Foreign Investment and One Window Policy 1992 PDF
Foreign Investment and One Window Policy 1992 PDF
Foreign Investment and One Window Policy 1992 PDF
1. Background:
The wave of change in the world economic order has affected all
nations, big and small. In the process of adjusting the economy in line
with these changes, neighboring countries have also adapted an open
and liberal policy for strengthening their economic system. Accordingly,
it is necessary for Nepal to introduce timely changes and reforms in
various sectors of its economy to introduce dynamism in the process of
economic development. In this context, it is opportune for us to make
foreign investment attractive by framing a timely, liberal and open
policy. The elected government has expressed strong commitment to
this goal from the very beginning. Accordingly, this policy document
clearly explains the objectives of foreign investment, the forms of such
investment, their procedural aspects, the facilities and concessions to be
provided to them, the speedy and efficient administrative and
institutional services to be made available through an one window
system and such other aspects with the belief that implementation of this
policy will lead to the import of capital, modern technology,
management, technical skills, access to international markets,
development of competitive attitudes and awareness about increasing
productivity, and their help in the development of an industrial culture in
the private sector.
2. Objective:
5.1 The amount received by sale of the whole or any part of the
equity investment.
6.3 No income tax shall be lived on the income earned from exports.
7. Other Facilities:
7.2 Relief from Double Taxation- For the purpose of avoiding double
taxation on incomes of foreign investors Government of Nepal
shall take necessary action to conclude agreements for the
avoidance of double taxation with the countries of the concerned
foreign investors.
7.3 Custom duty, excise duty and sales taxes levied on raw materials
and auxiliary raw materials of export oriented industries shall be
reimbursed to the exporters on the basis of the quantum of
7.5 In case an industry sells its product within the country in foreign
currency, the excise duty levied on the quantity of sold and the
custom duty, excise and sales taxes levied on the raw materials
used in such products shall be reimbursed to such industry within
60 days upon the receipt of application of such reimbursement.
7.6 Custom duty, excise duty and sales taxes levied on the production
of intermediate goods used in the production of exportable goods
and sales tax levied on the production shall be reimbursed to the
exporter on the basis of the quantity of goods exported within 60
days from the receipt of the application for such reimbursement.
7.8 Government land and land within the industrial districts shall be
made available to industries for the establishment of industries on
priority basis.
8. Visa Arrangement:
10. Arbitration:
One-Window Committee