi had
most major cities for two weeks. Now the "no leverage over the Senate," a refer‑
party and the government are reaching out ence to the impasse over the transmis‑
for help in defusing the crisis to allies and sion of articles of impeachment to the
opponents sidelined when the bill passed Senate, which the House passed against
earlier this month, the sources said. Trump on Dec. 18 on charges of abuse of
"I really did not see the protests coming power and obstruction of Congress.
... not just me, other BJP lawmakers were Pelosi said she would not send the arti‑
also unable to predict this kind of anger," cles over until the Senate determined its
Union Minister Sanjeev Balyan told process for a trial. Senate Majority leader
Reuters. Mitch McConnell said last week that
Three other BJP lawmakers and two Republicans and Democrats were at an
December 22 was declared World Blood Donor Arjun Mainali Day in Town of Oyster
Bay in Long Island. TOBAY Supervisor Joseph Saladino presented the Proclamation Union ministers, who spoke on condition of "impasse."
to Mainali who has set many records for blood donations and has promoted anonymity, said they were mobilizing party
the same in many countries. supporters from all walks of life to start Indiaʼs envoy to US named
community dialogues and dispel discontent new foreign secretary
over the law and NRC. "I believe that the Continued from page 1
ʻChristmas giftʼ threat BJP and allies have launched a campaign to Affairs Minister S Jaishankar. He was criti‑
explain that the law is not discriminatory. cal in ensuring that the decisions of Article
After BJP's closed‑door huddle on 370 and the Citizenship Amendment Act
Washington: In what military watchers while the Global Hawk flew at 53,000 feet, Thursday on swinging the public percep‑ (CAA) do not adversely impact bilateral
regard as an unusual move, the U.S. military the tracking site said. Meanwhile, the Cobra tion on CAA in its favor, the government relations between India and USA.
sent four surveillance planes, simultaneously, Ball and a refueling plane flew over the East has planned a major outreach to extend an KV Kumar, President & CEO, Indian
over and around the Korean Peninsula this Sea. Earlier this month, Ri Thae Song, a North olive branch to agitating students who they American Internat ional Chamber of
week in reaction to North Koreaʼs cryptic ref‑ Korean vice foreign minister for U.S. affairs, consider as "genuine" protesters. The gov‑ Commerce (IAICC), commended Amb.
erence to a possible “Christmas gift” for the expressed doubts that the U.S. was negotiat‑ ernment wishes Minority Affairs Minister Shringla for the tremendous positive
U.S. The action followed reports last week ing in good faith, accusing the Americans Muqhtar Abbas Naqvi to lead the outreach, impact made during his short tenure with
that North Korea had warned of a possible instead of stalling as it tried to get better say sources. the US Government, private and public sec‑
missile launch or nuclear test for late terms. Sources say the government is actively tors, and Indian American community
December amid stalled nuclear negotiations “The dialogue touted by the U.S. is, in mulling options to "remove" names of organizations in the US.
with the U.S. The U.S. aircraft were detected essence, nothing but a foolish trick hatched to those students who were "booked wrong‑
by Aircraft Spots, an aviation tracking site, keep the DPRK bound to dialogue and use it ly". The government believes that many Pope Francis appeals
according to a report by South Koreaʼs in favor of the political situation and election agitating students were caught in the for peace in Xmas
Yonhap News Agency. in the U.S.,” Ri said. “What is left to be done crossfire between the police and those "ele‑ Day speech
The site claims that four U.S. planes – iden‑ now is the U.S. option ‑‑ and it is entirely up ments" who sparked off the violence. Continued from page 1
tified as RC‑135W Rivet Joint, E‑8C, RQ‑4 to the U.S. what Christmas gift it will select to The closed‑door meeting at the BJP head‑ Lebanon, Iraq, Venezuela and Ukraine ‑‑
Global Hawk and RC‑135S Cobra Ball – flew get.” President Trump has downplayed the quarters in Delhi was chaired by BJP's while calling for peace. "There is darkness in
their missions between Christmas Eve and matter, despite urging from some analysts working president J.P. Nadda. human hearts, yet the light of Christ is
early Christmas Day, the report said. and advisers in Washington that he take a Meanwhile, Indian Americans in different greater still," the Pope told the thousands
The first two planes flew at 31,000 feet harder line against Pyongyang. parts of America have been holding rallies gathered in St. Peter's Square.
Infosys settles visa case with California for $ 800,000 23 % South Asians in US
Bengaluru: Global software major IT firm and its subsidiary (Infosys admit to no wrong‑doing in the
Infosys on Wednesday said it
reached an out‑of‑court settlement
BPM Ltd) had employed about 500
techies in California on B‑1 visas
case," asserted the $11‑billion out‑
sourcing firm.
found diabetic: New study
for $800,000 with the California rather than H‑1B visas between "T he settlement shows that Chicago, IL: Diabetes prevalence South Asians.” Cardiovascular dis‑
Attorney General on charges related 2006 and 2017. attempting to evade California law (diagnosed and undiagnosed) was ease is the leading cause of death in
to the alleged violation of B‑1 visa "This misclassification resulted in does not pay. Infosys brought in found to be 23.3% for South Asians the U.S., spending over $500 billion
rules by it to its techies. Infosys avoiding California payroll workers on the wrong visas in order in an important research on South on cardiovascular disease each year.
"Our agreement concludes the taxes such as unemployment insur‑ to underpay them and avoid paying Asian cardiometabolic disease pub‑ AAPI and AACIO immediately held
California Attorney General's inves‑ ance, disability insurance and taxes. With this settlement, lished in the Journal of the a joint meeting the same day that
tigation into the allegations related employment training taxes. H‑1B California has been made whole," American Medical Association the study results were unveiled (Dec
to the payment of state payroll visas also require employers to pay asserted Becerra in the statement. (JAMA) by Cheng YJ, Kanaya AM, 20), reflecting the urgency. Dr.
taxes for some employees traveling workers at the local prevailing A whistleblower who brought Araneta MRG, et al titled Brahma Sharma, a prominent cardi‑
on B‑1 visas dating back to 2006," wage," said Becerra in a statement Infosys' conduct to the attention of “Prevalence of Diabetes by Race and ologist affiliated with VA University
Infosys Company Secretary A.G.S. sourced by IANS here. the Attorney General's Of fice will Ethnicity in the United States, 2011‑ of Pittsburgh and serving as the
Manikantha said in a regulatory fil‑ The settlement will result in the receive 15 percent of the settlement 2016” The American Association of Chair of the AAPI Ad Hoc
ing on the BSE. case being dismissed with prejudice pursuant to the California False Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) Committee on South Asian
California Attorney General and was reached to avoid time, Claims Act. The company, however, together with the American Cardiovascular Disease, led the
Xavier Becerra said from expense and distraction of protract‑ declined to confirm to IANS the Association of Cardiologists of meeting in which Dr. Trivedi and Dr.
Sacramento that Infosys would pay ed litigation on the charges against amount it paid, including taxes and Indian Origin (AACIO) jointly Bhatt participated alongside the cur‑
the western state $800,000 to the city‑based IT behemoth. penalty, if any, to settle the visa acknowledge that the data generat‑ rent President of AAPI, Dr. Suresh
resolve the charges that the Indian "We dispute the allegations and fraud case out‑of‑court. ed by these authors has far‑reaching Reddy, a neuroradiologist. Dr. Navin
implications for the South Asian Nanda, MD, DSc (Hon),
After criticism, Laura Curranʼs husband In 2019, police responded to 2,066 lar‑
cenies for car in Suffolk County. Last
"We thought this parody would be a fun
way to get a serious message across to
withdraws from MTA appointment year, Suffolk Police handled 2,329 inci‑
dents of thefts from cars.
residents̶lock your vehicle and keep
your valuables out of sight."
"This is the time of year that people (source: patch.com)
assau County Executive Laura tion, had no immediate comment, nor did
Curranʼs husband will no longer Laura Curran.
serve as outside attorney for the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
The board had hired the county execu‑
tiveʼs husband to represent it in potential Sen. Chuck Schumer warns that stores
board, following concerns about potential
conflicts of interest, the MTA confirmed on
conflicts with management. He was poised
to earn up to $240,000 a year. are selling recalled products in NYC & LI
Friday. “John is an extremely talented attorney,"
John Curran, the Walden Macht & Haran MTA spokesperson Abbey Collins said. "We onsumers in New York
partner whom the board tapped for the posi‑ respect the decision and wish him well." City and Long Island may
be wrapping potentially
dangerous gifts purchased from
NY AG sues EPA over clean water rule TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Home
Goods Brands. The items were
n her continued fight for environmental administration seeks to reverse decades of sold at more than 3200 stores
safety, New York State Attorney General progress weʼve made in fighting water pollu‑ across the US including stores
Letitia James filed a lawsuit Friday tion.” Jamesʼ suit targets the EPA and the located in New York City and on
against the Trump administration for rolling U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, claiming their Long Island.
back the Clean Water Act. Under Trump, the replacement of the original definition of pro‑ Products sold range from
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency final‑ tected waters “is arbitrary and capricious” clothes, toys, and electronics. The
ized a “recodification rule” in October that and a violation of the Administrative items had all been previously
repealed the Clean Water Rule, a regulation Procedure Act. James was joined by attor‑ recalled and consumers pur‑
issued during the Obama administration neys general in 13 other states, the District chased these items without any
Chuck Schumer
that protected lakes, rivers, streams and wet‑ of Columbia and the Corporation Counsel clue that they may be dangerous. (Image courtesy: nypost.com)
lands. The Recodification Rule changed the for the City of New York in her challenge to U.S. Senator Charles Schumer
will call for a federal investigation by bargains were allowed to become dan‑
Clean Water Ruleʼs definition of waters to be the Trump administration.
the Consumer Product Safety gerous gifts in the first place."
protected to exclude smaller or less‑flowing James is continuing her officeʼs legacy of
Commission (CPSC) into TJX Companies Schumer demands immediate conse‑
water such as headwater streams, tributaries taking the most legal action against the
Inc., which owns all three stores nation‑ quences, including company outreach
and wetlands. “This regressive rule ignores Trump administration over environmental
wide, including those in New York City to consumers & full refunds; the
science and the law and strips our waters of concerns, according to a recent study pub‑
and on Long Island. Senator also wants CPSC to begin for‑
basic protections under the Clean Water lished by the New York University School of
Schumer said during his press confer‑ mal investigation to prevent this in
Act,” James said. “Attorneys general across Lawʼs State Energy and Environmental
ence, "Feds must unwrap how holiday future.
this nation will not stand by as the Trump Impact Center.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info NATIONAL COMMUNITY Dec 28-Jan 3, 2020 7
am one of Midnight's Children they are correcting the militant Somnath Temple came up in
born just a few months before secularism that Nehru preached. 1951. T he Temple had been
India won her freedom. I grew In the Nehruvian India of my destroyed by the Muslim raider
up in Nehru's India, he died the youth religious discussion was Mahmud Ghazni, in one of his
same day in May 1964 as when considered taboo and would have many raids on India between
my SSC results, the equivalent of been seen as a betrayal of 1000 and 1028. For Hindus this
GCSE, were published. Chacha Nehru. He encouraged was their equivalent of the
Throughout that period we wor‑ the idea that any talk of religion destruction of the second temple
ried about India breaking up. must mean the person talking of the Jews. Nehru opposed the
Foreign writers came visiting and was sectarian, or in that catch all proposal to rebuild Somnath led
went back to write books saying Indian phrase, a communalist. In by K.M. Munshi, then a member
India could not survive. Even Nehru's India there could be no of Nehru's Cabinet and was most
prominent Indians shared such greater sin than to be branded a upset when India's first President
views. To day we know how communalist. It is like being Rajendra Prasad agreed to inau‑
I no longer fear about India breaking up but the India that is
absurd such fears were. Yet as I called a racist in the west nowa‑ gurate the rebuilt temple.
emerging is not what our founding fathers would have wanted.
write I am consumed by fears days. Nehru, while well‑intentioned,
about a very fundamental change emerging now under Narendra wanted. In the UK we see ourselves as a fashioned a secularism which has
to India which could have far Modi's rule has taken a very dif‑ The result is that in Mumbai, secular country where despite provided the Hindutva move‑
reaching effects. India's secular‑ ferent attitude to secularism. It is the city I grew up in, there is now having a state re lig ion, the ment to claim that Hindus are in
ism, which for all the twists and clear from the persecution of a form of religious apartheid monarch is the head of the peril. Ridiculous as this argument
turns of history, has survived and those who do not follow the edict when it comes to housing. Munir church and all major state func‑ is, it has clearly persuaded many
produced a country like no other, of banning of the slaughter of Visram, a lawyer, describes how tions are held in an Anglican Hindus and the way Modi's gov‑
is now in grave danger. cows. a Muslim client of his wanted to church, all other religions can ernment is driving this agenda
Amartya Sen has identified two It is demonstrated by the buy a flat in a suburb of Mumbai flourish. There was never any means the India that is emerging
principle kinds of secularism. In recent Bill which allows illegal but when he gave his name the chance that after 1947 in India is not the caring, tolerant society
one, the state can be neutral mig rants from Afg hanistan, broker said, "You are a Muslim. Hinduism would be the national I and many of my midnight's gen‑
between dif ferent religions, in Pakistan and Bangladesh provid‑ Sorry this building is not for religion but other religions could eration grew up cherishing. I no
the other it prohibits any reli‑ ed they are Hindus, Christians, Muslims. Hindus only." Parts of flourish. Nehru and the Congress longer fear about India breaking
gious association in state activi‑ Buddhists, Parsees, Jews and India's commercial capital and its leadership were absolutely right up but the India that is emerging
ties. France is an example of that Jains cit izenship but not to most vibrant city has become so to reject any such idea. is not what our founding fathers
prohibition. India, as Sen says, is Muslims from those countries. segregated that, says Visram, However, Nehru went further would have wanted and for
an example of the first interpre‑ Modi's government is turning its "owners say this building is for than most Congress leaders in whose freedom so many Indians
tation neutrality interpretation of back on the tolerant, secular, vegetarians only, so there no denying that religion should play gave everything up including
secularism. T he India that is society India's founding fathers Muslim, Christians, Jews, Paris or any part in the country. This was their lives.
The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info LIFESTYLE Dec 28-Jan 3, 2020 15
per cent of men ‑‑ believe that staying with
parents and in‑laws might lead to a night
without sex.
ndia as a country has been making defini‑ social media posts. They know they can't could not be released in Gujarat. I'm not sure
tive changes in the way it works. Drastic indulge in arguments with nonentities who if Aamir even knew the background of the
laws are being planned and huge protests seek attention. project!
are being launched. As it seems, some vital However, there is one person, Kangana Eventually, he ended up making a fool of
and long overdue changes are being put in Ranaut, who always takes up the cudgels on himself. He was anchoring a TV serial,
place. There are those who approve and social media for issues against the biggest of "Satyamev Jayate", based on social issues or
there are the ones who don't. bosses of the film world. According to her, injustice done to a common man. May be, he
Now, all sorts of opinions, accusations and those who don't react are cowards. That is expected his standing up against Sardar
oppositions, have started coming up on the not really true, every dignified and success‑ Sarovar would further his image as a crusad‑
outlets of social media, especially Twitter. ful film personality cannot get into an argu‑ er for the deprived! At times, stars use such
And most vocal on social media seem to be ment with somebody on the basis of his or public platforms to promote their films. At
some film personalities. her posts on social media. most times, such ideas backfire.
Suddenly, they become experts on just There have been a few dissenting voices Amitabh Bachchan was among the first to
about everything that happens in the coun‑ from some actors like Aamir Khan and take to the Internet when he started writing
try, though what they demonstrate through Naseeruddin Shah. Not on Twitter but in a blog which he still continues. Writing a
their arguments is a total lack of knowledge public. Shah, who played a man blowing up blog needs content and a valid topic. Not
as well as low IQ level. Looks like Twitter has terrorists in "A Wednesday" in 2008, many who do the rabble‑rousing on Twitter
become the hotbed for venting frustrations thought his family was not safe in India. If will do so because that would need elaborat‑
as well as drawing attention. oppose it! The only place where their posts you read his biography, he is not even a first‑ ing on what they want to convey.
There were occasions like demonetization, were acknowledged was on TV debates. generation Indian! The irony is those who cry about democra‑
GST, Article 370 and, now the Citizenship Major stars who matter ‑‑ like Amitabh Then there was Aamir Khan whose wife cy being in danger and complain about free‑
Amendment Act (CAA). And, soon as the Bill Bachchan, Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, feared for her family in India! He lost some dom of expression enjoy all the benefits of
was passed in both houses of Parliament, the Akshay Kumar, Deepika Padukone ‑‑ are ad‑assignments as a result. Earlier, he had both ‑‑ democracy as well as freedom of all
coterie got busy on Twitter. No matter what among the most followed twitterati in the joined forces with social activist Medha kinds. Save for a few, no wonder, filmstars
it was, no matter the details. They had to country from the film field. Why are none of Patkar, suggesting the blocking of Sardar turned crusaders are not taken seriously.
mid ongoing unrest over Vishal is a filmmaker who has never
Citizenship Amendment Act shied from expressing his political
(CAA) in India, filmmaker‑music beliefs in films. Be it "Haider" or "7
director Vishal Bhardwaj has shared his Khoon Maaf " or "Matru Ki Bijlee Ka
views on the current political situation, Mandola", most of his movies have a
saying the scenario is serious. political element.
"The current scenario is grim as peo‑ Sharing his process of filmmaking, he
ple are being divided on the basis of reli‑ opened up on how he is inclined towards
gion, which is not the India I grew up in," depicting reality through his projects.
Vishal told IANS. "Films are a mirror of reality. I read a
He also took to Twitter to take a dig at lot and I watch a lot. I wait for ideas to
the government for imposing Section emerge within me. I don't rush towards
144 of the Criminal Procedure Code creating ideas," Vishal said, on the side‑
(CrPC) restricting the protesters from lines of his musical performance at the
gathering against or in favor of the con‑ fifth edition of Bollywood Music Project.
troversial law passed by Parliament Talking about his stint as a musician,
recently, in several parts of the nation. Vishal started his Bollywood journey as
"Hillarious. Who knows this might a a music director in the mid‑nineties.
happen too," Bhardwaj tweeted, along He has composed songs in films such as
with a newspaper cartoon clipping that "Maachis", "Chachi 420", and "Satya",
depicts a boy expressing disappointment besides self‑directed projects such as
over the situation. "Omkara", "Kaminey", and "Pataakha".
Salman Khan on ʻBigg Boss 13ʼ set.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info ULTIMATE BOLLYWOOD Dec 28-Jan 3, 2020 17
reviewing "Dabangg 3". It hirty years
has everything the hard‑ ago, an esti‑
core Chulbul fans want, so it's a mated one
great film. For them. lakh Kashmiri
For a 160‑minute celebration of Pandits had on the
recycled kitsch that is vying to be night of January
the year's biggest blockbuster, 19, 1990 witnessed
simply pleasing Salman Khan's a horrific genocide
hardcore fan base may not be that led to their
enough ‑‑ especially when there is exodus from the
a killing to be made in the Kashmir valley, and
Christmas season against a now filmmaker
rumored 90‑crore budget. So, Vidhu Vinod
"Dabangg 3 opens well beyond Chopra is all set to
the superstar's familiar turf, in revisit the tales of
three languages ‑– Tamil, Telugu, those victims
and Kannada ‑‑ besides the orig‑ through his upcom‑
inal Hindi version. ing film "Shikara ‑ A
This time, Salman and compa‑ Review love letter from
ny show us Chulbul Pandey's Kashmir". Filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra.
life before the first film, pushing a Salman Khan in a scene from the film ʻDabangg 3ʼ. Chopra has
prequel text of sorts in the first shared the teaser of the movie more than 4,00,000 Kashmiri
half before tying the loose ends in The "Dabangg" flicks follow a before being resolved by the hero on his official Twitter handle. Pandits had to flee from the
the second. It gives us a back classic narrative structure of com‑ with typical violent elan in the cli‑ "Tees saal baad, humari Kashmir Valley," the makers
story of Chulbul tracing his mercial Indian cinema. The hero, max. kahani kahi jayegi... Here is a captioned the video.
romance of the past, marking the an invincible do‑gooder, after ini‑ To be fair, Salman is in his ele‑ timeless love story in the worst "Shikara" is touted as the
debut of actress Saiee Manjrekar tial mooning about with the hero‑ ments, and that's what wholly of times," read the tweet. "story of resilience in the face
in what seems like an extended ine (and a possible minor build‑up drives this film. If Bollywood ever The makers of the film also of insurmountable odds. It's
cameo and little else. conflict with the villain), will pre‑ had a comic action hero worth his released the official motion also the story of a love that
Long before the film hits inter‑ pare for a second half that is smoking barrels, it has to be the poster on YouTube, describing remains unextinguished
mission mark, you realize this heavy with action and retribution. maverick Chulbul Pandey. what happened to Kashmiri through 30 years of exile. A
truth: The instruction given to Chulbul's adventure in this film You feel sorry for poor Rajjo, Pandits 30 years ago. timeless love story in the worst
Prabhudeva was obviously clear ‑– does not waver. though. In a film where various "What is it to know the agony of times".
churn out a sequel that's a rerun The film, incidentally written by sharp objects play a major role in of being a refugee in your own "Shikara" is scheduled to
of the first two films, in terms of Salman, retains every formula, as the killings, the only action country? The year 1990 saw release on February 7, 2020.
romance, violence, humor and Chulbul's enmity with bad man Sonakshi Sinha gets with a knife is the biggest forced migration in The cast of the film has not
drama peddled. It has to be bigger Balli Singh (Sudeep) finds it roots chopping vegetables in the independent India whereby been revealed yet.
and glossier, if not as stylish. in the back story of the first half, kitchen.
18 Dec 28-Jan 3, 2020 HUMOR TheSouthAsianTimes.info
t is that time of the year again. I have
already started receiving e‑mails as for....no need for g reed or how express that feeling because God
well as cards by regular mail from hunger....only a brotherhoo d of resides deep inside us! Human beings are
my friends, neighbors and colleagues man...". We all know that it means inherently good and capable of "universal
wishing me a happy New Year. At first, I nothing tangible but it feels good to love". Celebration of new year is simply
get this urge to simply neglect this join in this euphoria: "..I hope some‑ an expression of this universal love!
whole ritual and lay low; but then I start day you will join me and world will So, here is my new year's greetings to all
to feel a certain pressure that I should live as one". It is interesting to note of you: "My sweet Lord. I pray to you for
reciprocate in some way and join in this that the new year celebration may be your blessing to everyone so that they can
seasonal spreading of goodwill. Being a the only occasion when all people all feel it, surrender to you and live a blissful
huge fan of the TV show “Seinfeld”, over the world want to join in this life for this year and beyond."
which is a self‑proclaimed “show about utopia. They embrace and kiss every‑
nothing”, I started to go into a mode of one regardless of their background Basab
reflecting upon the reasons behind all and sing and dance with them. Not Dasgupta has
the things we do in life which do not surprisingly, John Lennonʼs song is a doctorate in
make much sense. almost like an anthem in these cele‑ physics from
I always wonder why most people in I always wonder why most people in this brations. University of
this country like to display all the country like to display all the Christmas/New Year On a more spiritual note, I can say Wisconsin
Christmas/New Year cards they receive cards they receive in a colorful that what we mean by "I wish" is "I and worked
in a colorful arrangement next to their arrangement next to their pray"; otherwise it is only "wishful with Sony as
Christmas tree or fireplace. Is it a way Christmas tree or fireplace. thinking"! But pray to whom? Of Vice President
of showing how popular they are by the means of demonstrating my ability to course, you can only pray to God. If a of an operat-
number of cards they get? No, I am not in express my thoughts in a novel way. person does not believe in God then the ing division.
that competition. I am not going to buy Perhaps I should write it using some concept of prayer is irrelevant to that per‑ Retired, he
cards and mail them in any event. I have unconventional language which would son. Praying to God for someone's happi‑ now he lives in San Clemente, CA.
noticed that the business of selling greet‑ make it sound more sincere or show of f ness makes sense because God is the only
ings cards is probably one of the most my creativity.
End of a tumultuous
profitable businesses of them all. The cost What is the time window for sending
of printing a card cannot possibly be more this wish? Typically, most people lump it
than 50 cents, but one can sell them at a together with a "Merry Christmas" mes‑
price between 99 cents and $ 5.99. On sage on a card and start mailing by middle
top of that you have to add postage cost. of December. Then there are others who
Thanks to the invention of e‑mail it is no want to maintain their distance with
longer essential to send an actual card. Christianity and would refuse to say
he 2010s (pronounced ʻtwen‑ ward leanings led to the
Should I send a happy new year email to Merry Christmas"; they might say some‑ ty‑tensʼ) is the current decade Republicans controlling Congress
everyone? There are really three reasons thing like "happy holidays and a prosper‑ in the Gregorian calendar and the e lect ion of a divisive
to do that, especially since I did not have ous new year" instead. What happens if I that began on 1 January 2010 and President Donald Trump, which
any social interaction with many of these miss the December 31 deadline? I am sure
will end on 31 December 2019. turned out to be good for the econ‑
people for a long time: I) it is a social cus‑ no one would mind if they receive such a
The decade began amid a global omy but also the third impeach‑
tom and formality and I should simply message in early January. Would sending
financial crisis and subsequent ment in the countryʼs history.
adhere to it as a social creature. 2) I the message in late January be too late?
international recession dating from In India, the corruption scandals
should use this exchange of good wills as I think that it was really fortunate for
the late 2000s. Austerity policies hit Manmohan Singh government
an ice‑breaker to reopen a communication the Western people that Christmas is so
particularly af fected Portugal, was ousted and BJP led front
channel, especially with all the people close to the new year that they can com‑
Ireland, Greece, and Spain. Such g ained absolute majority. T he
who have interests similar to mine. 3) If I bine wishes for a “merry Christmas” and a
policies were among factors that Narendra Modi government, in its
do not, I would come across as a rude “happy new year“ in the same message. In
and/or callous person which is probably our Bengali custom we have to go through
led to the 15‑M and Occupy move‑ second term, has taken historic
not a good thing. There is really no reason a similar ritual twice in any given year:
ments. steps such as abrogating Article
to even pro crast inate on this issue once to wish “Shubho Noboborsho” and
Unrest in some countries – partic‑ 370 in Kashmir, banning triple
because technology has made it as simple again to wish “Shubho Bejoya” because ularly in the Arab world – evolved talaq, and passing the Citizenship
as typing “I wish you a very happy new these two occasions are months apart. into socioeconomic crises trigger‑ Amendment Act (CAA). T he
year” and clicking just on the “send” but‑ There are even somewhat morbid views
ing revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Ayodhya verdict, hailed by the
ton with everyone on a distribution list; it about celebrating new year. Why do we Bahrain, Yemen, as well as civil Hindus, did not rile the Muslims
is not like I have to write every person a take the occasion of beginning of a new wars in Libya and Syria, in a wide‑ much, but CAA has. The ensuing
separate note or make numerous tele‑ year to wish happiness? Are we not a spread phenomenon commonly nationwide protests have been
phone calls. year closer to death? Is it our way of say‑ referred to as the Arab Spring. joined by many opposition parties,
T hen I started to wonder what the ing "now that you have one less year to In the US, the Obama eraʼs left‑ and students.
phrase "I wish you a very happy New live, try to make it a happy one"? What
Year" even means. Of course, I would about "Shubho noboborsho" and "Shubho
want happiness for everyone because I am Bejoya"? Are not those also wishing
a decent person but is it necessary to someone happiness for a period of one
openly declare it? The bigger question is year? Since these one‑year intervals over‑
whether my wish, a silent one or made in lap we might be wishing happiness to the
writing, really makes any dif ference in same person three times over a certain e are excited to announce our every year. This issue will also take a
anyone's life. I doubt it as I do not have period of time. Is that redundant or is double issue, dated January look at the 2010s decade and welcome
any supernatural power as far as I know. wishing more than once makes the wish 4‐17, 2020. To be released the New Year ‐‐ Vision 2020. Readers
We also do not follow up at the end of the stronger or more effective? on January 11, it will be our New Year‐ are welcome to send in their views and
year to see if the people we wished a Perhaps what we mean by "I wish" is not cum‐Person of the Year Special Issue, comments on the decade past and
happy new year really had a happy year. really a wish but "I imagine"; it is a fantasy which our readers look forward to what they wish for in the New Year.
Perhaps writing such a letter is just a about utopia, kind of like John Lennon's
TheSouthAsianTimes.info GEOPOLITICS Dec 28-Jan 3, 2020 19
India as a Leading
By Ambassador
Power in the World
Sandeep Chakravorty
Presentation by
T Sandeep
he University of Chicago
historian William McNeil
has described the nature Chakravorty,
of power and its relationship
with notions of fairness and Consul General of
ethics in the following words: “It
seems unlikely that recent and India in New York,
prospect ive enlargement of
human capacities to organize at the ‘Next Steps
and exert power will be perma‑
nently arrested by scruples
for India’s Growth
against its use. Power, in short,
ingests weaker centers of power
& Development’
or stimulates its rival centers of
power to strengthen themselves.
symposium at
This fact has dominated the the Harvard
whole history of mankind. This
represents the realist school of Kennedy School,
international relations where any
ethical anchor is dispensable but Boston on
does reflect current geopolitical
reality substantially. In aspiring December 6, 2019
to be a leading power India too is
placing its bet on sinews of and investments, growth, human‑
and technology originating in systems and advanced technolo‑ have our presence felt in the
power, current and prospective. itarian assistance, peace and
Europe. The Meiji restoration of gies from apex centers and adopt third phase.
In Indiaʼs case the likelihood of security.
Japan is yet another example. them; Geopolitical factors favor the
being ʻingestedʼ by a more pow‑ China, which was the first
But the most recent example is 2) this is followed by a phase of emergence of India as a leading
erful entity can be rejected. The mover, now finds itself having to
a spectacular one, that is, of assimilat ion, mastering and center of power, co‑existing, col‑
question is whether India can be deal with pushback of several
China. In its 4 decades of open‑ internalizing of borrowed tech‑ laborating and competing with
or is stimulated to emerge as a kinds to its own expansive plans.
ing up it has soaked in Western nologies and knowledge systems; other major powers. Indiaʼs Indo‑
center of power. There is little doubt that new
knowledge and technology not 3) the emerg ing center of Pacific vision exemplifies its
McNeil has described how such pathways to a new order needs
unlike a giant sponge. During power is able to generate new ambition of being a "leading
a transference of power may take to be discovered soon.
this time it has been a student knowledge and technologies in a power". At the Shang ri‑La
place from an established to an India accepts this reality, and is
and a good apprentice. It has relatively autonomous manner. Dialogue in 2018, Indian Prime
aspiring one: “No population can w illing to embrace g reater
bided its time. This is when the displacement Minister Narendra Modi said the
overtake or surpass the rest of responsibility in anchoring a
In McNeilʼs terms, a geographi‑ of power becomes a reality and “destiny of the world will be
the world without using the most "rules‑based democratic order" in
cal displacement of power from contestation between the estab‑ deeply influenced by the course
ef ficient and powerful instru‑ the region. Indiaʼs geostrategic
the trans‑Atlantic to the trans‑ lished center of power and the of developments in the Indo‑
ments known anywhere on earth, vision for the Indo‑Pacific is
Pacific is happening with China emerging or emergent center of Pacific region”. Sheer numbers
and by definition such instru‑ unique. We are against pitting
at the center of power. The most power begins to become acute. alone elevate the importance of
ments are located at the world against any country or partici‑
obvious and consequential mani‑ China is probably in the second the Indo‑Pacific and its influence
centers of wealth and power ‑ pate in zero‑sum competitions
festation of the shift in power phase going to the third phase. In across the world. It is now home
wherever they may be. Thus any "between free and repressive
from the West to the East is the some areas it may well be in the to more than 65% of the worldʼs
geographical displacement of visions of world order". We also
geopolitical competition between third phase such as Artificial population who collectively pro‑
world leadership must be pref‑ do not accept propositions which
the United States and its chal‑ Intelligence or quantum comput‑ duce more than 60% of global
aced by successful borrowing create perverse dependencies
lenger China. W hile the US ing among others. GDP. Over half the worldʼs trade
from previously established cen‑ through economic statecraft and
remains the predominant power Where is India? In my personal passes through this region, and it
ters of the highest prevailing military coercion in a manner
China is obviously not satisfied view, I think India is mostly in hosts the fastest‑growing armada
skills. We have several examples better suited to the Cold War era.
with the status quo and intends the first phase while we have our of naval fleets along with seven
of this from history. The Roman Instead, India is positioning
to displace the US from its pre‑ centers of excellence in the sec‑ nuclear powers. This region will
empire borrowed heavily from itself to take a dif ferent path ‑
eminent position. ond phase be it in our space pro‑ also have a disproportionately
the Greek civilization and culture one that does not see the world
Let us try to understand how gram, computing, nuclear tech‑ hig h contribut ion to g lobal
in its march towards pre‑emi‑ in binaries, bifurcated between
the displacement of power hap‑ nology among others. Our aspi‑ growth in the decades ahead and
nence. During the pursuit of partners and allies on one side,
pens: ration is to graduate comprehen‑ will therefore script the new
dominance, the Arabs borrowed and competitors and adversaries
1) Countries borrow knowledge sively to the second phase and terms of trade, financial flows
heavily from the Indians, on the other.
Chinese, Central Asians and The Indo‐Pacific region will have a disproportionately high contribution India offers an opportunity for
Persians, particularly in mathe‑ engagement and dialogue to all
matics, astronomy and medical to global growth in the decades ahead and will therefore script the new states, big and small, democratic
science. The numerals that are terms such as trade and security. China, the first mover, finds itself and authoritarian, advanced or
commonly known as Arabic developing.
numerals are in fact of Indian
having to deal with pushback to its own expansive plans. So, new
The new vision moves away
origin. pathways to a new order need to be discovered soon. India accepts this from conceptions of non‑align‑
In more contemporary times
we have seen US building its
reality, and is willing to embrace greater responsibility in anchoring a ment or strategic autonomy,
tools of foreign policy that may
strengths on the basis of skills "rules‐based democratic order" in the region. Continued on page 20
20 Dec 28-Jan 3, 2020 GEOPOLITICS TheSouthAsianTimes.info
Continued from page 19 to the government to make deep power there are or will be only
and far reaching economic two countries ahead of us i.e. US
have outlived their correspon
reforms. A bold step was taken in and China and they are much
ding geopolitical utility. When
terms of reducing corporate tax‑ ahead, so we are not in competi‑
Prime Minister Modi stated that
ation to 15% for new companies tion. In fact, with the US our aspi‑
"the Indo‑Pacific region is not a
which is the lowest in the world). ration is to work closely with the
limited club of members", he sig‑
8 Frontal attack on corruption US to achieve our ambitions as
naled Indiaʼs intention to lead a
in high places, reduction in mega there are remarkable coinci‑
new configuration of states, guid‑
scams. dence of values and views on
ed by communities that yearn for
8 Demographic Dividend: in how we see the world. Russia,
deve lopment, markets that
2020, the average age in India and Japan are witnessing demo‑
require connectivity and nations
will be 29 years old (compared to graphic decline and Europe, too,
that seek security. Despite its
37 in China) is a fast ageing continent. Africa,
aversion of alliances, India is a
8 Making India a compliant the LAC, and ASEAN are competi‑
keen player in the evolving secu‑
society ‑ making India an honest tion but may lack Indiaʼs depth of
rity architecture in Asia. The new
country. strength in terms of economy,
American focus on Indo‑Pacific
8 Cleaning up the banks, bal‑ market size, demography, techno‑
has brought India at the center.
ance sheets, saying no to crony logical and innovation prowess.
To put in place a vision that
capitalism. In the ultimate analysis, it is
shapes the region and attracts
8 A problem solving approach how the country concerned
others, India needs to script its
of the Government. Bringing clo‑ grows strong internally and is
own expectations from four key
sure to issues, Ayodhya verdict, thus enabled to project its
relationships i.e. with China, US,
changing the narrative and try‑ strength externally that matters.
Indiaʼs Neighbors and the Global
Institutional Networks . In economic power, US and China are much ing out a new development ori‑ How this happens and how it is
ented approach in Kashmir done has to be discussed ad nau‑
T he Asian story cannot be ahead of us, so we are not in competition. In 8 Military: Strong military, third seum everywhere. It is like being
scripted by China alone, whether
it is on infrastructure connectivi‑ fact, our aspiration is to work closely with the largest in manpower, strong in on a cycle. We need to keep ped‑
defence acquisitions, creating aling for not stalling and falling
ty or managing security disputes. US to achieve our ambitions as there are relationships with major powers down. There is no leading from
The economic prosperity of the
region will be implicated by the
remarkable coincidence of values and views such as the US. Has power pro‑ behind. Even so, it is merely the
jection capabilities in HADR beginning of a decadal journey,
strength of the India‑China part‑ on how we see the world. roles. The 2004 Tsunami was a which will see India shoulder the
nership. It is in this context that
good example. expectat ions that be fit the
the engagements with China erful partners and this is an mation of India:
8 Technology: India has been a worldʼs largest democratic econ‑
embodying the Wuhan and the advantage. T he cosmopolitan 8 Ruling political dispensation
target of technology denial omy.
Mamallapuram spirit need to be temperament of Indiaʼs people enjoys unprecedented political
regimes such as NSG, MTCR, Conclusion
seen. and their ability to handle capital.
Australia Group and Wassenaar
The US is a key partner and immense diversity and adversity 8 Strong, charismatic, focused After independence India had
Arrangements. We have now
will be instrumental in making are unparalleled civilizational leadership. Absence of dissidence the choice to be satisfied with
become signatory to all except
India a $ 5 trillion economy. assets in dealing with a globaliz‑ which used to plague previous economic progress and leave its
NSG. India is now in a more com‑
T here is enormous ballast, ing world. governments. security quest ions to be
fortable position with respect to
momentum and dynamism in We are at a rare moment, at a 8 Ambitious goal setting: mak‑ addressed by other major pow‑
accessing technologies. Greater
this relationship and this will be specific juncture in history, when ing India a $5 tn economy in the ers. Countries like Australia,
IPR protection also available.
the key to Indiaʼs emergence as a I feel the conditions are propi‑ next five years, 100 million toi‑ Canada and Japan followed this
8 Domestic Technology and
leading power. I will not get into tious for India to emerge as a lets by 2019, drinking water to model. India could not accept
Innovation is being given impe‑
details of the transformation that leading power. India has already all homes in next 5 years, all this for the simple reason that its
tus. There are several pioneering
has taken place in our relation‑ been a leading power of sorts for homes electrified by 2019. economic, political and security
initiatives in place and Indiaʼs
ship in the last two decades. quite a while. With our size, pop‑ 8 Economy: India is a $ 3tn interests are a function of its
world ranking in innovation is
Suffice to say it is a mature rela‑ ulation, GDP in PPP terms and economy and about to become unique history, geography, polity
tionship bringing benefits to the also in dollar terms, we have sig‑ the 3rd largest economy in the and society. Indiaʼs ambitions of
8 Soft Power: India has unparal‑
people of both countries. nificant power projection capa‑ next 5 years. shaping the international order
leled soft power attributes.
India is actively engaging with bility in our immediate region, 8 There is a willingness to make to its own advantage are driven
Whether it is Yoga, Indian
its neighbors and except for some nuclear capability, impres‑ difficult choices‑ demonetization, by the desire to transform India
Cinema, Music, Cuisine. It gener‑
Pakistan, India is now scripting sive space capability, an increas‑ GST, IBC, corporate tax reduc‑ into a modern country and abol‑
ates tremendous goodwill and
new chapters in cooperation with ingly influential 35 million and tion, ambitious social sector ish poverty, hunger and illiteracy.
support for India all over the
all of them. A good example is more strong Diaspora, it can spending, Swachh Bharat The strategic elite sees foreign
world. In Soft Power I dare say
the transformat ion in India‑ hardly be denied that India is not Abhiyan, Universal Health Care policy primarily in lig ht of
we have a big advantage over
Bangladesh ties, of which I speak a leading power. But more has to for 500 mn Indians under the domestic priorities.
several world powers. Our chal‑
from personal experience. be done, particularly in improv‑ Ayushman Bharat program, India, as a rising power, has a
lenge of course is our ability or
Our multilateral engagement is ing the lives of our people and Housing For All, Electricity for different set of interests, capabil‑
inability to monetize it to the
also vigorous with the global providing services for the global All, Connecting All villages, ities and strategic culture from
advantage of our peoples as
institutional framework. So while good and to the global commons. Financial Inclusion as part of the other major powers. Former
efforts are sporadic and insuffi‑
we will be patient for getting a But transformation of India is on Jan Dhan Program among others Nat ional Security Advisor
permanent seat at the UN and we have to work on this ( Indiaʼs Finance Minister recent‑ Shivshankar Menon summarizes
The scenario that will emerge
Security Council, our participa‑ assiduously. ly said in New York that the huge the Indian way of conducting for‑
as this transformation is under‑
tion in other forums be it G‑20, Let us see what could be inter mandate given to the eign policy “as a combination of
way is illuminating. In economic
BRICS, SCO or IBSA is active and alia the factors in the transfor‑ Government provided the basis strategic boldness in conception
purpose ful. A part icularly and tactical caution in implemen‑
appealing product of our multi‑ The world has a stake in India fulfilling its immense potential. tation, by a fundamentally realis‑
lateral engagement is Indiaʼs tic approach masked by norma‑
leadership in the Paris Climate This needs to be leveraged to encourage a critical mass of tive rhetoric, by comfort in a plu‑
Change Accord and the setting ral and diverse world and by a
up of the International Solar
capital and technology to flow into India to accelerate the consciousness of Indiaʼs destiny
Alliance. Indian growth. As a vibrant and pluralist democracy, India as a great power”. Till the time
The world has a stake in India India becomes a great power, the
fulfilling its immense potential. shares political values of its more powerful partners and this is world will see an India focused
This needs to be critically lever‑ an advantage. The cosmopolitan temperament of India’s on increasing its power as well
aged to encourage a critical mass as taking more responsibilities
of capital and technology to flow people and their ability to handle immense diversity and globally.
into India to acce lerate the References
Indian growth. As a vibrant and
adversity are unparalleled civilizational assets in dealing 1. India's emergence as leading
pluralist democracy, India shares with a globalizing world. power, Shyam Saran, Business
political values of its more pow‑ Standard, November 13, 2019.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info SUBCONTINENT Dec 28-Jan 3, 2020 21
Age for buying tobacco and Indians are more depressed and
vapes raised to 21 in America anxious than before
fter the US Congress voted to in three states and several munici‑ he contribution of mental more than half of the mental disor‑
raise the age for purchasing palities, including New York City as disorders to the total disease ders. In terms of absolute numbers,
tobacco – rule applies to e‑ of this week. burden in India between 45.7 million people suffered from
cigarettes as well as more traditional E‑cigarettes have been singled out 1990‑2017 ̶ 28 years ̶ has depression while 44.9 million bat‑
tobacco products ‑‑ from 18 to 21, for criticism in 2019 because of a nearly doubled. Measured in terms tled anxiety disorders.
President Donald Trump has signed sudden lung injury crisis that affect‑ of years of healthy life lost due to 8 Women worst sufferers: Women
the bigger spending bill ed thousands of peo‑ disability or Disability Adjusted Life get the short end of the stick vis‑a‑
containing this measure. ple and killed over Years (DALY), mental disorders con‑ vis men. The prevalence of both
This change, which will 40. But the Tobacco tributed 4.7% of the total DALY in depression and anxiety among
likely go into effect next 21 movement has India in 2017 ̶ up from 2.5% in women ̶ at 3.9% each ̶ is much
year, has been in the focused on tobacco 1990. The result? 1 in 7 Indians higher than the prevalence of these
works for a while. In use in general, not now suffers from a mental disorder. two mental disorders among men,
April, Senate Majority just vaping. And regu‑ Add to that the paucity of psychia‑ at 2.7% each. Additionally, while the
Leader Mitch McConnell lators have been trists in India ̶ at 0.3 per 100,000 prevalence of depression increased
(R‑KY) started pushing a slowly moving people ̶ while the ideal require‑ in adults above 45, prevalence of
bill to raise the buying age for tobac‑ toward treating e‑cigarettes like ment is at least 10 times that figure. anxiety was higher in adolescents
co, saying he was responding to a other tobacco products for years. 8 Depression and anxiety: 14.3% and young adults.
dramatic rise in teen vaping. Trump Research suggests that vaping can of India's population ̶ or 197.3 8 Development equals depres‑
publicly supported raising the vap‑ be a safer alternative to smoking cig‑ million people ̶ were diagnosed as sion? The study also found that
ing age to 21 in November, and 19 arettes, but it poses a greater health suffering from some form of mental there was a higher prevalence of
states plus the District of Columbia risk than not smoking anything at health issue in 2017, according to a both depression and anxiety disor‑
have already passed “Tobacco 21” all, and it can lead teenagers to take study by ICMR and the Ministry of ders in the relatively more devel‑ Goa while for anxiety, the highest
laws, starting with Hawaii in 2015. up cigarette smoking. The US Food Health & Family Welfare, published oped southern and western states prevalence was found in Kerala,
Raising the buying age could take and Drug Administration issued a in The Lancet Psychiatry. than northern states. The highest Karnataka, Telangana, Tamil Nadu,
regulatory pressure off tobacco com‑ broad set of regulations for the Depression alone constituted a prevalence of depression was Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra,
panies in other areas, like flavored e‑ devices in 2016, banning their sale third of all mental health DALY and observed in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, along with Himachal Pradesh, West
cigarettes, which have been banned to people under 18. together with anxiety, comprised Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Bengal and Manipur.
6 ideas for a New You Are you getting all your vitamins?
in the New Year Revamping your diet in 2020
etting all the vitamins
and nutrients you need
each day is one of the
most important things you can do
to feel your best. The good news
is that you donʼt need to devote
hours each week to meal prep to
ensure youʼre healthfully getting
essential vitamins. As you make
your 2020 plans to revamp your
diet, here are a few things to keep
in mind:
8 Donʼt follow fads: When it
comes to your wellness, itʼs best
to rely on basic science, not the
latest fad diets or sports drinks
and supplements that rely on itʼs through meditation, journaling, cooking
added sugars, fillers, preservatives, artificial or jogging ‑‑ discover what hobbies and well‑
flavors, sweeteners, dyes, and negatives. ness activities help you reduce your stress
Look for products that transparently list all levels and be sure to make time for them.
their ingredients. 8 Refuel wisely: If you hit the gym fre‑
he new year is the perfect time to apps to create a budget and stick to it. 8 Drink your vitamins: Did you know that quently, you likely have tried one or two
hit the reset button and get a fresh Find one that will actually send you push liquids are the most bioavailable form for sports drinks and know how important it is
start. Here are six resolution ideas, notifications when youʼve exceeded your your body to absorb nutrients? For complete to refuel quickly and wisely after a workout.
plus tools and strategies for accomplish‑ limits. health on‑the‑go, consider drinking your For optimal high performance, consider
ing each: 8 Make Music: Whether learning to vitamins. One effective solution is Drink upgrading your drink of choice. With double
8 Audiobooks: Want to read more but play for the first time or resolving to cre‑ Nutrient, which offers single‑serve stick the electrolytes of leading sports drinks,
never seem to have an opportunity to curl ate your own compositions, new tools can packs that make it easy to get the essential Liquid Nutrient has a potassium‑to‑sodium
up with a good book? Downloading audio‑ support your efforts. Bonus benefits: vitamins you need. Among its offerings is ratio intended for high‑quality hydration, as
books and listening to them during com‑ learning to play keyboard will improve Vitamin Coffee, a natural sustained energy well as amino acids for mental focus and
mutes and workouts can be the perfect hand‑eye coordination and stimulate cog‑ booster made from 100 percent Colombian muscle repair.
way to “read” when you donʼt have dedi‑ nitive brain activity. Arabica coffee that offers 50 percent of your 8 Maximize meals: To maximize meals,
cated time in your day. 8 Declutter: The act of decluttering daily essential vitamins in each serving. make sure the bulk of the calories you con‑
8 Get Fit: Working out more is one of your home is important, however it can Served hot or cold, itʼs a good choice for any‑ sume are not “empty.” Empty calories, such
the most common New Yearʼs resolutions seem daunting, making this one resolution one who needs a caffeine boost without the as added sugars and solid fats, contain little
people make. To get this one to stick, con‑ that many people make but donʼt keep. crash. Or, to get 100 percent of your daily to no nutritional value. Fill up on dark leafy
sider tools that will make reaching your Rather than assume you need to dedicate essential vitamins and 610 mg of elec‑ vegetables, berries, nuts, seeds and good‑for‑
goals more fun. The latest additions to the an entire day or weekend to tidy up, block trolytes in one go, consider Vitamin you fats like avocado and salmon, while
G‑SHOCK Womenʼs lineup of sports out just five to 10 minutes a day to clear Booster+, which contains real fruit juice, less avoiding chips, cakes and other junk foods.
watches are a good example of how wear‑ out small areas. Before you know it, youʼll than one gram of sugar, and is only 15 calo‑ Donʼt let your busy lifestyle get in the way of
able tech can support fitness goals. start to see some major improvements. ries per serving. ensuring youʼre getting all the nutrients you
8 Control Spending: Itʼs all too easy to You can even make it fun by putting on 8 De‑stress: Too much stress can compro‑ need to feel your best. This new year, resolve
spend more than one has or should in any music and cleaning for three‑song seg‑ mise your bodyʼs ability to absorb nutrients. to revamp your diet for optimal
given day, week or month. Use digital ments at a time. So, take steps to relax and unwind. Whether nutrition.
lanting a foot on American Marriage, dream house, dream jobs, option. Those who do force to find activities are worth a mention.
soil is a dream shared by children, their education, social life, themselves out find the back‑home “Living in New Jersey, I find a sea
many across the world. The vacationing around the world and adjustments hard, so they return to change in recent years. For instance,
promises of fered by this ʻland of what not. Everything enjoyable, good the US. For many, the citizenship that a weekend is filled with some cultur‑
opportunityʼ attracts all who dare to enough but the steep curve of joy gives a choice to go back to India is al or religious engagement that
dream. Planning and preparation for soon plateaus out and enthusiasm the one that draws them back too,” keeps us busy and connected with
the entry are often an elaborate gets satiated. With the green card rues Radha Parthasarathy, who came the memories from our home land.
process that begins early in the and citizenship process, one sudden‑ back after a brief exit. This was not possible 20 years ago
homeland. ly feels strangely emancipated. Most “We moved into the US with just when we were in our prime,” recalls
No sooner than setting foot, immi‑ people think now they can exert two suitcases and our plan was to Rajaswamy, 75.
grants start to realize that the their ʻfree willʼ with no more con‑ stay till my husbandʼs short‑term These are healthy trends that help
American entry doors work mostly trols of the visa paper on their lives. project got concluded. 21 years and keep calm when the road leading to
one way. Some receive their evacua‑ The lookout for exit doors starts we are still here with no regrets or an exit becomes elusive. The adjust‑
any stranger seen on the road, the creeping at this juncture but the remorse except missing the memo‑ ments prepare us for the life ahead.
tion notice much earlier than expect‑
common laundry rooms that one real‑life situation and commitments ries back home,” said Saanvi Gopal. But those planning to enter the land
ed, while others, no matter how hard
waits in queue for, the public school tie us down. “Today after 15 years, I A lot of adjustments and compro‑ of opportunities should be beware.
they try, never succeed in finding the
that oneʼs child studies free of charge feel that we could have reached the mises seem to tighten their hold on You do not have access to the exit
exit doors. Then there are some
are exciting experiences that a new exit doors much easier had our visa the immigrants who slogged away to doors at will.
smart ones who exit out only to find
immigrant cherishes. But this honey‑ extensions been rejected then. come just to continue to stay. Each
themselves back again soon.
Undoubtedly there is something
moon period ticks away too soon. Would you call this regret? Not at all. and every family event, big and Suchitra
magical here that goes unexplained.
During this phase, the only Just a desire to go back. Our belief small, the moments of joy with par‑ Srinivas is a
thought that holds one is that of that ʻif we could have toiled to reach ents and the extended family, the journalist
As an immigrant, one could bring a
making the most of the new opportu‑ the entry doors, exiting was our own nursing option for ailing parents and
couple of suitcases but soon will find based at
nity before returning. The goal veers design,ʼ is a myth. The luxury, com‑ what not. At every stage, the trained
his possessions piling. Every dollar
around extending the period of stay. fort or the independence that once and forced mental and emotional
New Jersey.
bill that enters the purse is earned
by sweat and tears, making it an
The residing duration is often deter‑ beckoned no longer seem exciting. transformation by the immigrants to She can
mined by the stamping on the visa When everything else is so con‑ accept these packages of immigra‑ be contacted at
exciting phase for anyone. Be it the
paper. On entering the country as a ducive to return, the road to exit tion is not often acknowledged. The
first car that one buys or the first
student, getting a suitable placement
condo that one rents, to the public seems to be sealed tight,” lamented success is manifested by the creation
would be the concern. If on H‑1B, Ramaswami Raghavan. of a whole new world of friends and
@hotmail.com. Column
parks where one enjoys a peaceful
morning stroll, the welcome smile of
then expected extensions are indeed “Today our children apply brakes family that one re‑creates in life first appeared in DTNext.
According to the Immigration and their CSPA is their age on the date ried. The formula is calculated based
Nationality Act (INA) the definition of the principal asylee parents or Form on the age of the child when the peti‑ 8 Submit a completed Part One of
a child is a person who is both I‑730 petitioner filed their Form I‑ tion was filed, the number of years Form DS‑260; or
unmarried and under 21 years of 589. If the petitioner was under the for the petition to become approved. 8 Have a Form I‑824 properly
age. If a petitioner applies for lawful age of 21 at the time their parentʼs The age of the beneficiary when Visa filed on their behalf.
permanent resident (LPR) status as a filed Form I‑589, their age froze as of Numbers become available. If an LPR becomes a naturalized
child but turns 21 before their LPR that date and they will not age out. If the petitioner is under this cate‑ citizen before their child receives
application is adjudicated, that peti‑ (VAWA) self‑petitioners and deriva‑ In order to be granted derivative asy‑ gory, in order to use the CSPA age their Green Card, their childʼs peti‑
tioner will no longer be considered a tive applicants; lum and to qualify for a Green Card they must pursue to gain lawful per‑ tion is converted to either an imme‑
child for immigration purposes. This 8 Employment based preference under INA section 209 the petitioner manent resident status within one diate relative or family first prefer‑
circumstance is usually referred to derivative applicants; must be unmarried. year of a visa becoming open to ence case. There are also an addi‑
as “aging out” and means that those 8 Diversity immigrant visa (DV) Immediate Relative: If a petitioner them. This is called the “seek to tional amount of time that can be
petitioners would have to file a new derivative applicants; is an immediate relative, a VAMA acquire” requirement. If this require‑ calculated to protect a childʼs age
petition or application, or that their 8 Derivative refuges; and self‑petitioning abused spouse or ment is not satisfied, USCIS may use because of the September 11, 2001
petition category will convert to an 8 Derivative asylees. child of a U.S. citizen, or a derivative its discretion to excuse this require‑ attacks, and the Patriot Act illus‑
adult, and for both scenarios they If a petitioner is applying for a child of a VAMA self‑petitioning ment if the petitioner can show that trates this additional protection.
will wait even longer for a Green Green Card based on one of the cate‑ abused spouse or child of a U.S. citi‑ the requirement was not met due to The CSPA is the saving grace for so
Card, or it may be that they no gories above, they are eligible for zen, their age is frozen on the date special circumstances. Under the many families that have wait many
longer be eligible for a Green Card. CSPA consideration if the proper the Form I‑130 or Form I‑360 was “seek to acquire” requirement the many years for their opportunity for
To avoid children from “aging out” forms were filed or pending on or filed. If the petitioner was under the petitioner must: a green card.
and having to start all over CSPA was after August 6, 2002. age of 21 at the time the petition
created and went into effect on Refugees and Asylees: If a petition‑ was filed, they are qualified for CSPA Dev Banad Viswanath is the Principal
August 6, 2002. er is a derivative refugee then their and will not age out. The petitioner Attorney of The Banad Law Offices PC
The meaning of a child did not CSPA age is their age on the date the must remain unmarried or they will in the United States,
change under the CSPA. The new cal‑ principal refugee parent or Form I‑ not qualify for CSPA. and Banad Immigration in India for which
culated age of the child is called 730 petitioner filed their I‑590. If Family and Employment Attorney Michael Phulwani is also affiliated
“CSPA age” and it allows some peti‑ the petitioner was under the age of Preference and Diversity Visa as Of Counsel. With Offices in Manhattan,
tioners to remain classified as a child 21 at the time of their parentʼs inter‑ Immigrants: If a petitioner is a family Queens, Bangalore, and Mumbai, the firm is
view, their age froze as of that date preference, employment‑based pref‑ able to assist clients with all facets of the
past their 21st birthday. The benefi‑
and they will not age out. In order to erence, or DV applicant, their CSPA immigration process, including
ciary MUST still be unmarried. The
qualify as a derivative refugee, the age is calculated by subtracting the Employment Visas, Consular Visa Assistance,
following people may take advan‑
petitioner must be unmarried but number of days their petition was Student Visas, Removal & Deportation, US
tage of the CSPA Citizenship and Green Card Applications
8 Immediate relatives; they do not need to remain unmar‑ pending from their age on the date
based on Family or Employment. Dev B.
8 Family sponsored preference ried in order to qualify for a Green an immigrant visa becomes available
Viswanath can be reached at
principal and derivative applicants; Card under INA section 209. to them. In order to qualify for CSPA
Dev@Banadlaw.com and 718‑361‑5999.
8 Violence Against Women Act If a petitioner is a derivative asylee the petitioner must remain unmar‑
28 Dec 28-Jan 3, 2020 LIFESTYLE TheSouthAsianTimes.info
ystic poetry and literature greater and greater and enrich practice, called Shabd Meditation,
is rich in verses addressing every heart. or meditation on the Light and
the way to a peaceful, calm These verses capture the essence Sound, can be performed by people
life. One of the greatest mystic poet‑ of what I consider the purpose of ing us one human family. Even sci‑ us through nationality, social status, of all cultures. The introductory
saints of the past century, Sant life and have been the inspiration of ence points to our ones through the or appearance tumble down as we form of meditation, called Jyoti
Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj, has writ‑ my life. These penetrating words Genome project. Scientists have realize that we are all children of Meditation can be practiced by any
ten a verse that captures the way to by Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj, a found that more than 99% of the the one Creative Power. one at any place. The more time we
lead lives in which we reduce stress past master of meditation on the genes of all human beings are the Through meditation on the inner spend in meditation, the more we
and anger to produce calm and inner Light and Sound, illumine a same, with only less than 1% being Light and Sound within each of us, realize the unity within each.
peace within ourselves and for the way to achieve peace through dif ferent, accounting for dif fer‑ we can have a firsthand experience Spiritual progress is enhanced by
whole world. uncovering the Divine within. Once ences in our hair, skin, and eye of our unity. Through absorption an ethical life of non‑violence, truth‑
The verse by Sant Darshan Singh this uplifting peace permeates our color, or our size and shape. When into this Light and Sound current, fulness, humility, love for all, and
Ji says: being, it can spread to others, we realize we are all one family, we we experience consciousness of selfless service
Let this world become a temple of bathing this planet in peace. would not cause pain or suf fering higher spiritual realms. This inner As we gaze at the wonders within
love and peace. These verses describe the unity at to others. As we would not want to journey leads back to the source of through meditation, we can experi‑
Let love and Truth illumine the the heart of all creation. The poet hurt our parents or children, we this current and we experience one‑ ence the inner light, enjoy its nour‑
world, And the adversaries of peace realizes that the same Light of God would not want to hurt any other ness with the Creator. Saints and ishing peace and bliss, and radiate
awaken to its Light within us is also in all others, mak‑ human being. The walls that divide mystics have described within us a that loving luminosity to all.
Jewish festival Hanukkah ‑
H dates, traditions
anukkah is a Jewish holiday, often
referred to as the "Festival of Lights."
Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days
and nights, starting on the 25th of the Jewish plex Talmudic rules governing the placement
month of Kislev, which may fall anywhere of the menorah, the quality of the candles,
between late November and early December and the treatment of the candles and their
on the secular calendar. For eight nights, fam‑ wicks after use; these are followed by a
ilies say prayers and then light candles in an minority of families who may follow more
eight‑branched candelabra called a menorah. orthodox forms of Judaism.
Most families also serve special holiday foods, Lighting the Menorah
sing songs, play games, and give gifts includ‑ Every year it is customary to commemorate
ing Hanukah gelt (chocolate coins). the miracle of the Hanukkah oil by lighting
candles on a menorah. Each family has its
In 2019, Hanukkah will be celebrated own menorah, an eight‑branched candelabra
Sunday, December 22 through Monday, with a spot for a ninth candle in the center.
December 30. The central candle (the shamash) is lit, and
The Hanukkah story is based on historical that candle is used to light one additional can‑
events that took place in 165 BCE in dle each night until, on the eighth night, all of
Jerusalem. After the Second Temple in the candles are lit.
Jerusalem was desecrated by the Seleucid Special blessings are said or sung in
Emperor Antiochus IV and his Greco‑Syrian Hebrew before the Hanukkah candles are lit;
troops, Jewish priest Mattathias and his sons three are sung on the first day and two on
rebelled. Retaking Jerusalem and the Temple, each of the remaining days. The candles are
they lit the holy lamp (the menorah) but had allowed to burn down each night and are
only enough oil for one night. Miraculously, replaced the following day.
the lamp stayed lit for eight days until Eight Nights light Hanukkah candles and say blessings Special Foods
enough holy oil could be procured. Hanukkah is celebrated for eight nights in a each night. On the Friday of Hanukkah, more Because Hanukkah celebrates the miracle
Every community has its unique Hanukkah row; it is unlikely that any given family will observant families may also light Shabbat of the oil, it is traditional to eat fried foods
traditions, but there are some traditions that have a major family celebration for every one (sabbath) candles and say blessings after the such as latkes and sufganiyot during the
are almost universally practiced. of those nights, but they are almost certain to Hanukkah candles are lit. There are also com‑ holiday. (Souce: learnreligions.com)
TheSouthAsianTimes.info Dec 28-Jan 3, 2020
TheSouthAsianTimes.info Dec 28-Jan 3, 2020