Aluminium casings may be used for plain detonators fired by safety fuse but are prohibited in mines where permitted
explosives are required to be used because of the danger of igniting firedamp. On the other hand, a copper cased detonator is
normally incapable of igniting firedamp, even when exploded in the open in the most inflammable mixture of firedamp and air. In
a plain detonator, the upper part of the casing is filled with sawdust which, must be carefully removed before the fuse is inserted.
The latter is held in position by crimping the open end of the detonator around it).
chlorate to give a hot flash of flame; and (c) an outer layer of nitro-cellulose to bind the whole together.
High-Tension Fuse
This differs from the L.T. type in that there is no metallic bridge and the brass foils are of equal
length. Moreover, the innermost sensitive igniting layer in this case consists of copper acetylide mixed with
finely divided graphite to form a semi-conducting medium or chemical bridge, through and across which the
electric current sparks when a sufficiently high E.M.F. is applied.
Voltage and current required for detonators
L.T. detonators have an internal resistance of about 1 ohm and the total resistance of an average
single-shot firing circuit (say 50 yd. of twin cable) is about 7 ohms. The minimum current required to cause
ignition is about 0-5 amp. this causing ignition in about 0-05 second. The minimum voltage that must be
applied to such a circuit is thus 0-5 x 7 = 3.5 volts. If a number of detonators are connected in series, or if a
longer cable is used, the minimum voltage must be increased accordingly. In practice, the firing current
supplied is of the order of 1 ampere for single shots and 1 ½ amps or more for a number of shots connected
in series.
H.T. detonators have an internal resistance which varies within wide limits, 1500 to 50,000 ohms,
and is so great that the resistance of the cable and connections may be ignored so long as a complete circuit
exists. The minimum igniting current is very small, but ignition of an average H.T. detonator is ensured if
about 50 volts is applied to the circuit, the current never exceeding about 0.025 amp.
At one time, when most shots were fired singly, both H.T. and L.T. firing systems were used about
equally but only L.T. detonators are now used in N.C.B. collieries. Perhaps the chief advantage of the H.T.
detonator is that an increase in the length of the circuit, or badly made connections, have a negligible effect
on the total resistance of the circuit and are less likely to cause failure of ignition. On the other hand, L.T.
detonators have the following points in their favour:—
(1) The continuance of the circuit, or even that of a single detonator, may be tested by a
.galvanometer, a very small current being passed, insufficient to render the metallic bridge incandescent.
(2) L.T. detonators have an almost uniform internal resistance and firing characteristics and are
therefore the only type suitable for simultaneous shot firing where all the detonators art-connected in series
and the same current passes through all the detonators alike.
Delay Detonators
A delay detonator resembles an ordinary L.T. instantaneous detonator in so far as the electric circuit
and the priming and detonating composition are concerned, but it differs from the instantaneous type in
that a delay element is introduced between the fuse head and the priming charge. This element consists
of a copper or brass sleeve filled with some special composition which burns at a specified rate, the nature
and amount of the material depending on the magnitude of the delay required. The delay element is
"gasless" in that the products of combustion do not give rise to gas pressure tending
to burst the detonator prematurely. All delay detonators have copper leading wires,
usually 120 in. long.
Delay detonators are used where it is desired to fire a full round of shots in a
definite sequence (e.g. in stone drifts and sinking pits) with some short pre-
determined time interval between successive groups of shots. All the shots are
connected up in simple series and the firing current is applied simultaneously to all of
them, but the various shots are timed by their delay elements to go off at the desired
intervals. A condition is that the maximum period of delay must not exceed 5
seconds in order to reduce the possibility of firedamp, released by the earlier shots in
a round, being ignited by later shots.
Originally, delay detonators were issued in a-series numbered 0—10, with a
nominal delay period of one second between successive delay numbers, as shown by
a tag attached to one of the leading wires, both of which were yellow. Only 4 delays
could be used in any one round of shots in order to keep within the overall period of 5
seconds between first and last. Later, these were discontinued and replaced by a
series with half-second delays over a range of 0—10 and distinguished by having
one red and one yellow lead. This permitted twice the number of delays to be used
within the period of 5 seconds and larger rounds to be fired in one operation, whilst
increasing blasting efficiency, improving fragmentation, and reducing dust and fumes.
Incorporated in 1931.
2. (a) When an explosive is fired, what change takes place which gives it its force? (b) What are the
differences between a high explosive and a low explosive? (c) Give the composition of (^gunpowder, and (ii)
(a) Force of explosive
When an explosive is fired, a chemical reaction takes place between its constituents whereby a
relatively small volume of properly confined explosive material is suddenly converted into a large volume
of gases at high temperature and pressure. Chemical energy in the explosive is transformed into mechanical
energy and heat.
(b) High and Low Explosives
(1) A high explosive is a chemical compound (often mixed with other ingredients to modify its
action) which contains all, or most, of the oxygen required for its complete combustion. A low explosive is
a mechanical mixture of combustible materials and separate oxidising agents.
(2) A high explosive must be detonated to produce its maximum effect. A low explosive is fired by
ordinary ignition.
(3) In a high explosive, the detonative shock travels through it at velocities ranging up to 20, 000
feet per second. In a low explosive combustion proceeds from grain to grain at a relatively low rate,
depending on the degree of confinement.
(c) Composition of gunpowder and gelignite
(i) Gunpowder consists of the combustibles charcoal and sulphur, mixed with the oxidising agent
potassium nitrate (or sodium nitrate), the percentages varying somewhat but being about 15% charcoal, 10%
sulphur, and 75% potassium nitrate in Great Britain.
(ii) Gelignite consists of about 60% nitroglycerine and nitroglycol, gelatinised with 5% collodion
cotton and mixed with about 7% wood meal (a combustible) and 27% potassium or sodium nitrate (an
oxidising agent). The remainder consists of calcium carbonate (a stabiliser) and moisture.
3. (a) Why is nitrgolycerine never used alone as an explosive in coal mines? (b) Why is ammonium
nitrate never used alone?
(a) Nitroglycerine is never used alone because, in its pure state, it is an oily fluid, inconvenient to
handle and dangerously susceptible to accidental ignition. Its temperature of detonation is extremely high.
If it touches the skin it causes violent headaches. It freezes at 46°F, unless mixed with nitro glycol which
lowers the freezing temperature to —8°F. For use in coal mines, it must be mixed with other substances to
render it safe to handle and reduce its flame temperature.
(b) Ammonium nitrate is never used alone because it is too difficult to detonate by an ordinary
detonator. It must therefore be mixed with either nitroglycerine and nitro glycol, or with tri-nitro-toluol (or
similar compound) to act as a "sensitizer." It is also very hygroscopic (liable to absorb moisture) and
(even when mixed with other ingredients) it must be kept enclosed in a water-proof wrapper. If it becomes
wet, it is liable to incomplete detonation.
4. Given that a certain explosive contains (a) nitroglycerine, (b) nitroglycol, (c) nitro-cellulose, (d)
nitrate of sodium, (e) chloride of sodium, (f) wheat flour and (g) nitrate of ammonium, state the purpose of
each item.
(a) Nitroglycerine is the primary high explosive in the mixture. It is easily detonated and also acts
as a "sensitizer" for the ammonium nitrate.
(b) Nitroglycol has properties similar to those of nitroglycerine but a much lower freezing
temperature, rendering the explosive safer in cold conditions.
(c) Nitro -cellulose (or collodion cotton) is itself explosive and is used to gelatinise the nitro-.
glycerine, rendering it more water-resistant.
(d) Nitrate of sodium is an oxidising agent, to ensure complete combustion and prevent or reduce
the formation of carbon monoxide.
(e) Chloride of sodium is a cooling agent.
(f) Wheat flour is a mere combustible.
(g) Nitrate of ammonium fulfils a variety of functions, being an explosive, an oxidising agent,
and a cooling agent at one and the same time. It has a less shattering effect than nitro-glycerine; it supplies
excess oxygen to the wheat flour; and its temperature of detonation is relatively low.
In general, the explosive in question may be described as a gelatinised nitroglycerine type of
5. Sketch and describe an ordinary instantaneous detonator, explaining the differences between
high-tension and low-tension detonators.
(For the sketches, the student is referred to Figs, i and 2 of the Lesson).
The standard electric detonator now used in British coal mines is of No. 6 strength and consists
essentially of a copper tube, about ¼ in. diam. and 1 ¼ in. long, containing (a) an explosive charge and (b)
an electric fuse assembly.
The explosive charge consists of a top priming charge (0.35 gm.) which is sensitive to the flash
from the fusehead, and a bottom detonating charge (0.25 gm.), which is ignited by the priming charge. The
priming charge is a mixture of lead azide, lead styphnate and aluminium powder (ASA) and the detonating
charge is either P. E.T.N. or tetryl, the former now being preferred.
The electric fuse assembly consists of (a) two tinned iron or tinned copper insulated leading wires
which pass through a neoprene plug and are soldered to (b) two strips of brass foil separated by
pressboard. The lower ends of the brass strips are themselves embedded in (c) a fusehead of flashing
composition which is ignited when a small electric current is passed through it.
In a low-tension detonator, the two brass strips are connected at their lower ends by a fine, wire
bridge of nickel chromium alloy which provides a definite metallic circuit for the current.
In a high-tension detonator, there is no wire bridge and the fusehead is of somewhat different
composition, including some graphite which forms a semi-conducting medium for the electric current.
Low-tension detonators have an almost constant resistance of about i ohm and are more reliable than
high-tension detonators. They can also be readily tested by a galvanometer to verify the continuity of the
wire bridge and of the whole of the shot-firing circuit. High-tension detonators "have a high and very
variable resistance (up to 30,000 ohms) and cannot be tested for continuity so that, whilst they were used at
one time for firing single shots, they are entirely unsuitable for simultaneous shot-firing where a number of
shots are connected in series. Low-tension detonators are now standard in British collieries.
6. What type of permitted explosive do you consider to be the most suitable for use in (a) hard cross-
measure drifts, (b) roof rippings, and (c) coal? Give reasons, (d) State the composition of any one of them,
if known.
(a) For hard cross-measure drifts, a powerful explosive with a high velocity of detonation is
needed in order to shatter the rock from the solid and ensure good fragmentation. This calls for a high
density, gelatinised nitroglycerine type of explosive, unsheathed Polar Ajax being a typical example.
(b) For roof rippings, a less powerful explosive will normally suffice, for the rock has at least two
free faces, the depth of burden is more limited, and the strata may range from sandstone on the one hand to
soft shales on the other. No single explosive can meet these varying requirements, but there are a variety
of gelatinous or powdery explosives from which a selection can be made. Where the ripping is within 60
feet of the face, only a sheathed or an Eq. S. explosive must be used. Unifrax is a typical example (Eq.S.).
(c) For coal, and especially where large coal is required, an explosive is needed that has a rending
or spreading effect. This calls for an explosive of medium or low density within the Eq. S. range, a typical
example being Tolumite.
(d) This part of the question must be answered by each student for himself, but the following Table
gives the approximate analysis (average figures only) of a number of permitted explosives which students
may find helpful.
Approximate Composition of some Permitted Explosives.
Ingredients Polar Ajax Unigel Eq.S. Unifrax Eq.S. Tolumite Eq.S. Hydrobel
N-G +Nitro-glycol 26.5 27.3 12.2 39.4
Nitrocellulose 0.75 0.9 2.0
Mono-nitro-toluene 1.8 1.2
Trinitrotoluene 5.4
Ammonium Nitrate. 40.5 31.0 49.9 55.1 20.0
Sodium Chloride 24.5 29.3 30.5 35.8 27.1
Oat Husk Meal 3.5 1.4
Wood Meal 3.7 I.I
Plant Fibre 7.2
China Clay 2.5 4.3
Barvtes ...... 4.3 9.7
Others ........ 0.25 0.6 1.1 1.0
Of the foregoing, Polar Ajax and Unigel are gelatinous explosives, Unifrax is of the N-G powdery
type, Tolumite is a non N-G powdery explosive and Hydrobel is a special water-resisting .gelatinous
explosive for use in Pulsed Infusion Shotfiring.
It must be realised that new developments in explosives and in shot-firing technique are constantly
taking place and students should endeavour to keep in touch with these as they occur.
7. Give a list of the chief causes of accidents causing personal injury and arising out of the use of
explosives in mines, apart from accidents causing ignition of gas or coal dust.
(1) Not taking proper cover. This is the most common cause of personal injury due to
explosives. It is essential that the shot-firer shall himself take adequate cover and see that all workmen in
the vicinity of a shot are removed to a safe place. No place in direct line with a shot can be regarded as
safe and every person should be protected by at least one right-angled corner. All approaches to the danger
zone should be guarded by sentries or otherwise so as to prevent anyone •entering inadvertently.
(2) Failing to warn persons in an adjoining place into which the shot may explode.
(3) Carelessness in handling detonators, causing them to explode, or to be lost in the mine.
(4) Carelessness whilst charging a hole, e.g. tamping too forcibly in the neighbourhood of the
detonator, or ramming the primer cartridge into a hole of insufficient diameter.
(5) Firing a shot when persons are at the shothole due to instructions being misunderstood, or
lack of proper sentries.
(6) Returning to the face too soon after firing a round of shots, one of which is a "hang-fire" (i.e. a
delayed ignition), or before authorised to do so by the shot-firer.
(7) Tampering with miss-fired shots, other than in the prescribed manner.
All the foregoing have, at some time or other, been the cause of accident, and they can all be avoided
by carrying out the rules laid down in the Explosives Order and by the exercise of just ordinary care.