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Biofertilizers: A novel tool for agriculture

Article  in  International Journal of Microbiology · December 2009

DOI: 10.9735/0975-5276.1.2.23-31 · Source: DOAJ

59 21,772

11 authors, including:

Dr. Soham Trivedi Priyadarshan chunnilal Patil

Rai University Unosource Pharma


Gaurika Gupta Mukesh Gupta

Indian Institute of Management Indore National Institute of Technology Rourkela


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International Journal of Microbiology Research, ISSN: 0975-5276, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, pp-23-31

Biofertilizers: A novel tool for agriculture

1 2 3 3 5 4 6 7
Boraste A. , Vamsi K.K. , Jhadav A. , Khairnar Y. , Gupta N. , Trivedi S. , Patil P. , Gupta G. ,
Gupta M.5, Mujapara A.K.8, Joshi B.9
S.V.P.M. College of Pharmacy, Baramati, Pune
Rai foundations College CBD Belapur Navi Mumbai
Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil University, Navi Mumbai, 400614, India
V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujrat
Sindhu Mahavidyalaya Panchpaoli Nagpur
Dr. D. Y. Patil ACS College, Pimpri, Pune
S.D.S.M. College Palghar, Mumbai
Sir PP Institute of Science, Bhavnagar, Gujrat,
Rural College of Pharmacy, D.S Road, Bevanahalli, Banglore

Abstract- With the increasing demand in agriculture it has become important for us to increase the
productivity by using various fertilizers insecticides Pesticides .But with the tremendous use of these
products the soil has been affected badly because of the depletion in the essential minerals of the soil. So to
overcome this problem it has become important for all of us touse a different remedy for the production of
various biofertilizers. The production if such biofertilizers from various microorganisms was studied from this

About 100 years ago, Hellriegal and Wilfarth
demonstrated clearly that fixation of atmospheric inorganic components of the soil. Repeated use
nitrogen takes place in legumes, although earlier of chemical fertilizers destroys soil biota. In
in 1980s, Boussingault, a French agriculturist, nature, there are a number of useful soil
provided the data to show that legumes are microorganisms that can help plants to absorb
superior to cereals in furnishing the nitrogen to nutrients. Their utility can be enhanced with
plant. Beijerinck, a Dutch scientist, in 1888 human intervention by selecting efficient
isolated root nodule bacteria, (Rhizobium) from organisms, culturing them and adding them to
root nodules of legumes and that the time many soils directly or through seeds. The cultured
other have defined. Bio-fertilizers, in strict sense, microorganisms packed in some carrier material
are not fertilizers, which directly give nutrition to for easy application in the field are called bio-
crop plants. These are cultures of fertilizers. Bio-fertilizers are living microorganisms
microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, packed in a of bacterial, fungal and algae origin. Their mode
carrier material. Thus, the critical input in of action differs and can be applied alone or in
biofertilizer is the microorganisms. They help the combination. By systematic research, efficient
plants indirectly through better Nitrogen (N) strains are identified to suit to given soil and
fixation or improving the nutrient availability in the climatic conditions. Such strains have to be mass
soil. The term “Biofertilizer” or more appropriately multiplied in laboratory and distributed to farmers.
a “Microbial inoculants” can generally be defined They are packed in carrier materials like peat,
as preparation containing live or latent cells of lignite powder in such a way that they will have
efficient strains of Nitrogen fixing, Phosphate sufficient shelf life. The list of commonly
solublising or cellulolytic microorganisms used for produced bio-fertilizers in our country is shown in
application to seeds, soil or composting areas Table no 1. The biofertilizer are mainly purchased
with the objective of increasing the number of by State Agriculture Departments and distributed
such microorganisms and accelerate those to the farmers at concessional rates. About 200
microbial process which augment the availability to 500 grams of carrier material is only needed
of nutrients that can be easily assimilated by per acre, costing about Rs.10/- to 25/-. The
plants. Biofertilizer can provide an economically current trends indicate that there is a steady
viable support to small and marginal farmers for increase in the demand in the Southern states
realizing the ultimate goal of increasing except Andhra Pradesh, Western States and
productivity. Biofertilizer are low cost, effective Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.
and renewable source of plant nutrients to
supplement chemical fertilizers. Microorganisms, Decomposing Culture
which can be used as biofertilizer, include Composting is a process essentially meant to
bacteria, fungi and blue green algae. These utilize soil waste of animal-plant origin.
organisms are added to the rhizosphere of the Composting procedure can be hastened by
plant to enhance their activity in the soil. inoculating the residue with cellulolytic – lignolytic
Sustainable crop production depends much on microorganisms such as Trichoderma viridae,
good soil health. Soil health maintenance Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus terrus etc. The
warrants optimum combination of organic and improvement in soil fertility due to sludge

Copyright © 2009, Bioinfo Publications, International Journal of Microbiology Research, ISSN: 0975-5276, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009
Biofertilizers: A novel tool for agriculture

application was reflected through population should have a C: N ratio of 20:1. Mixing equal
diversity of soil microbial community. The volumes of green plant material with equal
technologies used were indigenous and volumes of naturally dry plant material yields
Agricultural Universities and Research such a ratio. The green material can be grass
Laboratories of GOI standardize the scientific clippings, old flowers, green pruning, weeds,
aspects of production. Machineries and fresh garbage and fruit and vegetable wastes.
laboratory equipments are available from various The dried material can be fallen leaves, dried
manufacturers and are of BIS standards. The grass, and woody material from pruning. All the
primary objective of biofertilizer projects could be ingredients are mixed together, except
production of various strains of good quality accelerator (EM solution).These grind particle
biofertilizer using most modern technology. The mix with soil (soil used because soil has ability to
infrastructure and laboratory facilities created, absorb moisture and provided suitable condition
however, can be utilized for the production of bio for growth of microorganism) mix the mixture
- pesticides and bio control agents. Multi product uniformly. 2. Pit site and size: -The site of the
range will increase the viability. In line with the compost pit was taken a level high enough to
technology and objective of biofertilizer prevent rainwater from entering in the monsoon
production, various facilities are required for the season; a temporary shed was to be constructed
successful implementation of such projects .From over it to protect the compost from heavy rainfall
foregoing paragraphs, it is cleared that two and to avoid direct contact of environmental heat
organisms, via a nitrogen fixer and a phosphate during summer. The pit was made about 1m
solubilizers can be mixed and applied. Composite deep, 1.5-2 m wide and of a suitable length can
cultures containing both nitrogen-fixer and vary according to the availability of land. The pit
phosphate solubilizers are an area that holds was having a slant walls and floor with 90-cm
considerable importance. Attempts were made to slope to prevent water logging. 3. Filling the pit:-
prepare a biofertilizer from forest waste using EM Before making first pile in the pit, base of the pit
solution (effective microorganism). Forest waste was sprinkled with water so that it will help in
like weeds, stalks, stems, fallen leaves, pruning, maintain optimum temperature for the growth of
dead branches and grass clippings, old flowers, microorganism. Adding Organic residues form
green pruning etc. EM solution contains first pile with soil in pit. A unit pile is about 5m
combination of Phototrophic Bacteria, Lactic acid (length) × 1m (width) × 1m (height) in size. The
bacteria and Yeast. Photosynthetic bacteria pile is sprinkled with water for adequate moisture
synthesize useful substances from secretions of content and EM solution (from maple orgtech
roots, organic matter and/or harmful gases (e.g. India ltd, kolkata) is sprinkled on it. This
hydrogen sulfide), by using sunlight and the heat procedure is repeated until the pit is full. The pit
of soil as sources of energy. Lactic acid bacteria is covered with a plastic sheet. To maintain the
produce lactic acid from sugars and other moisture condition daily adequate amount of
carbohydrates, developed by photosynthetic water is added around the pit, this continues for
bacteria and yeast. Yeast synthesizes two to three weeks. After two or three weeks
antimicrobial and other useful substances later, the whole pile was mixed in order to boost
required for plant growth from amino acids and aerobic decomposition. 4. The pile was turned: -
sugars secreted by photosynthetic bacteria, The pile was turned after two weeks and then
organic matter and plant roots. again after another week. Normally, the compost
is ready after two weeks when the heap has
Materials and Methods cooled down and the height of the pile has fallen
Preparation of biofertilizer to about 70 cm.
All organic material wastes available on a forest,
such as weeds, stalks, stems, fallen leaves, Methods of Analysis Of Organic Fertilizer
pruning, and dead branches were collected. Hard 1. Estimation oF pH: 25g compost was mixed
woody material such as dead branches and with 50ml of distilled water and kept on rotary
pigeon pea stalks were first crushed with the help shaker for 2 hours. Filtrate was obtained through
of crusher machine before being piled. Material Whatman filter paper under vacuum using a
composts best when it is 1.25-3.75 cm in size. funnel. pH of filtrate is determined using pH
Soft, succulent tissues did not need chopping into meter.
very small pieces because they decompose 2. Estimation of moisture:- 5 gm of prepared
rapidly. The harder or woodier the tissues, the compost was taken on a dry petri-dish. It was
smaller they need to be in order to decompose heated in an oven for about 5 hours at 65 C,
rapidly. Chopping material with a sharp shovel is constant weighing was done. Cooling is done in a
effective, when pruning plants, the material were desicator and weigh. Percentage loss in weight
cut into small pieces using the pruning shears. was estimated as moisture content of the
This requires a little effort but the results are Biofertilizer.
worth it. For the composting process to work Calculation of Moisture:-
most effectively, the material to be composted Moisture percent by weight = 100(B-C)/ B-A

24 International Journal of Microbiology Research, ISSN: 0975-5276, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009

Boraste A, et al

3. Estimation of bulk density: Weight of dry 100- the digestion chamber for 24 hours. If any sample
ml cylinder was taken (W1 gm).100ml of sample remained black or yellow, then few drops of
was taken in the cylinder to note the volume H2O2 was added to find a clear solution. Then
(V1ml).Cylinder along with the sample was transfer the digested sample to a 100ml
weighted by using weighing machine (W2 volumetric flask & make the volumetric with
gm).The cylinder is tapped for two minutes. distilled water.
Volume was measured after tapping (V2 ml). Distillation procedure: - Distillation apparatus was
set up. Connections were fixed air tight. Heating
Calculation of bulk density is started and simultaneous addition of 10 ml of
40 % NaOH and 10 ml of the plant aliquot in a
distillation chamber through a funnel provided
with an apparatus. The nitrogen escaped in the
4. Estimation of electric conductivity: Fresh form of ammonia is collected in a 10ml boric acid
sample of organic fertilizer was passed through a indicator. With the collection of ammonia, the
2-4 mm sieve.20gm of the sample is added to colour of the boric acid turns green. Ammonia
100ml of distilled water to it to give a ratio of (nitrogen) escaped is collected from the process
1:5.Stirring is done for about an hour at regular and it may be tested with a red litmus paper.
intervals. Calibrate the conductivity meter by Titration is done against 0.02N H2SO4.
using 0.01 potassium chloride solution (of AR Calculation of nitrogen by Kjeldahl’s method:-
grade).Using conductivity meter (SVG Electronics
Ltd) conductivity of the unfilled organic fertilizer
suspension was measured. = Burette reading- Blank reading x 1.14
5. Estimation of Organic Carbon: Reagents:- 7. Estimation of phosphorus by klett summerson
1. Phosphoric acid (ortho)-85% method
2. Sodium fluoride solution –2 %
3. Sulphuric acid AR-96 % containing 1.25% Reagent
Ag2SO4. 1. Vanado-molybdate nitric acid reagent
4. Standard IN K2Cr2O7, dissolve 49.04 gm 2. Standard phosphorus solution
K2Cr2O7 in water and is diluted to 1litre. Preparation of standard curve- 0, 1, 5, 10, 15& 20
5. Standard 0.5 N Ferrous ammonium sulphate ml is pipette out of the stock solution and each of
6. Diphenylamine indicator them is kept in 50 ml volumetric flask. 10 ml of
Grind air-dry compost and sieve with 80 meshes Vanado-molybdate reagent is added to make up
(2mm sieve). 0.5 gm sample in 500 ml conical the volume up to the mark with distilled water. It
flask is added. Later 50 ml of K2Cr2O7 with gives 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 ppm of phosphors.
burette and swirl a little. Then 50 ml conc. Intensity is read of the yellow colour or at
H2SO4 is added and swirl again 2-3 times. It is colorimeter at 470nm wavelength.
been kept standing for 30 minutes in dark place Digestion- 200mg of the compost sample is taken
and thereafter 200-ml of water is added. Then the in a 50-ml digestion flask. 5 ml of H2O2 and 5 ml
volume is made up to 500 ml in a volumetric H2SO4 is added slowly. It is then kept in the
flask. Out of this 50 ml, an aliquot (equivalent to digestion chamber for 24 hours. If any sample
0.1 gm sample) was taken in another 500 ml remains black or yellow, few drops of H2O2 is
conical flask. 15 ml of orthophosphoric acid and 1 added to make a clear solution. The digested
ml of Diphenylamine was used as an indicator. samples are transferred to a 100ml volumetric
Titration is done with 0.5 ferrous ammonium flask & make the volumetric with distilled water.
sulphate till the colour flashes blue violet to Procedure- 10 ml of the biofertilizer (sample)
green. Simultaneously runs a blank without aliquot is pipette out in a 50-ml volumetric
compost sample. flask.10ml vanando-molybdate reagents are
added and diluted till 50 ml with addition of
Calculation of Organic Carbon distilled water. After two minutes, it is observed at
470nm wavelength. Workout the ppm of the
phosphorus of the sample from the standard X
6. Estimation of nitrogen by Kjeldahl’s method Calculation of Phosphorus by Klett Summerson
reagents Method
1. 0.02 N H2SO4
2. 40% sodium hydroxide
3. 2% boric acid indicator
4. Mixed indicator
Percent of phosphorous = X x 0.25
1. Digestion:-
X - ppm of phosphorus read from the standard
200mg of the compost sample was taken in a 50-
ml digestion flask, and then 5 ml of H2O2 and 5
X – 3.8ppm
ml H2SO4 was slowly added. It is then kept in

Copyright © 2009, Bioinfo Publications, International Journal of Microbiology Research, ISSN: 0975-5276, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009 25
Biofertilizers: A novel tool for agriculture

8. Estimation of potassium by flame photometer of microorganism. Observation on second day:-

method reagent:-Stock solutions of potassium The pit is covered with a plastic sheet. To
Preparation of standard curve:-0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and maintain the moisture condition, daily adequate
10 ml of stock solution is pipette out in 100-ml amount of water was added around the pit, this is
volumetric flask. The volume is marked up to the continued for two to three weeks. Observation on
mark with addition of distilled water. It gives 0, fourth day:- On fourth day, temperature of the pit
10, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 ppm of potassium is higher then the pervious observation. Raising
respectively. The intensity of potassium at flame of temperature shows that microorganism start
photometer is observed. The sample is aliquot there work of decomposing organic material.
directly with a flame photometer. Work out the Observation on seventh day:-After one week
ppm of potassium form the standard curve run a later, the whole pile is mixed in order to boost
blank reading. aerobic decomposition. During seventh day in
some area of pit, decomposition of organic
Calculation of potassium by Flame photometer material is observed. It indicates that
method microorganism fully start there work of
composting. Observation on fourteen day
(second week):-The pile is again turned after two
weeks. During fourteen-day the rapid
= 0.05 x X decomposition can be detected by a pleasant
X - ppm of potassium read from the standard odour, by the heat produced (visible in the form
curve of water vapour given off during the turning of the
X- 30 ppm pile), by the growth of white fungi on the
decomposing organic material, by a reduction of
Eestimation of heavy metal atomic absorption volume, and by the materials changing colour to
spectroscopy dark brown. As composting nears to completion,
1. Sampling- Approximately 50 gm of sample was the temperature drops. Observation on twenty-
taken. Then the samples were air dried for a one day (third week): On twenty-one day, height
period to remove excess moisture. Air dried of the pile has fallen to about 70 cm. and little or
sample are then passed through 0.5mm sieve. no heat is observed. Temperature of pit drops to
The sample passing through the sieve is mixed normal condition. It shows that biofertilizer is fully
and used to obtain the analytical sample. 2. prepared from organic forest waste.
Sample treatment for total element
determination- About 1gm of the sieved sample Results
was accurately weight and it was transfer to a After 21 days of composting, normally,
100 ml beaker. From a measuring cylinder about biofertilizer is ready. When the heap has cooled
20 ml of 1:1 nitric acid and is boiled gently on a down and the height of the pile has fallen to
hot plate until the volume of nitric acid is reduced about 70 cm. By analysis result we can confirm
to about 5ml. Addition of about 20 ml of de- that the biofertilizer contains all essential
ionized water in the sample and boil gently again nutrients which are required for plant growth. This
until the volume is approximately 10 ml. The shows that microorganisms totally brake down
suspension is cooled and filtered through a complex organic material waste into simple
whatman filter paper, then the beaker and filter organic material. It further indicates that, we
paper is washed with small portion of de-ionized successfully prepared the biofertililizer from the
water until a volume of about 25 ml is obtained. forest waste using EM (effective microorganism)
The filtrate is then transferred to a 50 ml solution.
graduated flask and make up to the mark with de-
ionized water. Discussion
Biofertilizers enhance the nutrient availability to
Observation crop plants (by processes like fixing atmosphere
Observation during preparation of material:- N or dissolving P present in the soil); and impart
Material composts best when it is 1.25-3.75cm in better health to plants and soil thereby enhancing
size. Soft, succulent tissues do not need crop yields in a moderate way. It is a natural
chopping into very small pieces because they method without any problems like salinity and
decompose rapidly. Hard woody material such as alkalinity, soil erosion etc.. In the vast areas of
dead branches and pigeon pea stalks has to low input agriculture and oil seeds production, as
crushed with the help of crusher machine before also in crops like sugarcane, etc, these products
being piled so it help to microorganism to will be of much use to give sustainability to
decompose material rapidly. Observation during production. In view of the priority for the
filling of first pile in pit (first day):-Before making promotion of organic farming and reduction of
first pile in the pit, base of the pit should be chemical residues in the environment, special
sprinkled with water so that it will helps in focus has to be given for the production of
maintaining optimum temperature for the growth biofertilizers. No hazardous effluents are

26 International Journal of Microbiology Research, ISSN: 0975-5276, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009

Boraste A, et al

generated from a biofertilizer unit. A versatile the simplest nematode worms to humans harbor
material, biofertilizer benefits virtually any soil all kinds of microbial symbionts, especially those
type. Clay soil, for example, has tiny, tightly in the guts which are essential for digestion,
packed particles that hamper the flow of water, nutrition (intestinal symbiosis) and microbial
nutrients, and oxygen. Biofertilizer reconfigures health. Agriculture and animal husbandry are
the clay into larger, more loosely packed really no more than the selective identification of
particles. The larger spaces between the a few key organisms which we have learned to
particles improve the flow of water, oxygen, and symbiosis with, by culturing them. We now need
nutrients to roots. In addition, the roots are able to learn how to grow (culture) a lot of smaller,
to penetrate deeper into the soil and contact complex communities of micro- organisms and
more nutrients. Biofertilizer also improves sandy insects, and we need to do this on a big scale if
soil, where the large spaces between loosely we are to avert the looming ecological crisis
packed particles enable water and its dissolved which faces the human population on a finite
nutrients to drain too quickly for optimum root planet. Waste management is not something
absorption. Biofertilizer soaks up and holds these that can be left to mechanical engineers and
substances so that the roots have more time to chemists. Sewage treatment, composting,
absorb them. Biofertilizer also adds small manure management, plowing under crop
amounts of zinc, copper, boron, and other vital stubble, and site preparation after logging are all
nutrients to soils. Protect water quality. Because examples of the presently haphazard activities
the composting process converts nitrogen into a which involve crude efforts toward decomposer
less soluble form, it is less likely to be washed management. The major organisms that need to
out of manure and into ground water and surface be studied are those of the decomposer and
water. Excessive amounts of nitrate in drinking detrital food chains. We have traditionally
water can cause health problems such as blue neglected these organisms as useless within a
baby syndrome and may be linked to cancer and productive context although they constitute the
birth defects. Recent samplings of wells in bulk of biodiversity. Instead our culturing and
northern Whatcom County have found nitrate production systems concentrate on a select
levels above the U.S. Environmental Protection number of trees, herbs and herbivore animals.
Agency's safe drinking water standards. Using The bacteria, fungi, and insects are mainly
compost instead of chemical fertilizers can looked upon as pests and pathogens which we
reduce our use of non-renewable resources like have diligently attempted to control, if not
natural gas. Approximately two percent of the eradicate. Some of the essential organisms with
natural gas consumed in the United States goes which we must now seek to symbiosis include the
into the manufacturing of nitrogen fertilizer. Our methanogenic archaebacteria, the thermophilic
rate of waste production can no longer be and actinomycetes composting bacteria, the
adequately dealt with by natural decomposition wood degrading basidiomycetes and the
processes. Land filling is a crisis of urban terrestrial oligochaete annelid worms, the
centres world wide. We need to engineer new profoundly important lignocelluloses and humus
bio-decomposition processes. To do this is consuming termites, and the enormously diverse
conceptually simple but will take much greater coleopteran consumers of moist to dry organic
interaction between ecologists and engineers materials, and the hordes of fly maggots that
Essentially what needs to happen is to match up inhabit every form of sodden and anaerobic
all the various types of organic wastes with their organic matter. Some key organisms already
decomposers. We must learn how to culture a being cultivated are red wriggler worms, Ensenia
wide variety of bacterial, fungal, and invertebrate foetida; and the black soldier fly, Hermetia
organisms in high-density, optimal configurations illucens. Red wriggler earth worms are widely
to achieve rapid, clean, bio-conversion, and bio- used for “vermicomposting”in kitchen compost
detoxification of waste into compost (soil boxes for vegetative food scraps. Black soldier
amendment) and useful biomass for flies, formerly the most abundant flies in human
biochemical’s, feed and food. Each of the major privies, are now widely used for manure
advances in organization of life on earth have management programs. Waste management
involved symbiotic associations in which more engineers are not going to be able to do this on
ancient bio-metabolic capabilities were linked their own. Highly specialized biological
with more recent bio-mechanical or bio-social knowledge is necessary. Biologists must identify
organizations. For example the eukaryotic cell the key organisms and provide the essential
was assembled from prokaryotic elements which information about the organisms' ecology and
became such cell organelles as mitochondria and physiology. Decompiculture will become a major
chloroplasts (endosymbiosis) (Margulies, 1998). new applied field in the biological sciences.
Higher (vascular) plants are usually dependent Within the next hundred years, Decompiculture is
directly or indirectly on bacterial and fungal inevitable.
symbioses such as nitrogen fixing root and leaf
nodules and fungal mycorrhizae. Animals from

Copyright © 2009, Bioinfo Publications, International Journal of Microbiology Research, ISSN: 0975-5276, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009 27
Biofertilizers: A novel tool for agriculture

Conclusion [2] Community Sanitation and Recycle

The compost material used was of the size of Organization (CSARO). Web site:
1.25-3.75 cm. From this we conclude that hard
woody material used in the compost should be [3] Cracas P. (2000) Vermicomposting”in
crushed with the help of crusher machine, so it Cuban style. Worm Dig. Iss. 25 -online
will help microorganism to compost material articles.
rapidly. To maintain C: N ratio as 20:1 of the [4] Jambhhekar H. (2002) Vermiculture in India
biofertilizer the material used in the pile should - online training material. Pune, India,
have equal volumes of green plant material with Maharashtra, Agricultural Bioteks.
equal volumes of naturally dry plant material to [5] Natural Resource, Agriculture, and
yields such a ratio. Small amount of soil is mix Engineering Service (NRAES) (1992)
with the material so it helps to maintain moisture On-farm composting, edited by R. Rynk.
condition and provided suitable condition for Ithaca, USA, NRAES Cooperative
growth of microorganism. A temporary shed may Extension.
be constructed over pit to protect the compost to [6] Ndegwa P.M. and Thompson S.A. (2001)
avoid direct contact of environmental heat during Biores. Tech., 76(2): 107-112.
summer. The pit should have sloping walls and [7] Palm C.A., Gachengo C.N., Delve R.J.,
floor with 90-cm slope to prevent water logging. Cadisch G. andller, K.E. (2001) Ag.
Before making first pile in the pit, base of the pit Ecosys. Env., 83: 27-42.
should be sprinkled with water so that it will help [8] Raabe R.D. (2001) The rapid composting
in maintain optimum temperature for the growth method. University of California, US,
of microorganism. Sprinkling EM solution on Co-operative Extension, Division of
material accelerating the breakdown of organic Agriculture and Natural Resources.
matter from forest waste and required less time [9] Ramasami S. (1975) Processing of bones
than natural process of composting; used of EM into bonemeal and its effect on plant
solution in biofertilizer preparation help to growth. New Delhi, Indian Agricultural
increase the number of beneficial Research Institute. (PhD thesis)
microorganisms in the soil, this improves the [10] Richard T. (1996) The effect of lignin on
soil's microbial health and promotes a healthy biodegradability. In: Cornell composting.
environment for plants. (
pH reading conclude that biofertilizer almost /lignin.html)
alkaline in nature, after moisture estimation we [11] Schorth G. (2003) Decomposition and
conclude that biofertilizer have very good nutrient supply from biomass. In G.
capacity to maintain moisture condition. Bulk Schorth & F.L. Sinclari, eds.
density estimation we conclude that biofertilizer [12] Smith R.C. (1995) Composting practices.
have very good capacity to hold water, which NDSU Extension Service, North Dakota
give indication of standard biofertilizer. The State University of Agriculture and
electric conductivity estimation we conclude that Applied Science, and USDA.
biofertilizer contain less salt concentration. [13] Suneja (1994) Tamilnadu Agricultural
Biofertilizer have C: N ratio 20:1 and which University (TNAU) 1994. Crop
further indicates the stability of biofertilizer. C:N production guide. Coimbatore, India.
ratio less than 25 likely indicates that [14] Subba Rao N S, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi
composting process is finished. Complete Biofertilizers in Agriculture and Forestry
decomposition of material and high level of [15] Sanoria and Ram (1980) A manual of rural
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contain the less amount of heavy metal. RAS/75/004.

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soil fertility: concepts and research
methods. CABI Publishing, ISBN-

28 International Journal of Microbiology Research, ISSN: 0975-5276, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009

Boraste A, et al

Table 1-Types of Biofertilizer

Blue green Algae
Phosphate solublising

Table 2 - Estimated potential Demand for Biofertilizer by 2008-2009

Type of Biofertilizer Demand
Rhizobium 44,999
Azotobacter 165,953
Azospirillum 94,342
Blue green Algae 301,738
Phosphate solublising 280,340
Total 756,372

Table 3 -list of commonly produced bio-fertilizers in India

Name Crops Suited Benefits Usually Seen Remarks
Rhizobium Legumes like pulses, 10-35% yield increase, 50- Fodders give better results. Leaves residual N
strains groundnut, soybean 200 kg N/ha. in the soil.
Soil treatment for non-
legume crops including 10-15% yield increase-
Azotobacter dry land crops adds 20-25 kg N/ha Also controls certain diseases.
Non-legumes like maize, A fodder gives higher/enriches fodder
barley, oats, sorghum, response. Produces growth-promoting
Azospirillu millet, Sugarcane, rice substances. It can be applied to legumes as
m etc. 10-20% yield increase co-inoculants
Solubilizers Soil application for all
* crops 5-30% yield increase Can be mixed with rock phosphate.
(*there are 2 bacterial and 2 fungal species in this group)
20 -30 kg N/ha, Azolla can
Blue-green give biomass up to 40-50 Reduces soil alkalinity, can be used for fishes
algae and Tonnes and fix 30-100 kg as feed. They have growth promoting
Azolla Rice/wet lands N/ha hormonal effects.
TNAU has developed high yielding Azolla
Many trees, some crops, 30-50% yield increase
Mycorrhiza and some ornamental enhances uptake of P. Zn,
e (VAM) plants S and Water. Usually inoculated to seedlings.

Table 5- analysis result of biofertilizer

Compost Analysis Results
Estimation of pH 6.75
Estimation of moisture 18.18%
Estimation of bulk density 2%
Estimation of electric conductivity 0.559 milliohm’s at 25°C
Estimation of organic carbon 19.5%.
Estimation of nitrogen by KJELDAHL’S method 1.3 %.
Estimation of phosphorus by KLETT SUMMERSON method 0.95%.
Estimation of potassium by FLAME PHOTOMETER method 1.5%.

Copyright © 2009, Bioinfo Publications, International Journal of Microbiology Research, ISSN: 0975-5276, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009 29
Biofertilizers: A novel tool for agriculture

Table 5- analysis result of biofertilizer

Compost Analysis Results
Estimation of pH 6.75
Estimation of moisture 18.18%
Estimation of bulk density 2%
Estimation of electric conductivity 0.559 milliohm’s at 25°C
Estimation of organic carbon 19.5%.
Estimation of nitrogen by KJELDAHL’S method 1.3 %.
Estimation of phosphorus by KLETT SUMMERSON method 0.95%.
Estimation of potassium by FLAME PHOTOMETER method 1.5%.

Fig. 1- Compost pits

Fig. 2-Pile after turning

30 International Journal of Microbiology Research, ISSN: 0975-5276, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009

Boraste A, et al

Fig. 3-KJELDAHL’S instrument for nitrogen estimation

Copyright © 2009, Bioinfo Publications, International Journal of Microbiology Research, ISSN: 0975-5276, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009 31

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