Earthquake Alarm
Earthquake Alarm
Earthquake Alarm
There are lots of natural calamities we are facing throughout the
year. Some of them are floods, hurricanes, earthquakes,
tsunamis, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, etc. Well today we are
discussing about earthquake and also learning to make
earthquake detector.
Causes of Earthquake :
With the help of hot melting glue we have glued the base
of earthquake detector.
The window of time from the announcement
of an Earthquake Early Warning until the
arrival of the main tremors is very short, i.e. a
matter of seconds (or between several
seconds and a few tens of seconds).
In areas that are close to the focus of the earthquake, the
warning may not be transmitted before strong tremors hit.
False alarms
When using data from only one
seismograph, false Earthquake Early
Warnings may occur as a result of noise from
accidents, lightning or device failure.
Magnitude estimation
There are limits to the accuracy of
estimating magnitude, especially for
large earthquakes.
It is difficult to separate earthquakes
and provide accurate warnings when
multiple earthquakes occur almost
simultaneously or in close proximity to
each other.