Assignment 4
Assignment 4
Assignment 4
min x2 + 1
s.t. (x − 2)(x − 4) ≤ 0
Figure 1: Q6
(a) For two dimensional data points, the separating hyperplane learnt by a linear SVM will
be a straight line.
(b) In theory, a Gaussian kernel SVM can model any complex separating hyperplane.
(c) For every kernel function used in a SVM, one can obtain a equivalent closed form basis
(d) Overfitting in an SVM is a function of number of support vectors.
6. Consider a two class problem, whose training points are distributed in the figure below. One
possible separating hyperplane is shown in the figure.
7. For a two-class classification problem, we use an SVM classifier and obtain the following
separating hyperplane. We have marked 4 instances of the training data. Identify the point
which will have the most impact on the shape of the boundary on it’s removal.
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
8. For the dataset 1, train linear and radial basis function kernel SVMs. What are the number
of Support Vectors in each of the case?
Figure 2: Q7
9. For dataset 2, train 5 degree polynomial (5 degree, coef0 = 0), 10 degree polynomial (10 degree,
coef0 = 0) and radial basis kernel functions. What are the number of support vectors for each?
(a) 10, 300, 56
(b) 324, 20, 27
(c) 43, 98, 76
(d) 12, 27, 20
10. Based on the previous experiments, which would you think is the ideal classifier for Dataset 1.
(a) Linear SVM
(b) Polynomial SVM
(c) Radial basis SVM