MSA in - Super Plasticizer Production
MSA in - Super Plasticizer Production
MSA in - Super Plasticizer Production
Lutropur® MSA
for Superplasticizer
Lutropur® – A Highly Efficient Esterification Catalyst
Properties of Lutropur® MSA Production of Superplasticizers
Methanesulfonic Acid (MSA) is a versatile organic acid Superplasticizers in concrete are used to minimize the
with a unique property profile: amount of water and cement, and improve strength and
Strong acid (pKa = -1.9) service life. The newest generation consists of “comb
polymers”, so-called polycarboxylate ethers (PCE). They
can be manufactured by different technologies:
High solubility of MSA salts
(1) Esterification of methacrylic acid (MAA) with methyl-
Readily biodegradable, low carbon content (TOC) capped polyethylene glycol (MPEG), followed by
High thermal stability (up to 220 °C) polymerization
Easy handling, no VOC, no odor (2) Esterification of polyacrylates with MPEG
Due to its unique profile, MSA is an excellent Lutropur® (3) Polymerization of reactive PEG´s (vinyl, allyl)
esterification catalyst, superior to standard catalysts like The first two technologies involve an acid-catalyzed
p-Toluenesulfonic Acid (pTSA) or Sulfuric Acid. It is esterification as key step.
commercially applied for several ester types such as Lutropur® MSA has proven to
acrylates, plasticizers, acetates and oleochemical esters. be a highly efficient catalyst
for PCE synthesis, achieving
Benefits of Lutropur® MSA
an excellent product quality
Benefits vs. pTSA ( MAA esterification) (low side products, low color)
Higher activity (on molar level) in short reaction times, and
Shorter reaction time, higher output / capacity providing a beneficial
Lower dosage (30-40% of pTSA dosage by weight), ecological and safety profile.
lower catalyst costs
Lower level of by-products, better color Comparison of Catalyst Performance
Better product quality Esterification of Methacrylic Acid (MAA) with Methanol,
No foaming during neutralization Easier work-up comparison of Lutropur® MSA, pTSA and Sulfuric Acid:
No solid handling Automated dosing possible
Benefits vs. Sulfuric Acid ( polyacrylate esterification)
Lower level of by-products, better color
Better product quality
Lower corrosivity
Less expensive material of construction
Application options: