Fluke 287 Multimeter Manual PDF
Fluke 287 Multimeter Manual PDF
Fluke 287 Multimeter Manual PDF
True-rms Digital Multimeters
Users Manual
Title Page
Lifetime Limited Warranty............................................................................................... ii
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
Contacting Fluke ............................................................................................................ 1
Safety Information .......................................................................................................... 1
Hazardous Voltage......................................................................................................... 3
Symbols ......................................................................................................................... 4
Features ......................................................................................................................... 5
Understanding the Push Buttons ............................................................................... 5
Using Auto Repeat .................................................................................................... 6
Understanding the Display ........................................................................................ 7
Bar Graph ............................................................................................................. 8
Status Bar Elements ............................................................................................. 8
Page Area............................................................................................................. 9
Softkey Labels ...................................................................................................... 9
Adjusting Display Contrast.................................................................................... 9
Understanding the Rotary Switch .............................................................................. 10
Using the Input Terminals.......................................................................................... 11
Controlling Meter Power................................................................................................. 12
Measuring Frequency................................................................................................ 42
Measuring Duty cycle ................................................................................................ 43
Measuring Pulse Width.............................................................................................. 45
Changing Meter Setup Options ...................................................................................... 47
Resetting Meter Setup Options.................................................................................. 47
Setting Display Contrast ............................................................................................ 47
Setting the Meter’s Language.................................................................................... 47
Setting Date and Time............................................................................................... 48
Setting Backlight and Auto Off Timeouts ................................................................... 48
Setting a Custom dBm Reference ............................................................................. 48
Disabling and Enabling the Beeper ........................................................................... 48
Enabling and Disabling the Smoothing Mode ............................................................ 49
Using Other Setup Options........................................................................................ 49
Using Memory ................................................................................................................ 49
Storing Individual Measurement Data........................................................................ 49
Naming Saved Data .................................................................................................. 49
Viewing Memory Data ............................................................................................... 50
Viewing Snapshot and Summary Data ................................................................. 50
Viewing Trend Data .............................................................................................. 50
Zooming in on Trend Data .................................................................................... 51
Deleting Stored Measurement Data .......................................................................... 51
Recording Measurement Data ....................................................................................... 52
Setting up a Recording Session ................................................................................ 53
Setting the Event Threshold Value ............................................................................ 54
Starting a Recording Session .................................................................................... 54
Stopping a Recording Session .................................................................................. 54
Using Communications .................................................................................................. 55
Error Messages .............................................................................................................. 56
Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 57
General Maintenance................................................................................................ 57
Testing the Fuses...................................................................................................... 57
Replacing the Batteries ............................................................................................. 59
Replacing the Fuses ................................................................................................. 59
Test Lead Storage..................................................................................................... 59
In Case of Difficulty ........................................................................................................ 61
Service and Parts .......................................................................................................... 62
General Specifications ................................................................................................... 66
Detailed Specifications................................................................................................... 67
AC Voltage Specifications......................................................................................... 68
AC Current Specifications ......................................................................................... 69
DC Voltage Specification .......................................................................................... 70
DC Current Specifications......................................................................................... 71
Resistance Specifications ......................................................................................... 72
Temperature Specifications ...................................................................................... 72
Capacitance and Diode Test Specifications.............................................................. 73
Frequency Counter Specifications ............................................................................ 74
Frequency Counter Sensitivity .................................................................................. 75
MIN MAX, Recording, and Peak Specifications ........................................................ 76
Input Characteristics ................................................................................................. 77
Burden Voltage (A, mA, μA)...................................................................................... 78
1. Symbols................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Push Buttons ......................................................................................................................... 5
3. Display Features ................................................................................................................... 7
4. Rotary Switch Positions......................................................................................................... 10
5. Input Terminals...................................................................................................................... 11
6. Battery Level Indicator........................................................................................................... 12
7. Trend Data Display................................................................................................................ 51
8. Recording Display ................................................................................................................. 53
9. Stopped Recording Display ................................................................................................... 55
10. Error Messages ..................................................................................................................... 56
11. Replacement Parts ................................................................................................................ 62
12. Accessories ........................................................................................................................... 65
• Make sure the battery door is closed and • When making electrical connections, connect
latched before operating the Meter. the common test lead before connecting the
live test lead; when disconnecting, disconnect
• Remove test leads from the Meter before the live test lead before disconnecting the
opening the battery door. common test lead.
• Inspect the test leads for damaged insulation • Do not use the Meter if it operates abnormally.
or exposed metal. Check the test leads for Protection may be impaired. When in doubt,
continuity. Replace damaged test leads before have the Meter serviced.
you use the Meter.
• Do not operate the Meter around explosive
• Do not apply more than the rated voltage, as gas, vapor, or dust.
marked on the Meter, between the terminals or
between any terminal and earth ground. • Use only 1.5 V AA batteries, properly installed
in the Meter case, to power the Meter.
• Never operate the Meter with the cover
removed or the case open. • When servicing the Meter, use only specified
replacement parts.
• Use caution when working with voltages above
30 V ac rms, 42 V ac peak, or 60 V dc. These • When using probes, keep fingers behind the
voltages pose a shock hazard. finger guards on the probes.
• Use only the replacement fuses specified by • Do not use the Low Pass Filter option to verify
the manual. the presence of hazardous voltages. Voltages
greater than what is indicated may be present.
• Use the proper terminals, function, and range First, make a voltage measurement without the
for measurements. filter to detect the possible presence of
• Avoid working alone. hazardous voltage. Then select the filter
• When measuring current, turn off circuit power
before connecting the Meter in the circuit. • Only use test leads that have the same voltage,
Remember to place the Meter in series with the category, and amperage ratings as the meter
circuit. and that have been approved by a safety
• Use proper protective equipment, as required • Do not remove batteries while the Meter is
by local or national authorities when working turned on or a signal is applied to the Meter’s
in hazardous areas. input jacks.
• Comply with local and national safety • Before measuring current, check the Meter's
requirements when working in hazardous fuses. (See "Testing the Fuses" in the Users
locations. Manual on the accompanying CD.)
Table 1 lists and describes the symbols used on the Meter and in this manual.
Table 1. Symbols
M Starts and stops MIN MAX recording.
Figure 1. Push Buttons Displays information about the present
I function or items on the display at the
moment the info button is pressed.
Switches the display backlight between
G off, low, and high.
L Beeper Indicates the Meter’s beeper is For dc voltage, dc current, and all relative percent modes, a
enabled (not associated with the zero-centered bar graph is displayed. For dc voltage and current,
continuity beeper). the bar graph range is the maximum of the selected range. For
relative percent mode, the bar graph goes to ±10 %.
M Units Indicates the units of measure.
The number of lit segments indicates the measured value and is
N Auxiliary Units Indicates unitless measurements relative to the full-scale value of the selected range. In the 50
like Crest Factor. Vac range, for example, the major divisions on the scale
represent 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 Vac. An
O Range indicator Indicates the range the Meter is in input of 25 Vac turns on segments up to the middle of the scale.
and the ranging mode (auto or
manual). For off-scale values, f appears to the right of the normal bar
graph. For the zero-center bar graph, a e appears at the left end
P Secondary display Displays secondary measurement of the bar graph for negative off-scale values and fappears on
information about the input signal. the right end for positive off-scale values.
Page Area
The page area of the display is where the main meter content is
displayed. The primary display (upper half of the page area) is
where the most important value of the selected function is
shown. The secondary display contains the bar graph and values
that may be measured in addition to the primary function value.
For example, with frequency measurement selected in Vac, the
frequency value will appear in the primary display with the ac
voltage value in the secondary display.
Softkey Labels
Labels for the four function softkeys (F1 through F4) appear in
the bottom row of the display. These labels will change based on
the function and/or menu selection.
T AC millivolt measurements
Figure 4. Input Terminals
recording mode, the time period is five minutes. For MIN MAX, Selecting the Range
Peak and AutoHold modes, the time period is the same time the
Auto Off feature is set for. See the “Setting Backlight and Auto The Meter’s selected range is always displayed above the right-
Off Timeouts” section later in this manual. Battery saver mode hand end of the bar graph, as the range indicator. Pressing R
conserves battery power by shutting down circuits not necessary switches the Meter between manual and autoranging. It also
for the selected function, including the display. However, the LED cycles through the Meter ranges when manual ranging is
surrounding the power button (O) will continue to flash to enabled.
indicate the Meter is still collecting data.
The Meter “wakes up” from battery-save mode under the
following conditions: You cannot use R in conductance, diode test, LoZ,
Low Ohms, and temperature functions. These
• A button is pressed functions all use a fixed range.
• The rotary knob is moved In autorange, the Meter selects the lowest range to display the
highest available precision (resolution) for the input signal. If
• A lead is removed or inserted into a current input jack.
Manual range is already enabled, press and hold R for one
• The Meter changes range second to enter the autoranging mode.
REL REL% Close In some cases, pressing a function that can not be used with
est05.eps other functions appearing in the menu turns off the previously
Figure 5. Function Menu selected function. For example, in Figure 5, if the Meter is
already in the relative function, pressing REL% causes the Meter
to turn off relative and display relative percent.
Menu selection is indicated by the filled-in black square
(hereafter the menu selector) to the left of a menu item. Use the In cases where multiple modes have been selected, selecting the
four front-panel cursor buttons (5 6 7 8) to position the menu first (top-left) menu item always turns off all other functions and
selector next to a menu item. As the menu selector moves modes, and returns the Meter to the primary function selected by
between menu items, the four softkeys and their labels change to the rotary switch. For example, assume that the Meter is setup
reflect the available functions and/or modes available for the for frequency (Hz) and is displaying in relative mode as selected
selection menu item. through the menu in Figure 5. Moving the menu selector to the
menu item labeled VAC and pressing the softkey labeled VAC,
The example menu in Figure 5 shows the REL (Relative)
clears both frequency and relative selections, leaving the Meter
function as the current selection. The function selected when the
in volts ac only.
menu opens is the function selected the last time the menu was
used. To get to the Hz menu item from the REL item, press 6 Menu selections are remembered for each rotary switch position.
once, followed by one press of 7. As the menu selector moves For example, selecting REL for the volts ac position causes REL
between the menu items, the softkey labels change to indicate to be selected the next time the menu is opened in volts ac, even
each softkey’s function. Once the desired function or mode though in the interim, Hz,%,ms was selected from a similar menu
appears in one of the softkey labels, press the appropriate for the millivolts ac function.
softkey to activate it. The pop-up menu closes and the display
changes to reflect the selection just made. Pressing the softkey Up to two columns of four items each are displayed at any one
labeled Close closes the pop-up menu, leaving the Meter in the time. If more than eight menu items are available for a primary
state it was in before pressing the Menu softkey. function, g appears in the lower right-hand corner of the page
area of the display, indicating more menu items are available.
With the menu selector on one of the items in the left column,
press 5 to scroll the screen horizontally and reveal the off-screen The information revealed through I is not meant to replace
menu items. Conversely, with the menu selector on an item in the more detailed information found in this manual. Function and
the right-hand column, press 6 to reveal the off-screen menu feature explanations are brief and only meant to refresh a
items. person’s memory.
The number of information topics displayed at any one time may
Input Alert™ Feature exceed the display area. Use the softkeys labeled Next and Prev
to move from topic to topic. Use the softkey labeled More or 7
XW Warning and 8 to scroll through the information a full screen at a time.
To avoid circuit damage and possibly blowing the Pressing the softkey labeled Close, or I will close the
Meter’s current fuse, do not place the probes information window.
across (in parallel with) a powered circuit when a
lead is plugged into a current terminal. This
causes a short circuit because the resistance
Hold and AutoHold Mode
through the Meter's current terminals is very low. To freeze the display for any function, press H. Only the mini-
measurement display and hazardous voltage icon (z) continue to
If a test lead is plugged into the mA/μA or A terminal, but the indicate the actual input. The battery level indicator is also active.
rotary switch is not set to the correct current position, the beeper The Meter’s softkeys are relabeled for saving the frozen reading
warns you by making a chirping sound and displays “Leads or activating the AutoHold mode.
connected incorrectly”. This warning is intended to stop you from
attempting to measure voltage, continuity, resistance, If H is pressed while MIN MAX record, peak record, or a
capacitance, or diode values when the leads are plugged into a recording session is in progress, the display freezes but the data
current terminal. acquisition continues in the background. Pressing H again
updates the display to reflect data that was acquired during the
Using the Info Button hold.
While operating the Meter, more information about a selected Pressing the softkey labeled AutoHOLD activates AutoHold if
function, a front-panel button, or a menu item may be necessary. the Meter is not in the Peak, MIN MAX, or Record modes.
Press I to open an information window that lists topics AutoHold operation monitors the input signal and updates the
covering the functions and modifiers that are available at the time display and, if enabled, sounds the beeper, whenever a new
the button is pressed. Each topic provides a brief explanation on stable measurement is detected. A stable measurement is one
a Meter function or feature. that does not vary more than a selected adjustable percentage
(AutoHold threshold) for at least one second. The Meter filters
out open lead conditions so the Meter leads can be moved crest factor value is displayed in the primary display while the ac
between test points without triggering a display update. measurement appears in the secondary display. Frequency, duty
cycle, and pulse width are not allowed during crest factor
Note measurements.
For temperature measurements, the AutoHold
threshold is a percent of 100 degrees. The default Capturing Minimum and Maximum
AutoHold threshold is 4% of 100 degrees, or 4 degrees Values
Celsius or Fahrenheit.
The MIN MAX Record mode captures minimum, average, and
Pressing H while in AutoHold mode, forces the Meter’s maximum input values. When the input goes below the recorded
display to update with the present measurement, just as if a minimum value or above the recorded maximum value, the Meter
stable measurement had been detected. beeps and records the new value. The Meter stores the elapsed
time since the recording session was started at the same time.
To set the AutoHOLD Threshold Value, press the softkey labeled
The MIN MAX mode also calculates an average of all readings
Setup to access the setup menu. Using the cursor buttons, move
taken since the MIN MAX mode was activated.
the menu selector next to the menu item labeled Recording and
press the softkey labeled Recording to open the recording setup This mode is for capturing intermittent readings, recording
screen. Using the cursor buttons, move the menu selector next minimum and maximum readings unattended, or recording
to the menu item labeled Event Threshold for AutoHOLD and readings while equipment operation precludes watching the
then press the softkey labeled Edit. Press 7 or 8 to scroll Meter. The MIN MAX mode is best for recording power supply
through the AutoHold threshold values. With the desired value surges, inrush currents, and finding intermittent failures.
selected, press the softkey labeled Close.
Response time is the length of time an input must stay at a new
Measuring Crest Factor value to be captured as a possible new minimum or maximum
value. The Meter has a 100 millisecond MIN MAX response time.
Crest factor is a measure of signal distortion and is calculated as For example, a surge lasting 100 milliseconds would be captured
a signal’s peak value over its rms value. This is an important but one lasting only 50 milliseconds may not be captured at its
measurement when looking at power quality issues. actual peak value. See the MIN MAX specification for more
The Meter’s crest factor function is only available for the ac
measurements: Vac, mVac, Aac, mAac, and μAac. With the The true average value displayed is the arithmetic mean of all
Meter in one of the ac measurement functions, press the softkey readings taken since the start of recording (overloads are
labeled Menu. Next, move the menu selector next to the menu discarded). The average reading is useful for smoothing out
item labeled Peak,CF and press the softkey labeled CF. The unstable inputs, calculating power consumption, or estimating
the percentage of time a circuit is active.
For input signals that are noisy or change rapidly, turn Min Max
on the Smoothing mode to display a steadier reading.
See the “Enabling and Disabling the Smoothing Mode”
section later in this manual.
To extend battery life during MIN MAX recording, the Meter will
enter a battery saver mode. See the “Setting Backlight and Auto
119.81 VAC Auto Range
500 VAC
Off Timeouts” section for more information on the battery saver Maximum 00:03:17
mode. VAC
Turning the rotary switch before saving the MIN MAX
recording data will cause all the accumulated data to
be lost.
To save the MIN MAX screen data, the MIN MAX session must
be ended by pressing the softkey labeled Stop. Next, press the
softkey labeled Save. A dialog box opens where the default
saved name can be selected or another name assigned. Press
the softkey labeled Save to store the MIN MAX screen data. MIN 8:10pm 06/07/07
MAX can not be continued at this point. Press the softkey labeled Peak
Close to exit the MIN MAX mode.
Pressing the softkey labeled Restart while MIN MAX is running
stops the MIN MAX session, discards all MIN MAX data, and
immediately starts a new MIN MAX recording session. 119.8 VAC
Auto Range
500 VAC
Capturing Peak Values Peak Max 168.2 V
Turning the rotary switch before saving the peak
recording data will cause all the accumulated data to
be lost.
To save peak screen data, the peak capture session must be
ended by pressing the softkey labeled Stop. Next press the
softkey labeled Save. A dialog box opens where the default
saved name can be selected or another name assigned. Press
the softkey labeled Save to store the Peak screen data. Peak
capture can not be continued at this point. Press the softkey
labeled Close to exit the Peak capture mode.
Pressing the softkey labeled Restart while the peak recording
session is running stops the session, discards all peak recorded
data, and immediately starts a new peak record session.
When viewing saved records, snapshot peak records look the
same as a stopped peak records. Therefore, use the elapsed
time (average value time stamp) to identify one record from
To extend battery life during peak record, the Meter enters a
battery-saver mode after a period of time set for the Auto Off
feature. See the “Setting Backlight and Auto Off Timeouts”
section for more information on the battery saver mode.
To avoid possible electric shock or personal
injury, do not use the Low Pass Filter option to
verify the presence of hazardous voltages.
Voltages greater than what is indicated may be
present. First, make a voltage measurement
without the filter to detect the possible presence of
hazardous voltage. Then select the filter function.
The Meter continues measuring in the chosen ac mode, but now
the signal passes through a filter that blocks unwanted voltages
above 1 kHz, as shown in Figure 8. The low pass filter can
improve measurement performance on composite sine
waves that are typically generated by inverters and variable
frequency motor drives.
In Low Pass Mode, the Meter goes to manual mode.
Select ranges by pressing R. Autoranging is not
available when the Low Pass Filter is enabled.
Making Relative Measurements secondary display. The present or “Live” measurement moves to
the secondary display and the primary display indicates the
The Meter displays calculated values that are based on a stored difference between the present measurement and the reference
value when set to relative and relative percent mode. Figure 9 value in measurement units for REL and as a percentage for
shows the functions for which the two relative modes are REL %.
available. In addition, the two relative modes are available in
frequency, duty cycle, pulse width, crest factor, and dB. When relative percent is enabled, the bar graph is a zero-
centered bar graph that indicates the percentage difference. The
bar graph’s range is limited to ±10 %, but the display goes to
±999.9 %. At 1000 % or more, the display indicates OL. When
the reference value is 0, the Meter displays OL.
With the exception of dB measurements, ranging is set to
manual and can not be changed. Both auto and manual ranging
is possible when making relative dB measurements.
When relative is enabled during dBm or dBV measurements, the
displayed units change to dB.
In relative or relative percent mode, the softkey label for F3
indicates REL or REL%, depending on which of the two modes
is not presently selected. The F3 button acts as a toggle,
switching the Meter between the two modes. Moving the rotary
switch between V and mV while in relative dBm or dBv mode
does not disable the dB measurement. This allows continuous
measurements over a wide range of input voltage.
Figure 9. Relative Mode Functions
Making Measurements
The following sections describe how to take measurements with
the Meter. 08:10pm 03 / 13/ 06
Measuring AC Voltage 0
123.45100 200 300 400
Auto Range
500 VAC
Figure 10. AC Voltage Measurements
8:10pm 06/13/07
Using LoZ for Voltage Measurements (Model
289 only)
W Caution
Do not use the LoZ mode to measure voltages in
circuits that could be damaged by this mode’s low
impedance (≈3 kΩ). 0 100
200 300 400
Auto Range
500 VAC
In LoZ, both R and M are disabled. There are no additional Figure 11. dBm Display
modes for this function and the softkey labeled Menu is therefore
disabled as well. To set the Meter to display values in dBm, set the rotary switch
to V or T and press the softkey labeled Menu. Move the menu
Making dB Measurements selector to the menu item labeled dBm. Press the softkey
The Meter is capable of displaying voltage as a dB value, either labeled dBm. The dBm, Hz menu selection replaces the
relative to 1 milliwatt (dBm), a reference voltage of 1 volt (dBV) secondary display (123.45 VAC in Figure 11) with the frequency
or a user-selectable reference value. See the “Setting a Custom measurement. All voltage measurements are displayed as a
dBm Reference” section later in this manual. dBm value, as shown in Figure 11.
A dBm measurement must use a reference impedance
(resistance) to calculate a dB value based on 1 milliwatt. When
set to 600 Ω (default), the reference impedance is not displayed
during a dBm measurement. When set to something other than
600 Ω, the reference impedance is displayed just above the
softkey labels.
Measuring DC Voltage
The Meter displays dc volts values as well as their polarity. The
bar graph for dc voltage measurements is a zero-centered bar 8:10pm 06/13/07
graph. Positive dc voltages cause the bar graph to fill to the right
of center while negative dc voltages fill left of center. -50
9.752 VDC
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
Auto Range
40 50 VDC
Figure 12. DC Voltage Measurements
Measuring AC and DC Signals indicate AC+DC (F1), AC,DC (F2), and DC,AC (F3). Press the
softkey that presents these two signals as needed.
The Meter is capable of displaying both ac and dc signal
components (voltage or current) as two separate readings or one While in any of the three AC+DC modes, peak measurements,
AC+DC (rms) value combined. As shown in Figure 13, the Meter frequency, duty cycle, and period measurements are not
displays ac and dc combinations three ways: ac displayed over allowed. In addition to these modes, MIN MAX, relative, and
dc (AC,DC), dc displayed over ac (DC,AC), and ac combined relative % are not allowed in AC,DC or DC,AC modes.
with dc (AC+DC). Select one of these three displays using the
Function and Mode menu. Note
With the rotary switch set to U, N, A, or X, press the The bar graph is not displayed while the Meter is in
softkey labeled Menu. Move the menu selector to the menu item any of the three AC+DC modes.
labeled AC+DC. At this point, three different softkey labels
AC over DC DC over AC AC + DC
8:10pm 06/13/07 8:10pm 06/13/07 8:10pm 06/13/07
Figure 13. AC and DC Display
Both manual and autoranging is available when using the ac+dc However, while in autorange, up-ranging occurs when either the
modes. The same range is used for both ac and dc signals. ac or dc signal exceeds the present range. Down-ranging occurs
only when both the ac and dc signals drop below 10% of the
present range. For AC+DC, ranging is controlled by the
underlying values of the ac and dc signals and not by the sum of
the AC+DC calculation.
To exit the AC+DC mode, press the softkey labeled Menu and
select the default mode for the selected function. For dc volts
and dc millivolts functions, move the menu selector to VDC and
press the softkey labeled VDC. For the current functions, move
the menu selector to the AC,DC menu item and press either the
AC or DC softkey.
Measuring Temperature
To avoid the potential for fire or electric shock, do 26.5
not connect the thermocouple to electrically live
circuits. +8.0 Offset
A Meter classified as “SI” will not have an F selection.
The primary display normally shows temperature or the message
“Open Thermocouple”. The open thermocouple message may be
due to a broken (open) probe or because no probe is installed
into the input jacks of the Meter. Shorting the W terminal to
the COM terminal will display the temperature at the Meter
Note or
80BK Type K
R is disabled when the Meter is in the Temperature Thermocouple
function. Probe
Figure 14. Temperature Measurement
To input a temperature offset value, press the softkey labeled Keep the following in mind when measuring resistance.
Offset to open a message box with the present offset value. Use
6 and 5 to position the cursor over one of the digits or the polarity Because the meter’s test current flows through all possible paths
sign. Use 7 and 8 to scroll through the numbers for each digit between the probe tips, the measured value of a resistor in a
in the offset or switch between a + or – offset. With the desired circuit is often different from the resistor’s rated value.
value displayed, press the softkey labeled OK to set the The test leads can add 0.1 Ω to 0.2 Ω of error to resistance
temperature offset. When set to something other than 0.0, the measurements. To test the leads, touch the probe tips together
offset value is shown in the secondary display. and read the resistance of the leads. To remove lead resistance
from the measurement, hold the test lead tips together and press
Measuring Resistance the softkey labeled Menu. Next, move the menu selector to the
menu item labeled REL and press the softkey labeled REL. Now
W Caution all future displayed readings indicate the resistance at the probe
To avoid possible damage to the meter or to the tips.
equipment under test, disconnect circuit power The Meter’s resistance function includes modes to help with
and discharge all high-voltage capacitors before resistance measurements. Pressing the softkey labeled Menu
measuring resistance. opens a menu of items that can be used to modify the basic
The Meter measures resistance (opposition to current flow) in resistance measurement. Refer to the appropriate section in this
ohms (Ω). This is accomplished by sending a small current out manual to learn more about each menu item.
through the test leads to the circuit under test.
3 2
Menu Save Setup
1 2
Isolating a Resistor
Figure 15. Resistance Measurement
0 100
200 300 400
500 0 100
200 300 400
(closed) (open)
Figure 17. Continuity Testing
values of resistance. nS
26.55 Manual Range
R is disabled when the Meter is measuring
Figure 18. Conductance Measurement
Measuring Capacitance
W Caution 8:10pm 06/13/07
Figure 19. Capacitance Measurement
To measure capacitance, position the rotary switch to P and set sends a current through a semiconductor junction, and then
up the Meter as shown in Figure 19. If the display doesn’t measures the junction’s voltage drop. A typical junction drops
already indicate the Meter is measuring capacitance, press the 0.5 V to 0.8 V.
softkey labeled Menu. Next, move the menu selector to the
menu item labeled Diode,Cap and press the softkey labeled To test a diode out of a circuit, position the rotary switch to P
Cap. and set up the meter as shown in Figure 20. If the display
doesn’t already indicate the Meter is in the Diode Test function,
Note press the softkey labeled Menu. Next, move the menu selector
to the menu item labeled Diode,Cap and press the softkey
To improve measurement accuracy of small value labeled Diode.
capacitors, press Menu and move the menu selector
to the menu item labeled REL. With the test leads If the beeper is enabled during diode test, it will beep briefly for a
open, press the softkey labeled REL to subtract the normal junction and sound continuously for a shorted junction,
residual capacitance of the Meter and leads. below 0.1 V. See the “Disabling and Enabling the Beeper”
section to disable the beeper.
Testing Diodes In a circuit, a similar diode should still indicate a forward-bias
reading of 0.5 V to 0.8 V; however, the reading can vary
W Caution
depending on the resistance of other pathways between the
To avoid possible damage to the meter or to the probe tips.
equipment under test, disconnect circuit power
and discharge all high-voltage capacitors before Note
testing diodes.
R and MIN MAX are disabled when the Meter is
Use the diode test to check diodes, transistors, silicon controlled setup for diode test.
rectifiers (SCRs), and other semiconductor devices. The test
8:10pm 06/13/07 8:10pm 06/13/07
0 1
2 3 4
Manual Range
5 VDC 0 1
2 3 4
Manual Range
Reverse Bias
Menu Save Setup Menu Save Setup
Forward Bias
Figure 20. Diode Testing
2. Insert the black lead into the COM terminal. Insert the red
Measuring Current lead in an input appropriate for the measurement range.
XW Warning Note
To avoid damage to the Meter and possible injury, To avoid blowing the Meter’s 440 mA fuse, use the
never attempt an in-circuit current measurement mA/μA terminal only if you are sure the current is less
where the open-circuit potential to earth is greater than 400 mA.
than 1000 V.
3. If you are using the A terminal, set the rotary switch to A.
W Caution If you are using the mA/μA terminal, set the rotary switch to
X for currents below 5000 μA (5 mA), or A for
To avoid possible damage to the Meter or to the
currents above 5000 μA. See Figure 21 for test lead
equipment under test, check the meter’s fuses
connections and function selection. Refer to the “Input Alert
before measuring current. See the Maintenance
Feature” section for information on the alerts the Meter uses
section later in this manual. Use the proper
when leads are not used correctly for current
terminals, function, and range for your
measurement. Never place the probes across (in
parallel with) any circuit or component when the 4. As shown in Figure 22, open the circuit path to be tested.
leads are plugged into the current terminals. Touch the red probe to the more positive side of the break;
touch the black probe to the more negative side of the
Current is the flow of electrons through a conductor. To measure
break. Reversing the leads will produce a negative reading,
current, you must open the circuit under test, then place the
but will not damage the meter.
meter in series with the circuit.
5. Turn on power to the circuit; then read the display. Be sure
Note to note the measurement unit given at the right side of the
When measuring current, the display will flash when display (μA, mA, or A).
the input current exceeds 10 amps for the A terminal 6. Turn off power to the circuit and discharge all high-voltage
and 400 mA for the mA/μA terminal. This is a warning capacitors. Remove the Meter and restore the circuit to
that current is approaching the fuse’s current limit. normal operation.
To measure ac or dc current, proceed as follows:
1. Turn off power to the circuit. Discharge all high- voltage
While in a current measurement function, the Meter
will stay in the selected AC or DC current
measurement mode when switching between n and
€. Whenever switched to one of the current
measurement functions, the Meter will default to the
last current type selected (AC or DC).
Figure 21. Current Measurement Setup
Figure 22. Current Measurement Circuit Connection
Frequency is the number of cycles a signal completes each To measure frequency, rotate the switch to one of the primary
second. The meter measures the frequency of a voltage or functions allowing frequency measurements highlighted in
current signal by counting the number of times the signal crosses Figure 23. Press the softkey labeled Menu and move the menu
a threshold level within a specified period of time.
selector to the menu item labeled Hz,%,ms. Next press the Selection between a rising trigger c or falling trigger dedge is
softkey labeled Hz. performed by pressing the softkey labeled c d. This softkey
toggles the trigger setting between the two selections.
8:10pm 06/13/07
The following are tips for frequency measurements:
If a reading shows as 0 Hz or is unstable, the input signal may be
below or near the trigger level. You can usually correct these
100 200 300 400
Auto Range
500 VAC
problems by manually selecting a lower input range, which
increases the sensitivity of the meter.
If a reading seems to be a multiple of what you expect, the input
signal may be distorted. Distortion can cause multiple triggerings
of the frequency counter. Selecting a higher voltage range might
123.45 VAC solve this problem by decreasing the sensitivity of the meter. In
general, the lowest frequency displayed is the correct one.
Trigger Level
30% Above
Trigger Level
70% Below
Trigger Level
Figure 25. Duty Cycle Measurements
To measure duty cycle, position the rotary switch on one of the volts or amps value of the input signal. The bar graph tracks the
functions allowing frequency measurements shown in Figure 23. volts or amps value of the signal and not the duty cycle value.
Press the softkey labeled Menu and move the menu selector to The pulse polarity is displayed to the right of the duty cycle value.
the menu item labeled Hz,%,ms. Next press the softkey labeled J indicates a positive pulse and K indicates a negative pulse.
%. To change the polarity being measured, press the softkey
labeled J K. The polarity indicator changes to the opposite
8:10pm 123.45 VAC 06/13/07 polarity.
For 5 V logic signals, use the 5 V dc range. For 12 V switching
signals in automobiles, use the 50 V dc range. For sine waves,
100 200 300 400
Duty Cycle
Auto Range
500 VAC
use the lowest ac or dc range that does not result in multiple
triggering. A manually-selected lower input range will often
measure better than the AUTO-selected input range.
59.756 Hz
The pulse width function measures the amount of time a signal is
high or low, as shown in Figure 27. The measured waveform
must be periodic; its pattern must repeat at equal time intervals.
The meter measures pulse width from 0.025 ms to 1250.0 ms
Menu Save Setup
est24.eps To measure pulse width, position the rotary switch to one of the
Figure 26. Duty Cycle Display functions allowing frequency measurements shown in Figure 23.
Press the softkey labeled Menu and move the menu selector to
As shown in Figure 26, the duty cycle percentage is shown in the the menu item labeled Hz,%,ms. Next, press the softkey labeled
primary display while the signal frequency appears in the ms.
secondary display. The mini-measurement display indicates the
Trigger Level
Period = Frequency
Trigger Level
Pulse Width
Figure 27. Pulse Width Measurements
The primary display indicates the input signals pulse width in Note
milliseconds. The frequency of the signal is displayed in the A setup reset also resets the temperature offset and
secondary display. The mini-measurement display indicates the dBm reference to their default value.
volts or amps value of the input signal. The bar graph tracks the
volts or amps value of the signal and not the pulse width value. In addition to resetting the setup variables, pressing the softkey
labeled Meter will also clear all saved measurement screens,
The pulse width polarity is displayed to the right of the duty cycle MIN MAX screens, peak screens, and recording records. The
value. J indicates a positive pulse width and K indicates a Meter’s clock is reset to a default value as well.
negative pulse. To change the polarity, press the softkey labeled
J K. The polarity indicator changes to the opposite polarity. Setting Display Contrast
Changing Meter Setup Options Meter display contrast can be adjusted through the Meter’s setup
menu. Open the setup menu by pressing the softkey labeled
The Meter has a number of preset features such as date and Setup and position the menu selector next to the menu item
time formats, backlight and battery save mode timeouts, and the labeled Contrast. Pressing the softkey labeled + (F1) increases
displayed language. These variables are referred to as Meter display contrast, while the softkey labeled – (F2) decreases
setup options. Many setup options affect general Meter contrast.
operations and are active in all functions. Others are limited to
one function or group of functions. Contrast can also be set through the 7 and 8 buttons when not
being used to move between menu selections.
Access to the setup options is always available through the
softkey labeled Setup. Information about the Meter, such as Setting the Meter’s Language
serial number, model, for example. is also accessed through the
The Meter comes from the factory with the display language set
setup menu.
to English. To select another language, open the setup menu by
pressing the softkey labeled Setup. Move the menu selector next
Resetting Meter Setup Options to the menu item labeled Display. Next, press the softkey
The Meter’s setup options can be reset to default values through labeled Format (F2) to open the format menu. If not already
the setup menu. Open the setup menu by pressing the softkey selected, move the menu selector to the left of the menu item
labeled Setup. Position the menu selector next to the menu item labeled Language and press the softkey labeled Edit. The
labeled Reset and press the softkey labeled Setup. A message currently selected language becomes highlighted and f appears
will appear asking to confirm the reset action. Press the softkey to the right of the language. Use 7 and 8 to scroll through the
labeled OK to perform the reset. available languages, then press the softkey labeled OK to set the
Meter’s display language. Press the softkey labeled Close to
return to normal Meter operation.
Setting Date and Time timeout is set to a value other than Off. For MIN MAX, Peak, and
AutoHold, the timeout is the time period set for Auto Off.
The Meter’s internal clock is used in the display and for time-
stamping recorded measurements. To change the date and time Setting a Custom dBm Reference
as well as the display format, press the softkey labeled Setup.
Position the menu selector next to the menu item labeled To add a custom dBm reference value, press the softkey labeled
Display. To set the date and time, press the softkey labeled Setup and position the menu selector next to the menu item
Date/Time to open the date/time menu. Next, position the menu labeled Instrument. Next press the softkey labeled Instrument
selector next to either the Set Date item or Set Time item and and position the menu selector next to the menu item labeled
press the softkey labeled Edit. Using 5 and 6, position the cursor dBm Reference. Next, press the softkey labeled Edit. Use 5 and
on the date or time element to adjust. Use 7 and 8 to change 6 to position the cursor on a specific digit. Press 7 and 8 to
the selected date or time element value. Press OK to complete increment or decrement the digit. With the desired reference
the action. displayed, press the softkey labeled OK to add this value to the
dBm reference list. Only one custom value is allowed. Press the
Setting Backlight and Auto Off Timeouts softkey labeled Close to return to normal Meter operation.
The Meter’s backlight and auto off features use timers to Disabling and Enabling the Beeper
determine when to turn off the backlight, when to automatically
turn the Meter off or enable the battery saver mode. To set these The Meter’s beeper alerts users to the presence of messages,
timeouts, press the softkey labeled Setup and position the menu operator errors such as incorrect lead connections for the
selector next to the menu item labeled Instrument. Position the selected function, and newly sensed values for MIN MAX and
menu selector next to the menu item labeled Auto Backlight Peak recording. Although the beeper is also used for the
Timeout or Auto Power Off and then press the softkey labeled continuity function, controlling the beeper for that function is not
Edit. Use 7 and 8 to adjust the time to one of the preset done through this setup option. See the “Testing for Continuity”
values. Press OFF to disable the timeout feature. Press the section for information on the continuity beeper.
softkey labeled OK to set the selected time. Press the softkey To enable or disable the Meter’s beeper, press the softkey
labeled Close to return to normal Meter operation. labeled Setup and position the menu selector next to the menu
The battery-saver mode is used when the Meter is performing a item labeled Instrument. Next press the softkey labeled
recording session or during MIN MAX, Peak record and Instrument and position the menu selector next to the menu
AutoHold. The battery-saver mode powers down circuits that are item labeled Beeper. Press the softkey labeled Edit to move the
not involved in the operation of these recording sessions, cursor to the on or off selection. Use 7 and 8 to switch the
including the display. For the record mode, the timeout period is beeper on or off. The status of the beeper is indicated in the
set to five minutes and is enabled only when the Auto Power Off display’s status bar (see item 12 in Figure 2).
saved under the name of Save-2. The auto-incrementing number If there are previously stored records, press the softkey labeled
can be reset to 1 by positioning the menu selector next to the Prev or 5 to page back through previously stored records. Press
save name and then pressing the softkey labeled Reset #. the softkey labeled Next or 6 to page in the other direction. Press
Close to return to normal Meter operation.
To save a screen shot, a recording session, or MIN MAX or Peak
record session, press the softkey labeled Save. To select the Viewing Snapshot and Summary Data
name from the preset list, press +Name. To save to the same
name as before but with the next number, press the softkey After selecting the MIN MAX, Peak, or Measurement category
labeled Save. This second method makes it easy to save a described in the Viewing Memory Data section above, pressing
series of measurements simply by pressing the Save softkey View only displays the information stored at the time a Save was
twice for each save operation. performed. The display is reconstructed from this data when
When selecting the name for a save operation, position the menu
selector next to the desired name using the cursor buttons. Next Viewing Trend Data
press the softkey labeled Save. For the Recording category, the interval and event data stored
during a recording session are viewed on the Meter through a
Viewing Memory Data trend-plot view, similar to a strip-chart recorder. See the
Viewing data stored in the Meter’s memory is performed through “Recording Measurement Data” section later in this manual for
the save menu. Press the softkey labeled Save. Position the an explanation of interval and event data.
menu selector next to the menu item labeled View Memory and
After selecting the recording category described in the Viewing
press the softkey labeled View.
Memory Data section above and pressing View, the recording
session’s summary screen is displayed (See Table 9). Press the
softkey labeled Trend to display the recorded data in a trend-plot
To view data stored in memory, the Meter must not be view. Table 7 shows the trend view along with a description of
recording or performing a MIN MAX or peak record each of its components.
To look at data stored in the individual records that make up the
The Meter separates stored data into four different categories: trend, move the cursor to any point along the plot by pressing 6
Measurement, MIN MAX, Peak, and Recording. Use the cursor or 5. The value and timestamp of the minimum, maximum, and
buttons to position the menu selector next to the desired saved end-of-record values of the selected record are displayed at the
data category and then press the softkey labeled View. The bottom of the cursor. All data contained in a record can only be
Meter displays the last record saved for the selected data viewed on a PC running FlukeView Forms.
softkeys labeled Prev and Next to select an item for deletion. Event records are triggered by the measured signal varying more
Next, press the softkey labeled Delete. A message asking to than an adjustable percentage of the value measured at the start
confirm the deletion will appear before anything is deleted from of the record. This adjustable percent is called the Event
memory. Threshold for recording. In addition to the values and time
stamps mentioned above, an event record also stores whether
Recording Measurement Data the signal was stable or unstable during the event record
duration. To be classified as stable, the measured signal’s value
The Meter’s record feature collects measurement information must stay within the selected percentage of the start value for at
over a user-specified duration. This collection of information is least one second. Measured signals that exceed the percentage
called a recording session. A recording session is made up of threshold in less than one second are classified as unstable. See
one or more measurement records. Each record contains the “Setting the Event Threshold Value” section later in this
measurement summary information covering the duration of the manual.
Each record contains the minimum, maximum, and average
value detected over the record’s duration. In addition to For temperature measurements, the AutoHold
measurement values, time stamps are also captured and saved threshold is a percent of 100 degrees. The default
with each record. The time stamps consist of the record start AutoHold threshold is 4% of 100 degrees, or 4 degrees
time, the time the maximum value was detected, the time the Celsius or Fahrenheit.
minimum value was detected, and the record end time.
A record ends when one of the following occurs:
Some of a records data can be viewed through the Meter’s
Viewing Trend Data function. Viewing all the data that makes up • The start of a new interval record.
a record can only be viewed on a PC running FlukeView Forms
• A range overload, causing the Meter to change range.
• A non-ranging overload, when in manual range or the
There are two measurement record types that are captured
highest range.
during a recording session: interval and event. An interval record
covers a user-specified interval. An event record has a duration • The measured value changes more than 4 % of the
determined by the activity of the measured signal and can measured value at the start of the record.
interrupt an interval record. Even if an interval record is
interrupted, a record will end and a new interval record will begin • The recording session terminates.
when the scheduled interval time expires.
A recording session termination can be caused by one of the
The Meter allocates memory in such a way as to guarantee values. With the desired value selected, press the softkey
capturing all of the user-specified sample intervals. Event labeled Close.
records will also be captured until the Meter detects the allocated
memory has been used up. At this point, events are not Starting a Recording Session
recorded, but the event counter continues to advance to indicate
Once the variables are set, press the softkey labeled Start, at
the total number of events that occurred. A plus (+) sign appears
which point s appears in the display and the green LED
after the event count to indicate this condition.
surrounding the power button (O) flashes. Table 8 shows the
Note recording display and describes the information displayed.
The maximum number of recorded sample intervals is The Menu, Setup, Reference, and Temperature Offset softkey
10,000. The maximum number of recorded events is functions are not available while the Meter is recording. This
15,000 minus the number of sample intervals. These ensures that measurements within a recording session are
maximum numbers are proportionally decreased when consistent.
the available memory is low. To extend battery life while recording, the Meter may enter a
To change either of the two recording variables, use the cursor battery-saver mode five minutes after a push-button is pressed
buttons to position the menu selector next to the desired menu or IR communications activity ends. If the Auto Power-Off
item and press the softkey labeled Edit. Use 5 6 7 and 8 to timeout is set to never, the battery-saver mode is disabled.
move between and set each digit of the selected variable.
Stopping a Recording Session
If the battery level is anything but full, a message appears at the
bottom of the record menu reminding you of the battery level The recording session will continue until the allocated memory is
before you start the recording session. used, the batteries expire, the rotary switch is moved, a probe is
inserted or removed from the A or mA/μA jacks, or the session is
Setting the Event Threshold Value terminated by pressing the softkey labeled Stop.
Press the softkey labeled Setup to access the setup menu. Table 9 shows the display and describes the displayed
Using the cursor buttons, move the menu selector next to the information after stopping a recording session.
menu item labeled Recording and press the softkey labeled After stopping a recording session, choose to save the recording
Recording to open the recording setup screen. Using the cursor session, view the trend data (see the “Viewing Trend Data”
buttons, move the menu selector next to the menu item labeled section), or close the recording session. If the session wasn’t
Event Threshold for Recording and then press the softkey saved before pressing the Close softkey, the data is lost.
labeled Edit. Press 7 or 8 to scroll through the event threshold
Item Description
Stopped Icon indicating the recording session is
B Time and date when the recording began.
Length (duration) of time recording session was
in progress.
D Number of event records detected.
E Reference value for relative measurements.
F Number of interval records detected.
Error Messages
Table 10 list some of the error messages the Meter may display and the conditions that may be causing the error.
Message Conditions
Leads connected incorrectly. Lead in A or mA/μA jack but rotary switch not in corresponding A/mA or μA
Leads in both A and mA/μA jacks.
Rotary switch set to measure current but no lead in either A or mA/μA jack.
Open Thermocouple Thermocouple wire is open or thermocouple junction is corroded.
No Thermocouple connected to the Meter’s input.
Batteries low – function The function selected requires a higher battery level to operate within specifications.
Error: Date and Time need to be Batteries were left out too long and the Meter’s date and time were lost.
Not enough memory for When starting a recording session or saving screen data, the Meter does not have
operation. enough memory to store the information.
Batteries critically low, replace Battery is too low to make measurements within stated specifications. The Meter will turn
now. off within 15 seconds after this message appears to preserve the Meter’s date and time.
Replace F1 if Replace F2 if
10.000 k
reading is OL
0.50 reading is OL
Menu Menu
Figure 28. Testing the Current Fuses
11 A
0.44 A
Figure 30. Replacing Batteries and Fuses
In Case of Difficulty
If the Meter does not seem to work properly:
1. Check that all batteries are installed with the correct
2. Examine the case for damage. If damage is detected,
contact Fluke. See the “Contacting Fluke” section earlier in
this manual.
3. Check and replace (as needed) the batteries, fuses, and
test leads.
4. Review this manual to verify correct operation.
5. If the Meter still does not work, pack it securely and forward
it, postage paid, to the location provided by the appropriate
Fluke contact. Include a description of the problem. Fluke
assumes no responsibility for damage in transit.
A Meter under warranty will be repaired or replaced (at Fluke’s
option) and returned at no charge. See the registration card for
warranty terms.
4 16
5 15
6 7 19
4 PL
2 PL 9
10 26
11 22
6 PL
Figure 31. Replaceable Parts
Item Description
AC72 Alligator Clips for use with TL75 test lead set
AC220 Safety Grip, Wide-Jaw Alligator Clips
80BK-A 80BK-A Integrated DMM Temperature Probe
TPAK ToolPak Magnetic Hanger
C25 Carrying Case, Soft
TL76 4 mm Diameter Test Leads
TL220 Industrial Test Lead Set
TL224 Test Lead Set, Heat-Resistant Silicone
TP1 Test Probes, Flat Blade, Slim Reach
TP4 Test Probes, 4 mm diameter, Slim Reach
Fluke accessories are available from an authorized Fluke distributor.
General Specifications
Maximum voltage between any Terminal and Earth Ground: 1000 V
W Fuse Protection for mA or μA inputs .............0.44 A (44/100 A, 440 mA), 1000 V FAST Fuse, Fluke specified part only
W Fuse Protection for A input.............................11 A, 1000 V FAST Fuse, Fluke specified part only
Battery Type ..........................................................6 AA Alkaline batteries, NEDA 15A IEC LR6
Battery Life ............................................................100 hours minimum. 200 hours in Logging mode
Operating ............................................................-20 °C to 55 °C
Storage................................................................-40 °C to 60 °C
Relative Humidity ..................................................0 % to 90 % (0 °C to 37 °C), 0 % to 65 % (37 °C to 45 °C), 0 % to 45 % (45 °C to 55 °C)
Operating ............................................................3,000 m
Storage................................................................10,000 m
Temperature Coefficient.......................................0.05 X (specified accuracy) /°C (<18 °C or >28 °C)
Vibration.................................................................Random Vibration per MIL-PRF-28800F Class 2
Shock .....................................................................1 meter drop per IEC/EN 61010-1 2 Edition
Size (HxWxL) .........................................................8.75 in x 4.03 in x 2.38 in (22.2 cm x 10.2 cm x 6.0 cm)
Weight ....................................................................28.0 oz (871 g)
Safety Standards
US ANSI..............................................................Complies with ANSI/ISA 82.02.01 (61010-1) 2004
CSA.....................................................................CAN/CSA-C22.2 No 61010-1-04 to 1000 V Measurement Category III and 600 V
Measurement Category IV, Pollution Degree 2
UL........................................................................UL 61010 (2003)
CE European.......................................................IEC/EN 61010-1 2 Edition Pollution Degree 2
Detailed Specifications
Accuracy is specified for a period of one year after calibration, at 18 °C to 28 °C (64 °F to 82 °F), with relative humidity to 90 %. Accuracy
specifications are given as: ±( [ % of reading ] + [ number of least significant digits ] ). Accuracy specification assumes ambient temperature
stable at ±1 °C. For ambient temperature changes of ±5 °C, rated accuracy applies after 2 hours. To obtain full accuracy in DC mV,
Temperature, Ohms and Lo (50) Ohms, let the meter stabilize 20 minutes after using LoZ.
AC mV, AC V, AC μA, AC mA, and AC A specifications are ac-coupled, true rms, and are specified from 2 % of range to 100 % of range,
except 10 A range is specified from 10 % to 100 % of range.
Crest Factor:
Accuracy is specified with AC crest factor ≤ 3.0 at full-scale, increasing linearly to 5.0 at half-scale, except the 1000 V range, where it is 1.5
at full scale, increasing linearly to 3.0 at half-scale and 500 mV and 5000 μA, where it is ≤3.0 at 80 % of full scale, increasing linearly to 5.0
at half-scale. For non-sinusoidal waveforms add ±(0.3 % of range and 0.1 % of reading).
AC Floor:
When the input leads are shorted together in the ac functions, the Meter may display a residual reading up to 200 counts. A 200 count
residual reading will cause only a 20 count change for readings at 2 % of range. Using REL to offset this reading may produce a much larger
constant error in later measurements.
AC+DC is defined as ac 2 + dc 2
AC Voltage Specifications
Function Range Resolution
20 to 45 Hz 45 to 65 Hz 65 Hz to 10 kHz 10 to 20 kHz 20 to 100 kHz
[1] [5]
AC mV 50 mV 0.001 mV 1.5 % + 60 0.3 % + 25 0.4 % + 25 0.7 % + 40 3.5 % + 40
500 mV 0.01 mV 1.5 % + 60 0.3 % + 25 0.4 % + 25 0.7 % + 40 3.5 % + 40
[1] [5]
AC V 5V 0.0001 V 1.5 % + 60 0.3 % + 25 0.6 % + 25 1.5 % + 40 3.5 % + 40
50 V 0.001 V 1.5 % + 60 0.3 % + 25 0.4 % + 25 0.7 % + 40 3.5 % + 40
500 V 0.01 V 1.5 % + 60 0.3 % + 25 0.4 % + 25 Not Spec’d Not Spec’d
1000 V 0.1 V 1.5 % + 60 0.3 % + 25 0.4 % + 25 Not Spec’d Not Spec’d
dBV -70 to -62 dB 0.01 dB 3 dB 1.5 dB 2 dB 2 dB 3 dB
-62 to -52 dB 0.01 dB 1.5 dB 1.0 dB 1 dB 1 dB 2 dB
-52 to -6 dB 0.01 dB 0.2 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB 0.2 dB 0.8 dB
-6 to +34 dB 0.01 dB 0.2 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB 0.2 dB 0.8 dB
34 to 60 dB 0.01 dB 0.2 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB Not Spec’d Not Spec’d
Low pass filter 2 % +10
2 % + 80 2 % + 40 [2] Not Spec’d Not Spec’d
-6 % -60
L [4] 1000 V 0.1 V 2 % + 80 2 % + 40 2 % + 40 Not Spec’d Not Spec’d
[1] Below 5 % of range, add 20 counts.
[2] Specification increases linearly from -2 % at 200 Hz to -6 % at 440 Hz. Range is limited to 440 Hz.
[3] dBm (600 Ω) is specified by adding +2.2 dB to the dBV range values.
[4] 289 only.
[5] Add 2.5 % above 65 kHz.
[6] Range is limited to 440 Hz.
See Detailed Specifications introduction for additional information.
AC Current Specifications
Function Range Resolution [4]
20 to 45 Hz 45 to 1 kHz 1 to 20 kHz 20 to 100 kHz
AC μA 500 μA 0.01 μA 1 % + 20 0.6 % + 20 0.6 % + 20 5 % + 40
5000 μA 0.1 μA 1%+5 0.6 % + 5 0.6 % + 10 5 % + 40
AC mA 50 mA 0.001 mA 1 % + 20 0.6 % + 20 0.6 % + 20 5 % + 40
400 mA 0.01 mA 1%+5 0.6 % + 5 1.5 % + 10 5 % + 40
[2] [4]
AC A 5A 0.0001 A 1.5 % + 20 0.8 % + 20 3 % + 40 Not Spec’d
[1] [4]
10 A 0.001 A 1.5 % + 5 0.8 % + 5 3 % + 10 Not Spec’d
[1] 10 A range (10 % to 100 % of range).
[2] 20 A for 30 seconds on, 10 minutes off. >10 A not specified.
[3] 400 mA continuous; 550 mA for 2 minutes on, 1 minute off.
[4] Verified by design and type tests.
See Detailed Specifications introduction for additional information.
DC Voltage Specification
Function Range Resolution [2] AC over DC, DC over AC, AC + DC
20 to 45 Hz 45 Hz to 1 kHz 1 to 20 kHz 20 to 35 kHz
[3] [4]
DC mV 50 mV 0.001 mV 0.05 % + 20 1.5 % + 40 5 % + 40
500 mV 0.01 mV 0.025 % + 2 1.5 % + 40 5 % + 40
DC V 5V 0.0001 V 0.025 % + 2 1.5 % + 40 5 % + 40
2 % + 80 0.5 % + 80
50 V 0.001 V 0.025 % + 2 1.5 % + 40 5 % + 40
500 V 0.01 V 0.03 % + 2 Not Spec’d Not Spec’d
1000 V 0.1 V 0.03 % + 2 Not Spec’d Not Spec’d
L [1] 1000 V 0.1 V 1 % + 20 Not Spec’d Not Spec’d Not Spec’d Not Spec’d
[1] Add 20 counts in dual display ac over dc, dc over ac or ac+dc.
[2] AC+DC ranges are specified from 2 % to 140 % of range, except 1000 V is specified from 2 % to 100 % of range.
[3] When using the relative mode (REL Q) to compensate for offsets.
[4] Add 4 counts/10 mV AC in dual display ac over dc, dc over ac or ac + dc
[5] Add 10 counts/100 mV AC in dual display ac over dc, dc over ac or ac + dc.
DC Current Specifications
Function Range Resolution [1][3] AC over DC, DC over AC, AC + DC
DC [5]
20 to 45 Hz 45 Hz to 1 kHz 1 to 20 kHz 20 to 100 kHz
DC μA 500 μA 0.01 μA 0.075 % + 20 1 % + 20 0.6 % + 20 0.6 % + 20 5 % + 40
5000 μA 0.1 μA 0.075 % + 2 1%+5 0.6 % + 5 0.6 % + 10 5 % + 40
[4] [6]
DC mA 50 mA 0.001 mA 0.05 % + 10 1 % + 20 0.6 % + 20 0.6 % + 20 5 % + 40
400 mA 0.01 mA 0.15 % + 2 1%+5 0.6 % + 5 1.5 % + 10 5 % + 40
[2] [5]
DC A 5A 0.0001 A 0.3 % + 10 1.5 % + 20 0.8 % + 20 3 % + 40 Not Spec’d
10 A 0.001 A 0.3 % + 2 1.5 % + 10 0.8 % + 10 3 % + 10 Not Spec’d
[1] AC+DC ranges are specified from 2 % to 140 % of range.
[2] 20 A for 30 seconds on, 10 minutes off. >10 A not specified.
[3] Add 20 counts in dual display ac over dc, dc over ac or ac+dc.
[4] 400 mA continuous; 550 mA for 2 minutes on, 1 minute off.
[5] Verified by design and type tests.
[6] Temperature coefficient: 0.1 X (specified accuracy)/ °C (<18 °C or > 28 °C)
Resistance Specifications
Function Range Resolution Accuracy
Resistance 50 Ω 0.001 Ω 0.15 % + 20
500 Ω 0.01 Ω 0.05 % + 10
5 kΩ 0.0001 kΩ 0.05 % + 2
50 kΩ 0.001 kΩ 0.05 % + 2
500 kΩ 0.01 kΩ 0.05 % + 2
5 MΩ 0.0001 MΩ 0.15 % + 4
30 MΩ 0.001 MΩ 1.5 % + 4
50 MΩ 0.01 MΩ 1.5 % + 4
50 MΩ up to 100 MΩ 0.1 MΩ 3.0 % + 2
100 MΩ up to 500 MΩ 0.1 MΩ 8%+2
Conductance 50 nS 0.01 nS 1 % + 10
[1] When using the relative mode (REL Q) to compensate for offsets.
[2] Add 20 counts above 33 nS in 50 nS range.
[3] 289 only.
Temperature Specifications
Temperature Resolution Accuracy
-200 °C to +1350 °C 0.1 °C 1 % + 10
-328 °F to +2462 °F 0.1 °F 1 % + 18
[1] Does not include error of the thermocouple probe.
[2] Accuracy specification assumes ambient temperature stable to ±1 °C. For ambient temperature changes of ±5 °C, rated accuracy applies after 2 hours.
Input Characteristics
Common Mode
Function [1] Input Impedance Rejection Ratio Normal Mode Rejection
(1 kΩ unbalance)
L 1000 V 10 MΩ <100 pF >120 dB at dc, 50 Hz or 60 Hz >60 dB at 50 Hz or 60 Hz
F [2]
mV 1000 V 10 MΩ <100 pF >120 dB at dc, 50 Hz or 60 Hz >60 dB at 50 Hz or 60 Hz
10 MΩ <100 pF
K 1000 V >60 dB, dc to 60 Hz
3.2 kΩ <100 pF
1000 V Not specified Not specified
L (ac-coupled)
Overload Open Circuit Full Scale Voltage Typical Short Circuit Current
Function [1]
Protection Test Voltage To 500 kΩ ≥5 MΩ or 50 nS 500 Ω 5 kΩ 50 kΩ 500 kΩ 5 MΩ 50 MΩ 500 MΩ
e 1000 V 5 V dc 550 mV <5 V 1 mA 100 μA 10 μA 1 μA 0.3 μA 0.3 μA 0.3 μA
[2] 20 V decreasing
50e 1000 V 500 mV 10 mA
to 2.5 V
G 1000 V 5 V dc 3.1 V dc 1 mA
[1] Input is limited to the product of a V rms sinewave times frequency of 2 x 107 V-Hz.
[2] For circuits <0.5 A short circuit. 660V for high energy circuits.