Electrical Braking of Three Phase Induct PDF
Electrical Braking of Three Phase Induct PDF
Electrical Braking of Three Phase Induct PDF
Induction motors are most widely using motors in present days for domestic and industrial
purpose. But controlling of AC motor is little bit difficult than DC motor due to alternating
nature of voltage. Speed control of induction motors is difficult than dc motors. That’s
why induction motor use was restricted. But efficiency wise, usage wise induction motors has
lots of advantages. So some speed control, braking methods of induction motor are invented.
Braking is the most important part of speed control. is two types. They are, mechanical and
electrical .In mechanical braking we have disadvantages like heat dissipation, mechanical brakes
also depend on the skill of the operator. Electric braking is easy and reliable; it can stop the
induction motors very quickly. So we go for electrical braking on induction motor. Though the
motor is brought to rest electrically, to maintain its state of rest a mechanical brake is must.
Types of Braking
In this braking a high resistance is inserted in the rotor circuit of induction motor, with the help
of rheostat. In the below diagram braking on 3 phase induction motor is shown. Whenever we
need braking one of the supply line out of R, Y or B is disconnected from the supply. Depending
upon the condition of this disconnected line, we classified two types they are,
1. Two lead connections : In this method, the line disconnected, kept open. This is shown in the
Fig(a) and is called two lead connections of rheostatic braking.
2. Three lead connections : In this method, After disconnection of the line, it is connected
directly to the other line of the machine. This is shown in the Fig(b).
Note : This method is effective only for slip ring or wound rotor induction motors.
As one of the motor terminal is disconnected from the supply, the motor continues to run as
single phase motor. In this case the, breakdown torque i.e. maximum toque decreases to 40%
of its original value and motor develops no starting torque at all. And due to high rotor
resistance, the net torque produced becomes negative and the braking operation is obtained.
The torque-slip characteristics for motoring and braking operation of 3 phase induction
motor is shown here,
2. The energy dissipated in the rotor is not dependent on the magnitude of the d.c. current.
4. Can be used for wound rotor, squirrel cage rotor induction motors.
Regenerative Braking On Induction Motors
The input power to a three phase induction motor is given by, Pin = 3 Vph Iph cos Φ Where,
Φ is the phase angle between stator phase voltage Vph and the stator phase current Iph.In
motoring action This Φ is less than 90° for the motoring action. Φ > 90° for generating
When the induction motor runs above the synchronous speed, relative speed between the conductors
and air gap rotating field reverses, as a result the phase angle because greater than 90° rotor produces
torque in opposite direction to achieve the braking thus regenerative braking takes place.
Regenerative braking of induction motor can be applied only in case of constant frequency and speed
must be above the synchronous speed. In generating action we get some power, we can use this to
run other machine.
The torque-slip characteristics for motoring and generating action are shown in the above