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TC 3-04.


Commander’s Aviation Training and Standardization



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*This publication supersedes TC 3-04.11, dated 19 November 2009.

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TC 3-04.11

Training Circular Headquarters

No. 3-04.11 Department of the Army
Washington, DC, 3 August 2016

Commander’s Aviation Training and

Standardization Program
PREFACE............................................................................................................. vii
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... ix


Chapter 1 ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION .................................................................. 1-1
Overview ............................................................................................................ 1-1
Required Additional Documents ..................................................................... 1-1
Symbol Distinctions ......................................................................................... 1-1
Word Distinctions ............................................................................................. 1-1
Training and Tasks ........................................................................................... 1-5
Aircrew Training Tasks .................................................................................... 1-5
Implementing New or Updated Tasks ............................................................ 1-8
Self-Start Provision .......................................................................................... 1-8
Training Support Packages ............................................................................. 1-9
Individual, Crew, and Collective Training Relationship ............................... 1-9
New Equipment Training ................................................................................. 1-9
Non-Standard Aircraft .................................................................................... 1-10
Chapter 2 RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................... 2-1
Overview ............................................................................................................ 2-1
Senior Mission Commander ............................................................................ 2-1
Brigade Commander ........................................................................................ 2-1
Battalion or Squadron Commander ................................................................ 2-2
Operations Staff Officer ................................................................................... 2-2
Company, Troop, or Detachment Commander ............................................. 2-2
Platoon Leader .................................................................................................. 2-3

Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

*This publication supersedes TC 3-04.11, dated 19 November 2009.


Standardization Personnel ............................................................................... 2-3

Aviation Mission Survivabilty Officer ............................................................. 2-4
Maintenance Officer .......................................................................................... 2-4
Safety Officer ..................................................................................................... 2-4
Flight Surgeon/Aeromedical Physician’s Assistant ...................................... 2-5
Unit Trainer ........................................................................................................ 2-5
Master Gunner ................................................................................................... 2-5
Pilot in command .............................................................................................. 2-5
Individual Rated Aviator ................................................................................... 2-6
Nonrated Crewmember .................................................................................... 2-6
Unmanned Aircraft Crewmember .................................................................... 2-6
Noncrewmember ............................................................................................... 2-6
State Aviation Officer and Reserve Component Commanders .................... 2-6
Chapter 3 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT .............................................................................. 3-1
Overview ............................................................................................................ 3-1
Assessing and Reporting Unit Proficiency in Mission Essential Tasks ..... 3-1
Readiness Reporting ........................................................................................ 3-2
Aviation Training Guidelines for Unit Status Reporting ............................... 3-2
Crewmember Status and Unit Status Relationship ....................................... 3-3
Aviation Maintenance ....................................................................................... 3-4
Aviation Risk Management .............................................................................. 3-5
Responsibilities................................................................................................. 3-5
Risk Assessment Tools .................................................................................... 3-7
Chapter 4 DOCTRINAL TRAINING CONCEPTS ............................................................... 4-1
Overview ............................................................................................................ 4-1
Army Doctrine Publication 7-0......................................................................... 4-1
Army Aviation Training Strategy ..................................................................... 4-1
Combined Arms Training Strategies............................................................... 4-2
realistic Individual, Crew, and Collective Training Integration .................... 4-2
Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations ................................... 4-2
Training Management ....................................................................................... 4-3
Chapter 5 UNIT COLLECTIVE TRAINING ......................................................................... 5-1
Overview ............................................................................................................ 5-1
Aircrew Training Program and Collective Training ....................................... 5-1
Training resources ............................................................................................ 5-1
Maximizing Training Opportunities ................................................................. 5-2
Aircrew Training Program ................................................................................ 5-2
Platoon and company Collective Training ..................................................... 5-3
Battalion/squadron Collective Training .......................................................... 5-3
Brigade Collective Training ............................................................................. 5-3
Mission Essential Task List Proficiency and Training Requirements ......... 5-3

ii TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016


Evaluation of Collective Training .................................................................... 5-4

Combat Training Center Preparation ............................................................. 5-4
Gunnery Training .............................................................................................. 5-4
collective Training Simulations ...................................................................... 5-4
Battle-Rostering ................................................................................................ 5-5
Integration of Additional Training Requirements ......................................... 5-5
Leader and aviator professional Development ............................................. 5-6
REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................... 6-1
Overview ............................................................................................................ 6-1
Aircraft Qualification and Mission Equipment Training ............................... 6-1
Aircraft Software and Hardware Qualification ............................................... 6-1
Rated Crewmember Prerequisites and Qualification Requirements .......... 6-1
Nonrated Crewmember Qualification Requirements .................................... 6-2
Aircrew Training Program ............................................................................... 6-3
Aircrew Training Program Progression ......................................................... 6-3
Individual/Crew Qualification .......................................................................... 6-4
Aircrew Coordination Training ........................................................................ 6-4
Night Vision Goggle Qualification and Training requirements.................... 6-5
Additional Training Requirements .................................................................. 6-6
Environmental Training ................................................................................... 6-6
Aviation Mission Survivability Training ......................................................... 6-6
Personnel Recovery Training .......................................................................... 6-9
Combat Identification Training ....................................................................... 6-9
Helicopter and Unmanned Aircraft Systems Gunnery ............................... 6-10
Annual Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive
Training............................................................................................................ 6-10
Mission-Oriented Protective Posture ........................................................... 6-10
Aviation Life Support Equipment Training .................................................. 6-11
Aeromedical Training ..................................................................................... 6-11
Deck Landing Operations Training............................................................... 6-11
Rescue hoist Operations ............................................................................... 6-11
Hypobaric Refresher Training ....................................................................... 6-11
Pilot in Command/Aircraft Commander Training ........................................ 6-11
Air Mission Commander Training ................................................................. 6-11
Currency Requirements ................................................................................. 6-12

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 iii




Chapter 7 AVIATION STANDARDIZATION PROGRAM OVERVIEW ............................... 7-1
Standardization Policy ..................................................................................... 7-1
Unit Continuous Assessments/External Evaluation Measures ................... 7-2
Aviation Resource Management Survey ........................................................ 7-2
Extensions, Waivers, and Suspensions ......................................................... 7-2
Operational and Non-operational Flying Positions ....................................... 7-3
Flight Activity Categories ................................................................................. 7-4
Conditional Aviation Career Incentive Pay Aviators ..................................... 7-5
Pilot in Command Requirements for Company and battalion
Commanders ..................................................................................................... 7-5
Pilot in Command Requirements for Aviation Warrant Officers with Skill
Qualification Identifiers .................................................................................... 7-6
Aircraft Commander Requirements for Standardization Instructor
Operator/Instructor Operator ........................................................................... 7-7
Minimum Mandatory ATP/Standardization SOP Items.................................. 7-7
Chapter 8 AIRCREW TRAINING PROGRAM MANAGEMENT ......................................... 8-1
Commander’s Evaluation ................................................................................. 8-1
Integration of ACMs including Door Gunners, Noncrewmembers, and
Medical Officers ................................................................................................ 8-2
Readiness Level Progression .......................................................................... 8-3
Readiness Level 3 Individual Training ............................................................ 8-4
Readiness Level 2 Tactical/Mission Training ................................................. 8-5
Readiness Level 1 Continuation Training ...................................................... 8-7
Other Training ................................................................................................... 8-7
Experimental Test Pilots and Other Aviation Crewmembers Performing
Engineering Flight Tests .................................................................................. 8-7
Commander’s Certification .............................................................................. 8-8
Training Requirements ..................................................................................... 8-8
Chapter 9 EVALUATIONS AND TESTS ............................................................................. 9-1
General ............................................................................................................... 9-1
Evaluation Principles ........................................................................................ 9-1
Annual Proficiency and Readiness Test Requirements ............................... 9-5
Standardization Flight Evaluation ................................................................... 9-6
Instrument Flight Evaluation ........................................................................... 9-7
Maintenance Pilot/Maintenance Test Pilot Evaluator Flight Evaluation...... 9-7
Functional Check Pilot/Functional Check Operator Evaluation .................. 9-7
Other Hands-On Performance Evaluations .................................................... 9-8
Chapter 10 FORMS AND RECORDS ................................................................................. 10-1
Aircrew Training Program Forms and Records ........................................... 10-1
Commander’s Task List ................................................................................. 10-2

iv TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016


Multiple Aircraft Designations....................................................................... 10-2

Task and Iteration Requirements for Primary, Additional, and Alternate
Aircraft ............................................................................................................. 10-2
Task Iterations for Initial Designation .......................................................... 10-3
Task Iteration Considerations for Similar Aircraft ...................................... 10-3
Flying-Hour Requirements ............................................................................ 10-3
Individual Aircrew Training Folder ............................................................... 10-5
Centralized Aviation Flight Records System Digital IATF Forms.............. 10-7
Department of the Army Form 7120 ............................................................. 10-7
Department of the Army Form 7120-1 ........................................................ 10-13
Department of the Army Form 7120-3 ........................................................ 10-15
Department of the Army Form 7122 ........................................................... 10-17
Department of the Army Form 4507 ........................................................... 10-25
Department of the Army Form 4507-1 ........................................................ 10-27
Department of the Army Form 4507-2 ........................................................ 10-29
Appendix A FLYING-HOUR PROGRAM CALCULATION.................................................... A-1
GLOSSARY .......................................................................................... Glossary-1
REFERENCES .................................................................................. References-1
INDEX .......................................................................................................... Index-1

Figure 1–1. Samples of mission-to-task relationships ..................................................... 1-6
Figure 10–1. Individual aircrew training folder labels .................................................... 10-6
Figure 10–2. Individual aircrew training folder contents ................................................ 10-6
Figure 10–3. Sample of completed DA Form 7120 ........................................................ 10-12
Figure 10–4. Sample of completed DA Form 7120-1 ..................................................... 10-14
Figure 10–5. Sample of completed DA Form 7120-3 ..................................................... 10-16
Figure 10–6. Sample of completed DA Form 7122, page 1 .......................................... 10-20
Figure 10–7. Sample of completed DA Form 7122, page 2 .......................................... 10-21
Figure 10–8. Samples 1 through 4 of DA Form 7122 .................................................... 10-22
Figure 10–9. Samples 5 through 8 of DA Form 7122 .................................................... 10-23
Figure 10–10. Samples 9 through 12 of DA Form 7122 ................................................ 10-24
Figure 10–11. Sample of completed DA Form 4507 ...................................................... 10-26
Figure 10–2. Sample of completed DA Form 4507-1 ..................................................... 10-28
Figure 10–3. Sample of completed DA Form 4507-2 ..................................................... 10-30

Table 1–1. Task number examples ..................................................................................... 1-7
Table 8–1. ACM integration ................................................................................................. 8-2

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 v

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TC 3-04.11, in conjunction with AR 95-1 and AR 95-23, establishes the requirements for the unit’s aircrew
training program (ATP). It also establishes requirements for aviation training and prescribes requirements for the
aviation standardization program. This publication provides requirements for aviation units to improve and
sustain proficiency and readiness in aviation skills and to provide approved standardized practices and procedures
that allow units in the field to manage and execute a standardized aviation training program.
This TC helps aviation leaders, trainers and evaluators at all levels develop, manage, and administer a
comprehensive commander’s aviation training and standardization program. The ATP is the central focus of the
aviation standardization program and is an assembly of training requirements organized to fulfill the broad, overall
training goals of commanders supervising rated, nonrated, and non-crewmember Soldiers. One of the principal
tenets of this publication is to involve commanders in the ATP. This means commanders must have the skill sets
necessary to know what “right” looks like, to know when an aviation crewmember (ACM) should or should not
be advanced in the readiness level (RL) progression program, and to understand that the ATP is their program.
This TC also incorporates unmanned aircraft crewmember (UAC) ATP requirements with the integration of
unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) into the combat aviation brigade. The exception to this is the small-unmanned
aircraft system covered in TC 3-04.62. This relationship continues to develop, and not all aspects of this
integration have been refined. This requires commanders and standardization personnel to be flexible and submit
recommendations for improvement in this developing process.
As stated in AR 95-1, the ATP is according to this TC. Although AR 95-23 refers the reader to the appropriate
ATM for the administration of the ATP, this document precedes the ATM in its administration. If a conflict exists
between this publication and any other aviation training publication (with the exception of ARs), this publication
takes precedence.
This TC applies to the active Army, Army National Guard (ARNG); Army National Guard of the United States
(ARNGUS); United States Army Reserve (USAR); and all other individuals flying Army aircraft unless otherwise
This document continues to evolve with the changes in Army Aviation operations. The inclusion of crew
coordination and the UACs ATP in this document facilitates standardization and coordination in aviation
The proponent for this publication is the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC).
Waiver authority for items other than those listed in AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23 and contained in this publication,
individual tasks, or documents resides with the Directorate of Training and Doctrine (DOTD) and Directorate of
Evaluation and Standardization (DES) Directors. All waiver requests must be endorsed by the commander or
senior leader of the requesting activity and forwarded to for
The United States Army Aviation Center of Excellence (USAACE) Commanding General is the final approval
authority for all Army aviation training developed and conducted at the USAACE and all Department of the Army
(DA)-designated training bases. This includes the United States Army Aviation Logistics School, the Eastern
Army Aviation Training Site (EAATS), the United States Army Jet Training Detachment (USAJTD) Western
Army Aviation Training Site (WAATS), Fixed-Wing Army Aviation Training Site (FWAATS), High-Altitude
Army Aviation Training Site (HAATS), National Guard Aviation Training Sites, and all UAS training at Fort
Huachuca, Arizona.
The USAACE Director of Training and Doctrine is designated as the single approval authority for all training
requirements analysis system (TRAS) actions, regardless of where Aviation training is developed or implemented.
The TRAS documents are program of instructions (POIs), course administrative data, and individual training
plans. The commanders at EAATS, WAATS, FWAATS, USAJTD, and HAATS are responsible for staffing all
aviation training initiatives through DOTD for approval. USAACE DOTD develops, reviews, and approves all
aviation training and doctrine to include aircrew courses and tasks.
Send comments and recommendations on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank
Forms) through the aviation unit commander to Commander, USAACE, ATTN: ATZQ-TDT-F, Fort Rucker,

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 vii


Alabama 36362-5000 or digitally at Email questions to
This publication was reviewed for operations security considerations.

viii TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

To understand this publication, the reader must first understand the doctrinal fundamentals contained in ADP
7-0, FM 3-04, combined arms training strategies (CATS), and Standards in Training Commission (STRAC)
strategies. The reader should also understand AR 95-1, AR 95-23, and AR 220-1 to be familiar with the
management of the commander’s aircrew training program (ATP).
This TC incorporates multiple changes to the aircrew training program (ATP). With the publishing of this
document, all aircrew training manuals become obsolete and the information that was contained within them
is now located on the DOTD portal at Some of the major
changes include:
 Moving the previous task tables from the aircrew training manuals into the master task list (MTL).
 Moving the academic subject list from the ATMs to the Aircrew Catalog of Academic Topics
 Moving all of the aircrew tasks to aircrew task modules.
 Removing 3000-series task development from the ATP commander to DOTD.
 Creation of 5000-series tasks for instructors/standardization personnel.
 Creation of 6000-series tasks for company commanders, platoon leaders, and AMCs.
 Creation of FAC 4 positions.

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Aviation Training

Chapter 1
Administrative Information
1-1. This chapter describes the new location of the major components of the commanders ATP,
administrative information, and describes the updated aviation task numbering system.


1-2. In addition to this TC, the following is a list of documents required for ATP management and found at
 Master task list (MTL). The master task list replaces the multitude of tables previously found in
aircrew training manuals. The MTL specifies the tasks to be trained or evaluated.
 Similar aircraft table. This table lists all similar and series-grouped aircraft for all airframes.
 Flying-hour requirements table. This table includes all semi-annual and annual flying hour
requirements for all airframes.
 Aircrew coordination training (ACT) program documents. ACT requirements are listed within
this TC with all other supporting documentation located on the DOTD website.
 Aircrew task module (ATM). Replaces the term aircrew training manual. Modules are groupings
of tasks based on airframes.
 TC 3-04.12. This new training circular contains all aviation-related forms including performance
planning cards with the exception of individual aircrew training folder (IATF) related forms.
 Aircrew Catalog of Academic Topics (ACAT). This product is a listing of all academic
training/evaluation topics for all airframes.

1-3. The diagonal (/) indicates ‘and’ or ‘or’ (for example, IP/SP means an IP and a SP, or an IP or a SP).

1-4. Will, shall, must, should, can, and may—
 Will, shall, or must indicate a mandatory method of accomplishment.
 Should indicates a preferred, but not mandatory, method of accomplishment.
 Can or may indicates an acceptable method of accomplishment.

1-5. Night vision definitions are as follows:

 Night vision system (NVS) refers to aircraft-installed night vision piloting systems (such as,
modernized target acquisition and designation sight [MTADS] and modernized pilot night vision
system [MPNVS] on the AH-64).

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 1-1

Chapter 1

 Night vision goggle (NVG) refers to any NVG image intensifier system, for example the AN/AVS-
6 aviator night vision imaging system (ANVIS).
 Night vision device (NVD) refers to any combination of NVS or NVG.
1-6. Warnings, cautions, and notes. These words emphasize important and critical instructions and apply
throughout all tasks.
 Warning. A warning is an operating procedure or a practice, which if not correctly followed, could
result in personal injury or loss of life.
 Caution. A caution is an operating procedure or a practice, which if not strictly observed, could
result in damage to or destruction of equipment.
 Note. A note highlights essential information of a non-threatening nature.

1-7. Aircraft identifications conventions are as follows:

 Aircraft basic mission. Identifies the basic mission of an aircraft. The basic mission identification
appears to the left of the aircraft vehicle type. (for example utility=UH, medical evacuation
[MEDEVAC] =HH, transport=CH, and attack=AH).
 Aircraft vehicle type. Identifies the primary function and capability of an aerospace vehicle (such
as a helicopter). Aircraft vehicle type is represented by a letter of the alphabet (for example ‘H’ for
U.S. Army helicopters or ‘Q’ for unmanned aircraft).
 Aircraft design (model). Identifies major changes within the same basic mission. Design numbers
appear to the right of the basic mission symbol, separated by a dash (for example CH-47, UH/HH-
60, or AH-64).
 Aircraft series. Identifies the production model of a particular design number representing major
modifications significantly altering systems components. Consecutive series symbols appear to the
immediate right of the design number (for example AH-64D, AH-64E, CH-47D, CH-47F).
 Similar aircraft. Aircraft defined as having similar operating and handling characteristics. For
example, the CH-47D and CH-47F are considered similar aircraft. Task, iteration, flying hour, and
evaluation requirements may be completed in similar aircraft as specified in chapter 10, paragraph
10-21 and the similar aircraft table located on the DOTD website at

Note. When aircraft are not defined as similar, ACMs must complete the formalized training
requirements specified in this document and the similar aircraft table or complete an approved
USAACE POI for the qualification/series transition as required.

 Series-grouped aircraft. Aircraft considered similar and grouped together based on the complexity
of the pilot to aircraft interface (such as analog instruments, glass cockpit, and avionics architecture).
Series-grouped aircraft are defined in the similar aircraft table and grouped for aircraft currency.
 Primary aircraft. The aircraft mission type/design/series (such as UH-60L, AH-64E, or RC-12H)
designated by the commander or required by the modified table of organization and equipment
(MTOE)/table of distribution and allowances (TDA) position.
 Additional aircraft. Aircraft in the same category (fixed-or rotary-wing) as the primary aircraft,
but does not meet similar aircraft requirements. Additional aircraft will have a separate
commander’s task list (CTL), (CH-47 and UH-60).
 Alternate aircraft. Aircraft is in the opposite category of the primary aircraft and will have a
separate CTL (CH-47 and C-12).
1-8. The following terms are provided for clarity:
 Rated crewmember (RCM). According AR 600-105 there are two groups of aeronautical ratings
(aviator and flight surgeon). When this term is used by itself, it refers to both aviators and flight
surgeons. When further emphasis or clarity is required, the term “rated aviator” will be used to refer
solely to aviators and the term “flight surgeon (FS)” will be utilized solely for flight surgeons.
 Nonrated crewmember (NRCM). Individuals other than RCMs that perform duties aboard an
aircraft essential to the operation of the aircraft or for completing a specific mission. They work
with rated aviators under the team concept; their duties are included in the appropriate MTL.

1-2 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Administrative Information

Examples of NRCMs are crew chiefs (CEs), flight engineers (FEs), flight medics (MOS 68W),
standardization instructors (SIs), flight instructors (FIs), and door gunners (DGs).
 Nonrated noncrewmember (NCM). NCMs that are not RCMs or NRCMs. These individuals have
trained and qualified to perform military occupational specialty (MOS)-specific technical duties
essential to the mission (for example, in avionics or as an aeromedical physician’s assistant [APA]).
These individuals may not necessarily perform duties essential to the operation of the aircraft and
are not required to maintain an individual aircrew training folder (IATF) if not on flight status.
However, any NCM that receives pay for flight will maintain an IATF and be fully integrated into
the ATP.

Note. AR 95-1 defines NCMs as crewmembers that are not rated aviators and are placed on orders
by the commander as authorized to perform aircrew duties according to AR 600-106. NCMs
generally become NRCMs when selected by the commander and fully integrated into the ATP. In
order to distinguish between the two and for the purpose of this document, NRCM denotes a
nonrated crewmember and NCM denotes a nonrated noncrewmember. The terms RCM, NRCM,
and NCM do not apply to unmanned aircraft crewmembers.

 Aviation crewmember (ACM). Any individual, RCM, NCM, UAC, NRCM, or any other member
of the crew on board or controlling an Army aircraft.
 Fully integrated. The term fully integrated applies to all ACMs with the exception of NCMs not
receiving pay for flight. ACMs must be fully integrated into the aircrew training program to include
an IATF, individual flight records folder (IFRF) and supporting forms. Mandatory task requirements
and Annual Proficiency and Readiness Test (APART) requirements will be per the MTL.
Additionally, these ACMs will have a current Department of Defense (DD) Form 2992 (Medical
Recommendation for Flying Duty or Special Operational Duty) according to AR 40-501 and an
annual DA Form 759 (Individual Flight Record and Flight Certificate-Army), closeout according to
TC 3-04.8.
 Active Army. The active Army consists of regular Army Soldiers on active duty (AD); ARNGUS
and USAR Soldiers on AD (except as excluded below); ARNG Soldiers in the service of the U.S.
pursuant to a call; and all persons appointed, enlisted, or inducted into the Army without component.
Excluded are Soldiers serving on active duty for training (ADT); active Guard/Reserve (AGR)
status; active duty operational support (ADOS); temporary tours of active duty (TTADs) for 180
days or less; and AD pursuant to the call of the President (10 USC 12304).
 Active duty (AD). Full-time duty in the active military service of the United States as used in this
publication, the term is applied to all ARNGUS and USAR Soldiers ordered to duty under 10 USC,
other than for training. It does not include Title 32 AGR personnel in a full-time National Guard
duty (FTNGD) status.
 Active Guard/Reserve (AGR). National Guard and USAR soldiers performing full-time National
Guard duty (FTNGD) or full-time support United States Army Reserve duty (FTSUSAR) under an
order to AD for a period of 180 consecutive days or more for organizing, administering, recruiting,
instructing, or training the Reserve components, or to perform other duties as prescribed in sections
10 USC §12310 or 32 USC §328. ARNG AGRs are transferred from Title 32 to Title 10 AD status
when mobilized. USAR and ARNG AGR Soldiers assigned to aviation duty assignments, regardless
of their duty assignment, must comply with Active Army ATP and readiness level (RL) progression
 Active duty operational support (ADOS). An authorized voluntary tour of AD performed
pursuant to 10 USC §12301(b) and 32 USC §502(f) (2). These tours of duty may or may not be in
support of an aviation unit. Participants are not required to perform or attend inactive duty training
or annual training (AT) with their assigned unit, unless the ADOS tour is in direct support of that
unit. If in direct support of aviation unit and flying is a condition of the tour of duty, ADOS Soldiers
will comply with active Army ATP and RL progression requirements. If not in support of an aviation
unit and flying is not a condition of the tour of duty, ADOS soldiers may voluntarily participate in
unit inactive duty training and AT periods with their assigned unit and may voluntarily participate
in unit flying activities with certain restrictions. Those on ADOS orders assigned to non-
aviation/non-flying duty assignments, but volunteer to maintain ATP requirements, are considered

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 1-3

Chapter 1

man-day (M-Day) personnel for flying purposes and will comply with M-Day ATP and RL
progression requirements. To ensure that ADOS aviators may legally participate in unit flying
activities, commanders must codify their agreements in the ADOS orders or in a formal
memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the ADOS commander. Include provisions for whoever
will be the ATP commander, and ensure flight evaluation board (FEB) and court-martial convening
authority is transferred to the Adjutant General (AG) where applicable and legal. In the event of a
class A or Class B accident/mishap a collateral/legal board will be convened and if action was
required as a result of the investigation, the state would need this authority. All agreements must be
vetted by the State Judge Advocate General (JAG) to ensure the agreement stands up to legal
scrutiny. This will be essential later on in the event the State needs to use these powers. Once the
MOU is executed, forward a copy to the Army National Guard Readiness Center, Attn: ARNG-
AVS-SS, 111 South George Mason Drive, Arlington, VA 22204-1382 for information and reference
purposes. Those ACMs on ADOS orders assigned to non-aviation/non-flying duty assignments, but
volunteer to maintain ATP requirements, are considered M-Day personnel for flying purposes and
will comply with M-Day ATP and RL progression requirements. ADOS aviators cannot simply fly
for currency; however, ATP requirements may be prorated or waived as appropriate.
 ARNG/USAR technician. Federal civilian responsible for organizing, administering, instructing,
and training Soldiers, as well as maintaining equipment for the ARNG/USAR. These essential duties
are outlined in Title 32 Section 709 and Title 10 Section 10216. ARNG/USAR technicians can be
either dual status (DS) or non-dual status (NDS) technicians. DS ARNG technicians are federal
civilian employees under 32 USC 709 and are assigned to organize, administer, or train Guard
members while maintaining membership in the National Guard; USAR technicians perform under
Title 10 Section 10216, the same functions for the USAR. ARNG DS technicians are required to
wear their military uniforms while performing their civilian duties, USAR technicians do not as they
are in civilian status. NDS technicians are civilian employees of the Department of Defense (DOD)
that are also employed under 32 USC §709. NDS technicians do not have to maintain membership
in the National Guard/USAR and they provide valuable continuity within their respective states and
territories especially when performing support functions without deployment interruptions. DS
ARNG and USAR technicians have the same obligation as the traditional Title 32 M-Day Soldier
and Title 10 troop program unit (TPU) Soldier to drill one weekend a month and participate in 15
days AT each year. Technicians are not on AD unless they are placed on orders for such. Technicians
are placed in Title 10 status when mobilized. ARNG/USAR Technicians assigned to aviation
support facilities and other aviation duty assignments with flying as a condition of their employment,
must comply with AD ATP and RL progression requirements. USAR technicians assigned to USAR
aviation support facilities will comply with the flight standardization program (FSP) requirements
as directed by their respective aviation support facility supervisor that acts as the FSP commander.
USAR facility supervisors report to the USAR aviation program manager that has overall
responsibility for the USAR civilian FSP. ARNG/USAR Technicians not assigned to aviation
support facility or other aviation duty assignment will comply with M-Day ATP and RL progression
 Traditional Title 32 ARNG Soldier (M-Day Soldier). One that serves in the ARNG part-time
according to 32 USC §502(a). Their typical obligation is to drill one weekend a month and
participate in 15 days AT each year (additional requirements may apply for ACMs). A traditional
Guardsman is placed in a Title 10 AD status when mobilized. They may also be placed on Title 32
FTNGD or Title 10 AD orders, ADOS orders, or ARNG Technician status in order to provide full-
time support (FTS) in aviation and non-aviation assignments.
 Title 10 USAR troop program unit (TPU) Soldier. Soldier that serves in the USAR part time
according to 10 USC §10141. His or her typical obligation is to drill one weekend a month and
participate in 14 days of annual training annually (additional requirements may apply for ACMs).
A TPU is placed in a Title 10 AD status when mobilized or when placed on Title 10 ADOS orders.
Active Army ATP and RL progression requirement apply when in Active Duty status.
 Brigade-level commander. The aviation brigade commander has command authority for organic
and attached ARNG/USAR units and ACMs assigned to his command. The state Army Aviation
officer (SAAO), Army Aviation Training Site (AATS) commander, USAR aviation support
facilities aviation program manager, and/or theater aviation sustainment maintenance group

1-4 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Administrative Information

(TASMG) commander are considered brigade-level commanders for their respective organizations.
They may also exercise the ATP authority outlined for a brigade-level commander when an aviation
brigade commander does not exist within the state (and unless otherwise specifically


1-9. AR 95-1/AR 95-23 authorize flight training guides (FTGs) which are also known as course
management plans (CMPs) at USAACE and other DA-designated training bases. CMPs are a part of the POI
and are replacing FTGs. CMPs are the primary syllabus documents, but may also contain supplemental task
data, policies, and procedures that are not in the tasks or other documents.
1-10. The purpose of supplemental task information is to specify information like local training areas, a
preferred technique, special instructions to the instructor, or any other item not specified in the task as long
as it does not contradict, eliminate, or add to the existing tasks. DOTD is the sole approval authority for all
aircrew tasks. DOTD in conjunction with DES reviews all non-standard aircraft aircrew tasks and submit
recommendations for approval according to AR 95-1/AR 95-23.

1-11. The Director, DOTD, is the approval authority for FTG/CMPs. The brigade commander of the
respective school reviews and recommends approval.

1-12. The Director, DOTD, must approve all tasks.


1-13. Units with a mission/training requirement not satisfied by existing tasks must submit task requests
through their brigade-level equivalent or higher command to DOTD at Commander, USAACE, ATTN:
ATZQ-TDT-F, Fort Rucker, Alabama 36362-5000 or via email to: usarmy.rucker.avncoe.mbx.atzq-tdt- Emerging task requests become Flight Training Branch’s top priority. DOTD will provide a
written response to the requesting unit as to the disposition of the task request.

Note. A list of all approved tasks is located on the DOTD Flight Training Branch home page at

1-14. Tasks form the foundation of all aircrew training to prepare ACMs and units for combat. Tasks divide
mission requirements into successively smaller blocks of training starting with collective tasks and ending
with individual tasks. Figure 1-1, page 1-6, shows how tasks relate to combat missions.

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 1-5

Chapter 1

Figure 1–1. Samples of mission-to-task relationships

1-15. Standards determine the minimum level of task performance. Identifying tasks by number and title
specifies the minimum training requirements for groups of ACMs as designated by the MTL and the unit
standardization standard operating procedures (SOPs). Tasks serve as a tracking and authorization
mechanism for training, both in schools and units.


1-16. The MTL provides a summary of all aircrew tasks by number and title, and includes all applicable
aircraft, ACMs, courses, training conditions, and evaluation requirements. The MTL also identifies the tasks
that are mandatory and those that are unit-selectable. The MTL is available on the DOTD website at

1-17. All tasks have a 10-digit alphanumeric TRADOC identifier. The first three digits are the school code
assigned by TRADOC (011 for aviation). The proponent (USAACE) assigns the middle three and last four
digits. For ease of identification, the middle three digits identify tasks by general applicability. The last four
digits of this task number broadly categorize tasks by training phase.
1-18. DOTD uses the middle three digits of the task number to identify task groups. Tasks that apply to one
mission type, an entire aircraft category, or all aircraft have different identifiers indicating that the task applies
to more than one airframe. Table 1-1, page 1-7, provides task number examples. The MTL contains the actual
task number designations.

1-6 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Administrative Information

Table 1–1. Task number examples

Middle 3 digits Task Example Explanation
ACC Plan an IFR Flight aviation common core
SFW Perform a Balked Landing shared, fixed-wing
SRW Perform Slope Operations shared, rotary wing
ULC Perform External Load Operations utility/lift/cargo
ARS Engage Targets With Aerial Rockets attack, reconnaissance, security

1-19. The 1000-series tasks are base tasks. Base tasks are those tasks that generally apply to all aircraft in a
specific category. They are the entry-level tasks that are common sub-components of more advanced tactical
and mission tasks. They generally apply to operating the airframe and usually would apply to a civilian
equivalent aircraft. The critical task list identifies all optional 1000-series tasks. The battalion-level
commander or equivalent selects optional tasks based on the unit mission and lists them in the
ATP/standardization SOP.

1-20. The 2000-series tasks are tactical tasks. Tactical tasks are building blocks for performing Army
Aviation missions. Some 2000-series tactical tasks are mandatory (identified in the MTL) and others are
optional based on the mission of the unit. The battalion-level commander selects the optional tasks to train
in the ATP. Tactical tasks build on skills trained in base tasks and enable mission accomplishment. Tactical
task examples include tasks like external load operations for utility and cargo aircraft and tracking targets for
attack and reconnaissance aircraft.

1-21. The 3000-series tasks are mission tasks that prepare individuals and crews to perform collective
operations. Examples include perform air-assault or perform reconnaissance. The 3000-series tasks apply
directly to collective unit tasks such as “Perform Aerial Attack Operations”. The commander, based on unit
and mission, chooses all 3000-series tasks. The battalion-level commander or equivalent selects tasks based
on the unit mission and lists them in the ATP/standardization SOP.

1-22. The 4000-series tasks are maintenance tasks and apply to maintenance as a broad category of task
rather than a specific duty position. The term “maintenance pilot” may refer to either a functional check pilot
(FCP), functional check operator (FCO [UAS]), a maintenance test pilot (MP) or a maintenance test pilot
evaluator (ME) based on the Army’s determination for the specific airframe. The title of the person
performing the task has no bearing on task requirements. Either an FCP/FCO or MP/ME may perform 4000-
series tasks provided they have received the required task training (see chapter 6).

1-23. The 5000-series tasks are instructor and standardization tasks. ACMs conducting flight instruction and
or evaluation must receive training in the appropriate 5000-series tasks for their duty position, which is
located on the MTL.

1-24. The 6000 series tasks are leader tasks for company/troop commanders, platoon leaders and air mission
commanders (AMCs). These tasks are designed to train and evaluate leaders on essential leader tasks directly
related to planning, preparation, execution and assessment of individual/collective aviation tasks. Battalion

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 1-7

Chapter 1

commanders evaluate their company commanders. company commanders evaluate their platoon leaders. The
company commander (if AMC qualified) or a trained instructor pilot will evaluate AMC tasks.

1-25. The condition statement lists the circumstances under which the task must be performed and identifies
an initiating cue or triggering circumstance that lets the ACM know to accomplish the task. It also lists
materials, equipment, and personnel required for task accomplishment.


1-26. A skill determines one’s ability to perform a job-related activity that contributes to the effective
performance of a step. Skills are either physical or mental and do not have to be objectively measurable.
Knowledge is information analyzed to provide meaning, value, and understanding and is required to perform
a skill, step, or a supported task. Appropriate knowledge areas populate the topics for oral evaluation and by
definition are task related. Together the skills and knowledge information help the trainer identify specific
areas to improve training and help ACMs complete self-study prior to training a specific task.

1-27. Represent the modes of flight that aircrew performance tasks can be performed (day, instrument, night-
unaided, night-aided, and chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE). The absence
of a selection in a specific mode of flight does not prohibit performance of that task in that mode of flight on
the MTL unless specified with a “P” in the respective column.


1-28. Performance tasks measure the ACMs ability to perform, manipulate the controls, and respond to tasks
affected by the conditions and mode of flight. These tasks are physical coordination-type tasks, or maneuvers
performed in an aircraft. Performance tasks must be trained and evaluated in all specified modes/conditions
of flight for RL progression as designated by the MTL, but the most demanding mode/condition of flight
applies for other evaluations outside of progression.
1-29. Technical tasks measure the ACMs ability to plan, preflight, brief, run-up, or operate specific onboard
systems, sensors, or avionics in flight or on the ground. These tasks are not significantly affected by the
condition and mode of flight and may be performed or evaluated in any condition or mode.


1-30. Reasons for implementing new tasks or changing tasks include changes to the operational environment
necessitate, adversary capabilities, evolving tactics, techniques, and procedures, fielding new equipment,
whether an entirely new airframe or a new capability, doctrinal changes, updated aircraft software, or
recommendations from aircraft mishaps. Training methods for new or updated tasks vary based on the type
and difficulty of the task. Regardless of the reason, implementation guidance will accompany new or updated
tasks. If specific guidance is given, all ACMs must receive training and or evaluation on new or changed
tasks before accomplishing them on their own. Implementation guidance will include self-start provisions
for trainers when appropriate. Some past examples include implementing combat maneuvering flight,
overwater operations, and routine ATM and aircraft software changes.

1-31. Commanders are authorized to “self-start” their training program if specific implementation guidance
is not otherwise addressed. Commanders should select the most experienced standardization instructor pilot
(SP)/standardization instructor (SI)/standardization operator (SO) to conduct the self-start initial training on
trainers using conditions, standards, and the description as outlined in the task. IP/instructor operator (IO)/FIs
will not train or evaluate the task until they have been successfully evaluated by an SP/SI/SO (as appropriate).

1-8 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Administrative Information

All other duty designations must receive training and evaluation by the appropriate standardization personnel
prior to conducting the task.


1-32. A training support package (TSP) is a complete, exportable package that integrates training products,
materials, and information necessary to train one or more critical tasks and may be simple or complex. The
contents will vary depending on the purpose. TSPs may be for individual, crew, or collective tasks and may
be generated for any of the reasons listed above that require new or updated tasks. The DOTD Flight Training
Branch web page hosts current TSPs for commanders to
integrate into their training plans as appropriate. When a TSP is provided, it is the USAACE approved
training plan for the specific environment, job, or equipment. Units desiring TSPs may contact DOTD at the
previous link or the address at the front of this manual.


1-33. Training begins at the individual level and progresses to crew and collective unit level training. When
an individual is able to perform individual tasks to standard, they are ready to progress to performing crew
drills. When crews are able to perform drills to standard, they are ready for the commander to begin collective
training by echelon. Training collectively before all individuals and crews are performing their individual
and crew tasks to standard, increases risk and limits the level of proficiency the collective unit can achieve.
Conducting progressive training that builds proficiency through repetition under varying conditions at each
echelon is the most effective method to build readiness and mitigate risk.
1-34. The purpose of a crew drill is to standardize actions and responses to one specific situation. A crew
drill is a collective action performed by the crew of a weapon or piece of equipment to use the weapon or
equipment successfully in combat or to preserve life. Crew drills standardize actions in like-type crews and
units across the Army and allow crews to accomplish actions with minimal leader orders. Drills are trained
responses to a given stimulus or cue such as enemy action, a leader’s order, or the operating status of
equipment. Drills follow the basic structure of a collective task. Some advantages of crew drills include:
 Allow ACMs to perform tasks with rapid efficiency when the task has been practiced repetitively
to standard.
 Reduce or streamline communication requirements based on standard phraseology and sequencing.
 Build teamwork.
 Save time, resources, and lives.
 Minimize impact caused by personnel turnover.
 Help maintain unit readiness and proficiency.

1-35. Crew drills are not a mandatory part of readiness level progression, although they describe the
necessary actions to perform efficiently as a crew. Individuals are evaluated on their performance of
individual tasks. There is no requirement for crew readiness levels or other crew metrics other than previously
established. Crew drills provide a training tool, metric, and model of efficient crew action for commanders’
use in the conduct of training their units.


1-36. New equipment training is required when aircraft hardware or software is updated. For example, a new
hoist or software update that changes a variable action button(s) on a multi-purpose display. DOTD-approved
new equipment training materials are available at by clicking
the Exportable Training button.

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 1-9

Chapter 1

1-37. Commanders must develop a training program for those ACMs that fly non-standard aircraft. This
training program must follow the guidelines and training concepts outlined in this publication, AR 95-1, AR
95-23, and/or AR 95-20.
 USAACE and Department of the Army, Military Operations-Aviation (DAMO-AV), must approve
the training program.
 The task list developed for each duty position must establish minimum task iteration, flying-hour,
and evaluation requirements. ACMs flying these aircraft are not covered by CATS. The MTL must
be considered when selecting and developing tasks for nonstandard aircraft. When applicable,
nonstandard aircraft will use tasks from the MTL when developing ATMs. When existing tasks do
not meet the needs of a new or non-standard aircraft, contact DOTD at the above address to
coordinate new task development. Non-standard aircraft units will still need to identify references
for knowledge requirements in the selected tasks.

1-10 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Chapter 2
2-1. This chapter, utilizing terminology and guidelines established in the previous chapter, describes the
overall responsibilities and duties of the personnel involved in the commander’s ATP. Commanders at all
levels must understand and use subordinate leaders to execute the ATP.


2-2. Senior mission commanders have the overall responsibility for providing the necessary resources, risk
management oversight and training management oversight to enable effective and realistic home station air-
ground training. Specific Aviation training responsibilities include ensuring that TADSS, ranges, maneuver
areas, airspace, OPFOR, external evaluators, flight hours, ammunition, CTC opportunities, higher exercises
and time are available and suitable to meet the aviation unit training plan. SCs must also allow adequate time
for aviation units to execute the aviation commander’s aircrew training program to ensure the required levels
of proficiency are achieved at the individual, leader, and crew level, and at echelon (as required), prior to
aviation units conducting collective (platoon and above) combined arms maneuver training with supported
ground maneuver units. Establishing effective training and support cycles and garrison policies that support
maximizing Soldier maintenance to sustain combat power underpins and is essential to the safe and effective
execution of the aviation training plan. When aviation units do not execute the required repetitions to build
aviation individual, collective and leader task proficiency under all conditions, risk is higher when conducting
higher-level collective combined arms training with supported ground maneuver units.

2-3. The brigade commander is responsible for:
 Setting the standard personally and professionally—in and out of the cockpit as the senior trainer
and aviator in the brigade. Brigade commanders should achieve pilot in command (PC) status.
 Driving the operations process to develop the brigade-training plan.
 Conducting the commander’s dialog with subordinate battalion commanders to gain shared
understanding of subordinate training plans, resourcing and approval.
 Assessing and reporting the brigade and subordinate unit’s readiness levels and resource challenges.
 Ensuring training in the brigade is realistic, rigorous and accomplished to standard to achieve
combat readiness.
 Ensuring subordinate unit commanders execute the unit training management process.
 Ensuring subordinate units maximize the use of training aids, devices, simulations and simulators
(TADSS) in their training programs.
 Establishing habitual training relationships with supported ground maneuver units.
 Training battalion commanders and evaluating companies.
 Developing and certifying leaders’ two levels down.
 Managing and ensuring full execution of the brigade flying hour program (FHP) and STRAC
 Developing and enforcing the brigade safety and standardization programs and the ATP.
 Supporting the division or corps commander's combined arms training goals and mission essential
 Integrating aviation, including UAS, into higher and supported unit combined arms training.

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 2-1

Chapter 2

 In Compo 2 (USARNG), working with the State Army Aviation officers (SAAOs) to ensure
readiness of subordinate brigade units in other states. See paragraph 2-20 for SAAO roles and


2-4. Battalion and squadron commanders are responsible for the following:
 Setting the standard personally and professionally—in and out of the cockpit as the senior trainer
and aviator in the battalion or squadron.
 Fighting and leading, normally, from their designated aircraft.
 Being highly proficient as an aviation leader, a pilot in command, and air mission commander.
 Executing the ATP as the primary training manager for the battalion.
 Having administrative authority according to AR 95-1 and AR 95-23.
 Being the primary trainer for the air mission commanders (AMCs) within the battalion, and a PC.
 Training company commanders and evaluating platoons.
 Developing leaders two levels down.
 Training and integrating the companies into combined arms training.
 Ensuring subordinate leaders execute the unit training management process.
 Ensuring that the company commanders maximize the use of TADSS in their training programs.
 Managing the battalion flight hour program to ensure all available resources are maximized to build
the highest levels of collective unit proficiency.
 Managing the battalion’s combat power to ensure appropriate levels of readiness are maintained to
support training.
 In Compo 2, in cooperation with the SAAO, determining the ATP commander for all organic and
attached battalion staff members.


2-5. The S-3 is responsible for the following:
 Operations and training as the commander's principal staff officer.
 Determination and allocation of training and mission resources, and the planning and conduct of
training inspections, and the compilation of training records.
 Managing the battalion flight hour program.
 Monitoring and maximizing TADSS utilization in support of the unit training program.
 Maintaining of a high level of proficiency in the aircraft and should be a pilot in command.
 Identification of training requirements in order to prepare and execute training programs.
 Coordinating with supported ground maneuver units to ensure the battalions training objectives are
integrated within the supported units training plan.
 Ensuring the risk management process is fully integrated in the development of the unit training
 Being the primary assistant to the commander in executing the ATP.


2-6. The company, troop, and detachment commander is responsible for the following:
 Integrating the company/troop/detachment into combined arms training and the management of the
company’s ATP.
 Executing troop leading procedures and the unit training management process to ensure training is
resourced, realistic and executed to build combat readiness at the individual, crew, platoon and
company level.
 Being highly proficient as an aviation leader, a pilot in command and air mission commander.

2-2 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016


 Being the administrative authority according to AR 95-1, AR 95-23, AR 600-105, and AR 600-106
as the commander of the ATP.
 Integrating the platoons and executing company training.
 Training platoon leaders and AMCs.
 Ensuring that soldiers and aircrews are properly trained at the individual, crew, and unit collective
 Integrating the use of TADSS in company/troop/detachment training.
 Integrating the risk management process in all company level training.
 Understanding individual and crew proficiency to ensure proper crew selection and risk
 Managing combat power to ensure appropriate levels of aircraft readiness are maintained to support
the ATP.

2-7. The platoon leader is responsible for the following:
 Crew and team training.
 Ensuring their aircrews are proficient in tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) outlined in the
appropriate FM/TCs and aircrew task modules (ATM).
 Developing proficiency in the aircraft and attaining PC status.
 Developing proficiency in troop leading procedures.
 Developing proficiency in the unit training management process.
 Developing proficiency in the risk management process.
 Maximizing Soldier utilization to execute aircraft maintenance to ensure adequate combat power is
maintained to support the ATP.
 Developing proficiency in aviation maintenance management and maintenance training

Note. As an entry level position, platoon leaders must become proficient aviators and technically
and tactically proficient aviation leaders to ensure they are ready to command at the
company/troop level.

Note. Platoon sergeants, technical inspectors, production control and quality control NCOICs and
maintenance test pilots play a key role in the professional development of a platoon leader’s
aviation maintenance expertise.

2-8. Standardization personnel that are generally unit level standardization instructor pilots (SPs),
instructor pilots (IPs), standardization instructors (SIs), flight instructors (FIs) and UAS standardization
operators (SO), instructor operators (IOs), assist the commander in developing and executing the unit ATP.
Standardization personnel advise the commander and implement the commander’s intent with regard to
training. Standardization personnel must maintain the highest levels of proficiency and develop junior
Standardization personnel in their units. Standardization personnel are responsible for the following:
 Maintaining a high level of aircraft and tactical proficiency as a pilot in command, air mission
commander and instructor pilot.
 Providing quality control for the ATP through the commander’s standardization program.
 Serving as the primary technical and tactical experts for the standardization program.
 Providing expertise on unit individual, crew, and collective training to the commander.
 Being the primary maintainer of individual aircrew training folders (IATFs).

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 2-3

Chapter 2


2-9. The aviation mission survivability officer (AMSO) is the primary advisor to the commander, staff,
aircrews, and planners on survivability issues. This includes TTP, electronic warfare (EW), aircraft
survivability equipment (ASE), intelligence, and survival resources during training and operations in order
to facilitate information flow, enhance survivability of organic aircrew and equipment, and mission success.
AMSOs are responsible for the following:
 Assisting the commander as the primary advisor for aviation mission survivability (AMS).
 Maintaining a high level of aircraft and tactical proficiency as a pilot in command. Emphasis should
be placed on also becoming qualified as a flight lead, air mission commander (AMC), and (if
applicable) a unit trainer (UT).
 Training and administering the commander’s AMS program. The AMSO assists the commander in
integrating threat versus aircraft survivability mission planning, formulating and disseminating TTP,
and training crew, small team and collective scenarios as part of the commander’s ATP and unit
 Serving as the unit personnel recovery officer.

Note. AMSOs must have 2 years’ time in grade as a CW2. Must have documentation depicting a
minimum of 50 hours PC time and must successfully complete the Aviation Tactical Operations
Officer Course or Aviation Mission Survivability Officer Course.

Note. AMSOs should be designated UTs for AMS usage and TTP in their assigned aircraft and in
synthetic flight training simulator/combat mission simulator.

Note. Recommend advanced training in Fundamentals of Instruction, USMC Weapons Tactics

Instructor, Advanced SERE, or USAF Weapons School graduate to provide professional
development in instructing and tactics background and knowledge.

Note. More detailed information on the AMS program may be found in TC 3-04.9.

2-10. Maintenance officers help the commander develop and manage the unit’s maintenance program.
Maintenance test pilots (MPs) and maintenance test pilot evaluators (MEs) are responsible for the following:
 Assisting the commander as the primary advisor for all maintenance programs and maintaining
combat power.
 Maintaining a high level of aircraft proficiency and a pilot in command.
 Coaching, teaching and mentoring maintenance Soldiers and junior NCOs on how to effectively
maintain combat power.
 Scheduling aircraft using the maintenance flow chart to ensure mission completion and the most
efficient use of maintenance assets.
 Serving as the designated PC during all maintenance test flights unless being evaluated by an ME.

2-11. Safety officers are responsible for the following:
 Assisting the commander by integrating risk management recommendations during the operations
process (MDMP and troop leading procedures).
 Assisting the commander in developing and implementing all unit/facility safety programs.
 Being tactically and technically proficient aviators (non-UAS) and a PC.
 Assisting the command in supervising safety operations to ensure application and adherence to
imposed controls and providing feedback on the effectiveness of the safety program.

2-4 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016


 Assisting all staff in integrating the risk management process into other staff functions.
 Being a special staff officer that advises the commander and staff on safety requirements and
recommends controls to minimize risk.
 Participating in the operations process to ensure risk management considerations are incorporated.


2-12. The flight surgeon (FS)/APA is responsible for the following:
 Being the commander’s primary advisor on the health and welfare of unit members and their
families. Being the commander’s primary trainer/evaluator for all annual aeromedical requirements.
 Monitoring the training environment to ensure the mental and physical well-being of unit ACMs.
Providing medical training, support, and advice to ACMs and commanders on the physiological
implications of operating in these environments.
 Participating in all major inspections and maintaining the results and files of these inspections.
 Conducting an annual assessment of the Aeromedical Environmental Training Program in
conjunction with the commander to determine unique training or mission environmental exposures
the aircrews operate in and advise commanders of mitigation strategies.
 Participating as a member of all Aviation Safety and Standardization Councils.
 Complying with, while on AD orders, Active Army annual and semi-annual flying hour minimums
identified in AR 600-105.
 Complying with ARNG M-Day/USAR ARNG/USAR annual and semiannual flying hour

2-13. The UTs are responsible for the following:
 Instructing in specialized areas of training including training RL 2 and RL 1 ACMs in
mission/additional tasks.
 Assisting in unit training programs and in achieving established training goals.
 Being highly proficient in the aircraft with qualification as a PC, AC, or NRCM.

2-14. The master gunner is designated by the commander, serves on the unit standardization committee, and
is responsible for:
 Serving as the principle advisor to the commander and staff on aviation weapons employment and
the management of the gunnery program.
 Being qualified as an instructor pilot (minimum), but preferably as a standardization instructor pilot
 Being highly proficient, qualified and current in attack aircraft within the brigade.
 Being a graduate of the USAACE master gunner course and have the H-8 additional skill identifier.

Note. For CH–47 and UH–60 equipped units, the commander designates a door gunner NRCM SI
to help administer the door gunnery program, TC 3-04.45.

Note. For more detailed master gunner information, refer to TC 3-04.45.

2-15. The PC and/or aircraft commander (AC) (UAS) are—
 Overall responsible for the safe and effective operation of the aircraft.
 The unit’s first-level trainer.
 Proficient in the aircraft and all aspects of the unit METL/collective task(s).

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 2-5

Chapter 2

 Responsible for the safety of all occupants, and the conduct of all operational and training aspects
of a specific mission.
 Responsible for all actions of the crew
 Responsible for assigning duties to the crew.
 Responsible for accomplishing assigned missions.


2-16. Individual rated aviators have the ultimate responsibility of ensuring that they remain technically and
tactically proficient at all assigned tasks, and they must remain current in such tasks. Individuals must take
advantage of every opportunity to become tactically and technically proficient rated aviators, including
executing their individually tailored self-development plan to meet designated goals. The individual rated
aviators should have the ultimate goal of achieving PC status. The PI will complete all tasks assigned by the

2-17. NRCMs (SI, FI, FE, CE, MO [MOS 68W], DG) are individuals that perform duties aboard an aircraft
and are essential to the operation of the aircraft. They work with rated aviators when in flight using the team
concept, and their duties are included in the MTL. NRCMs are responsible for completing monthly flying-
hour requirements according to AR 600-106.


2-18. Unmanned aircraft crewmembers (UACs) perform duties directly related to the in-flight mission of the
UA. The UAC is responsible for the following:
 Controlling the flight of a UAS or the operation of its mission equipment.
 Remaining tactically and technically proficient as an ACM, including executing their individually
tailored self-development plan to meet designated goals. The individual operator should have the
ultimate goal of achieving AC status.

2-19. Nonrated noncrewmembers (NCMs) perform duties that directly relate to the in-flight mission of the
aircraft but are not essential to the operation of the aircraft. If the NCMs are receiving pay for flight, they
will be fully integrated into the ATP and must meet all training requirements applicable to NRCMs.


2-20. State Army Aviation officers (SAAOs) serve as the principal aviation staff officer to their respective
AG in all matters concerning ARNG aviation and are responsible for coordinating the state's Army Aviation
Program with the NGB/ARNG. SAAOs have all of the responsibilities of the brigade commander (when
there is no brigade commander in the state or when designated by the TAG) with the addition of the following:
 Oversight and supervision of the State ARNG Aviation Program (manned and unmanned), including
Aviation Safety, Maintenance, Standardization, Operations and Training as well as Counter-Drug
Aviation Operations (CDAOPS). CDAOPS must be in compliance with National Guard Regulation
(NGR) 500-2/Air National Guard Instruction (ANGI) 10-801.
 Oversight of the FTS technician program to include FTS technicians ATP.
 Coordinating and approving of aviation school allocations and priorities.
 Where applicable, determining the ATP commander for ACMs not assigned to MTOE/TDA
organizations with aircraft assigned.
 Performing the duties of the FEB appointing authority when delegated by the AG. This includes
365-day suspension authority according to AR 600-105, table 5-1.

2-6 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016


 When applicable, provide SIPR tokens for AMSO school attendance and follow mission
2-21. Eastern ARNG Aviation Training Site (EAATS), Western ARNG Aviation Training Site (WAATS,
High-Altitude ARNG Aviation Training Site (HAATS), United States Army Jet Training Detachment
(USAJTD), and fixed-wing ARNG aviation Training Site (FWAATS) commanders are responsible for the
 Commanding a centralized aviation training base.
 Supervising and conducting USAACE-approved POIs for the NGB/USAR.
 Managing and operating flight simulators in support of both formal POI and other training
 Providing medical services and crash rescue capability in support of the AATS mission.
 Maintaining readiness to augment the TRADOC aviation training base as an activity under the
command and control of the USAACE upon mobilization.
 Reviewing and verifying prerequisites for training applications at AATS courses.
 Oversight of the FTS Technician Program to include FTS Technicians ATP.

2-22. Aviation facility, activity, Theater Aviation Sustainment Maintenance Group commanders, and USAR
aviation support facilities are responsible for the following:
 Supervising FTS personnel and coordinates matters concerning the operations and use of aircraft,
including safety, aircraft maintenance, flight operations, standardization, FHP, and the additional
flight training period portion of the ATP with the unit commanders.
 Coordinating support of training requirements with commanders of aviation units and elements with
aircraft assigned to the facility.
 Serving as the ATP commander for FTS ACMs assigned to their respective facilities.
 USAR aviation support facilities supervisors serving as the FSP commander for the technicians
Department of the Army Civilians (DACs) FSP. The USAR Aviation Program manager serves as
the overall commander for the USAR DACs FSP.

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Chapter 3
Program Management
3-1. This chapter describes the programs and systems aviation commanders are responsible for managing.
These programs include readiness reporting, maintaining combat power, various training tools, and
composite risk management (as required by AR 95-1).


3-2. Continuous assessment of the unit’s combat readiness through internal and external evaluations must
be conducted and flying hours adjusted as necessary to maintain the unit’s proficiency in METL/collective
3-3. Commanders, at all levels, assesses their unit’s ability to execute METL tasks to standard and under
all expected conditions. Commanders consider the unit’s ability to perform in unique operational
environments as required by the unit’s METL. When assessing unit proficiency, commanders use personal
observations, records, reports, and the assessments of others (internal and external to the unit) based on
known training readiness standards.
3-4. The commander considers the objective demonstrated proficiency of subordinate units, leaders,
Soldiers, and the availability of critical resources required to support METL training as follows:
 The unit and organic sub-elements demonstrate proficiency during external evaluations of the unit
task list (UTL) standards, exercises at combat training centers (CTCs), emergency deployment
readiness exercises, field training exercises (FTXs), command post exercises (CPXs), combined
arms live-fire exercises, operational readiness exercises, and other training events described in the
proponent combined arms training strategies (CATS).
 Proficiency is measured in terms of the unit’s demonstrated ability to perform the tasks as stated in
the approved METL, including supporting collective, individual and leader tasks for the METL.
Proficiency is assessed objectively on performing the tasks to standard and under realistic and
rigorous conditions that replicate combat conditions. Full METL proficiency is achieved when a
unit has attained a “T” level of proficiency in all METL tasks according to the training and
evaluation outlines (T&EOs) in CATS and as defined in AR 220-1.
 Leader qualification and certification includes not only those areas of training required by the base
branch of the officer/warrant officer/NCO, but also includes those areas required by leadership
development and certification programs that support the unit’s mission.
3-5. Commanders perform a training event execution review according to AR 220-1 to review and confirm
the results of their T-level determinations as a result of their units’ execution of the training plan.
 The events to be reviewed come directly from the training plan the unit developed in the annual
training plan, as approved by the next higher commander. This training plan is a direct product of
the commander’s assessment of those METL tasks in which the unit must attain and sustain
 Using unit training records, the commander compares executed training events with planned training
events. When scheduled training events were not completed to standard according to T&EOs, the
commander assesses the impact on the T-rating and schedules retraining.
 Specific guidance is provided in AR 220-1 on when remarks are necessary on the USR or when
commanders should downgrade T-ratings because of training that was not performed, inadequate

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Chapter 3

personnel were in training, realistic conditions could not be replicated or training was not performed
to standard.

3-6. AR 220-1 provides aviation commanders with guidance on readiness reporting. This TC assists
commanders in determining the “T” (trained) portion of the unit’s “C” (category) rating. Emphasis must be
placed on proficiency to established standards under the most realistic conditions, rather than just currency
or qualification for individuals, crews, and units.
3-7. ADRP 7-0 is the doctrinal template for training events, event frequency, and the required associated
resources that commanders use in developing a unit training plan. AR 220-1 requires monthly unit status
reports (USRs).
3-8. Determining unit collective training proficiency is part objective and part subjective, based on several
factors. To do this, the commander must ask and answer many questions, including:
 How many fully manned and mission qualified crews are available?
 Are the leaders trained and certified in their leader tasks?
 Are the staffs at each echelon trained and manned in the required staff tasks?
 Although qualified ACMs may be RL1 and fully trained in their individual tasks, are they proficient
in conducting the unit’s collective tasks at each echelon and as a member of the combined arms
team to achieve unit METL proficiency? Under all conditions—day, night, live fire?
 Although the unit may have been evaluated as proficient in a collective/METL task, how has
personnel turnover or time since evaluation affected unit proficiency since the last assessment?
 What are the resources required? Are they available to build and sustain individual, leader and
collective proficiency?
 What are the resource challenges or shortfalls to prevent attaining proficiency? Shortfalls may
include: a lack of adequate ranges, time, flight hours, PME allocations, functional training
allocations, available aircraft, personnel, collective training events with other elements of the
combined arms team (home station and/or combat training centers), OPFOR, virtual and
constructive simulations, airspace, targetry, weapons scoring systems, ammunition, or MILES.
Shortfalls must be annotated in the unit status report with the correlation to the impact on training
 Does the rigor, threat, and realism of the executed training replicate the expected combat operational
 Does the unit perform the key collective tasks to standard under all conditions? Is retraining
 If forming an aviation task force, how is the METL determined, and what is the plan to train and
assess METL proficiency?


3-9. The two primary Army regulations governing readiness reporting are AR 220-1 and AR 700-138. The
USR provides Headquarters, Department of the Army with the commander’s assessment of the unit’s overall
training, personnel and equipment readiness. Commanders must use objective measures, when available, to
assess levels of readiness against the units MTOE design and standardized METL. Commanders may
subjectively upgrade or downgrade readiness levels based on their experience or under unique circumstances.
When subjectively upgrading or downgrading, Commanders should explain why they are changing the
objective assessment. The commander determines the unit’s overall status based on an assessment of the
unit's capability to accomplish its assigned mission. The commander’s responsibilities listed in AR 220-1
 Maintaining the highest level of METL proficiency possible with given resources.

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Program Management

 Reviewing subordinate unit reports for accuracy and compliance with applicable requirements and
objective measures.
 Distributing unit equipment and resources against mission essential requirements on a priority basis.
 Submitting the unit’s status between regular reports, as required.
 Reporting when resources are not available and the impact to unit readiness.
3-10. A unit’s C-level indicates the degree to which the unit has achieved prescribed levels of fill for
personnel and equipment, the training status of those personnel, and the maintenance status of the unit’s
3-11. Resourcing factors for commanders to measure unit status include the availability of flying hours,
training, availability of aircraft, Operational readiness rates, ammunition, countermeasures, fuel, TADSS,
ranges, and time available.
3-12. In addition to measured resources, commanders must consider other factors such as morale, discipline,
availability of training areas and training aids, and availability of qualified key personnel.


3-13. The status of aviation unit training depends on the status of individual, crew, leader and collective
training. Individual, crew, leader and collective proficiency must be balanced by ensuring training resources
are used to train at both the individual and collective proficiency level. Figure 3-1 provides examples of unit-
status levels.

Figure 3-1. Unit-status level example

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Chapter 3

3-14. The T-level rating provides meaningful information for the entire chain of command. The unit T-level
is a major factor in determining how many days the unit needs to train to standard on assigned METL tasks.
Commanders use the number of days the unit needs to train to standard on METL tasks, along with the
information in AR 220-1 to determine the overall T-level. At the brigade level—
 T1 means the brigade is fully proficient in brigade mission command and battalion level combined
arms maneuver, under all conditions (day, night, and live fire).
 T2 means the brigade is fully proficient in battalion mission command and company level combined
arms maneuver, under all conditions (day, night, and live fire).
 T3 means the brigade is fully proficient at company mission command and platoon combined arms
maneuver, under all conditions.
 T4 means the brigade is proficient only at the individual, crew and team level under all or some

3-15. It is the commander’s responsibility to build and maintain combat power. Training and maintenance
are critical components of building combat power. The primary objective of Army aviation maintenance is
to provide safe, mission-capable aircraft to satisfy mission and training requirements. The aviation
maintenance system has evolved over years of peacetime and combat operational experience to focus on
providing the assets necessary to support operational and training needs without compromising safe
maintenance standards or operations.
3-16. Aviation maintenance requires the constant involvement of commanders and leaders at every level.
Mission readiness, training, safety, and standardization depend on the ability of the aviation commander to
ensure that their unit has a viable and effective maintenance program.

3-17. The maintenance team leadership and supporting members will work together to achieve maintenance
goals and standards. This informal unification of skilled Soldiers and personnel provides a capability to meet
mission demands and reduce or eliminate friction points in maintenance operations.

3-18. Maintenance leaders are those officers and NCOs assigned to positions in the aviation maintenance
structure possessing direct authority and responsibility over maintenance personnel, equipment, and
operations. This includes commanders, platoon leaders, aviation maintenance technicians, command
sergeants major, first sergeants, platoon sergeants, and repair section sergeants. These are the members with
decision authority and implementation responsibility.

3-19. The unit staff provides support to maintenance operations through the management of manning,
logistics, and operational tempo. Additional staff members include the battalion and brigade aviation materiel
officers and the support operations officer. The aviation materiel officers coordinate maintenance actions
based on operational necessities and consultation with the brigade/battalion aviation maintenance leadership,
and reviews the daily status of all aircraft in the unit. The support operations officer provides technical
supervision of daily sustainment functions.

Maintenance Test Pilots

3-20. Maintenance test pilots are responsible for conducting maintenance test flights to determine the
airworthiness of the unit’s aircraft. Maneuver unit test pilots manage and execute the unit commander’s
maintenance program, mentor junior leaders and maintainers and provide advanced troubleshooting and
maintenance expertise within their specific mission, type design, and series aircraft to facilitate efficient
repairs and maintenance.

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Program Management


3-21. Tough, realistic training and leader development conducted to standard under realistic operational
environment conditions is the cornerstone of combat readiness. The training environment places stress on
both Soldiers and their equipment, creating an increased risk for loss. As training realism increases, so does
the potential for loss. If risk is not mitigated, personnel and equipment losses, caused by training mishaps,
seriously degrades unit readiness. Commanders must protect individuals and equipment from accidents while
maintaining the realistic training necessary to prepare for war. Leader training and certification, leader
positioning, progressive training (crawl, walk, run), maintaining shared understanding through the mission
command philosophy, rigorous PC, flight lead, and AMC programs, and maintaining unit discipline to ensure
standards are known and adhered to are all essential elements of managing risk.

3-22. Risk management (RM) is not complex, technical, or difficult, and is not limited to the brigade and
battalion commanders. It is a simple decision-making process and a way of “thinking through a mission” to
balance mission demands against known risks. Trainers and evaluators can maintain realism in training
thorough RM. The process must be deliberate, continuous, and must become second nature to those
responsible for planning, approving, or leading activities. In combat, the process is no less deliberate,
although risks may be accepted as dictated by the mission priority.

3-23. Managing risk is a leader responsibility. At the ACM level, PC/ACs and instructors/evaluators are the
principal risk managers. Planning must incorporate consideration for known hazards and must address
appropriate control measures to minimize exposure to such hazards. While RM is introduced in the planning
phase of a mission, for PCs/ACs, RM responsibilities are not complete until the mission debriefing is
complete. To meet these responsibilities, leaders—
 Do not accept unnecessary risk. If the risk can be eliminated or reduced and the mission can still be
accomplished, the risk is considered mitigated and acceptable. Find ways to mitigate the risk (that
is, change the crew mix, change the mission execution time, provide additional preparation and
training, add additional supervision), which will still allow completion of the mission. Once hazards
are identified and controls recommended, leaders will compare and balance the residual risk against
the mission payoff or reward
 Premission Planning and Preparation. The commander, or other designated risk approval
authority, decides whether the controls are sufficient to accept the risk. If the risk is excessive, the
commander can direct additional control measures, modify controls, request the next higher
commander’s involvement, or reject the mission.
 During mission execution. The commander cannot always be available to make every risk
decision. In the aircraft, when the situation, time, or other factors do not allow for the commander’s
decision, the AMCs, PCs/ACs, instructors/evaluators, or other unit leaders become the primary
risk managers. Throughout execution, all leaders must be aware of and assess emerging hazards
that were not identified during planning and preparation. As hazards are encountered, subordinate
leaders should use the commander’s guidance, their professional experience and judgement, unit
SOPs, tasks, regulations, and understanding of the situation as the basis on which they formulate
and implement control measures.
 Make risk decisions at the proper level. Decisions made at the proper level eliminate the
involvement of commanders not normally involved in the mission or commanders not authorized to
accept the level of risk. PCs/ACs must know the appropriate level of approval authority based on
the level of risk. The risk approval authority will vary between units and the risk approval authority
at all levels must be capable of mitigating risk or accepting that level of risk.
 Weigh the risks versus the benefits. The benefits gained by accepting a residual risk must clearly
outweigh the potential cost in terms of life, limb, or equipment loss should an incident occur.

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Chapter 3

 Identify controls. The commander will issue guidance regarding the appropriate control measures.
Once the leader identifies the controls, PCs/ACs must ensure these controls are understood and
implemented during the mission.
 The crew mission briefing is where the PC/AC presents these controls to the crew. The
delineation of duties, such as airspace surveillance responsibilities, is an example of a hazard
control established before flight.
 The unit SOP is a formal document of RM controls. These controls are only effective when
followed. “Per the SOP” is a valid control measure only when all ACMs are knowledgeable of the
unit SOPs contents. Flight weather minimums are a good example. If the SOP requires NGR 500-
2/ANGI 10-801 for a night training flight, the commander must reinforce and support the PC/ACs
decision to abort a mission, divert, or land the aircraft when conditions fall below these standards.
Pre-mission planning should include options/controls for this example.
 Integrate RM into all stages of all operations. Integration begins with the pre-mission planning and
continues through the completion of the mission debriefing. Consider RM as contingency planning.
The commander and staff should look at factors that could cause the mission to fail (cause loss of
life, limb, or equipment) and implement controls to minimize that probability. During the debriefing,
unexpected hazards for a completed mission then become expected hazards for follow-on missions.

3-24. During operations, the staff RM responsibilities are as follows:
 Assist in the planning and identification of hazards for operations.
 Integrate RM into the operations process. During the operations process, the staff evaluates the risks,
recommends controls to minimize the risks, and provides the commander with an assessment of the
effectiveness of the imposed controls. In training situations, the staff—
 Advises the commander of the controls that impact on training realism so the commander can
make the risk acceptance decision.
 Evaluates imposed safety restrictions to ensure optimal training benefit is achieved without
unnecessary restrictive measures applied.
 Assesses the operational risk. Using mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support
available, time available, and civil considerations (METT-TC) factors to identify the risk to
mission accomplishment, the staff begins to assess operational risks. The most important
consideration is the commander’s desired end state of the operation for the unit, higher
headquarters, and adjacent units. Risk analysis is formulated using a course of action developed
along the spectrum of frequent to seldom event occurrence. The staff reviews and refines the list
throughout the operations process (plan, prepare, execute, assess). The staff then evaluates the
possible consequences of those risks from catastrophic to marginal. For example, the staff plans a
multi-aircraft mission to airlift personnel or supplies. If the weather forecast is for marginal
conditions, part of the planning should include the possibility of weather conditions degrading
during the mission. Controls the staff might propose are—
 Reinforcing those sections of the SOP pertaining to adverse weather.
 Briefing crews regarding the current and forecast adverse weather and the possible courses of
action selected by the commander.
 Planning alternate routes or transportation.
 Designating recovery airfields.
 Including IIMC recovery in the rehearsal.

3-25. ACMs are a critical part of the RM process. ACMs perform the mission, and their involvement in the
planning phase is crucial to identification of hazards and controls. ACMs must clearly understand the controls
implemented to mitigate risks. During mission execution, ACMs must perform tasks and implement control
measures to standard. The employment of good crew coordination is paramount to identifying unexpected
hazards (enemy situation, wires, weather) and to continuously refine controls during the mission.

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Program Management

3-26. Self-discipline is critical to mission accomplishment and to an effective RM program. The best RM
plan is not effective if the individuals performing the mission do not adhere to established controls or do not
perform the tasks to standard. Individuals performing a mission are also responsible for performing RM.
While performing the mission, conditions change, hazards change, risks change, and, by necessity, RM
controls may change. The individual must constantly assess the conditions and continuously apply the
principles of RM to ensure minimum risk to themselves, fellow Soldiers, the aircraft, and the mission.


3-27. Using risk assessment tools—such as matrixes and diagrams—are valuable during the planning stage
of a mission. These tools do not internalize the entire RM process, but they do provide a systematic approach
to identifying and reducing risk. However, do not allow the risk assessment tools to become the overriding
concern of the RM process. Tools merely provide a measurement for leaders to gauge risk and control

Note. Risk assessment tools do not make decisions. Leaders make decisions.

3-28. One matrix cannot include all of the hazards of every mission nor can one matrix apply to all units.
Commanders must determine the usefulness and content of any risk assessment tool. Commanders must
consider a number of basic principles when they use these tools.

Note. Additional risk management tools can be found at

3-29. Commanders must remember that—

 Adding the numbers up and finding the right level of command to accept the risk is not risk
 The risk assessment matrix is most valuable during mission planning.
 Each element of the matrix represents a specific hazard, which in the risk assessment process,
translates into risk.
3-30. Commanders should review the unit METL/collective task(s) as they develop their risk assessment
matrixes. Commanders should assess each METL/collective task(s) from the highest risk to the lowest risk.
Commanders should then select the task(s)/task elements that they want to initiate risk reduction action and
approval. The risk assessment matrixes should clearly show these task(s)/task elements.

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Chapter 4
Doctrinal Training Concepts
This chapter covers the application and use of Army Training Doctrine and the Aviation Proponent
Training Strategy to build aviation training readiness and leader development at the individual, crew and
collective levels.


ADP 7-0 establishes the Army’s doctrine for training units and developing leaders for unified land
operations. ADP 7-0 presents overarching doctrinal guidance for training modular, expeditionary Army
forces and developing leaders to conduct unified land operations. Conducting effective training in units and
leader development must be the commander’s first priority.
Army Aviation commanders train units, subordinate leaders, and Soldiers to master warfighting
proficiency in the individual and collective tasks required to achieve and sustain combat readiness in
combined arms operations. As the aerial maneuver element of the combined arms team, commanders focus
this training on mastery of the seven core competencies of Army Aviation. These competencies are—
• Provide accurate and timely information collection on the enemy, terrain, local populations,
and friendly forces.
• Provide reaction time and maneuver space.
• Destroy, defeat, disrupt, divert, or delay enemy forces.
• Air assault ground maneuver forces.
• Air movement of personnel, equipment, and supplies.
• Evacuate wounded or recover isolated personnel.
• Enable mission command over extended ranges and complex terrain.


The Army Aviation Training Strategy is Army Aviation’s capstone training document and is applicable
to all units, at all levels, and to all components. It provides the training and leader development methodology
and framework that enables the development of competent and confident Soldiers and leaders. Competent
and confident Soldiers and leaders enable agile units that can execute combined arms maneuver as a part of
the air-ground team and win against hybrid enemies in complex environments.
Building and sustaining combat readiness is both science and art, requiring commanders, subordinate
leaders, and staffs to use the operations process and the unit training management process to drive effective
training and leader development. All training must be realistic and progressive. Commanders conduct
training under conditions that replicate the complexities of the ever-changing operational environment with
the physical and mental rigor necessary to challenge units, leaders, and Soldiers to excel in critical thinking
and complex problem solving and grow as warfighting experts in the Army Profession. We must train the
way we expect to have to fight because we will fight the way we train. Ensuring that training practice is
tougher than the expected mission gives our Soldiers and leaders the necessary skills and confidence to not
only be resilient but to become stronger under adverse and challenging land warfare conditions.
The ATP, in support of the Army Aviation Training Strategy, provides the foundation for standardized
and comprehensive aircrew training. Aircrew training is a continual process that does not end with individual
and crew proficiency. It is a fundamental part of every aspect of unit training, including gunnery, maneuver,
survivability, and combined arms operations proficiency. Commanders must focus training and leader

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Chapter 4

development to achieve and sustain the highest levels of combat readiness within the resources and time
available to ensure unit proficiency in the standardized METL and assigned mission tasks. Aircrew training
must be an integral component of every rigorous, challenging, and complex training event conducted at home
station, at the combat training centers, and while deployed. The ATP must be integrated in each step of the
unit training process (plan, prepare, execute, and assess) as part of the overall training plan to maximize
training opportunities, while rapidly building combat readiness in Unified Land Operations.


Combined arms training strategies (CATS) are proponent developed and provide descriptive task-
based, event-driven training strategies designed to assist the unit commander in achieving training readiness
consistent with Army doctrine. The CATS provides proponent-recommended training events, and frequency
and duration that a commander can use in developing unit training plans to enable the unit to build and sustain
Soldier, leader, and unit proficiency in mission tasks. As part of the operations process, commanders and
staffs assess collective, individual, and leader proficiency before selecting the appropriate CATS to drive
their training plans. CATS are found on the Army Training Network at


Leaders at every level are responsible for individual, crew, and collective training. Commanders, with
the help of evaluators and trainers, progressively integrate realistic operational environment (PMESII-PT)
and mission variables (METT-TC) to create the conditions present in the complex operational environment.
Additional ways to enhance the realism and quality of training include:—
 Imperfect intelligence.
 Degraded communications
 Degraded precision timing and navigation.
 Adaptive and free-thinking opposing forces.
 Realistic rules of engagement.
 Simulated CBRNE environments.
 Battlefield clutter.
 Loss of key leaders.
 Civilians on the battlefield.
 JIIM requirements.
 Varying weather and visual conditions.
 Media and Information operations.
 Task organization changes.
 Dynamic retasking of missions.


Training aids, devices, simulations and simulators (TADSS) do not replace live training but enable
commanders to enter live training at a higher level of proficiency. They also enable the commander to
replicate the complex operational environment to drive realistic training. Commanders must maximize the
use of simulations and live training aids to increase repetition and add the required realism to ensure training
is challenging and rigorous.
ATPs must be progressive training programs that maximize the use of all available TADSS for
individual, crew, and collective training. Structured technical and tactical training programs, combined with
supervision and after action reviews (AARs), are necessary for effective individual, crew, and collective
simulation training. System simulators, like the Longbow crew trainer, assist in mastering the individual and
crew tasks required for the system. Collective training simulations, like the Aviation Combat Tactical Trainer
(AVCATT), are collective simulations that focus on fighting the systems. Both types of simulations are
critical in a unit’s training path to attain the highest levels of proficiency. Commanders maximize simulations

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Doctrinal Training Concepts

by assigning responsibility to subordinate commanders with the desired readiness outcomes to achieve
affordable proficiency levels prior to, or in conjunction with, live training.
For individual/crew level training, high fidelity simulators enable commanders to tailor training
programs and apply a requisite amount of rigor to the individual and aircrew tasks while reducing risk. For
collective training, virtual and gaming capabilities enable commanders to add increased levels of complexity
while executing multiple low cost iterations to build repetitive proficiency to enter live training at higher
levels of proficiency.

Aviation commanders must be proficient trainers. Full understanding and application of our training
doctrine (ADRP 7-0) and the unit training management process (Army Training Network), ensures
commanders are able to effectively plan, prepare, execute and assess unit training plans to build combat
readiness. At battalion and above, the MDMP is used to develop the unit training plan. At the company level
and below, troop leading procedures are used. Any shortcuts in the plan, prepare, execute, and assess phases
of the operations process impacts the ability to develop and execute realistic training.

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Chapter 5
Unit Collective Training
5-1. This chapter describes how units develop and incorporate collective training into the aviation training
and standardization program. Aviation commanders and leaders must be familiar with the Army Aviation
Training Strategy, FM 3-04, and ATP 3-04.1.


5-2. Collective training builds upon individual, crew and leader training. Commanders must ensure that
their ATP develops ACMs and crews to be proficient in base, tactical, mission, leader, and additional tasks.
Commanders then establish training plans to ensure crews maintain proficiency in their individual tasks while
conducting collective training.
5-3. Standardization personnel, PCs/ACs, AMSOs and junior leaders are keys to successfully implementing
a collective training program. PCs/ACs and AMSOs supplement standardization personnel during collective
training of rated and nonrated unit personnel.

5-4. Aviation units are resourced with an annual flying hour program that supports maintaining and fueling
the unit’s assigned aircraft for a prescribed number of flight hours based on HQDA standard costs. The
number of flight hours and funding resourced directly relates to the amount of individual and collective
training readiness units can achieve. The USAACE Aviation Proponent Training Strategy outlines the
required individual, crew and collective task repetitions and associated flight hours a unit must execute at
each echelon to achieve the various T ratings. The live flying hour program (VFHP) provided to the aviation
unit funds the required CL IX parts, CL III fuel and CL IIIP package products to support the number of
resourced flight hours. ACOMs receive contract maintenance funding in the form of VFHM to support
subordinate aviation units with supplemental contract maintenance. Installations receive simulation hours
through the simulator hour program (SHP), which funds instructor operators for the system simulators
(TBOS, LCT). Resourcing for collective training TADDS (AVCATT, HITS, VBS III, WARSIM) is also
provided directly to the installation mission training complex (MTC) to support aviation unit training.
5-5. Commanders and staffs at all levels must understand and manage the flying hour program to ensure
resources are available to support the aviation training plan to achieve funded levels of training readiness
while maintaining DA aircraft readiness. Successful execution of the flying hour program requires —
 Full utilization of all HQDA allocated flying hours and funding to meet aviation readiness
requirements and achieve maximum METL proficiency.
 Ensuring allocated flying hours are funded according to established HQDA rates. Allocating the full
FHP to aviation commanders at the start of the FY to enable effective fiscal, training and
maintenance management.
 Tracking and managing monthly execution to ensure resources support training and aircraft
readiness objectives.
 Identifying funding or flying hour shortfalls and reporting the unit readiness impacts in the USR.
 Establishing required management controls for parts requisitions that ensures resources are not
wasted due to improper parts requisition. Note: To ensure aircraft maintenance programs build and
sustain combat power, commanders and installations must establish management control procedures

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Chapter 5

that enable the rapid acquisition of parts to reduce NMCS time while preventing unnecessary or
unintended expenditure of resources.
 Incorporate the management of the flying hour program into the unit training management process
and adjust both, as required, to meet changes to the unit training plan.


5-6. Aviation units must train and become proficient in aviation specific tasks (individual, collective and
leader) to enable effective joint and combined arms training. Some training can be concurrent, but risk levels
may increase when the supported unit is at a higher level of proficiency than the supporting aviation unit.
The next higher headquarters provides guidance and resources to enable combined arms training and risk
management. When aviation units do not achieve proficiency in all individual, crew and leader tasks, risk is
significantly increased when conducting platoon and above combined arms maneuver training.
5-7. Habitual unit relationships, training cycles, and the training tasks each unit needs to accomplish all
impact how commanders approach collective combined arms training. Supported unit training objectives
may or may not be consistent with the supporting aviation unit’s training requirements. For example, an
attack helicopter battalion supporting a BCT may only conduct air assault security and hasty attacks during
an extended block of training with the supported BCT and will require other training opportunities to train
the remainder of the unit METL.
5-8. CATS facilitates the commander’s ability to identify the training resources and the time required to
execute collective training. An analysis of the CATS for the aviation unit, combined with the CATS for the
supported unit creates the ability for the higher headquarters to optimize training for both units. The key is
to determine the critical tasks that are common to aviation and ground maneuver in support of the higher
headquarters METL. CATS are located on the Army Training Network at


5-9. Aviation leaders must maintain a balance between individual, aircrew, leader and collective training.
Leader supervision and participation at all levels is essential to the successful execution of the ATP.
5-10. The ATP must compliment the collective training plan. Consideration must be given to—
 Individual ACM proficiency.
 Aircrew mission/collective task proficiency (battle-rostered crews).
 The unit maintenance program.
 Flight-hour allocation when aviation training supports combined arms training.
 Ammunition allocation when supporting combined arms training.
 Individual and aircrew training that is usually accomplished while not in a support role; for example,
emergency procedure training, flight evaluations, readiness level progression, individual and crew
gunnery, maintenance test flights and instrument proficiency training.
 Individual and crew training in aircraft system simulators.

5-11. Units are required to have an ATP/standardization SOP addressing specific requirements for
conducting training, evaluation, assessment, and program revision. These requirements are located in chapter
7 of this TC.
5-12. Commanders should use multi-echelon training objectives, scenarios and STXs to facilitate the
development, execution, and continuous assessment of their training program. Scenarios and STXs for
individual, crew, and collective training must be mutually supportive and progressive in intensity and
complexity. Commanders execute collective training using the “crawl, walk, run” methodology to ensures
units build individual, crew and leader proficiency prior to executing more complex collective training. Input
from the unit’s standardization personnel allows the commander to structure collective training that includes
individual and crew proficiency training. Performing collective training tasks will then enhance and sustain
individual proficiency.

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Unit Collective Training

5-13. The following steps enable the commander’s development of STXs that support METL/collective
task(s) requirements:
 Select the key collective task(s) to be performed.
 Review the conditions and standards for the selected task using the appropriate METL and the MTL.
 Develop a mission statement to support the task.
 Identify the company task that supports the battalion METL/collective task(s). For example—
 Supported battalion METL/collective task(s), such as conduct aerial attack.
 Company task, such as conduct aerial deliberate attack.
 Identify supporting collective tasks.
 Apply time standards.
 Identify required references/resources.


5-14. Although platoons do not have METLs, the platoon leader plans, executes, and assesses platoon
collective training based on the company METL, mission, and commander’s intent. Crews trained in the
unit’s missions, train together to form proficient platoons. Platoons that are trained in the unit’s missions
train together to form proficient companies. The company/troop commander plans, executes, and assesses
collective training to attain METL proficiency and build readiness. Company/troop commanders train
platoon leaders and assess company and platoon collective training.


5-15. The battalion/squadron commander plans, executes, and assesses battalion/squadron collective training
to meet METL proficiency. Companies that are trained in the unit’s missions, train together to form proficient
battalions/squadrons. Battalion/squadron commanders issue guidance and assess company and platoon-level
collective training.


5-16. The brigade commander plans, executes, and assesses brigade joint and combined arms training to
meet METL proficiency. The brigade commander issues guidance and assesses battalion and company level
collective training.

Note. AMS training and ASE simulation scenarios, for example, react to infrared (IR)/RF/electro-
optical/laser threats, actions on contact, and evasive maneuvers should be developed and
incorporated during all of the above training.


5-17. Commanders use the applicable UTL standards of proficiency to evaluate platoons, company-sized
units, and battalion-sized units. The commander objectively assesses the unit’s METL proficiency in terms
of trained (T), needs practice (P), or untrained (U). Each METL task is separately assessed. If the assessment
is P or U, then the commander must develop a training plan to raise the current T-level to a fully T status. If
the assessment is T, then the commander must develop a training plan to sustain that level of training.
5-18. Companies, battalions, and brigades have standardized METLs based on the design and capabilities of
the unit. Assessing overall unit proficiency is not an aggregation of proficiency of subordinate elements of
the higher unit; instead, the unit must train together at echelon to demonstrate proficiency. Merely adding up
combat crews or aggregating the proficiency of platoons does not reflect collective proficiency. Each echelon,
from platoon to battalion, must demonstrate proficiency through collectively training together.

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 5-3

Chapter 5


5-19. The commander states what tasks the unit must be able to accomplish through the unit METL
/collective task(s). The standards that must be achieved for the METL is available to commanders through
the Central Army Registry (CAR), the Army Training Network (ATN) at or Digital
Training Management System (DTMS) at Standardization personnel evaluate
individual and crew training and assist the commander in evaluating collective training. Commanders must
train platoon leaders to evaluate collective training at the platoon level; battalion and squadron commanders
must train their company; and troop commanders to evaluate collective training at the platoon and
company/troop level. The unit tactical SOP, the CATS, and the UTL are tools commanders use to assist this
leader training process. Commanders and leaders that cannot evaluate collective training cannot accurately
assess the readiness of their unit to accomplish its METL/collective task(s).


5-20. Combat training center rotations are invaluable opportunities to conduct combined arms and mission
command training under tough, dynamic and realistic conditions. Units must plan far enough in advance and
use the UTL, CATS, unit METL/collective task(s), and ATP when training at home station in preparation for
a CTC rotation. This ensures units enter at higher proficiency levels to maximize the high cost of the increased
fidelity and complexity at the CTCs.
5-21. Prior to executing an aviation task force rotation at the maneuver training centers (NTC, JRTC, JMRC),
aviation units must be proficient in company combined arms maneuver and have completed company level
live fires. AVTFs should also execute home station command post exercises and field training exercises to
attain Task Force level METL proficiency. Establishing the task organization of the AVTF early in the home
station training plan is essential to establish habitual training relationships while reducing risk.
5-22. Prior to Aviation Brigades conducting a mission command training program (MCTP) exercise as their
culminating training event (CTE), Aviation brigades should conduct command post training exercises at
home station to achieve a minimum of a “P” in brigade level mission command. They should also participate
in the higher unit’s pre-exercise home station training to ensure the Division or Corps Headquarters is
proficient in the employment and synchronization of aviation operations. During execution, aviation brigades
will gain the most training benefit if they fully incorporate their subordinate battalion staffs and battalion
command posts as “exercise headquarters” and not just response cells. MCTP exercises are the primary
training venue for aviation brigades to attain mission command proficiency.

5-23. Gunnery training is typically planned and executed at the battalion level. The unit gunnery program is
progressive and continuous; it integrates new personnel while maintaining qualified crews. Combined arms
live fires are key collective live fire events that are required at each echelon (platoon, company, and battalion)
to achieve training proficiency. Fire support coordination exercises (FSCXs) are executed at battalion level
and required to achieve battalion proficiency. Aircraft survivability equipment (ASE) stimulation scenarios,
for example infrared (IR) threat, radio frequency (RF) threat, and electro-optical threats, should be developed
and incorporated during gunnery training. Aviation gunnery training and qualification is resourced according
to DA Pam 350-38, in conjunction with AR 220-1, AR 5-13, and TC 3-04.45.


5-24. Simulations greatly decrease the cost of training while allowing the staff and unit to train on tasks too
expensive and possibly too dangerous to perform on a routine basis during a field exercise. WARSIM, VBSIII
and AVCATT are examples of the constructive, gaming and virtual simulations systems available for
collective training. As with all training, whether live, virtual, or constructive, leaders must be actively
involved during all stages of planning and execution. Some of the benefits commanders and other leaders
will gain through simulation are as follows:

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Unit Collective Training

 Simulation is a low-distraction and low-risk environment. Training takes place without the added
attention commanders must give to non-mission essential tasks. Leaders can focus on the
warfighting skills pertinent to simulation specific task or group of tasks.
 Leaders review all of the planning, rehearsal, and execution steps necessary for actual missions.
However, when training objectives are not met, the leadership can stop the planning, rehearsal, or
execution and guide subordinates to accomplish a particular step correctly. Simulation provides a
chance for leaders to assess, validate, and change SOPs and TTP.
 Many simulations have a “playback” capability. Commanders can start the simulation over at any
moment within the battle to retrain a deficient task or to change conditions.
 Leaders can “freeze” the battle, conduct an AAR on recently simulated events, and return to the
battle at the instant it was stopped. This affords the commander the ability to change the course of
the battle to accomplish those collective tasks that the simulation was designed to train or reinforce.
 Often commanders can observe the unit through a “stealth” mode. Commanders can see and hear
what the crew sees and hears. Then commanders can correctly assess the crew’s actions and may
discover tasks that may require additional training.
 Enables training when live resources are not available.
 Commanders and other leaders can focus on weaknesses that need improvement and identify
strengths that may not have been readily visible through live training events.
 Simulation can provide increased operational environment complexity with advanced threats and
complex environmental conditions.
 Use of simulations enables units to enter live training at higher levels of proficiency.

5-25. Battle-rostering should complement the aviation mission survivability, standardization, and aircrew
coordination programs. Battle-rostering enhances combat readiness and performance by creating a stable
atmosphere, where individual strengths are complemented, weaknesses are minimized, and crew
coordination is enhanced. Battle-rostering manages talent across the formation. Battle-rostering is most
beneficial when used in coordination with an effective aircrew coordination program.
5-26. Commanders should consider the individual’s flight, and mission experience during the battle-
rostering process. They should also consider individual personalities, judgment and maturity. When there is
a change in crew personnel, the commander must determine the proficiency of the newly constituted crew
and understand that additional training may be required.
5-27. Commanders must be aware that prolonged battle-rostering of the same ACMs may produce crew
complacency, overconfidence, implicit coordination behavior, and nonstandard procedures which results in
a degradation of crew proficiency and increases risk. Battle-rostering is beneficial, but only when used for
short periods such as high threat operational environments, training exercises, STXs, operational
deployments, and gunnery training.


5-28. All aviation training requirements should be listed in the ATP/standardization SOP and documented
in the unit training plans. There are also areas of special interest that have unique requirements and directly
affect the unit’s ability to perform its METL/collective task(s) missions. Whenever possible, commanders
must integrate these additional training requirements into collective training. While some of these
requirements focus on individual skills and knowledge, others (such as, environmental training) have a large
collective component—formation landings in a sand/dust environment versus single-aircraft approach to the
same conditions.
5-29. Additional training requirements that should be specifically integrated into collective training include,
but are not limited to the following:
 AMC and flight lead training.
 Aviation Mission Survivability Training.

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Chapter 5

 CBRNE training.
 Environmental training.
 Deck landing operations training.
 Personnel recovery training.


5-30. Aviation leaders must be proficient aviators and capable of leading their formations at echelon. A
fundamental step in the leader development process for rated aviators is achieving PC/AC status. An ATP
must provide for leader development and collective training. Special attention must be given to providing
opportunities for developing and sustaining UACs, junior commissioned and warrant officer aviation skills
and knowledge. ATP commanders are required to have a comprehensive PC/AC (UAS) program that entails
much more than establishing a PC/AC evaluation. This program should ensure that the criteria for PC/AC
selections and designations remain as high as possible, effectively ensuring the tactical and technical
proficiency of all PC/AC-designated personnel. PCs and ACs are required to demonstrate maturity in all
circumstances with sound judgement, to be leaders in the cockpit/control station, and to be capable of making
sound technical and tactical decisions while executing the unit’s METL/collective task(s). Commanders must
ensure that the PC/AC program is designed to develop their aviators and UAC personnel into mature leaders,
decision makers, and proficient pilots and operators.
5-31. PC proficiency leads to aviation leader proficiency as a flight lead, air mission commander, and
ultimately the commander of units operating and fighting with the joint combined arms team. Professional
development courses provide leaders the tools required to integrate the system into the scheme of maneuver
in order to execute training.
5-32. The goal of every professional rated aviator is a logical parallel progression of abilities and
responsibilities. As the rated aviator’s tactical and technical skills evolve, so should the assigned levels of
responsibilities. With this in mind, members of the chain of command from platoon leader through battalion
commander, must gain the knowledge and expertise to achieve RL 1 PC to set the example for subordinates.
The professional rated aviator should then continue to develop tactical and technical skills with the intent of
designation as flight lead. Continued professional development of aviation skills should lead to selection as
an AMC. The AMC is critical to mission execution in the complex OE. Only by developing skilled aviation
professionals that understand the capabilities and the risks of Army Aviation operations, can the Army train
leaders and trainers that this demanding profession requires.

5-6 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Chapter 6
Individual Qualification, Training, and Currency
6-1. The purpose of this chapter is to define the requirements of individual aircraft qualifications for both
rated and nonrated crewmembers. In addition, it describes the scope of the aircrew training program, aircrew
coordination training, various required training/qualification programs, and currency requirements.


6-2. Prerequisites and training requirements for aircraft/series qualification of ACMs are in AR 95-1, AR
95-20, AR 95-23, this publication, the MTL and applicable POI/TSP. Flight and academic instruction
described in the appropriate USAACE POI/TSP are the minimum training requirements.


6-3. ACMs will receive software-version specific and/or new hardware training when that version update
results in procedural changes to the base tasks structure. After ACMs complete this training, units will ensure
that an entry is made on the ACMs DA Form 7122 (Crew Member Training Record).


6-4. During qualification training, an IP, or SP as appropriate, will occupy a crew position with immediate
access to the aircraft flight controls at all times. This requirement does not apply to RC-12 mission equipment
qualification conducted at the United States Army Intelligence Center when the RCM being qualified on the
mission equipment is qualified and current in that particular aircraft. Additionally, when a UT/SP/instrument
examiner (IE)/IP/ME is required for the training of a task, that individual will be at one set of flight controls
during training. Trainers that are evaluating/training NRCMs must be at a station without access to the flight
6-5. If emergency procedure training is being conducted in a simulator, a SP/IP is not required to be at the
controls to perform emergency procedures tasks.
6-6. The RCM must meet the requirements of AR 95-1. Individuals are qualified in an aircraft when they
satisfactorily complete the specific aircraft qualification course conducted by USAACE, Army National
Guard (ARNG) Army Aviation Training Site (AATS), USAJTD, approved new equipment training team
(NETT), DES, or other DA-approved training site (for example original equipment manufacturer [OEM]
commercial training facility) and the following:
 Complete the academic and flight instruction for the specific aircraft outlined in the appropriate
USAACE approved POI.
 Successfully complete a RCM flight evaluation, given by an SP/IP, as outlined in the appropriate
 Successfully complete an aircraft operator’s manual examination with a minimum grade of 90
percent. Total aircraft qualification will not be awarded until the RCM successfully completes the
flight and academic training. If the RCM does not complete the mission equipment training within
the 180 consecutive days, the commander will take appropriate action according to AR 95-1.

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 6-1

Chapter 6

 SP/IP/IE/ME/MP qualified in similar aircraft defined in AR 95-1 (including DACs) are exempt
from mission equipment training except when their job descriptions require knowledge of specific
mission equipment.
6-7. When performing aircraft qualification training at the unit, use the most current approved USAACE
POI and/or TSP. The total course time will not exceed 90 days nor vary from the published POI/TSP
training/flight hours by more than 10 percent. Nonstandard aircraft qualification is conducted using the most
current approved USAACE POI/TSP as applicable.
6-8. IP/IE/MP/ME qualification must be according to AR 95-1 and the appropriate USAACE POI. Initial
validation of an ACM’s qualification following a military occupational specialty (MOS)-producing course
will be conducted in the aircraft upon returning from that course.
6-9. Maintenance test pilots and maintenance test pilot evaluators in qualification training must meet the
requirements of AR 95-1, this manual and the MTL. Maintenance tasks required for qualification as an MP
/ME will be trained and evaluated by a ME, as appropriate. RCMs will not perform MP duties until they
achieve PC status.
6-10. Maintenance test pilots (MPs) authorized and designated by the commander to perform night MTFs
will be trained and demonstrate proficiency to a current and qualified maintenance examiner (ME) prior to
conducting night MTFs. This training will be documented on the DA Form 7122 and the authorized night
maintenance maneuvers will be documented on the CTL. Tasks authorized to be performed at night will be
evaluated by a qualified and current ME during the MP/ME APART period at night. If authorized tasks to
be performed at night are not evaluated during the MP/ME APART, the MP/ME will no longer be authorized
to perform night tasks until evaluated by a current and qualified ME. Authorization to perform duties as an
MP at night will be removed from the CTL until an evaluation has been completed. Single pilot NVG MTF
operations are prohibited.
6-11. ACMs authorized to perform functional ground and flight checks must meet the requirements of AR
95-1 and/or AR 95-23, this manual and the MTL. Maintenance tasks that will be performed in the conduct
of functional ground and flight checks will be trained and evaluated by an FCP/FCO qualified SP/IP/SO/IO.
Commanders will annotate the completion of training on DA Form 7122 for those ACMs designated to
perform functional ground and flight checks. The tasks for ACMs authorized to perform functional ground
and flight checks will be listed on the ACMs DA Form 7120-1 (Crew Member Task Performance and
Evaluation Requirements). The FCP will be the PC when performing flight checks, except when undergoing
training or evaluation by an SP or IP.


6-12. The FI, IO, SO or SI must meet the requirements stated in AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23.


6-13. A flight engineer (FE), CE, or flight medic (MOS 68W) performs duties essential to the operation of
cargo/utility helicopters or fixed-wing aircraft. Individuals must be MOS-qualified. ARNG UH–72A
NRCMs with the MOS 15M/R/S/U/V, who have completed the original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
transition course, may be designated RL 3 and participate in unit-level initial aircraft qualification training
according to the appropriate TSP. This provision does not relieve Soldiers that do not possess the 15T MOS
from completing the 15T MOS transition course according to Army directives.


6-14. Other NCMs may be noncrewmembers that perform mission essential crew duties on board Army
aircraft (for example, technical inspectors).

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Individual Qualification, Training, and Currency Requirements

6-15. Individuals must be selected by the commander for the flight duties to be performed and placed on
flight status according to AR 600-106. In addition, they must first satisfactorily complete all qualification
requirements stated in this manual, the MTL, or approved POI.


6-16. The ATP is the commander’s program for training combat-ready aviation crewmembers. This training
covers the entire spectrum from task proficiency at the individual level, to crew proficiency, and finally to
unit proficiency in executing mission-essential tasks necessary to accomplish successful joint and combined
operations as defined in ADRP 1-03.
6-17. The ATP applies to all Army RCMs in operational flying positions according to AR 600-105 and
NRCMs according to AR 600-106. It also applies to NCMs that perform crewmember duties (AR 600-106)
and UACs (AR 95-23). Other individuals authorized to perform ACM duties in Army aircraft will comply
with AR 95-1, AR 95-23, and/or AR 95-20, and the MTL.
6-18. Commanders use publications such as the MTL, UTLs, aviation publications, ADRP 7-0, and the
CATS to develop the unit's ATP. The first step in this process is an evaluation of the unit's METL, collective
task(s), operational plan [OPLAN(s)]/contingency plan [CONPLAN(s)] to determine training requirements.
6-19. Standardization personnel roles in ATP development are the following:
 Standardization personnel are the primary unit personnel tasked with implementing the ATP,
especially at the individual and crew training levels.
 As the commander develops the ATP, input from the unit’s standardization and AMS sections are
vital. Individual and crew training is the foundation on which the ATP is built. Standardization and
survivability personnel advise the commander on required tasks, applicability of mission tasks to
unit roles and METL/collective task(s)-based missions, geographical factors that affect training,
operational employment, training assets, and recurring training issues.
 After analysis of the unit METL/collective task(s), standardization section input, and higher
commander’s guidance, commanders develop a supporting individual commander’s task list (CTL)
for each ACM. (Part II, chapters 9 and 11 contain more detailed guidance on the CTL.) Commanders
will then establish a training plan to ensure crews gain and maintain proficiency in unit collective
tasks. Standardization and AMS personnel must be familiar with the commander’s training intent
and with the three training plans to successfully implement the ATP.


6-20. Aviation commanders use a series of readiness levels (RL) to develop individual and crew proficiencies
that support collective tasks. RLs identify the training phase in which ACMs are participating and measure
ACM readiness. Commanders evaluate each duty position to determine how it can best support the unit’s
METL/collective task(s). They develop CTLs of base, tactical, mission, leader and additional tasks to include
the tasks in each flight mode required to accomplish the unit’s mission. The MTL and the flying hour
requirements table assist the commander in specifying annual training, flying-hour, and simulation device
6-21. The CTL is a commander’s directive to the ACM that mandates specific training and evaluation
requirements. The CTL requirements are task-based requirements derived from the unit’s METL/collective
task(s), UTL and the MTL. The CTL designates authorized crew duty stations and specifies the hours, tasks,
iterations, frequency, evaluation requirements, and ATP responsibilities the ACM must meet during the
training year.
6-22. AR 95-1 and AR 95-23 establish procedures, policy, and responsibilities for ACM training, and
standardization requirements, management of aviation resources, and the ATP. Part two of this TC provides
specific guidance on implementing the commander’s ATP.
6-23. Additionally, ACMs must have a current DD Form 2992 (or equivalent according to AR 40-501)
authorizing performance of aviation duties signed by the appropriate commander.

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Chapter 6

6-24. ACMs arrive at the unit with various levels of experience. The commander determines RL status based
upon a commanders evaluation. These ACMs progress to RL 1 by demonstrating proficiency in tasks
required by the MTL and those tasks selected by the commander based on the unit’s METL/collective task(s).
Prior to designation as RL 1, training must be conducted and assessed by the appropriate aviation trainers.
This process is explained in detail in this TC. This is a prescriptive process mandated by AR 95-1 and AR
95-23 and must be strictly followed to ensure standardization across our force.


6-25. An analysis of accidents revealed that a significant percentage resulted from one or more aircrew
coordination errors committed during and even before the flight mission. Additional research has shown that
even when crews actually avoided potential accidents, these same errors could result in degraded performance
that jeopardized mission success. A systematic analysis of these error patterns identified specific areas where
crew-level training could reduce the occurrence of such faults and break the chain of errors leading to
accidents and poor mission performance.
6-26. Aircrew coordination patterns begin with the accomplishment of crew-level pre-mission planning,
rehearsal, and AARs. Through this process, all ACMs discuss and think through contingencies and actions
for difficult segments, equipment limitations and failures, or unusual events associated with the mission, and
develop strategies to cope with possible contingencies (METT-TC).
6-27. Each ACM must actively participate in the mission planning process to ensure a common
understanding of mission intent and operational sequence. The PC/AC prioritizes planning activities so that
critical items are addressed within the available planning time. ACMs must then mentally rehearse the entire
mission by visualizing and discussing potential problems, contingencies, and assigned responsibilities. The
PC/AC ensures that ACMs take advantage of periods of low workload to review or rehearse upcoming flight
segments. ACMs should continuously review remaining flight segments to identify required adjustments,
making certain their planning is consistently ahead of critical lead times.
6-28. After a mission or mission segment, the crew should debrief, review, and critique major decisions,
their actions, and task performance. This includes identifying options and factors omitted from earlier
discussion and outlines ways to improve crew performance in future missions.

6-29. Aircrew coordination training is a two part system—an initial qualification and annual sustainment
 Part One–Initial qualification. RCMs (except flight surgeons) are initially ACT qualified at
USAACE. All other ACMs, including UAC personnel, are initially qualified by an ACT instructor
using the most current USAACE approved qualification course, usually at home station.
 Part Two–Annual sustainment training. All ACMs are required to complete the training each ATP
year. ACT sustainment material is updated at the beginning of each calendar year and can be found
6-30. ACT qualification and sustainment training are instructor-led courses that use multimedia in a vignette-
based presentation. The documents located on the DOTD web page at the above link are the authoritative
documents for all ACT requirements. This form of instruction allows instructors to facilitate free and open
discussions, enabling ACMs to operate more safely and effectively. The point of contact for the ACT
courseware and ACT issues may be contacted at
6-31. All Active Army, ARNG, RC, Department of the Army civilian, and contractor ACMs will receive
ACT qualification and sustainment training.
6-32. All ACMs shall be ACT-qualified prior to the first flight with the exception of initial entry rotary wing
(IERW) students at USAACE.

6-4 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Individual Qualification, Training, and Currency Requirements

6-33. Commanders should align sustainment training to the ACMs APART period with the training
completed by the last day of the ACMs birth month. Commanders must ensure that the ACM will not exceed
15 consecutive months without having completed ACT sustainment or qualification training (as applicable).
If the 15 consecutive month period is exceeded, the ACM will be restricted from performing flight duties
until the requirement is completed.
6-34. The following standardization personnel (SP/IP/IE/SI/FI/IO/SO) are authorized to conduct ACT
training as an ACT instructor:
 Standardization personnel, upon completion of an USAACE-approved instructor course (for
example, Aircraft Crewmember Standardization Instruction course, IP course) or appropriate
instructor qualification procedure.
 Standardization personnel that were previously instructor qualified to teach ACT or ACT
qualification training.
 Current and qualified ACT instructors may also qualify other standardization personnel as ACT
6-35. ACT initial qualification (for those initially qualified at the unit) and trainer qualification will be
annotated on the individual's DA Form 7122 as an event and in the remarks section of the individual's DA
Form 759 during the annual close out. Annual sustainment training will be annotated on the individual's DA
Form 7120 (Commander’s Task List) and in the remarks section of the individual's DA Form 759 during the
annual close out.


6-36. The Department of the Army requires that all rotary-wing rated aviators in MTOE and TDA positions
be NVG-qualified. Waiver authority for this requirement will not be delegated below the Army command
(ACOM) level for AC/USAR and Director ARNG for ARNG.
6-37. All NVG qualification, refresher, RL progression, and proficiency training will be conducted according
to this section and the appropriate tasks. Annual NVG evaluation will be performed according to paragraphs
9-52 to 9-57 of this TC and the MTL.
6-38. Initial NVG qualification for rated aviators will be conducted at the USAACE or other DA-approved
training site, according to the USAACE approved POI. If units conduct initial NVG qualification training for
all other personnel, the USAACE NVG TSP shall be used. The USAACE NVG TSP may be obtained from
the DOTD Flight Training Branch home page (
6-39. Before conducting NVG training, units must have a written NVG SOP addressing specific ACM
requirements not specified in this publication.
6-40. ACMs must be NVG qualified in each aircraft in which they perform NVG duties. During training and
evaluations, RCMs must occupy a crew position with access to the flight controls in the aircraft while wearing
NVG and demonstrate proficiency in the required NVG tasks to an NVG SP or IP. During training and
evaluations, NRCMs must demonstrate proficiency in the required NVG tasks in the aircraft while wearing
NVG to an NVG IP, SP, FI, or SI. These evaluations may be continual. The NVG column in the MTL
identifies the mandatory tasks for evaluation.
6-41. SPs, IPs, UTs, SIs, and FIs, as appropriate, will conduct the flight training.

Note. The trainer or evaluator will occupy a crew position without access to the flight controls
while conducting NRCM training or evaluations.

6-42. The ACMs must undergo NVG refresher training in aircraft for which they have not completed a one-
hour NVG flight during the previous 180 consecutive days. This requirement applies to primary, alternate
and additional aircraft. ACMs undergoing refresher training are designated NVG RL 3 (see paragraphs 8-21
and 8-28).

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 6-5

Chapter 6

6-43. NVG RL progression will be according to this TC. ACMs will not perform NVG tactical, mission, or
additional tasks until RL 3 base task training for qualification and refresher training are complete, except for
tasks annotated in the MTL
6-44. NVG continuation training requirements will be according to this TC and the MTL.
6-45. NVG RL 1 ACM minimum hour requirements are listed in the flying hour requirements table located
on the DOTD website.
6-46. UH-60 and CH-47 single-ship operations involving the use of NVG require at least three ACMs (two
rated aviators and one NRCM) that are NVG current and qualified in the aircraft. Exceptions are operations
conducted at USAACE- or NGB-centralized training bases (AATS) according to or in support of USAACE-
approved POIs.
6-47. The two rated aviators flying UH-72, UH-60, and CH-47 aircraft during aided multi-aircraft operations
will be supplemented with additional NRCMs as indicated below:
 UH-60 and UH-72. This aircraft requires one additional NRCM that is NVG current and qualified
in the aircraft (for a minimum crew of three). If both sides of the aircraft cannot be observed, a
fourth NRCM that is NVG current and qualified in the aircraft must be added for UH-60 aircraft.
 CH-47 series. These aircraft require two qualified and current NRCMs wearing NVG (for a
minimum crew of four).

Note. Rated aviators that are NVG current and qualified in the aircraft occupying crew positions
without access to the flight controls satisfy the three-crewmember requirement when
trained/designated on the CTL. In the CH-47D/F this only applies to standardization personnel.

Note. When the CH-47D/F crew consists of one NRCM and two RCMs, the NRCM must be an
RL 1 flight engineer (FE).


6-48. The commander may use the CTL to designate additional training requirements that are not primary
ATP requirements according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23, such as hypobaric refresher training. Commanders
will list any additional aviation training requirements in the ATP portion of the unit SOP and include the
conduct of this training in the unit’s training plans. A continuing program of academic training is required to
ensure ACMs are current on new equipment, concepts, tactics, and regulations.

6-49. In their SOP, aviation units will explain the effects of the environment on the unit's flight operations.
Commanders will establish a comprehensive academic and flight training program that develops and sustains
ACM proficiency in that environment and will ensure training was completed satisfactorily before the ACM
performs flight operations in the unique environment as described in FM 3.04-203. If an approved training
support package (TSP) exists for the training, it will be utilized.


6-50. An effective AMS training program focuses on the preservation of aviation combat power through
crew and collective training designed to reinforce and rehearse critical actions on contact (aircraft
survivability tactics, techniques, and procedures [TTP]) and aircraft survivability equipment (ASE)
6-51. Commanders, AMSOs, and trainers will develop a progressive and continuous survivability program
according to TC 3-04.9. The program will be in writing and administered by the AMSO and unit instructors
per the commander’s AMS program. Commanders will integrate AMS training considerations into all
exercises, with emphasis on scheduling training that requires ASE utilization and employing expendables. In
order to maintain a relevant AMS program, TTP, and a current emerging threat picture, AMSOs will
maximize the utilization of all survivability professional development seminars and threat conferences.

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Individual Qualification, Training, and Currency Requirements

6-52. The effectiveness of ASE is dependent on preventive maintenance and daily checks. Commanders will
ensure all personnel comply with DA and combat aviation brigade directives for preventive maintenance and
daily checks on survivability equipment.
6-53. Commanders will direct completion of AMS tables, of which there are three, according to TC 3-04.9.
AMS training is mandatory for modified table of organization and equipment (MTOE) units, flight activity
categories (FACs) 1 and 2, and readiness level (RL) 1 rated crewmembers (RCMs)/nonrated crewmembers
(NRCMs). The tables are optional but encouraged for TDA units.
6-54. Crewmembers will be evaluated annually on all AMS tasks required by the commander’s task List.
6-55. AMS initial qualification training will be annotated on the maneuver/procedure grade-slip, DA Form
4507-1 (Maneuver/Procedure Grade Slip). Upon completion of initial qualification training, an AMS
Qualification Complete-write up will be annotated in the individual aircrew training folder on DA Form 7122
by the AMSO or instructor pilot (IP).
6-56. AMS currency will be executed semi-annually by completion of AMS Table 3 found in TC 3-04.9. A
current unit AMSO or trainer may reset AMS currency during use of the Aviation Combined Arms Tactical
Trainer (AVCATT) or flight training. Annual training requirements will be annotated on the DA Form 7120-
3 (Crew Member Task Performance and Evaluation Requirements Remarks and Certification). Completion
of AMS academic training is certified by the crewmember at the end of the ATP year on DA Form 7120-3.


6-57. Table 1-Academic/Individual Training. Academic training will include RCMs and NRCMs.
Academics covering ASE/EW equipment, threats, and flight TTP will be completed according to TC 3-04.9,
the aircraft operator’s manual, and aircrew training modules (ATMs). Subjects include the following:
 Threats include anti-aircraft artillery, radar threat systems, infrared (IR) threat systems, electro-
optical threat systems.
 ASE systems and operability.
 ASE/EW risk analysis.
 Individual/crew (aircraft or simulator) training. Individual RCMs training is conducted in the
aircraft/synthetic flight training system (SFTS) /combat flight simulator (CMS) in both day and
night vision goggles (NVG) conditions, completed according to TC 3-04.9, the aircraft operator’s
manual, and ATMs.
 Training involves RCMs and NRCMs, focuses on radar warning receiver interpretation, drills
executing evasive maneuvers, and dispensing either chaff or flares.
 RCMs will be trained in single ship evasive maneuvers.

6-58. Upon completion of Table 1, the RCM will be able to accomplish the following tasks:
 Power up, test, and correctly identify/interpret faults within the ASE equipment.
 Correctly configure aircraft ASE settings according to aircraft checklist.
 Identify the ASE equipment on the aircraft and know their functions.
 Correctly state and understand in which category a specific threat falls in, such as radar or IR.
 Correctly state countermeasure effectiveness against threat systems.
 Be able to interpret the radar warning receiver (RWR) indications, such as search, acquisition, track
and missile launch.
 Conduct proper preflight of the ASE specific to the aircraft, such as bucket angles, color of flare
caps, and chaff caps.

Note. This table emphasizes fundamental knowledge and is the foundation for the following
training additional tables. This training will be conducted prior to a crewmember being designated
RL 1.

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Chapter 6


6-59. Table 2-Crew Training. Crew mission training may be conducted in the simulator or during flight
operations (for example electronic combat ranges, home station exercises). Completed according to TC 3-
04.9, the aircraft operator’s manual, and ATMs.
 This phase of training consists of a single-aircraft conducting mission training requiring ASE
 Missions should include various threats, mission management, evasive maneuvers, contingencies,
while working towards accomplishing a tactical scenario. The training mission will include ASE
 Single aircraft missions requiring evasive maneuvers should adhere to the crawl-walk-run
progression. Initial flight training will be conducted in day conditions, then progress into NVG
 When possible, units should schedule training flights to practice techniques recommended in the
TTP manuals. Units should strive for maximum integration of ASE/EW into tactical training
exercises. Coordinate through the AMS officer to schedule exercises with electronic emitters at
available air-ground ranges to add realism to exercises.
6-60. Table 3-Collective Training. Collective training consists of maintaining individual, crew, and unit
proficiency. Annual AMS training should be completed to maintain currency according to TC 3-04.9, the
aircraft operator’s manual, and ATMs.
 This phase of training consists of multi-aircraft formations conducting mission training requiring
ASE employment.
 Missions should include en route evasive maneuvers, contingencies, flight link ups, and actions on
the objective. The training mission may also include dispensing chaff or flares.
 Multi-aircraft missions requiring evasive maneuvers should adhere to the crawl-walk-run
progression. Initial formation flights should be conducted in day conditions, allowing crews to view
the proximity and interaction of other aircraft in the flight, then progress into NVG conditions,
exercising the “train as you fight” concept.
 When possible, units should schedule training flights to practice techniques recommended in the
TTP manuals. Units should strive for maximum integration of ASE/EW into tactical training
exercises. Coordinate through the AMS officer to schedule exercises with electronic emitters at
available air-ground ranges to add realism to exercises.

Note: Sustainment training should be developed to add to the foundational knowledge base from Table
3, specific to the units METL.

Note: Incorporation of the unit S-2 on emerging threats and capabilities is essential to develop the
knowledge base.

Note: A list of all approved TTP /tasks is located at


6-61. Annual AMS academic training programs will include the following, at a minimum and applies to
rated aviators and NRCMs:
 Aircraft survivability equipment (CBAT-O and CBAT-C).
 Tactical deployment of aviation assets.
 Aviation TTP.
 Threat identification and capabilities.
 Combined/joint operations.

6-8 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Individual Qualification, Training, and Currency Requirements

 Airspace deconfliction and control measures and air tasking orders (ATOs).
 Fratricide prevention.
6-62. Annual computer-based aviation survivability equipment training-operator/classified (CBAT-O) and
(CBAT-C) are the minimum requirements for ASE academic training for all ASE capable of being installed
on the unit’s assigned aircraft. The commander may specify additional ASE training requirements.
6-63. CBAT-O (unclassified) is an AMSO-led series of academic training modules completed throughout
the year with a computer-based examination that will be completed during the designated APART period.
6-64. CBAT-C is classified ASE training, presented in a large group format by the AMSO. CBAT-C teaches
aircrew members the system capabilities and limitations of ASE.

Note. CBAT downloads can be found at the ARAT home page at


6-65. Personnel recovery (PR) is a key accountability task under the protection warfighting function. PR is
not a separate or distinct operation; it will be embedded into all operations, including the aircrew training
program (ATP). Commanders must outline all facets of personnel recovery training in the unit's standard
operating procedures (SOP). PR education and training efforts should focus on the three force elements—
commanders and staffs, all units as potential recovery forces, and individuals at risk of isolation. Education
and exercises for commanders and staffs should stress responsibilities to account for personnel, reporting
procedures for missing personnel, and take steps to recover them. Recovery force training is a service and
component responsibility. The Army currently does not have any dedicated or designated forces to conduct
the recovery of missing, isolated, detained or captured personnel. Commanders shall be prepared to conduct
missions to return isolated personnel to friendly control. Isolated personnel training consists of various types
and degrees of survival, evasion, resistance, and escape training. FM 3-50 gives more specific guidance
concerning personnel recovery.
6-66. Crewmembers will receive annual academics or attend a training exercise involving escape and
evasion, basic survival subjects, isolated personnel training, or unit personnel recovery equipment. Annual
training requirements will be annotated on the DA Form 7120-3 (Crew Member Task Performance and
Evaluation Requirements Remarks and Certification). Completion of AMS academic training is certified by
the crewmember at the end of the ATP year on DA Form 7120-3.


6-67. Aircrews must be capable of making an accurate combat identification of friendly, threat, and relevant
civilian vehicles. CID training is mandatory for MTOE units. It is optional, but encouraged for TDA units.
Commanders will establish a CID training program in the ATP portion of the unit SOP using TC 3-17 and
TC 3-04.45 as a reference. The CID program will include training on the combat identification and its primary
components—accurate situational awareness, positive target identification, family of systems and properly
applying the rules of engagement.
6-68. All MTOE rotary wing aviation units will use the recognition of combat vehicles (ROC-V) software
or web based application available through to train combat vehicle identification.
Commanders will establish the following in the CID section of the unit SOP:
 ROC-V as the minimum training standard for visual and thermal imagery.
 Any additional threat, friendly, and civilian vehicles relevant to the unit mission.
 The minimum standard for evaluation.
 Annual training requirements at a minimum. Consideration should be given to additional training
for attack/reconnaissance and UAS crewmembers.
6-69. ROC-V annual requirements will be annotated on the DA Form 7120. Completion of ROC-V training
will be documented on the DA Form 7120.

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Chapter 6


6-70. The helicopter and UAS gunnery programs are comprised of individual training and qualification, team
training and qualification, which culminate at the collective level. Commanders will develop a progressive
and continuous aviation gunnery program according to TC 3-04.45 and DA PAM 350-38.


6-71. Commanders of units that have CBRNE equipment on their MTOE/TDA will establish a CBRNE
training program in the ATP portion of the unit SOP according the MTL and ATP 3-05.11.
6-72. Annual CBRNE Training. Units without a MTOE/TDA allocation of CBRNE equipment are exempt
from the training and evaluation requirements prescribed in the MTL. Aviation units that have CBRNE
equipment on their MTOE/TDA will include CBRNE training and evaluation requirements, including
mission and additional tasks, in the unit standardization SOP. All flight activity category (FAC) 1 positions
and those FAC 2 positions designated by the commander will conduct the CBRNE training as established in
the MTL and the unit SOP. The waiver authority for these requirements is the first general officer in the chain
of command.
6-73. Readiness Level Progression and Continuation Training. The MTL outlines the minimum tasks
required for RL progression and requires one iteration to be performed annually once an ACM is RL 1. The
commander must specify iterations for optional base, tactical, mission, or additional tasks required according
to the unit's mission. CBRNE tasks performed during RL progression training and annual CBRNE
evaluations will be conducted while wearing the aircrew protective mask at a minimum except when
temperature is a factor or when the protective over-garment is not available.
6-74. Training proficiency. The CBRNE annual requirements listed in this publication and the MTL will
provide aircrews with an individual familiarity of flight operations under a simulated CBRNE environment.
This training can be expanded beyond the minimums outlined if commanders desire to bring aircrews from
a level of familiarity to a level of crew proficiency. The number of hours and iterations required to train each
ACM depends on the unit's mission and the commander's assessment of the unit's needs for proficiency. The
commander must decide how much training is needed (beyond the minimums outlined) for proficiency in
unit CBRNE operations. Once ACMs are trained, they can maintain proficiency through collective CBRNE
flight training.


6-75. Conducting aviation operations while in mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP) 4 significantly
increases risk. The protective over-garment and gloves restrict movement, and the protective mask restricts
vision. ACMs can overcome these restrictions by training as often as possible while wearing MOPP 4 gear.
6-76. While conducting training wearing MOPP, the commander will ensure aircrews use extra care when
performing flight duties when the wet bulb globe temperature is above 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Ideally, this
training should be conducted during the cooler months of the year or in the simulator.
6-77. Emergency procedure training. Emergency procedure training should be performed in the flight
simulator or a static aircraft. When conducting emergency procedure training in flight, the SP/IP is restricted
from wearing a protective mask.
6-78. Evaluation. The CBRNE evaluation will be conducted annually at any time during an ACM’s ATP
year. Units may conduct CBRNE evaluations as part of the commander's no notice program, in conjunction
with the annual proficiency and readiness test (APART), or during a situational training exercise (STX). The
CBRNE flight evaluation will be conducted in the aircraft or simulator as directed by the commander. When
temperature is a factor or when the protective over-garment is not available, at a minimum the evaluation
will be conducted while wearing the aircrew protective mask. Individual evaluation requirements must be
documented on the ACMs DA Form 7120.

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Individual Qualification, Training, and Currency Requirements


6-79. Commanders will establish an ALSE training program in the ATP section of the unit SOP. At least
once annually, commanders will ensure that all ACMs receive training in the operation, use, and operator
maintenance of aviation life support systems according to AR 95-1. Proper ALSE assets are critical factors
in the ACMs ability to maintain battlefield mobility and survivability.

6-80. The commander, assisted by the flight surgeon, develops an aeromedical sustainment training program
that meets the unit’s specific needs. Considerations will be given to the unit’s mission, area of operations,
and environments that the unit may operate. Because of the medical and technical nature of the aeromedical
training program, commanders should involve their supporting flight surgeon in developing the program.
Commanders can obtain further assistance in developing a unit aeromedical sustainment training program
from the Dean, United States Army School of Aviation Medicine, ATTN: HSHA-AVN, Fort Rucker, AL
36362. The aeromedical sustainment training program will be conducted according to TC 3-04.93.


6-81. ACMs must complete deck landing qualification according to the overwater TSP located on the DOTD
website before they can conduct naval deck landing missions.


6-82. Units performing rescue hoist operations will establish a rescue hoist training program in an SOP
according to the appropriate task. Training and evaluation requirements will be outlined for each individual
ACM (for example, PC/PI/CE/FE/MO). Additionally, training and evaluation requirements will be outlined
for instructors/trainers (SP/IP/SI/FI/UTs). The SOP will include hoist procedures, extraction device use,
preflight, and emergency procedures. Currency requirements and static/live-load training will also be
established in the SOP.


6-83. Hypobaric refresher training requirements will be according to TC 3-04.93, chapter 1, utilizing
appendix A for training. Low-pressure, high-altitude physiology (hypobaric) training must be current prior
to beginning flight training for all applicable fixed-wing units.


6-84. The ATP commander will establish a PC/AC training and certification program. The training program
will select individuals based on experience and have demonstrated the proficiency, judgment and tactical
decision-making skills required to fill the PC/AC role.
6-85. The skills required to train fellow aviators and operators to be an effective PC or AC are obtained by
actively participating in training events, mentoring by aviation leaders, and seeking professional
development. A critical aspect of a unit’s PC or AC programs is to ensure that PCs or ACs are chosen—
regardless of rank or position—and have the maturity and judgment required to execute PC or AC duties.


6-86. When two or more aircraft are operating as one flight, the unit commander will designate an air mission
commander (AMC). The AMC is a leadership position and is not a crew duty assignment. The AMC serves
as the overall mission leader and is delegated the authority by the commander to make all decisions during
multi-aircraft operations. The ATP commander will establish an AMC training and certification program.
The commander should maximize the use of TADSS in this training program. The commander will select

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Chapter 6

individuals based on experience and those having demonstrated the proficiency, judgment and tactical
decision-making skills required to fill the AMC role. AMC training/certification will be annotated on the DA
Form 7122 as an event.
6-87. AMCs must be prepared to make critical decisions throughout mission planning, “go/no-go” decision
briefings, and mission execution. The AMC must possess a thorough understanding of aircraft capabilities,
mission flow, execution, and the commander’s intent. The AMC must also know the ground tactical plan and
possible mission contingencies. Rank and position alone do not qualify a person to serve as an AMC. The
AMC is selected to lead an assigned mission based on the appropriate level of aviation proficiency,
experience, and leadership. These qualities are the best indicator to determine which aviators are the most
capable of executing the unit’s mission.

6-88. Aircraft currency will be according to AR 95-1, AR 95-20, and/or AR 95-23. An ACM whose currency
has lapsed must complete a proficiency flight evaluation (PFE) administered by an SP/IP/SI/FI/SO/IO.
Commanders should consider selecting tasks from each mode of flight, (“D,” “N,” and “I”) and evaluating
tasks from each selected mode during the currency evaluation. These requirements will be outlined in the
unit SOP. The ACM will demonstrate proficiency in those tasks and modes selected by the commander. If
the ACM fails to demonstrate proficiency, the ACM will be placed in the appropriate RL. An appropriate
training plan will be developed to enable the ACM to regain proficiency in the unsatisfactory tasks.
6-89. Currency in any one aircraft series will satisfy the requirement for all aircraft within the series group.
Separate currency is required for all other aircraft.

Note. Utilizing the simulator to maintain aircraft currency is not authorized.

6-90. To be considered NVG current, ACMs will participate, at least once every 60 consecutive days, in a
one-hour flight in their primary aircraft while wearing NVG. NVG currency may be completed in similar
aircraft. Rated aviators will occupy a crew station with access to the flight controls. NRCMs must be
performing crew duties.

6-91. To be considered NVS current, every 60 consecutive days an aviator must take part in a one-hour flight
at night in the aircraft, during the day with blackout curtains, or a one-hour flight in the AH-64D/E Longbow
crew trainer (LCT) while using the NVS. An aviator must participate in a one-hour flight in the aircraft at
night while using NVS or during the day with blackout curtains, at a minimum, once every 120 consecutive

6-92. To be considered current, a UAC must—
 Perform every 60 consecutive days, a takeoff and landing while operating (A seat) the UAS or an
approved simulator.
 Perform every 120 consecutive days, a takeoff and landing while operating (A seat) the UAS.

6-93. To be considered current, an EO must conduct one takeoff and landing and 30 minutes of local flight
time every 30 consecutive days “D” or “N”.
6-94. To be considered “N” current, an EO must conduct one takeoff and landing and 30 minutes of local
flight time under the “N” condition, every 30 consecutive days. A UAC that is “N” current is also considered
“D” current.

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Individual Qualification, Training, and Currency Requirements

6-95. The UAC whose currency has lapsed must complete a proficiency flight evaluation according to
paragraph 9-58 of this TC. Simulators may not be used to reestablish currency.

Note. IOs/SOs are not authorized to count flights while not physically on the controls to meet
currency requirements.

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Aviation Standardization Program

Chapter 7
Aviation Standardization Program Overview
7-1. The United States Army G-3/5/7 (DAMO-AV) office is responsible for the United States Army
Standardization program and is the proponent of AR 95-1 and AR 95-23. The Commanding General (CG),
USAACE is the United States Army Aviation Branch Chief, serves as the proponent for the United States
Army Aviation Standardization Program, and is responsible for ensuring aviation units are standardized and
prepared for the warfighting combined arms mission.
7-2. The objectives of the United States Army Aviation Standardization Program are—
 The improvement and sustainment of proficiency and readiness among Aviation Soldiers and units
throughout the Army.
 The reduction of the adverse effects of personnel turbulence following reassignments.
 The elimination of local modification of approved standardized practices and procedures.

7-3. In order to meet the objectives of Army Aviation Standardization the CG, USAACE utilizes the
following two agencies to meet standardization objectives.
7-4. DOTD is the proponent agency for developing materials that govern the management of aviation
doctrinal and training publications allowing units in the field to manage and execute a standardized aviation
7-5. DES is the proponent agency for the enforcement and oversight of the Army Aviation Standardization
Program. The DES assesses units in the field to ensure compliance with the approved ATP and Army
Aviation standardization policy. Although priorities and emphasis on skill sets change due to Army
requirements, adherence to approved practices and procedures is a critical element in a unit’s ability to
prevent accidents.
7-6. The aviation commander is responsible for the unit's standardization program. The aviation
commander must include standardization throughout the overall training strategy. The commander's primary
standardization staff members include subordinate commanders, unit standardization officers, master gunners
and nonrated instructors. Standardization must be implemented in all training tasks. Implementers must
remember that standardization is not an end in itself. Standardization enables units of any size—crews,
multiple-aircraft formations, teams, companies/troops, squadrons/battalions or brigades—to readily function
together to accomplish the warfighting combined arms mission.

7-7. The CG, USAACE has designated DES with the responsibility of clarifying standardization policy (as
required) for Army aviation units worldwide. DES issues policy clarification according to AR 95-1 through
a standardization communication (STACOM).

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 7-1

Chapter 7


7-8. As directed by the CG, USAACE, assessments are conducted on a 24- to 36-month cycle for aviation
units in order to determine the state of the aviation branch and ensure aviation units meet aviation
standardization program objectives. These are normally conducted for CAB level and below units. Unit
assessments are designed to measure the effectiveness of an ATP and concentrate on the following areas:
 Unit SOP and required training programs.
 Mission processes.
 Flight evaluations to determine individual proficiency.


7-9. As directed by the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, aviation unit surveys are required to be
conducted on a 24- to 36-month cycle in order to ensure compliance with Army standardization objectives,
meet the requirements of the Command Inspection Program, and ensure aviation units are resourced and
capable of the warfighting mission.
7-10. The ARMS checklist is developed according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23 and assesses the readiness
and resource management of the aviation unit. FORSCOM ARMS is the lead agency for the development,
staffing, and publication of the Aviation ARMS Checklist.
7-11. More information on FORSCOM ARMS is located at


7-12. When ATP requirements other than the PC requirements mandated in this chapter are not met, the
commander investigates to determine an appropriate course of action according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-
23. When determining the course of action, commanders must consider not only the individual’s history and
current circumstance for the failure, but also available resources to complete the failed requirements within
30 days (180 days from start training date after deployment). When the investigation determines the
requirements can be met, an extension of up to 30 days (180 days after deployment) is appropriate. When the
history, circumstance or resources indicate the requirements will not be met, an extension should not be
granted and the commander should request a waiver, or if appropriate, a flight evaluation board (FEB). Until
the waiver is approved or the FEB convened, suspend the RCM from flight duty. For the NRCM, if a waiver
is not granted terminate flight status.
7-13. Extensions. Extensions will be according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23 and entered on DA Forms 7122
and 759, as appropriate. The DA Form 7122 entry will specify the requirements to be completed, the
restrictions imposed, and then it will be signed by the appropriate authority. Once the extended requirements
have been completed, enter the completion on the DA Form 7122.
 If an extension exceeds the close out date, it will be annotated on the DA Form 759. Completion of
the requirements will be entered on the DA Form 759 during the next closeout.
 Flight time accrued during authorized extensions for semi-annual/annual flying hour requirements
will not be counted toward the ACMs current semi-annual/annual period as appropriate.
7-14. Waivers. Waivers will be according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23, prepared in memorandum format,
entered on DA Form 7122, and annotated on the DA Form 759 during the annual closeout. Waivers will
specify all waived requirements, any required actions and be signed by the appropriate waiver authority. The
waiver authority signature is required to be on the memorandum and not on the DA Form 7122. Waivers will
be retained in the miscellaneous section of the IATF until forwarded to flight operations personnel and
annotated on the DA Form 759 during the next closeout. Three types of waivers exist:
 Individual waiver. Appropriate for individual circumstance only, signed by the first O-6 in the chain
of command (or SAAO for the ARNG, if designated the deployed commander). Normally does not

7-2 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Aviation Standardization Program Overview

require an expiration date as it used for a singular event for one ACM (for example, RCM failed to
meet semi-annual Hood and NVG flying hours.)
 Unit waiver, deployed. Appropriate for a CAB during operational deployments and only when
actually deployed, signed by the O-6 commander and above (or SAAO for the ARNG). These
waivers normally require an expiration date (for example, the unit deployed without appropriate
CBRNE equipment; unit waiver would expire upon return from deployment at established start
training date.)
 Unit waiver, garrison. Appropriate for any unit and may be appropriate for entire installations.
These waivers normally require an expiration date and are required to be signed by the first general
officer (GO) in the chain of command. Once approved the unit waiver will be forwarded thru the
chain of command to the CG USAACE, ATTN: ATZQ-ES. (If the waiver is an enduring
requirement, the waiver will require renewal annually upon expiration.)
7-15. Suspensions. Suspensions for RCMs are according to AR 600-105, NRCMs according to AR 600-
106, and UACs according to AR 95-23. Commanders will coordinate with the Incentive Pay Branch
regarding RCM suspensions and with local finance and accounting officials when dealing with NRCM pay.
 Medical suspension (30 days or longer). Are prescribed by AR 600-105 for RCMs and annotated
on the DA Form 7122 and DA Form 759.
 Nonmedical suspension (up to 60 days). Any commander in the chain of command may impose a
nonmedical suspension for RCMs not to exceed 60 days. The suspension will be annotated on the
DA Form 7122 and DA Form 759.
 Nonmedical suspension (up to 365 days). Commanders with FEB appointing authority may impose
a nonmedical suspension for RCMs for up to 365 days. The suspension will be annotated on the DA
Form 7122 and DA Form 759 and must be according to AR 600-105.
 Suspensions for NRCMs/UACs for disciplinary, medical, administrative, or performance will be
processed according to AR 600-106 and/or AR 95-23 and annotated on the DA Form 7122 and DA
Form 759.


7-16. Commissioned or warrant officer positions listed on a TDA or MTOE and coded for a basic branch
code 15 (Aviation) or area of concentration of MOS 67J (Medical Service Corps) and some functional area
51 (Acquisition Corps) or primary MOS 152 through 155 are considered flying duty positions. TDA and
MTOE documents may be viewed at Flying duty positions are further divided into
operational and non-operational positions.
7-17. All ACMs will turn in their IATF and individual flight records folder (IFRF) to the nearest aviation
unit for records management and ATP support. Local commands must develop procedures to ensure IATFs
and DA Form 759’s are managed for aviation positions in the local area. Additionally, they must receive an
annual DA Form 759 closeout according to TC 3-04.8. When assignment is not collocated or not feasible,
the ACM will retain his/her records and turn in upon reassignment.
7-18. All ACMs in aviation service must meet medical fitness standards for flying duty (AR 40-501), and be
issued an annual medical clearance on DD Form 2992. When assigned to locations without ATP support,
ACMs will keep copies of all DD Form 2992s. Immediately upon reporting to an area or unit with ATP
support, the ACM will turn in all required copies of the DD Form 2992 into the flight records personnel to
facilitate DA Form 759 closeouts.
7-19. ACMs assigned to nonoperational positions are not required to be integrated into an ATP for FAC
designation. Non-operational positions will have the “G-7” additional skill identifier annotated in the TDA
or MTOE position. Additionally, ACMs other than warrant officers assigned to non-operational position are
prohibited from performing ACMs duties unless authorized by HQDA (DAPE–PRP).
7-20. All ACMs assigned to an operational flying position will be integrated into an ATP and assigned to a
FAC position. Commanders must check the credentials of any ACM not assigned to their formation but flying
with their unit. When an ACM flies with a unit for anything other than an authorized medical in-flight

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 7-3

Chapter 7

demonstration, he/she must not be otherwise prohibited from performing ACMs duties (such as coded G-7)
and must be considered as part of the rated inventory (AR 600-105).


7-21. Flight activity category (FAC) levels are determined based on flight task requirements and the
proficiency required by the MTOE or TDA position. FAC flying hour requirements are determined by the
individuals’ primary aircraft. All operational flying positions will be designated by the brigade level
commander for organic or attached units as one of the following flight activity categories—FAC 1, FAC 2,
FAC 3, or FAC 4. For units that are not organic or attached to a brigade or where a brigade level command
does not exist within the state, the SAAO will assign FAC designations. The ATP commander notes the FAC
level, based on the organizational position and specifies requirements on each individual ACMs CTL. Flight
activity categories do not apply to DACs, ARNG/USAR technicians in facility designated aircraft, ARNG
technicians not in an M-Day operational flying position, flight surgeons, NRCMs, NCMs, UAS crew chiefs,
and non-aircraft qualified MOS 150U warrant officers (WOs). For operational ACMs attached to an aviation
unit for ATP purposes, the supporting brigade level commander or higher must determine FAC position
based on available resources. For UACs and operational RCMs attached to an aviation unit for ATP purposes,
the supporting brigade-level commander or higher must determine FAC position based on available
7-22. Commanders will not change a FAC designation merely to reduce the individual or unit flying-hour
requirements, proficiency requirements, or to accommodate an individual’s preference. During reduced
funding, see “Managing Resources” in chapter 5.
7-23. Rated aviators/UACs with less than 3 years of their initial operational assignment(s) in their assigned
aircraft after graduation from flight school and/or qualification course will be assigned to FAC 1 or 2
positions and will be assessed FAC 1 flying minimums. These ACMs will not be assigned to FAC 3 or FAC
4 positions, except those granted an exception to policy by the Army Command.
7-24. ACMs that are over-strength/over-structure to MTOE/TDA operational flying positions and assigned
to excess positions can be designated FAC 1, FAC 2, FAC 3, or FAC 4 as determined by the brigade level
commander and required by resource constraints. ACMs assigned to an excess position are not authorized an
alternate or additional aircraft.
7-25. FAC 3 or FAC 4 positions do not guarantee an individual’s total operational flying duty credit
(TOFDC). Additionally, a waiver for FAC 3 or FAC 4 ATP requirements may also affect TOFDC.
Individuals with TOFDC questions may contact Human Resources Command (HRC), Incentive Pay Branch


7-26. These duty positions require a high degree of proficiency in the tactical employment of the assigned
aircraft. The higher semiannual flying-hour requirements of ACMs assigned to FAC 1 positions reflect the
requirement for proficiency in all METL/collective task(s)/ATM tasks. All operational flying positions at
company/troop level in MTOE units with assigned aircraft are designated FAC 1 positions (see exception
under FAC 3). External operators (EOs) and all aircraft operators (AOs) assigned to MTOE units (except
those listed in paragraph 7-27) are classified as FAC 1.


7-27. These duty positions require the same level of proficiency in individual and crew tasks as FAC 1 duty
positions, but less in company and battalion collective mission tasks. FAC 2 ACMs collective proficiency
should be at a level sufficient to minimize training up to the FAC 1 level. Commanders must judiciously
select FAC 2 tactical, mission and additional tasks to ensure maximum readiness within resource constraints.
Commanders will not expect FAC 2 ACMs to immediately perform collective mission tasks that are not part
of their training program. Units that do not have a METL, or an MTOE that supports the tactical employment
of its assigned aircraft, (such as a flight detachment or a TDA unit) will designate unit positions as FAC 2.
UAS platoon sergeants, first sergeants, and aircraft-qualified MOS 150U WOs should be designated FAC 2.

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Aviation Standardization Program Overview


7-28. FAC 3 designation may only be applied in TDA units and to MTOE unit positions in brigade-level and
above. Designation of a position as FAC 3 is not authorized in a MTOE battalion or lower organization,
unless the ACM is not qualified in an aircraft assigned to the battalion. RCMs/UACs in FAC 3 positions are
prohibited from performing ACMs duties in Army aircraft. To designate a position as FAC 3, a simulator
must be available for the ACM use. A RCM/UAC in a FAC 3 position must be qualified in the aircraft for
which the simulator was developed. The RCM/UAC must meet all simulator flying-hour, task iteration, and
evaluation requirements specified in this TC, the MTL and the flying hour table. Rated aviators assigned to
FAC 3 positions that have not completed an instrument evaluation within the previous ATP year must
complete an instrument evaluation within 90 days of FAC 3 assignment. FAC 3 aviators will complete a
minimum of one iteration of instrument base tasks annually. All RCMs in FAC 3 positions must complete an
instrument evaluation and operator’s manual written exam during their APART. FAC 3 UACs must
demonstrate to an IO, within the first 90 days and annually thereafter, their proficiency in mandatory base
tasks listed in the MTL. All UACs in FAC 3 positions must complete an annual operator’s written
examination during their APART.


7-29. FAC 4 designation will only be applied to operational flying positions above and outside a combat
aviation brigade where a brigade level commander or higher has determined there are limited or no aircraft
or simulator resources available to support FAC 1, 2 or 3 minimums. RCMs in FAC 4 positions are prohibited
from performing ACM duties in Army aircraft. RCMs should be given synthetic flight training system
(SFTS) requirements as resources permit.
7-30. At a minimum, personnel assigned to FAC 4 designated positions will complete annual ACT
sustainment training, an operator’s manual examination and supported unit academic training requirements.
If simulation is available the ATP commander should consider an annual instrument evaluation.


7-31. Conditional aviation career incentive pay (ACIP) aviators also referred to as fly for pay aviators are
aviators that are assigned to an operational flight position, but have not met total operational flying duty
credit (TOFDC) gate requirements as prescribed in AR 600-105 in order to receive continuous aviation career
incentive pay (ACIP).
7-32. These aviators must meet the monthly flight hour or banking minimums prescribed in Department of
Defense Financial Management Regulation (DODFMR) 7000.14-R. Flight hours must be performed in an
aircraft (no simulator time) while logging a RCM duty symbol other than “CP” per AR 600-105.
7-33. Aviators designated conditional ACIP/fly for pay must meet ATP requirements and be assigned a FAC
level assigned to the operational position.


7-34. The following directives are intended to strengthen the technical and tactical warfighting skills of
aviation company and battalion commanders, allowing them to truly lead and fight from the front.
7-35. All active Army, AGR, and mobilized reserve component (MRC) company and battalion commanders
with aircraft assigned to their unit that have been in command for at least 180 days and have been RL 1 for
at least 180 days MUST be a PC in their primary aircraft. Non-mobilized reserve component (NMRC)
commanders should set this requirement as a goal.
7-36. The PC requirement for battalion commanders serving their first operational assignment in a new
aircraft type (FW/RW) or aircraft mission/design (OH-58D/AH-64D) is 365 days.
7-37. The 180-day PC requirement excludes days lost due to—
 Temporary duty (TDY) or deployment to a location where the ACM is unable to fly.

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Chapter 7

 Medical or nonmedical suspension from flight.

 Grounding of aircraft by Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA).
 Leave approved by the unit commander.
 Aircraft non-availability due to movement to deployment/redeployment, unit inactivation or
conversion, and aircraft preset/reset (less than 50 percent of unit aircraft assigned are available).
 Documented flight cancellations due to weather and/or maintenance that have had a significant
impact on flight operations, as well as restrictions to flight operations due to no fly times from the
host country in which the unit operates.
7-38. Brigade commanders can waive this requirement for company and battalion commanders that will be
in command less than 12 months or will not have aircraft available for at least 12 months. This waiver will
be in a memorandum type format. The waiver authority signature is required to be on the memorandum and
not on the DA Form 7122. Waivers will be retained in the miscellaneous section of the IATF until forwarded
to flight operations personnel and annotated on the DA Form 759 during the next closeout.
7-39. If the above requirements are not met, the commander will suspend the aviator according to AR 95-1
and AR 600-105 and investigate. Upon completing the investigation, the suspending commander will—
 Request a 30-day extension according to AR 95-1 to complete requirements from the first O-6 in
the chain of command.
 If an extension is not granted or the requirement is not met at the end of the extension period, place
the officer before a flight evaluation board according to AR 600-105, or request a waiver from this
requirement from HQDA, G-3/5/7 (DAMO-AV), 400 Army Pentagon, 3A474, Washington, DC,
20310. (Extensions and/or waivers will be entered on DA Form 7122 and DA Form 759.)

Note. These directives will require that battalion and brigade commanders screen potential
aviation company commanders for units with assigned aircraft to ensure that the potential
company commanders have the ability to progress to PC. Potential company commanders that do
not possess the ability to meet these requirements should be assigned to positions that will allow
them to develop additional aviation experience.


7-40. The following directives are training requirements intended to strengthen the technical and tactical
warfighting skills of aviation WOs with DA-awarded skill qualification identifiers.
7-41. All active Army, AGR, and MRC aviation warrant officers holding a SQI with aircraft assigned to
their unit that have been assigned for at least 180 days and have been RL 1 for at least 180 days must be a
PC in their primary aircraft. NMRC WO should set this requirement as a goal.
7-42. The PC requirement for first utilization tour officers that have an additional skill identifier earned in
another category of aircraft and have been transitioned to a new aircraft category is 360 days.
7-43. The 180-day PC requirement excludes days lost due to—
 TDY or deployment to a location where the ACM is unable to fly.
 Medical or nonmedical suspension from flight.
 Grounding of aircraft by HQDA.
 Leave approved by the unit commander.
 Aircraft non-availability due to movement to deployment, redeployment, and aircraft preset/reset
(less than 50 percent of unit aircraft assigned are available).
 Documented flight cancellations due to weather and/or maintenance that have had a significant
impact on flight operations, as well as restrictions to flight operations due to no fly times from the
host country in which the unit operates.
7-44. Brigade commanders can waive this requirement for WOs being assigned to units for less than 12
months or for units that will not have aircraft available for at least 12 months. This waiver will be in a

7-6 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Aviation Standardization Program Overview

memorandum style format. The waiver authority signature is required to be on the memorandum and not on
the DA Form 7122. Waivers will be retained in the miscellaneous section of the IATF until forwarded to
flight operations personnel and annotated on the DA Form 759 during the next closeout.
7-45. If the above requirements are not met, the commander will suspend the aviator according to AR 95-1
and AR 600-105 and investigate. Upon completing the investigation, the suspending commander will—
 Request a 30-day extension from the first O-6 in the chain of command.
 If an extension is not granted or the requirement is not met at the end of the extension, place the
officer before a flight evaluation board according to AR 600-105 or request a waiver for this
requirement from HQDA, G-3/5/7 (DAMO-AV), 400 Army Pentagon, 3A474, Washington, DC,
20310. (Extensions and/or waivers will be entered on DA Form 7122 and DA Form 759.)

Note. These directives will require that the company, battalion, and brigade commanders screen
potential warrant officers and adhere to the ATRRS PC requirements specified when selecting
individuals for the AMSO, Safety, IP, and MP courses. Individuals must have attained PC before
enrollment in ATRRS. Potential WOs that do not possess the ability to meet these requirements
should not be selected for these positions.


7-46. All active Army UAS operators holding an SO/IO qualification with aircraft assigned to their unit that
have been assigned for at least 180 days and have been RL 1 for at least 180 days must be an AC and maintain
AC status in their primary aircraft.
7-47. The 180-day AC requirement excludes days lost due to—
 TDY or deployment to a location where the ACM is unable to fly.
 Medical or nonmedical suspension from flight.
 Grounding of aircraft by HQDA.
 Leave approved by the unit commander.
 Aircraft non-availability due to movement to deployment, redeployment, and aircraft preset/reset
(less than 50 percent of unit aircraft assigned are available).
 Documented flight cancellations due to weather and/or maintenance that have had a significant
impact on flight operations, as well as restrictions to flight operations due to no fly times from the
host country in which the unit operates.
7-48. Brigade commanders can waive this AC requirement for operators being assigned to units for less than
12 months or for units that will not have aircraft available for at least 12 months. This waiver will be in a
memorandum style format. The waiver authority signature is required to be on the memorandum and not on
the DA Form 7122. Waivers will be retained in the miscellaneous section of the IATF until forwarded to
flight operations personnel and annotated on the DA Form 759 during the next closeout. If the above
requirements are not met, the commander will process the operator according to AR 95-23.


7-49. The commander will establish an ATP/standardization SOP. At a minimum the SOP must address the
following areas:
 ACM and crew evaluation.
 List of optional base, tactical, mission tasks, and additional tasks designated as mandatory tasks by
the commander (paragraph 1-19 to 1-24).
 NVG Training (paragraph 6-39).
 Environmental training (paragraph 6-49).
 Aviation mission survivability training (paragraph 6-51).

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Chapter 7

 Personnel recovery training (paragraph 6-65).

 Combat identification training (paragraph 6-67).
 Recognition of combat vehicles (paragraph 6-68).
 Annual Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Training (paragraph 6-71).
 Aviation life support equipment training (paragraph 6-79).
 Rescue hoist operations, if applicable (paragraph 6-82).
 Pilot in command/aircraft commander training (paragraph 6-84).
 Air mission commander training (paragraph 6-86).
 LAO requirements (paragraph 8-67).
 Aircrew information reading file procedures (paragraph 8-68).
 Proficiency flight evaluation minimum task requirements (paragraph 9-59).
 No-notice evaluation program (paragraph 9-67).

Note. Required SOP items are only derived from this TC.

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Chapter 8
Aircrew Training Program Management
8-1. The purpose of the commander's evaluation is to determine an ACM’s proficiency and corresponding
RL. This evaluation consists of a flight records review and, if directed by the commander, a proficiency flight
evaluation (PFE), in which all modes of flight should be considered. The evaluation results in an initial RL
designation in the mode of flight flown for those other than FAC 3/4. The commander/designated
representatives will complete the evaluation according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23. The commander’s
evaluation must occur within 45 calendar days after the ACM signs into the unit or after the effective date of
his or her flying status orders, whichever occurs last. The ARNG commander or a designated representative
will complete the commander’s evaluation within 45 days after unit assignment or the effective date of the
ACM’s NGB or state aviation services orders, as applicable. After 45 days, if the commander’s evaluation
has not determined an RL status, the ACM will be designated RL 3.

8-2. The ACM is required to turn in the IATF and the individual flight records folder (IFRF) according to
AR 95-1/AR 95-23. The commander—assisted by the unit standardization personnel—will review the ACMs
IATF and the IFRF. The commander will assess the individual's qualifications and tasks performed in the
ACMs previous assignment with the tasks required by the assigned duty position. Based on this review, the
commander may designate an appropriate RL for the ACM and document that RL on the individual's DA
Form 7122.


8-3. If the initial RL cannot be determined by the records review, or if the commander desires, the ACM
will undergo a PFE. At a minimum, the PFE will consist of base, tactical, mission, and additional tasks in
which all modes of flight should be considered as designated by the commander. The results of the PFE will
determine the ACMs RL designation, which will be documented on the individual's DA Form 7122.

8-4. To be designated RL1, based solely on a records check, an ACM must have—
 Satisfactorily completed all APART requirements within the previous ATP year.
 A current DD Form 2992.
 Completed a LAO according to local SOP.
 Met ACT sustainment requirements.
 If affected by a waiver or extension, must have completed all components of the APART (written
and hands on) within the preceding 24 months to be designated RL 1.
8-5. RCMs/UACs on their first assignment following the IERW course or aircraft qualification course will
be designated RL 3 based solely on a records review. These ACMs must receive a PFE for initial designation
to RL 2.
8-6. ACMs having not flown within the previous 180 days in the aircraft mission type and design (for
example CH-47, UH-60, and AH-64) must be designated RL 3 and complete refresher training. The ATP
commander will determine proficiency requirements for aircraft that are similar but not series grouped based
on the unit mission.

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Chapter 8

8-7. ARNG ACMs that transfer between units or support facilities within the same state can retain their
previously designated RL status if they will be participating in flight activities in the same type of aircraft in
their new assignment assuming the requirements in paragraph 8-4 are completed.


8-8. All door gunners, NCM, flight surgeons, aeromedical physician’s assistants (APA), and aeromedical
psychological investigators (API) working onboard Army aircraft must be placed on flight orders per AR
600-106 and/or AR 600-105. These individuals must satisfactorily pass a flight physical per AR 40-501,
complete ACT, NVG training when applicable (per USAACE training support package [TSP]), and complete
the tasks listed in the MTL administered by an SP/IP/FI/SI.
8-9. These individuals will have a DA Form 7120 authorizing duties and specifying required tasks dictated
by the MTL and/or local SOP. All task training will be administered by an SP/IP/FI/SI.
8-10. The commander may select additional tasks based on the unit’s METL/collective task(s). All training
will be documented using DA Form 3513 (Individual Flight Records Folder, United States Army) and include
DA Form 4507 (Crew Member Grade Slip), DA Form 7120, DA Form 7120-1, DA Form 7120-3, and DA
Form 7122, according to chapter 11. Evaluation requirements are stated in the MTL and/or local SOP.
Table 8–1. ACM integration


(Excluding (including Sgt) API)
FS) MOS 68W)
Duty Symbols SP, IP, IE, SI, FI, FE, OR MO SO, IO, AO,
Authorized UT, ME, CE, UT, AC, EO, UT
per AR 95- MP, PC, PI, MO, DG
1/AR 95-23 CP, XP
Requirements DA Form DA Form Form 7120- Form 7120-series DA Form
7120-series 7120-series series forms forms 7120-series
forms forms forms

Evaluation APART, -10 APART, -10 APART (tasks APART (tasks per APART, -10
requirements Exam Exam per the MTL) the MTL) Exam

MISC DD Form DD Form DD Form 2992 DD Form 2992 DD Form 2992

Requirements 2992 2992 DA Form 759 DA Form 759 DA Form 759
DA Form DA Form Closeout Closeout Closeout
759 759
Closeout Closeout
Legend: MP-maintenance test pilot
AC-aircraft commander MTL-master task list
AO-aerial observer NCM-nonrated noncrewmember
APA-aeromedical physician’s assistant NRCM- nonrated crewmember
APART-annual proficiency and readiness test OR-used by noncrewmembers to record flight time when
API-aeromedical psychological investigator qualified and designated on the mission brief sheet to perform
AR-Army regulation duties as aircraft maintenance personnel not performing other
CE-crew chief qualified aircrew duties, technical observer, firefighter, aerial
CP-copilot photographer, crewmember training course students, crash
DA-Department of the Army rescue specialists, and other crew duties not meeting the
DG-door gunner requirements of rated or nonrated duty and as approved on the
EO -external operator mission brief sheet.
FE-flight engineer PC-pilot in command
FI-flight instructor PI-pilot
FS-flight surgeon PLT-platoon
IATF-individual aircrew training folder RCM-rated crewmember

8-2 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Aircrew Training Program Management

Table 8–1. ACM integration

IE-instrument examiner SGT-sergeant

IFRF-individual flight records folder SI-standardization instructor
IO-instructor operator SO-standardization operator
IP-instructor pilot SP-standardization instructor pilot
ME-maintenance test pilot evaluator TI-technical inspector
MISC-miscellaneous UAC-unmanned aircraft crewmember
MO-flight medic, aeromedical physician’s UT-unit trainer
assistant, flight surgeon, or other medical XP-experimental test pilot


8-11. Tasks required for ACMs (except those listed in paragraphs 8-12 and 8-13) to progress from RL3 to
RL1 are the base 1000-series, tactical (2000-series), and mission (3000-series) tasks established by the MTL
and other tasks selected by the commander based on unit mission. The CTL requirements are task-based
requirements derived from the unit's METL/collective task(s). In some cases, ACMs may have more than
one RL. For example, an ACM may be RL1 for aircraft continuation training and may be RL3 or RL for
NVG training. ACMs cannot be NVG RL1 while RL2 or RL3 day/night. The commander will designate
SPs/IPs to conduct RCM and NRCM qualification, refresher, and mission training. The commander will also
designate SIs/FIs, to conduct NRCM qualification, refresher, and mission training. NVG RL progression will
be according to this TC and the MTL. Additionally, the commander will designate SOs/IOs, to conduct UAC
qualification, refresher, and mission training. Proficiency must be demonstrated in each designated crew
station during each phase of RL progression.
8-12. Readiness levels do not apply to DACs/contractors or FAC 3/4 RCMs.
8-13. Readiness levels do not apply to the following UAS personnel:
 FAC 3 UACs.
 UAS ground personnel.
 Ground observers.
 WOs that hold an United States Army MOS of 150U and/or officers holding a United State Army
aeronautical rating that have not completed the HQDA-approved UAS qualification course and are
performing payload operator duties on a limited basis.
8-14. Standardization personnel may receive training in applicable 5000-series task in conjunction with their
RL progression at the discretion of the commander.

8-15. Active Army ACMs, AGR ACMs, and all RC FTS ACMs with flying as a condition of their military
duty or technician employment, have 90 consecutive days to progress from one RL to the next. RC ACMs
(including M-Day ACMs, TPU ACMs and those on ADOS orders assigned to non-aviation/non-flying duty
assignments, but volunteer to maintain ATP requirements) have 1 year to progress from one RL to the next.
This progression requirement excludes days lost due to—
 TDY or deployment to a location where the ACM is unable to fly. For RC ACMs, this includes
TDY for civilian employment purposes where the ACM is physically unable to participate in
unit/facility flying activities.
 Medical or nonmedical suspension from flight.
 Grounding of aircraft by HQDA.
 Leave approved by the unit/facility commander.

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Chapter 8

 Aircraft non-availability due to movement to deployment/redeployment and aircraft preset/reset.

(Less than 50 percent of unit aircraft assigned are available.)
 Documented flight cancellations due to weather and/or maintenance that have had a significant
impact on flight operations, as well as restrictions to flight operations due to no fly times from the
host country in which the unit operates.

Note. If the exclusion period exceeds 45 days, active Army ACMs, active AGR ACMs, and all
RC FTS ACMs must restart their current phase of RL progression. They then have 90 consecutive
days to progress to the next RL.

Note. For ACMs that have 1 year to progress, if the exclusion period exceeds 90 days, restart their
current phase of RL progression.

8-16. ACMs must demonstrate proficiency in each mode of flight (day, night, NVD, or CBRNE) as required
by the MTL and the CTL for each task they are be required to perform. The RL progression evaluation may
be continuous or it may be administered after the ACM has completed training.
8-17. When an ACM has not progressed to the next RL within the time specified, the unit commander will
take action according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23.


8-18. ACMs removed from RL1 for a training deficiency and reclassified RL2 or RL3 must still meet all
ATP requirements for RL1 and comply with AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23. To be redesignated RL1, those ACMs
must demonstrate proficiency in only those tasks and in the mode of flight graded unsatisfactory to an
SP/IP/IE/ME/SI/FI/SO/IO as appropriate. When an ACM’s RL is downgraded due to a training deficiency,
they have 90 days to complete the required training. Removal from RL1 will be documented on the ACMs
DA Form 7122 and MUST be signed by the commander.


8-19. When the critical task list selection board convenes and modifications to the critical task list occur, the
MTL will reflect these changes. New systems as well as new TTP will drive the addition or deletion of tasks
in the aircrew task modules (ATMs). Implementation of the changes to this TC as well as changes to the
MTL are not generally meant to redesignate entire units to lower RL levels. Unless otherwise directed,
commanders will develop and implement training plans for these changes. Timelines will be dictated by
balancing operational and training restrictions with the necessity for updating training standards. Where
critical training requirements necessitate the redesignation of personnel, specific guidance will be given by
the appropriate agency.


8-20. The platoon leader centralizes planning to provide a consistent training focus for the platoon. However,
refresher training is primarily conducted by the unit standardization personnel. They do the detailed planning
and execution to ensure that refresher training sustains strengths and overcomes the weaknesses unique to
each ACM. This capitalizes on the experience and expertise of the unit’s standardization trainers, but this
does not mean that the platoon leader gives up the responsibility to supervise training, develop subordinates,
and provide feedback. RL 3 ACMs are only authorized to fly with SP/IP/IE/SI/FI/SO/IO as appropriate.
8-21. ACMs are designated RL 3 for qualification, refresher training, deficiency or mitigating circumstances
(such as lengthy illness, TDY, or failure to maintain proficiency). Each type of training is designed to attain
proficiency in base tasks.
8-22. There are no minimum flight hour requirements. The training is proficiency based, determined by the
ACMs ability to accomplish the designated tasks satisfactorily.
8-23. RL 3 for Deficiency. Refresher training is used after an evaluation indicates an ACM’s deficiency in
base task(s). Only those tasks found deficient are required to be trained and evaluated in the mode of flight

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Aircrew Training Program Management

the failure occurred. Upon completion of the training, including academic (as applicable), and evaluation,
ACMs are normally redesignated RL 1. If mission tasks are also found deficient, progress the ACM to RL 2
for deficiency.
8-24. During RL 3 training the requirements, tasks, and modes of flight in the MTL must be accomplished.
ACMs designated RL 3 will not perform any tactical (2000-series), mission (3000-series), or maintenance
(4000-series) tasks.

Note. ACMs will perform ground weapons (such as M240/M4) familiarization (GT-I) prior to
conducting aerial gunnery qualification. This training may be conducted at any time, including
while RL 3, as long as it is performed prior to training the gunnery tasks and GT-II through GT-

8-25. ACMs progress from RL 3 to RL 2 by demonstrating proficiency in all mandatory base tasks, those
optional base tasks designated by the commander, and appropriate academic subject areas to an
SP/IP/IE/SI/FI/IO/SO as appropriate. This requirement does not imply a written test requirement.
8-26. Unit Aircraft Qualification. While performing aircraft qualification training at the unit, the most current
approved USAACE POI and/or TSP will be used. The total course time will not exceed 90 days nor vary
from the published POI/TSP training/flight hours by more than 10 percent. Nonstandard aircraft qualification
will be conducted using the most current approved USAACE POI/TSP (AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23).
8-27. When ACMs fail to progress from RL 3 the commander must investigate, determine the reason, and
take appropriate action according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23.

8-28. RL 3 for qualification and/or refresher. Qualification and/or refresher training is used during
integration into the unit ATP following the commander’s evaluation or if currency has lapsed to the extent
that refresher training is required. All mandatory base tasks and those optional base tasks designated by the
commander will be trained and evaluated in each mode of flight (more demanding mode of flight does not
apply) required on the CTL and according to the MTL. Upon completion of the training, ACMs are
designated RL 2 for mission training
8-29. Aircraft academic refresher training. The ACM will receive training and demonstrate a working
knowledge of the applicable topics listed in the aircrew catalog of academic topics (ACAT) and complete an
operator’s manual written examination. All academic training should be completed prior to flight training.
8-30. Aircraft flight refresher training. The ACM will receive training from all designated crew station(s). A
task that may be performed from either crew station does not need to be evaluated from both stations.
Proficiency must be demonstrated in all modes annotated on the MTL as applicable. Actual hours will be
based on individual ACM proficiency.
8-31. NVG academic refresher training. The ACM will receive training and demonstrate a working
knowledge of the applicable topics listed in the ACAT. Academic training should be completed prior to flight
8-32. NVG flight refresher training. The ACM will receive training and demonstrate proficiency in all
mandatory NVG tasks listed in the MTL. During NVG training, base task training must be completed prior
to performing mission tasks. The commander may select additional base tasks. There are no minimum flight
hour requirements. The training is proficiency based, determined by the ACMs ability to accomplish the
designated tasks satisfactorily.


8-33. ACMs designated RL 2 train in the tactical/mission and additional tasks selected by the commander to
support the unit's METL/collective task(s). Tactical/mission training is a transition stage in that it provides
individuals with the opportunity to gain an initial level of proficiency in the unit’s missions. ACMs complete

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 8-5

Chapter 8

mission training by demonstrating proficiency in each flight mode and condition specified. The more
demanding mode does not apply to RL progression training.
8-34. Local directives and SOPs may add tasks to be trained in addition to the MTL tasks. Any additional
training/evaluation tasks must be annotated on the ACMs CTL.

Note. All ACMs must complete a local area flight orientation in day and night conditions/modes
before progressing to RL 1. The commander may designate other modes/conditions (such as
H/W/CBRNE) as required.

Note. Students of the instructor pilot course permanently assigned to USAACE or other DA-
designated training bases may count tasks completed during IPC towards RL progression
requirements. RL 3 and RL 2 tasks may also be trained concurrently for these individuals.

8-35. There are no minimum flight hour requirements. The training is proficiency based, determined by the
ACMs ability to accomplish the designated tasks satisfactorily.
8-36. ARNG M-Day rated aviators/USAR TPU-rated aviators that progress to RL 2, will be assigned
APART/NVG evaluation requirements and FAC 2 semiannual flying-hour minimums.
8-37. Rated aviators designated RL 2 may fly with a PC and perform all tasks in each mode of flight as
authorized on the CTL previously evaluated as “S” (satisfactory) by an IP or SP.
8-38. NRCMs designated RL 2 may fly with a RL 1 flight engineer (FE)/crew chief (CE) and perform all
tasks in each mode of flight as authorized on the CTL previously evaluated as “S” (satisfactory) by an
8-39. UACs designated RL 2 may fly with an AC and perform all tasks in each mode of flight as authorized
on the CTL previously evaluated as “S” (satisfactory) by an SO or IO.
8-40. RL 2 ACMs may train with a UT for tactical/mission training but must be evaluated by an
SP/IP/SI/FI/IO/SO, as appropriate, before designation to RL 1.
8-41. ACMs progress from RL 2 by demonstrating proficiency in all selected tactical/mission/additional
tasks and appropriate academic subject areas to an SP/IP/IE/ME/SI/FI/IO/SO, as appropriate. This
requirement does not imply a written test is required.
8-42. ACMs may be redesignated RL 2 for a training deficiency. Only those tasks found deficient are
required to be trained and evaluated in the mode of flight the failure occurred. Upon completion of the training
and evaluation, ACMs are redesignated RL 1.
8-43. Mission academic training. The ACM will receive training and demonstrate a working knowledge of
the applicable topics listed in the ACAT.
8-44. Mission flight training. The training will consist of those mission tasks annotated in the MTL and as
selected by the commander and additional tasks necessary to complete the unit’s mission. The ACM will
receive training from all designated crew station(s). A task that may be performed from either crew station
does not need to be evaluated from both stations. Flight mission training hour requirements are based on
demonstrated proficiency. The evaluation must be conducted by a SP/IP/SI/FI/SO/IO and may be continuous.
8-45. NVG mission training. NVG mission training will be according to the commander’s training program
and this publication. When commanders determine a requirement for using NVG in mission profiles, they
must develop a mission training program and specify mission/additional NVG tasks as required to support
the unit’s METL/collective task(s). Before undergoing NVG mission training, the ACM must complete
qualification or refresher training and must be NVG current in the helicopter in which tasks will be
8-46. NVG academic training. The ACM will receive training and demonstrate a working knowledge of the
subject areas listed in the ACAT and additional subject areas selected by the commander.

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Aircrew Training Program Management

8-47. NVG flight training. The ACM will receive flight training and demonstrate proficiency in the
mission/additional NVG tasks, as specified by the commander on the individual’s DA Form 7120-1 for the
ACMs position.
8-48. When ACMs fail to progress from RL 2 the commander must investigate, determine the reason, and
take appropriate action according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23.


8-49. RL 1 ACMs have completed RL progression training. These ACMs are trained to the proficiency level
necessary to conduct collective training as a member of an aircrew. Aircrews train to collective proficiency
on unit collective mission tasks that support the unit’s METL/collective task(s).

8-50. MP/ME/FCP/FCO flight training. The MP/ME/FCP/FCO will receive flight training and demonstrate
proficiency in all required 4000-series tasks listed in the MTL and additional tasks selected by the
commander. There is no minimum flight hour requirement; actual hours will be based on individual
8-51. MP/ME/FCP/FCO academic training. The MP/ME/FCP/FCO will receive training and demonstrate a
working knowledge of the topics listed in the ACAT.

Note. If unit mission dictates performance of maintenance operations during other than daylight
hours and if the individual MP/ME is selected to perform operations during night unaided and/or
NVD conditions, then maintenance test flight training and evaluation of tasks listed in those modes
of flight is required. Commanders must specify the tasks and modes of flight the MP/ME is
authorized to perform. The tasks will only be trained under NVD modes of flight upon completion
of individual NVD mission training.


8-52. Commanders are responsible for assigning a primary aircraft for ATP purposes. If the primary aircraft
is not available during the APART period the commander may select another primary aircraft in which the
ACM is qualified.
8-53. XPs and ACMs performing engineering flight tests also must satisfactorily complete tasks in
accordance with the approved MTL and the annual hands-on performance test component of the APART
according to this publication, the MTL, AR 95-1, AR 95-20, and/or AR 95-23. Tasks accomplished in any
aircraft within a category will count toward completion of the task list.
8-54. Hours flown in any aircraft assigned within a category will count toward annual flying hour
requirements for that category.
8-55. FAC levels do not apply to military XPs and other military ACMs performing engineering test flights.
These XPs and ACMs will complete semi-annual and/or annual flying hour requirements in their primary
and alternate category as determined by the commander.
8-56. ACMs in the performance of their duties when on an approved Army test plan do not require additional
DA Form 7120s for the aircraft to be flown.
8-57. Flight evaluations for military XPs and other military ACMs performing engineering test flights may
be conducted during a designated quarter specified by the commander. Flight evaluation(s) for alternate or
additional aircraft need not be conducted during the same quarter as the primary aircraft.

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Chapter 8


8-58. DACs, USAR military technicians, and ARNG technicians must comply with AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-
23, this publication and the MTL for initial aircraft qualification. Evaluation requirements will be specified
in writing by the commander/hiring authority. The flight evaluation will be conducted during a designated
quarter and include only those tasks necessary to meet the requirements in the individual's job description. If
a DAC, USAR military technician, or ARNG technician fails to meet designated ATP requirements, the ATP
commander/hiring authority will investigate and coordinate with the appropriate civilian personnel agency
to determine disposition. Flight evaluation(s) for alternate or additional aircraft need not be conducted during
the same quarter as the primary aircraft.

8-59. The commander’s certification is the final cross check to ensure that an individual’s ATP requirements
have been met. ATP commanders must annually certify each ACMs DA Form 759 after verifying
requirements are met utilizing CAFRS data, DA Form 7122 entries and DA Form 7120-3 certification. The
commander will annotate whether the ACM has or has not completed individual ATP requirements or
qualifications. If an ACM did not complete the requirements, the commander must include the reason. If
requirements are not met, commanders will investigate according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23; take action;
and ensure events are posted to DA Form 7122 and DA Form 759 during the annual closeout.

8-60. The commander establishes an ATP to develop crew proficiency in accomplishing the unit’s
METL/collective task(s). ACMs that fail to meet the minimum requirements in primary, additional, or
alternate aircraft will be processed according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23.


8-61. ACMs designated RL 1 must complete the following ATP requirements as established by the
commander/MTL/flying hour table and listed on the CTL:
 Semiannual and annual task iterations in all modes of flight designated by the commander on the
 Semiannual and annual flying hour/simulator hour minimums designated by the commander on the
 Annual standardization flight evaluation.
 Annual instrument flight evaluation. (rated aviator only)
 Annual MP/ME flight evaluation. (rated aviator only, if required)
 Annual NVG flight evaluation. (if required)
 Annual operator’s manual examination.
 Annual ACT sustainment module.
 Semiannual individual gunnery evaluation (GT-I.3) according to TC 3-04.45.
 ROC-V, CBAT, CID, and AMS Table 1 (as required).
 All other requirements designated by the commander to be completed as part of the ATP such as
AMS training, hypobaric refresher training, or deck landing operations training.

Note. ACMs may receive credit for ATP requirements completed during RL progression training
(paragraph 9-40).

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Aircrew Training Program Management


8-62. Once an ARNG M-Day ACM (and an ACM on ADOS orders assigned to non-aviation/non-flying duty
assignments, but volunteer to maintain ATP requirements) progresses to RL 2 status, APART/NVG
evaluation requirements and FAC 2 semiannual flying-hour requirements apply. FAC 2 flying hours may be
prorated. These ATP requirements are provided for the maintenance of basic aircraft skills while training to
additional MTL and METL/collective task(s) requirements. ARNG M-Day ACMs designated RL 2 must
complete the following ATP requirements as established by the ATP commander and listed on the CTL:
 Semiannual and/or annual task iterations in all modes of flight designated by the commander on the
 For aviators, FAC 2 semiannual, and if applicable, annual flying hour minimums designated by the
ATP commander on the CTL.
 Annual standardization flight evaluation.
 Annual instrument flight evaluation. (RCM only)
 Annual NVG flight evaluation (if required).
 Annual operator’s manual examination.
 Annual ACT sustainment module.
 Recognition of combat vehicles, CBAT, and CID (as required)
 All other requirements designated by the commander to be completed as part of the ATP such
as AMS training, hypobaric refresher training, and/or deck landing operations training.


8-63. If the ACM is removed from RL 1 for a training deficiency, the ACM must still meet all RL 1 ATP
hour requirements. ATP requirements met while RL 2 or RL 3 will be applied to RL 1 requirements.
8-64. If the ACM is removed from RL 1 or FAC 3 for other than a training deficiency before the end of the
training period (a medical grounding), his/her ATP requirements no longer apply.

Note. While in a permanent change of station (PCS) status, the ACM has no RL level and no
APART requirements.


8-65. RCMs/UACs designated FAC 3 will perform all of their training in the simulator designated by the
commander. FAC 3 RCMs/UACs must complete the following requirements:
 A minimum of one iteration of each instrument task listed in the MTL (rated aviator).
 A minimum of one iteration of each mandatory task listed in the MTL (UAC).
 Annual instrument flight evaluation (rated aviator).
 Annual operator’s manual examination.
 Annual ACT sustainment module.


8-66. The LAO is an important part of the training program for newly assigned ACMs. It is divided into four
general areas—aircrew information reading files (AIRFs), airfield operations and procedures, airfield layout
and facilities, and a local area orientation flight.
8-67. Brigade and/or installation SOPs should address LAO requirements referencing time limitations.
Examples include post deployment requirement for LAO upon return to home station as well as LAO
requirements upon transferring to another unit on the same installation or within the same brigade.

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Chapter 8

Aircrew Information Reading Files

8-68. Aviation units will establish an AIRF. The AIRF should be divided into general and specific functional
areas. It should contain reference material on aviation standardization, safety, and armament as well as
regulations, directives, SOPs, and other appropriate publications. Units will post information as it is received.
Pertinent new information should be maintained in the front section of each general and specific file area
until the information expires or is permanently incorporated into the AIRF or the SOP. AIRFs may be
digitally maintained at the discretion of the commander. Digital signatures will be according to DOD
Instruction 8520.02 or other applicable regulations.

Airfield Operations and Procedures

8-69. The commander will ensure that ACMs are given a briefing and tour of all airfield operations facilities.
The tour will include the flight planning room (location of maps, DOD flight information publications
[FLIPs], flight plans, and other flight planning aids), the airfield operations office, and the flight dispatch
office. If the weather facility is located on the airfield, it should also be part of the orientation. The briefing
will include the items listed below.
 Procedures for—
 Obtaining notices to airmen (NOTAMs).
 Obtaining maps, charts, and DOD FLIPs.
 Filing local and cross-country flight plans.
 Ensuring operations security of the airfield.
 Obtaining and servicing aviation life support equipment (ALSE).
 Obtaining weather information.
 Obtaining aeromedical evacuation assistance.
 Authorizing flights outside the local flying area.
 Obtaining range and restricted area information.
 Information on local medical facilities, frequencies, and access phone numbers.
 A review of visual flight rules (VFR) and special visual flight rule (SVFR) requirements for
the airfield and local area.
 A review of instrument flight rules/instrument recovery procedures.
 A review of local airspace.
 A review of the local area map, to include—
 Navigational aids (NAVAIDs).
 Boundaries.
 Flight corridors.
 Reporting points.
 Airfield security.
 Noise abatement procedures.
 Prominent terrain features.
 Maintenance test flight/functional check flight areas.
 Obstacles or hazards to flight.
 Tactical training and range areas.
 Restricted areas and no-fly/no-look areas.
 Airfields, helipads, and frequently used landing zones (LZs).
 Review of lost-link procedures and ditch points (UAS).

Airfield Layout and Facilities

8-70. The commander will ensure that ACMs are given a tour of the airfield area. This tour should include—
 Petroleum, oils, and lubricants facilities.
 Aircraft parking areas.

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Aircrew Training Program Management

 Crash rescue facilities.

 Obstacles or hazards to flight.
 NAVAIDs and control facilities.
 Simulation and procedural training devices.
 Organizational and support maintenance areas.

Local Area Orientation Flight

8-71. Prior to progressing to RL 1, ACMs must receive a local area orientation flight under day and night
conditions/modes. The commander may designate other modes/conditions (such as H/W/CBRNE) as
required. Units may conduct this flight during other training.

Note. Flight under NVG/NVS will suffice for the night flight requirement.

Note. UAS commanders will determine if the local area orientation flight is accomplished under
day and/or night conditions for UACs.

8-72. The commander will determine what orientation items are required for the flight. Items of the
orientation, peculiar to the local area, or those that cannot be adequately covered during the ground portion
of the orientation, will be pointed out, demonstrated, and/or discussed during the flight. Additionally,
deployments by the unit may require local orientations for all ACMs in the new theater. The orientation flight
should include familiarization with local—
 Boundaries.
 Flight corridors.
 Reporting points.
 Prominent terrain features.
 Noise abatement procedures.
 Maintenance test flight areas.
 Instrument recovery procedures.
 Restricted areas and no-fly areas.
 Tactical training and range areas.
 Airfields, helipads, and frequently used LZs.
 Obstacles or hazards to flight high intensity radio traffic area briefing.
 Aerial gunnery ranges and live-fire areas.
 Ditch points (UAS).

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Chapter 9
Evaluations and Tests
9-1. An evaluation is a tool used to ensure that ACMs develop and maintain base, tactical, mission, and
additional task proficiency to produce and sustain Warfighting proficiency. An individual’s lack of
proficiency may indicate a need for increased task iterations and/or frequency for that particular ACM. While
an evaluation is primarily a method to assess individual proficiency, an adjustment to the ATP may be
required if a sufficient number of ACMs in a unit fail to demonstrate proficiency in a specific task or tasks.

9-2. The value of any evaluation depends on adherence to fundamental evaluation principles, as follows.
 Selection of evaluators. The evaluators must be selected not only for their technical qualifications,
but also for their demonstrated performance, objectivity, and ability to observe and to provide
constructive comments. These evaluators (SP/IP/IE/ME/SI/FI/SO/IO) assist the commander with
ATP administration.
 Method of evaluation. The method used to conduct the evaluation must be based on uniform and
standard objectives. In addition, the method must be consistent with the unit's mission and strictly
adhere to the appropriate SOPs and regulations. The evaluator must ensure a complete evaluation is
given in all areas.
 Participant understanding. All participants must completely understand the purpose of the
 Participant cooperation. All participants must cooperate to guarantee the accomplishment of the
evaluation objectives. The emphasis is on all the participants, not just the examinee.
 Identification of training needs. The evaluation must produce specific findings to identify training
needs. Any ACM affected by the evaluation needs to know what is being performed correctly and
incorrectly and how improvements can be made.
 Purpose of evaluation. The evaluation determines the examinee's ability to perform essential hands-
on/academic tasks to prescribed standards. The flight evaluation will also determine the examinee’s
ability to exercise crew coordination in completing these tasks.
 Aircrew coordination. The guidelines for evaluating crew coordination are based on a subjective
analysis of how effectively a crew performs collectively to accomplish a series of tasks. The
evaluator must determine how effectively the examinee employs aircrew coordination.
 Evaluator role as an ACM. An evaluator will act as an effective ACM unless evaluating the
examinee on how to respond to the actions of an ineffective ACM.
 In such cases, a realistic, meaningful and planned method should be developed to effectively
pass this task back to the examinee. In all other situations, the evaluator must perform as outlined
in the task or as directed by the examinee to determine the examinee’s level of proficiency; the
evaluator may intentionally perform as an ineffective ACM.
 During the flight evaluation, the evaluator will normally perform as outlined in the task or as
directed by the examinee. At some point, the evaluator may perform a role reversal with the
examinee. The examinee must be informed of the initiation and termination of role reversals. The
examinee must know when he or she is supported by a fully functioning ACM.

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Chapter 9

9-3. Academic evaluation. The examinee must demonstrate a working knowledge and understanding of the
required topics listed in the aircrew catalog of academic topics (ACAT). The ACAT is available on the DOTD
website at
9-4. Flight evaluation.
 Some training and evaluation requirements may be evaluated academically. For these tasks, the
examinee must demonstrate a working knowledge of the tasks. Evaluators may use computer-based
instruction, mock-ups, or other approved devices (to include the aircraft or simulator) to determine
the examinee’s knowledge of the tasks.
 Aircraft or simulator. These tasks require evaluation in the aircraft or flight simulator. Task
standards are based on an ideal situation. Grading is based on meeting the minimum standards. The
evaluator must consider deviations (high wind, turbulence, or poor visibility) from the ideal during
the evaluation. If other than ideal conditions exist, the evaluator should make appropriate
adjustments to the standards while grading the maneuvers.


9-5. PI/AO. The PI/AO must demonstrate a working knowledge of the required topics listed in the aircrew
catalog of academic topics (ACAT) and perform selected tasks to standard while applying aircrew
coordination principles. In addition, the PI/AO must be familiar with the individual aircrew training folder
(IATF) and understand the requirements of DA Form 7120.
9-6. PC/AC/MP/FCP/FCO. The PC/AC/MP/FCP/FCO must meet the requirements in paragraph 9-5. In
addition, the PC/AC/MP/FCP/FCO must demonstrate sound judgment, maturity, and technical/tactical
proficiency in the employment of the aircraft, unit mission, crew, and assets.
9-7. UT. The UT must meet the requirements in paragraph 9-6 or 9-12. In addition, the UT must be able to
instruct in the appropriate tasks and subjects, recognize errors in performance or understanding, make
recommendations for improvement, train to standards, and document training.
9-8. IP/IO/IE. The IP/IO/IE must meet the requirements in paragraph 9-6. In addition, the IP/IO/IE must be
able to objectively train, evaluate, and document performance of the applicable ACMs using role reversal as
appropriate. This individual must possess a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals of instruction and
evaluation, be able to develop and implement an individual training plan, and possess a thorough
understanding of the requirements and administration of the ATP.
9-9. SP/SO. The SP/SO must meet the requirements in paragraph 9-6 and 9-8. The SP/SO must be able to
train and evaluate other standardization personnel using role reversal as appropriate. The SP/SO must also
be able to develop and implement a unit-training plan and administer the commander's ATP.
9-10. ME. The ME must meet the requirements in paragraph 9-6. The ME must be able to train and evaluate
other MEs and MPs using role reversal as appropriate. The ME must possess a thorough knowledge of the
fundamentals of instruction and evaluation.
9-11. CE/MO (68W)/OR. The CE/MO (68W)/OR must perform selected tasks to standard while applying
aircrew coordination. The CE/MO (68W)/OR must also demonstrate a basic understanding of the appropriate
academic subjects listed in the ACAT, be familiar with the IATF, and understand the requirements of the
9-12. FE. The FE must meet the requirements in paragraph 9-11. In addition, the FE must demonstrate sound
judgment and technical/tactical proficiency in the employment of the aircraft, unit mission, crew, and assets.

Note. Mi–17 FEs/SIs are required to be evaluated from the jump seat during APART evaluations.
Other positions may be evaluated at the discretion of the evaluator.

9-13. FI. The FI must meet the requirements in paragraph 9-12 or 9-11 as applicable. In addition, the FI must
be able to objectively train, evaluate, and document the performance of the NRCM/NCMs or other personnel

9-2 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Evaluations and Tests

performing duties requiring flight) as appropriate; be able to develop and implement an individual training
plan; and have a thorough understanding of the requirements and administration of the ATP.
9-14. SI. The SI must meet the requirements in paragraph 9-13. In addition, the SI must be able to train and
evaluate other ACMs as appropriate; be able to develop and implement a unit-training plan; and administer
the commander's ATP for NRCMs.

Note. Evaluators/trainers will be evaluated on their ability to apply the fundamentals of instruction
as outlined in the ACAT.

9-15. Evaluations are conducted to determine the ACMs ability to perform the tasks on the CTL and check
the understanding of required academic subjects. The evaluator will determine the time devoted to each
phase. When the examinee is an evaluator/trainer or a UT, the recommended procedure is for the evaluator
to reverse roles with the examinee. When the evaluator uses this technique, the examinee must understand
how the role reversal will be conducted and when it will be in effect.
9-16. Tasks evaluated at night (or while using NVD) will suffice for task evaluations required in day
conditions. This is generally referred to as the “more demanding mode of flight” clause.


9-17. PFE. The SP/IP/SI/FI/SO/IO will evaluate required topics listed in the ACAT.
9-18. APART standardization. The SP/IP/SI/FI/SO/IO will evaluate a minimum of two topics from the
required topics listed in the ACAT.
9-19. Annual NVG evaluations. The SP/IP/SI/FI/SO/IO will evaluate a minimum of two topics from the
required topics listed in the ACAT.
9-20. APART instrument evaluation. The IE will evaluate a minimum of two topics from the subject areas
listed in the ACAT relative to IFR and flight planning. If the evaluated ACM is an IP/SP/IE, the IE will
evaluate the ability of the IP/SP/IE to instruct instrument-related areas or subjects.
9-21. APART MP/ME/FCP/FCO evaluation. The ME or FCP/FCO qualified SP/IP/SO/IO will evaluate a
minimum of two topics from the applicable subject areas listed in the ACAT emphasizing how they apply to
9-22. Other ATP evaluations. The SP/IP/SI/FI/SO/IO will evaluate appropriate subject areas listed in the

Note. During academic evaluations, evaluators should ask questions that address specific topics
in each area and avoid those requiring laundry list-type answers. Questions should be developed
as described in the aviation instructor’s handbook.

9-23. Prior to conducting flight evaluations, evaluators will brief tasks the ACM being evaluated must
9-24. While conducting flight evaluations, the evaluators will perform the crew duties normally assigned to
other ACMs performing the tasks and missions being evaluated. The evaluator will perform aircrew
coordination actions prescribed in this publication and the ACT program.
9-25. SPs are authorized to train and evaluate all ACMs as directed by the ATP commander. IPs are
authorized to train and evaluate all ACMs, with the exception of other IPs and SPs. IPs are authorized to
evaluate other IPs and SPs only when reestablishing NVD and/or aircraft currency.

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Chapter 9

9-26. SP/IP/SO/IOs trained to perform functional ground and flight checks according to USAACE-approved
POI may train designated ACMs to perform functional checks.
9-27. SOs are authorized to train and evaluate all UACs as directed by the ATP commander. IOs are
authorized to train all UAS crewmembers and evaluate all UAS crewmembers except for other IOs and SOs.
IOs are authorized to evaluate other IOs and SOs only when reestablishing aircraft currency.
9-28. SP/IP/IEs qualified and current in category are authorized to conduct instrument training and
evaluations on all RCMs.

Note. Only IEs are authorized to conduct annual instrument evaluations.

9-29. An ME conducts the MP/ME training and evaluation. A maintenance designated IP/SP will conduct
training and evaluation for fixed-wing maintenance pilots.
9-30. SIs are authorized to train and evaluate all NRCM/NCMs as directed by the commander. FIs are
authorized to train and evaluate all NRCM/NCMs except other FIs and SIs. To reestablish aircraft or NVD
currency, an FI may evaluate an FI or SI.
9-31. When an ACM is being evaluated as an instructor/evaluator, the instructor/evaluator must include role
reversal as a part of the evaluation. Role reversal is a planned situation when the instructor/evaluator assumes
the role of the ACM being evaluated, and the evaluated ACM assumes the role of the evaluator.

Note. Role reversal may be accomplished during the oral and/or flight portion of the evaluation.

9-32. The evaluator must clearly announce when role reversal is initiated and when it is concluded to prevent
confusion and crew coordination errors in the aircraft. The PC/AC or mission commander designation does
not change. This situation allows the evaluated ACMs to demonstrate their proficiency in training and
evaluating ACMs.

Note. Evaluators will brief the use of role reversal during the crew brief to alert all ACMs of the

Note. When evaluating a PC/SP/IP/IE/ME/UT/IE/SO/IO, the evaluator must advise the examinee
that during role-reversal, the evaluator may deliberately perform some tasks or crew coordination
outside the standards to check the examinee's diagnostic and corrective action skills.

9-33. The evaluation sequence consists of four phases‒introduction, academic evaluation topics, flight
evaluation, and debriefing. The evaluator will determine the amount of time devoted to each phase.
9-34. Phase 1-Introduction. In this phase, the evaluator—
 Reviews the examinee's individual flight record folder and IATF records to verify that the examinee
meets all prerequisites for the designation and has a current DD Form 2992.
 Confirms the purpose of the evaluation, explains the evaluation procedure, and discusses the
evaluation standards and criteria to be used.
9-35. Phase 2-Academic evaluation. The academic evaluation will be scenario-based and according to the
units METL/collective task(s) utilizing ACAT located on the DOTD website at
9-36. Phase 3-Flight evaluation. If this phase is required, the following procedures apply.
 Briefing. The evaluator will explain the flight evaluation procedure and brief the examinee in the
tasks to be evaluated. The evaluator will conduct or have the examinee conduct a crew briefing.
 Preflight inspection, engine-start, run-up procedures, engine ground operations, and before-takeoff
checks. The evaluator will evaluate the examinee's use of aircraft operator’s manual, aircraft-CL,

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Evaluations and Tests

aircraft -MTF, and IETM-related maintenance publications, as appropriate. The evaluator will have
the examinee identify and discuss the function of at least two aircraft systems.
 Flight tasks. At a minimum, the evaluator will evaluate those tasks designated by the MTL, tasks
listed on the CTL as mandatory for the designated crew station(s) for the type of evaluation the
evaluator is conducting and those mission/additional tasks selected by the commander. In addition
to the commander-selected tasks, the evaluator may evaluate any task performed during the
evaluation as long as the task is listed on the ACMs CTL. An IP/SP/ME/IE/UT/FI/SI/SO/IO must
demonstrate an ability to instruct and evaluate appropriate flight tasks.

Note. During instrument training and instrument flight evaluations, the aviator’s vision may be
restricted to the aircraft instruments at the discretion of the evaluator when the aircraft is not under
actual IMC. The appropriate flight symbol will be logged on DA Form 2408-12 (Army Aviator’s
Flight Record).

 Engine-shutdown and after-landing tasks. The evaluator will evaluate the examinee's use of aircraft
operator’s manual, aircraft CL, aircraft MTF, and IETM/related maintenance publications as
9-37. Phase 4-Debriefing. During this phase of the evaluation, the evaluator will—
 Advise the examinee whether they passed or failed the evaluation and discuss any tasks not
performed to standard.
 Discuss the examinee's strengths and weaknesses.
 Offer recommendations for improvement.
 Inform the examinee of any restrictions, limitations, or revocations that the evaluator will
recommend to the commander following an unsatisfactory evaluation.
 Complete the applicable forms and ensure the examinee reviews and initials the appropriate forms.

Note. A training plan will be approved by the commander for the ACM to allow them to regain
proficiency in tasks that were evaluated as unsatisfactory.


9-38. The APART is a mandatory process that measures an ACM’s individual and crew proficiency and
readiness. It consists of a written examination and hands-on performance tests that must be passed annually
according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23 and this publication. The APART and NVG annual evaluation are
primary ATP requirements and must have brigade-level commander approval if required to be waived. RL 1
ACMs must pass each component of the test during their APART period. M-Day ACMs must also pass each
component of the test during their APART period, but the hands-on performance tests will only include those
tasks for which the ACM has demonstrated proficiency during RL progression. The APART period is the
three-month period ending on the last day of the ACMs birth-month. Dual and non-dual status USAR
technician’s annual evaluation period is the 3-month period ending on the last day of the ACMs birth month.
DACs and ARNG technicians must comply with this publication and the MTL for the annual standardization
flight evaluation. The commander will designate a specific quarter for each DACs APART requirement.
9-39. During operational deployments the APART period may be extended, by the first O-6 in the chain of
command, up to three additional months while deployed beginning on the last day of the ACMs birth month,
to accomplish all components of the APART.
9-40. An ACM designated RL 1 during the three-month APART period must complete all APART
requirements. RC M-Day ACMs and USAR TPU ACMs designated RL 1 or RL 2 during their three-month
APART period must complete all APART requirements appropriate to their RL designation. ACMs receive
credit for the elements of the APART performed during RL progression training if they are conducted,
demonstrate proficiency and are evaluated satisfactory within the three-month APART period. If the RL
progression is started prior to the beginning of the APART window and completed in the APART window,
credit shall only be given to those elements completed within the APART window. The ATP requirement(s)

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 9-5

Chapter 9

credited during the RL progression will be annotated upon the completion of that phase of RL progression in
the remarks on the DA Form 7122. Care should be taken by the evaluator to ensure that those elements of
the APART which were completed in the RL progression but outside the APART window are evaluated in
the APART window.
9-41. The aircraft operator's manual written examination is an open book examination prepared at the local
level and consists of 50 objective questions on the information indicated below. The minimum passing score
is 90 percent.
 Rated crewmembers. For RCMs, the examination covers the entire operator's manual. RCMs must
complete this examination for primary, additional, and alternate aircraft they are required to operate
as specified by the commander.
 Nonrated crewmembers. For NRCMs, the examination focuses on information the ACM needs to
know to perform crew duties. It covers aircraft systems and the operation and servicing of the aircraft
and mission equipment contained in the operator’s manual. This examination must be completed
for primary, additional, and alternate aircraft they are required to operate as specified by the
 Unmanned aircraft crewmembers. For UACs, the examination covers the entire operator’s manual.
Operators must complete this examination for primary, additional, and alternate aircraft they are
required to operate as specified by the commander.

Note. NCMs and FS do not have an operator’s manual written examination requirement unless
designated by local SOP.

Note. DG written examinations requirements should focus on mission equipment, armament

systems, and weapon specific EPs and may be adjusted to 25 questions.

Note. If the ACM has similar aircraft listed on the CTL that have different operator’s manuals, the
commander will designate which operator’s manual the written examination will cover or develop
a combined examination.

9-42. The hands-on performance evaluation consists of academic and flight evaluations as outlined in this
publication, the MTL, and the ACAT. The hands-on performance tests require evaluation of proficiency in
several areas and may be separated into different flight periods. However, ACMs must successfully complete
all requirements during their APART period.
9-43. Except for FAC 3 aviators, ACMs designated to fly from both seats will be evaluated in each seat,
during each phase of RL progression and APART evaluations. This does not mean that both standardization
and instrument flight evaluation need to be completed in both seats. As long as both seats have been evaluated
during some portion of the above evaluations, the requirements for “both seat evaluation” have been met.

Note. ACMs that complete a graduate POI at a USAACE-approved training site (Instructor Pilot
course, Instrument Examiner course, Maintenance Test Pilot course, Instructor Operator course,
and Aircraft Crewmember Standardization Instructor course) during their APART period may
credit those tasks that were evaluated during the end-of-stage, end-of-phase, or end-of-course
evaluation toward the completion of the APART evaluation requirement.

9-44. Commanders will process ACMs that fail to meet ATP requirements according to AR 95-1 and/or AR
95-23. Commanders should formally counsel individuals that fail to meet ATP requirements and document
on DA Form 4856 (Developmental Counseling Form).


9-45. The standardization flight evaluation consists of flight tasks and/or procedures conducted in each
aircraft mission, type, design, and series group in which an ACM is required to perform duties.
Standardization flight evaluations determine the ACMs ability to perform assigned flight duties. The
evaluation will—

9-6 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Evaluations and Tests

 Be performed according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23.

 Consist of the flight tasks described in the MTL.
 Be conducted by a designated SP, IP, FI, SI, SO, or IO.
 Follow the CTL or be as briefed by the commander.


9-46. The instrument flight evaluation consists of flight tasks and/or procedures conducted in actual or
simulated instrument meteorological conditions in each aircraft category in which a RCM is required to
perform duties.
9-47. The evaluation will be performed according to AR 95-1 and will—
 Consist of the flight tasks described in the MTL.
 Be conducted by a designated IE.
 Be conducted at least once each year during the RCM’s APART.

9-48. The commander may authorize the instrument flight evaluation to be conducted in a compatible flight
9-49. Two RCMs may be evaluated at the same time. Both ACMs must have access to the flight controls
and perform all required instrument tasks as designated on the CTL.


9-50. The maintenance pilot/maintenance test pilot evaluation consists of visual flight maneuvers/procedures
conducted in each aircraft in which MP/ME duties are performed according to the MTL. RCMs designated
as an MP or ME must complete this evaluation as follows:
 According to AR 95-1.
 Will be conducted in the aircraft by an ME.
 Must be evaluated by a designated ME/SP/IP as applicable.
 Once each year during a RCMs APART period in each aircraft for which they are designated
 According to the CTL or as briefed by the commander.
 The aviator must demonstrate proficiency in all 4000 series tasks indicated on the CTL.


9-51. The functional check pilot/functional check operator UAS evaluation consists of visual flight
maneuvers/procedures conducted in each aircraft in which FCP/FCO duties are performed according to the
MTL. ACMs designated as FCP or FCO must complete this evaluation as follows:
 According to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23.
 As described in this publication and the MTL.
 Must be evaluated by a designated FCP/FCO qualified SP/IP/IO/SO as applicable. Will be
conducted in the aircraft (except UAS).
 Once each year during an ACM’s APART period in each aircraft for which they are designated
 The FCP/FCO must demonstrate proficiency in all 4000-series tasks indicated on the CTL.

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Chapter 9


9-52. The NVG evaluation period is a three-month period designated by the commander usually during the
APART period. All ACMs that maintain NVG currency must undergo an annual NVG evaluation. For RCMs,
a NVG IP or SP conducts the evaluation at night in the aircraft. The NVG IP, SP, SI, or FI conducts the
evaluation for NRCMs. (An NVG-designated FI or SI, if available, should evaluate an NVG-designated FE.
If a NVG-designated FI or SI is not available, a NVG IP or SP may conduct the evaluation.)
9-53. ACMs designated NVG RL 1 any time within their designated three-month NVG evaluation period
must complete all requirements of the annual NVG evaluation. RC M-Day ACMs designated RL 1 or RL 2
during their designated 3-month NVG evaluation period must complete all requirements of the annual NVG
evaluation appropriate to their RL designation
9-54. The NVG evaluation is required for each aircraft mission type and design in which the ACM performs
duties. The aviator must demonstrate proficiency and be evaluated in all NVG tasks required by the MTL
and designated/selected by the commander.
9-55. All evaluations will be performed at night in the aircraft using NVG by an IP/SP.
9-56. ACMs removed from RL 1 status because of a training deficiency are still required to complete the
NVG evaluation.
9-57. ACMs completing the hands-on performance tests during RL progression in the commander
designated three-month annual evaluation period may receive credit for those tasks but must be annotated on
the DA Form 7122.


9-58. These evaluations will be conducted according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23, the MTL, this publication
and the unit SOP. NVD currency evaluation tasks will be according to the MTL. To reestablish aircraft or
NVD currency, an IP may evaluate an IP or SP, and an FI may evaluate an FI or SI. Additionally, an IO may
evaluate an IO or SO for the purpose of UA currency.
9-59. Commanders will specify task requirements required for other than NVD PFEs in the unit
ATP/Standardization SOP.
9-60. NVG PFEs will be a minimum 1-hour flight given at night in the aircraft by an IP/SP/SI/FI. The aviator
must demonstrate proficiency in all NVD tasks annotated on the MTL. RCMs must occupy a crew station
with access to the flight controls during the evaluation. NRCMs must occupy a crew station in the aircraft
while performing crew duties during the evaluation.
9-61. NVS PFEs will be a minimum 1-hour flight given at night or during the day with blackout curtains in
the aircraft by an IP/SP. The ACMs must demonstrate proficiency in all NVS tasks annotated on the MTL.


9-62. This evaluation is conducted for ACMs involved in a Class A or B accident/mishap or Class C
accident/mishap at the discretion of the commander according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23. ACMs will be
suspended from flight duties until the completion of the flight evaluation. The type and nature of the
evaluation depend on the crew duties the ACMs was performing at the time of the accident/mishap. The
accident circumstances should be used to influence training management decisions including task frequency,
training method, and environment (live or virtual). Special emphasis will be placed on evaluating the task
being performed at the time of the accident/mishap under similar conditions, if possible. More information
on the evaluation process can be found in AR 600-105. After the evaluation, the SP/IP/SI/FI/SO/IO, as
appropriate, will debrief the examinee and make the appropriate entries and recommendations on DA Form
7122 for the commander’s endorsement.

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Evaluations and Tests


9-63. This evaluation is conducted according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23. The SP/IP/SI/FI/IO/SO, as
appropriate, on the recommendation of the FS and the commander’s direction, will require the examinee to
perform a series of tasks most affected by the examinee's disability. The evaluation should measure the
examinee's potential to perform tasks despite the disability. It should not be based on current proficiency.
9-64. After the examinee has completed the medical flight evaluation, the evaluator will document the
evaluation on DA Form 7122 and provide the results to the commander and flight surgeon for appropriate
9-65. Additionally, the evaluator will prepare a memorandum. He or she will include in the memorandum—
 A description of the environmental conditions under which the evaluation was conducted (for
example day, night, or overcast).
 A list of the tasks performed during the evaluation.
 A general statement of the examinee's ability to perform with the disability and under what
conditions the ACM can perform.
9-66. The unit commander will forward the memorandum to the Director, United States Army Aeromedical
Activity, ATTN: MCXY-AER, Fort Rucker, Alabama 36362-5333, for board action. Commanders will
coordinate with local FS to obtain board results to ensure actions are completed in a timely manner.

9-67. A comprehensive no-notice evaluation program allows commanders to monitor training effectiveness
at all levels. Each commander must establish a no-notice evaluation program in the unit SOP. No-notice
proficiency evaluations may be written, academic, hands-on flight evaluation in aircraft/compatible
simulator, or a combination thereof. This program measures the effectiveness of individual, crew, and
collective training. Commanders use the results of no-notice proficiency evaluations to ensure unit
standardization and readiness and to tailor the unit’s individual, crew, and collective training programs.
Results of no-notice proficiency evaluations will be documented on the DA Form 7122.

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Chapter 10
Forms and Records
10-1. The ATP records system provides commanders with a comprehensive performance record on each
ACM in their unit. Having accurate and up-to-date records cannot be over emphasized. It ensures that ACMs
are properly trained. ATP records serve the following functions:
 They document individual and crew training and collectively they are a continuity file used by the
commander to determine the unit’s overall level of training.
 ATP forms and records are maintained for each ACM performing crew duties. This is the principle
means by which individual training information is transferred from the losing unit commander to
the gaining unit commander when an individual is transferred.
10-2. ATP records are not the exclusive domain of the trainers that maintain them and should be used by
commanders as a first step in a unit’s bottom-up assessment of training. These records must also be used to
document milestone and achievement awards accumulated by the ACM. (For example, the safety officer
should annotate when an individual receives the “Broken Wing” award or a flying-hour award for safety.)


10-3. Commanders will use DA Form 7120, DA Form 7120-1, and DA Form 7120-3 to inform ACMs of all
ATP requirements. The CTL is a working document. A separate DA Form 7120 series is required for
additional, alternate and aircraft not defined as similar by the similar aircraft table and this publication in
which the ACM performs duties.
10-4. All mandatory tasks are as outlined in the MTL. ACMs are prohibited from performing any other tasks
or maneuvers not listed on their CTL, unless authorized by their commander. Commanders should use, at a
minimum, the following authorization criteria if the task is not listed on the CTL and is required to be
 Consider crew qualifications and experience.
 Perform a risk assessment.
 Weigh the risk versus the reward.
 Decide if other support is required.
 Brief crew on a DA Form 5484 (Mission Schedule/Brief).

Department of the Army Form 7120

10-5. Only those aircraft (or aircraft not defined as similar by the similar aircraft table and this publication)
in which an ACM is qualified and/or expected to perform duties will be listed on the DA Form 7120.
10-6. The DA Form 7120 is used to designate ACMs authorized flight duties and stations, annual and
semiannual flying-hour and evaluation requirements for ACMs.
10-7. The commander signs and dates the form authorizing the ACM to perform flight duties at the indicated
crew stations prior to the ACMs first flight. The ACM will sign and date the CTL to certify that he or she has
been briefed on and understands the ATP requirements prior to the first flight. Upon initial RL 1 designation,
RL 2 for designated ARNG/USAR, or FAC 3/4 designation the ACM will be briefed on task iteration, flying-
hour minimums, evaluation requirements and all other requirements incurred by this designation.

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Chapter 10

Department Army Forms 7120-1

10-8. Commanders use the DA Form 7120-1 to list task performance and evaluation requirements. Other
commander-designated ATP iteration requirements may also be listed as designated in the unit SOP.

Department of the Army Form 7120-3

10-9. Use this form to record all remaining ATP requirements not listed elsewhere on the CTL and any
additional information relating to the ACMs ATP. The ACM will certify completion of all ATP requirements
no later than the last day of the ACM’s first semi-annual period and no later than the last day of the ACM’s
birth month.

Department of the Army Form 7122

10-10. DA Form 7122 is a permanent record of significant events in an individual ACM’s aviation career.
Because of the permanent nature of this document, exercise care when making entries. When the ACM leaves
the unit, forward all DA Forms 7122 with the IATF. The losing unit will retain a photocopy of the DA Form
7122 for a period of 1 year after the ACM departs.

Department of the Army Form 4507

10-11. Use this form, along with DA Form 4507-1 and DA Form 4507-2 (Continuation Comment Slip) for
training programs or evaluations that require a series of flights. Uses may include, but are not limited to
qualification, refresher, and PC/AC evaluations. The DA Form 4507-series forms will be retained in the IATF
until the completion of the training and a summary of the event is entered on the DA Form 7122.


10-12. Brigade-level commanders evaluate each duty position to determine how it can best support the
unit's METL/collective task(s). After designating each position FAC 1, FAC 2, FAC 3, or FAC 4, the ATP
commander develops a task list to support the duty position. The CTL consists of the DA Form 7120 series.
It is established whenever an ACM is integrated into a unit’s ATP. The commander’s task list is a written
agreement between the commander and the ACM. The requirements established by the CTL are tailored to
the proficiency training needs of the individual ACM. It designates the authorized duties and flight stations
the ACM may occupy and the hours, tasks, iterations, evaluation requirements, and other training
requirements the ACM must accomplish during the training year.


10-13. Commanders designate primary, additional, and/or alternate aircraft for ACMs. ACMs must perform
the appropriate task iterations, flying hours, and complete APART requirements in the primary, and (if
applicable) any additional or alternate aircraft according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23.
10-14. Commanders should consider risk versus reward when assigning similar, additional, or alternate
aircraft to RCMs flying highly complex, advanced aircraft.

Note. Refer to chapter 1 for description of aircraft basic mission (class/type), modified mission,
aircraft design (model) and aircraft series.

Note. FAC-level flying hour requirements only apply to an ACM’s primary aircraft. The ATP
commander will determine flying hour requirements for additional or alternate aircraft.


10-15. During the training year, each RL 1 ACM must perform a minimum of one iteration of each
mandatory base task in the appropriate flight mode and condition as outlined in the MTL. Commanders will

10-2 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Forms and Records

designate the mode/condition authorized for flight by assigning a number to the appropriate block. RL 1
ACMs must also perform a minimum of one iteration of each task, in each of the flight modes and conditions
indicated on the CTL as designated by the commander. Therefore, tasks should not be listed on the CTL that
the ACM is not currently authorized to perform. FAC 3 RCMs must perform a minimum of one iteration of
each instrument task on the CTL as designated by the commander. The ACM is responsible for maintaining
proficiency in each task. The commander may require additional iterations of specific tasks.
10-16. ATP commanders will designate DAC annual task and iteration requirements on DA Form 7120-1
and DA Form 7120-3.
10-17. If an RCM is authorized to perform MP/ME duties, the maintenance test pilot tasks will be according
to the MTL. In addition to the required minimum annual tasks and iterations, MPs and MEs will perform a
minimum of four iterations of MTF tasks listed on their CTL annually. MEs will perform a minimum of two
of the four iterations mentioned above from each flight crew station with access to the flight controls.
Commanders are not authorized to delete any maintenance tasks or decrease annual task iterations listed in
the MTL. Commanders may increase MP/ME annual task iterations as required.
10-18. If an ACM is authorized to perform functional ground or flight checks, the ACM tasks will be
according to the MTL. Commanders will determine the maintenance tasks and annual task iterations from
those listed in the MTL. Commanders may increase the ACMs annual task iterations as required.
10-19. The commander must specify task iteration and evaluation requirements under each applicable mode
of flight for all performance tasks or other requirements listed on DA Form 7120-1 of an RL 1 or FAC 3
ACMs CTL. Ensure no conflict exists with established minimums, restrictions, and evaluation requirements
of tasks outlined in the MTL or the ACMs authorized flight duties/stations as designated on their DA Form

Note. Placing an “E” next to the minimum number of iterations designates mandatory evaluation
of that task under that mode of flight and therefore the more demanding mode of flight clause does
not apply.

Note: The absence of a number in the mode of flight indicates that the task is not authorized in
that mode of flight.


10-20. When an ACM is progressed to RL 1 during their APART period, the ACM has no task/iteration
requirements except those designated by the commander.


10-21. Multiple aircraft, considered to be similar according to this TC and the similar aircraft table, may be
listed on a single CTL, if flying hour, evaluation, and all other requirements are identical to the primary
aircraft (see note in paragraph 10-43). Tasks common to each aircraft listed on the CTL that are performed
in one aircraft will satisfy iteration requirements of the other aircraft listed. If a task is exclusive to a series,
the currency and evaluation requirements established in this publication and the MTL for that task will apply.
Task iteration, flying hour, and evaluation requirements flown in an aircraft defined as similar may be
credited toward completion of requirements as defined by this TC.

10-22. The minimum hours required for an ACM’s primary aircraft are in the flying hour requirements
table. Do not confuse the minimum hours indicated in the flying hour requirements table as the definitive
factor for determining aircrew proficiency. They are the minimum hours an ACM will fly during continuation
training. Prolonged periods of flight inactivity may reduce an ACM’s proficiency, even if the total minimum

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 10-3

Chapter 10

hour requirement is met. RCMs may apply the hours flown in a compatible simulator according to paragraphs
10-27 through 10-31 towards their semi-annual flying-hour requirement.


10-23. Commanders may adjust FAC 1 or FAC 2 ACM semiannual flying-hour requirements before the
first semiannual training period begins. They may authorize RCMs to fly up to 65 percent of their annual
requirements in one semiannual period, but not less than 35 percent in the other semiannual period. This
requirement will not change the unit's annual FHP or reduce an ACM’s annual flying-hour requirements. For
example, if the commander knows an ACM will be partially unavailable in one semiannual period, the
commander could allow that ACMs to fly up to 65 percent of the annual flight hours required in one
semiannual period and 35 percent in the other. However, the minimum for the second semiannual period may
not be less than 35 percent of the annual requirement without a waiver.


10-24. Prorated minimums will be one-sixth of the semiannual requirements and/or one-twelfth of the
annual requirements for each full month remaining in the training period. To ensure use of allocated
resources, personnel will be held to the flying hour, task iteration and simulator requirements when reassigned
within the same brigade. When reassigned to other than a FAC 3/4 position within the same unit, prorate the
flight/simulator hours the RCM is responsible for prior to reassignment and add them to the prorated hours
the RCM is responsible for in the new FAC position. The RCM will complete this adjusted total
flight/simulator hours prior to the end of their ATP period. Flying hours and/or simulator minimums for a
ACMs primary aircraft may be prorated when they are—
 Newly designated RL 1 or FAC 3.
 Having the primary aircraft redesignated.
 Changing duty position, which involves a change in FAC level in other than similar aircraft.
 When assigned to a FAC 3 duty position from a FAC 1 or FAC 2 position, previous aircraft flying
hour requirements do not apply; however, SFTS hours do apply.

Note. Simulator flying hour requirements are based on instrument training only. Commanders
should consider increasing annual SFTS requirements when other than instrument training is
conducted in the simulator (for example, AMS, HUD, and CBRNE).


10-25. Reduce flying-hour minimums by 1 month for each 30-day period that the ACM was unable to fly.
Days unable to fly, in different absence categories, may be added together for 30-day totals. Concurrent days
will not be added together. An example of concurrent days would be if an ACM, medically grounded for 30
days is sent TDY for 20 of those 30 days. Only 30 days could be prorated. At the end of the training period,
add the total number of days the ACM was unable to fly the aircraft/simulator due to the following:
 TDY or deployment to a location where the ACM is unable to fly.
 Medical or nonmedical suspension from flight.
 Grounding of aircraft by HQDA.
 Leave approved by the commander (RC-authorized absences by the commander).
 Aircraft non-availability due to movement to deployment, movement to redeployment, or aircraft
preset/reset. Preset/reset requirements only apply if less than 50 percent of the unit’s aircraft are not
available. This must be annotated on the DA Form 7122 and should coincide with the brigade
commander’s “start training date” required by AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23.


10-26. There are no minimum flying-hour requirements for additional or alternate aircraft. Commanders
may designate a minimum flying-hour requirement to include simulator, if available to meet mission
requirements. The ACM must maintain aircraft currency and the commander must specify flying-hour, task

10-4 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Forms and Records

iteration, and evaluation requirements based on the unit mission to ensure ACMs are proficient in aircrew


10-27. SP/IP/UT/IE/MP/ME/SO/IO may credit hours flown while performing assigned duties toward their
semiannual aircraft flying hour requirements.
10-28. Fixed-wing aviators may credit up to six hours of flight time in a DES-approved FS toward their
semi-annual aircraft flying hour requirements.
10-29. Rated aviators may apply up to 12 hours of time in a compatible flight simulator toward their
semiannual aircraft flying-hour minimums.
10-30. Trainers and evaluators may credit instructor/operator (I/O) hours toward their annual/semi-annual
simulation device flying hour requirements.
10-31. FAC 1 UACs may apply a maximum of 20 aircraft hours flown in a semiannual period toward that
period’s semiannual UAS simulator requirements. FAC 2 UACs may apply a maximum of 8 aircraft hours
flown in a semiannual period toward that period’s semiannual simulation requirements.


10-32. The ATP records system provides commanders with a comprehensive performance record on each
ACM in their units. Once a unit is fielded with a CAFRS version that integrates IATF items, units will utilize
the digital version of forms and records and create backup copies that will be maintained in an ACM’s IATF.
Units should have the goal of immediately utilizing the CAFRS IATF upon release, regardless of fielding
schedule, due to the linking of information between DA Form 7122 entries and DA Form 759-3 (Individual
Flight Record and Flight Certificate-Army) entries. Forms that cannot be completed digitally may be
completed by hand using dark blue, black, or red ink, as applicable. The goal is to make the present
recordkeeping procedures obsolete. Aircrew training records are important quality control and
standardization tools. Fill out forms carefully, completely, and legibly. The examples of completed DA forms
in this TC illustrate the intent of the written instructions; however, they cannot cover every possible situation.
Use the remarks section of the forms and/or the comment slips to explain situations not clearly covered by
the written guidelines. Commanders are responsible to ensure that only events and remarks pertinent to the
ATP are annotated in the IATF. Commanders have authority to remove comments entered outside the scope
of the ATPs.

Note. If a conflict exists between the written guidelines and the example forms, the written
guidelines in this TC take precedence.

Note. When filling out ATP forms, if a block is not applicable, leave blank unless the directions
state otherwise.

Note. ARNG facility commanders/supervisors that employ flight status FTS employees will
complete a CTL for each aircraft not designated by the individual’s military commander.

10-33. Commanders must ensure that an IATF is prepared and maintained for each ACM assigned or
attached to their unit. Labels will be according to figure 11-1, which meets current Army Records Information
Management System (ARIMS) requirements. Use DA Form 3513. Prepare it by changing the words
“FLIGHT RECORDS” on the front cover to “AIRCREW TRAINING.”

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 10-5

Chapter 10

Figure 10–1. Individual aircrew training folder labels

Note. The (2014) and (14) in figure 11-1 refers to the year in which the document (IATF) was
created for the individual therefore, not all records will be the same as these examples.

Left Side of Folder Right Side of Folder

(File items in the order listed.) (File items in the order listed.)

1. Current training year’s DA Form(s): 1. DA Form 4507 through DA Form 4507-2.

• 7120
• 7120-1 2. DA Form 7122.
• 7120-3
3. Miscellaneous.
2. The previous ATP year DA Form(s):
• 7120 • Waivers (until annotated on DA Form
• 7120-1 759).
• 7120-3 • Local required forms.

Figure 10–2. Individual aircrew training folder contents

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Forms and Records

10-34. At the completion of the training year, provide the information required to flight operations for DA
Form 759 closeout according to TC 3-04.8.

Note. After an individual’s release from AD, retirement, discharge, resignation, or assignment (to
the USAR control group), the IATF may be given to the Soldier after ensuring the IATF
information is synchronized with flight operations personnel and a DA Form 759 closeout is
completed according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23. Upon a Soldiers death, ensure the IATF
information is synchronized with flight operations personnel and a DA Form 759 closeout is
completed according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23. Once the DA Form 759 closeout is complete
and the information within the IATF is no longer required, the IATF may be shredded according
to current Army policy.


10-35. The current flight records automation system is the Centralized Aviation Flight Records System
(CAFRS). The automated capabilities supporting flight records management will evolve through the fielding
of three separate increments (IFRF, IATF, and ATS) of CAFRS.
10-36. CAFRS provides up-to-date, accurate information and facilitates, simplifies, and standardizes the
process of compiling, tracking, and analyzing individual flight records folders (IFRF), individual aircrew
training folders (IATF), and in the future air traffic services (ATS) records. This system will store information
in the CAFRS central database (CCDB) which is a centralized repository that can be accessed through the
internet by individuals with the proper permissions.
10-37. CAFRS sustains and improves the management of aviation flight, IATF, and ATS records according
to current regulations and policies by centralizing (CCDB) and fully automating aviation records through a
globally accessible and secure system. Furthermore, the Army’s senior-level leadership maintains visibility
over aviation flight operations information to assist in resource, readiness, and personnel management.
10-38. All units with access to network capabilities will connect to the CCDB and sync at least once a week.
Regardless of the type of CAFRS setup, the emphasis is for the data changes to be synchronized to the CCDB
on a regular basis. Within the unit, a CAFRS data collection point (CDCP) will be established to allow
CAFRS clients’ access to the unit CDCP. CAFRS training should be incorporated into a training program for
personnel working in the standardization section. This ensures they understand CAFRS and the importance
of the roles and permissions given to them. Units using the IATF features of CAFRS should appoint an IATF
administrator who is responsible for assigning roles and permissions to the standardization section as needed.
(Normally at battalion level and higher for Active Component units.)
10-39. The CAFRS help desk may be contacted at The CAFRS website is located


10-40. The CTL consists of the DA Form 7120 and all enclosures. Commanders use DA Forms 7120, 7120-
1, and 7120-3 to inform ACMs of their ATP requirements and to designate authorized flight duties, stations,
and mission or additional tasks. A separate DA Form 7120 series is required for each additional and alternate
aircraft in which the ACM performs duties. ACMs performing crew duties in multiple aircraft defined as
similar may use a single DA Form 7120 series for each instance if the ATP commander does not require
additional requirements.
10-41. The DA Form 7120 is an active document. As such, commanders may amend the DA Form 7120
and associated enclosures throughout the ACMs ATP training year. An event that establishes or changes
requirements on the forms will be annotated by entering the date and a brief description of that event in the
first, logical remarks section of the forms. Make the associated individual change(s) as necessary throughout

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 10-7

Chapter 10

the DA Form 7120 and its enclosures. The ATP commander must initial to certify approval of the subsequent
change(s). Units will initiate a new DA Form 7120 when—
 The ACM is integrated into the unit’s ATP. Only the ACMs biographical data in Part 1 and
authorized flight duties/stations in Part 2 are required. The DA Form 7120 is the commander's
authorization for the ACM to perform flight duties in the designated stations and modes for the
purposes of training. The commander and ACM will sign DA Form 7120.
 The ACM begins a new ATP training year.
 An ACM has a change in primary, alternate, or additional aircraft.
 Amending the existing DA Form 7120 is impractical. Clearly mark the amended copy on the top of
the form as “Amended Copy”. Retain the unusable DA Form 7120 with the amended original form
through its final disposition.

Note. A new form is not required for initial NVG RL 1 if the date is different than the initial RL
1 date. The commander will annotate the inclusion of NVG ATP requirements, brief the ACM,
and initial the changes. If a change in unit command occurs during the ATP year, the existing DA
Form 7120 and all enclosures remain in effect until the new form is initiated.

Note. The commander will initial changes on the DA Form 7120 series when there is a change to
ATP requirements. Some events require several changes to the CTL; do not initial each change,
only the event remark. Additionally, the commander will ensure the ACM has been briefed on any
change to ATP requirements. Updating administrative data, rank changes, and spelling errors do
not require the commander’s initials.

10-42. Instructions for completing the DA Form 7120 (figure 10-3, page 10-12) are shown in the following
10-43. Part I, Biographical.
 Name. Enter the ACMs name (last, first, middle initial).
 Rank. Enter one of the following: military rank, “DAC”, “CIV” (civilian employees of government
agencies), “CTR” (government contractor), or leave blank if not applicable.
 Department of Defense Identification (DOD ID). The ACMs DOD ID is a unique 10-digit
identification code located on each ACMs common access card (CAC). Use of the ACMs social
security number (SSN) or portions of the ACMs SSN is prohibited.
 Birth Month. Enter the ACMs birth month.
 FAC. Enter the flight activity category for the position the ACM is assigned (as required). Leave
blank if not applicable.
 Duty Title. Enter the ACMs primary duty title according to MTOE or TDA (for example, company
aviation safety officer). Leave blank if not applicable.
 Aircraft Type. Enter the aircraft modified mission, mission type, design, and series (UH–60A or
HH–60A) for which the DA Form 7120 applies. Place an "X" in the appropriate box to show that
this is the ACMs primary, additional, or alternate aircraft.

Note. Similar aircraft may need to be designated as an additional aircraft due to CAFRS reporting
limitations. This will need to occur if flying hour or evaluation requirements are different from the
primary aircraft and a report is required from CAFRS. See CAFRS help file for more
documentation. If the reporting capability of CAFRS is not required, similar aircraft should be
designated as such.

10-44. Part II, Authorized Flight Duties/Stations. Enter the authorized flight duties and stations from the
form dropdown menu or select from the below list as required. Place an "X" in the appropriate blocks to
show the authorized ACM duties and stations authorized. List flight duties horizontally and flight stations
vertically. Explain any authorization to perform observer duties in the Remarks column according to AR
 NRCM/NCM authorized flight duties and stations:

10-8 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Forms and Records

 Duties: CE, OR, UT, FE, FI, SI, MO, DG.

 Stations: other station, NVG.
 RCM authorized flight duties and stations:
 Duties: CP, PI, PC, UT, IP, IE, SP, MP, ME, XP, MO.
 Stations: Right seat, left seat, front seat, back seat, other station, NVG, NVS.
 UAC authorized flight duties and stations:
 Duties: CE, EO, AO, UT, SO, IO, AC.
 Stations: A seat, P seat, other station.

Note. For “other station”, if the duty station is other than the aircraft cabin or if further description
of the cabin duty station is desired, specify that station in the remarks section of Part II.

 Remarks. Enter sufficient remarks to explain changes made to designated crew duties and or duty
stations after this forms initiation.
10-45. Part III, Flying-Hour Requirements. Individual flying hour requirements are derived from the
flying hour requirements table and broken down into two segments: Annual (annual flying hour
requirements) and/or semi-annual (first period and/or second period flying hour requirements). Compute
training period inclusive dates for the appropriate condition -initial designation or annual designation. See
the following examples:
 Initial Designation. Initial designation is when an ACM is first designated RL 1 or FAC 3 after
integration into the unit’s ATP.
 Annual. When initially designated RL 1 or FAC 3 (or RL 2 for ARNG ACMs), the annual training
period will begin that day and end the last day of the ACMs birth month.

Note. Only the month and year are required for all training period end dates; the last day of the
month is assumed.

ACM Birth Month July

Designated RL 1 (RL 2 for ARNG) 17 October 14
Annual Training Period 17 October 14 to July 15

 First Period. The first training period is normally the first six months of an individual’s annual
training period. If initial designation occurs during the normal first period, the first training period
will be from that date through the end of the first semiannual period. If the ACM is designated RL
1 during the second training period, leave the date blocks blank in the first training period.

ACM Birth Month July

Designated RL 1 (RL 2 for ARNG) 17 October 14
First Training Period 17 October 14 to January 15

 Second Period. The second training period is normally the last six months of an individual’s annual
training period. Since initial designation in this case was during the normal first period, the
individual will have a complete second training period.

ACM Birth Month July

Designated RL 1 (RL 2 for ARNG) 17 October 14
Second Training Period February 15 to July 15

 Annual Designation. Annual designation is the initiation of a new DA Form 7120 after the ACMs
annual closeout.

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 Annual. The first day of the month following the individual’s birth month through the end of
the ACMs next birth month and year.

ACM Birth Month July

Annual Closeout 31 July 15
Annual Training Period August 15 to July 16

 First Period. The first day of the month following the individual’s birth month, through the
end of the sixth month following the birth month.

ACM Birth Month July

Annual Closeout 31 July 15
First Training Period August 15 to January 16

 Second Period. The first day of the seventh month following the individual’s birth month,
through the end of the next birth month and year.

ACM Birth Month July

Annual closeout 31 July 15
Second Training Period February 16 to July 16

 Total Aircraft Hours. Determine the number of whole months remaining in the semiannual period
in which designated RL 1 (or RL 2 for ARNG ACMs). Multiply the number of whole months in the
training period times one-sixth of the semiannual requirement.

Birth Month July
Designated RL 1 FAC 1 17 October 14
First Period 3 Months = 3 (1/6 x 48) = 24 hrs
Second Period 6 Months (48 hrs)

 Total Simulator Hours. Determine the number of whole months remaining in the training period in
which designated RL 1. Multiply the number of whole months remaining in the training period times
one-sixth of the semiannual requirement or one-twelfth of the annual requirement as appropriate.

Birth Month July
Designated RL 1 FAC 1 17 October 14
Annual Period 9 Months = 9 (1/12 x 18) = 13.5 hrs

 Condition Specific Hours. Enter the flying hours required under specific conditions as required by
the flying hour requirements table or Army command/local directives. The commander may specify
other condition specific aircraft flying hour requirements in the bottom two blocks of Part III.
10-46. Part IV, Annual Requirements. Enter the required annual requirements from the form dropdown
menu or from the below list as required in the far left column:
 Standardization flight evaluation.
 Instrument flight evaluation.
 Operator's manual written evaluation.
 NVG flight evaluation.
 Maintenance test flight evaluation.
 ACT.

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Forms and Records

 ROC-V.
 Other (Specify).
10-47. In the designated period column, enter the designated 3-month period or designated annual period
in which the ACM must complete each applicable requirement listed. Use the Remarks/Date Completed
column to annotate changes to requirements during the ATP training year and to record the date each
evaluation is completed.
10-48. Part V, Certification. Enter the commander's first name, middle initial, last name, rank, and branch.
The commander will sign and date the form authorizing the ACM to perform flight duties at the indicated
crew stations prior to the ACM’s first flight. If the ACM is a company commander (ATP commander), the
battalion commander, will sign the certification block. When the ACM is a battalion or brigade commander,
the ATP commander will sign the certification block. The ACM will sign and date the CTL to certify he or
she has been briefed on and understands the ATP requirements prior to the first flight. Upon initial RL 1
designation, the ACM will be briefed on task iteration, flying hour minimums, evaluation requirements and
all other requirements incurred by this designation. For annual designation forms, the commander will set
the effective date of the new CTL (normally the first day of the new annual period). The commander and
ACM will sign the CTL prior to the first flight following the ACM’s birth month.

Note. Digital signatures will be according to DOD Instruction 8520.02 or other applicable

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 10-11

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Figure 10–3. Sample of completed DA Form 7120

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10-49. The DA Form 7120-1 (figure 10-4, page 10-14) details the task performance and evaluation
requirements for each ACM.
 Name. Enter the ACMs name (last, first, middle initial).
 Aircraft. Enter the aircraft as stated on the ACMs DA Form 7120.
 Page. Enter the DA Form 7120-1 page number and total number of DA Form 7120-1.
 Tasks.
 Mandatory task iteration and evaluation requirements are as established on the MTL and do
not need to be included on the form unless otherwise noted. To mandate an evaluation or to
increase iterations of tasks, enter the task number followed by the task title on the blank lines
provided. When task iterations are increased include the minimum task iterations for all other
authorized modes/conditions as noted on the MTL for that task.
 Enter the optional tasks or additional task number followed by the task title on the blank lines
provided, if applicable.
 If CBRNE training is required, minimum task iteration and evaluation requirements are on
the MTL. The ATP commander may add tasks, iteration and evaluation requirements to the
minimums outlined by following the instructions above.
 Performance of instrument tasks as specified on the MTL for additional aircraft is assumed
for the purpose of this form. For XPs that have RW as a primary and additional aircraft, the
commander will determine the instrument task iteration requirements. If not required by the
commander, enter a statement to that effect in the Remarks section of the DA Form 7120-3.

Note. Task titles may be abbreviated to fit within the space provided.

Note. For FAC 3 ACMs: List commander designated task requirements on the DA Form 7120-1.

 Technical (TECH), Day, Night, INST, NVG, NVS, CBRNE, and Simulation (SIM).
 For each task listed, enter the number of times the ACM must perform the task in the
appropriate flight mode/condition column. The absence of a number in the mode of flight block
indicates that the task is not authorized in that particular mode of flight.
 Tasks listed that are specified as technical tasks by the MTL are not specific to any mode or
condition. Technical tasks iteration and evaluation requirements will only be listed under the
“TECH” column. Commanders will not assign modes to technical tasks.
 Place an "E" next to the number (for example, 3E or E) in the appropriate column if the task
is mandatory for annual evaluations. The commander may elect to delegate the authority to the
evaluator to select specific tasks for evaluation. This authority must be annotated in the Remarks
section of DA Form 7120-3.

Note. Placing an “E” next to the minimum number of iterations designates mandatory evaluation
of that task under that mode of flight and therefore the more demanding mode of flight clause does
not apply.

Note. The instrument (INST) column is to be utilized only for instrument tasks.

Note. If the ACMs task performance or evaluation requirements change during the ATP training
year, enter the change on DA Form 7120-1 and explain it in the Remarks column. If more space
is needed, use the Remarks section on DA Form 7120-3.

 Remarks. Use as required to fully explain changes, remarks, and or adjustments.

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 10-13

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Figure 10–4. Sample of completed DA Form 7120-1

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Forms and Records


10-50. The DA Form 7120-3 (figure 10-5, page 10-16) is normally the last page of the CTL. It is used to
document all additional/other training requirements prescribed by the commander as part of the ACMs ATP.
 Name. Enter the ACMs name (last, first, middle initial).
 Aircraft. Enter the aircraft as stated on the ACMs DA Form 7120.
 Date. Enter effective date of this form coinciding with the effective date of DA Form 7120.
 Remarks. Add the title of any periodic training task, recurring training and additional/other
commander-designated training required as part of the ATP but not listed on any other forms within
the DA Form 7120-series. Other remarks, if applicable:
 List similar aircraft, authorized flight duties, and stations authorized by the commander if
different than the DA Form 7120, as required.
 List gunnery requirements, as required (TC 3-04.45).
 Certification Block 1. No later than the last day of an ACMs first period, closeout the DA Form
7120-series by having the ACM sign and date the DA Form 7120-3 certification block. The ACM
will specify “have” in the statement if all first period flying-hour requirements have been met by
that date. If all first period flying-hour requirements have not been met, the ACM will specify “have
not” in the statement. ACMs that annotated “have not” in the statement must be processed according
to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23, if applicable, and an appropriate comment will be entered in the
Remarks section explaining why the requirements were not met and when they will be completed.
If this block is not required due to an ACM not having first period requirements, enter “N/A” in lieu
of “have/have not”.
 Certification Block 2. No later than the last day of an ACM’s birth month, closeout the DA Form
7120-series by having the ACM sign and date the DA Form 7120-3 certification block. The ACM
will specify “have” in the statement if all second period ATP requirements and/or annual ATP
requirements have been met by that date. If all second period ATP requirements and/or annual ATP
requirements have not been met, the ACM will specify “have not” in the statement. ACMs that
annotated “have not” in the statement must be processed according to AR 95-1 and/or AR 95-23, if
applicable, and an appropriate comment will be entered in the Remarks section explaining why the
requirements were not met and when they will be completed.

Note. If a waiver or extension of a specified requirement is granted and all remaining ATP
requirements have been met, the ACM will specify “have not” in the certification block and
provide a brief statement explaining the event in the DA Form 7120-3 remarks area.

Example. If an ACM is reassigned (PCS) before the end of their APART period or was unable to
complete APART requirements due to a temporary medical suspension, specify “have not” in the
certification block and provide a brief statement explaining the event in the DA Form 7120-3
remarks area.

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Figure 10–5. Sample of completed DA Form 7120-3

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Forms and Records


10-51. DA Form 7122 (figures 11-6 through 10-10, pages 10-20 through 11-23) is used to permanently
record ACM evaluations, significant events/training/qualifications, and summaries of DA Form 4507.
10-52. General instructions.
 Type or clearly print all entries in black, dark blue or red ink as required.
 For blocks that do not require an entry, enter a dash (-).
 To make minor corrections, use correction fluid/tape or neatly line through the incorrect information
and add the correct information. Use the procedures in paragraph 10-56 to make major corrections.
 Keep entries as clear and concise as possible. Use standard abbreviations and acronyms.
 Significant aviation related events that occur (for example, aircraft qualification or IFE course)
during the time an ACM departs the previous duty station and is integrated into a new ATP will be
entered on DA Form 7122 prior to the assignment entry.
 Not every possible event or occurrence may be anticipated. If situations arise that are not covered
by these instructions, use sound judgment and enter the event in the most logical manner.
 DA Form 7122 is a two-page form; however, it is likely that one page will fill before the other When
one page of the form is filled, close out the other page of the form by drawing a diagonal line from
the first unused block to the last unused block.
10-53. Administrative and demographic data.
 Sheet number. Number each sheet in numerical order.
 Name. Enter the ACMs full name (last, first, and middle initial).
 DOD ID. Enter the individual’s DOD ID as discussed in paragraph 10-43.
 Rank. Enter one of the following: military rank, “DAC”, “CIV” (civilian employees of government
agencies), “CTR” (government contractor), or leave blank if not applicable.
 Birth month. Enter the ACMs birth month. Leave blank if not applicable.
10-54. Training event data (front side).
 Date. Enter the year, month, and date in the following format YYYYMMDD (as in 20141113 for
13 November 2014). If an entry is out of chronological order, the date will be entered in red.
 Aircraft. Enter the alphanumeric designation of the aircraft (UH–60L or OH–58C). If the event was
performed solely in a flight simulator, enter the comparable aircraft designation (such as CH–47F
or AH-64D) and place simulator type in remarks (such as flight/evaluation conducted in 2B24 or
2B60 simulator).
 Event. Enter a short summary of the event on one line. Record events listed below:

Note. The terminology used in the examples in figures 10-6 through 10-10, page 10-20 through
10-23 on the DA Form 7122 is a dynamic list that originates from the CAFRS software, is
generated by DOTD and DES, and is shown only as examples as the exact wording will change
over time. If a conflict exists between the written guidelines and the example forms, the written
guidelines in this TC take precedence.

 Unit assignments and reassignments. Reassignment within the unit not requiring a DA Form
759 closeout will be treated as a change of duty.
 Start and completion of time-limited training programs such as each level of RL or PC/AC
progressions. Start times may be implied by previous entry. Example: The date that an ACM is
qualified RL 2 starts the clock for mission training and sets the suspense for RL 1 designation.
 Proration of flying-hour minimums at the end of the training period (see paragraph 10-25).
Include justification and number of months prorated in entry remarks.
 Placement on or removal from flight status.
 Change of duty position, FAC, primary, alternate, or additional aircraft.
 Completion of DA aviation-related qualification courses, both flying and nonflying.

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 All flight, oral, and written evaluations. Specify the type of evaluation; for example, no-notice
evaluation, APART instrument evaluation, or proficiency flight evaluation.
 Any nonmedical suspensions and their disposition. See paragraph 7-15.
 Medical suspensions (30 days or longer) and their disposition.
 All waivers or extensions of ATP requirements granted. Entries will specify the affected
requirements and when applicable, the date the requirements must be completed. If required,
ACMs will be suspended from flight duties until completion of the commander’s investigation
and the extension or waiver is granted.
 Completion of extension or waiver requirements.
 Change in unit aircraft availability/nonavailability status due to movement to
deployment/redeployment or aircraft preset/reset. This entry is not required, if aircraft
nonavailability does not result in the ACM being granted a waiver, extension, or flying-hour
 Designation or removal of alternate or additional aircraft. Also, the addition or removal of
similar aircraft to the listing on Primary, Additional or Alternate aircraft DA Form 7120-series
 Involvement in any Class A, B, or C, accident/mishap or incident and the results of any post-
accident/mishap evaluation (if given).
 Completion of significant training. Include the source of the training program in the event
remarks; for example, “Deck landing qualification completed according to the USAACE
Overwater TSP.”
 Enter “YYYY APART Complete” when APART written examination and hands-on
performance tests are completed.
 Enter “YYYY ATP Requirements Complete” when all ATP requirements are completed.
 Enter “Events posted to DA Form 759” upon forwarding all required documents and data to
flight operations personnel at the completion of an APART period and/or prior to any ACM moves
that require a change in IFRF custodianship (for example PCS moves and intra-unit transfers
above the battalion level).
 Record the following additional events on the form. Completion of LAO (include times for
Day, Night, NVD, and H/W flights.). Completion of required gunnery tables. Completion of ACT
requirements (includes initial ACT qualification for ACMs initially trained at the unit). Receipt of
a “Broken Wing” award or flying-hour award for safety. Aircraft software/hardware
 Do not record the following events. Flights conducted solely to accomplish task iteration,
flying-hour, or MOPP requirements. Attendance at recurring briefings (for example, safety
meetings and weather briefings). Participation in unit-level exercises.
 Duty. If applicable, enter the appropriate duty symbol. This duty symbol reflects the purpose of the
flight or event, not necessarily the DA Form 2408-12 duty. For example, a PC flight evaluation
requires entry of the duty symbol “PI” on DA Form 2408-12 but on the DA Form 7122, the duty
symbol entered would be “PC.”
 Day (D), night (N), night goggle (s) (NG), night system (NS), weather (W), hood (H), and sim. Enter
the time flown, in hours and tenths of hours, under the appropriate flight modes/conditions. Enter
the time flown on any single flight event or the total hours flown in multi-flight training programs.
The flight modes/conditions indicated normally will agree with the DA Form 2408-12 entry. If
simulator hours are annotated and it is a single event, no other hours should be annotated (such as
NG, WX).
 Seat. Enter the ACMs seat position, if appropriate, for the event (front, back, left, right, both, or
 Grade (GR). If the event was graded, enter an "S” (satisfactory) or a “U” (unsatisfactory). For an
unsatisfactory evaluation, state the specific tasks the ACM performed unsatisfactorily and any
restrictions imposed due to the failure. Provide a recommendation to the commander for retraining
and reevaluation.

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 Aviation crewmember initials (CM Init). Brief the ACM on the entry and ensure that the ACM
understands any change in status. ACMs will then initial this block. An ACM’s initials show that
the ACM is aware of the entry on the form and any remarks and understands any change in status.
The ACM will immediately initial any entry resulting in a change of status such as an unsatisfactory
evaluation or a suspension. The ACM will initial routine entries such as assignment to a unit or
satisfactory evaluations, as soon as practical.
10-55. Training event data (back side).
 Date. Enter the same date as the front of the form.
 Remarks. Record pertinent information not shown on the front of the form in this section. Do not
restate information entered on the front of the form; there is no single correct way of entering
remarks. However, they should be clear, concise, and specific. When entering remarks, use standard
abbreviations and acronyms or logical shortened word. If the remarks require more than one line,
do not repeat the date on the second or subsequent line(s). Remarks include description of
unsatisfactory tasks on an evaluation or an explanation of nonmedical suspensions from flight.
 Recorded By. Evaluators, trainers, operations personnel and others when authorized by the
commander will enter their first initial, last name, rank and duty position. If the event was an
evaluation and someone is recording it other than the evaluator, record the evaluator’s name in the
remarks section.
 The following events recorded on the DA Form 7122 are the only items that require the commander's
 Nonmedical suspension.
 RL designation after failure of a hands-on performance test or a training deficiency.
 Extensions.
 Return to previous duties after nonmedical suspension or RL designation after failure of a
hands-on performance test or a training deficiency.

Note. The commander, pertaining to the individual aircrew training flight records, is defined as
the commander responsible for the ATP. Waiver and extension authority is according to AR 95-1
and/or AR 95-23, local regulations, and SOPs. The appropriate commander will sign the DA Form
7122, page 2, when required (see above). Memoranda for record granting extensions or waivers
signed by the commander will be retained in the miscellaneous section of the IATF until forwarded
to flight operations personnel and annotated on the DA Form 759 during the next closeout.

10-56. Corrections to DA Form 7122 may be needed for several reasons. Careful and timely entering of
events as they occur will eliminate the need for corrections.
 Out of sequence events. If an event is not entered at the proper time and one or more events have
been recorded, enter the event as you would any other event on the next available point, except, use
red ink when entering the date (to include year) of the out-of-sequence event.
 Unusable form. If enough mistakes accrue to make the form unusable, transcribe the data to a new
form. Place a diagonal line across the front of the unusable form, label it "transcribed,” and retain
this copy of the form (permanently) under the current form. DO NOT DESTROY OR DISCARD

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 10-19

Chapter 10

Figure 10–6. Sample of completed DA Form 7122, page 1

10-20 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Forms and Records

Figure 10–7. Sample of completed DA Form 7122, page 2

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 10-21

Chapter 10

Figure 10–8. Samples 1 through 4 of DA Form 7122

10-22 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Forms and Records

Figure 10–9. Samples 5 through 8 of DA Form 7122

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 10-23

Chapter 10

Figure 10–10. Samples 9 through 12 of DA Form 7122

10-24 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Forms and Records


10-57. The DA Form 4507 series forms will be filed on the right side of the IATF until completion of the
training and the event has been documented on the DA Form 7122. Once the event has been entered on the
DA Form 7122, the DA Form 4507-series will be removed from the IATF.
10-58. Figure 10-11, page 10-26, provides a sample of DA Form 7122. Instructions for completing the form
are as follows:
 Name. Enter the ACMs name (last, first, middle initial).
 Rank. Enter one of the following: military rank, “DAC”, “CIV” (civilian employees of government
agencies), “CTR” (government contractor), or leave blank if not applicable.
 PID. Do not use.
 Unit. Enter the unit to which the ACM is assigned.
 Purpose. Enter the purpose of the training or evaluation using standard phraseology, for example
refresher training or PC/AC evaluation.
 Aircraft Type. Enter the alphanumeric designation of the aircraft or simulator, for example UH-
60L, OH-58C, 2B38, AH-64E or 2B47F.
 Date Started. Enter the date on which the flight training program starts.
 Must Complete By. If the training program is time limited, enter the date on which the ACM must
complete it. If the date changes, line through the original date and enter the new date above it.
Explain the change in the Comments section.
 Date. Enter the day, month, and year of the flight.
 Flight Data. This form provides a cumulative record of the time flown under those flight modes
normally requiring minimum amounts. Record all flight time in hours and tenths of hours.
 Time Today. Enter the total time flown today.
 Cumulative Time. Record the total flight time accrued to date.
 Day Flight-Today. Enter the time flown today under day flight conditions. For flights conducted
under other than day flight conditions, enter the applicable flight mode or condition in the space
provided. Then record the time flown today for that flight mode or condition.
 Day Flight-Cumulative. Record the total time accrued under day flight conditions. For flights
conducted under other than day flight conditions, enter the applicable flight mode or condition in
the space provided. Then record the total flight time accrued to date for that flight mode or condition.
 Duty Position. Enter the ACMs duty position for the flight.
 Seat Position. Enter the ACMs seat position for the flight.
 Overall Grade. Enter either S or U in the overall grade block after the ACM completes the flight.
This grade reflects the evaluator/trainer’s overall assessment of the flight. If the overall flight is
graded a “U”, a comment is required on DA Form 4507-2.
 Aviation Crewmember Initials. Have the ACM initial the grade slip to certify that the ACM has
been debriefed. The initials do not mean that the ACM agrees with the results.
 Trainer or Evaluator Name, Rank, and Duty Position. Enter the trainer’s or the evaluator's first
initial, last name, rank, and duty position.
 Comments. Enter pertinent comments on DA Form 4507 or, if more space is required, on DA Form
4507-2. Enter the date of the flight and sound, objective comments. If the overall flight, or any
individual task is graded U, a comment is required. For unsatisfactory tasks, indicate which
standards were not met and any other appropriate remarks. These comments are important for
reference by other trainers or evaluators during future training or evaluation.

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 10-25

Chapter 10

Figure 10–11. Sample of completed DA Form 4507

10-26 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Forms and Records


10-59. Figure 10-12, page 10-28, provides a sample of DA Form 4507-1. Instructions for completing the
form are as follows:
 Examinee's Name. Enter the examinee's name (last, first, middle initial).
 Page No. Enter the number of this page.
 No. Pages. Enter the total number of DA Forms 4507-1 used.
 Date. Enter the day, month, and year of the flight. It is acceptable to have multiple entries for the
same date to specify tasks trained/evaluated in different flight modes. In the blocks under the date,
the evaluator/trainer or unit trainer grades each task performed. An unsatisfactory grade “U”
requires a brief description of the deficiency in the comments section of DA Form 4507-2. Place a
diagonal (/) in the grade blocks for all maneuvers or procedures not performed. When three or more
consecutive tasks are not graded, place a diagonal line in the first and last task and connect the two
with a straight vertical line.
 Maneuver/Procedure. Enter the task number followed by the task title as required by the unit’s
ATP. Units may list all tasks required by the commander’s task list. Another option is to develop
separate forms for each training program; for example; NVG refresher training, RL progression, and
mission training. Units may also use a highlighter pen or any other suitable method to track
completion of tasks in different modes.

Note. Task titles may be abbreviated to fit within the space provided.

 Select. If the form is tailored to the training or evaluation being conducted, use as desired. If the
form lists all base/tactical/mission/additional tasks, place an "X" in the selection column by each
task that is mandatory for the training program or evaluation underway based on the guidance in the
MTL, this training circular, the commander's task list, the unit SOP, and other documents.

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 10-27

Chapter 10

Figure 10–2. Sample of completed DA Form 4507-1

10-28 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Forms and Records


10-60. The DA Form 4507-2 (figure 11-13) is used to record comments and explain DA Form 4507 and
DA Form 4507-1 entries, as appropriate.
 Examinee's Name. Enter the examinee's name (last, first, middle initial).
 Date. Enter date of entry.
 Comments. Enter comments as necessary. Comments should be clear, concise and objective. These
comments are important for reference by other trainers or evaluators during future training or

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 10-29

Chapter 10

Figure 10–3. Sample of completed DA Form 4507-2

10-30 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Appendix A
Flying-Hour Program Calculation
A-1. Commanders should—
 Base their FHP on the number of hours required to achieve and maintain proficiency at the
individual, crew, and collective levels.
 When resources are insufficient to maintain proficiency of all METL/collective task(s), consult with
the higher chain of command and prioritize the METL/collective task(s). It is only possible to
maintain proficiency of those tasks for which the commander is resourced.
A-2. To correctly develop a FHP, the commander should consider the following:
 The unit’s ACM density.
 ACMs not assigned to the unit that also must be trained (for example, brigade staff).
 Annual ACM turnover.
 The FAC of each position.
 RL progression.
 The number of aircraft assigned.
 Mission support requirements.
 Flying hours for aircraft maintenance.
 Current status of unit training.
 Directed training such as CTC rotations.
 TADSS available.


A-3. In the following example, arbitrary data is used to show the commander of a unit how to determine the
number of training hours required.
 Step 1. Determine the number of MTOE assigned aviators. (MTOE assigned aviators is 70.)

Assigned Aviators 70 From MTOE

 Step 2. Determine the Annual Turn Over Rate of the unit. This number is derived by historical
figures, PCS and retirements anticipated.

Annual Turnover Rate 33% Calculated Figure

 Step 3. Calculate the projected number of newly assigned aviators.

70 X 33% 23 Step 1 X Step 2

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 A-1

Appendix A

 Step 4. Determine the number of hours required for ACM training according to the flying hour
requirements table (FHRT) and historical data.
 Qualification Training. Aviators that require additional training on aircraft assigned to the
unit may be assigned to the unit.
 RL 3 to RL 1. Determine the flight hours required for an aviator designated RL 3 to progress
to RL 1.
 RL 2 to RL 1. Determine the flight hours required for an aviator initially designated RL 2 to
progress to RL 1.

Qualification Training 6 Per FHRT

RL 3 to RL 1 40 Estimated
RL 2 to RL 1 24 Estimated
FAC 1 Aviator Continuation Training 70 Per FHRT
FAC 2 Aviator Continuation Training 50 Per FHRT

 Step 5. Calculate the number of hours required for newly assigned aviators to attain RL 1. Factor
the experience level of expected inbound personnel to gain a more accurate assessment. Below, two
of the projected 23 newly assigned aviators are expected to require qualification training. Ten of the
23 are expected to be designated RL 3 and the remaining 13 are expected to be designated RL 2.

Qualification Training 2 personnel X 6 hours = 12 hours

RL 3 to RL 1 10 personnel X 40 hours = 400 hours
RL 2 to RL 1 13 personnel X 24 hours = 312 hours
Aviator Progression Hours: 724 hours

 Step 6. Continuation training flying-hour requirements. Calculating continuation training

requirements depends on the number of crews that are RL 1 throughout the unit training year and
those designated RL 1 during some fraction of the training year. Multiply the number of FAC 1 and
FAC 2 RL 1 aviators by their respective FAC level semiannual requirements. Take into
consideration the percentage of the training year remaining for those aviators that progress to RL 1
(step 5). The final number should reflect total crew, not individual hours.

FAC 1 Aviators, RL 1 entire training year 37 X 70 hours = 2590 hours

FAC 2 Aviators, RL 1 entire training year 10 X 50 hours = 500 hours
Newly assigned FAC 1 Aviators *(66% of) 19 X 70 hours = 887 hours
Newly assigned FAC 2 Aviators *(66% of) 4 X 50 hours = 133 hours
* 66% = 8 months of the training year, Aviator Continuation Hours: 4110 hours
the average time newly assigned ÷2
aviators are estimated to be RL Crew Continuation Hours: 2055 hours

 Step 7. Proficiency training hours. Determine the number of hours required to achieve and maintain
proficiency in the unit’s METL/collective task(s) at the individual, crew, and collective level. This
is in addition to those hours required for progression and continuation training.

Unit METL/collective task(s) proficiency 300 hours

A-2 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

Flying-Hour Program Calculations

 Step 8. Determine the total number of hours required for assigned ACMs to attain and maintain RL
1 for the training year by adding the progression hour total (step 5) to the continuation hour total
(step 6).

Aviator progression hours 724 hours

Aviator continuation hours 2055 hours
Unit METL /collective task(s) proficiency hours 300 hours
Total training hours: 3079 hours

 Step 9. Support hours. Determine mission support requirements such as CTC rotations, FTXs, and
so forth. This can be a block hour commitment or the number of aircraft required by hours per
aircraft. Determine the number of total training hours (step 7) that can be accomplished concurrently
during mission support. (This number is derived by historical analysis.) Subtract this number from
the total support hours required. The result will be the additional hours that should be added by this
step to the total unit flying-hour requirement.

National Training Center rotation 600 hours

Infantry support 1200 hours
SOF support 300 hours
Division FTX 300 hours
Total support hours: 2400 hours
Subtract training hours conducted concurrently: -1900 hours
Additional hours: 500 hours

 Step 10. Maintenance hours. Multiply the unit cumulative hour amount (sum of step 7 and step 8)
by 5 percent to determine the estimated maintenance-hour requirements. The 5 percent figure is a
general guideline and units should determine their own multiplier based on previous experience and
forecasted maintenance.

Total training hours 3079 hours 3579 cumulative hours

Additional hours +500 hours x .05
3579 hours 179 maintenance hours

 Step 11. Total flying-hour requirement. Add the unit cumulative hour amount to the estimated
maintenance hours (each determined in step 9) to determine the overall unit flying-hour requirement.

Unit cumulative hours 3579 hours

Maintenance hours +179 hours
Unit Flying Hour Requirement: 3778 hours

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 A-3

This page intentionally left blank.
AAR after action review
AATS Army Aviation Training Site
ACC aviation common core
ACM aviation crewmember
ACT aircrew coordination training
AD active duty
ADOS active duty operational support
AG adjutant general
AGR active Guard/Reserve
AIRF aircrew information reading file
ALSE aviation life support equipment
AMC air mission commander
AMS aviation mission survivability
AMSO aviation mission survivability officer
ANVIS aviator night vision imaging system
APA aeromedical physician’s assistant
APART annual proficiency and readiness test
ARFORGEN Army Force Generation
ARNG Army National Guard
ARNGUS Army National Guard of the United States
ASE aircraft survivability equipment
AT annual training
ATM aircrew task modules
ATP aircrew training program
ATR attack, reconnaisance
ATS air traffic services
AVCATT Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer
BCT brigade combat team
CAB combat aviation brigade
CAFRS Centralized Aviation Flight Records System
CATS Combined Arms Training Strategy
CBAT computer-based aircraft survivability equipment
CBRNE chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive
CCMET core competency mission essential task
CE crew chief
CID combat identification
CMETL core mission essential task list
CPX command post exercise

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 Glossary-1


CSM command sergeant major

CTC Combat Training Center
CTL commander’s task list
DA Department of the Army
DAC Department of the Army civilian
DES Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization
DG door gunner
DOD Department of Defense
DODFMR Department of Defense financial management
DOTD Directorate of Training and Doctrine
DS dual status
EAATS Eastern ARNG Aviation Training Site
EO external operator
FAC flight activity category
FCO functional check operator
FCP functional check pilot
FE flight engineer
FEB flight evaluation board
FHP flying-hour program
FI flight instructor
FLIP Flight Information Publication
FS flight surgeon
FSP Flight Standardization Program
FSXXI Flight School Twenty-One
FTG flight training guide
FTNGD full-time National Guard duty
FTS full-time support
FTSUSAR full-time support United States Army Reserve
FTX field training exercise
FWAATS fixed-wing Army National Guard Aviation Training Site
GMET general mission essential task
HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army
IATF individual aircrew training folder
IE instrument examiner
IERW initial entry rotary wing
IFRF individual flight records folder
IIMC inadvertent instrument meteorological condition
IO instructor operator
IP instructor pilot
IR infrared
JIIM joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multiagency

Glossary-2 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016


LAO local area orientation

L-V-C live-virtual-constructive (training environment)
LZ landing zone
M-Day man-day
ME maintenance test pilot evaluator
MEDEVAC medical evacuation
METL mission essential task list
METT-TC mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and
support available, time available, and civil
MOPP mission-oriented protective posture
MOS military occupational specialty
MP maintenance test pilot
MRC Mobilized Reserve Component
MTL master task list
MTOE modification table of organization and equipment
NAVAID navigational aid
NCM nonrated noncrewmember
NCO noncommissioned officer
NRCM nonrated crewmember
NG night goggles
NGB National Guard Bureau
NOTAM notice to airmen
NDS non-dual status
NVD night vision device
NVG night vision goggle
NVS night vision system
OGE out of ground effect
PC pilot in command
PCS permanent change of station
PFE proficiency flight evaluation
PID personnel identifier
POI program of instruction
PR personnel recovery
RC Reserve Component
RCM rated crewmember
RL readiness level
RM risk management
RW rotary wing (aircraft)
S-3 operations staff officer
SAAO state Army aviation officer
SFTS synthetic flight training system

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 Glossary-3


SHP simulator hour program

SI standardization instructor
SO standardization operator
SOP standing operating procedure
SP standardization instructor pilot
SSN social security number
STRAC Standards in Training Commission
STX situational training exercise
TADSS training aids, devices, simulators, and simulations
TASMG Theater Aviation Sustainment Maintenance Group
TDA table of distribution and allowances
TDC training development capability
TDY temporary duty
TOE table of organization and equipment
TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command
TPU troop program unit
TSP training support package
TTP tactics, techniques, and procedures
UAC unmanned aircraft crewmember
UAS unmanned aircraft system
USAACE United States Army Aviation Center of Excellence
USAR United States Army Reserve
USAJTD United States Army Jet Training Detachment
USC United States Code
USR unit status report
UT unit trainer
UTL unit task list
WAATS Western ARNG Aviation Training Site
WO warrant officer

Glossary-4 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

ADRP 1-02. Terms and Military Symbols. 07 December 2015.
JP 1-02. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. 8 November 2010.

Most Army publications are available online at
ADP 7-0. Training Units and Developing Leaders. 23 August 2012.
ADRP 1-03. The Army Universal Task List. 02 October 2015.
ADRP 7-0. Training Units and Developing Leaders. 23 August 2012.
AR 5-13. Total Army Munitions Requirements and Prioritization Policy. 08 October 2015.
AR 40-501. Standards of Medical Fitness. 14 December 2007.
AR 95-1. Flight Regulations. 11 March 2014.
AR 95-20. Contractor’s Flight and Ground Operations. 21 August 2013.
AR 95-23. Unmanned Aircraft System Flight Regulations. 07 August 2006.
AR 220-1. Army Unit Status Reporting and Force Registration-Consolidated Policies. 15 April 2010.
AR 600-105. Aviation Service of Rated Army Officers. 22 June 2010.
AR 600-106. Flying Status of Nonrated Army Aviation Personnel. 8 December 1998.
AR 700-138. Army Logistics Readiness and Sustainability. 26 February 2004.
ATP 3-04.1. Aviation Tactical Employment. 13 April 2016.
ATP 3-05.11. Special Operations Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Operations. 30
April 2014.
DA PAM 350-38. Standards in Training Commission. 06 October 2015.
FM 3-04. Army Aviation. 29 July 2015.
FM 3-04.203. Fundamentals of Flight. 7 May 2007.
FM 3-50. Army Personnel Recovery. 02 September 2014.
TC 3-04.8. Individual Flight Records Folder Management. 21 January 2015.
TC 3-04.9. Commander’s Aviation Mission Survivability Program. 07 August 2015.
TC 3-04.12. Aviation Mission Planning Forms. ?? March 2016/
TC 3-04.45. Combat Aviation Gunnery. 29 January 2014.
TC 3-04.62. Small Unmanned Aircraft System Aircrew Training Program. 19 August 2013.
TC 3-04.93. Aero Medical Training for Flight Personnel. 31 August 2009.
TC 3-17. Combat Identification (CID) Training Integration. 6 November 2007.

The following publication is available at

Army Aviation Training Strategy. January 2016.


The following publications are available at
DOD Instruction 8520.02. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Public Key (PK) Enabling. 24 May

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 References-1


The following publication is available at

DODFMR 7000.14-R. Financial Management Regulation. 02 September 2007.

The following publications are available at
Title 10 USC §10141. Ready Reserve; Standby Reserve; Retired Reserve: Placement and Status of
Members; Training Categories.
Title 10 USC §10216. Military Technicians (Dual Status).
Title 10 USC §12301. Reserve Components Generally.
Title 10 USC §12304. Selected Reserve and Certain Individual Ready Reserve Members; Order to
Active Duty Other Than During War or National Emergency.
Title 10 USC §12310. Reserves: For Organizing, Administering, Etc., Reserve Components.
Title 32 USC §328. Active Guard and Reserve duty: Governor's Authority.
Title 32 USC §502(a) and (f) (2). Required Drill and Field Exercises.
Title 32 USC §709. Technicians: Employment, Use, Status.

The following publications are available at
NGR 500-2/ANGI 10-801. Air National Guard Counterdrug Support. 31 March 2000.

The following publication is available at
Army Aviation Training Strategy. January 2016.

Unless otherwise indicated, DA forms are available on the Army Publishing Directorate website at
DA Form 4507. Crewmember Grade Slip.
DA Form 4507-1. Maneuver/Procedure Grade Slip.
DA Form 4507-2. Continuation Comment Slip.
DA Form 7120. Commander’s Task List.
DA Form 7120-1. Crew Member Task Performance and Evaluation Requirements.
DA Form 7120-3. Crew Member Task Performance and Evaluation Requirements Remarks and
DA Form 7122. Crew Member Training Record.

Unless otherwise indicated, DA forms are available on the Army Publishing Directorate website at Unless otherwise indicated, DD forms are available on the Department of Defense Forms
Management Program website at
DA Form 759. Individual Flight Record and Flight Certificate-Army.
DA Form 759-3. Individual Flight Record and Flight Certificate-Army.
DA Form 2028. Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms.
DA Form 2408-12. Army Aviator’s Flight Record.
DA Form 3513. Individual Flight Records Folder, United States Army.
DA Form 4856. Developmental Counseling Form.

References-2 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016


DA Form 5484. Mission Schedule/Brief.

DD Form 2992. Medical Recommendation for Flying Duty or Special Operational Duty.

Army Publishing Directorate:
Army Training Network (ATN):
Center for Army Lessons Learned:
Digital Training Management System (DTMS):
DOTD website:
U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center:

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 References-3

This page intentionally left blank.
Entries are by paragraph.

academic evaluation topics, 9- battle rostering, 5-6 field training exercise (FTX), 5-
4 branch code, 7-3 3
additional tasks, 5-1, 6-5, 6-8, brigade combat team (BCT), 5- flight activity category (FAC), 7-
7-4, 8-5, 8-6, 10-7, 10-26 2 4, 8-3, 8-9, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4,
aeromedical training, 6-11 10-8, 10-9, 10-13, 10-17, A-
C 1, A-2
air mission commander (AMC),
3-5, 5-7, 6-11, 6-12 Centralized Aviation Flight flight engineer (FE), 6-4, 8-6
Records System (CAFRS), flight evaluation, 7-6, 7-7, 8-8,
aircraft survivability equipment 10-8
(ASE), 6-9 8-9, 9-4, 9-5, 10-18
chemical, biological, flight information publication
aircrew coordination training radiological, and nuclear
(ACT), 8-1 (FLIP), 8-10
(CBRN), 5-6, 6-10, 8-4, 10-
aircrew coordination training- 13 flight instructor (FI), 6-4, 6-7, 8-
enhanced (ACT-E), 6-7, 8-9, 1, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 9-4, 9-7,
C-level, 3-3 9-8, 9-9
collective tasks, 5-3, 5-6, 6-5 flight medic, 6-4
aircrew information reading file
(AIRF), 8-9, 8-10 collective training, 3-4, 5-1, 5-2, flight surgeon (FS), 9-9
5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 9-9
aircrew training program (ATP), flight training guide (FTG), 8-5
2-5, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-5, 6-5, combat identification (CID), 6-9
flying-hour program (FHP), 5-1,
6-6, 6-8, 6-9, 6-10, 6-11, 6- Combat Training Center (CTC), 10-4, A-1
12, 7-3, 7-5, 8-1, 8-4, 8-5, 8- 5-3, 5-5, A-1, A-3
8, 8-9, 9-1, 9-3, 9-4, 9-6, 10- flying-hour requirement, 7-4,
combined arms training 10-4, 10-5, A-2
1, 10-2, 10-4, 10-5, 10-7, 10- strategy (CATS), 3-2, 5-2, 5-
8, 10-9, 10-11, 10-13, 10-15, 5, 6-5 full-time support (FTS), 10-5
10-17, 10-18 functional area (FA), 7-3
command post exercise (CPX),
annual proficiency and 3-2 functional check pilot (FCP), 6-
readiness test (APART), 6-7, 4, 8-8, 9-4, 9-7, 10-3
commander evaluation, 6-6, 8-
7-5, 8-1, 8-7, 9-5, 9-6, 9-7,
1, 8-5 G
9-8, 10-2, 10-3, 10-15, 10-18
area of concentration (AOC), 7- commander's task list (CTL), 6- gunnery, 2-4, 5-5, 5-6, 8-11,
5, 6-8, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 8-8, 10-18
9-6, 9-7, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3,
Army Aviation Training Site 10-5, 10-7, 10-8, 10-11, 10- H
(AATS), 6-3 15 hands-on performance, 8-7, 9-
Army training and evaluation crew chief (CE), 6-4, 8-6 5, 9-6, 10-19
program (ARTEP), 6-5
crew training, 5-2, 5-3, 5-5, 10- high intensity radio traffic area
ARNG, 2-6 1 (HIRTA), 8-11
Automated Flight Record crewmember training, 6-5 hypobaric training, 6-11
System (AFRS), 10-7
aviation battle-focused training, E I
3-5, 5-2 electronic warfare, 6-9 individual aircrew training
aviation combined arms tactical environmental training, 5-5, 5-6 folder (IATF), 7-2, 7-3, 7-6,
trainer (AVCATT), 5-5 7-7, 8-1, 10-2, 10-5, 10-19,
evaluation, 5-4, 8-4, 9-1, 9-4, 10-24
aviation life support equipment 10-11, 10-13, 10-18, 10-19,
(ALSE), 6-11, 8-10 10-24 individual flight records folder
debriefing, 9-5 (IFRF), 8-1
aviation mission survivability
(AMS), 6-9, 8-8, 8-9 evaluation sequence, 9-4 individual training, 5-1, 5-4, 10-
aviation mission survivability evaluators
officer (AMSO), 6-9, 7-7 selection of, 9-1 initial entry rotary wing (IERW),

3 August 2016 TC 3-04.11 Index-1


instructor pilot (IP), 6-7, 8-3, 9- night vision device (NVD), 8-4, recognition of combat vehicles
3, 9-4 9-4, 9-8, 10-18 (ROCV), 6-9
instrument examiner (IE), 6-4, night vision goggle (NVG), 6-7, resourcing, 5-1
6-7, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 9-7 6-8, 8-3, 8-8, 9-3, 9-5, 9-8, risk assessment, 3-7, 10-1
instrument flight rule (IFR), 8- 10-8, 10-13, 10-26
risk management (RM), 3-5, 3-
10 night vision system (NVS), 8-6, 6, 3-7
instrument meteorological 8-11, 10-13
condition (IMC), 9-7 non-mobilized reserve S
instrument recovery procedure, component (NMRC), 7-5 simulator hour program (SHP),
8-10 no-notice evaluation, 9-9 5-1
integration, 8-5, 10-9 nonrated crewmember (NCM), situational training exercise
2-4, 2-5, 6-5, 6-7, 6-8, 7-3, (STX), 5-2, 5-3, 5-6
J 8-3, 8-6, 9-4, 9-6 skill qualification identifier
Joint Army Navy Standard notice to airmen (NOTAM), 8- (SQI), 7-6
(JANUS), 5-5 10 standardization instructor (SI),
L 6-7, 8-3, 9-4
landing zone (LZ), 8-10, 8-11 standardization instructor pilot
operational, 3-2, 3-5, 3-6, 5-6, (SP), 6-7, 8-3, 9-3, 9-4
local area orientation (LAO), 8- 6-5, 7-4, 9-5
9, 10-18 standing operating procedure
P (SOP), 3-6, 5-5, 6-7, 6-8, 6-
M personnel identifier (PID), 10-8, 9, 6-10, 6-11, 7-7, 8-1, 8-10,
maintenance examiner (ME), 10-17, 10-24 9-8, 9-9, 10-26
6-4, 8-4, 8-6, 8-8, 9-4, 9-7, personnel recovery, 6-9 symbol usage, 1-1
petroleum, oils, and lubricants T
maintenance test pilot (MP), 6- (POL), 8-10
4, 7-7, 8-8, 9-4, 9-7, 10-3 table of distribution and
pilot in command (PC), 2-4, 2- allowances (TDA), 6-7, 6-9,
medical evaluation, 9-9 5, 3-5, 3-6, 5-1, 5-7, 6-11, 7- 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 10-8
military occupational specialty 5, 7-6, 7-7, 8-6, 9-4, 10-2, table of organization and
(MOS), 6-4 10-17, 10-18, 10-19, 10-24 equipment (TOE), 6-7, 6-9,
mission essential task list proficiency flight evaluation 7-5, A-1
(METL), 2-5, 3-2, 3-4, 3-7, 5- (PFE), 8-1 tactics, techniques, and
2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 6-5, procedures (TTP), 5-5
6-6, 7-4, 8-2, 8-3, 8-5, 8-6, Q
8-7, 8-8, 8-9, 9-4, 10-2, A-1, quarterly training brief (QTB), training aids, devices,
A-2, A-3 3-2 simulators, and simulations
(TADSS), 3-3, A-1
mission training plan (MTP), 3- R
2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5 training event execution review
rated crewmember (RCM), 7-3, (TEER), 3-2
mission, enemy, terrain and 7-5, 8-1, 8-3, 8-9, 9-4, 9-6,
weather, troops and support training level (T-level), 3-4
9-7, 10-2, 10-4
available, time available, and U
civil considerations (METT- readiness level (RL), 5-2, 5-3,
TC), 3-6 5-4, 5-7, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7, 7-5, unit status report (USR), 3-2, 3-
8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 3
mission-oriented protective 8-7, 8-8, 8-9, 8-11, 9-5, 9-8,
posture (MOPP), 10-18 unit task list (UTL), 6-5
10-1, 10-3, 10-4, 10-8, 10-9,
modified table of organization unit trainer (UT), 2-4, 6-7
10-10, 10-11, 10-17, 10-19,
and equipment (MTOE), 6-9, 10-26, A-1, A-2, A-3 unit training, 2-4, 3-2, 3-4, 5-2,
7-3, 7-4, 10-8 5-4, A-1
recognition of combat vehicle
N (ROCV), 6-9
navigational aid (NAVAID), 8- recognition of combat vehicles,
10, 8-11 6-9

Index-2 TC 3-04.11 3 August 2016

TC 3-04.11
3 August 2016

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:

General, United States Army
Chief of Staff


Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army

Active Army, Army National Guard, and United States Army Reserve: Distributed in electronic media
only (EMO).
PIN: 0865860-000

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