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(Model Answer)
The depicted map illustrates two possible areas for a shopping complex in the city of Brandfield
(overview). The first possible site for the shopping mall, S1, is located north of the city & it is
next to a large housing estate (point 1). The second site (S2) lies to the south-east end of the
city and is fairly close to the city centre, but it is near to an industrial estate rather than housing
(point 2). There is a main road that runs through the city and is close to both sites (point 3).
There is a large Golf Course and a park in the west side of the city that prevents this area from
being available as a site (point 4). The city planners should prefer S1 as it will be more
convenient for the residents (conclusion).
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Pic 2
The given picture illustrates a small island before and after it was developed for tourism
(overview). The island is 100 metres long, has palm trees, surrounded by the sea and has a
beach at one of its end (point 1). However, turning to the second picture, we can see that most
of the empty space has been occupied to construct new facilities (point 2). Facilities like
accommodations, restaurant, swimming facilities etc have been constructed without affecting
the natural resources that much (point 3). There is also a short road linking the pier with the
reception and restaurant, and every other area is connected via footpath (point 4). Overall,
tourism facilities made greater development on this island, while it became congested
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Pic 3
(Modal answer)
The table shows the portion of national expenditure of 5 countries on three different categories –
food, clothing & education in 2002. In terms of food/drinks/tobacco, & education/leisure Turkey
spent the most, while in terms of clothing/footwear, Italy spent the most. Overall, all countries –
Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Italy, Ireland spent most on food/drinks/tobacco & lowest expenditure
was on leisure/ education.
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Pic 4
(Modal Answer)
The table shows the number of children born to women aged 40–44 years in Australia in 1981,
1986, 1996 and 2001. Overall, by age 40-44 years, the proportion of women who have had
three or more children has fallen considerably since the 1980s, while the proportions who have
had no children, or only one or two children has increased. To conclude, we say that women in
Australia are preferring one child or two children at most.
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Pic 5
Model Answer
The diagram explains the process of brick manufacturing (overview). The first step of brick
manufacturing is digging the clay with a large digger, followed by processing in a roller machine
& mixing with sand and water (stage 1 & 2). The mixture is either kept in mould or cut into raw
shape of bricks (stage 3). In next step bricks are placed in an oven to dry for 24 – 48 hours
(stage 4). In the next stage, the bricks go through a heating and cooling process (stage 5).
Finally, the bricks are packed and delivered to their destinations (stage 6 & 7).
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Pic 6
Model Answer
The diagram illustrates the general the process of trapping heat from the sun by greenhouse
gases (overview). The heat Earth receives is either radiated into space or is trapped by
greenhouse gases. In recent time, human activities have led in increase of greenhouse gases
which in turn are absorbing more of heat. Carbon Dioxide is one of the major greenhouse gas
and extra CO2 are released into atmosphere by burning of fossil fuels in cars, lorries and
factories. Cutting down of tress and forests have added much to the problem as trees are
known to absorb CO2
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Pic 7
(Modal Answer)
The pie chart is about distribution of sources of energy. The two graphs show that oil was the
major energy source in the USA in both 1980 and 1990 and that coal, natural gas and
hydroelectric power remained in much the same proportions. On the other hand, there was a
dramatic rise in nuclear power, which doubled its percentage over the ten years. To conclude,
we can say that USA has started shifting from oil to nuclear power.
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Pic 8
(Modal Answer)
The graph compares the amount of leisure time enjoyed by people of different employment
In the given column graph, no data has been provided for the part-time employed and house-
staying men. Unemployed & retired men -women had approx 85 and 83 hours of spare time
respectively. They are followed by housewives which have 50 hours of leisure time. On the other
hand, full-time employed men & women have comparatively less leisure time
In conclusion, unemployed and retire people, enjoyed more leisure time than employed people.
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Pic 9
(Modal Answer)
This particular bar graph shows how much money is spent on transportation for people in
different household-income groups. It appears that as household income increases, the total
expenditures on transportation also increase. This makes sense, because the more money
people have, the more they have available to spend.
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Pic 10
(Modal Answer)
The graph shows changes in the price of fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar and sweets, and
carbonated drinks over a thirty-year period in the US. The graph also shows the general trend in
the consumer price index during this time.
The consumer price index & prices of sugar showed steady increase from 1979 to 2009
whereas increase in price of carbonated drinks is very slow. In contrast, price of fresh fruits and
vegetables, despite periodic fluctuations, rose sharply.
To conclude, we can say that overall inflation has increased in last three decades.