Research Las 1
Research Las 1
Research Las 1
Activity Title
Learning Targets
INQUIRY a seeking for truth, information or knowledge. The information is sought through
questioning. Individuals carry on the process of inquiry from birth till death.
The role of Research
1. It is inquiry process.
2. It is formal process of problem solving.
3. It is a set of procedures and stages.
4. It originates with a question or problem.
5. Often it is an iterative process.
1. To gather necessary information
2. To improve standard of living
3. To have a safer life
4. To know the truth
5. To explore our history
6. To understand arts
1. Empirical- research is based on observations and experimentation of theories. Most
researches are based on real-life situations.
2. Systematic- research follows orderly and sequential procedures, based on valid
procedures and principles.
3. Controlled- in research, all variables, except those that are tested/ experimented on,
are kept constant.
4. Employs hypothesis- guides the investigation process.
5. 5. Analytical- there is a critical analysis of all data used so that there is no error in the
researcher’s interpretation.
6. 6. Objective- the term also refers to the research as unbiased and logical.
7. 7. Original work- requires effort to get at the researcher’s own investigation and
produce the data needed to complete the study.
recognize some common ethical norms but interpret, apply and balance them in
different ways in the light of their own values and experiences (Resmik,2015)
1. Norms promote the aims of research such as knowledge, truth and evidence of error.
2. Ethical standards promote the values that are essential to collaborative work such as trust,
accountability, mutual respect and fairness.
Ethical Principles
Honesty confidentiality openness
Respect for Intellectual Property Respect for colleagues Legality
Responsible PublicationIntegrity objectivity
Social responsibility Non – discrimination Competence
The human element of qualitative inquiry is both strength and weakness- its strength is fully using
human insight and experience; its weakness is being so heavily on the dependent on the researcher’s
skill, training, intellect, discipline and creativity.
-Primarily an exploratory research. It is used to give an understanding of underlying
reasons opinions and motivations. The investigation provides insights, into the problem or helps to
develop ideas or hypothesis for potential qualitative research.
In the 2000’s also has been characterized by concern with everyday categorization
and ordinary storytelling. The “narrative term” is producing an enormous literature as researchers
present sensitivity concepts and perspectives that have been focused on opinions and motivations.
The aims vary the disciplinary background such as psychologist seeking to gather the reasons
that govern a particular behavior. It examines the why,where,when or who of a given study.
Qualitative research has a strong basis in the fields of sociology, political science, social work and
special education. A particular method utilized in this kind of research is the case study. (Gubrium, J.F.
and Holstein, J. A., 2009)
Qualitative research deals with designs, techniques, and measures that do not
produced discrete numerical data. It involves extensive narrative data in order to gain insights into
phenomena. On the other hand, quantitative research includes designs, techniques and measures
that produce numerical or quantitative data the analysis of which, is mainly statistical.
Instead of giving a singular definition of qualitative research, you might consider five features
according to (Yin, 2011), namely:
1. Studying the meaning of people’s lives, under real world conditions; people will not
limited by the confines of a laboratory.
2. Representing the views and perspective of the people or participants of the study in
the results of the research mirror the values and meanings of the people who live
them, not by the researcher.
3. Covering the contextual condition within which people live the social institutions and
environmental conditions within which live. They may influence all human events.
4. Contributing insights into existing or emerging concepts may help or explain human
social behavior. Research can be instances for developing new concepts.
5. Striving to use multiple sources or evidence is better than relying on a single source
-is more often associated with hard data. This research is used to quantify- that is to put
numerical equivalents to findings. This type of research is not limited to mathematics. Although math
and statistics are just the means used, attitudes, opinions and behaviors, even when they are
subjective in nature, can be compared quantitatively in order to produce results.
-is used to quantify the problem by way of generating mathematical data that can be
transformed into usable statistics. It quantifies altitudes, opinions, behaviors and other defined
variables and generalize results from a large sample of populations. It discusses the quantitative
relation between the participant/s and the researcher.