Negotiation Primer PDF
Negotiation Primer PDF
Negotiation Primer PDF
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Harvard Business School and Harvard Business Review, we also offer course
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Cases, slices of business life, focus on actual problems and decisions facing a company.
Students are challenged to put themselves in the protagonist’s place and suggest
business strategies, tactics, and solutions.
New Cases
Launching Yelp Reservations (A)
This case presents a multiparty negotiation among Yelp, its current partner OpenTable, and
2 startups in the online restaurant reservation industry. TN Harvard Business School #916003
Popular Cases
Fairstar Heavy Transport (A)
In 2009, the small heavy marine transport company Fairstar entered into bidding on one
of the largest contracts in the history of the industry. This case chronicles the company’s
yearlong tendering process leading to a final make-or-break meeting. B and C cases
available. TN Harvard Business School #911036
Frasier (A)
This case documents the negotiations between NBC and Paramount Studios to renew
the hit television show Frasier. Paramount, which produced the show, threatened to move
Frasier to another network if NBC did not agree to a substantially higher license fee. The
case allows students to apply negotiation concepts such as BATNA, reservation price, and
ZOPA. TN Harvard Business School #801447
Boost M6700 (A): Buyer Seller Negotiation—Confidential Instructions for John Payne
Cindy Tan, a procurement manager at a business consulting firm, has invited senior sales
manager John Payne to discuss his proposal to sell 50 high-end Boost laptops to Cindy’s
firm. For use with Boost M6700 (B): Buyer Seller Negotiation—Confidential Instructions for
Cindy Tan (#IN1145). TN INSEAD #IN1144
Double Career Negotiation (A): Confidential Instructions for the MBA Student
In this role play, 2 romantic partners—an MBA student and a medical doctor—must reach an
agreement on life and work decisions. Will the couple settle in India, as previously agreed,
or move to Amsterdam to further the MBA student’s career? Paired with (B): Confidential
Instructions for the Medical Doctor (#IN1226). TN INSEAD #IN1225
2 N E G O T I AT I O N • 2 0 1 7
Honoring the Contract
This is a 2-party negotiation role play between a search engine startup, YOUReka, and
Quantron, a supplier of the subassembly boards used at YOUReka’s data centers. At issue
is a possible breach of contract. Roles include Role for Quantron (#916035) and Role for
YOUReka (#916036). Harvard Business School #916035 and #916036
The Indian Railways ‘Cash Cow’—Over or Extra Loading? (A): Confidential Instructions
for Sudhir Kumar
This negotiation explores how to maximize revenues for ailing Indian Railways. The role play
emphasizes the tension between commercial gains and social needs, and lends itself to
discussions about safety, corruption, government, and business in India. For use with #IN1232
The Kitchen Purchase: Briefing for Buyers: Mr. and Mrs. Stulle
The Kitchen Purchase asks students to negotiate the price of a fitted kitchen. It requires
minimal preparation, and the case facilitates discussion of the ethics of bargaining, the
distributive and integrative conduct of negotiations, and the handling of bargaining power.
For use with #ES1611. TN European School of Management & Technology #ES1601
Lombardi Co. (A): A Company Buyout: Confidential Instructions for Luca Lombardi
This multi-issue negotiation takes place between an aging Italian entrepreneur in North
Africa and a young M&A specialist from a large Asian corporation. Due diligence has been
completed and the parties discuss the price for the Lombardi company. Role-players find
that their ideas of what the company is worth are at odds. Paired with #IN1179.
Three-Way Organization
Playing the role of the Neptune, Pluto, or Venus division of the old Sirius Corporation,
students seek to form a 2- or 3-way conglomerate of maximum economic value. Individual
and shared interests are in conflict. Harvard Business School #916037
Hamilton Real Estate: Confidential Role Information for the CEO of Estate One (BUYER)
This 2-party negotiation takes place between the executive VP of Pearl Investments and the
CEO of Estate One for the sale of real estate in the town of Hamilton. For use with Hamilton
Real Estate: Confidential Role Information for the Executive VP of Pearl Investments
(#905053). TN Harvard Business School #905052
4 N E G O T I AT I O N • 2 0 1 7
Articles from Harvard Business Review,, and other renowned sources provide
up-to-the-minute ideas from the best business thinkers.
New Articles
Be Your Own Best Advocate
Negotiating on your own behalf can feel harder than negotiating for a company, especially
when it isn’t part of a hiring or review process. This article explains how to seize everyday
negotiation opportunities at work. Harvard Business Review #R1511J
Investigative Negotiation
Negotiators often fail by focusing too much on selling their own position and too little on
understanding the other party’s perspective. This article outlines 5 principles of negotiation
to help students develop an investigative methodology in order to negotiate the best
possible deal. Harvard Business Review #R0709D
Putting More on the Table: How Making Multiple Offers Can Increase the Final Value
of the Deal
Presenting multiple offers at once can increase the other side’s satisfaction as well as
the odds of reaching an agreement. Research shows that negotiators who use “multiple
equivalent simultaneous offers,” or MESOs, achieve better outcomes than those who make
a single packaged offer—without sacrificing relationships or losing credibility. This article
explains the benefits of MESOs as well as how and when to make them.
Harvard Business Publishing Newsletters #N0504B
6 N E G O T I AT I O N • 2 0 1 7
Many academic titles from Harvard Business Review Press are now available as eBooks.
Each eBook title is available as a PDF and comes with a full-text Educator Copy available
to registered Premium Educators on the HBP for Educators web site.
Harvard Business Review on Winning Negotiations
This collection of best-selling Harvard Business Review articles helps students forge better
deals, uncover the other party’s motives, conquer faulty assumptions, build long-term
relationships, make realistic promises, gain an adversary’s trust, and understand when to
walk away. Available as an eBook. Harvard Business Review Press #10327
HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Communication (with featured article “The Necessary Art of
Persuasion” by Jay A. Conger)
This collection of 10 Harvard Business Review articles by experts such as Deborah
Tannen, Jay Conger, and Nick Morgan provides insights on communicating effectively and
persuasively. Available as an eBook. Harvard Business Review Press #11364
Negotiating Outcomes
Negotiating Outcomes helps students prepare, conduct, and close a negotiation successfully.
The book includes useful tools, self-tests, and real-life examples to help students identify
strengths and weaknesses and hone critical skills.
Available as an eBook. Harvard Business Review Press #13256
Assess Current Challenges and Opportunities: The Role of Assessment in Successful Negotiation
The authors introduce a criteria assessment key that will help organizations develop their
own successful negotiation practice.
From Built to Win: Creating a World-Class Negotiating Organization #3258BC
H B S P. H A R VA R D . E D U 7
Negotiation Checklists: Preparation, Value-Creation, and Implementation Checklists
This chapter features a negotiation preparation checklist with questions every negotiator
should review with stakeholders before beginning a negotiation; a value-creation checklist
that suggests analytical sources of value creation; and an implementation checklist that
suggests ways to address surprises and conflicts in the future.
From Built to Win: Creating a World-Class Negotiating Organization #3263BC
Online simulations present real-world management challenges for students and
encourage classroom interaction and discussion. Results are available immediately for a
comprehensive debrief session. All simulations include a detailed Teaching Note.
8 N E G O T I AT I O N • 2 0 1 7
Negotiation Simulation: OPEQ
This multiplayer simulation immerses students in the complex world of oligopolistic oil
pricing. Teams of students act as members of an oil production board tasked with setting
petroleum production levels for 1 of 3 fictional countries: Alba, Batia, and Capita. The
simulation allows students to explore the dynamics of cartels and competition, negotiation,
best response, Nash equilibrium, and a variety of other negotiation and economic principles.
TN The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Seat Time: 60 minutes #WH0002
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