SDT Sample PDF
SDT Sample PDF
SDT Sample PDF
Compiler Design
Spring 2014
Syntax-Directed Translation
Problem 1: Given the Syntax-Directed Definition below construct the annotated parse tree for the input
expression: “int a, b, c”.
L inh=integer, id addType(id.entry,integer)
L inh=integer, id addType(id.entry,integer)
id addType(id.entry,integer)
Problem 2: Given the Syntax-Directed Definition below with the synthesized attribute val, draw the annotated
parse tree for the expression (3+4) * (5+6).
L→E L.val = E.val
E→T E.val = T.val L val =77
E → E1 + T E.val = E1.val + T.val
T→F T.val = F.val E val =77
( E val =7 ) E + T
val =5 val =6
E + T T F val =6
val =3 val =4 val =5
F val =3
lexval =4 digit digit lexval =5
digit lexval =3
Problem 3: Construct a Syntax-Directed Translation scheme that takes strings of a’s, b’s and c’s as input and
produces as output the number of substrings in the input string that correspond to the pattern a(a|b)*c+(a|b)*b. For
example the translation of the input string “abbcabcababc” is “3”.
a) A context-free grammar that generates all strings of a’s, b’s and c’s
b) Semantic attributes for the grammar symbols
c) For each production of the grammar a set of rules for evaluation of the semantic attributes
d) Justification that your solution is correct.
a) The context-free grammar can be as simple as the one shown below which is essentially a Regular
Grammar G = {{a,b,c}, {S}, S, P} for all the strings over the alphabet {a,b,c} with P as the set of
productions given below.
b) Given the grammar above any string will be parsed and have a parse tree that is left-skewed, i.e., all the
branches of the tree are to the left as the grammar is clearly left-recursive. We define three synthesized
attributes for the non-terminal symbol S, namely nA1, nA2 and total. The idea of these attributes is that in
the first attribute we will capture the number of a’s to the left of a given “c” character, the second attribute,
nA2, the number of a’s to the right of a given “c” character and the last attributed, total, will accumulate
the number of substrings.
We need to count the number of a’s to the left of a “c”c charecter and to the right of that character so that
we can then add the value of nA1 to a running total for each occurrence of a b character to the right of “c”
which recording the value of a’s to the right of “c” so that when we find a new “c” we copy the value of
the “a’s” that were to the right of the first “c” and which are now to the left of the second “c”.
c) As such a set of rules is as follows, here written as semantic actions given that their order of evaluation is
done using a bottom-up depth-first search traversal.
nA1 = 1
nA2 = 1
total = 2
nA1 = 1 S
nA2 = 1
total = 1
nA1 = 0 S b
nA2 = 1
total = 1
nA1 = 0 S a
nA2 = 1
total = 0
nA1 = 1 S b
nA2 = 0
total = 0
S c
nA1 = 1
nA2 = 0
total = 0 S b
We have two rolling counters for the number of a’s one keeping track of the number of a’s in the current
section of the input string (the sections are delimited by “c” or sequences of “c”s) and the other just saves the
number of c’s from the previous section. In each section we accumulate the number of a’s in the previous
section for each occurrence of the “b” characters in the current section. At the end of each section we reset
one of the counters and save the other counter for the next section.
Problem 4: For the annotated parse tree with the attribute dependences shown below determine the many order of
attribute evaluation that respect these dependences. In the parse tree below each attribute is given a specific
numeric identifier so that you can structure your answer in terms of a graph with nodes labelled using the same
T 9 val
F 3 val 5 inh
T’ 8 syn
digit 1 lexval
* F 4 val6 inh T’ 7 syn
digit ε
2 lexval
Solution: Below you will find the dependence graph in a simplified fashion with the nodes indicating the nodes
of the parse tree and the edges indicating precedence of evaluation. It is apparent that the last section of the
dependence graph denoted by the nodes { 6 7 8 9 } needs to be evaluated in sequence. The only flexibility of the
order of evaluation is on the two sub-sequences { 1 3 5 } and { 2 4 } which can with any interleaving provided the
relative order of their nodes is preserved.
1 3 5
6 7 8 9
2 4
Base sequences are {1 3 5} and {2 4} with the suffix {6 7 8 9} being constant as the last nodes of the topological
sorting need to remain fixed.
135246789 124356789
132546789 213546789
123546789 213456789
132456789 214356789
123456789 241356789
Problem 5: Construct a Syntax-Directed Translation scheme that translates arithmetic expressions from intfix
into postfix notation. Your solution should include the context-free grammar, the semantic attributes for each of
the grammar symbols, and semantic rules. Shown the application of your scheme to the input and “3*4+5*2”.
Solution: In this example we define a synthesized attribute string and the string concatenation operator “||”. We
also define a simple grammar as depicted below with start symbol E and with terminal symbol num. This num
also has a string attribute set by the lexical analyzer as the string with the numeric value representation of num.
For the input string “3*4+5*2” we would have the annotated parse tree below with the corresponding values for
the string attributes.
E string = “34*52*+”
T string = “34*” *
E string = “5” T string = “2”
Problem 6: In Pascal a programmer can declare two integer variables a and b with the syntax
where IDList derives a comma separated list of variable names and TypeID derives a valid Pascal type. You may
find it necessary to rewrite the grammar.
(a) Write an attribute grammar that assigns the correct data type to each declared variable.
(b) Determine an evaluation order of the attributes irrespective of the way the parse tree is constructed.
(c) Can this translation be performed in a single pass over the parse tree as it is created?
IDList0 → IDList1 , ID
| ID
(a,b) As it is described the grammar would require an inherited attribute for passing the type of the identifier to
the top of the parse tree where the IDList non-terminal would be rooted. This inherited attribute causes all sort of
problems, the one being that it would preclude the evaluation in a single pass if the tree were created using a
bottom-up and Left-to-Right parsing approach.
(c) As such the best way would be to change the grammar as indicated above where all the attributes would be
synthesized and hence allow the evaluation of the attribute in a single pass using the bottom-up Left-to-Right
parsing approach.
Problem 7: A language such as C allows for user defined data types and structures with alternative variants using
the union construct as depicted in the example below. On the right-hand-side you have a context-free-grammar for
the allowed declarations which has as starting symbol a struct_decl. This CFG uses the auxiliary non-terminal
symbol identifier for parsing identifiers in the input. You should assume the identifier as having a single
production identifier → string_token where string_token is a terminal symbol holding a string as its value.
Please make sure you know what a union in C is before attempting to solve this problem.
typedef struct {
int a;
union {
int b;
char c;
double d;
} uval;
int e;
} A;
(a) When accessing a field of a union the compiler must understand the offset at which each element of the
union can be stored relative to the address of the struct/union. Using the context-free grammar depicted
above derive an attributive grammar to determine the offset value for each field of a union. Be explicit about
the meaning of your attributes and their type. Assume a double data types requires 8 bytes, an integer 4 and a
character 1 byte. Notice that unions can be nested and you might want to rewrite the grammar to facilitate
the evaluation of the attributes.
(b) Show the result of your answer in (a) for the example in the figure by indicating the relative offset of each
filed with respect to the address that represents the entire struct.
(c) In some cases the target architecture requires that all the elements of a structure be word-aligned, i.e., every
field of the struct needs to start at an address that is a multiple of 4 bytes. Outline the modifications to your
answer in (a) and (b).
Solution: The basic idea of a set of attributes is to have a inherited attributes to track the current start of each field
of either a union of a struct and another synthesized attributes to determine what the last address of each field is.
The inherited attribute named start, starts from 0 and is propagated downwards towards the leaves of the parse
tree and indicates at each level the current starting address of a given field. The synthesized attribute, called end,
determines where each field ends with respect to the base address of the struct or union. Because in the struct we
need to add up the sizes of the fields and in the union we need to compute the maximum size of each field we
have another inherited attributes, called mode, with the two possible symbolic values of AND and OR.
In terms of the attribute rules we have some simple rules to copy the inherited attributes downwards and the synthesized
attributes upwards as follows:
At the bottom of the parse tree we need to make the assignment of the end end attributes given an imput start attributes as
Finally we have the rules that do the propagation of the attributes in the manner that takes into account the fact that we are
inside a union or a struct. The first set of rules is a simple copy of the values between the field_decl_list and a single
At last we need the rules that set at a given stage the mode attributes:
struct_decl -> struct { field_decl_list } identifier {
field_decl_list.mode = AND;
field_decl_list.start = struct_decl.start;
struct_decl.end = field_decl_list.end;
(d) Show the result of your answer in (a) for the example in the figure by indicating the relative offset of each filed with
respect to the address that represents the entire struct.
In the figure below we illustrate the flow of the attributes downwards (to the left of each edge) and upwards
(to the right of each edge) for the parse tree corresponding to the example in the text. In the cases where the
mode attribute is not defined we omit it and represent the start and end attributes only.
(0,-) (0,16)
field_decl_list identifier
(12,-) (12,-) A
field_decl_list field_decl
(AND,0,-) (4,12)
(AND,4,-) (12,-) (12,16)
field_decl base_decl
(0,-) (0,4) (4,12)
base_decl identifier
int identifier (4,12) e
a (OR,4,-)
(4,8) (4,-) (4,12)
field_decl_list field_decl
(4,8) (4,-) (4,5) (4,-) (4,12)
field_decl field_decl base_decl
(4,-) (4,8)
(4,-) (4,5)
base_decl base_decl double identifier
b c
(e) In some cases the target architecture requires that all the elements of a structure be word-aligned, i.e., every
field of the struct needs to start at an address that is a multiple of 4 bytes. Outline the modifications to your
answer in (a) and (b).
In this case the rules for the base declaration need to take into account the alignment of the inherited start
attribute and can be recast as follows using the auxiliary function align_address that returns the next word-
aligned address corresponding to its input argument.
Problem 8: Consider the following grammar G for expressions and lists of statements (StatList) using
assignment statements (Assign) and basic expressions (Expr) using the productions presented below.
Using a stack-based machine write a syntax-directed definition to generate code for StatList, Assign and
Expr. Argue that your translation is correct.
In this stack based-machine you need to push the operands of the expressions first onto the stack and them
execute the operations with the topmost element(s) of the stack. For example the input “a = b + 5” where the
identifiers “a” and “b” have already been defined previously, would result in the following generated code:
push “b”
push 5
top “a”
Here the instructions “push” simply put the value of their argument on top of the stack. The instruction “add”
adds the two topmost elements of the stack and replaces them with the numeric value corresponding to the
addition of the numeric values at the top of the stack before the instruction executes. The instruction “top a”
copies the top of the stack and assigns the value to the variable “a”. The value of “a” remains at the top of the
stack as it can be used as the argument for another operand.
Solution: A possible solution is to have only synthesized attributes such as “str” for identifiers and “val” for
integers. The non-terminal Expr also has a synthesized attribute that holds the variable name when defined by an
identifier. When defined by an integer this attribute value is nil. It is assumed that the input program is well
formed in the sense that thee are no statements of the form “3 = 1 + 1”, which have an integer expression on the
LHS of the assignment.
A possible syntax-directed translation definition using the YACC-like assignment of non-terminal symbols in a
production is shown below where is noted the absence of checks for production 7.
Problem 9: For the grammar below design an L-attributed SDD to compute S.val, the decimal value of an input
string in binary. For example the translation of the string 101.101 (whose parse tree is also shown below)
should be the decimal number 5.625. Hint: Use an inherited attribute L.side that tells which side of the decimal
point a given bit is on. For all symbols specific their attribute, if they are inherited or synthesized and the various
semantic rules. Also show your work for the parse tree example given by indication the values of the symbol
S→ L.L | L S
L→ LB | B L . L
B→ 0 | 1
L B L B 1
B 0 B 0
1 1
Solution: One possible solution is to define 4 attributes, 2 inherited and 2 synthesized, respectively, side and pos
and the two synthesized attributes as depth and value. The depth attribute is to allow the RHS of the binary string
to compute the length. When computing the final value the value on the RHS of the decimal point is simply shift
to the right (i.e., divided by 2-(depth+1)) of the length of the RHS string of the binary representation. The LHS is
done by computing at each instance of L the value of the B symbol by using the value of position. The position is
thus incremented at each stage downwards. The semantic rules for each production are given below along with
the annotated parse tree for the input string “101.101”.
S val=5+5*0.125=5.625
side=0 dep=2 .
pos=0 L val=4+1
side=-1 dep=2
side=0 dep=2
pos=0 L val=(4+1)*(2
pos=1 L val=4+0 pos=0 B val=1*1
side=-1 dep=2
pos=1 L val=4+0 pos=0 B val=1*1
side=0 dep=2
pos=2 L val=4 pos=1 B val=0*2 1
side=-1 dep=2
pos=2 L val=4 pos=1 B val=0*2 1
pos=2 B val=1*4 0
pos=2 B val=1*4 0
An alternative, and much more elegant solution would change the grammar to allow the decimal part of the binary
sting to be right recursive and thus naturally “fall” to the right with a growing weight associated with each non-
terminal B is the correct one in the evaluation of the corresponding bit.
We do not require the side nor the depth attribute, just the inherited pos attribute and the synthesized val attribute.
Below we present the revised set of semantic actions and the example of the attributes for the input string
S val=5+5*0.125=5.625
pos=0 val=4+1 .
L pos=-1 Val=0.625
pos=1 val=4+0
L pos=0 B val=1*1 pos=-2 val=0.125
pos=-1 B val=0.5*1 R
pos=2 val=4
L pos=1 B val=0*2 1
B val=0.25*0 pos=-2 R val=0.125
pos=2 B val=1*4 0
0 pos=-2 B val=0.125*1
Problem 10: In class we described a SDT translation scheme for array expressions using row-major
organization. In this exercise you are asked to redo the SDT scheme for a column-major organization of
the array data. Review the lectures note to understand the layout of a 2-dimensional array in column-
major format. Specifically perform the following:
a. Indicate the attributes of your SDT scheme along with the auxiliary functions you are using.
b. Define a grammar and the semantic actions for this translation.
c. Show the annotated parse tree and generated code for the assignment x = A[y,z] under the
assumption that A is 10 x 20 array with low1 = low2 = 1 and sizeof(baseType(A)) = sizeof(int) = 4
Hint: You might have to modify the grammar so that instead of being left recursive is right recursive.
Below is the grammar used for the row-major organization.
L → Elist ]
Elist → Elist1 , E
Elist → id [ E
L → id
a.),b.) The basic idea is the same as in the row-major organization but rather than counting the
dimensions from the left to the right we would like to count and accumulate the dimension sizes
from the right to the left. This way the right-most index of the array indices is the last dimension
of the rows and should be multiplied by the first dimension, in this case the size of each row. As
such the revised grammar that is right-recursive would work better. Below is such a grammar to
which we are associating the same synthesized attributed as in the row-major formulation,
namely, place, offset and ndim as described in class.
L → id
L → id [ Elist
Elist → E ]
Elist → E, Elist1
We also use the same auxiliary function such as numElemDim(A, dim) and constTerm(Array) as
described in class. Given this grammar we define the semantic actions as described below:
Elist → E ] { =
Elist.code = E.code;
Elist.ndim = 1;
Elist → E , Elist1 {
t = newtemp();
m = Elist1.ndim + 1;
Elist.ndim = m;
code1 = gen(t = * numElemDim(m));
code2 = gen(t = t +; = t;
Elist.ndim = m;
Elist.code = append(Elist1.code,E.code,code1,code2);
L → id [ Elist { = newtemp();
L.offset = newtemp();
code1 = gen( ‘=‘ constTerm(id));
code2 = gen(L.offset ‘=‘ * sizeof(baseType(id)));
L.code = append(Elist.code,code1,code2);
E→L {
if (L.offset = NULL) then { =;
} else { = newtemp;
E.code = gen( =[L.offset]);
S→L=E {
if L.offset = NULL then
E.code = gen( =;
S.code = append(E.code,gen([L.offset] =;
L → id { =;
L.offset = null;
c) For the assignment example x = A[y,z] we have the annotated parse tree shown below under the
assumption that the base address for the array A is 0. = x = t5
L.offset = null = E.code = { t1=z*10; t2 = t1 + y; t3 = -44; t4 = t4 * 4; t5 = t3[t4]; } = t3
L.offset = t4
L.code = { t1=z*10; t2 = t1 + y; t3 = -44; t4 = t4 * 4;}
x = t2
A [ Elist.ndim = 2
Elist.code = { t1=z*10; t2 = t1 + y; } = t1 = y , Elist.ndim = 1
Elist.code = { t1 = z * 10; } = y
L.offset =null = z ] = z
y L.offset = null
Problem 10: In this problem you are asked to develop a SDD scheme for a simplified register allocation for the
computation of expressions in assignment statements for a block of statements. You need to use the grammar provided and
develop the set of attributes to be associated with each of the non-terminal and terminal symbols of the provided grammar.
We can assume the input is a syntactically correct program building a well-formed abstract syntax tree (AST).
The output of the SDD scheme is an indication for each expression and sub-expression, which of the N registers will hold
the results of the corresponding computation at run-time, say reg = k. Note that you are not being asked to generate code
- that would be a secondary code generation phase. The assignment of registers to each of the variables is done via an
attribute associated with the terminal id symbol, also named reg but whose lifetime spans the entire block of statements
and are thus constant throughout the execution of the block of statements. You need to keep track of this mapping
throughout your SDD, i.e., if there are k variables the temporary registers will begin at register number k+1. In this
intermediate allocation of registers you are not supposed to minimize the number of uses temporaries, but in the end you
need to determine the number of temporary registers your code block is using. The example below illustrates an example of
the results of the SDD you need to develop for a sample input code alongside the corresponding AST.
a) Define the set of attributes (synthesized and inherited) to define for each expression and sub-expression which of the
N available register should be used to compute the sub-expression value. Assume that for identifiers the AST has
been previously decorated with an attributed named register indicating the specific register holding the corresponding
variable's value.
b) Show your work for the block of statements whose AST is shown below (right).
c) Can your solution be computed in a single pass of the AST? Why or why not?
CFG G = ( Block, { Block, StatList, Stat, Assign, Expr, Op }, {'{', '}', ';' , '=', '+', '-' , id, num}, P) where the set of
productions P is as shown below:
.map(a) = 1!
.map(b) = 2!
Block .map(c) = 3!
(1) Block → '{' StatList '}' $ .map(d) = 4
a) There are many possible solutions to this SDT scheme. A simple solution involves the use of inherited and synthesized
attributes. An inherited attribute consists in the mapping of the identifiers to the 'fixed' registers and has to be
propagated downwards the tree so that when you make the assignment of register to expression you can determine what
if any additional register is required. Also, inherited is the current starting assignment value of the registers which needs
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to be propagated downwards and then to the sibling nodes in a binary expression or in a statement list. Other attributes
are synthesized and correspond to the register attribute use to propagate upwards when you are allocating registers to
As there are no requirements to reuse and thus minimize the number of registers the sematic rule just checks the indices
of the registers uses and assign an additional register to hold the result of the current expression node. As such we are
going to have two register tracking attributes, one inherited named 'reg_in' and another synthesized named 'reg_out' to
be used throughout all the non-terminal symbols of the grammar. For the Expr non-terminals and both the id and num
terminals we have an attributed, named 'reg' that indicates the register identifier that holds the corresponding value. This
'reg' attribute is not defined for the other non-terminal symbols, such as Block, Assing, Stat, StatList or Op. In addition
we have a simple inherited 'map' attribute that is strictly 'read-only' to be propagated from the 'Block' non-terminal
symbol downwards to the 'Expr' non-terminal. Associated with this 'map' attribute we also have a 'MapId' function that
given the strings of an identifier returns the corresponding register mapping (assumed to always be valid). In addition
we make use of a 'NumbersId' function that given a mapping computes the total number of identifiers currently mapped
to the 'fix' set of registers. The solution below makes explicit all the attributes with the invariably long list of 'copy'
b) The figure below depicts the results of the use of the semantics rule for the solution described in a).
University of Southern California (USC) Computer Science Department
.map(a) = 1!
.map(b) = 2!
.map(c) = 3!
Block .map(d) = 4
.map(a) = 1!
'{' .map(b) = 2! '}'
.map(c) = 3!
StatList .map(d) = 4
.reg_in = 4
.reg_out= 11
.map(a) = 1...
.reg_in = 6
.map(a) = 1... .map(a) = 1...
Expr .reg_in = 4
Op Expr id(c) '=' Expr .reg_out= 11
.reg_in = 4 .reg = 11
.reg_out= 4 .reg_out= 5 .reg=3
.reg =2 .reg =5
.map(a) = 1...
.map(a) = 1... .reg_in = 8
id(b) '+' num(1) Expr Op Expr .reg_out= 10
.reg=2 .reg=5 .reg_in = 6
.reg_out= 8 .reg = 10
.reg =8
.map(a) = 1...
.map(a) = 1...
Expr .map(a) = 1... Op Expr .map(a) = 1... Op Expr .reg_in = 8
Expr .reg_in = 6 '+' .reg_in = 8 .reg_out= 9
.reg_in = 6 .reg_out= 7
.reg_out= 6 .reg_out= 8 .reg =9
.reg =7
.reg =4 .reg =1
c) Yes, the propagation of the inherited attributes up and down the AST can be done in a single depth-first-search traversal
pattern. For the synthesized attributes this is trivially done. For the inherited attributes and given that the values flow
from 'left-to-right' in the tree (making this a L-attributed grammar) the assignment can be done in a single pass.