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L-4/T -liCE Date: 11/03/2018


L-4/T -1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2016-2017

Sub: CE 451 (Transportation Engineering II: Pavement Design and Railway Engineering)

Full Marks: 280 Time: 3 Hours

. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Broadly classify pavements. Draw typical cross sections for flexible, rigid, semi-
rigid pavements. Differentiate between flexible and rigid pavements W.r.t Load
distribution mechanism, Aggregate Type and Modulus of Elasticity. Write short note
on 'Perpetual pavement' and 'Polymer Modified Binder (PMB)'. Briefly state the

significance ofPMB use in Bangladesh. (4+6+6+4+2)

(b) Write short notes on: Fog-seal, Slurry seat, and Micro-seal. List FIVE important

common modes of distresses for flexible and rigid pavements. (6+5)

(c) Design reinforcement for the following: (137j )
Thickness of rigid pavement, t = 1] inch
No. of lanes =2
Width of pavement, w = 22 ft
Spacing of transverse joint = 44 ft (Contraction Joint @ 22 ft)
Allowable strength of:
Shrinkage steel (bar-mat) = 35000 psi
Tie bars = 30000 psi
Bond = 355 psi

2. (a) Write down the sequences of pavement failure under submerged condition 1I1

Bangladesh. Why joints are use in rigid pavement? What are the main functions of Tie
bars and Dowel bars in rigid pavement? Write down the odd-shaped panel

considerations to reduce the risk of cracking in curved areas in concrete pavement. (5+4+4+4)
(b) What are the major outcomes of AASHO road test? Define standard axle load? A
truck in an intercity road applied 20 kip and 12 kip loads by the rear and front axles.
Using the 4th power approximation, determine the total equivalent damage caused by

one pass movement of this truck in terms ofESALs. (4+2+6)

(c) Design a flexible pavement by AASHTO method for the data given below. Give
one trial and put you comments for the next trial thickness (if any). Solution could be
given in the worksheet provided at the end of question paper. (Design Nomograph is

attached). (177j )
Contd P/2
CE 451
Couid ... O. No.

Assumed Structural Number, SN = 6.0
Estimated Design ESAL, WI8 =20 million ESAL

Design period = 20 years
Initial serviceability, Po = 4.6
Terminal Serviceability, Pt = 2.5
Reliability, R = 0.95
Overall std. dev., So = 0.35
ZR = -1.645
Resilient Modulus Drainage
Pavement Layer Material Used Layer Coefficients
MR (psi) Coefficients
Surface Course (AC) Asphalt Concrete EAC= 375,000 a1 = 0.169*LN(EAc)-1.764 ml= 1.0
Base Course (BS) Granular EBS= 32,000 a2 = 0.249* LOG 1O(EBS)-O.977 m2= 1.1
Subbase Course (SB) Granular ESB= 12,000 a3 = O.227*LOGlO(EsB)-O.839 m3= 1.2
Roadbed Course
Compacted soil ERB= 5,600

3. (a) Compare roadways with railways. Discuss the difficulties associated with non-

uniformity of gauges throughout a Country. (7+6)

(b) Define "Permanent way". Schematically show the different components of a typical

pennanent way. What are the requirements of an ideal permanent way? (2+4+7)
(d) Discuss different types of rail resistance. (8+12Jj)

A 2-8-2 Locomotive is required to haul a train at 80 km/hr. The axle load of the driving
wheels of the engine is 22.5 tones. The train is to run on a straight level track. Find the
maximum permissible train load that the engine can pull. If the train climbs a gradient
of 1 in 200, how much of the speed should be reduced?

4. (a) What are the advantages of flat footed rails? What are the functions of Ballast and
sleepers in a railway track? Define Cant Deficiency, Equilibrium speed and Cant

excess. (5+8+6)
(b) What are the purposes of railway stations? What criteria are generally followed for
the site selection of a railway station? "The function of a Marshalling yard in a railway

system is like the function of the heart in a human body" - Explain. (4+6+6)
(c) Why points and crossings are provided in a railway track? What are the advantages

of Cast Manganese Steel (CMS) crossing? State the objective of railway signaling. (4+3 Jj +4)
Contd P/3
CE 451

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Assume reasonable values for missing data, if any.

5. (a) What are the superpave binder test equipment and purposes? How is the moisture.

sensitivity evaluated in the superpave mix design process? (12)

(b) Briefly state the differences between Marshall and Hveem method of mix design
with regard to (i) compaction of specimens (ii) design criteria, and (iii) tests of

specimens. (18)
(c) What are the characteristics of a high type bituminous pavements? A design is
being prepared for an asphalt concrete pavi11gmixture. The following ingredients are

to be used in the preparation of a trial mixture: (167j )

Percent of total Specific
mix by weight Gravity
Coarse aggregate 55.0 2.611
Fine aggregate 31.0 2.690
Mineral filler 7.0 3.100
Asphalt cement 7.0 1.030

The maximum specific gravity of the paving mixture Gmm = 2.478 and the bulk
specific gravity of the compacted specimen Gmb= 2.384. Compute percent air voids in
the compacted mixture, Pa and VMA and VF A.

6. (a) What are the especial qualities of bitumen required for road construction III

Bangladesh? How can these qualities be achieved? (12)

(b) Briefly state the steps to get straight run asphalt. How is the asphalt cement graded?

Show with typical examples. (16)

(c) Briefly state the important properties of aggregates used for highway construction.
The dry mass of a sample of aggregate is 1982.0 g. The net volume of aggregate is
734.4 cm3• The mass of aggregate is SSD condition is 2006.7 g. Find the apparent

specific gravity, the bulk specific gravity and the percentage absorption. (187j )

7. (a) Describe the commonly used low cost road surfaces in Bangladesh. Explain how

HBB facilitates staged road construction. (227j )

(b) Describe detail features of bituminous surface treatment (SBST or DBST),
Penetration Macadam and Geo Cell paving type of road surface construction including

materials details. (8x3=24)

Contd P/4
CE 451

8. (a) Write down names of ten highway construction equipment along with their uses.
Describe hot-rolled bituminous surface compaction process mentioning temperature

range in each stage. (237j )

(b) Write down possible causes, maintenance options and rehabilitation/reconstruction

options for the following defects of asphalt concrete pavement: (sx3=lS)

(i) Alligator Cracking
(ii). Rutting
(iii) Corrugation.
(c) Illustrate the dowel bar installation defects in rigid pavement with relevant
drawings. Also describe the temperature reinforcement installation process for rigid

pavement. ( 4+4=8)

......- .

\,~>\. .,":


AASHTO Worksheet For Flexible Pavement Design

I I Calculations For

Pavement Resilient Modulus Required SN
Material Layer Coefficients .• above the layer Layer Thicknessed
Layer Used MR (psi)

Surface Course
I Co t
I EA(;--V.\ - ~~.)) a1 = O.169*LN(EAcl-1J64 =1 I m1 =1 1.0
ncre e

Base Course Granular 2 = 0.249*LOG1o(EBSl -0.977 =


= 0.227*LOG1o(Essl -0.839 = ffiJ=1 1.2

Subbase Course I Granular 3 II
., \

<- ' ~
Roadbed Course ICompacted o

Check for SN3 = a1 m1D1 + a2m2D2 + a3m3D3 =

----1\__ r
SN1 ::::::::::$~rf~~~ :qq4~ ::::::~:: 01= ~i
. . . ....... ........ ... ~ I

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AASHTO Design Nomograph for Flexible Pavement

r ()PSt"'] ji

.• 2.32'109l()'\t - 8.01 ' I'

l"9J.f18 • 'ROSO' 9.36+1"'.l10(_11 ~ 0.211+ l"9J.O[
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L-4/T-l/CE Date: 05/0212017
L-4/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2015-2016

Sub: CE 451 (Transportation Engineering II: Pavement Design

and Railway Engineering)
Full Marks: 280 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) What is Engineered Earth road? Discuss its suitability under Bangladesh rural
setting. Illustrate the features of Natural Gravel Surface, Lime stabilized Natural
surface and Stone Chippings Surface as low cost road option. Discuss features of four
commonly used low cost road surface in Bangladesh. (23)

(b) Compare among different bituminous seal options: Chip Seal, Sand Seal, Slurry
Seal and graded Aggregate Seal. Also, make a comparative table putting road surface
options of Water Bound Macadam, Penetration Macadam, and Dense Bituminous
Surface Treatment (DBST) in column 1 and putting materials used, Construction steps
and equipment used in 2nd, 3rd and 4th column respectively. Explain general crack
repair scheme for various sizes of cracks in flexible pavement. (23 Jj)

2. (a) Explain construction site mobilization task and responsibility of owning agency's
and contractor's Engineers in mobilization process. Explain techniques of temporary
erosion control measures in road/bridge construction site. Also, explain quality control
and assurance tests, methods, and allowable variations for earth road embankment
construction in cases of- i) Compaction control ii) Dimension/Geometry control. (23)

(b) Discuss Batch Mixing and continuous Mixing plant methods of bituminou~
concrete mix preparation. What are the surface evaluation check after construction of
bituminous pavement? Write down eight important construction measures for rigid
pavement construction and mention the critical factors for cement concrete paving. (23 Jj )

3. (a) Define Gauge of Railway. Briefly explain the factors affecting choice of gauge.
State the principle of Maglev train. Write short notes on check Rail and Track
Circuiting. Briefly discuss the advantage and disadvantage of concrete sleepers. (23)

(b) Write short notes on interlocking mentioning the fundamental principles of

interlocking. (23 Jj )

Contd P/2


J~'' 'I1

CE 451
Contd ... Q. NO.3 (b)

Calculate the maximum permissible payload (excluding oflocomotive's weight) that a

B. G. locomotive with 3 pairs of driving wheels with axle load of 20 tons each on a
straight level track at a speed of 70 kmph. Calculate the reduction in speed if the train
has to run on a rising gradient of 1 in 120. Also calculate the compensated grade if a 5°
curve is to be laid on the rising gradient. Assume, coefficient of friction as 0.2

4. (a) State the major functions of Sleeper and Ballast. What are the typical causes and
symptoms of embankment failure? What are the requirements of Ideal Fastening?

Classify Yards and Stations. (23)

(b) Draw a schematic diagram of a simple Right Hand Turnout showing the principal

parts. What are the advantages and limitations of Long Rail? (23 ~)
Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka have adopted a standard rail length for B. G. track. If
45 kg rail is used in a particular B. G. track in Rajshahi; what is the total weight of each
individual rail girder? What maximum axle load can be safely imposed on that track? If
length of a rail is 14 yard and the track is meter gauge, what is the minimum sleeper
density per rail?

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE

5. (a) Broadly classify pavements. Draw typical cross sections for flexible, rigid, semi-
rigid pavements. Differentiate between flexible and rigid pavements with respect to
distribution mechanism, Aggregate type & Module of Elasticity. Write short notes on
'Perpetual pavement' and 'Polymer Modified Binder (PMB)'. Briefly state the

significance ofPMB use in Bangladesh. (4+6+6+4+2=22)

(b) Mention four important places where rigid pavement is recommended. Joint-wise
classify rigid pavement. Write down two important benefits of continuously reinforced
rigid pavement (CRCP)? What special considerations are needed for odd-shaped panel?
Schematically show the reinforcement details of rigid pavement also show construction

& contraction joints. (2+3+2+3+5=15)

(c) An existing 4-lane regional highway constructed on embankment requires full
reconstruction. A number of trial pits were undertaken and the CBR of the sub-grade
beneath the existing road was found to be 3%. A 24 hour classified traffic count was
carried out on a typical weekday and shown only heavy vehicles as follows.

Contd P/3
CE 451
Contd ... Q. No.5 (e)

Determine the pavement layer thickness by using RHD flexible pavement design guide
method. Consider annual traffic growth rate 10% and design period 20 years. Use Base

type II. Necessary Tables are given at the end of the question paper. (9~)

Vehicle Categories Base year Two-way Flow/day

Heavy truck 60
Medium truck 400
Light truck 200
Large bus 300

6. (a) Write down four common modes of distresses of flexible and rigid pavements.
What are the problems associated with pavement 'Fatigue Cracking' and main causes
of this distress? State the ways of removing 'Bleeding of bituminous pavement'? Write
down the sequences of pavement failure under submerged condition in Bangladesh.

Why joints are used in rigid pavement? (4+4+2+6+2=18)

(b) What were the purposes and outcomes of AASHO road test? What is standard axle
load? A truck in an intercity road applies 24 Kip and 16 Kip loads by the rear and front
axles. Using the 4th power approximation, determine the total equivalent damage

caused by one pass movement of this truck in terms of ESALs .. (4+2+4=10)

(c) Design a concrete pavement by using PCA method for the conditions given below.
Give one trial and put your comments on the trial thickness. Solution should be given

in the worksheet provided at the end of question paper. (18~)

Truck Axle Load Distributions
Axle Load Groups Number of Axles, Axle Load Groups Number of Axles,
(kip) N (kip N
Single Axles Tandem Axle
22 6,500 32 1,25,000
24 15,000 36 2,00,000

Modulus of Sub grade Reaction, k: 100 pci

Modulus of Rupture, MR: 550 psi
Load Safety Factor: 1.2
Doweled joints: Yes
Concrete Shoulder: No
Untreated Subbase: 6 in

Contd P/4

CE 451
Contd ... Q. NO.6 (c)

Effect of Untreated Subbase on k Values,

Subbase k Value, pci
Sub grade value (pci)
4 in. 6in. 9in. 12in.

50 65 75 85 110
100 130 140 160 190
200 220 230 270 320
300 320 330 370 430

7. (a) What are the most important properties of aggregates used for highway
construction? Briefly state the importance of aggregate grading and the methods to

obtain a specified grading. (16~)

(b) What are the laboratory tests for bituminous materials in road constructions? What

were the requirements of Asphalt Cement for overlay mixes? (15)

(c) What are the major classifications of asphalt binder? Briefly state performance

grade binder, list test parameters and equipment needed for superpave binder test. (15)

8. (a) What are the especial qualities required for bitumen to be used in road construction

of Bangladesh? How are these qualities be achieved? (12)

(b) How to find eKE and surface capacity in the Hveem method of mix design? An
asphaltic concrete sample cut from a completed pavement weighs 3540 gm in air and
1962 gm in water. The laboratory compacted specimen of the same mix has a bulk
specific gravity Gmb of 2.384 and voids percent of 5.5 percent. Find the % air voids in

the field sample. Is the mix satisfactory? (l8~)

(c) What are the general steps for determining optimum/design binder content in any
mix design method? Compare Marshall and Hveem method with regard to test

schedule and design criteria for heavy traffic . (16)

- -
_ r:::- __

For Q 5(c)

Table 1: Improved Sub-grade Requirements

CBR Comoacted thickness of additional laver to provide reauired CBR

Required CBR of underlvinq laver
<2% 2% 3% 4% 5%
5% Sub-grade material 450mm 300mm 250mm 200mrn
should be removed

Table 2: Thickness Design Table for Flexible Pavements (RHD design guide method)

mm Surfacing (mm) Roadbases (mm)' Sub-bases (mm)**

(Select one type) Subgrade CBR %
Asphalt Asphalt Cement- Granular Base
Base- bound 5 8 - 25 > 25
Traffic Wearing
ESA (mill) Course Course Granular Type I Type II

60 - 80 40 155 N/A N/A 300 150 o.

30 - 40
25 - 30

! !

17 - 25 105 In
15-17 95 (/)
11-15 90 I-.
9 • 11 80 ~ 200 250

7-9 70 .....l
6-7 65 c::::
5-6 60 co
4-5 55 0
.•... '"
I-. 175
, 45
175 200
~ ,
<3 35
~ ~' 150 175 150

* CBR of granular base type I is min. 80% N/A. = not applicable

* CBR of granular base type II is min. 50%
** CBR of sub-base material is 25%
:,., .. ,-------------------_._-..,


. ....
" ,.:' "Of -

For Q G(e)

Equivalent Stress - No Concrete Shoulder (Single Axle/Tandem Axle)

Slab k of subl!rade-subbase. Dei
100 150 200 300 500 700
thickness, in. 50

4 726/585 671/542 634/516 584/486 523/457 484/443

699/586 616/500 571/460 540/435 498/406 448/378 4171363
602/516 531/436 493/399 467/376 432/349 390/321 363/307
526/461 464/387 431/353 409/331 379/305 343/278 320/264
465/416 411/348 382/316 362/296 336/271 304/246 285/232
367/317 341/286 324/267 300/244 273/220 256/207
6.5 417/380
331/290 307/262 292/244 271/222 246/199 231/186
7 375/349
300/268 279/241 265/224 246/203 224/181 210/169
7.5 340/323
274/249 255/223 242/208 225/188 205/167 192/155
8 311/300
252/232 234/208 222/193 206/174 188/154 177/143
8.5 285/281
264/264 232/218 216/195 205/181 190/163 174/144 163/133
245/248 215/205 200/183 190/170 176/153 161/134 151/124
228/235 200/193 186/173 177/160 164/144 150/126 141/117
187/183 174/164 165/151 153/136 140/119 132/110
10.5 213/222
200/211 175/174 163/155 154/143 144/129 131/113 123/1 04
188/201 165/165 153/148 145/136 135/122 123/1 07 116/98
177/192 155/158 144/141 137/130 127/1 16 116/102 109/93
168/183 147/151 136/135 129/124 120/111 109/97 103/89
159/176 139/144 129/129 122/119 113/106 103/93 97/85
152/168 132/138 122/123 1161114 1071102 98/89 92/81
144/162 125/133 116/118 110/1 09 102/98 93/85 88/78

Erosion Factors - Doweled Joints, No Concrete Shoulder (Single /Tandem Axle)

Slab k of sub grade-subbase, pci
thickness, in 50 100 200 300 500 700
3.74/3.83 3.73/3.79 3.72/3.75 3.71/3.73 3.70/3.70 3.68/3.67
3.59/3.70 3.57/3.65 3.56/3.61 3.55/3.58 3.54/3.55 3.52/3.53
5 3.45/3.58 3.43/3.52 3.42/3.48 3.41/3.45 3.40/3.42 3.38/3 .40
3.31/3.41 3.29/3.36 3.28/3.33 3.27/3.30 3.26/3.28
5.5 3.33/3.47
3.19/3.31 3.18/3.26. 3.17/3.23 3.15/320 3.14/3.17
6 3.22/3.38
3.09/3.22 3.07/3:16 3.06/3.13 3.05/3.10 3.03/3.07
6.5 3.11/3.29
7 3.02/3.21 2.99/3.14 2.97/3.08 2.96/3.05 2.95/3.01 2.94/2.98
2.91/3.06 2.88/3.00 2.87/2.97 2.86/2.93 2.84/2.90
7.5 2.93/3.14

8 282/299 2.80/2.93 2.79/2.89 2.77/2.85 2.76/2.82

2.77/3.01 2.74/2.93 2.72/2.86 2.71/2.82 2.69/2.78 2.68/275

9 2.67/287 2.65/2.80 2.63/2.76 2.62/271 2.61/2.68

2.60/2.81 2.58/2.74 2.56/2.70 2.55/2.65 2.54/2.62
9.5 2.63/2.90

10 2.54/2.76 2.51/2.68 2.50/2.64 2.48/2.59 2.47/256

2.47/2.71 2.45/2.63 2.44/2.59 2.42/2.54 2.41/2.51
10.5 2.50/2.81

11 2.42/2.67 2.39/2.58 2.38/2.54 2.36/2.49 2.35/2.45

2.36/2.62 2.33/2.54 2.32/2.49 2.30/2.44 2.29/2.40
I] .5 2.38/272

12 2.30/258 2.28/2.49 2.26/2.44 2.25/2.39 2.23/2.36

2.25/2.54 2.23/2.45 2.2112.40 2.19/2.35 2.18/2.31
12.5 2.28/2.64

13 2.20/2.50 2.18/2.41 2.16/2.36 2.14/230 2.13/227

2.18/2.57 2.15/2.47 2.13/2.37 2.11/2.32 2.09/2.26 2.08/223
2.11/2.43 2.08/2.34 2.07/2.29 2.05/2.23 2.03/2.19
14 2.13/2.54
I " "._"~

60 120 10.000,000
0'/5 6
110 1,000,000
~2 4

50 100

90 100,000

40 80 4 0
VI l-
- -
~ 0.30 f2_- __--------
Q:' ---- w
ci __ -- ---U a.
0 --<1- 2 w
0 70
II a::
.J 0 0
34 w <i
W ..J
i: 0
.J <:f ..J
X Q:' 10,000
X 32 <i LLJ
ct CI) 8 "..J
w ::!: (j (1)
.J 30 .60 W 6 <i
~ 0
Z 0
VI 28 ~ 4 ..J
24 2


20 40 .oi' 1000


12 2

10 20

8 16 100

Fatigue analysis-allowable load repetitions based on stress ratio factor (with and
without concrete shoulder).
r"""(" ~ _.
------------------- --------------

60 100,000,000

50 2.0

2.2 8

40 4

2.6 - ......•• __ -..... _ 2

2.8 1,000,000
30 60 8
0.. 3.0 I-
:Ie ~ Z 4 W
Q a.
25 50 0 w
<l: « VI
0 3.2 0::
0 ..J 0:: o
2 «
W o
.J .J
J )( 3.4
x « w
<l: .J
20 40 ~ . m
. w 100,000 «
Cl 0 3.6 8 ~
z z o
iii «
35 I- 6 ..J
3.8 4

30 4.0

25 10.000
12 8

10 20

9 16

8 16

Erosion analysis-allowable load repetitions based on erosion factor (without concrete

shoulder) .
..... -
Worksheet for Q 6(c)

Cal1culation of Pavement Thickness

in Doweled joints yes __ no
Trial thickness
Concrete shoulder yes __ no
Subbase-subgrade, k pci
Modulus of Rupture, MR psi Design Period --- years
Load safety factor, LSF

Fatigue analysis Erosion Analysis

Axle Multiplied Expected
Load, by re~etitions Allowable Fatigue Allowable Damage'
kips LSF repetitions Percent repetitions Percent

4 5 6 7
1 2 3

8. Equivalent stress 10. Erosion factor

9. Sir!:::;:; ratio liletor

Single Axles


11. Equivalent stress 13. Erosion factor

12. Stress ratio factor
Tandein Axles

Total Total

.n ~.
L-4/T-lICE Date :06/08/2016
L-4/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: CE 451 (Transportation Engineering II: Pavement Design and Railway Engineering)

Full Marks : 280 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Briefly state the important properties of aggregates used for highway construction.

What are the requirements of asphalt and aggregates in superpave mix design? (16.%)
(b) What are the main differences between Marshall and Hveem method of mix design

regarding testing of specimens and design criteria? (15)

(c) How do you find Design Asphalt Content, in Hveem method of mix design, after
having the value of Approximate Asphalt Content by CKE procedure? An asphaltic
concrete sample cut from a completed pavement weighs 3540 grn in air and 1962 grn in
water. The laboratory compacted specimen of the same mix has a bulk specific gravity

Gmbof 2.384 and voids percent of 5.5 percent. Is the mix satisfactory? (15)

2. (a) Briefly state the steps for refining crude petroleum in order to get different varieties of

asphaltic materials. What are the viscosity grades of asphalt cement? (18.%)
(b) What are the tests for asphalt cement and aggregates in the specification of asphalt

overlay construction? What are the special tests for emulsified asphalt? (15)
(c) What are the especial qualities required for bitumen to be used in road construction of

Bangladesh? How are these qualities achieved? (13)

3. (a) Define pavement and write down its functions and desirable characteristics. Draw typical
sections for flexible and rigid pavements and also show load distribution mechanisms of

them. Mention the CBR requirement for different layers of flexible pavement. (21 .%)
(b) Write short notes on 'Semi-rigid or Composite Pavement' and 'Considerations of

Perpetual Pavement'. Briefly differentiate between: (10+Sx3=2S)

(i) Flexible and Rigid pavements.
(ii) Contraction and construction joints.
(iii) Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements (JPCP) and Continuously Reinforced Concrete
Pavement (CRCP).
(iv) Tie bars and Dowel bars.
(v) Pumping and Fitigue (Alligator) Cracking mode of distresses.

Contd P/2

CE 451

4. (a) Draw stress distribution patterns overtime for flexible pavement. List different

common mode of distresses for flexible and rigid pavements. (15)

(b) Why joints are used in rigid pavements? Write short notes on: Fog-seal, Slurry seal

and Micro-seal. (12)

(c) Why structural design of pavement is a complex one? Design a flexible pavement by
AASHTO method for the data given below. Give one trial and put your comments for the
next trial thickness (if any). Solution should be given in the worksheet provided at the

end of question paper. (4% +15)


Assumed structural Number, SN = 6.0

Estimated Design EASL, WI8 = 25.0 million

Design period = 20 years

Initial Serviceability, Po = 4.5

Terminal Serviceability, Pt = 2.5

Reliability, R = 0.95

Overall Std. deviation, So = 0.35

ZR = -1.645

__~_. ... =. =.=_.= . ,,,~._
"",,c= .~_~.
~ _

Pavement Material Resilient Modulus Drainage

layer Coefficients
. layer Used MR (psi) Coefficients
Surface Course (AC) Asphalt Concrete . EAC= 400,000 a1= 0.169*LN(EAd -1.764 m1 =
" '

8ase Course (85) Granular Ees :: 30,000

- a2= 0.249*LOG
1o(Ees) - 0.977 m2 = 1.2

Subbase Course (58) Granular ESB :: 11,000 a3= 0.227*LOGlO(Ese) - 0.839 "1.2

Roadbed Course (RS) Compacted soil ERB = 5,700

.. --." ...... "
• " ,

Note: 1. Assume reasonable values for missing data, if any.

2. Write the results in the AASHTO worksheet provided.
3. AASHTO Design Nomograph for flexible pavement is also provided.

Contd P/3
CE 451
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) What are the options for bituminous surfacing on low volume roads? And, in Bangladesh,
what are the commonly used low-cost surface treatments? Draw a typical cross-section of
Bangladesh LGED implemented Herring Bone Bond (HBB) Brick pavement. Also, write
down a list of ten equipment and their uses for highway construction. (26 X)
(b) Describe the construction steps, material and quality control requirements for cement
stabilized road layer construction. Also, compare between penetration macadam and
surface dressing treatment for bituminous road. (20)

6. (a) Discuss the construction steps and quality control measures for hot rolled bituminous
surface layer including standard rolling procedure. Discuss the process of asphalt .
pavement recycling along with potential advantages. How can you repair following
defects in a bituminous pavement: (i) Corrugation and shoving (ii) Local depression and
upheaval (iii) Bleeding asphalt and or too rich mix? (26)
(b) What are the important.construction measures for quality control of rigid concrete
pavement construction? Discuss with sketches dowel bar misalignment during concrete
paving. Write down the problems and relevant considerations for hot weather concrete
placement for rigid pavements. (20 X)

7. (a) Classify railway system. Make a comparison between railway and roadway. Discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of concrete sleeper. Also; state the advantages of
coning of wheel and tilting of rails. (26X)
(b) Define gauge of railway. What are the problems associated with having single track
route? A Broad Gauge (BG) railway track is laid in a rising gradient of 1 in 100..
Calculate the compensated grade if a 5° curve is to be laid on the rising gradient. (20)
Again, calculate the minimum depth of ballast for a BG track with wooden sleepers
having sleeper spacing = 48.1 cm and width of sleeper = 25.4 cm.

8. (a) What are the desirable properties of ideal ballast? State the possible causes and typical
symptoms of embankment failure. In a tabular form state the aspects indicated by various
colors of electrical colored light signals. Draw a schematic diagram of a right hand
turnout showing the names of all the principal parts. (26)
(b) Classify railway yards and station. Also, state the functions of a railway station. (20X)
A 6° curve branches of from a 4° main curve in an opposite direction in a BG track. If the
speed restriction on the branch line is 30 krnph, determine the speed restriction in the
main line. Assume permissible deficiency in cant as 76 mm.
" .. .
~"' . ~--'--or



~ j.

AASHTO Worksheet For Flexible Pavement Design .••..


Pa,vement Material.
Resilient Modul us Drainage Required SN Calculations For
Layer Layer Coefficients Thickness ""q
Used MR (psi) Coefficient above the layer Layer Thicknessed D ~nch)

Surface Course EAC = . 400,000 . a1= 0.169 LN(EAd -1.764 =
m1= 1.0 .

Base Course GranlJar Ess = 30,000 a2= 0.249*LOGlO(EBS) - 0.977. = ~= 1.2
'. \I
Subbase Course Granular ESB = 11,000 a3= O.227*LOG1O(EsB) - 0.839 = rTlJ= 1.2

Compacted " ..
Roadbed Course ERB = .5,700
Check for SN3 = a1m1D1 + a2m2D2 + a3m3D3 =

...... ...................................
.:.:.:.:.:Surface 'Course .:.:.:.:.

SN1 .. .. .• .. ..
.. •. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
D1= .
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
•• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 0' ••••••••••••••

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

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::::::::::::::: :::::: :::::::::::: ~:::::::::: : ::::::::::
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. \
..•. AASHTO Design Nomograph for Flexibl:ePaveme'M
"-, '.

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Ot$fgn~tructu,ral Nuntbtr, SN
L-4fT-l/CE Date: 01108/2015
L-4/T-I B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2013-2014

Sub: CE 451 (Transportation Engineering II: Pavement Design & Railway Engineering)

Full Marks: 280 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

I. (a) Define flexible, semi-rigid and rigid pavements. Write down six important
advantages of rigid pavement. In your opinion which type of pavement is suitable for
Bangladesh and why? Draw typical sections for flexible and rigid pav~rnents and also
show load distribution mechanisms for them. \, (3+3+5+ 11=22)
(b) Classify flexible pavement. What are the technological advancements
, that made
perpetual pavement possible? Joint-wise classify rigid pavement. Wriie down two

important benefits of continuously reinforced rigid pavement (CRCP)? (4+4+3+2=13)

(c) An existing 4-1ane national highway constructed on embankment requires full
reconstruction. A number of trial pits were undertaken and the CBR of the sub-grade
beneath the existing road was found to be 4%. A 24 hour classified traffic count was
carried out on a typical weekday and shown only heavy vehicles as follows. Determine
the pavement layer thicknesses by using RHD flexible pavement design guide method.
Consider annual traffic growth rate 10% and design period 20 years. Use Base type II.
Necessary Tables are given at the end of the question paper. Assume reasonable values

for missing data, if any. (1170

Base year
Vehicle Categories Two-wav Flow/dav
Heavy truck 40

Medium truck 300

Light truck 100

Large bus 200

(a) Write down the common modes of distresses of flexible and rigid pavements. Why
joints are used in rigid pavement? Schematically show the layout arrangement of

different types of reinforcement that are used in the concrete pavement. (8+3+47j=157j)
(b) Why and where twin-track ,rigid pavement is usually constructed? Write down the
sequences of pavement failure under submerged condition in Bangladesh. Why ditto

copy of AASHTO method of pavement design is not appropriate for Bangladesh. (4+4+4=12)
Contd PI2
CE 451/CE
Conld ... Q. NO.2

(c) Detennine ESAL for the following data: (19)

Highway type = 4.lane rural highway

Design Period = 20 yr

Uniform growth rate = 7.5%

Total No. of trucks weighed = 1200 (one day & both directions)

Terminal Serviceability, Pt = 2.5 (Default Po = 4.6)

Give only one trial with SN = 6.0 and put, your comments for the next trial (if needed).

Axle Load Distribution

Axle Load Number of Axle Load Number of

Groups (kip) . Axles, N Groups (kip) Axles, N
Single Axles Tandem Axle

0-3 0 0-6 0

3-7 10 6 - 12 28

7-8 480 12 - 18 200

8 -12 1440 18 - 24 480

12 -15 510 24 - 30 344

26 - 30 450 30 - 32 540

- - 32 - 34 552

- - 34 - 36 544

3. (a) State the widths of different railway gauges that are available in Bangladesh. What

are the difficulties with non-uniformity in gauges? (1070

(b) List the requirements of an ideal fastening. What are fish plates? (16)
(c) Calculate the maximum permissible train load that can be pulled by a locomotive

having four pairs of driving wheels having an axle load of 28.42 tones latch on a B.G.
track with a rising gradient of 1 in 200 and maximum curvature of 3 degrees at a speed

of48.3 kmph.Take coefficient offiiction as 0.2. (20)

4. (a) What are the advantages of concrete sleepers? What is sleeper density? (107))
(b) Explain classification of railway stations as per operational and functional

considerations. (16)
(c) What is the function of points and crossings? Draw a complete labeled diagram for a

right hand turnout. (20)

Contd P/3

CE 451/CE


There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Make a comparative statement of low cost gravel and clay brick surfaces in
Bangladesh situation. Also, compare between Penetration Macadam surface and Double
Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST). Make a list of equipment with their specific

uses in bituminous pavement construction. (20)

(b) Discuss different kinds of excavations as required for highway embankment
construction. Discuss the quality control tests and their typical frequencies for granular
road base construction. Also, explain the l\ses of typical tools and devices for traffic

control in road work zone. (20)

(c) Discuss preparation of road application surface before placing of bituminous mixes
and write down subsequent standard rolling procedure for mix compaction. (670

6. (a) What are the critical elements before start of cement concrete paving operation?
What are the defects in dowel bar alignment and what points must be considered while
doing dowel bar installation. Discuss important issues related to concrete curing. (20)
(b) Write short notes on the following: (5x4=20)
(i) Scheme of bituminous pavement crack repair.
(ii) Pavement life cycle diagram and maintenance management system.
(iii) Rutting and channel repair in bituminous pavement.
(iv) Joint maintenance and curling crack repair in rigid pavement.
(v) Bituminous pavement recycling.
(c) Explain the use of Gantt. Chart, CPM and PERT in highway construction project. (670

7. (a) What are the requirements/objectives of asphaltic concrete mix design? What are the
methods and general steps for determining optimum asphalt content? (20)
(b) How is C.K.E. Determined? What are the test schedule, tests, and steps for
determining design asphalt content in Hveem method? (20)
(c) An asphaltic concrete sample cut from the top layer of runway overlay weighs 3537
gm in air and 2037 gm in water. The mix when tested in the lab resulted Gmb = 2.356
and Gmm = 2.466. Find the percent air voids and percent compaction achieved in the

field. (670

8. (a) What are the properties and classification of aggregates? How do you get aggregates
in a specified gradation for a particular project? What are the tests included for
aggregates in the specification for pavement overlay project? (20)
(b) Briefly state the steps for obtaining different varieties of asphalt from crude
petroleum. What are the present grades of asphalt cement based on standard capillary

viscometer test? (20)

(c) What are the types and grades of emulsified asphalts? (6 Y,)
\ \


,/ For Q 1(e)
Ta bl e 1: Improve d Sub-grad e ReqUirements
CBR Compacted thic~ness of additional laver to orovide reauired CBR
i Required CBR of underlvina laver
<2% 2% 3% 4% 5%
5% Sub-grade material
450mm 300mm 250mm 200mm
should be removed

Table 2: Thickness Design Table for Flexible Pavements (RHO design guide method)
nlm SurfaCing (mml Roaabases (mm)' Sub.bases (mm)""
(Select one type) Subgrade CBR %
Asphalt Asphalt . Cement. Granular Base
TraffiC 'Neanng Base .. bOLmd 5 8.25 ' 25
ESA(mlll) Course Course Granular Type I Type II

60.80 40 155 NfA NIA 300 150 0

+ +
40.60 "D .~
30 - 40 125

25.30 110 250 300 250
17 .25 '05 ~!
15.17 95 200
" .15 90 -:s ~

9.11 80 200 250
7.9 70
1 1
6.7 65
5.6 60

.'-'" .,
4 .5 55
3.4 45 ~ 175 200 175
< 3 35 ~ 150 175 150

• CBR of granular base type 1 is min. 80% N/A ::: not applicable
. CBR of granular base type II is min. 50'%
•. CBR of sub.base material is 25%

For Q 2(c)

Table 3: Lane distribution factors

Numberof lanes Percentof 18.kipESAL

in both directions traffiCin desianlane
1 100
2 80 -100
3 60-80
4 or more 50.75

Table 4: Axle Load Equivalency Factors for Flexible Pavements

Single Axles (PI = 2.5)

Pavement Structural Numbe-;(SN\

---- 6
Axle load ._.-+~----' -'2-'1-"3-- 4 5
(kipS) I 0.0002 0.0002
00003 00002
I 00004 00004 0.002
2 0003 0002
0004 0004
4 0003 001 0.009
0017 0013
0011 0017 0.031
6 0041 0034
0047 0051
8 0032 0088 0.08
0.118 0102
0078 0102 0175
10 0213 0189
- 0.198 0229
12 0168 036 0.342
0399 0388
0328 0358 0606
14 0645 0623
16 0591
,.. 1 1 1
16 147 1.51
157 149
20 161 2.18 23
___ 1Jl... ._" 2.09
22 248 f--._2.3!- 303 327
-----_.' --'~-_.'-"'----- 309 289
369 349 4.48
24 391 4.09
4.99 4.31
533 539 598
--l.6 59 521
.7:49 698 7.8
28 68 7
95 7.9
30 103 89 10
105 88
139 128 - 12.5
----_.32----- 169 137 113
=-,841 139 15.5
34 177 14.4
24 I 22

Axle Load Equivalency Factors for Flexible Pavements

Table 5:
Tandem Axles (pt = 2.5) .
Pavement Structural Numbe;:(SN
Axle Load 4 5 6
2 3
iklOS\ 1 0 0
00001 0
00001 00001 0.002
2 0.0003 0.0003
0.0005 00004
4 00005 0001 0.001
0002 0001
0002 0002 0.003
6 0.004 0.003
0006 0005
8 0004 0.007 0006
0.011 0009
0008 0013 0013
10 0018 0014
--~- 14
16 0092 0.077
0097 0109
18 007 0.121 011
0162 0141
0107 0.141 0166
20 0.207 0.18
0198 ,-. 0669
016 026 0242
c--_. 1L ___ 0231 0273 0315 0282
24 0.401 0.364
037 0.42
26 0327 0495 0.48
0548 0.534
0451 0.493 0633
28 0.695 0.658
0.848 0.703
30 0611 0.857 0.834
0.889 0.887
0813 0843 .1.08
32 1.11 1.09
_. __ }~.---- __ ~.6_f-' __ ~ __ JJ 1 138 1.38 138
138 1.38
36 1.38
'",. --;:: 1
0-1 I
r' 091
'\ • z
.2 Q.
<J f-'
a. .; ~
'"0, ~
'ii , -0 ~
z •• ::,.,. fo'
." "- ~ ~


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Ii' ~\~~
IlOS ptlQPeOH 8htl:)OIl3



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l ~;:;
IAfT-I/CE ~i'~ Date: 10/01/2015
L-4/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2012-2013

Sub: CE 451 (Transportation Engineering II: Pavement Design and Railway Engineering)
Full Marks: 280 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Assume reasonable values for missing data, if any.

1. (a) What are classification of aggregates based on source, size and weight? Why is
aggregate grading and blending important for any aggregate construction in roads?
(b) What are the main differences between Marshall and Hveem'method of mix design
regarding compaction and testing of specimens? (15)
(c) How do you finq C.K.E. and surface capacity values in Hveem method of mix design?
An asphaltic' concrete sample cut from a completed pavement weighs 3540 grn in air and
1962 grn in water. The laboratory compacted specimen of the same mix has a bulk
specific gravity Gmb of 2.384 and voids of 5.5 percent. Is the mix satisfactory? (16 X)
2. (a) Briefly state the steps for refining crude petroleum in order to get different variet~es of
asphaltic materials. What are the grades of asphalt cement based on st;mdard capillary
viscometer test results? (1873') ,
(b) Name the laboratory tests of bituminous materials used in road construction. Write
down the specification requirement for asphalt used runway overlay mixes. (16)
(c) What are the especial qualities required for bitumen to be used in road construction of
Bangladesh? How are these qualities be achieved? (12)

3. (a) Define Perpetual Pavement? What are the technological advancements made
Perpetual Pavement possible? Write down three main considerations of Perpetual
Pavement. Compare between flexible pavement and rigid pavement. (3+4+ 3+ 12=22)
(b) State the common modes of distresses of flexible pavement. What are the problems
associated with pavement Fatigue Cracking and main causes of this distress? State the
ways of removing 'Bleeding of bituminous pavement'? What were the purposes and
outcomes of AASHO road test? (7+673' +3+8=2473')

4. (a) List different methods of pavement design. Write down the types of rigid pavement

joints and functions of dowel hars. Draw a typical joint detail of rigid pavement showing
sealant reservoir and backer rod. (6+8+473' = 1873' )
(b) Design a concrete pavement by using PCA method for the conditions given below.
Give one trial and put your comments on the trial thickness. Solution could be giv~n in
the worksheet. provided at the en~uestion paper. , (28)
,IJ~ Contd P12
IAfT-I/CE ~i'~ Date: 10/01/2015
L-4/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2012-2013

Sub: CE 451 (Transportation Engineering II: Pavement Design and Railway Engineering)
Full Marks: 280 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Assume reasonable values for missing data, if any.

1. (a) What are classification of aggregates based on source, size and weight? Why is
aggregate grading and blending important for any aggregate construction in roads?
(b) What are the main differences between Marshall and Hveem'method of mix design
regarding compaction and testing of specimens? (15)
(c) How do you finq C.K.E. and surface capacity values in Hveem method of mix design?
An asphaltic' concrete sample cut from a completed pavement weighs 3540 grn in air and
1962 grn in water. The laboratory compacted specimen of the same mix has a bulk
specific gravity Gmb of 2.384 and voids of 5.5 percent. Is the mix satisfactory? (16 X)
2. (a) Briefly state the steps for refining crude petroleum in order to get different variet~es of
asphaltic materials. What are the grades of asphalt cement based on st;mdard capillary
viscometer test results? (1873') ,
(b) Name the laboratory tests of bituminous materials used in road construction. Write
down the specification requirement for asphalt used runway overlay mixes. (16)
(c) What are the especial qualities required for bitumen to be used in road construction of
Bangladesh? How are these qualities be achieved? (12)

3. (a) Define Perpetual Pavement? What are the technological advancements made
Perpetual Pavement possible? Write down three main considerations of Perpetual
Pavement. Compare between flexible pavement and rigid pavement. (3+4+ 3+ 12=22)
(b) State the common modes of distresses of flexible pavement. What are the problems
associated with pavement Fatigue Cracking and main causes of this distress? State the
ways of removing 'Bleeding of bituminous pavement'? What were the purposes and
outcomes of AASHO road test? (7+673' +3+8=2473')

4. (a) List different methods of pavement design. Write down the types of rigid pavement

joints and functions of dowel hars. Draw a typical joint detail of rigid pavement showing
sealant reservoir and backer rod. (6+8+473' = 1873' )
(b) Design a concrete pavement by using PCA method for the conditions given below.
Give one trial and put your comments on the trial thickness. Solution could be giv~n in
the worksheet. provided at the en~uestion paper. , (28)
,IJ~ Contd P12
CE 451

General Data
Traffic (Average Daily Traffic, ADT): 450 veh/day (both directions)
Trucks: IS percent of ADT
Annual growth: 3 percent
Modulus of Rupture, MR: 5S0 psi
Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k: 100 pci
Design life: 20 years

Other Data
Doweled joints: Yes
Shoulder: No
Subbase: 6 in untreated

Truck Axle Load Distributions

Axle Load Group No. axles per 100 trucks on the road
(kips) Single Axles Tandem Axles
12-14 8.0
14-16 7.3
16-18 6.1
18-20 5.4
20-22 3.2
22-24 7.6
24-26 8.4
26-28 9.0 r
28.30 11.2
30:32 9.4
, 1.8
. 1.4
38-40 1.0

Effect of Untreated Subbase on k Values,

Subgrade value, Subbase k value, pci

pci 4 in. 6 in. 9 in. 12in.
50 65 75 85 110
100 130 140 160 190
200 220 230 270 320
300 320 330 370 430

Contd P/3
CE 451

General Data
Traffic (Average Daily Traffic, ADT): 450 veh/day (both directions)
Trucks: IS percent of ADT
Annual growth: 3 percent
Modulus of Rupture, MR: 5S0 psi
Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k: 100 pci
Design life: 20 years

Other Data
Doweled joints: Yes
Shoulder: No
Subbase: 6 in untreated

Truck Axle Load Distributions

Axle Load Group No. axles per 100 trucks on the road
(kips) Single Axles Tandem Axles
12-14 8.0
14-16 7.3
16-18 6.1
18-20 5.4
20-22 3.2
22-24 7.6
24-26 8.4
26-28 9.0 r
28.30 11.2
30:32 9.4
, 1.8
. 1.4
38-40 1.0

Effect of Untreated Subbase on k Values,

Subgrade value, Subbase k value, pci

pci 4 in. 6 in. 9 in. 12in.
50 65 75 85 110
100 130 140 160 190
200 220 230 270 320
300 320 330 370 430

Contd P/3
CE 451
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Explain nature and values of various train resistance for a moving locomotive. (10~)
(b) Explain factors affecting the choice of a railway gauge and mention examples of
countries for different gauges. (16)
(c) Write short notes on the following: (20)
(i) Deficiency in super-elevation
(ii) Working principals of compressed air and vacuum brakes
(iii) Types of wear on rails
(iv) Coning of wheels
(v) Minimum depth of ballast cushion.

6. (a) Explain with neat sketches the construction and function of a semaphore signal. (6,%)
(b) Explain with neat sketches the classification o'f railway signals ,according to location. (20)
(c) What is a "turnout"? Draw a complete labelled diagram for a left hand turnout. (20)

7. (a) Write down main strategies for customizing low cost road options. What do you mean
by Engineered Earth road? Discuss construction of Dressed Stone road surface and
Penetration Macadam road surface. Draw a neat section of Bangladeshi rural road with
. Herring Bone Bond (HBB) brick pavement and its construction and .material
specifications. (6+4+ 10+ 10=30)
(b) Discuss following construction requirements of plant mixed hot bituminous
pavement. (16X)
(i) Quality control plan including testing frequency
(ii) Preparation of asphalt concrete
(iii) Preparation of application surface
(iv) Compaction of asphaltic mix on road

8. (a) Write down names and uses of 10 highway construction equipments. Explain how
Gantt Charts Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review
Technique (PERT) are useful tool in highway construction management. (10+ 10=20)
(b) Write down names of cement concrete uniformity testing prior to start of rigid
pavement constl)1ction. Explain various curing means for rigid pavement. Discuss
pumping distress phenomenon in rigid pavement. (16~)
(c) Explairi highway network management system framework with a schematic flow chart. (10)

~ -,-

FoG' 0, No ,ACh)
~ Equivalent Stress - No Concrete Shoulder (Single Axle!Tandem Axle)
Slab k of subl!rade-subbase. oei
thickness, in. 50 100 150 200 300 500 700

825/679 726/585 671/542 634/516 584/486 523/457 484/443

4 4.5 540/435 498/406 448/378 417/363
699/586 616/500 571/460
602/516 531/436 493/399 467/376 432/349 390/321 363/307
5 5.5 343/278 320/264
526/461 464/387 431/353 409/331 379/305
465/416 411/348 382/316 362/296 336/271 304/246 285/232
6 6.5 324/267 300/244 273/220 256/207
417/380 367/317 341/286
375/349 331/290 307/262 292/244 271/222 246/199 231/186
7 7.5 246/203 224/181 210/169
340/323 300/268 279/241 265/224
311/300 274/249 ,255/223 2421208 225/188 205/167 192/155
8 8.5 188/154 ,177/143
285/281 252/232 234/208 222/193 206/174
264/264 23212]8 216/195 205/181 190/163 174/144 163/133
9 9.5 ]61/134 151/124
245/248 215/205 200/]83 190/170 176/153
228/235 200/]93 186/173 177/160 164/144 150/126 141/117
10 ]0.5
213/222 187/183 ]74/164 165/151 153/136 140/119 132/110
200/211 175/174 163/]55 154/143 144/129 131/113 123/104
11 11.5 ]23/107
1881201 165/165 153/148 145/136 135/122 116/98
177/192 155/158 144/141 137/130 127/116 116/102 109/93
12 12.5 129/124 120(111 109/97 103/89
168/183 147/151 136/135
159/176 139/144 129/129 122/119 113/106 103/93 97/85
13 13.5
152/168 132/138 122/123 116/114 107/102 98/89 92/81
]4 144/162 125/133 116/118 110/109 102/98 93/85 88/78

Erosion Factors - Doweled Joints, No Concrete Shoulder (Single !Tandem Axle)

Slab k of subgrade-subbase, pci
thickness, 50 100 200 300 500 700
4 4.5 3.74/3.83 3.73/3.79 3.72/3.75 3.71/3.73 3.70/3.70 3.68/3.67
3.59/3.70 3.57/3.65 3.56/3.61 3.55/3.58 3.54/3.55 3.52/3.53
5 5.5 3.45/3.58 3.43/3.52 3.42/3.48 3.4113.45 3.40/3.42 3.38/3.40
3.33/3.47 3.3113.41 3.29/3.36 3.28/3.33 3.27/3.30 3.26/3.28

6 6.5 3.22/3.38 3.19/3.31 3.18/3.26 3.17/3.23 3.15/320 3.14/3.17

3.11/3.29 3.09/3.22 3.07/3.16 3.06/3.13 3.05/3.10 3.03/3.07
7 7.5 3.02/3.21 2.99/3.14 2.97/3.08 2.96/3.05 2.95/3.01 2.94/2.98
2.93/3.)4 2.91/3.06 2.88/3.00 2.87/2.97 2.86/2.93 2.84/2.90
8 8.5 2.85/3.07 282/299 2.80/2.93 2.79/2.89 2.77/2.85 2.7612.82
2.77/3.01 2.74/2,93 2.72/2.86 2.7112.82 2.69/2.78 2.68/275
9 9.5 2.70/2.96 2.67/287 2.65/2.80 2.63/2.76 2.62/271 2.61/2.68
2.63/2.90 2.60/2.81 2.58/2.74 2.56/2.70 2.55/2.65 2.54/2.62
10 10.5 2.56/2.85 2.54/2.76 2.51/2.68 2.50/2.64 2.48/2.59 2.47/256
2.50/2.81 2.47/2.71 2.45/2.63 2.44/2.59 2.42/2.54 2.41/2.51
11 11.5 2.44/2.76 2.42/2.67 2.39/2.58 2.38/2.54 2.36/2.49 2.35/2.45
2.38/272 2.36/2.62 2.3312.54 2.32/2.49 2.30/2.44 2.29/2.40
12 12.5 233/2.68 2.30/258 2.28/2.49 2.26/2.44 2.25/2.39 2.23/2.36
2.28/2.64 2.25/2.54. 2.23/2.45 2.21/2.40 2.19/2.35 2.18/2.31
13 13.5 2.23/2.61 2.20/2.50 2.18/2.41 2.16/2.36 2.14/230 2.13/227
2.18/2.57 2.15/2:47 2.13/2.37 2.1112.32 2.09/2.26 . 2.08/2 23
14 2.13/2.54 2.11/2.43 2.08/2.34 2.07/2.29 2.05/2.23 2.03/2.19

I _
, ,
-- -



90 '-- 100,000

80 en o
11. l-
:II: I-
0: ._-- UI
o ci _--
03Q ~o . _-----

~ a:
70 3 o o
w i: «
IIJ ..J o
.oJ X
~ 10,000 ..J
3 « 8 LIJ
/g ..J
o ~
Ii 6 «
! Z CI)
(Il ..J
~ 4 ..J


8 16 100

Fatigue analysis-allowable load repetitions based on stress ratio factor (with and
without concrete shoulder).
...~-' .-.-- ~--~-. _.

- -
60 120

50 100 2,0

90 2.2


70---" - - ~- .2.6---...---...._ 2

2.8 <Il
30 60 Z
III 1=
ll. 3.0 r
:ll: w
ll: 0-
25 50 0 w
0 <t a:
<t 0 3.2 o
0 .J «
.J 2 o
W ..J
W .J
.J X 3.4 W
X <t ..J
ex 40
20 :f 100,000 !Xl
w W
.J 0 3.6 8 ~
z o
! « 6 .J
Vl 35 ~ <t
3.8 4

30 4.0

25 10.000

10 20
9 18

8 16
Erosion analysis-allowable load repetitions based on erosion factor (without concrete
_.::1 _
-- T-

Calculation of Pavement Thickness


Trial thickness in Doweled joints yes--no

Subbase-subgrade, k ----- pel Concrete shoulder yes __ no
Modulus of Rupture, MR ----- psi
Design Period yea~
Load safety factor, LSF

Fatigue analysis Erosion Analysis

Axle Multiplied Expected
load, by repetitions Allowable Fatigue Allowable Damago
kips LSF repelltions Percent repetttions Percent

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8. Equivalent stress 10. Erosion factor

9 ..Stress ratio faelor
Single Axl••

11. EljuivlIltmt stress 13. Erosion faclor , _

12. Stress rallo factor

Tandem Axles

Tolal Total

l .

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