Colcistectomia Fenestrada
Colcistectomia Fenestrada
Colcistectomia Fenestrada
Subtotal Cholecystectomye“Fenestrating” vs
“Reconstituting” Subtypes and the Prevention of
Bile Duct Injury: Definition of the Optimal Procedure in
Difficult Operative Conditions
Steven M Strasberg, MD, FACS, Michael J Pucci, MD, L Michael Brunt, MD, FACS,
Daniel J Deziel, MD, FACS
Less than complete cholecystectomy has been advocated for difficult operative conditions for more than 100 years. These op-
erations are called partial or subtotal cholecystectomy, but the terms are poorly defined and do not stipulate whether a remnant
gallbladder is created. This article briefly reviews the history and development of the procedures and introduces new terms to
clarify the field. The term partial is discarded, and subtotal cholecystectomies are divided into “fenestrating” and “reconstitut-
ing” types. Subtotal reconstituting cholecystectomy closes off the lower end of the gallbladder, reducing the incidence of post-
operative fistula, but creates a remnant gallbladder, which may result in recurrence of symptomatic cholecystolithiasis. Subtotal
fenestrating cholecystectomy does not occlude the gallbladder, but may suture the cystic duct internally. It has a higher incidence
of postoperative biliary fistula, but does not appear to be associated with recurrent cholecystolithiasis. Laparoscopic subtotal
cholecystectomy has advantages but may require advanced laparoscopic skills. (J Am Coll Surg 2015;-:1e8. 2015 by the
American College of Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
generally quite smooth and there were no persistent bile MEANING OF PARTIAL AND SUBTOTAL
fistulas. Arthur Lerner,18 of Winnipeg, in 1950 and Wil- CHOLECYSTECTOMY AND INTRODUCTION OF
liam McElmoyle,19 of Victoria, British Columbia, in FENESTRATING AND RECONSTITUTING AS
1954 described variations of this technique, intended MODIFYING TERMS
specifically for difficult cholecystectomies and again Partial in surgical terminology literally means removal of
without producing a closed cystic structure. Lerner a part of an organ. It is quantitatively a vague term that
described 2 cases of “partial cholecystectomy” in which can mean removal of a small or large part of the organ.
he resected the free wall of the gallbladder down to the Subtotal means removal of almost all of an organ. It is
cystic duct. He noted that the cystic artery would be less vague as to extent. Normally, a partial resection is
cut within or on the wall of the gallbladder as one less than a subtotal resection, as in the terms partial gas-
trimmed the inferior aspect of the gallbladder wall trectomy and subtotal gastrectomy. However, a review of
near the cystic duct and recommended oversewing the the literature showed that in regard to the gallbladder,
wall at that point to occlude the vessel. McElmoyle19 some authors use the term partial to describe a near total
described and illustrated, in a singularly clear fashion, excision7,18,21,23-26; others use the term subtotal to describe
the principles and technique of this operation when per- the same extent of resection.8,10,20,27-30 It is a source of
formed specifically for the prevention of bile duct or confusion that 2 terms are used for the same procedure.
vascular injury during a difficult cholecystectomy. No Furthermore, neither term indicates whether a gallbladder
attempt is made to dissect the cystic duct or artery remnant is produced as a result of the procedure. The lack
when inflammation obscures the neck of the gallbladder. of nomenclature relating to gallbladder remnants is also a
The gallbladder is opened and the redundant portions source of confusion, so much so that recent review articles
excised. The cystic duct and the portions of the body, on this subject have subclassified subtotal cholecystec-
neck, and infundibulum lying above and to the left tomies7 or pointed out the variations.8 Therefore, 2 ad-
side are left in situ as a “shield to the vulnerable struc- justments to terminology are required, the first to deal
tures.” The cystic duct is not closed; its mucosa is ablated with the overlapping terms partial and subtotal, and the
and a drain is placed. McElmoyle19 reported 23 cases second to introduce words that will indicate whether a
with excellent results and no biliary fistula. What Estes, particular technique leaves a remnant gallbladder or not.
Lerner, and McElmoyle all recognized was that a portion As a starting point, it is suggested that the term subtotal
of the gallbladder wall should intentionally be left should be preferred over the term partial to designate
behind as a buffer between the edge of the dissection the extent of this resection because subtotal is clearly
on the gallbladder and the dangerous hepatocystic trian- more accurate than partial. If only the top half or less
gle.19 This was the “shield” of McElmoyle, which fulfils a of the gallbladder is removed, which is not what is being
main principle of safety: to stay 1 step away from danger. discussed in this article, the term fundectomy would seem
McElmoyle’s description was particularly eloquent. appropriate. In that way, the term partial cholecystectomy
Bornman and Terblanche20 clearly described and illus- could be completely eliminated in reference to excision
trated a similar operation 30 years later using the name of the gallbladder. Secondly, to designate whether or
subtotal cholecystectomy, but gave the option of internal not a remnant gallbladder is produced by the procedure,
suture of the cystic duct or external suture over a probe it is proposed that that the modifiers fenestrating (no gall-
advanced into the cystic duct from within the bladder remnant produced [Fig. 5]) and reconstituting
gallbladder. (gallbladder remnant produced [Fig. 6]) be introduced
While these authors were describing their techniques, to describe these operations. Therefore, 2 types of subtotal
others were presenting a modification in which the lowest cholecystectomies would be recognized, namely, subtotal
portion of the gallbladder was resutured. This step was fenestrating cholecystectomy and subtotal reconstituting
done to avoid biliary fistula but may also result in the cre- cholecystectomy.
ation of a remnant gallbladder. Maingot,21 who contrib-
uted much to the performance of biliary surgery, and
Grey Turner,22 who recognized the seriousness of biliary SUBTOTAL CHOLECYSTECTOMY AND THE
injury, suggested a similar approach in 1936 and 1944, CYSTIC DUCT
respectively, which they dubbed partial cholecystectomy. As noted in the historical section, the cystic duct and ar-
Note that the terms partial and subtotal were used in tery were sometimes ligated external to the gallbladder
some cases to describe the same operation, and in neither when a less than complete cholecystectomy was per-
case did the terms indicate whether a remnant gallbladder formed early in the development of cholecystectomy.
was produced. But as emphasized by McElmoyle19 and others,17,18 this
Vol. -, No. -, - 2015 Strasberg et al Subtotal Fenestrating Cholecystectomy 5
Figure 5. Subtotal fenestrating cholecystectomy. (A) The free, peritonealized portion of the
gallbladder has been excised except for a lip at the lowest portion of the gallbladder. This acts as
a shield to protect against inadvertently entering the hepatocystic triangle (“Shield” of McEl-
moyle). The portion of the gallbladder adherent to the liver has been left in situ. Stones have
been extracted. The cut edge of the gallbladder may be oversewn. The mucosa is usually ab-
lated. The cystic duct may be closed from the inside with a purse-string suture (inset). The cystic
duct may be very short, and attempts to ligate the cystic duct outside the gallbladder may result
in injury to the common bile duct. (B) As in Figure 5A, except a portion of the gallbladder adherent
to the liver has been excised.
method is undesirable when a subtotal operation is per- occlusion of the cystic duct should be attempted only
formed in the presence of difficult operative conditions. from the interior of the gallbladder by a purse-string
In fact, to do so, the surgeon must use the infundibular suture, as described in 1 method by Bornman and
technique to display the cystic duct. As explained earlier, Terblanche.20 The suggested alternative method of
this method of identification may be unreliable in the advancing a probe into the cystic duct from the interior
presence of severe inflammation. Under these conditions, of the gallbladder to identify and ligate the cystic duct
Figure 6. Subtotal reconstituting cholecystectomy. (A) The free, peritonealized portion of the
gallbladder has been excised. The portion of the gallbladder adherent to the liver may be left situ
as in Figure 5A or partially excised as shown here. The lowest portion of the gallbladder is closed
with sutures or staples, reconstituting an intact lumen in which stones may reform. (B) As in
Figure 6A, except that only the lowest part of the gallbladder remains. As in Figure 6A, this is
closed, reconstituting an intact lumen in which stones may reform. Whether the subtotal cho-
lecystectomy is “fenestrating” or “reconstituting” depends on whether the lowest part of the
gallbladder is left open (fenestrating) or closed (reconstituting) and not on the amount of gall-
bladder that is left attached to the liver.
6 Strasberg et al Subtotal Fenestrating Cholecystectomy J Am Coll Surg
external to the gallbladder20 has the potential danger of remnants that required excision at a second procedure
advancing the probe into the common bile duct and had an internal diameter of only about 1 cm. Clearly,
mistakenly ligating that duct instead of the cystic duct. many important aspects of the outcomes of these opera-
This would be prone to occur when the cystic duct tions will not be known until large studies involving small
is very short, as may happen when it is effaced by a and large hospitals are available. This will not be possible
large stone. using administrative databases because for now, subtotal
cholecystectomy does not have its own CPT code.
The modern technique for performing these operations
SUBTOTAL FENESTRATING CHOLECYSTECTOMY is straightforward (Figs. 5 and 6). The gallbladder is
AND SUBTOTAL RECONSTITUTING opened along its long axis and emptied of stones,
CHOLECYSTECTOMY: ADVANTAGES, including removal of stones in the lumen of the gall-
DISADVANTAGES bladder neck and cystic duct if possible. Also, consider-
Subtotal fenestrating cholecystectomy has the advantage ation may be given to attempting imaging either via
that a remnant gallbladder is much less likely to result cholangiography through the lumen of the gallbladder
than if the lumen of the gallbladder is re-established at or with intraoperative ultrasound. In either the fenestrat-
Hartmann’s pouch, as in the reconstituting technique. If ing or reconstituting type of procedure, the portion of the
an ERCP were done immediately after a subtotal reconsti- gallbladder adherent to the liver is usually left in situ and
tuting cholecystectomy, an area at the end of the cystic ablated. The latter may be done with electrocautery, argon
duct wider than the cystic duct would be present and beam, or saline-linked radiofrequency ablation. Alterna-
the criterion of Bodvall and Overgaard4 for the existence tively, some or all of the gallbladder attached to the liver
of a gallbladder remnant would be fulfilled. Although may be removed (Figs. 5 and 6). When this is done, the
closing over Hartmann’s pouch results in a gallbladder gallbladder wall and cystic plate may be removed down
remnant, it was found, as might be expected, to reduce to bare liver, as shown in the diagrams, or the cystic plate
the incidence of postoperative bile fistula in the reviews may be left in situ. The cut edge of the gallbladder
of subtotal cholecystectomy by Henneman and col- adherent to the liver may be oversewn with a continuous
leagues7 and Elshaer and associates.8 However, although suture. In some cases, the gallbladder will be gangrenous.
bile fistula was more common with the fenestrating tech- If so, the gangrenous portion should be excised without
nique, these fistulas seem to resolve spontaneously in most extending the extent of the subtotal resection. In the fen-
cases.8 Those that do not may be associated with retained estrating procedure, the very bottom of the gallbladder
common bile duct stones and relieved endoscopically. lumen remains open to the peritoneal cavity. There will
Based on presently available information, it would seem be a “lip” or “shield” of gallbladder (Fig. 5), where the
that the fenestrating type of subtotal cholecystectomy cystic artery branches come onto the gallbladder and these
would be preferable, but knowledge in this area is very will be transected at that point. Oversewing the cut edge
incomplete. There certainly have been no head-to-head of the gallbladder here may be necessary, although when
comparisons of fenestrating vs reconstituting techniques. inflammation is severe, these vessels are sometimes throm-
Furthermore, the extent to which Hartmann’s pouch is bosed. The cystic duct may be sutured from the inside us-
resected is probably quite variable, and the effect of leav- ing fine sutures, although this is often not possible. The
ing different size remnants on the chance of developing area should be carefully drained with 1 or 2 closed suction
subsequent symptoms is unknown. In fact, there is no drains, depending on the extent of the contamination. In
good information regarding the incidence of symptomatic the reconstituting type, the lip is usually somewhat larger
gallbladder remnants after subtotal reconstituting or sub- and the lumen is closed by various means including su-
total fenestrating cholecystectomies. A recent meta- tures and staplers8 (Fig. 6). Note again that the procedures
analysis discussed this issue,8 but articles on the subject are not distinguished by the amount of gallbladder left
rarely provide long-term follow-up of patients, and gall- adherent to the liver, but by whether or not a closed
bladder remnants may become symptomatic years after remnant gallbladder is created.
subtotal cholecystectomy, so good data on this topic are
lacking. Possibly, there is a watershed in the reconstituting
subtotal cholecystectomy procedure in which so little of LAPAROSCOPIC VS OPEN SUBTOTAL
the gallbladder lumen is left that it is equivalent to CHOLECYSTECTOMY
occluding the lumen of the cystic duct from within the Based on the meta-analysis of Elshaer and coworkers,8 it
gallbladder. If so, it must be an occlusion very close to seems that a subtotal fenestrating cholecystectomy is
the cystic duct because some symptomatic gallbladder more likely to be done when an open approach is used.
Vol. -, No. -, - 2015 Strasberg et al Subtotal Fenestrating Cholecystectomy 7
Paradoxically, in their data, bile leaks were more common Analysis and interpretation of data: Strasberg, Pucci,
after a laparoscopic procedure. Possibly, this is due to the Brunt, Deziel
improved ability to suture the cystic duct orifice when the Drafting of manuscript: Strasberg, Pucci, Brunt, Deziel
procedure is done open. The ideal procedure in circum- Critical revision: Strasberg, Pucci, Brunt, Deziel
stances when the CVS cannot be achieved would have
several attributes, including the following:
Acknowledgment: The authors gratefully acknowledge the
1. Does not leave a remnant gallbladder that will become contribution made to this manuscript by Jennifer Brum-
symptomatic and require a later operation. baugh, MA, Webmaster and Medical Illustrator, Depart-
2. Has low morbidity due to bile fistula. If a fistula occurs ment of Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, who
it should resolve spontaneously over a short period. produced Figures 5 and 6. The editors are also grateful to
3. Can be done laparoscopically. Dr Martin Hertl, MD, FACS, Rush University Medical
4. Can be done by a general surgeon without additional Center, for translation of reference 12.
fellowship training in hepato-pancreato-biliary or
minimally invasive surgery.
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