Blueprint PDF
Blueprint PDF
Blueprint PDF
Copyright 2014
Paul Nicholls
Hey, Paul Nicholls here and thanks for picking up a copy of the $100 per day blueprint.
I'm confident that this report will be one of the most valuable and unique reports you have ever read
$100 per day blueprint Paul Nicholls
because what I'm going to reveal to you is something that I have not seen anyone else teach.
What I'm going to reveal in this report is a solid process for getting to $100 per day online in the
quickest time possible and this is the exact same process I have used myself to get to to $100, $200
and even $500+ days online.
This is certainly not just some quick way to cash in or a loophole or something like that. This is a
solid system and process for building long term profits and a very comfortable online income where
you are able to work from home.
For instance...
One of the most popular things people say to me and I hear say from a lot of others is:
The answer is there are tonnes of ways to make money online. You honestly have opportunities all
around you that you can use to make money on the internet.
But when it comes down to it there are only two main ways to make money on the internet.
These are things like Adsense, cpa marketing, youtube marketing, building niche sites, doing
surveys, business opportinity programs, MLM programs, blogging, writing articles or offering some
kind of other service such as graphic design, creating videos on fiverr etc.
The list goes on. These are all ways how you can make money starting today but these are just
income methods and 99% of the time not something which you should focus too much of your time
$100 per day blueprint Paul Nicholls
The other way how you can make money online is by:
Building a list and selling your own products is by far the most profitable, the most stable and the
most effective way you can use to make money online. Period.
When you build your own email list and sell your own profits then you are building a business and
not just an income stream where you make a few a few extra bucks. Building a business means you
create and build something that will last years to come and it flourishes over time so the longer you
build it for then the more profitable it will become.
You now know that the best way is to sell your own products and build a list because I just told you.
But when ever I tell people this is what they have to do these are the answers I get?
If I was given a dollar every time I heard someone come up with these obstacles after telling them
that they need to be selling their own products and building a list then my dollar jar would be doing
very well.
So, you want to make money online but you don't know how to create a product, you don't know
what type of product to sell, you don't know how to sell it and you don't know how to build a list.
Not all of these may be relevant to you but if you are struggling to make it online then I'm sure you
are having problems with at least one of these.
But don't worry because I was in the exact same position quite a few years ago and I worked out
what you actually need to do to succeed and actually start making progress.
Before we get into exactly what you do need to do let me tell you about the self destructing business
$100 per day blueprint Paul Nicholls
model first. This is a model that a lot of people use online to try and make money.
To put it straight it's basically trying to teach stuff and sell products when you have absolutely no
skills, experience, results or success yourself.
I see people all the time. They hear that building a list is the best way to build an income online so
what they do is throw together a squeeze page giving away some crappy low value report and then
hammer their subscribers with products and affiliate offers to try and make money.
As much as building a list and selling your own products is the best way to do things you can't just
throw together a couple of pages and expect to do well.
This is what happens to a lot of beginners that come online and even some more of the experienced
marketers out there still try and do this when they have failed at lots of other things.
Perhaps you have even tried what I have explained above and not really got anywhere. It doesn't
matter because after reading this report you will know exactly what to do and how to do it the right
In order to get over this problem we need go to the core of the problem which is:
In order to sell something you must have something of value to sell and you must know how to
market and deliver it as well and for most newbies or beginners this just isn't going to happen
anytime soon.
The way I see it is it's people trying to teach Internet marketing before they have even achieved any
success themselves, so how on earth can you teach when you can't even do it yourself?
Solution 1 – Please digest everything I am now about to explain here because this could save
you years of spinning your wheels and a lot of money.
You can straight away start to build and selling your own products by just buying some PLR
products and re-brand them to you. You can use PLR products to give away to build your list and
also create a paid product from them too. This is certainly an option and many do take this path but
it's not something that I recommend and here's why.
When you start to build an email list and sell products you are putting yourself out there and putting
your name to particular pieces of content and products so it's in your best interest to only make sure
$100 per day blueprint Paul Nicholls
you put your name to stuff that is truly unique and something that you own.
If you want to stand out from all the noise then you need to create something which is unique to you
and you know that no one else is using the same free offer and product as you are to build your list
and sell products.
Like I said, it's certainly an option but I don't recommend doing it instead consider what I'm going
to say next. It's way more effective and powerful.
Solution 2 – Create your own free gift and your own unique product based on actual results
you have achieved online or actual skills and experiences that you already have or have
This is exactly what I did when I first started building a list and making money with list building.
I didn't just go out there and pretend that I knew what I was talking about, I actually took the time to
create information around something that I was very experienced in.
Before I got into list building and selling my own products I started off at the end of 2008 learning
how to build niche sites and affiliate sites. I used to use adsense and amazon on my blogs and
generate traffic to them mainly from SEO.
I used this model for over a year and managed to get my income up to $70 - $100 per day with just
niche and affiliate sites.
At the time I was part of a forum and lots of people kept asking me questions about how I was
doing things so I dcided to create 5 free videos that I could give away which would help people see
how I built my niche sites and got traffic to them and made money.
I ended up setting up a squeeze page and started building a list around these 5 free videos that I
gave away.
Within a couple of weeks I started to expand the videos from 5 to around 15. I gave away the first 5
videos as my free gift and then sold the remaining 10 videos for $5 as the front end product which
people saw after they opted in to my email list.
I started making money pretty much straight away. Not a massive amount but I was making money
and I knew this list building thing worked.
From there I just continued to build my list with free traffic and solo ads.
$100 per day blueprint Paul Nicholls
This is what I did to start buiding my list so can you see the difference in what I did compared to
just buying PLR stuff and trying to build a list pretending that you know what you're talking about?
I started to build my list around information which was unique to me. I took the time to learn how
to build niche sites and SEO which would not only make me money but I could then leverage that
information to then build a list out of it and create a product around it at the same time.
What I just explained to you above is a rock solid strategy that always works because you are giving
away real genuine information which you have taken the time to learn and I think people can sense
this when they end up getting on someones email list.
You maybe thinking right now “well I don't have skills, experience or results to do what you have
done Paul”
Listen up!
Firstly you will be surprised what you do know that you could easily create a little report or course
around. It doesn't have to be around actually making money it could be how to create cool graphics
using free software. It could be how to create a wordpress blog effectively.
These are all things that you could easily create information around and then build a list from.
If you really don't have absolutely anything that you can use and you have no experience, skills or
results in anything then what I highly recommend you do is what the title says.
Find something and hammer it. What I mean by this is if you want to be able to build an email list
and sell your own products then you need value that others want. The way to get value that others
want is to go out there and take the time to learn something that others are willing to pay you for.
Make sure you are not one of these people and take the time to learn your trade.
If you want to build a list and sell products in the Internet marketing niche then you need something
that people are willing to pay for in this niche.
If you remember what I did, I was pretty good at building niche sites and SEO so I sold that
information so that's how I started to build a list.
The great thing about using this strategy is you get to actually make money while you are learning
skills and then once you master a particular model or strategy you then get to make even more
money when you sell that particular information as a product.
Find One Do-able Method, Work at it and Put your own Spin on it
Right now you are probably wondering what strategy or method you should use to start making
money and/or to learn skills that you can then create some type of a product around?
I could say just go out there and try building some niche sites or create some youtube videos
and leave you to it but that probably won't really help much.
So what I'm going to do is actually give you lots of fast cash methods that will get you thinking.
These fast cash methods are methods that can make you money fairly quickly but please DO NOT
think of these as things you can use for the next so many years to make money online.
These methods will help you to make some money while at the same time arm you with some very
useful and valuable skills that you can then create a product around so that you can start building a
list and build a real business which will be in the form of building your own email list and sell your
own products.
Now let me just say that these fast cash methods that I give you are ones which I have had success
with in the past by what I show you. There are probably extra things that you can add to these
methods to make them even more effective and powerful.
Some of the best things ever invented or made were existing ideas which were made better or
improved upon. (always remember that)
If you were to use all of the ideas which I give you in these videos and then put your own spin on
things you will end up having a very powerful and unique strategy that can not only make you some
good money but also be great for you to build a list around.
There are of course many more cash methods than this but these are just the methods that I have
used in the past and had success with.
Use everything I show you in these videos, take it on board learn it and then try to put your own
spin on things. These are all very effective strategies and can easily make you an extra $200 - $500
per month and a lot more if you were to hit things hard.
If you are really stuck when it comes to knowing how to build an email list and how to set
everything up then I do have another course which will really help you.
When you start to learn these cash methods and put your own spin on things you are creating your
own angle. Then when you start to get results you can then use those results and your success as
your Hook for building your email list.
Find one do-able method that you can learn and master and hammer this method until you see
results. Do not give up and do not keep jumping from one strategy to the next.
Create a product when you have achieved some half decent results.
Sell the remaining part of your course as your front end offer so you can build a list of buyers.
$100 per day blueprint Paul Nicholls
Once you have mastered a particular strategy or set of valuable skills that you can easily sell
information around you are no longer someone that just talks from theory. You can talk from
experience on your chosen topic because have had results and you are the expert in the eyes of your
subscriber or customer. (this is building authority) and once you start to build authority you will
then find it much easier to sell stuff online.
Once you start to get some results and see some success and you are making a bit of money you can
then as I said create a product around it and use a section of your product to give away to build your
email list.
Once you have a product created which is unique to you you can now build a list of subscribers and
customers that know your story and they will get to know you, like you and trust you.
At this stage when you able to make sales of your own product congratulations because you are
now in the top 5% of online marketers that bother to actually create and sell their own product.
When someone joins your email list you now have the ability to make money from every subscriber
because you can sell your product as your front end product which appears on the next pag after
they opt in. You do need to use single opt in too and not everyone will buy but some will.
Having just one product to sell is certainly a great start but there are lots of additional things that
you can do to increase your profits.
You can start to increase the size of your sales funnel so instead of just having a front end product
that you sell for say $9 you can have an additional product that you sell for $17 and maybe another
you sell for $97. All these additional products need to be relevant to your main product.
So now when you build your list you have the ability to make $9 + $27 + $97 per subscriber and
believe me some people will buy all of them.
So what happens is when someone buys your product you then send them to your next product
which is more expensive. You can keep doing this for as many products as you have. I have always
felt like 4 – 5 products in your funnel is more than enough but it's your choice do what you feel
comfortable doing.
How about if you add another product into your funnel that you sell for $297?
Yes you can do it and yes some people will come through and purchase all of your products so now
you can make $9 + $27 + $97 + $297 per subscriber.
I have actually had some subscribers come through my sales funnel and purchase every single
product which has made me around $1000. Not bad considering there is nothing I need to do as all
$100 per day blueprint Paul Nicholls
You see now, by having this sales funnel with products based around information that you have
personally put together which is unique to you, you have now separated yourself from 99.9% of
other people out there.
This is by far the most effective and most powerful way to begin building authority in your niche
and start seeing results and making money and to get to $100 per day online.
Now that you have some products you can add your main front end product to some affiliate market
places like clickbank, jv zoo and warrior plus and digi results etc.
Putting your product on these affiliate platforms gives you the opportunity of picking up lots of
affiliates which can then send you lots of traffic and sales with no extra work on your part. All of a
sudden you are generating sales yourself from your own sales pages when you build your list and
also from affiliates that send you traffic.
One thing I will say is you will need to increase the price of your product if you plan on putting it
on affiliate platforms so that it's worthwhile for affiliates to promote it. I would recommend you
price your product at around $17 - $47 to start with and give 75% commission to your affiliates.
Setting up an affiliate program is a complete no-brainer so make sure you do it because it's all extra
traffic and sales.
Passive Income
Building a passive income is something that just about every Internet marketer online wants to build
but only few ever actually do it.
A passive income is basically money that you can make online while you are out doing fun stuff but
the money continues to get paid to you.
There are two different types of passive income that you can create and set up.
Selling your own products – This is another reason why selling your own products is so effective
and powerful because you have the ability to market, sell and deliver your content on complte auto-
pilot. This is the power behind selling information products online.
Once you have a squeeze page set up and you sell products on your thank you page and within your
email follow ups then you have the ability to make money passively. You do of course need traffic
$100 per day blueprint Paul Nicholls
going to your pages in the first place which is something you need to work on over time but the fact
is you can easily create a passive income when selling your own products.
There are lots of other income methods out there where you can create a passive income but it's not
really passive because you have absolutely no control over the product being sold so if the product
was to stop being sold then you would lose your passive income stream overnight.
This is why it's vital that only focus most of your efforts selling and marketing your own products
and not working heavily on income methods once you have your own product.
Some type of recurring membership – This is the other way of building a passive income online
but this is a lot more powerful, profitable but it is a lot harder to build.
If you have some type of membership site then you can make money every single month on
complete auto-pilot from your paying members.
Membership sites work great but these are only things that you should really create after you have
your own products out there and you have built a bit of authority within your niche. I have my own
membership site that I have built from the ground up and it's one of my favorite and most
profitable parts of my business.
This is why selling your own products and building a list is so important because you can then
leverage those assets to help build other things like membership sites.
Here is a great resource if you would like to learn more about building profitable membership sites.
Your first task is to obtain information or skills that you can use or leverage to build an email list
around. Use the fast cash methods which I have included to get ideas and then put your own spin on
things and then create your own little system.
Hammer your chosen method until you start to see profits and results and then create a course or
product around the information and use it to build your list and make money.
Eventually you will be making money from your chosen income method and also from your
product that you sell as your main offer.
You can then do the odd affiliate promotion to your list recommnending a good course.
At the same time you can think about additional products that you can include into your sales funnel
$100 per day blueprint Paul Nicholls
So now you are making money from your own product, your income method and affiliate
Next you could open up some coaching where you charge your customers say $97 for an hours
coaching over skype or it could be $50 or it could be $197 per hour.
Now you have money coming in from your own product, hourly coaching, your income method and
affiliate promotions.
There are of course many more more things that you can add to this such as membership sites,
premium products etc but I think you get the idea of what I have given you above.
This is the end result that you need to be focusing on getting to.
Closing Words
If you are really struggling to get anywhere online then please digest everything I have given you in
this report and read as many times as you have to. The key to building any type of income online
comes down to one thing. The value that you can create and provide. Someone will not buy from
you if they don't think they can learn something from you or get value from something you show
Everything I have revealed in this report is the exact process I have used to go from a flat broke
newbie to making a comfortable living from home working online making $100+ per day.
I have just given you the keys to the exact process that you need to work on.
There are no special super dooper plugins, no fancy push button software and no stupid loop holes
that you need to un cover.
This is a solid process that anyone can use to go from making nothing to having a very profitable
business online making you a comfortable living.
To your success.
Paul Nicholls
$100 per day blueprint Paul Nicholls
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