3d Digital Recording of Archaeological A
3d Digital Recording of Archaeological A
3d Digital Recording of Archaeological A
Vol. I
3D Digital Recording of
Architectural and
Artistic Heritage
Edited by Ján Zachar, Milan Horňák & Predrag Novaković
Ján Zachar, Milan Horňák & Predrag Novaković (eds.)
Published by / Založila: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (Ljubljana University Press,
Faculty of Arts)
For the publisher / Za založbo: Roman Kuhar, the dean of the Faculty of Arts/Roman Kuhar, dekan Filozofske
Ljubljana, 2017
First Edition, e-edition/Prva izdaja, elektronska izdaja
Publication is free of charge./Publikacija je brezplačna.
Supported by FP7 MARIE CURIE ACTION IAPP - Contributing the Preventive Archaeology: Innovativeness, Development and
Presentation, Grant no. 324508
The content of this publication does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and
views expressed in the publication lies entirely with the authors.
Milan Horňák
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Seta Štuhec
3D DIGITAL RECORDING: BASICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
TERMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3D model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3D modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3D digital documenting/digitisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3D digital reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
A BRIEF HISTORY OF 3D DIGITAL RECORDING IN ARCHAEOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
ADVANTAGES AND APPLICATIONS OF 3D MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Milan Horňák
SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
1 For more on concepts and development of preventive archaeology in the last two decades, see Bozóki-Ernyey Katalin (2007),
Guermandi and Rossenbach (2013), Novaković et al. (2016).
6 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
preventive nature, and the majority of them are funded from non-academic resources,
it is very important to understand the differences and consider them when discussing
the future of the archaeological discipline. Already for some time it has been very clear
that by far the greatest amount of new discoveries and forms of evidence in archaeology
derives from preventive research, thus rendering archaeology a 'data-driven' discipline.
One could hardly find another discipline where the quantity of new data has increased
by several orders of magnitude, almost without any control of what research, and where,
takes place.
This situation requires serious reconsideration for the future of the archaeological disci-
pline. On the other hand, this is not the case with disciplines traditionally considered close
to archaeology, e.g. art history, history, anthropology or ethnology, where one could hardly
speak of any new pieces of evidence discovered 'by chance'. In another paper (Novaković,
Horňák 2016, 32), we have posed a rhetorical question – what would happen with our
knowledge of ancient history, and ancient history as a discipline, if over the last two dec-
ades some 10,000 new fragments of written sources were discovered 'by chance' in the
Mediterranean? The comparison is, of course, rather exaggerated, but it nevertheless illus-
trates the situation in archaeology today, where it is the 'chance' discoveries that sustain
the discipline. In this sense, a great deal of archaeological practice is moving away from
the traditional goals and disciplinary practices of the humanities and getting closer to the
engineering sciences, providing a series of science-based practical services.
The discussion about whether preventive research achieves the levels, standards, and
state of the art of academic research is, to some extent, misleading. It actually refers
more to current practices and routines than to conceptual frameworks of both academic
and preventive archaeology. The truth is that, in many situations, planning large field-
work campaigns in preventive circumstances may not be optimal due to the lack of time,
infrastructure, other resources, and funds; also, the implementation of fieldwork may
be substantially conditioned by time pressure, inadequate temporary living conditions
and highly stressful working conditions compared to the academic research context. But
although the conditions in preventive contexts may not be optimal, this is not the key
difference between the two. The essential difference is in the conceptualisation of re-
search: whereas academic archaeology performs its fieldwork with a particular prob-
lem-oriented research design in mind, no such design is possible in preventive research,
and even less in rescue and salvage situations.
But this does not necessarily diminish the potential and quality of preventive research.
Instead, detailed individual problem-oriented designs should be replaced with standards
against which the quality of preventive archaeology must be measured. These standards
cannot include specific research questions or agendas, but, on the other hand, they can
provide a suitable framework for addressing at least some of the major research issues
in archaeology (e.g. adequate description of the evidence, chronology, classification of
finds, stratigraphic history of sites, phasing, cross-referencing stratigraphy and finds, and
a kind of 'general' interpretation of sites and finds). It is fair to say that sometimes the
sampling and collection strategies, accuracy of measurements, and objects of observa-
tion would not satisfy the requirements of individual, problem-oriented research de-
signs; but, on the other hand, the evidence acquired in preventive work would often be
completely missed in academic research, and would never pose new research questions.
Indeed, what we see here is actually more the question of how to combine the research
standards of preventive archaeology and various academic agendas.
The question of standards in preventive archaeology is beyond the scope of the CONPRA
project and its publications, and should be addressed by national bodies responsible for
heritage protection and also involve academic institutions. While most countries in Eu-
rope implement various kinds of preventive archaeology, only a few have adopted true
standards which guarantee quality (e.g. the UK, the Netherlands, Slovenia). Indeed, it is
difficult to overestimate the importance of standards in preventive archaeology and, for
that matter, in archaeology in general. With the development of preventive archaeolo-
gy, numerous new professional subjects (public and private) performing research and
associated services have emerged and are competing in the market of archaeological
research services. In such circumstances, it is the standards (and their fulfilment) which
are the most efficient tool in securing adequate quality control.
In countries lacking standards of archaeological research, their place is, more or less im-
plicitly, occupied by the long-standing procedures and routines practiced by top academic
institutions. There are many reasons why this is not a good substitute for standards; aca-
demic institutions simply have different archaeological agenda and priorities, less experi-
ence in day-to-day fieldwork in stressful conditions, and normally do not train personnel
for preventive research. Moreover, there is no assurance that, for example, one detailed
academic problem-oriented excavation would adequately treat evidence not directly re-
lated to the research problem. This is not because one would consider such evidence
less important, time-consuming or, even worse, too expensive regarding the allocated
research budget, but simply because of a lack of standards (i.e. the necessary level of re-
cording and treatment of data and objects). It all comes down to professional ethics. And
it is here where the subjects in academic and preventive archaeology are not in equal po-
sitions. Archaeological stakeholders in preventive research need to go through a series of
frequently painstaking negotiations, compromises, and improvisations in order to secure
adequate working conditions, funding and appreciation of their work. The developers are
not looking for the most excellent archaeology, but instead for the cheapest.
By saying this, we are not trying to widen the gap between academic and preventive
archaeology, but rather to attempt to bridge it. Indeed, there are many aspects in which
academics can take part in preventive archaeology. By this, we do not envisage academ-
ic institutions simply competing in the market of archaeological services in preventive
contexts, which seems to be the case in countries where academic institutions have to
survive serious budget cuts and personnel shortages. Instead, good knowledge and ex-
perience in organising and implementing preventive projects on different scales, strat-
egies of heritage protection, and some sound reasoning may lead to highly effective
involvement of academics in preventive practice. They may act as consultants, reviewers,
or specialists for a number of different analyses; and, why not, academic institutes can
be members of consortia created ad hoc for meeting the most challenging demands in
preventive archaeology. There are some exemplary cases of these practices. The final
result is not only more and better developed archaeology, but also the creation of more
productive frameworks for facing the challenges of a highly data-driven discipline.
And there are also some great advantages of preventive over academic archaeology. First
and foremost is the great coverage of different areas which, under normal conditions
8 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
and circumstances, would not be investigated to such a scale and extent by academic
research alone. Let us just think of the thousands of sites and new lines of evidence
discovered in urban zones. No academic research programme would have a chance to
excavate even a small percentage of urban areas that are under constant pressure from
land development projects. Though these urban 'windows of opportunity' are normally
open for a very short period of time, it is they that have yielded extraordinary evidence
for the history of our towns.
Although one could say that preventive research has little influence on the choice of
locations to be examined, and hence their contribution to major scientific questions is
less harmonised with academic agendas, it is in the long run that preventive archaeology
demonstrates its high relevance for academic research. It does not provide quick an-
swers to individual research problems, but by undertaking thousands of trial trenches,
surveys and excavations over a decade or two, whole regions or countries are 'sampled'
in an extraordinarily detailed way, with no ecological, morphological, settlement or his-
torical area left out. A lot of the results of such continuous 'sampling' are yet to be prop-
erly evaluated, but what is already clear is that these results, though in many cases still
interim and partial, generate new important research questions and influence academic
research agendas. The most illustrative cases are numerous projects along motorways or
similar linear features crossing large areas of space, which have brought to light so much
new evidence that successfully challenged and contrasted with long-existing interpreta-
tions of demography, settlement and chronology, and that shed a completely new light
on our past.
Another important outcome of the developments in preventive archaeology is the con-
siderable increase in the number of trained professional archaeologists capable of day-
to-day coping with the unprecedented amount of preventive research. The truth is that
such an increase in the amount of work conducted was only possible with the increase
in the number of archaeologists, but it is also true that a wider professional community
could put more pressure on improving the quality of heritage protection and its practic-
es. This is the aspect that the CONPRA project is especially focused on. The development
of digital technologies for data retrieving, recording and processing, coupled with the re-
cent developments in remote sensing techniques, non-invasive archaeological methods,
and integrative powers of geographic information systems, web servers, and IT technol-
ogy in general, pose a great challenge to archaeology professionals. To put it simply, if a
developer hires a team of experts able to produce a final detailed building plan of a new
settlement using e.g. LIDAR, aerial mapping, underground surveying, modern CAD tools,
field laser scanning, 3D modelling, etc., within a period five times shorter than some
ten years ago, similar is expected from preventive archaeology. The challenge can be
confronted only by using the same tools as professionals in other fields and developers.
This, of course, raises the question of the education of archaeologists. It is illusory to
think that students will quickly get familiar with a myriad of new technologies that
emerged during their studies. Simply, there is not enough time, resources and trained
teachers to promptly react to all the novelties appearing daily. New techniques and tech-
nologies also need to be properly contextualised and experimented with prior to becom-
ing routine in archaeological practice. And, in many cases, they also have to be properly
acknowledged by the professional communities and bodies responsible for protection
of the archaeological heritage. With the great increase in the number of preventive pro-
jects, it becomes even more evident that training in new techniques and procedures
is a career-long endeavour, and could be implemented in a number of different ways,
not all akin to academic training. Here we refer to different forms of apprenticeship,
secondments, various ad hoc courses, and different forms of learning-through-work. It
is important to note that a great deal of today's archaeological 'experts' in CADs, GIS,
3D scanning, 3D photogrammetry, LIDAR, geophysics, various laboratory analyses, etc.,
are originally archaeologists by academic training, but self-taught in the course of their
careers and practice.
The initiative for the CONPRA project came, indeed, from such a self-taught population
of younger professionals from private and public (academic) institutions working in pre-
ventive archaeology. The CONPRA project was primarily aimed at assisting in building
capacities for facing current challenges in the practice of preventive archaeology. The
project partnership is composed of two small private enterprises: Via Magna s.r.l. (Mar-
tin, Slovakia) and Terra Verita s.r.l. (Prague, Czech Republic), and two university depart-
ments of archaeology (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and University of Belgrade, Ser-
bia). Except Serbia, in all the other countries the market of archaeological services has
developed more or less in parallel (and in association) with preventive archaeology. The
development of the market of archaeological services created new situations in archae-
ological preventive practice which, until the 1990s, used to be completely in the domain
of public institutions and negotiations between (mostly) public stakeholders of spatial
In observing such markets in Slovakia, Slovenia and the Czech Republic, a very important
fact was identified, that of the rather locally based work of private enterprises. These
enterprises mostly work close to their home base, have very few (if any) contacts with
enterprises outside their country (or even their region), and cannot easily follow the de-
velopments and achievements in academic archaeology on a trans-national level; their
major contacts with academia are through students they occasionally hire and occa-
sional contacts with professors or established researchers in the case of very interesting
discoveries. They are also lacking in professional associations (such as for example CIFA
– the Chartered Institute of Archaeologists in the UK) which could lobby for their profes-
sional interests, develop and promote common standards and codes of conduct, analyse
trends and fads in the market, and so on.
Such conditions are definitely not favourable for investing in new knowledge, skills, and
equipment, if clear economic gains are not anticipated in the near future. The fact is that,
in all European countries, markets of archaeological services are quite volatile. Mostly
dependent on the intensity of development and spatial planning, it is archaeological
markets which are the first to experience crises in the development and construction
sectors. Being a 'miner's canary' (Schlanger 2010, 108) is not a favourable role for any
economic enterprise. On the other hand, academic institutions in the CONPRA countries
(and elsewhere as well) also suffered substantial setbacks due to the global economic
crisis since 2008, which excluded them from a great deal of investments in developing
and applying new technologies in archaeological research.
A large number of enterprises in preventive archaeology in the CONPRA countries fall
into the category of small or micro-enterprises. Very few of them have more than 10
10 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
At the end of the day, it is always the question of relevance and added (social and other)
values against which preventive archaeology and heritage protection are measured. Our
societies do recognise heritage as a value worth protecting and enjoying. To this end, a
series of legislative documents were produced and a number of public institutions estab-
lished with the aim of protecting the heritage. Yet, heritage, archaeological in particular,
is always challenged by spatial development. Whilst weighing the values of development
and heritage, both are primarily considered as a resource, and it is in this context, es-
pecially at local levels, that heritage protection is frequently considered an obstacle to
development or even an unnecessary cost. Heritage is a resource where investments
bring 'profit' in the very long run, whilst a great deal of development (especially privately
funded) is expected to pay off in a much shorter period of time. But let us look for a mo-
ment at the historical centres of many European towns. They all attract large masses of
tourists and generate substantial income, yet this was possible only through decades of
implementation of a careful protection policy and long-term efforts.
The 'frustrations' that developers are facing can be even more severe if preventive ar-
chaeological research is not done according to the highest professional standards or,
even worse, if very costly excavations turn out almost 'fruitless'. As has been already
said, developers would go for the cheapest archaeology, and not the highest-quality
one. Unfortunately, recent evidence from many countries (e.g. Aitchison 2009; 2014,
and accompanying national reports; also in Guermandi and Rossenbach 2013) shows
that enterprises are willing to charge prices that barely cover their costs, just to be able
to survive another season. Such a situation is increasingly worrying, since it undermines
the quality of preventive archaeology in general and, to remedy this situation, the most
urgent task of the relevant public bodies and legislators is to secure adequate minimum
conditions for preventive research.
In the meantime, it is up to the enterprises and all other subjects acting in the field of
preventive archaeology to invest in knowledge and skills, in order to make them more
competitive and diversified. The CONPRA publications aim to contribute to this process.
Milan Horňák (Via Magna)
3D model
A digital three-dimensional (3D) model is a digital representation of the 3D geometry
of an object. The three geometrical dimensions are usually represented in a Cartesian
coordinate system with three perpendicular axes: X, Y and Z (in most 3D software envi-
ronments, the latter represents the depth). Such a virtual environment enables viewing
of a 3D model from all possible directions, rotating the 3D model, zooming, creating
cross-sections, measuring and other operations. The 3D surface geometry can be con-
structed and represented in several ways, the most common ones being Non-Uniform
Rational Basis Spline (NURBS)-based, SubDivision surfaces (SubD), T-splines-based and
polygon(al) meshes (also called mesh or polymesh) (Figs. 1-2).
3D modelling
When browsing through the literature, one finds many terms that refer to the creation of
3D models. Unfortunately, these terms are not used consistently and can cause confusion
among researchers. Therefore, we are going to define the terminology of 3D model crea-
tion as it is used in the present book. The term ‘3D modelling’ is defined as a general term
for the digital creation of a mathematical visualisation of an object in three dimensions
(Vaughan 2012, p. 4) and does not imply how exactly the 3D model was created.
3D digital documenting/digitisation
‘3D digital documenting’ or ‘digitisation’ refers to the recording of a physical object in
three geometrical dimensions. There are several techniques available that allow us to
digitise existing objects. They can roughly be divided into two groups: active and passive
techniques. Active techniques emit radiation onto an object in order to measure it. These
techniques are normally referred to as 3D scanning. Following this definition, total station
is also an active 3D recording instrument that could be used to create a 3D model of an
object, but since it measures only one point at a time, it is too time-consuming to create
high-resolution 3D models from the data. Passive techniques, on the other hand, do not
emit any electromagnetic radiation. The most commonly used one is image-based 3D
modelling that allows the construction of a 3D model from a set of overlapping images
using the principles of photogrammetry and computer vision.
3D digital reconstruction
The term ‘3D reconstruction’ is often confused with ‘3D digitisation’, a confusion which
most likely originates from the technical perspective. In the fields of photogrammetry
and computer vision, reconstruction refers to the creation of light rays and their inter-
section with the physical object at the moment of capturing the image. In this sense, 3D
reconstruction means re-creation of an object (in a digital way) using the imagery at hand.
Notwithstanding this, the term ‘reconstruction’ is well-established within the cultural
heritage field and refers to the virtual re-creation of a complete object or scene in order
to show how it looked when it was originally created (ICOMOS 2013). Therefore, 3D
digital reconstruction, as described in this book, refers to 3D virtual modelling of objects
or parts of objects that do not (or no longer) exist. Such 3D models can be constructed
from scratch in a 3D software environment, or can use data created by 3D digitisation and
other techniques (geophysical survey, etc.) as a basis for further reconstruction.
dimension. Only after the so-called digital revolution in the 1990s, digital photogram-
metry gradually took over and some techniques slowly merged with the research field
of computer vision (Štular, Štuhec 2015). The development of the latter is to be situated
in the 1970s and originates in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence whose task,
among others, was to give a computer the same vision and understanding of a scene as
in humans. At first, the task did not seem too challenging but, in the attempts at solving
it, a new research field emerged (Szeliski 2011).
Although the discipline of computer vision currently covers a broader area than the
sole extraction of 3D geometrical information, it has always been an important part of
it. Gradually, certain computer vision techniques – which were always tailored toward
speed – started to be combined with photogrammetric concepts and algorithms, for
which accuracy has always been the main aim, that is – to extract reliable image-based
3D data rapidly (Cooper, Robson 2001). Nonetheless, it was not until the late 2000s that
comprehensive, intuitive and cost-effective software packages and online services became
available. Because of these software characteristics, image-based modelling quickly be-
came a part of the standard archaeological 3D documentation workflow and has, in the
course of this decade, superseded the 3D scanning techniques that were actually the first
to hit 3D digitisation market.
3D scanners were, in fact, known already in the late 1960s, but 3D laser and structured
light scanners as we know them today appeared later, in the 1980s (Štular, Štuhec 2015).
Several private companies offered their 3D scanning services for the benefit of archae-
ology in the 1990s, but archaeologists themselves only started to use this method in the
mid-2000s (Koller et al. 2009; Doneus, Neubauer 2006) when the equipment became
easier to afford and use. However, at present, majority of 3D scanners can still not be con-
sidered cost-effective in most archaeological situations and are, therefore, as mentioned
before, gradually superseded by image-based 3D modelling. Obviously, both techniques
have advantages and flaws, and the superiority of one technique over the other is mostly
related to the type of archaeological remains one intends to digitise. Although cost-ef-
fectiveness is not the only factor to be considered, it certainly plays a very important role
when choosing a 3D documentation technique.
The first papers on the use of 3D in archaeology appeared at the Computer Application
and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) conference already in 1974 when L.
Biek published his first in a series of several papers on LERNIE, the interactive and visual
system that was to be used to record and analyse archaeological remains. His contribution
contained photogrammetric approaches, animation, ‘video’ documentation, etc. (Biek
1974, 1976, 1978; Biek et al. 1981; Biek 1985, 1986). Soon after, active 3D digitisation
techniques began to be used in archaeological documentation. One of the first examples
is the 3D digitisation of a medieval moated site Mathrafal in Welshpool, Wales using the
total station (Arnold et al. 1989). However, it was not until 1991 that 3D techniques, in
general, received more attention, and the whole field of archaeological 3D applications
got its own umbrella term. In his paper on photogrammetric digitisation of the Roman
temple in Bath, England, P. Reilly coined the term “Virtual Archaeology” and thus laid
the foundations for a whole new discipline (Reilly 1991). The early virtual archaeology
applications of the 1990s covered 3D documentation as well as the use of 3D recon-
structions for museological purposes. Some of these studies were compiled in the book
“Virtual Archaeology. Re-creating ancient worlds” (Forte, Siliotti 1997). Soon after, 3D
models started to be used as a research tool (albeit to a very moderate extent, see below).
Among the first of such efforts was the attempt to create a system of automatic pottery
classification (Menard, Sablatnig 1996).
One of the first larger projects completely dedicated to the use of 3D in archaeology
was called 3D MURALE. The project was aimed at the creation of a tool for recording,
inspecting, reconstructing and visualising all kinds of archaeological remains (Cosmas et
al. 2001). In the 2000s, several projects were carried out with a similar goal. Probably the
most successful were the project EPOCH2 and its successor, 3D-COFORM3. In 2005, in the
framework of the EPOCH project, a software package MeshLab4 for 3D data processing
and analysis was created. A year later, the launch of the online image-based 3D modelling
service ARC3D5 marked more-or-less the beginning of the so-called digital image-based
3D modelling revolution in archaeology (although the same authors already published
several archaeological publications at the end of the 1990s, i.e. Pollefeys et al. 1998,
2000, 2001). Afterward, several other programs and online services were established,
such as Microsoft Photosynth and Bundler, followed up by Autodesk 123D Catch, Eos
Systems PhotoModeller Scanner, Visual SfM and Agisoft PhotoScan, to name a few. This
technological development caused an immense and sudden increase in the usage of 3D
digitisation in archaeology. The previous, rather small group of people that was dealing
with virtual archaeology suddenly grew into an extensive community.
Since 1974, the previously mentioned annual CAA conferences became the first platform
where people could discuss the topics related to virtual archaeology (although, back
then, virtual archaeology was not called that name). Other important conferences that,
over time, started including contributions on 3D modelling in archaeology have been, for
instance, the annual Digital Heritage International Congress (DH), the International Society
for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) commission V conferences, the Scientific
Computing and Cultural Heritage conferences, the EUROGRAPHICS Workshops on Graphics
and Cultural Heritage and the biennial CIPA Heritage Documentation Symposia. Papers
and ongoing projects presented at these conferences reveal a broad usage of the created
3D models today.
2 http://epoch-net.org/site/.
3 http://www.3d-coform.eu/.
4 http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/.
5 http://www.arc3d.be/.
20 S eta Š tuhec
be treated as the virtual copy of an object, it is important to pay attention to the accuracy,
spatial resolution and the precision of the digitisation. All three aspects depend on the
particular method of data capturing as well as all the data post-processing procedures.
Therefore, such provenance metadata are necessary in order to enable other users to
properly assess a 3D model and verify its suitability for the intended purpose. In this way,
a 3D model is not an interpretation on its own (as is, for example, a drawing), but it is a
tool that can be used to showcase and analyse the object, simulate past activities, and
gather information that enables a better understanding of the object. The combination
of these activities makes it possible to better interpret the object.
The most obvious advantage of a digital 3D model, compared to the traditional archaeo-
logical documentation methods such as photography and drawing, lies in the fact that a
3D model is not static, but it can be manipulated in various ways. It can be viewed from all
directions, zoomed in or out, the lighting conditions as well as texturing can be changed
over and over again. These features enable us to grasp very small, very large or very
heavy objects, buildings or areas. Furthermore, the geometry can be inspected without
texture and in optimal lighting conditions. Certain algorithms also emphasise the digital
model’s geometry and can make it even easier to perceive. It is also possible to automati-
cally detect distinct geometrical features (such as edges) and make a semi-automated 2D
drawing from the 3D model. The various analytical possibilities, such as measuring and
cross-sectioning, greatly add to the described benefits. Measurements extracted from a
3D model can, in many cases, be more accurate than those taken from the physical object,
or its drawing or a photograph.
Even though various technologies are currently capable of reliably digitising the 3D geom-
etry of a surface, there are still many open issues related to digital 3D objects. These con-
cern the overall digital data management of 3D models, and there are also more specific
issues associated with the long-term data preservation. Furthermore, there exists a large
variety of approaches to digitising the geometry of a surface in 3D and not all of those
techniques are suitable for every 3D digitisation job. For example, many 3D digitisation
approaches struggle with shiny, glossy or transparent archaeological artefacts, so specific
solutions have to be found in those cases. However, the choice of a particular technology
generally depends on the time and finances available within the project.
In addition, there is also a lack of suitable software packages that allow for an all- en-
compassing, archaeologically-relevant analysis of the 3D data. Most of the tools support
only a subset of the aforementioned (analytical) techniques. As an example, tools that
allow measuring and sectioning might lack decent visualisation capabilities, while 3D
environments that might be focused on displaying large datasets often do not support
georeferencing in real-world coordinate reference systems. Finally, most archaeological
workflows (e.g. excavation documentation), as well as publications, are bound to the 2D
or 2.5D derivates of 3D models, which means that the full potential of 3D models has not
yet been exploited (Štuhec 2012; Verhoeven in press).
Taking all their characteristics into account, digital 3D models can, therefore, be used to
document, present, share and analyse archaeological objects, buildings or areas. Through
the use of internet database systems, it is possible to share the models with a wider sci-
entific and lay public. Objects and features that would otherwise be inaccessible (such as
artefacts in museum depots, very fragile objects, archaeological remains physically difficult
to reach, stratigraphic contexts that were destroyed during the excavation process, etc.),
could be viewed from anywhere in the world. Such databases can also join 3D models of
objects that are kept away from each other, but belong to the same period, area or interest
group. There have been several projects aiming at creating a database that would allow
researchers to view and/or inspect archaeological remains with common characteristics.
The Carnuntum Database (www.carnuntum-db.at), for example, includes 3D models of
objects found in the Roman city of Carnuntum in Austria (Humer et al. 2010). The Virtual
Zooarchaeology of the Arctic Project (VZAP) is a virtual, interactive, osteological reference
collection for the study of northern vertebrates hosted on http://vzap.iri.isu.edu/. Another
3D model database is hosted by the project Digitizing Early Farming Cultures (DEFC)6,
which includes the most representative shards from the F. Schachermeyr’s Neolithic
pottery collection originating from Thessaly, Greece. The 3D models uploaded online
are not isolated, but are instead interconnected with the rest of the database containing
information on the Neolithic sites and finds in Greece and Western Anatolia (Štuhec et
al. 2016). Several other 3D databases are trying to enrich the 3D models by connecting
them to other types of data. MayaArch3D is an example of such an interactive platform
that also includes several different analytical tools (Billen et al. 2013). Apart from these
relatively local projects, there has also been an initiative for a Europe-wide collection of
3D models. This initiative was called the CARARE project7 and was carried out from 2010
until 2013 in the framework of the Europeana (D'Andrea, Fernie 2013).
A collection of 3D models can be presented online in the form of a virtual museum (e.g.
Virtual Museum Iraq, http://www.virtualmuseumiraq.cnr.it/homeENG.htm); traditional
museums and other educational institutions are also taking advantage of 3D technologies
(Engel 2011; Hess, Robson 2012). By using 3D reconstructions and animation they offer
a better visualisation of what ‘might have been and might have happened’. In addition,
museums are nowadays employing different interactive systems and augmented reality
to bring the past closer to the visitors (Hookk et al. 2015; Verykokou et al. 2014). Also, the
video games-format is becoming more and more popular for its potential in communi-
cating educational content (Mortara et al. 2014; Kontogianni, Georgopoulos 2015; Cirulis
et al. 2015). Last but not least, museums often resort to 3D digitising and reproduction
techniques to create replicas. Such replicas can be used as a substitute for the real objects
when these are undergoing conservation, restoration, or any other treatment, or when
a museum would like visitors to be able to touch and inspect the objects themselves.
3D replicas are not only useful in museums, but also for scientific research, especially
when very fragile objects or very large archaeological remains must be handled. The latter
can be 3D printed in a reduced size, while very heavy objects can be replicated in lighter
materials. It is also possible to document an object in situ and later work on the replica.
Repeated in situ 3D documentation also enables monitoring of weather and other external
influences (Vetrivel et al. 2015).
Nowadays, the most widely used virtual archaeology application of 3D objects is still only
for simple documentation purposes. 3D models are used to document landscapes (Masini
et al. 2011; Neubauer et al. 2012; Doneus et al. 2008; Verhoeven 2011), archaeological
excavations (De Padova, Maria Doriana 2015; Doneus et al. 2011; De Reu et al. 2014;
6 http://defc.digital-humanities.at/3Dmodels/.
7 http://carare.eu/.
22 S eta Š tuhec
Barbaro et al. 2014; Dellepiane et al. 2013), as well as artefacts (Opgenhaffen, Revello Lami
2015; Richardson, Smilansky 2013; Štular, Štuhec 2015). The generated 3D models are only
seldom used for actual archaeological analysis and interpretation, which is most likely due
to the lack of user-friendly analytical tools (see above) and the lack of knowledge of the
prospects of 3D technologies. However, in recent years there have been several attempts
to use 3D models as a tool in archaeological research. Several studies tried to classify pot-
tery or lithic tools based on the geometric characteristics of the 3D models (Kolomenkin
et al. 2011; Grosman 2013; Athanassopoulos, Shelton 2015; Muller, Clarkson 2014) and
some used pattern recognition algorithms to compare 3D models of artefacts in order to
recognize similar threads that may lead to correct typological classification, or to establish
new ones (Burrer 2013; Carrasco-Ochoa et al. 2015; Teddy et al. 2015). A rather popular
usage of 3D models is, also, the surface inspection which was, for example, carried out on
the high-resolution 3D models of Stonehenge (Abbott, Anderson-Whymark 2012). A closer
look at the digital surface is often also beneficial for the inspection of rock art (Zeppelzauer
et al. 2015) or the interpretative mapping of earthworks (Verhoeven in press).
For some time now, 3D models are also being integrated and used with other techniques
and tools, for example, in geographical information systems (GIS). GIS enables the con-
struction of whole cities (Baratin et al. 2015), or reversing the excavation process by
visualizing the time component as the fourth dimension (Klinkenberg 2014; De Padova,
Maria Doriana 2015). 3D models of individual artefacts can also be positioned in GIS at
the exact spot where they were found during the excavation. Additionally, much effort
has been put into the semantic description of 3D models. Especially building information
modelling (BIM) aims at the creation of a semantic library of buildings and their elements,
which allows researchers to better understand the construction, function and biography
of a building (Cheng et al. 2015; Fai et al. 2011; Fregonese et al. 2015; Volk et al. 2014).
Although it seems that 3D models are being used in various ways all over the world, there
is a lingering notion that more could be done. Within the increasing cooperation between
archaeologists and technicians, new tools and comprehensive software packages should
be developed that would allow archaeologists to analyse, exploit and question their 3D
models in an easier and a more meaningful way.
Nenad Jončić (University of Belgrade) & Ján Zachar (Via Magna)
1 As a unique category, image-based scanning should be mentioned. Formerly, it used to be defined as 3D photogrammetry,
but this is not a proper term.
24 N enad J ončić , J án Z achar
2 At present, there are plenty of file formats determined for point cloud data storage (e.g. ASCII, PLY, LAS/LAZ, etc.).
3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Harold_Maiman.
4 LiDAR per se represents a substantial topic, thus we here provide a very brief outline.
topographic surveys of roadways and buildings, since the key benefit of this type of laser
scanning technology is its capability of capturing data from a greater distance (from several
hundred up to several thousand metres), while maintaining the accuracy in the order of
centimetres or smaller units (Pieraccini et al. 2001; Yastikli 2007; San José et al. 2011).
PS scanners work by sending out a continuous laser beam with a modulated signal embedded
in the laser. The scanner compares the phase of the signal at the source with the phase of the
laser light once it has travelled to the object and reflected back to the scanner; the change
of phase of the laser light is measured and this allows the scanner to calculate the distances
(Armesto-González et al. 2010; San José et al. 2011). In comparison to TOF scanners, PS
scanners have a lower operational range (80 metres, with some systems reaching up to 120
metres), but can capture more points per second with a higher precision. Generally, PS scan-
ner operates similarly to TOF scanner. The main difference is that PS scanner calculates the
time of flight by measuring the difference in the phase of the laser as it returns to the scanner
(Bhurtha, Held 2007; Armesto-González et al., 2010). Phase-based scanners are typically used
in industrial applications such as plants and refineries, or interior architectural spaces.
While mid- and long-range laser scanners are usually based on TOF technology, systems
designed for measuring distances smaller than 5 metres often use the triangulation princi-
ple. Triangulation systems typically have an operating range from 0.5 metres to few metres
and can collect data with the micron-level accuracy. Short range scanners are used to scan
individual small or middle-sized objects, inscriptions and details of architectural features.
All short-range scanners are, in fact, portable/handheld devices (Remondino 2011).
The principle of triangulation is based on the laser or light (in the case of structured light
scanning) being emitted and returned to a specific location on a CCD array of an inboard
camera (Bohler 2006). Most triangulation systems come with a set of lenses that alter the
field of view of the system. Most triangulation systems also include an internal RGB capture
option, which means that, for accurate colour capture during scanning, a special lighting
setup must be used (Pieraccini et al. 2001). Laser triangulation scanners use either a laser
line or a single laser point to scan across an object. The sensor picks up the laser light that
is reflected off the object and, using trigonometric triangulation, the system calculates the
distance from the object to the scanner. The distance between the laser/light source and
the sensor is known, as well as the angle between the laser and the sensor. The process of
defining these values is called ‘calibration of the device’. The scattered light from that surface
is collected from a vantage point distinct from the projected light beam. This light is focused
onto a position-sensitive detector. The knowledge of both the projection and the collection
angles relative to the baseline determines the dimensions of the triangle and hence the
coordinate of a point on the surface (Vosselman, Maas 2010; Feng et al. 2001).
Workflow notes
Laser scanning is usually carried out by experts, and the customer in most cases gets the
final product. On the other hand, it is always desirable for the technologist to cooperate
on site with a cultural heritage expert (or an archaeologist) in order to achieve satisfactory
results and, especially, not to omit important parts of documented structures (e.g. critical
details) which require higher level of accuracy. This applies especially to TLSs, given that,
in terms of the price, handheld scanners are more accessible to a broader public and are
affordable to cultural heritage institutions.
28 N enad J ončić , J án Z achar
5 This chapter is primarily concerned with TLS since the data acquisition by portable laser scanners is very similar to that
of structured light scanners.
6 If scanning a building, it is advised to name the scans according to the rooms, floors, wings, etc.
7 In scanning technology, the term ‘register’ is used in place of a more general expression ‘align’.
8 Especially in case of flat surfaces (e.g. walls), inaccuracy can generate double structures.
9 This does not involve Riegl scanners, which use standard external DSLR cameras attached to the scanner.
10 The majority of external point cloud processing software packages enable texturing of the mesh using external photos
(e.g. Geomagic Design X, Geomagic Wrap, PolyWorks, MeshLab). The procedure involves manual selection of common
reference points on the photo and on the 3D model.
11 Capturing Reality RC requires laser scan data format PTX as an input, in order to read the scanning positions and align
them with the image data.
the scanner’s native file (e.g. FLS – Faro native format, PTZ and PTG – Leica native format,
etc.) or in the generally interchangeable file formats such as PTS, PTX or ASCII.12 Both file
types store point clouds with the topographic information (X, Y and Z coordinates of each
point) and intensity and colour information (R, G and B values of each point). Furthermore,
the PTX file format contains information on the position of particular scanning stations.13
This format contains the above-mentioned data as well, but, due to its structure, it is very
difficult to work with when it contains a large amount of data.14
The first step of scan-data processing is scan registration, i.e. the alignment of all scans
of particular scanning stations into one common point cloud. Scan registration can be
carried out either in the scanner’s native processing software using the measured GCP,
which is the preferable option, or in an external software (commercial or open-source).
External software is predominantly used for the registration of common points in point
cloud pairs which are defined manually, or it applies semi-automatic aligning process
based on fusing common parts of the point clouds (e.g. Autodesk ReCap). In the latter
case, sufficient overlapping between registered point clouds is required.
After all the scans have been registered, the final, aligned point cloud is generated and
this is then subject to further processing. Depending upon the needs of the project, it can
be subsampled. The final step is mesh generation. Most native scanner software packages
are not very good in doing this. Nowadays there are many meshing algorithms included in
a number of software packages, both commercial and open-source. The main drawback
of the majority of software is the limitation in size of the point cloud and the final mesh
they are able to handle.15 Currently, the most common algorithm used for meshing a
point cloud is the so-called ‘Poisson reconstruction’ (for details see Khazdan, Hoppe 2013)
which tends to build watertight mesh by interpolating missing data and giving a smooth
result, while maintaining the surface details. Another option is the basic triangulation with
software-specific variations, which delivers the exact surface structure.
Software License Point cloud registration Meshing algorithm
Geomagic Design X commercial manual, semi-automatic Native, based upon triangulation
Geomagic Wrap commercial manual, semi-automatic Native, based upon triangulation
PolyWorks commercial manual, semi-automatic Native, based upon triangulation
3D Reshaper commercial manual, semi-automatic native
Thinkbox Sequoia commercial manual, semi-automatic native
Capturing Reality RC commercial manual, semi-automatic native
Autodesk ReCap commercial manual, semi-automatic no
CloudCompare open-source manual, semi-automatic Poisson
MeshLab open-source manual Poisson23
VRMesh commercial manual, semi-automatic Native
Table 1. Overview of the most commonly used point cloud editing and meshing software.17
12 In case of airborne LiDAR data, LAS or LAZ file format is the most common.
13 It is also called ‘structured scan file format’ because it enables special forms of visualisation and lighting. PTX files are
usually much larger than PTS files.
14 Notably, opening an ASCII file containing more than 10 million points can, in some cases, be an issue.
15 Most software opackages have problems with meshes containing more than 80 million triangles.
16 Beside Poisson reconstruction, MeshLab also offers other meshing algorithms, e.g. Ball pivoting and VCG, but Poisson
surface reconstruction is the most suitable option in the majority of cases.
17 In open-source software, there can be constraints in the readability of particular RAW files; also, some of the mentioned
editing tools may be missing.
30 N enad J ončić , J án Z achar
Structured light scanners use trigonometric triangulation as the basic technological means,
but instead of looking at laser light, these systems project a series of linear light patterns
onto an object using either an LCD projector or another stable light source. Light patterns
are collected, or, rather, recorded with a camera. Then, by examining the edges of each
line in the pattern, the software calculates the distance from the scanner to the object’s
surface. Essentially, the camera sees the edge of the projected pattern and calculates the
distance and size of the scanned object. In order to obtain the structure of the scanned
object, the light source also needs to contain all basic colours, i.e. red, green and blue
(RGB), and emit them towards the object being scanned. The reason for this is the working
principle of RGB cameras as data capturing devices. The SLS technology is very popular,
especially in light portable (handheld) scanners.
There are two components of which SLS typically consists: a light source and a camera.
The light source transmits patterns of the surface scanned. The patterns consisting of
parallel stripes are most commonly used, although many other variants of projection are
as well in use. Displacement of the stripes allows for an exact retrieval of 3D coordinates of
details on the object's surface (Fofi et al. 2004). The light patterns are recorded with RGB
camera. Then, by examining the edges of each line in the pattern, the software calculates
the distance from the scanner to the object’s surface (see above).
Generally, there are two types of these scanners. The first type has the ability to change
the distances between the camera and the light source, which leads to changes in the
angle between the camera and the light source. In this kind of system, the calibration
panel is used to determine the position and the angle of the light source and the camera.
The second type has a fixed light source and a camera. In this case, the distance between
them is constant and does not change through the process. Thus, in this method, it is
necessary to set a good distance between the object and the scanning pair (camera and
light source). In some cases, video projector can be used as a light source.18 Principally, the
stripes generated by display projectors have small discontinuities due to pixel boundaries;
however, these can practically be ignored as they are ironed out by slight defocusing. A
typical measuring assemblage consists of one stripe projector and at least one camera.
Placing two cameras on opposite sides of the projector can also be useful (Fofi et al. 2004).
There has recently been a significant increase in the use of structured light portable/
handheld scanners, especially due to their increasingly accessible price. A number of
projects have demonstrated their possible applications, as well as the limitations of their
use in archaeology and in cultural heritage management in general (Buchón-Moragues et
al. 2016; McPherron et al. 2009). On the other hand, traditional laser scanning approach
usually provides higher accuracy rate.
The following comparison is based upon personal end-user experience and not upon any
scientific analysis.
18 David SLS scanner uses LCD video projector for emitting light patterns.
19 In the case of Artec scanners, type Eva operates within longer distances from the object, while the Spider type works
within a closer range and is capable of capturing fine occluded details.
32 N enad J ončić , J án Z achar
SLS technology usually functiones by gathering data with its native software. Hence scan-
ning, in this case, necessitates the use of a notebook or tablet, which enables real-time
preview of the scanning process. Some native scanning software may require specific
notebook/tablet configuration especially concerning the CPU (processor), GPU (graphic
card) and RAM. Unlike TLS, most SLS software carry out complete processing and post-pro-
cessing of the data acquired from the point clouds registration, meshing and texturing,
so there is no need to use external software. Besides native software, most present-day
portable SLS scanners can use Artec Studio for previewing the scanning process as well
as data processing. Artec Studio was designed as native software for Artec scanners and
provides workflow for the entire procedure – from the registration of particular scans to
mesh processing and editing.
Figure 5. Manor house at Žehra, Hodkovce, Slovakia. Point cloud with RGB values showing exposure
inconsistency due to poorly exposed composite photos taken by the native scanner camera (Leica C10).
Seta Štuhec (University of Ljubljana) & Ján Zachar (Via Magna)
1 http://svf.uniza.sk/kgd/skripta/fotogrametria/kap01.pdf.
34 S eta Š tuhec , J án Z achar
mass application in the era of transition from analogue to digital platform, the process
generally related to the advantages of digital photography as such. ‘Digital photogram-
metry’ is currently widely applicable in many areas and scientific disciplines, especially
due to its diverse potential and the fast development of digital technology. It works with
digital images and mathematical models of analytical photogrammetry. In general, it can
be established that digital photogrammetry provides:
• high resolution of the details measured,
• measurement of objects changing and moving at the time of imaging,
• high accuracy of measurement,
• orthophoto images and 3D models in a computer environment (Bartoš, Fraštia 2011).
It is especially the creation of orthophoto images and 3D models, which forms the focus
of this publication, that is essential from the perspective of practical needs of different
areas of cultural heritage.
Photogrammetry, that is, its different aspects, can be categorised according to various
criteria. From the perspective of sensing position, we distinguish aerial and close-range
• Aerial photogrammetry represents one of the techniques of the Earth’s surface re-
mote sensing, which also includes satellite imaging. As the name suggests, aircraft
represents the basic carrier for sensing. Large- or medium-format digital camera is
used as the sensor. An important piece of equipment is the navigation system, as well
as the system for direct orientation of the sensor.
• Close-range photogrammetry deals with the evaluation of measurement image from
fixed terrestrial positions, whereby it utilises several methods that allow obtaining
spatial information about the objects depicted in the image. Thanks to its wide scope
of application, it is one of the most widespread measurement techniques. It is used for
making 2D and 3D documentation of objects and situations by means of non-contact
measurement of their images. The accuracy and geometric resolution depend on
the distance of imaging and the size of the focal length of the objective. Close-range
photogrammetry works with object distances of between 0.1 m - 350 m, where both
the lower and the upper end of the range are not strict.
Photogrammetry (especially close-range) can be classified, from the perspective of the
methodology of collection and processing of the data, into single image photogrammetry,
stereophotogrammetry, convergent photogrammetry and image-based modelling.
• Single-image photogrammetry represents the simplest method that uses one image
of the given object, whereas the position is chosen to have the imaging axis approxi-
mately perpendicular to the measured object. The aim is to import the distorted image
into orthogonal projection through projective transformation. This method is used for
the reconstruction of planar objects; for spatial objects, additional information about
the depth of the object documented is required. It is also used for measuring building
facades and for the creation of photo-plans. Up until the onset of image-based mod-
elling, this was the most frequently used photogrammetric method for documenting
results of archaeological research. Basically, it is the classic 2D photogrammetry.
2D photogrammetry has already become a regular element of the traditional documen-
tation approach in archaeological excavations. In its essence, it is generally a single image
photogrammetry.2 Photographs are taken from above as vertically as possible using a
ladder or a pole (if possible, an unmanned aviation vehicle (UAV) can also be employed).
The photographs are then rectified and georeferenced using GCP measured by the total
station or a GPS device. The archaeological units captured on such photographs are af-
terward vectorised and the result transferred into an orthophoto plan.
When taking a photograph, the analogue signal that is acquired and turned into a dig-
ital image is degraded in various ways. It has to be taken into account that geometrical
distortions occur in every image because the three-dimensional (3D) properties of the
scene are mapped onto a two-dimensional (2D) sensor plane. The mapping result (i.e. the
final image) is influenced by a wide variety of factors, of which geometric errors induced
by the optics, the tilt of the camera axis and the topographic relief contribute the most
to the image deformations. Compensating for these deformations through some kind of
geometric correction is essential for the extraction of accurate information by means of
vectorisation. In general, there are two ways of dealing with these geometric deforma-
tions: simple rectification and rigorous orthorectification (Verhoeven et al. 2013).
Simple rectification
For tilted images, the scale will vary with direction: the background of tilted photographs
features a scale smaller than the scale of objects in the foreground. The projective
2 The theoretical background derives from the paper Zachar & Štuhec (2015). (Case studies: the Čachtice and Bratislava
castles, Slovakia). The article was prepared within the frame of the CONPRA project.
36 S eta Š tuhec , J án Z achar
transformation of a tilted image to a horizontal plane can remove the contortions caused
by the inclination (and thus scale differences). Such a procedure is called (planar) rectifica-
tion and the result is a rectified photograph. Often, the first and second order polynomials
are also used to obtain (semi-)rectified photographs, although these algorithms differ to
a varying degree from the aforementioned projective transformation.
In the absence of lens distortions and perfect flatness of the imaged scene, the rectified
tilted image will be identical to a vertical image and the result will be a true orthopho-
tograph. However, lens distortions are always present and truly flat surfaces are seldom
found at archaeological excavations. Since differences in height will cause topographic
(or elevation) displacements, any feature lying above or below the horizontal reference
surface will be misplaced in a planar rectification. More advanced algorithms are thus
required if accurate mapping from the photographs is needed (Wolf, Dewitt 2000).
Rigorous orthorectification
When the geometric image correction aims to compensate also for topographically- induced
deformations and lens distortions, this is called orthorectification or differential rectification.
The result of such correction is a planimetrically correct true orthophotograph. Until a
few years ago, true orthophotographs could only be achieved with advanced photogram-
metric packages such as the Trimble INPHO Photogrammetric System. Besides the high
cost, these packages were also of limited use in excavation documentation because the
photogrammetric skills were essential. However, due to the ever-expanding technological
improvements in computer hardware and the significant advances made in the past fifteen
years in the scientific development of computer vision, many cost-effective approaches
exist today. Additionally, they allow for a straightforward workflow and can still produce
metrically accurate true orthophotographs (Verhoeven et al. 2013). One possible solution
is to pre-process the photo prior to the rectification process with the help of an appropriate
image correction software that would compensate for the radial and tangential distortion.3
Practical approach in 2D Photogrammetry
Nowadays there are plenty of tools available for photo rectification. Most commonly used
are the ones implemented in CAD and GIS solutions. Autocad Civil 3D with Raster Design
extension offers several rectification options. The polynomial transformation of the 1st
grade usually turns out to be the most suitable choice. It is characterized by an independ-
ent scaling of x- and y-axis with no local rectification.4 Beside the 1st grade polynomial
transformation, this software offers polynomials of the 2nd and 3rd grade (similarly to the
ArcGIS georeferencing options) as well as the triangular rectification (Figs. 6, 7).
During the triangular rectification, GCP pairs are precisely coupled spatially, and the tri-
angles between them are stretched and squeezed to fit by calculating the polynomial
coefficient of each triangle. This is the most precise method with potential imperfections
only ‘inside’ the triangles. The negative aspect is the fact that space outside triangles is
not included in the final result (raster cropping of the convex hull). In order to check the
accuracy, the root mean square error (RMS) is calculated. CAD software Microstation
enables orthorectification procedure via warping options.
3 It is possible to use software that comes with the camera, or DxO Optics Pro, which compensates for the lens distortion
by using appropriate camera optics module.
4 In the software-related terminology this procedure is referred to as 'rubbersheeting‘.
As already mentioned above, the basic problem facing 2D photogrammetry is the insufficient
tangential and radial lens distortion correction, which causes insufficient correlation of the
plans of the captured scene characterised by great differences in height. This causes serious
problems in the usage of 2D photogrammetry for documenting masonry structures that have
a significant height distinction between the top and the bottom parts of the walls.
5 Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) is an algorithm in computer vision used to detect and describe local features
in images that are independent of the changes of scale. The description of features is of a vector nature. The algorithm was
published by David Lowe (1999).
6 Besides speeding up the alignment, setting an upper limit value for the generation of tie points filters out the points
with very high re-projection error as well. However, when setting the maximum values for key points and tie points, it is
necessary to keep the ratio of 2:1. Best results are usually achievable with key points: 80,000 and tie points: 40,000 or with
key points: 120,000 and tie points :60,000. Lower values are possible but may result in the loss of surface geometry.
7 It is always necessary to find an optimal balance between a sharp and a noiseless sparse point cloud on one hand, and
not losing too many points by cleaning process on the other hand, as this may lead to disruption of the geometry of the
40 S eta Š tuhec , J án Z achar
The next step is called Multi-View Stereo (MVS) approach and is used to compute a denser
point cloud. Such point cloud can afterward be turned into a mesh and used as a solid 3D
model to which texture can be applied. Textured 3D model can be scaled or georeferenced
according to the measured coordinates of ((G)CP) which are aligned with the markers
detected manually or semi-automatically on photos in uploaded into the program. Most
programs dispose of subsequently generated deliverables such as georeferenced ortho-
photo plans or digital elevation models (DEM) (Figure 9).
It is important to understand the basic principles of the SfM+MVS approach in order to be
aware of its capabilities and limitations. For example, the SfM+MVS approach is useless if
the object lacks distinct texture, which is necessary for the recognition of feature points.
Shiny or glassy objects are also more difficult to reconstruct using these methods, as
their highlights are constantly changing. The best result can, therefore, be achieved with
distinctively coloured and textured objects. Finally, the correct photo capture procedure
is essential to achieve the best possible results.
On the other hand, a computer-based softaware package might take a bit more time to
master, but the parameters can be tailored for each specific case. Some of these programs
have also additional functionalities such as scaling, georeferencing, orthophoto plans
extraction, etc. which is, in the case of open-source software, rarely possible. A short list
of some of the programs and online services is provided below.
• An important element is also the image quality. Photographs should be sharp and
acquired with good quality optics. If possible, it is advised to take the complete set of
photographs with the same focal length and focus distance, it normally gives better
results. IbM does not set any requirements concerning the image resolution. However,
it is important to remember that the resolution of the input data influences the
quality of the processing results. That is why it is strongly recommended to employ
a camera with at least 5Mpx resolution. If the project’s objective is to produce high
quality/professional orthophoto maps, it is better to opt for a minimum 24Mpx8
resolution photography (sharpness is discussed in detail in the following chapter).
• Some software packages enable alignment, re-alignment and/or georeferencing using
special targets – markers that come with the program and that can be calibrated. In
this case, the targets should be clearly visible in the photographs (to create a texture,
enough photographs without these targets should also be taken). It is possible to use
non-calibrated markers as well. The size of markers should be adequate in relation
to the extent of the project; the only limiting factor is that they should be visible on
the photos. The distribution should be such that the markers cover the whole scene
documented. In case of landscape surveys, it is advisable to measure coordinates of
the markers (in this case GCP) by the total station in order to get as precise coordi-
nates for georeferencing as possible.9
• SfM algorithm estimates the camera calibration parameters automatically; conse-
quently, there is no need to run a pre-calibration procedure manually. However, since
the algorithm in most software applies the Brown model to simulate lens assembly,
automatic calibration works perfectly well only for ‘standard’ optics (that is, with 50
mm focal length (35 mm film equivalent)). Otherwise, if the source data is captured
with a ‘fish eye’ or ultra-wide angle lenses, the operation is likely to fail. If this is
the case, one should enter calibration data into the program for good results of the
• The final result of 3D IbM can be strongly influenced by the lighting conditions. Best
results are usually achieved under coherent natural diffuse lighting, which is generally
guaranteed in cloudy weather.
As already mentioned, each part of the scene that is to be reconstructed in 3D should
be visible on at least 3 photos. This may be a problem when documenting architectural
structures. In this case, taking photos just from the ground level causes ‘digital shadows’
in upper parts of the architecture. The best way to avoid this is the application of pole
aerial photography or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to reach parts of the structure
that are not accessible from the ground level. Nowadays, especially UAVs (mostly mi-
cro-copters) are becoming a regular part of the data acquisition in IbM as they can fly in
an autonomous mode using integrated GPS/INS, a stabilizer platform and digital cameras
(or even a small range sensor), and which can be used to get data from otherwise hardly
accessible areas.
8 On the other hand, the choice of camera should not depend only on the resolution. The optics, in combination with the
camera sensor, is crucial for a good photo quality.
9 As for the number of GCP, it depends on the scale of the project. The basic rule is that they should build up representative
information on the measurements.
44 S eta Š tuhec , J án Z achar
the camera is taking pictures.10 Of course, the general position of the object has to be
changed manually several times during photo-shooting in order to capture all possible
sides of the object. In this scenario, precise light settings are essential in order to achieve
good diffuse global light. Putting the object in front of a monochrome background is a
good option as well, and it can help substantially in subsequent processing by generating
a clear mesh with as little noise as possible (Figure 11). This shooting method is meant
exclusively for portable object documentation created in internal environment.
10 Nowadays, there are lot of examples of fully automated turntable data acquisition procedure, where rotation of the
turntable and the camera shooting system are controlled by a computer.
11 Transfocal lenses are not excluded, but the best achievable results are guaranteed by the use of fixed lenses.
12 Fully manual mode would, of course, be most desirable, but is usually out of question with respect to the amount of
photos taken (often hundreds, or even several thousands).
46 S eta Š tuhec , J án Z achar
into the imagery.13 In order to keep the noise as low as possible, shooting at low ISO values
is recommended. For the white balance correction, calibrated colour charts should be used.
If shooting outdoors, the most suitable lighting condition is guaranteed by cloudy weather
which generates diffuse light. If the scene or object documented are in sunlight, this can
create big differences in luminance (e.g. sharp shadows) and it may be necessary to use pro-
tective shelter if possible, or create HDR photos (see below) which can be time-consuming.
Afterward, the RAW files are to be processed in specific software in order to enhance the
sharpness and colour information. The following parameters should receive special attention:
• White balance setting enables correction of the white balance according to the
calibrated colour charts or purely manually. This step is important in order to get
the relevant and true colour information on the object/scene documented for the
purpose of texturing of the final 3D model.
• Exposure compensation adjusts the global exposure of the image and thus its overall
• Smart lighting (available only in some software packages) optimizes the global dy-
namic range of the photo by unblocking shadows and/or recovering highlights.
• (Selective) tone mapping allows selective adjustment of the brightness of a given tonal
range (highlights, midtones, shadows, blacks). This is a very important tool used to
recover detail in the highlighted and the dark parts of the image, which is crucial in
case of non-diffuse lighting in the photo shoot. It is usually carried out in a balanced
combination with smart lighting.
• ClearView/Dehaze (available only in some software packages) enables improvement of the
contrast and sharpening of the image by removing the effects of atmospheric haze or fog.
• Within the contrast enhancement option, microcontrast and finecontrast sub-options
are usually available. Microcontrast enhances micro details or softens them, and can
be used to shadow detail recovery.
• In most software, the two tools are merged together as one common tone mapping
function. Within it, especially white clipping point and black clipping point options
can influence the level of highlighting of small details, which is particularly useful
for a textured image or when one needs to compensate for the lack of sharpness.
Finecontrast enhances or softens medium-sized details. Furthermore, in most soft-
ware, there is a possibility to constrain the effect of contrast on highlights, midtones
(e.g. Clarity available in particular software) or shadows.
• For sharpening the image, the unsharp mask or masked sharpening is the most im-
portant tool. The tool adjusts the intensity, which determines the level of sharpening
of the whole image. Radius sets the thickness of the sharpened edges. The threshold
is a masking option of the tool; it sets the level above which details will be sharpened
or, in other words, masks the parts of the image that will thus not be sharpened.14
Values that are too low may give sharper image but, on the other hand, amplify noise.
Software masking can also be applied for determining the level of sharpening.
13 The aperture substantially determines the depth of field (DOF). The bigger the DOF, the higher the overall sharpness
of the image.
14 Some software packages use the term ‘threshold’ and some use the term ‘masking’.
15 At least 3 photos should be taken, preferably with the help of tripod: one photo with custom exposure, one
underexposed and one overexposed.
16 Most of the currently available photo-editing software enable generation of several exposure values in one RAW file.
17 In case of open-source software, there can be limitations in the readability of particular RAW files, and some of the
editing tools mentioned in the text may be missing.
48 S eta Š tuhec , J án Z achar
Software Web License PC=Windows
Mac=Mac OS
Aurora HDR http://aurorahdr.com commercial Mac
EasyHDR http://www.easyhdr.com commercial PC, Mac
Photomatix Pro http://www.hdrsoft.com commercial PC, Mac
HDR Projects 4 http://www.projects-SW.com commercial PC, Mac
Oloneo HDR http://www.oloneo.com commercial PC
SNS-HDR http://www.sns-hdr.com commercial PC
Machinery HDR http://www.machineryhdr.com/ commercial PC
Dynamic Photo HDR 5 http://www.mediachance.com commercial PC, Mac
HDR Expose http://pinnacleimagingsystems.com commercial PC, Mac
HDR Efex Pro http://www.google.com/nikcollection commercial PC, Mac
Luminance HDR http://qtpfsgui.sourceforge.net open-source PC, Mac
Picturenaut http://www.hdrlabs.com open-source PC, Mac
Fusion HDR http://fusion-hdr.com commercial PC
Table 5. Overview of the most commonly used HDR software.
Software Web License PC=Windows
Mac=Mac OS
Adobe Photoshop commercial PC, Mac
DxO Optics Pro commercial PC, Mac
Adobe Lightroom CC commercial PC, Mac
ACDSee Ultimate commercial PC, Mac
Table 6: Overview of the most commonly used software enabling HDR filtering.
All the above-mentioned principles of photo shooting strategy tend to generate RAW
files with the as big depth of field (DOF) as possible within the given lighting conditions.
Processing RAW files should lead to the achievement of a maximum possible level of
contrast without producing artificial unwanted noise. Balancing these two requirements
is a key factor in mastering the processing procedure (Figs. 12, 13).
After processing the RAW files, it is necessary to save it in common readable file, either
JPG, PNG or TIFF. The best solution is to opt for TIFF file, which can contain former un-
compressed photo resolution.
Figure 12. Processing RAW files. An example of an image before and after correction.
DxO Optics Pro interface.
18 Masking may be very useful when digitising portable artefacts, e.g. a museum collection. In this case, it is usually
necessary to outline sharply the edges of an artefact against the background.
19 It is reasonable to achieve a RMS re-projection error of under 1px. The refinement procedure should be carried out
carefully in order not to delete too many points by lowering the mean re-projection error value as this may disrupt coherency
of the whole alignment.
50 S eta Š tuhec , J án Z achar
Measured data are put into adequate markers detected or manually created on particular
photos. Via (G)CP application and the correct coordinate reference system assignment,
the global georeferencing and scaling of the scene is carried out. If no coordinates are
known but some distance values are available, these can be used for scaling the scene by
markers as well. The final step includes dense cloud generation and subsequent meshing
and texturing. The whole process is done via software’s native algorithm. Most software
usually enable basic editing of the mesh and texture (above all decimation20). It is however
highly recommended to perform mesh editing in third party software.
Post processing strategy can be divided with reference to demands on the final output of
the project. It can be 2D vector output, 2.5D digital elevation data (DEM) or fully 3D solid
model. In the first two cases, 3D data are used as a mean for the extraction of 2D/2.5D
data. Most IbM software offer additional functionalities such as scaling, georeferenc-
ing, georeferenced orthophoto plans and DEM extraction, which can be done in an easy
straightforward manner. Once setting appropriate coordinate system and subsequent
assignment of measured GCP to model or photos in IbM native software, georeferenced
orthophoto plans with word file as well as georeferenced GeoTiff containing DEM are
automatically exported with the given parameters (mainly resolution). These data can
be subsequently put into GIS or CAD software for further processing (vectorisation, cross
section generation) or visualisation. DEM creation is widely applicable in landscape survey
while georeferenced orthophoto plans and their CAD vectorisation are broadly used in
architectural and archaeological documentation.
In case that final output is a solid 3D model either in mesh or NURBS form, it is necessary
to edit mesh in external software. The main aspects of such editing are cleaning, denois-
ing, simplification in sense of decimation21, holes filling and finally retopologisation. Mesh
retopology is usually a quite sophisticated procedure that is carried out by professionals.
Its basic goal is to achieve selective simplification of the mesh while maintaining all the
necessary details. Optionally it can involve transferring the triangulated mesh into quad
variant which can be more precisely converted into NURBS, it means CAD friendly file
Custom UV22 texture map creation is very often part of retopology workflow as well.
Most native IbM software generates texture parameterization which is very fragmented
and thus not suitable for further editing like unwrapping or changing colour hue and
saturation. Therefore, it is convenient to create UV map in special modeling software and
import it back into IbM where texture information can be projected upon newly created
parameterized UV map. Once a cleaned and retopologised mesh optionally converted into
NURBS is created, it can be used as a source for wide range of virtual reality applications.
20 I.e. reduction of the size of the mesh by reducing the number of triangles it contains.
21 Decimation (reduction of triangles) of the produced mesh is the crucial operation, since the mesh usually contains up
to tens of millions of triangles which is difficult to deal with in any software.
22 UV is used as an alternative expression for X and Y coordinates.
Software Web License Retopology
UV map
Geomagic http://www.rapidform.com/products/xor/
commercial yes no
Design X overview/
http://www.geomagic.com/en/ products/
Geomagic Wrap commercial yes no
PolyWorks http://www.innovmetric.com/ commercial yes no
ZBrush https://pixologic.com/ commercial yes yes
Autodesk Maya commercial yes yes
Autodesk 3DS www.autodesk.com/products
commercial yes yes
Max /3ds-max/overview
Autodesk www.autodesk.com/products
commercial yes no
MudBox /mudbox/overview
MeshLab meshlab.sourceforge.net/ open-source yes yes49
Blender https://www.blender.org/ open-source yes yes
3D Coat 3dcoat.com commercial yes yes
Modo commercial yes yes
Instant Meshes open-source yes No
Table 7. Commonly used mesh editing software.
Figure 13. Processing RAW files. An example of an image before and after correction. Detail.
DxO Optics Pro interface.
23 The custom UV map creation inside MeshLab has very limited control parameters compared to the other software.
Ján Zachar & Milan Horňák (Via Magna)
Situations in which the pedological component is the dominant are a product of archaeo-
logical investigations that expose anthropogenic soil sediments. These are usually cultural
layers which can represent or contain remains of former lowland or hilltop settlements,
open or fortified, with buildings and other structures made of stone, wood and/or earth.
These localities display only a low value of local micro-elevation. From the perspective of
local morphology, this can either be flat, horizontal or inclined surfaces. The exception
are hilltop-fortified settlements – hill-forts – where possibly significant local elevation can
be present due to the existence of a fortification system (e.g. rampart).
This type of localities is currently a frequent area of research of preventive archaeology
performed outside the settlement area. After the top vegetation layer is removed by
mechanisation, individual anthropogenic layers are gradually excavated. Before the onset
1 The application was chosen on the grounds of the license availability.
Radoľa, Koscelisko
Site type: Mound
Location: Radoľa (Žilina district Žilina, NW Slovakia); location Koscelisko
Dating: Late Bronze Age
Research type: Research for scientific and documentation purposes
Recording technology: IbM
Recording equipment: Camera Nikon D5200 (optics AF-S Nikkor 16-85 f/3.5-5.6 ED VR DX), TS,
GNSS RTK Rover (differential GPS)
Software: Agisoft Photoscan 1.2.6, AutoCad Civil 3D 2016 student version
Record: Georeferenced 3D model (mesh), georeferenced orthophoto plans
Short description: The archaeological site was documented solely by IbM. The research was
initially performed using test pits, which were then enlarged in order to
expose the whole ground plan of the site composed of a stone ring of the
original mound and a centrally located urn. In addition to the final stage
of the research, the documentation also captured individual stages of the
excavation. A handheld camera was used for the collection of data.
Figure 15. Radoľa, Koscelisko (Slovakia). Burial mound, Bronze Age. IbM. Shaded 3D model.
Figure 16. Radoľa, Koscelisko (Slovakia). Burial mound, Bronze Age. An example of 2D documentation
deliverables – vectorisation of the georeferenced orthophoto plan derived from the 3D model.
Rajec, Charubina
Site type: Settlement
Location: Rajec (district Rajec), location – Charubina, NW Slovakia
Dating: Late Bronze Age, Middle Ages (12th – 13th century)
Research type: Preventive research
Recording technology: IbM
Recording equipment: Camera Nikon D5200 (optics AF-S Nikkor 16-85 f/3.5-5.6 ED VR DX), TS,
GNSS Rtk Rover (differential GPS)
Software: IbM
Record: Georeferenced 3D model (mesh), georeferenced orthophoto plans
(Figs. 17, 18).
Short description: The excavated site probably represents a large settlement from the
Late Bronze Age and High Middle Ages. A residential structure with
remains of a wall with external cladding was revealed, as well as several
locations with significant accumulations of ceramics, scree and charred
material. The excavations revealed a flat micro-relief, i.e. without any
elevations. Individual stages of the excavation of the remaining traces
of housing from the Bronze Age, as well as the individual accumulations
of ceramic fragments were documented using IbM. No monopod stand
or an UAV were used for the collection of raw data. TS was used for the
measurement of GCP.
Figure 17A. Rajec, Charubina (Slovakia). Remains of dwellings from the Bronze Age. 3D model. IbM
(193 photos, 12Mpx). Position of the cameras during data acquisition, B: textured 3D model, C:
shaded 3D model.
58 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
Figure 17B. Rajec, Charubina (Slovakia). Remains of dwellings from the Bronze Age. 3D model IbM
(193 photos, 12Mpx). Textured 3D model. C: shaded 3D model.
Figure 17C. Rajec, Charubina (Slovakia). Remains of dwellings from the Bronze Age. 3D model. IbM
(193 photos, 12Mpx). Shaded 3D model.
Figure 18. Rajec, Charubina (Slovakia). Remains of dwellings from the Bronze Age.
An example of 2D documentation. A: digital elevation model (DEM), B: georeferenced orthophoto
plan derived from the 3D model, C: vectorisation of the georeferenced orthophoto plan.
60 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
Figure 19. Mošovce (Slovakia). Remains of an Early Roman industrial area. An example of 2D
documentation. A: DEM, B: georeferenced orthophoto plan derived from the 3D model.
Figure 20A-C. Mošovce (Slovakia). Remains of an industrial zone, early Roman period.
IbM (78 photos,12Mpx). A: position of the cameras, B: textured 3D model, C: shaded 3D model.
62 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
Bratislava, Castle
Site type: Castle and settlement area
Location: Northern terrace of the Bratislava Castle, SW Slovakia
Dating: 10th-12th century A.D.
Research type: Preventive excavation
Recording technology: IbM
Recording equipment: Camera Sony Nex 7, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), TS, GNSS Rtk Rover
(differential GPS)
Software: Agisoft Photoscan 1.0.0, CloudCompare, AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 student
Record: Georeferenced 3D model (mesh), georeferenced orthophoto plans
(Figure 21).
Short description: Bratislava castle was subject of preventive excavations between 2008 and
2014. In the years 2013 and 2014, 3D recording of the excavated areas was
the main method of recording the general and partial ground plans and
sections. The area of the northern terrace contained several significant
architectural remains. The site contained abundant anthropogenic
evidences also in the soil which were also investigated. They consisted of a
sequence of cultural layers and imprints of structures, indicating an open
settlement dated to the 10th-12th century AD. The recording was performed
by IbM. An UAV was used for collecting the raw data (vertical low-flight
level photos). Due to flat terrain morphology the vertical images were not
complemented by oblique photos.
Figure 21. Bratislava, Castle, northern terrace. Remains of the open settlement,
partly destroyed by a later quarry, 10-12th century. 3D model. IbM (352 photos, 12Mpx).
A: textured 3D model, B: shaded 3D model, C: georeferenced orthophoto plan.
Archaeological sites with significant architectural remains are typical for urban areas,
where they represent the product of urbanisation process. They are characterised by
a high level of local micro-elevation, the degree of which is determined by the level of
preservation of the masonry. Some specific examples of these are castles, where signifi-
cant quantities of debris occur, in addition to the compact components of the masonry.
Archaeological research of the sites of this type is usually performed in close cooperation
with the research on the history of construction. Particular attention is paid to capturing
mutual relationships of the masonry and the anthropogenic soil deposits (designated
backfill areas, walking surfaces, cultural layers, etc.), which should reveal general aspects
of the historical development of the construction. Previously, a frequently used method
of documentation of this type of sites was 2D photogrammetry, which enabled capturing
the complex structure of the surface with individual details of the architecture. However,
its substantial disadvantage is the radial and tangential distortion of the 2D orthophoto
plans, especially in the case of a significant elevation of masonry constructions compared
to the level of the surrounding ground; this can markedly reduce the accuracy of the
geodetic plan of the site.
64 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
Senec, Synagogue
Site type: Synagogue and its immediate surroundings
Location: Senec town, District of Senec, SW Slovakia
Dating: 19th century
Research type: Research for scientific and documentation purposes
Recording technology: IbM
Recording equipment: Camera Nikon D5200 (optics AF-S Nikkor 16-85 f/3.5-5.6 ED VR DX), TS,
GNSS Rtk Rover (differential GPS)
Software: Agisoft Photoscan 1.2.6, AutoCad Civil 3D 2016 student version,
CloudCompare 2.8
Record: Georeferenced 3D model (mesh), georeferenced orthophoto plans and
cross-section views (Figs. 22-24).
Short description: The production-related part of the synagogue was seen in a significantly
destroyed architecture consisting of brick walls with cladding, a preserved
furnace and a ritual bath (mikveh). IbM was used for documenting the
process of research by recording the individual stages of cleaning of
different spatial segments. The overall model was created by joining
models of the parts using refential GCP. Since high monopod stand
or drone were not used for the collection of the data, the crowns of
higher walls have, in some places, digitisation shadows. However, the
rate of coverage and capturing with the 3D model is relatively high with
regard to the tools used (a simple ladder). Moreover, special attention
was paid to the 3D documentation of the furnace, which was planned
for dismantling and relocating. Cross- and longitudinal sections were
made for this purpose, which subsequently served as an input for the
creation of paper models at 1:1 scale used for the reconstruction of
furnace at the original scale. Exterior and interior of the furnace were
separately recorded (IbM). A torch was used for the collection of raw
data of the interior.51 The use of torch was not a markedly limiting factor
in the processing of data, and the resulting 3D model did not show any
significant deviation in terms of clarity of the surface geometry. In terms
of the texture, it is understandable that the colour scale of the input data
(i.e. photos) shifted chromatically (torch light), which also rendered the
colour texture of the 3D model of the furnace interior artificial. The use
of torch can thus be considerd as a partially limiting factor. The 3D model
of the furnace exterior was connected with the 3D model of its interior
(common reference points defined arbitrarily in Agisoft Photoscan). The
sections were made in CloudCompare and were subsequently saved for
further processing of the architectural model in native CAD format (dwg).
2 The use of torch is generally not recommended in photo-shooting for the image based modelling, but given the absence
of any other light source, this was the only possible solution in this case. Moreover, it provided an opportunity for testing the
flash usage and its effect in the subsequent data processing.
Figure 22. Senec, Synagogue (Slovakia). Remains of the economic section of the synagogue,
with an oven and a mikveh, 19th century. IbM (1452 photos, 24 Mpx).
A, B: textured 3D model, C, D: shaded 3D model.
Figure 23. Senec, Synagogue (Slovakia). Remains of the economic section of the synagogue.
Cross-section documentation derived from the 3D model.
66 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
Figure 24. Senec, Synagogue (Slovakia). Remains of the economic section of the synagogue – detail
of the oven, 19th century. IbM. A: textured 3D model, B: shaded 3D model.
Figure 25A. Skalka nad Váhom (Slovakia). Remains of a medieval monastery, 14th-17th century.
Textured 3D model combining the results from two archaeological seasons (see also Figure 25B)
that focused on uncovering the west wing of the clausura. IbM (425 photos, 12+24Mpx).
68 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
Figure 25B. Skalka nad Váhom (Slovakia). Remains of a medieval monastery, 14th-17th century.
Textured 3D model combining the results from two archaeological seasons (see also Figure 25A) that
focused on uncovering the west wing of the clausura. IbM (425 photos, 12+24Mpx).
Figure 25C. Skalka nad Váhom (Slovakia). Remains of a medieval monastery, 14th-17th century.
Textured 3D model – detail of medieval hypocaust.
Figure 26. Skalka nad Váhom (Slovakia). Remains of a medieval monastery, 14th -17th century.
Examples of 2D documentation derived from the 3D model.
70 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
Čachtice, Castle
Site type: Castle
Location: Čachtice, Nové Mesto nad Váhom District, W Slovakia
Dating: 13th-16th century
Research type: Preventive research
Recording technology: IbM
Recording equipment: Camera Nikon D90 and Sony Nex 7, UAV (drone), TS, GNSS Rtk Rover
(differential GPS)
Software: Agisoft Photoscan 1.0.0, AutoCad Civil 3D 2016 student version,
ArcGIS 10.0
Record: Georeferenced 3D model (mesh), georeferenced orthophoto plans.
Georeferenced DEM, cross-section views (Figs. 27 - 29).
Short description: The excavation at Čachtice Castle was conducted in 2012 and 2013 and
was primarily focused on the north castle wing, which was planned
for structural reinforcement. Many elements of the former historical
structures were revealed, such as the partly destroyed residential area
and the basement area with partially preserved vaulted roof. The 3D
documentation was performed with a high monopod stand and an UAV.
Individual parts of the uncovered architecture were documented and
processed as linked spatial segments.
Figure 27. Čachtice (Slovakia). Medieval castle, 13th-16th century. 3D model of the eastern palace
during the restoration process. IbM (250 photos, 12Mpx). Top – section through the interior of the
eastern portion of the structure, bottom – isometric view of the same area.
Figure 28. Čachtice (Slovakia). Medieval castle, 13th-16th century. Archaeological trench K25 in the
eastern palace. IbM (65 photos, 12Mpx). A: ground plan of the castle with indicated location of the
documented trench, B: solid 3D model of the trench with the texture map, C: DEM with different
forms of visualisation (analytical hillshading and hypsometry), D: orthophoto plan, E: cross-sections.
72 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
Figure 29. Čachtice (Slovakia). Medieval castle, 13th-16th century. Archaeological trench S3 in
the eastern palace. IbM (30 photos, 12Mpx) A: location of the trench within the castle, B: solid 3D
model of the trench with the texture map, C: DEM with different forms of visualisation (analytical
hillshading and hypsometry), D: orthophoto plan of the layout and the profiles, E: cross-sections.
Figure 30. Brazda, Archaeopark (Macedonia). Remains of the stone-built tomb, 5th century BC.
DEM derived from the 3D model. A: analytical hillshading, B: hypsometry, C: contours.
74 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
Figure 31. Brazda, Archaeopark (Macedonia). Remains of the stone-built tomb, 5th century BC.
3D model. IbM (476 photos, 24 Mpx). A,B: nadir view, C-F: isometric views.
Figure 32. Brazda, Archaeopark (Macedonia). Remains of the stone-built tomb, 5th century BC.
Examples of 2D documentation derived from the 3D model.
76 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
Bratislava, Castle
Site type: Castle area, settlement area from the 1st century B.C., built-up area from
the 16th century
Location: Bratislava Castle, northern terrace, SW Slovakia
Dating: Late La Tène period (1st century BC), 13th-17th century AD
Research type: Preventive excavation
Recording technology: IbM, TLS
Recording equipment: Camera Nikon D5200 (optics AF-S Nikkor 16-85 f/3.5-5.6 ED VR DX), TLS
Faro Focus X130, TS, GNSS Rtk Rover (differential GPS)
Software: Agisoft Photoscan 1.0.0, Faro Scene, CapturingReality RC, CloudCompare,
AutoCad Civil 3D 2016 student version, ArcGIS 10.0 trial version
Record: Georeferenced 3D model (mesh), georeferenced orthophoto plans.
Georeferenced DEM, cross-section views (Figs. 33-36).
Short description: The investigations in the area of the castle were carried out periodically
between 2008 and 2014. The 3D documentation of archaeological
situations was used as the basic recording type in the period 2013-2014
and as a sole method for creating plans and profiles of the entire site.
Special attention was paid to the architectural remains discovered in
the northern courtyard. These included foundations of two buildings
constructed in the Roman style and dated to the 1st century BC. The
main structural axis of the Building 1 formed two parallel masonry
components, which, at their south end, were subsequently damaged by
digging the moat for the medieval castle. The main axis was completed
with two pillars with well-preserved elements of the above-ground
structure and of the foundations. In the Building 2, cladding over the
foundation walls, the cast mortar floor and two lines of four pillars along
the main longitudinal axis were partially preserved.
Some architectural remains related to the utilisation of the area in
the 16th-18th century were also revealed. Especially remarkable was a
16th‑century built-up area, located in place of an infilled medieval quarry.
It consisted of structures made of stones bound by clay mortar. Here, a
relatively well-preserved bread (?) oven was discovered. Remains of the
18th century Baroque garden were also discovered.
All discovered structures were documented by IbM and using an UAV.
However, the UAV was not used for recording of the 16th century built-
up area and the remains of the medieval quarry. In these two cases,
only oblique photographs were made. Terrestrial 3D scanning was used
for the Roman-style buildings (TLS Faro Focus X130). Data from TLS
documentation as well as from IbM were merged in the processing phase
in CloudCompare and CapturingReality RC.
Figure 33. Bratislava, Castle, northern terrace. Roman-style Building 2, 1st century BC.
3D model. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) in combination with IbM.
A, B: textured 3D model, C, D: shaded 3D model.
Figure 34. Bratislava, Castle, northern terrace. Remains of a residential structure, 16th century.
3D model. IbM (534 photos, 12Mpx).
A: distribution of measured ground control points (GCP), B, C: textured 3D model.
78 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
Figure 35. Bratislava, Castle, north terrace. Remains of a residential structure, 16th century.
A, B: DEM derived from the 3D model, C: Georeferenced orthophoto plan derived from the 3D model.
Figure 36. Bratislava, Castle, northern terrace. Roman-style Building, 1st century BC. Examples of 2D
documentation deliverables derived from the 3D model. View of the cross-section.
Figure 37. Považský Castle (Slovakia). North palace structure, 16th century. IbM (366 photos, 24Mpx).
A, B: textured 3D model, C, D: shaded 3D model.
80 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
Figure 38. Považský Castle (Slovakia). North palace structure, 16th century.
Examples of 2D documentation deliverables derived from the 3D model.
A: groundplan orthophoto, B: profile orthophoto.
The experience from the presented case studies shows that IbM is the most suitable
method for 3D digitisation of archaeological cultural heritage. Its advantage lies in the
speed of the data collection, which is highly important in the rescue research. Moreover,
compared to TLS, IbM represents a better alternative in terms of the total cost, because
the only costly items are the camera and the high-performance computer. In the case of
archaeological situations in which the largest part of the documented area is situated
at the level of the surrounding terrain, and where vertical structures are represented
only by sporadic and largely destroyed architectural elements, the application of TLS is
significantly limited. This is because TLS scanners usually have limited manoeuvring ability
of the sensor when placed vertically in relation to the terrain.
When photographing extensive flat areas of archaeological sites for the IbM documenta-
tion, it is suitable to use an UAV (drone) or a high monopod stand, which enable taking
photos from above and from an adequate distance. In case a drone is used, it is recom-
mended to limit the flight distance (flight level) in order to maintain the sufficient image
resolution. In the case of structures with parts preserved up to a certain height (e.g.
masonry preserved to a height exceeding 1 m), it is necessary to complete the vertical
photography with oblique photo documentation. In many cases, it is required to combine
aerial documentation with terrestrial photography, whereby the scanning circuits must
be merged in a respective software using GCP.
For georeferencing a 3D model and the creation of basic 2D and 2.5D documentation
products (georeferenced orthophoto plan and DEM), it is necessary to distribute, and sub-
sequently measure, GCP in space. Depending on the size of the area documented, and the
planned distance of the camera from the photographed space (especially as regards the
expected flight level), GCP should be sufficiently large to be visible on individual images.
The distribution of points should include the whole area. Although it is not required to
distribute GCP over a grid, certain regularity is welcome (Figure 34: A). If calibrated coded
reference markers are used, some software packages (e.g. Agisoft Photoscan and Pix 4D)
have the option of automatically conducting their identification (Figure 40). In addition to
calibrated coded markers, standardised markers can be also used, such as bicolour squares
placed diagonally or with overlapping angles; they can, depending on the software used,
also be identified on the images using a semi-automatic method.
Given that archaeological sites usually have significantly structured geometry of the
surface, as well as rich texture, the SfM algorithm has no problem to detect a sufficient
number of SIFT points on the input photos without a significant ‘dead zone’. The resulting
3D model is thus clean and sharp. A problem can occur if the structure is also captured
by vertical photography and if its surface is documented only with oblique photos made
at an acute angle (see the case study of Brazda) from various sides. In such a case, a
high re-projection error can occur in the process of ‘bundle adjustment’; this can result
in high noise as well as in the occurrence of ghosting effect in the process of creation of
a dense point cloud. If this cannot be prevented by using a drone or a high monopod,
the re-projection error must be thoroughly and precisely reduced in the given software
environment (ideally, to below 1px) (Figure 39).
82 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
In addition to the digitisation of ground plans, the concept of IbM is also suitable for doc-
umenting complex profiles, especially those of large length or composed of several layers
created by diverse architectonic elements. In addition to the creation of a 3D information
database, the main significance of 3D digitisation of archaeological finds, especially in the
case of rescue archaeological research, lies in the fact that it represents extraordinarily
effective method of generating 2D documentation in the form of georeferenced ortho-
photo plans and digital elevation models (DEM). These are necessary elements of the
research documentation. From the perspective of practical utilisation of 3D digitisation
by professional archaeologists, 2D documentation still prevails. Nevertheless, a tendency
has appeared towards the application of 3D mesh for the purpose of 3D vectorisation,
subsequently interconnected with the database model in 3D GIS solution. However, it
characterises mainly long-term research projects that hire professional research teams.
Figure 39. Bratislava Castle. A: broader area documented only with oblique photos, B: without
verticals, resulting in a noisy sparse cloud, C: with large number of points with a high re-projection
error that needs refinement in the iterative process.
84 J án Z achar , M ilan H orňák
Figure 40. A: Types of calibrated coded and non-coded targets, B: the process of automatic
recognition of coded and non-coded targets in Agisoft Photoscan.
(Available at: http://www.agisoft.com/pdf/tips_and_tricks/CHI_Calibrated_Scale_Bar_Placement_
Ján Zachar (Via Magna) & Perica Špehar (University of Belgrade)
point cloud as source data, interpolation enabled, custom face count: various values); and
step – build texture (generic mapping mode, texture from all cameras, blending mode
Mosaic, texture size 8192, texture count 1, and no colour correction). In the application
of CapturingReality RC software, the parameters were as follows: step – align photos
(+ laser scans) (max. feature per image 120,000, pre-selector feature 60,000, image
overlap medium, detector sensitivity medium, max. re-projection error 2px); step – re-
construction (normal detail); step – build texture (Guter 3, texture resolution 8192, large
triangle removal threshold 10, maximal texture count style, visibility based texture style).
Figure 41. Jazernica, Medieval church, 15th century. IbM (586 photos, 12+24 Mpx).
A: distribution of cameras, B: dense point cloud, C,D: textured 3D model – isometric view,
E and F: textured 3D model – ortho-view of the facades.
88 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
Figure 42. Renaissance Town Hall in Rajec, Slovakia. IbM (576 photos, 12Mpx).
A: camera positions, B: sparse point cloud before reprojection C: sparse point cloud after the
reprojection, D: dense point cloud, E: meshed 3D model, E: textured 3D model.
Figure 44. Sazdice (Slovakia). Medieval church, 14th century. IbM (249 photos, 24Mpx).
A: distribution of cameras, B: sparse point cloud, C: sense point cloud, D: meshed 3D model.
Figure 46. Sazdice (Slovakia). Medieval church, 14th century. IbM. Textured 3D model – isometric
view. Examples of 2D documentation deliverables derived from the 3D model – ortho-view of the
Figure 47. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house (18-19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS (1520 photos 24Mpx, 41 TLS stations).
Distribution of cameras and stations. A: outer facades, B: inner courtyard.
Figure 48. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house (18-19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS. Isometric views. A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model.
96 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
Figure 49. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house (18-19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS. Isometric views. A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model.
Figure 50. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house (18-19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS. Ortho-views of the facades.
Figure 51. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house (18-19th century), interior – 3 levels.
TLS (168 TLS stations). Shaded 3D model.
98 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
Figure 52. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house (18-19th century), exterior.
A: example of 2D vectorisation of ortho-rectified east facade, B: example of 2D documentation
derived from the 3D model – cross-section.
Figure 53. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS (713 photos 24Mpx, 10 TLS stations).
Distribution of cameras and stations.
Figure 54. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS. Isometric views. A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model.
102 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
Figure 55. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS. Isometric views. A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model.
Figure 56. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS. Ortho-views of the facades.
Figure 57. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), interior.
TLS (9 TLS stations). Dense point cloud.
104 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
Figure 58. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), interior.
Isometric views. A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model.
Figure 59. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), exterior.
Example of 2D vectorisation of ortho-rectified south facade.
106 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
Figure 60. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic park architecture (19th century), exterior.
IbM (325 photos 24Mpx). Isometric views of the textured 3D model.
A: visualisation with normals, B: visualisation without normals.
108 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
Figure 61. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Farm building (19th century), exterior.
IbM (472 photos, 24Mpx). A: dense point cloud, B: Example of 2D documentation
derived from the 3D model – view of the facade.
110 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
Figure 62. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Park, 19th century. IbM (800 photos 24Mpx).
A: distribution of cameras, B: nadir view of the textured D model.
112 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
Figure 63. Banská Belá (Slovakia). Mining site, 15th century. IbM (691 photos 24Mpx).
Isometric views. A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model.
Figure 64. Banská Belá (Slovakia). Mining site, 15th century. IbM.
Isometric views A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model.
Figure 66. Rajec (Slovakia). Burgess house (16th century), cellar. IbM (217 photos 12Mpx).
A: example of raw photos with markers indicating control points, B: distribution of cameras.
Figure 67. Rajec (Slovakia). Burgess house (16th century), cellar. IbM modeling.
Depiction of the alignment of cellar rooms processed individually through the control points.
Figure 68. Rajec (Slovakia). Burgess house (16th c.). IbM, Isometric view of the cellar interior.
118 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
Depending on the basic requirements of a digitisation project and the complexity and
structuring of the architecture documented, it is necessary to define the strategy of 3D
documentation, including the selection of digitising technologies and technical aids and
tools. It is advisable to prepare a general digitisation scenario for more complex objects
on the grounds of thorough reconnaissance of the area in question. Such scenario should
determine the time schedule of tasks and the types of technology applied in relation to
individual parts of the structure, as well as associated technical tools. In many cases, the
project budget also needs to be prepared. It is recommended to make sketch drawings of
the positions and the process of documentation and to mark GCP during data collection in
the field. The obtained data should be saved in order to enable their simpler and clearer
manipulation during the processing stage.1
The experience from the presented case studies suggests that, in the case of 3D digitising
of interiors, it is better (although more cost-demanding) to use TLS than IbM from the
perspective of accuracy requirements. Securing appropriate lighting in interiors tends to
be much more demanding (more unfavourable) than in open space. This does not cause
problems in the case of TLS with priority regard to the accuracy of surface geometry and
not to the texture, but causes substantial complications in the case of IbM.
The basic precondition for successful digitisation of interior by means of IbM is an empha-
sis on optimal lighting of the documented area and usage of camera stand in combination
with adequate setting of the camera (low ISO value, high f-number value nearing the
‘sweet spot’, correct setting of white balance etc.), which should provide the largest possi-
ble depth of field. The whole procedure of data collection is thus very slow and logistically
demanding operation. Understandably, demands grow with the growth of complexity and
structuring of the documented interior. Moreover, if IbM is applied one must take into
account the higher noise level in the data processing than in the case of TLS, and also that
the level of noise grows significantly in interior spaces. Interior structuring can lead to
problems with registration of the data and often causes significant digitisation shadows.
Documentation of parts of a facade around window openings poses a large problem in
IbM. These parts have a sharp border, i.e. a break between different lighting parameters;
in the case of photo-documentation, this leads to a situation where one part of the image
is in overly bright colour or strongly under-exposed in shades of black, whereas the other
part of the same image is at the correct exposure. The source data obtained in this way
tend to cause digitisation shadows or noise during processing. In such cases, it is necessary
to apply HDR processing of images, where exposures of 3 (or more) images with various
EV values are merged into one image.
A factor significantly limiting the application of TLS in interior space is the structuring
of the area, which may require frequent shifting of the scanner and thus increases the
number of positions. A complication is also encountered when measuring (G)CP used
for the registration and georeferencing, as they must be interconnected with the points
measured in the exterior. However, the greatest disadvantage of TLS is the weak optical
1 Data should be saved with utmost transparency, especially in the case of multi-floor manor houses with many rooms,
where both IbM and TLS methods are applied; otherwise, it can later be very difficult to associate individual datasets with
specific spaces.
120 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
sensor for making composite images, which serve for the generation of RGB values of the
point cloud and are often the only source for texturing the final 3D model. The lighting
conditions of internal areas are inadequate and of poor quality and this significantly
devalues the texture of the resulting model. The only effective solution is to texture the
model, on the grounds of TLS data, in external software using the images made with DSLR.
IbM indisputably proved to be the effective method for 3D digitisation of external facades
and roofs. A high monopod stand or an UAV are usually required for the documentation of
roof areas and upper floors. The application of TLS is significantly limited in such cases.2
The experience from the case studies shows that, the crucial advantage of applying IbM for
documenting architectonic exterior (as well as interior) is, from the perspective of accuracy
and quality of the resulting model, the quality and sufficient depth of field of the images.
These aspects often depend considerably on the light parameters of the environment in
which the documentation takes place. Although unfavourable weather conditions can
partially be compensated by editing RAW files prior to their processing, sometimes the
quality of final images cannot be improved sufficiently to create a ‘clean’ 3D model.
The structure of the documented surface can also represent a problem. The basis for a
clean resulting 3D model with good resolution is the sufficient number of SIFT points3 de-
tected on input images at the stage of bundle adjustment of the SfM process. Insufficient
number of SIFT points (or else ‘key points’) has, as a consequence, noise of the dense
point cloud and substantial errors in the resulting 3D model (Figs. 70, 71). The number
of captured SIFT points is, to a significant degree, determined by geometry and texture
of the surface of the structure documented (Figure 72). The experience from the case
studies demonstrates that, flat facades with smooth, monochromatic plastering do not
have sufficient amount of texture components and curvature of the surface for detecting
the necessary number of SIFT points and the successful final product – the accurate and
clean, high-resolution 3D model. As it turns out, standard editing of the input data – the
individual images – solves the problem only partially (Figure 73). Apparently, the best
solution is to apply strong HDR filtration, which will highlight on the images even very
small colour hues as well as minimum irregularities of the surface; this will give texture and
plasticity to individual images (Figure 74). However, the increase of plasticity and texture
structuring of an image comes at the cost of authenticity of the colour spectrum.4 Thus,
HDR-filtered images cannot be used for texturing of the resulting 3D model.5
The documentation of the premises of the manor house in Žehra, Hodkovce showed that,
the combination of TLS and IbM is ideal from the perspective of achieving the highest
possible accuracy. TLS guarantees calibrated accuracy of the data measured and, espe-
cially, a low level of noise, which is very important in the case of smooth surfaces (such
as building walls). IbM enables capturing elevated parts of the structures (such as upper
floors and roofs) through the use of an UAV and, at the same time, can be a source of
quality texturing of the resulting 3D model.
2 Examples of connecting a TLS to a movable platform of an UAV have occurred recently, but this approach is still in its
developmental stage and not common.
3 SIFT points can be identified with key points defined in Agisoft Photoscan,
4 HDR creates false colour spectrum of images.
5 The original images without HDR toning must be used for texturing. They should have the same name as the images
used for creation of the model itself. It is sufficient to change the folder of source images in the stage of texturing.
Figure 70. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church, exterior. Example of a noisy mesh resulting
from insufficient number of SIFT points detected on unedited photos. A: clean mesh derived from TLS
data, B: noisy mesh resulting from IbM using unedited photos.
122 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
Figure 71. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house, exterior, tympanon. Example of noisy data
resulting from insufficient number of SIFT points. A: insufficient number of SIFT points, B: sparse tie
points with the lack of surface geometry, C: dense point cloud with the noisy part magnified, D: mesh
with the distorted part of the surface magnified.
Figure 72. Distribution of SIFT points (key points) detected by bundle adjustment.
A: raw stone structure, B: flat facade covered with single-colour fine plaster.
Figure 73. Examples of photo editing as a part of the pre-processing of raw data.
Software DxO Optics Pro. A: raw photo, B: edited photo.
124 J án Z achar , P erica Š pehar
Figure 74. Example of HDR filtering/toning of photos leading to better quality of the final 3D model
(mesh) on one hand, and false colour information on the other. A: mesh built from photos with
default settings, B: mesh built from HDR-toned photos.
Ján Zachar (Via Magna) & Marko A. Janković (University of Belgrade)
Architectural remains of castles are quite distinctive compared to other types of buildings
regarding the degree of preservation and the landscape in which they are located. Both
factors significantly influence the digitisation strategy. As already stated in the case of
‘standard’ architecture, the spatial organisation and height considerably increase demands
on the digitising techniques. This applies even more to castle architecture. The remains
of castle buildings are often found in various stages of destruction and thus structures
have complex forms. Given the predominantly vertical elements, the effective collection
of data is even more complicated, especially in terms of recording upper floors. Moreover,
the majority of castle ruins is situated in an environment characterised by irregular terrain
and often with dense low or high vegetation. This creates natural obstacles and shadows
in the photo-documentation and can be a highly limiting factor for the performance of
techniques and tools used in the collection of data, such as an UAV.
Two castle complexes were selected as case studies within the framework of the CONPRA
project. They are different, especially in terms of the natural landscape in which they are
situated. The environment of Čachtice castle is composed of relatively open space with
small areas under forest and a relatively regular terrain around the castle premises. On the
contrary, Dobrá Voda castle is situated in a densely forested area with marked elevations
of the terrain underlying different parts of the castle complex.
All case studies were processed in a workstation with the following parameters: Intel Xeon
CPU E5-2620 v2@ 2,10 GHz, RAM 128 GB, GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 3GB, OS W8.
In the case of TLS application, the resolution was always set to 6 mm per 10 meters. For
IbM, Agisoft Photoscan software was used with the following parameters set for the batch
processing workflow: step – align photos (high accuracy with the key point limit of 40,000
126 J án Z achar , M arko A. J anković
and the tie point limit of 20,000 points); step – refinement of alignment (decreasing of
global re-projection error to max. 1px); step – build dense point cloud (medium quality,
aggressive depth filtering); step – build mesh (arbitrary surface type, dense point cloud
as source data, interpolation enabled, custom face count: various values); and step –
build texture (generic mapping mode, texture from all cameras, blending mode Mosaic,
texture size 4096, texture count 1, and no colour correction). In case of CapturingReality
RC, the parameters were as follows: step – align photos (max. feature per image 80,000,
pre-selector feature 40,000, image overlap medium, detector sensitivity medium, max.
re-projection error 2px); step – reconstruction (normal detail); step – build texture (Guter
3, texture resolution 8192, large triangle removal threshold 10, maximal texture count
style, visibility based texture style).
Čachtice, Castle
Site type: Castle
Location: Čachtice, Nové Mesto nad Váhom District, W Slovakia
Dating: 13th-16th century
Recorded parts: Complete castle area
Recording technology: IbM
Recording equipment: Camera Sony Nex 7, UAV
Software: CapturingReality RC, CloudCompare 2.7
Record: Scaled 3D model (mesh) (Figs. 75, 76)
Short description: The Čachtice castle is situated on the top of a limestone peak in Malé
Karpaty mountains. The former frontier castle served as a control point
at the border between the Myjava and the Váh valleys. The oldest part
of the castle, dated to the 13th century, is the main pentagonal tower
situated at a prominent point of the terrain. During the 14th and the 15th
century, intensive building activity resulted in a new built area north of
the main tower. New fortification features (cannon bastions), parts of
the lower ward and some wall sections were added to the construction
at the end of the 15th century. The final major building activities are
dated to the 16th century when a complete reconstruction of the upper
part of the castle was conducted and new architectural features were
added to the lower ward (Plaček, Bóna 2007, p. 91-93). The project’s
aim was to digitise the complete historical landscape setting before the
reconstruction works commenced (in 2013). The recording was carried
out by IbM, which was facilitated by the relative openness of the area,
with only few obstacles to the visibility of the architecture. The raw data
was collected with an UAV (light sailplane equipped with a camera).
Figure 75. Čachtice (Slovakia). Castle, 13th-17th century. IbM (148 photos 12Mpx).
Distribution of cameras during photo taking.
128 J án Z achar , M arko A. J anković
Figure 76. Čachtice (Slovakia). Castle, 13th-17th century. Isometric views of the textured 3D model.
Figure 77. Dobrá Voda castle, 13-16th century. TLS (150 TLS stations).
Isometric views of the shaded 3D model.
130 J án Z achar , M arko A. J anković
Figure 78. Dobrá Voda (Slovakia). Castle, 13-16th century. TLS. A: nadir view of the 3D model
of the castle’s ground plan, B: isometric view of the model of the castle complex.
Figure 79. Dobrá Voda (Slovakia). Castle, 13-16th century. TLS. A: isometric view of the 3D model
of the outer walls of the upper castle, B: view of the inner facade of the upper palace.
132 J án Z achar , M arko A. J anković
The main characteristic of the digitisation of sculptures and movable items of cultural
heritage, that distinguishes it from the documentation of buildings and archaeological
sites, is the size of the documented item. It usually does not exceed the size of the human
body, if we do not count monumental sculptures that were not subject to research.1 A
special category of cultural heritage includes museum objects, historical sacral furniture
and outdoor historical sculptures. The digitisation of an object performed in the interior
poses a specific problem from the perspective of light parameters and parameters of the
available space.
The case studies were processed in notebook Lenovo Y50 (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ
CPU@ 2,50 GHz, RAM 16 GB, GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M, OS W8). In the case of SLS
application, Artec Eva with Artec Studio 10 software was used. Artec Studio enables the
whole workflow pipeline, from scanning through fine registration of particular scans, their
alignment and subsequent global registration, up to the fusion encompassing removal of
outliers and mesh generation with sharp or smooth fusion algorithm. The final step refers
to the mesh simplification and its texturing (Figure 80).
For IbM, Agisoft Photoscan softwarwe was used with the following parameters set for
the batch processing workflow: step – align photos (high accuracy with the key point
limit of 40,000 and the tie point limit of 20,000 points); step – refinement of alignment
(decreasing of global re-projection error to max. 1px); step – build dense point cloud (me-
dium quality, aggressive depth filtering); step – build mesh (arbitrary surface type, dense
1 Large monumental statues, high plague columns and monuments fall into the category of immovable objects; the
principles defined in the chapter about the digitisation of architectural objects also apply to these.
134 J án Z achar , N enad J ončić
point cloud as source data, interpolation enabled, custom face count: various values), and
step – build texture (generic mapping mode, texture from all cameras, blending mode
Mosaic, texture size 4096 texture count 1, and no colour correction) (Figure 81). When
using CapturingReality RC, the parameters were as follows: step – align photos (max.
feature per image 120,000, pre-selector feature 60,000, image overlap medium, detector
sensitivity medium, max. re- projection error 2px); step – reconstruction (normal detail);
step – build texture (Guter 3, texture resolution 8192, large triangle removal threshold
10, maximal texture count style, visibility based texture style) (Figure 82.).
Figure 80. Workspace of Artec Studio with the settings used for processing scans.
Figure 83. Sculptures of St. John Nepomuk and St. Florian, IbM. Positions of the cameras during
photo taking. A: St. Florien (186 photos 24Mpx), B: St. John Nepomuk (269 photos 24Mpx).
Figure 84. Sculpture of St. John Nepomuk. A: textured 3D model, B: shaded 3D model.
Figure 87. Sculpture of the Virgin Mary, Nové Mesto nad Váhom (Slovakia), 18th century.
A: textured 3D model, B: shaded 3D model visualised in the ambient occlusion mode,
C: shaded 3D model – detail.
140 J án Z achar , N enad J ončić
Figure 88. Altar sculptures, church of St. Barbara, Žilina. SLS Artec Eva.
Visualisation of particular scans (each scan is depicted with a unique colour) in Artec Studio.
A: St. Joachim. 30 scans, B: Baroque angel, 29 scans.
142 J án Z achar , N enad J ončić
Figure 89. Altar sculptures, church of St. Barbara, Žilina. SLS Artec Eva. 3D model of the Baroque
angel. A: textured model, B: shaded model with ambient occlusion filter applied.
Figure 90. Altar sculptures, church of St. Barbara, Žilina. SLS Artec Eva. 3D model of St. Joachim.
A: textured model, B: shaded model with ambient occlusion filter applied.
Figure 91. Plaster copy of the Virgin Mary sculpture (15th century, original), Žilina. SLS Artec Eva.
A: visualisation of particular scans (each scan depicted with a unique colour)
in Artec Studio (20 scans), B: visualisation of the final mesh (3D model) in Artec Studio.
144 J án Z achar , N enad J ončić
Figure 92. Plaster copy of the Virgin Mary sculpture (15th century, original), Žilina. SLS Artec Eva.
Shaded model with ambient occlusion filter applied.
Ceramic pot
Site: Bratislava Castle, south-western Slovakia
Object: Pot
Material: Ceramics
Dating: 9th century
Recording technology: SLS, IbM
Recording equipment: Artec Eva Scanner, camera Nikon D90 (optics AF-S Nikkor 16-85 f/3.5-5.6
Software: Artec Studio 10, Agisoft Photoscan Pro1.0.0, CloudCompare 2.7
Record: Scaled 3D model (mesh) (Figure 93)
Short description: Both IbM and SLS (Artec Eva) were used in the digitisation. For IbM,
monochromatic background was used and images were taken by the walk-
around method. After the upper part and the inside of the vessel were
photographed, the vessel was turned over for photographing the lower part
and the bottom. The sequences of images from both sets of photographs
were processed at the same time. No special lighting was used.
Figure 95. Fragment of a vault rib, 14th-15th century, Nové Mesto nad Váhom. SLS Artec Eva.
Cross-section generation in Artec Studio software.
148 J án Z achar , N enad J ončić
Prehistoric sculptures
Site: Vinča, Serbia
Object: Prehistoric sculptures
Material: Ceramics
Dating: Neolithic
Recording technology: IbM
Recording equipment: Camera Nikon D5100 (optics AF-S Nikkor 16-85 f/3.5-5.6 ED VR DX)
Software: Agisoft Photoscan Pro1.0.0, CloudCompare 2.7
Record: Scaled 3D model (mesh) (Figs. 96 - 98)
Short description: Outdoor recording in IbM (‘turntable method’, natural light; camera placed
on a stand, photos were taken by remote control). The movement (SfM
principle), was provided by manual rotation of the object. The object was
photographed in several 360 degree-rotation sequences to capture all of
its parts. Since the photos were taken with a monochromatic background,
they did not have to be de-masked during the processing stage. Processing
of all photographed sequences was done at the same time.
Figure 96. Positions of photographs taken within the IbM ‘turntable method’.
Software: Capturing Reality RC. Although the camera was static and the object was turned on the
turntable, software treats the whole procedure as SfM, i.e. as if the camera was moving.
Left window – nadir view, right window – side view. A: ritual object made of clay (46 photos 12Mpx),
B: ritual object made of clay (113 photos 12Mpx).
Figure 97. Clay prosopomorphic lids, Neolithic period. IbM, turntable method.
A: textured 3D model, B: shaded 3D model.
Figure 98. Clay object, Vinča, Neolithic period. IbM, turntable method.
A: textured 3D model, B: shaded 3D model.
150 J án Z achar , N enad J ončić
The application of both IbM and SLS methods for the 3D documentation of sculptures
and movable objects is a valid approach, whereby each method has its specific benefits
and problems. The SLS of Artec Eva type currently represents probably the most widely
used type of portable handheld scanner utilising the technology of structured light with
declared point accuracy of 0.1 mm and the 3D resolution of 0.5 mm. The most frequent
and most effective application is in the documentation of objects of small to medium size
in interior spaces.
The Artec Eva instrument operates at the distance range of 40-100 cm from the docu-
mented object. This limits its usefulness for capturing very small objects, where it is more
suitable to apply another type of the Artec series – Artec Spider, which can capture the
surface already from the distance of 17 cm, thus allowing recording of very fine details.
The ideal solution is to use both types of scanners (Eva for general views and Spider for
intricate details). If only Artec Eva is used, it must be taken into account that some details
of the documented surface can be accessible from the operational distance only with
difficulty (e.g. inward-facing surface of folds of draperies in sculptures, etc.) and that it is
necessary to scan them repeatedly from various positions. It is also necessary to practice
scanning in order to successfully use and manoeuvre Artec Eva. This mainly relates to the
method of tracking (capturing frames), which requires smooth and slow but at the same
time continuous movement of the scanner. Too rapid movements, as well as non-com-
pliance with the recommended distance from the object, can lead to the loss of tracking.
The course of scanning can be followed through the interface of native software (Artec
Studio) on a notebook or tablet to which the scanner is connected. This presupposes
mastering simultaneous tracking of own movement around the documented object and
observing the display of the notebook/tablet.
A substantial benefit of SLS application for indoor documentation is the fact that the
process can also take place under unfavourable light conditions without the need for
any special lighting. On the other hand, the application of SLS in an external space is
significantly limited, as the system does not work in (intensive) sunlight.
The most effective way of data collection for IbM in the exterior is the walk-around meth-
od, in which the person scans the whole surface of the object by moving around it in
several sequences. The number of sequences depends on the height and the general
appearance of the object. This procedure is particularly well-suited for 3D documentation
of historical sculptures. If IbM is used for the documentation of movable objects in the
interior, it is better to use the turntable method because, in order to obtain sharp and
high-quality images, the object of documentation must be well-illuminated. In the walk-
around method, the light equipment needs to be constantly shifted and the documenter
needs to move around the object; this can represent a significant obstacle if the space
available for documenting is limited. Further, lighting of the object documented must
be of diffuse nature in order to prevent the creation of strong shadows, which, from the
perspective of 3D documentation, represent a ‘dead zone’. Diffuse lighting can be best
achieved by two oppositely placed light sources whose beams are aimed at the centre
of the area documented, whereby the emitted light beams are diffused by a transparent
material (translucent sheet, crepe paper, etc.) placed between the object and the light
2 Technically, the simplest method of masking, using the principle of difference between pixels in the raster, is to use
specialised software (e.g. Adobe Photoshop) and subsequently export the masking layer together with the respective raster
as an alpha channel. The majority of IbM software is able to identify the alpha channel of a raster and thus automatically
import the masking layer of individual images.
Milan Horňák (Via Magna)
List of abbreviations:
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange, file Format read-
able in many software,
BIM Software for building information modelling, process involving the gen-
eration of digiral representations of places, BIM files
CAA International organization of specialists in computer sciences in
CAD Computer aided drawing
CCD Charged-coupled device, integrated circuit on silicon surface forming
light sensitive pixels
CPU Computer processing unit, colloquially “computer processor”
DEM Digital elevation model (3D representation of terrain surface with a prime
intention of elevation visualisation)
DSLR Digital single lens reflex camera
DOF Depth of field (one of the basic camera settings)
DWG AutoCad native file format
EXIF Exchangeable image (file) format
FLS Farp software native file format
GCP Ground control points (reference points measured by TS or GNSS Rtk
Rover using to georeference 3D model)
GIMP GNU Image manipulation program (open-source software for image
GNSS Global navigation satellite system
GPU Graphic processing unit, colloqially “computer graphic card”
EV Exposure values (one of the basic camera settings)
HDR High dynamic range (technique used in imaging and photography to
create a greater dynamic range of luminosity than it is possible with
standard digital imaging techniques)
IbM Image-based modeling (scanning technology using photos as raw
data, sometimes referred to as 3D photogrammetry)
ISO (values) Values for measuring the sensitivity of the image sensor in camera
ISPRS International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
LAS File format, freequently for storing the LIDAR data, similar as LAZ
LCD Liquid cristal display
156 List of abbreviations
Figure 17C. Rajec, Charubina (Slovakia). Remains of dwellings from the Bronze Age.
3D model. IbM (193 photos, 12Mpx). Shaded 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Figure 18. Rajec, Charubina (Slovakia). Remains of dwellings from the Bronze Age.
An example of 2D documentation. A: digital elevation model (DEM), B: georeferenced orthophoto
plan derived from the 3D model, C: vectorisation of the georeferenced orthophoto plan. . . . . . . 59
Figure 19. Mošovce (Slovakia). Remains of an Early Roman industrial area. An example of
2D documentation. A: DEM, B: georeferenced orthophoto plan derived from the 3D model. . . . . .60
Figure 20A-C. Mošovce (Slovakia). Remains of an industrial zone, early Roman period.
IbM (78 photos,12Mpx). A: position of the cameras, B: textured 3D model, C: shaded 3D model. . .61
Figure 21. Bratislava, Castle, northern terrace. Remains of the open settlement,
partly destroyed by a later quarry, 10-12th century. 3D model. IbM (352 photos, 12Mpx).
A: textured 3D model, B: shaded 3D model, C: georeferenced orthophoto plan. . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Figure 22. Senec, Synagogue (Slovakia). Remains of the economic section of the synagogue,
with an oven and a mikveh, 19th century. IbM (1452 photos, 24 Mpx).
A, B: textured 3D model, C, D: shaded 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Figure 23. Senec, Synagogue (Slovakia). Remains of the economic section of the synagogue.
Cross-section documentation derived from the 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Figure 24. Senec, Synagogue (Slovakia). Remains of the economic section of the synagogue
– detail of the oven, 19th century. IbM. A: textured 3D model, B: shaded 3D model. . . . . . . . . . 66
Figure 25A. Skalka nad Váhom (Slovakia). Remains of a medieval monastery, 14th-17th century.
Textured 3D model combining the results from two archaeological seasons (see also Figure 25B)
that focused on uncovering the west wing of the clausura. IbM (425 photos, 12+24Mpx). . . . . . .67
Figure 25B. Skalka nad Váhom (Slovakia). Remains of a medieval monastery, 14th-17th century.
Textured 3D model combining the results from two archaeological seasons (see also Figure 25A)
that focused on uncovering the west wing of the clausura. IbM (425 photos, 12+24Mpx). . . . . . .68
Figure 25C. Skalka nad Váhom (Slovakia). Remains of a medieval monastery, 14th-17th century.
Textured 3D model – detail of medieval hypocaust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Figure 26. Skalka nad Váhom (Slovakia). Remains of a medieval monastery, 14th -17th century.
Examples of 2D documentation derived from the 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Figure 27. Čachtice (Slovakia). Medieval castle, 13th-16th century. 3D model of the eastern palace
during the restoration process. IbM (250 photos, 12Mpx). Top – section through the interior of the
eastern portion of the structure, bottom – isometric view of the same area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Figure 28. Čachtice (Slovakia). Medieval castle, 13th-16th century. Archaeological trench K25
in the eastern palace. IbM (65 photos, 12Mpx). A: ground plan of the castle with indicated
location of the documented trench, B: solid 3D model of the trench with the texture map,
C: DEM with different forms of visualisation (analytical hillshading and hypsometry),
D: orthophoto plan, E: cross-sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Figure 29. Čachtice (Slovakia). Medieval castle, 13th-16th century. Archaeological trench S3 in the
eastern palace. IbM (30 photos, 12Mpx) A: location of the trench within the castle,
B: solid 3D model of the trench with the texture map, C: DEM with different forms of visualisation
(analytical hillshading and hypsometry), D: orthophoto plan of the layout and the profiles,
E: cross-sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Figure 30. Brazda, Archaeopark (Macedonia). Remains of the stone-built tomb, 5th century BC.
DEM derived from the 3D model. A: analytical hillshading, B: hypsometry, C: contours. . . . . . . . 73
Figure 31. Brazda, Archaeopark (Macedonia). Remains of the stone-built tomb, 5th century BC.
3D model. IbM (476 photos, 24 Mpx). A,B: nadir view, C-F: isometric views. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
Figure 32. Brazda, Archaeopark (Macedonia). Remains of the stone-built tomb, 5th century BC.
Examples of 2D documentation derived from the 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
List of figures and tables 159
Figure 33. Bratislava, Castle, northern terrace. Roman-style Building 2, 1st century BC.
3D model. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) in combination with IbM.
A, B: textured 3D model, C, D: shaded 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Figure 34. Bratislava, Castle, northern terrace. Remains of a residential structure, 16th century.
3D model. IbM (534 photos, 12Mpx).
A: distribution of measured ground control points (GCP), B, C: textured 3D model. . . . . . . . . . .77
Figure 35. Bratislava, Castle, north terrace. Remains of a residential structure, 16th century.
A, B: DEM derived from the 3D model, C: Georeferenced orthophoto plan
derived from the 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Figure 36. Bratislava, Castle, northern terrace. Roman-style Building, 1st century BC.
Examples of 2D documentation deliverables derived from the 3D model.
View of the cross-section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Figure 37. Považský Castle (Slovakia). North palace structure, 16th century.
IbM (366 photos, 24Mpx). A, B: textured 3D model, C, D: shaded 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
Figure 38. Považský Castle (Slovakia). North palace structure, 16th century.
Examples of 2D documentation deliverables derived from the 3D model.
A: groundplan orthophoto, B: profile orthophoto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Figure 39. Bratislava Castle. A: broader area documented only with oblique photos,
B: without verticals, resulting in a noisy sparse cloud, C: with large number of points
with a high re-projection error that needs refinement in the iterative process. . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Figure 40. A: Types of calibrated coded and non-coded targets, B: the process of automatic
recognition of coded and non-coded targets in Agisoft Photoscan.
(Available at: http://www.agisoft.com/pdf/tips_and_tricks/CHI_Calibrated_Scale_Bar
_Placement_and_Processing.pdf) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Figure 41. Jazernica, Medieval church, 15th century. IbM (586 photos, 12+24 Mpx).
A: distribution of cameras, B: dense point cloud, C,D: textured 3D model – isometric view,
E and F: textured 3D model – ortho-view of the facades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
Figure 42. Renaissance Town Hall in Rajec, Slovakia. IbM (576 photos, 12Mpx).
A: camera positions, B: sparse point cloud before reprojection C: sparse point cloud
after the reprojection, D: dense point cloud, E: meshed 3D model, E: textured 3D model. . . . . . .88
Figure 43. Rajec, Renaissance Town Hall, 16th century. IbM.
A: textured 3D model – isometric view, B: textured 3D model – ortho-view of the facade. . . . . . . 89
Figure 44. Sazdice (Slovakia). Medieval church, 14th century. IbM (249 photos, 24Mpx).
A: distribution of cameras, B: sparse point cloud, C: sense point cloud, D: meshed 3D model. . . . . 90
Figure 45. Sazdice (Slovakia). Medieval church, 14th century. IbM.
Textured 3D model – isometric view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91
Figure 46. Sazdice (Slovakia). Medieval church, 14th century. IbM.
Textured 3D model – isometric view. Examples of 2D documentation deliverables
derived from the 3D model – ortho-view of the facades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
Figure 47. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house (18-19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS (1520 photos 24Mpx, 41 TLS stations).
Distribution of cameras and stations. A: outer facades, B: inner courtyard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Figure 48. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house (18-19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS. Isometric views. A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model. . . . . . 95
Figure 49. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house (18-19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS. Isometric views. A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model. . . . . . 96
Figure 50. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house (18-19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS. Ortho-views of the facades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
Figure 51. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house (18-19th century), interior – 3 levels.
TLS (168 TLS stations). Shaded 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
160 List of figures and tables
Figure 52. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house (18-19th century), exterior. . . . . . . . . . . . 98
A: example of 2D vectorisation of ortho-rectified east facade, B: example of 2D documentation
derived from the 3D model – cross-section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
Figure 53. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS (713 photos 24Mpx, 10 TLS stations).
Distribution of cameras and stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Figure 54. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS. Isometric views. A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model. . . . . 101
Figure 55. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS. Isometric views. A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model. . . . . 102
Figure 56. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), exterior.
IbM in combination with TLS. Ortho-views of the facades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Figure 57. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), interior.
TLS (9 TLS stations). Dense point cloud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Figure 58. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), interior.
Isometric views. A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Figure 59. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church (19th century), exterior.
Example of 2D vectorisation of ortho-rectified south facade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Figure 60. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic park architecture (19th century), exterior.
IbM (325 photos 24Mpx). Isometric views of the textured 3D model.
A: visualisation with normals, B: visualisation without normals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Figure 61. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Farm building (19th century), exterior.
IbM (472 photos, 24Mpx). A: dense point cloud, B: Example of 2D documentation
derived from the 3D model – view of the facade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Figure 62. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Park, 19th century. IbM (800 photos 24Mpx).
A: distribution of cameras, B: nadir view of the textured D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Figure 63. Banská Belá (Slovakia). Mining site, 15th century. IbM (691 photos 24Mpx).
Isometric views. A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Figure 65. Banská Belá (Slovakia). Mining site, 15th century.
Example of 2D documentation derived from the 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Figure 64. Banská Belá (Slovakia). Mining site, 15th century. IbM.
Isometric views A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Figure 66. Rajec (Slovakia). Burgess house (16th century), cellar. IbM (217 photos 12Mpx).
A: example of raw photos with markers indicating control points, B: distribution of cameras. . . . 116
Figure 67. Rajec (Slovakia). Burgess house (16th century), cellar. IbM modeling.
Depiction of the alignment of cellar rooms processed individually through the control points. . . . 117
Figure 68. Rajec (Slovakia). Burgess house (16th c.). IbM, Isometric view of the cellar interior. . . . 117
Figure 69. Rajec (Slovakia). Burgess house (16th century), cellar.
IbM. Isometric views of the exterior. A: shaded 3D model, B: textured 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . 118
Figure 70. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Neo-Gothic church, exterior. Example of a noisy mesh
resulting from insufficient number of SIFT points detected on unedited photos.
A: clean mesh derived from TLS data, B: noisy mesh resulting from IbM using unedited photos. . . 121
Figure 71. Žehra, Hodkovce (Slovakia). Manor house, exterior, tympanon. Example of noisy data
resulting from insufficient number of SIFT points. A: insufficient number of SIFT points,
B: sparse tie points with the lack of surface geometry, C: dense point cloud with the noisy part
magnified, D: mesh with the distorted part of the surface magnified. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Figure 72. Distribution of SIFT points (key points) detected by bundle adjustment.
A: raw stone structure, B: flat facade covered with single-colour fine plaster. . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
List of figures and tables 161
Figure 73. Examples of photo editing as a part of the pre-processing of raw data.
Software DxO Optics Pro. A: raw photo, B: edited photo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Figure 74. Example of HDR filtering/toning of photos leading to better quality of the final
3D model (mesh) on one hand, and false colour information on the other.
A: mesh built from photos with default settings, B: mesh built from HDR-toned photos. . . . . . . 124
Figure 75. Čachtice (Slovakia). Castle, 13th-17th century. IbM (148 photos 12Mpx).
Distribution of cameras during photo taking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Figure 76. Čachtice (Slovakia). Castle, 13th-17th century.
Isometric views of the textured 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Figure 77. Dobrá Voda castle, 13-16th century. TLS (150 TLS stations).
Isometric views of the shaded 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Figure 78. Dobrá Voda (Slovakia). Castle, 13-16th century. TLS. A: nadir view of the 3D model
of the castle’s ground plan, B: isometric view of the model of the castle complex. . . . . . . . . . . 130
Figure 79. Dobrá Voda (Slovakia). Castle, 13-16th century. TLS. A: isometric view of the 3D model
of the outer walls of the upper castle, B: view of the inner facade of the upper palace. . . . . . . . 131
Figure 80. Workspace of Artec Studio with the settings used for processing scans. . . . . . . . . . 134
Figure 81. Workspace of Agisoft Photoscan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Figure 82. Workspace of CapturingReality RC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Figure 83. Sculptures of St. John Nepomuk and St. Florian, IbM. Positions of the cameras during
photo taking. A: St. Florien (186 photos 24Mpx), B: St. John Nepomuk (269 photos 24Mpx). . . . . 136
Figure 84. Sculpture of St. John Nepomuk. A: textured 3D model, B: shaded 3D model. . . . . . . 137
Figure 85. Sculpture of St. Florian. A: textured 3D model, B: shaded 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Figure 86. Nové Mesto nad Váhom (Slovakia). Sculpture of the Virgin Mary, 18th century.
IbM (184 photos 12Mpx). Distribution of cameras during photo taking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Figure 87. Sculpture of the Virgin Mary, Nové Mesto nad Váhom (Slovakia), 18th century.
A: textured 3D model, B: shaded 3D model visualised in the ambient occlusion mode,
C: shaded 3D model – detail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Figure 88. Altar sculptures, church of St. Barbara, Žilina. SLS Artec Eva.
Visualisation of particular scans (each scan is depicted with a unique colour) in Artec Studio.
A: St. Joachim. 30 scans, B: Baroque angel, 29 scans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Figure 89. Altar sculptures, church of St. Barbara, Žilina. SLS Artec Eva. 3D model of the Baroque
angel. A: textured model, B: shaded model with ambient occlusion filter applied. . . . . . . . . . . 142
Figure 90. Altar sculptures, church of St. Barbara, Žilina. SLS Artec Eva. 3D model of St. Joachim.
A: textured model, B: shaded model with ambient occlusion filter applied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Figure 91. Plaster copy of the Virgin Mary sculpture (15th century, original), Žilina. SLS Artec Eva.
A: visualisation of particular scans (each scan depicted with a unique colour)
in Artec Studio (20 scans), B: visualisation of the final mesh (3D model) in Artec Studio. . . . . . . 143
Figure 92. Plaster copy of the Virgin Mary sculpture (15th century, original), Žilina. SLS Artec Eva.
Shaded model with ambient occlusion filter applied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Figure 93. Clay vessel, 9th century, Bratislava Castle. SLS Artec Eva. A: visualisation of
particular scans (each scan is depicted with a unique colour) in Artec Studio (13 scans),
B: visualisation of the textured final mesh (3D model) in Artec Studio.
C: visualisation of the shaded final mesh (3D model) in Artec Studio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Figure 94. Fragment of a vault rib, 14th-15th century. Nové Mesto nad Váhom. SLS Artec Eva,
A: Visualisation of particular scans (each scan depicted with a unique colour) in Artec Studio
(3 scans), B: Visualisation of the textured final mesh (3D model) in Artec Studio,
C: Visualisation of the shaded final mesh (3D model) in Artec Studio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
162 List of figures and tables
Figure 95. Fragment of a vault rib, 14th-15th century, Nové Mesto nad Váhom. SLS Artec Eva.
Cross-section generation in Artec Studio software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Figure 96. Positions of photographs taken within the IbM ‘turntable method’. Software: Capturing
Reality RC. Although the camera was static and the object was turned on the turntable, software
treats the whole procedure as SfM, i.e. as if the camera was moving. Left window – nadir view,
right window – side view. A: ritual object made of clay (46 photos 12Mpx),
B: ritual object made of clay (113 photos 12Mpx). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Figure 97. Clay prosopomorphic lids, Neolithic period. IbM, turntable method.
A: textured 3D model, B: shaded 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Figure 98. Clay object, Vinča, Neolithic period. IbM, turntable method.
A: textured 3D model, B: shaded 3D model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Table 1. Overview of the most commonly used point cloud editing and meshing software. . . . . . .29
Table 2. Comparison of light and laser technologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Table 3. Overview of the most commonly used IbM software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Table 4. Overview of the most commonly used RAW file editing software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Table 5. Overview of the most commonly used HDR software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Table 6: Overview of the most commonly used software enabling HDR filtering. . . . . . . . . . . .48
Table 7. Commonly used mesh editing software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
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Subject Index
FLS 29 projects 24
Fusion HDR 48 protection 7, 8, 10, 11
(various) 10, 11
G high dynamic range (see HDR)
GCP 28, 29, 35, 36, 43, 50, 57, 64, 67, 77, hillshading 71-73
81, 93, 110, 112, 119, 129, 132, 151 Hodkovce 32, 93-111, 120-122
Geomagic Design X 28, 29, 51 hypocaust 67, 68
Geomagic Wrap 28, 29, 51 hypsometry 71-73
geophysics 9
georeference (-ing, -ed) 35, 40, 41, 50, I
55-57, 59, 60, 62, 64, 70, 73, 76, 78, IbM 38, 39, 42-45, 49, 50, 54-58, 60-62,
79, 81, 82, 86, 93, 99, 106, 108, 110, 64-68, 70,-74, 76, 77, 79, 81, 82, 85-
115, 129 97, 99-103, 106-121, 125, 127, 129,
geoTIFF 50 132, 133, 136, 138, 145, 148-151,
GIMP 47 154
GIS 9, 22, 36, 50, 82 iconograpic 138
GNSS 49, 55, 57, 60, 62, 64, 67, 70, 73, 76, interpolation 54, 86, 126, 134
79, 93, 99, 106, 108, 110, 129 Iraq 21
Gothic 86, 90 ISO 46, 108, 119
GPS 35, 43 isometric (view) 70, 74, 87, 89, 91, 92, 95,
differential 13, 49, 53, 55, 57, 60, 62, 96, 101, 102, 104, 107, 113, 114, 117,
64, 67, 70, 73, 76, 79, 93, 99, 106, 118, 128-131
108, 110, 129 ISPRS 19
GPU 32, 54, 85, 125, 133
Greece 21 J
Ground Control Points (see GCP) Jazernica 86, 87
Jesuits 67
filter(ing) 47, 99, 106, 108, 120, 124 key points 39, 45, 120, 122
photos 46, 47 Koscelisko 55, 56
processing 119
software 48 L
toning 120, 124 La Tène 60, 76
(various) 47, 120 landscape 24, 25, 43, 50, 60, 125, 127,
HDR Efex Pro 48 132
HDR Expose 48 LAS 24, 29
HDR Projects 4 48 laser scan(ning)
heritage airborne 24
archaeological 5, 8, 40 terrestrial 13, 25, 154
cultural 11, 14, 17, 19, 23, 27, 34, 40, (various) 8, 14, 16, 23-28, 30, 31, 54,
53, 81, 85, 133, 154 77, 86
digital 19 LAZ 24, 29
historical 154 LCD (projector) 30
management 14, 23, 30 lense(s) 27, 43, 45, 47, 49
objects 16, 25 LIDAR 8-10, 24, 29
Macedonia 73-75 Oloneo HDR 48
Machinery HDR 48 ON1 Photo 10 47
MacPhun Creative Kit 47 open-source 29, 40, 42, 47, 48, 51, 154
Malé Karpaty 127 orthophoto 34-36, 40, 41, 43, 50, 55-57,
manor house 32, 93-98, 110, 118, 120, 122 59, 60, 62-64, 67, 70-73, 76, 78-82,
map(ping) 8, 17, 22, 24, 33, 35, 36, 46, 54, 86-90, 92, 93, 97-99, 103, 105, 108,
86, 126, 134 110, 112, 115, 129, 153
mask(ing) 46, 49, 136, 138, 148, 151 orthorectification 35-38
masonry 37, 63, 67, 76, 81, 108, 132
MayaArch3D 21 P
Medieval 18, 67-72, 76, 86, 87, 90-92, Paint.NET 47
112, 129, 143 park 54, 73-75, 80, 93, 99, 106-108, 110,
mesh(ing) 15, 16, 19, 24, 28, 29, 32, 38, 111
39, 41, 45, 50, 51, 54, 55, 57, 60, 62, Phase One Capture One Pro 47
64, 67, 70, 73, 76, 79, 82, 85, 86, 88, phase-shift (see PS)
90, 93, 99, 106, 108, 110, 112, 115, photogram 38
121, 122, 124, 126, 127, 129, 132, photogrammetry
133, 136, 138, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148 2D 34-38
Meshlab 19, 28, 29, 51 3D 9, 23, 33, 34
Microsoft Photosynth 19 aerial 34
Microstation 36, 93, 99, 129 close-range 34
micro-copters 43 convergent 35
microcontrast 46 digital 18, 34, 35
Middle Ages 57 single-image 34
mine(–ing) 112-114 (various) 17, 19, 33-35, 153
Modo 51 Photomatix Pro 48
monastery 67-69 Picasa 47
monitor(ing) 10, 14, 21, 24, 40, 153, 154 point cloud 24, 28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 38-41,
mosaic (blending mode) 54, 86, 126, 134 49, 50, 54, 81, 83, 85-90, 99, 103, 109,
Mošovce 60, 61 110, 120, 122, 126, 133, 134
mound 55, 56 pot, pottery 19, 21, 22, 145
multi-view-stereo (see MVS) Poisson reconstruction 29
MVS 13, 40 polygon(al) 15, 16, 24, 99, 129
Myjava 127 PolyWorks 28, 29, 51
Považská Bystrica 79
N Považská Teplá 79
nadir (view) 74, 111, 130, 148 Považský Castle 79, 80
Neo-Gothic 99-108, 121, 140 Prehistory (-ic) 60, 148
Neolithic 21, 148, 149 preventive archaeology (p. context, p.
noise 31, 45-48, 73, 81, 88, 99, 108, 112, excavations, p. research, p. practice,
115, 119, 120, 132, 154 p. projects, p. work) 5-11, 14, 53, 54,
normals 107 57, 60, 62, 67, 70, 76, 79
Nové Mesto nad Váhem 70, 127, 136, 138, prosopomorphic 149
139, 146, 147 PNG 48
NURBS 15, 16, 50 PS 23, 26
VCG 29
vector(isation) 35, 38-40, 50, 56, 59, 82,
98, 105
verticals 83
vessel 16, 145
games 16, 21
documentation 18
projector 30
Vinča 148, 149
Virgin Mary (sculpture) 138, 139, 143,
144, 146
archaeology 18, 19, 21
copy 20
environment 15
model(ling) 17
museum 31
presentations 153
reality 50
reconstruction(s) 10
(re)creation 17
(various) 21, 31
Visual SFM 19, 42
visualisation 10, 17, 20, 21, 29, 50, 71, 72,
107, 141, 143, 145, 146
VRMesh 29
walk-around (method) 44, 45, 138, 150
white (balance) 46, 119
Zbrush 51
Žehra 32, 93-111, 120-122
Žilina 55, 140-144
technology 5, 8, 10, 69
(various) 15, 16, 18, 20, 23, 39, 45,
81, 84, 85, 87