Worldpay PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQ V2.3

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

This document is intended to answer frequently asked questions related to PayFac Dynamic Payout, which is a
method of distributing funds primarily to your sub-merchants and yourself. If you have additional questions or need
clarification of any answers contained in this document, please contact your Worldpay PayFac Account Manager.
This Frequently Asked Questions document is divided into several sections, as follows:
• General Questions
• Split Platform Processing
• Funds and Funding
• Instruction Processing
• Other Items

General Questions

What is Dynamic Payout?

Dynamic Payout is a method of distributing funds to your sub-merchants, physical check (writing) services, other third
party vendors (in the payment flow), and yourself, via the ACH network or the debit rails in the case of FastAccess
funding. You must submit the funding instructions on the Worldpay eCommerce platform.

What types of funding instruction do you support?

Dynamic Payout supports the following instructions:

• Funding Instruction PayFac Credit (FIPC) - used to move funds from the PayFac FOB Settlement account to the
PayFac Operating account.
• Funding Instruction PayFac Debit (FIPD) - used to move funds from the PayFac Operating account to the PayFac
FBO Settlement account.
• Funding Instruction Reserve Credit (FIRC) - used to move funds from the PayFac FBO Settlement account to the
PayFac Reserve account.
• Funding Instruction Reserve Debit (FIRD) - used to move funds from the PayFac Reserve account to the PayFac
FBO Settlement account.

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

• Funding Instruction Sub-merchant Credit (FISC) - used to move funds from the PayFac FBO Settlement account
to the sub-merchant Operating account.
• Funding Instruction Sub-merchant Debit (FISD) - used to move funds from the sub-merchant Operating account to
the PayFac FBO Settlement account.
• Funding Instruction Vendor Credit (FIVC) - used to move funds from the PayFac FBO Settlement account to the
Vendor account.
• Funding Instruction Vendor Debit (FIVD) - used to move funds from the Vendor account to the PayFac FBO
Settlement account.
• Funding Instruction Physical Check Credit (FICC) - used to move funds from the PayFac FBO Settlement account
to the Physical Check account.
• Funding Instruction Physical Check Debit (FICD) - used to move funds from the Physical Check account to the
PayFac FBO Settlement account.
• Funding Instruction Void - used to void a submitted, but not yet settled, Funding Instruction.
• FastAccess Funding - used to transfer funds to certain eligible MasterCard or Visa debit cards. Transfer of funds
takes place within 30 minutes.

Is Dynamic Payout the same as your Direct Debit offering?

No. Although both make use of the ACH network, Direct Debit is an alternative payment method used to accept
payments for services or products, while Dynamic Payout is a method of distributing funds. Note: FastAccess Funding
does not use the ACH network.

Can I use Dynamic Payout to distribute funds from transactions not processed
through Worldpay?

No. Because the distributed funds must be tied to the originating transactions, you cannot distribute funds from
transactions processed through a different platform.

What version of cnpAPI supports the use of Dynamic Payout?

cnpAPI version 9.0 supports the following transaction types: PayFac Credit/Debit, Reserve Credit/Debit, and
sub-merchant Credit/Debit.

The following transaction types were added in cnpAPI version 9.2: Physical Check Credit/Debit and Vendor
The Funding Instruction Void transaction type was added in version 10.1.
Worldpay added Same Day Funding capability in version 11.1.

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

What accounts are involved in Dynamic Payout?

The diagram below illustrates the various accounts, as well as the funding instructions associated with moving the
funds between the accounts.

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

Can I use Dynamic Payout to distribute funds to only a portion of my portfolio of

sub-merchants and pay other sub-merchants using a different method?

No. If you elect to use Dynamic Payout, you must use it for your entire portfolio of sub-merchants.

Can I use Dynamic Payout to distribute funds to multiple accounts for the same

Yes, the instruction (cnpAPI message) for both the Funding Instruction Sub-merchant Credit (FISC) and Funding
Instruction Sub-merchant Debit (FISD) contain an element used to define the sub-merchant account. To credit/debit
multiple sub-merchant accounts, submit multiple funding instructions each specifying a different account.

Can I use Dynamic Payout to distribute funds generated by selected methods of

payment, but not all?

No. Dynamic Payout must include funds generated by all methods of payment processed by the Payment Facilitator
on the Worldpay platform, including AmEx OptBlue and Direct Debit.

Are there any requirements associated with the Dynamic Payout solution with
respect to any of the card brands (i.e., Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and AmEx)?

There are no limitations for Visa and MasterCard. The following requirements apply to either Discover, American
Express, or both:

• For Discover and American Express, transactions cannot be settled as conveyed transactions. Worldpay must be
the acquirer.
• For American Express OptBlue, you must use the PayFac Merchant Provisioner API V11.1 or higher.
• You must fund all methods of payment processed by the Payment Facilitator on the Worldpay platform, including
AmEx OptBlue and Direct Debit, using Dynamic Payout.
• You cannot use Dynamic Payout to distribute funds generated by transaction not processed by Worldpay.

Do you establish a unique Settlement and Reserve account for each Payment

No. Worldpay establishes and manages a single FBO (For Benefit Of) Settlement account and a single FBO Reserve
account for all Payment Facilitators. Within these FBO accounts Worldpay maintains a separate logical account for
each Payment Facilitator. Your logical account always reflects your active balance.

Can I use funding instructions to pay my bills or to allow sub-merchants to pay


No. You can only use Dynamic Payout to fund entities in the payment stream. You can fund yourself, your
sub-merchants, and third parties, such as market places that facilitate the payments, or check writing services that
issue checks on your behalf to fund your sub-merchants.

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

Can other third parties send funds to the (FBO) Settlement account for me to fund
my merchants?

No. Each dollar must be tied to a Merchant account on the Worldpay system. We cannot accept external funds that
are not tied to an account (e.g., checks from a lock box).

Does Worldpay deduct fees prior to depositing funds in the FBO Settlement

No. Net settled sales (deposits - refunds) are deposited to the FBO Settlement account. Worldpay deducts the fees
directly from the PayFac Operating account. For example, on Day 1 you process a $100 Visa transaction. On Day 2,
Worldpay deposits the $100 in the Settlement account and deducts the appropriate fee from your Operating account.
You use funding instructions to move the funds from the Settlement account to your sub-merchant and recover your

How do Direct Debit Deposit Returns, Credit Card Refunds, and Funding Instruction
Rejects impact the balance in the FBO Settlement Account?

Direct Debit Deposit Returns have no impact on the FBO Settlement account. Credit Card Refunds do impact the
balance, because funds deposited to the Settlement Account are Net Settled Sales (i.e., Deposits - Refunds). The
Funding Instruction Reject would impact the balance only in that the funds you expected to move either into or out of
the account would not move, because the instruction was rejected.

Note: While the Direct Debit Deposit Returns have no impact on your Settlement Account balance, it would impact
your Operating Account balance. Funds debited from this account are the total of Interchange Fees + Chargebacks +
Assessments + Returns + Worldpay Fees.

TABLE 1 Credit Card Refund Example

Day Action Result

0 Credit Card Capture (Deposit) processed Net Funds (deposits - refunds) deposited to
Settlement account.

1 Funding Instructions submitted and accepted prior to None - funds moved next day.
cutoff to distribute funds from deposit to
Sub-merchant and your Operating account (fees).

2 None Funds moved from Settlement account to

Sub-merchant account and PayFac
Operating account per Funding Instructions
from Day 1.

3 Credit Card Refund processed None - funds moved next day.

4 None Net Funds (deposits - refunds) deposited to

Settlement account. This accounts for the
Refund from Day 3.

5 Depending upon your business model and contract Amount of refund returned to the
with the sub-merchant, you could submit Funding Settlement account.
Instructions prior to cutoff to debit the Sub-merchant
account for the refund.

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

TABLE 2 Funding Instruction Reject Example

Day Action Result

0 Credit Card Capture (Deposit) processed. None

1 Funding Instructions submitted and accepted Net Funds (deposits - refunds) deposited to
prior to cutoff to distribute funds from deposit to Settlement account.
Sub-merchant and your Operating account

2 None Funds debited from Settlement account per

instructions. PayFac Operating account
receives funds, but movement to Sub-merchant
account fails.

3 You receive notification (via iQ or SSR) of a Funds from failed transfer to Sub-merchant
rejected funding Instruction distributing funds to account returned to Settlement account.
the Sub-merchant (FISC).

4 Determine root cause of failure and resubmit

funding Instruction after issue resolved.

5 None Funds debited from Settlement account per

instructions. Sub-merchant account receives

TABLE 3 Direct Debit Return Example

Day Action Result

0 Direct Debit Sale (Deposit) processed None

1 Funding Instructions submitted and accepted Net Funds (deposits - refunds) deposited to
prior to cutoff to distribute funds from deposit to Settlement account.
Sub-merchant and your Operating account

2 None Funds moved from Settlement account to

Sub-merchant account and PayFac Operating
account per Funding Instructions from Day 1.

3 None None

4 You receive notification (via iQ or SSR) of an None

Direct Debit Return.

5 Depending upon the Return Reason code, you Amount of return debited from your Operating
can initiate a redeposit. If the redeposit is not account.
allowed, depending upon your business model Debits to Operating account include:
and contract with the sub-merchant, you could Interchange Fees + Chargebacks +
submit Funding Instructions prior to cutoff to Assessments + Returns + Worldpay Fees.
debit the Sub-merchant account for the return.
Note: No impact on Settlement account.

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

TABLE 3 Direct Debit Return Example

Day Action Result

6+ If the redeposit was allowed, but fails,

depending upon your business model and
contract with the sub-merchant, you could
submit Funding Instructions prior to cutoff to
debit the Sub-merchant account for the return.

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

Split Platform Processing

Can I process transactions on the Worldpay Core platform and use Dynamic Payout?

Yes. While you would (continue to) process payment transactions on the Worldpay Core platform and consume
reconciliation reports (e.g., EMAF) from the Core platform, you would integrate to the eCommerce platform to use
Dynamic Payout to distribute funds to your sub-merchants. You would also consume certain Scheduled Secure
Reports (SSR) from the eComm platform.

Can I process across both the Worldpay eCommerce and Worldpay Core platforms
and still use Dynamic Payout?

Yes. You can process payment transactions on both platforms, if you need the capabilities of both. For example, if
you were to process POS transactions on the Core platform and eComm transactions on the eCommerce platform. In
this case, Worldpay requires the creation of Merchant IDs (MID) on the Core platform, even if the sub-merchant is
only submitting transactions on the eComm platform. This allows us to use the Core MID as a common reference for
payment reconciliation, as well as the Funding MID for funding instructions.

Do I need to create Legal Entities or sub-merchant on the eCommerce platform if

the sub-merchants are only processing payment transactions on the Worldpay Core

No. You do not create Legal Entities or sub-merchants on the eComm platform unless they are processing payment
transactions on that platform. The eComm platform is aware of MIDs created on the Core platform via a back-end
integration of the two platforms.

If I process deposits for a sub-merchant across multiple platforms, can I pay the
sub-merchant for the total volume processed?

Yes. For example, if you process Visa deposits worth $500 on the Worldpay Core and Direct Debit transactions worth
$100 on the eCommerce platform, you can pay your sub-merchant with one funding instruction for the sum total of

Can I use Dynamic Payout in conjunction with the split settlement feature available
on the Worldpay Core Platform?

No. We decided not to support this scenario, since it would add considerably to your operational overhead and
potentially create confusion for your sub-merchants. For example, you would have to support multiple mechanisms for
reconciliation, funding failures, and notices of change. Also, you would have to generate two 1099K forms for your
sub-merchants (one per platform), and your sub-merchants would be funded from each platform each day.

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

What should I expect from a processing, funding, and reconciling standpoint, if I

process payment transactions on the Worldpay Core platform and use Dynamic
Payout on the eComm platform?

The following table provides a high-level view of the associated tasks.

# Task Platform Comments

1 Sub-merchant Creation Worldpay Core Use Boarding Interface, or Merchant

Boarding File/ Merchant Update File.

2 Process Payment Worldpay Core Use ISO 8583/ 610/ Express

Transactions Acquired.

3 Transaction Level Worldpay Core Use EMAF File.


4 Working Chargebacks Worldpay Core Use Worldpay Core iQ and Charts


5 Reconcile Billing for #1 - 4 Worldpay Core Use Worldpay Core iQ

6 Process Funding Instructions eCommerce Submit Funding Instructions to

eComm platform via Batch or Online.

7 Reconcile Instruction-Based eCommerce Use Scheduled Secure Reports.


8 Reconcile Billing for Dynamic eCommerce Billing occurs daily on a per

Payout instruction basis.

Funds and Funding

What are the minimum number of days to fund a sub-merchant?

Since Dynamic Payout uses the ACH network, normal funding takes place one business day after you submit the
funding instruction. The example below shows the minimum timing.

NOTE: If you code to use Same Day Funding (V11.1 and above) and the Funding Instruction
submission meets the requirements, the settlement to the sub-merchant in the example below
occurs on Business Day 2.

Example: Minimum Time to Fund (must close batch by 10:00 PM ET)

– Business Day 1: Process $100 Visa transaction.
– Business Day 2: $100 clears to Settlement account and Funding Instruction submitted.
– Business Day 3: sub-merchant funds settled into their account.

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

Do you offer same day funding and if so, what are the requirements?

Yes. Beginning with version 11.1, we added the capability for same day funding subject to the following restrictions:

• You must submit the Batch file prior to 11:00 AM ET, allowing adequate time for the processing of the
transactions (i.e., It is unlikely a batch of 100,000 Same Day funding instructions submitted at 10:59 AM would
make the cut-off.)
• The batch should include only transactions for less than $25,000 (single transaction limit).
• The batch cannot contain multiple transaction to the same account exceeding $25,000 total.

NOTE: If you include a transaction over $25,000, or multiple transaction to the same account
exceeding $25,000 total, we mark the transactions as same day, but processing takes place next
day. Because you included them in the batch, we assess fees for same day funding. To avoid
excess fees, do not include these transactions in a same day funded batch.

• The total disbursement to any sub-merchant cannot exceed $25, 000 in a single day.
• We only process same day funding batch files on non-holiday weekdays (i.e., no weekends or holidays).
• Batches submitted outside the allowed window are processed as next day funding instructions.
• You must set the sameDayFunding attribute (of the batchRequest) to true

When should I worry about prefunding the FBO Settlement account?

The timing and need to prefund the Settlement account is a judgment call. In many cases, the only time you should
need to prefund the Settlement account is when you begin processing transactions and submitting funding
instructions. At that time, there is a possibility of you issuing instructions to fund your sub-merchants, vendors, or
physical check services prior to having the necessary funds available to cover the instructions. To mitigate this
possibility, you will most likely want to move adequate funds from your Operating account to the Settlement account.
Once the settlements have caught up to the payments, you can move the original funds back to your Operating
account, to your Reserve account, as a contingency for future needs, or a split between the two accounts. (Also, see
next question/answer.)

If I float funds so I can fund my sub-merchant on the next day, can you explain the
timing of funding with respect to the activity day?

In this scenario, you sent instructions to fund your sub-merchant on the same day as the activity (i.e., day transaction
processed). Keep in mind, your sub-merchant must have a cut-off time early enough for you to submit the instruction
prior to the 7:00 PM ET cut-off for funding instructions. The table below shows the timing of the funding day with
respect to the activity day.

Sub-merchant Activity Day Sub-merchant Funded Day

Saturday, Sunday Monday

Monday Tuesday

Tuesday Wednesday

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

Sub-merchant Activity Day Sub-merchant Funded Day

Wednesday Thursday

Thursday Friday

Friday Saturday

Depending upon the Issuing Bank used by the sub-merchant, on the Funded day, the sub-merchant's
bank account will either be memo posted and/or have funds available.

If I do not float funds, can you explain the timing of funding with respect to the
activity day?

In this scenario, you sent instructions to fund your sub-merchant on the day following the activity (before cut-off time).
The table below shows the timing of the settlement to your Settlement account and the sub-merchant funding day with
respect to the activity day.

Funds to FBO Settlement

Sub-merchant Activity Day Account Sub-merchant Funded Day

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Monday or Tuesday (depending Tuesday

upon your configuration; consult
your PAM for additional

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Wednesday Thursday Friday

Thursday Friday Saturday

How do I find out the current available balance of my Settlement account?

We produce an Account Balance Report every hour between 1:00 PM ET and 9:00 PM ET. You can access this
report in the Secured Scheduled Reports (SSR) folder of your Worldpay sFTP site. This report provides your PayFac
Settlement balance, Reserve balance and AmEx Sweep balance, if applicable. Please refer to the Worldpay eComm
Secured Scheduled Report Reference Guide for additional information about the report. Please keep in mind that the
Account Balance Report does not reflect pending funding instructions that you have successfully submitted, but have
not been delivered to the ACH Network for processing.

The first table below shows the timing of money movement to the PayFac FBO Settlement account with respect to the
activity day. The second table shows the timing of Funding Instruction delivery (normal funding, not same day).

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

TABLE 4 Money Movement to PayFac FBO Settlement Account Timing

Transaction Type Activity Day Available in FBO Settlement Account

Monday Tuesday ~1PM ET

Tuesday Wednesday ~1PM ET

Mastercard, Visa, Wednesday Thursday ~1PM ET

Discover, AmEx
Thursday Friday ~1PM ET

Friday, Saturday, Monday ~1PM ET

and Sunday

Monday Tuesday ~1PM ET

Tuesday Wednesday ~1PM ET

Wednesday Thursday ~1PM ET

Direct Debit Thursday Friday ~1PM ET

Friday Mon. ~1PM ET

Saturday and Tuesday ~1PM ET


TABLE 5 Funding Instruction Delivery Timing (Standard Next-day payout)

Funding Instruction Submitted Delivered for Funding

All Monday Tuesday

All Tuesday Wednesday

All Wednesday Thursday

All Thursday Friday

All Friday Monday

Saturday and Monday


You can also view your account balances through iQ. The data in the Account Summary report changes frequently
due to the receipt of the various transaction data files throughout the day. The Account Summary report provides
information to assist you with the reconciliation of your Dynamic Payout accounts (FBO Settlement, Reserve, Check
Payment, and American Express), as well as your PayFac Operating account. The Account Summary report includes
account balances and detailed information on the instructions and activities for each account type, however it does
not account for pending funding instruction requests (i.e., funding instructions successfully submitted to Worldpay, but
not yet delivered to the ACH Network). Because the report does not account for pending instructions, to determine the
balance including pending instructions, subtract any funding instruction requests that you have successfully submitted
since the prior business day's 7:00 PM ET cut-off and prior to the current business day's 7:00 PM cut-off from the
amount displayed in iQ. Please refer to the iQ eCommerce Reporting and Analytics User Guide for additional

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

When I submit funding instructions for my Reserve account, what is the timing of
money movement and availability of funds in the account?

The table below shows the timing of money movement to the Reserve account with respect to funding instruction day.

TABLE 6 Money Movement to Reserve Account Timing

Transaction Type Activity Day Available Day Bank Settlement Day

Mon. - Thurs. Same Day Next Day

Funding Instructions
Fri. Same Day Mon.
Sat. - Sun. Same Day Tues.

Keep in mind the balance shown in the report represents the balance from the previous day +/- any pending activities
(through funding instructions) and that the funding instructions are accounted for only after their delivery.

What is the timing of money movement to the Physical Check Vendor account with
respect to the activity day?

The following table shows the timing of money movement to Physical Check Vendor account with respect to the
activity day.

TABLE 7 Money Movement to Physical Check Vendor Account Timing

Transaction Type Activity Day Available Day Bank Settlement Day

Mon. - Thurs. Next Day 9AM ET Next Day

Funding Instructions
Fri. Mon. 9AM ET Mon.
Sat. - Sun. Tues. 9AM ET Tues.

Physical Check Vendor Mon. (Reported) Same Day 10AM ET Fri.

Tues. - Fri. (Reported) Same Day 10AM ET Previous Day

What happens if the available balance of my Settlement account is insufficient to

cover the funding instructions?

Worldpay performs a front-end check on each Funding Instruction within a Batch, as well as Online instructions,
verifying sufficient account balances to cover the money movement from each account. If system detects insufficient
funds in any account impacted by the a funding instruction, Worldpay rejects the individual Online instruction or any
individual instruction from the Batch that would result in a negative balance. The returned error message provides
information about the account lacking funds.

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

NOTE: To avoid possible account balance verification issues, Worldpay recommends you submit
debit transactions first, in a separate Session file from the credit transactions.
Also, keep in mind that the system may not handle transactions within a Batch sequentially. This is
likewise true for Batches within a Session, but we do handle Session files in the order sent. To
guarantee sequential handling of Batch files, you must submit the Batch individually in Session files.

For example, your Reserve Account has a starting balance of $100,000. You introduce a Batch of funding instructions
that include a reserveCredit transaction for $100,000 and four reserveDebit transactions as follows:
Reserve Debit 1 - $30,000
Reserve Debit 2 - $50,000
Reserve Debit 3 - $20,000
Reserve Debit 4 - $100,000
The following scenarios (and others) are all possible:

Scenario 1
1. The system processes the reserveCredit transaction first, bring the available balance to $200,000.
2. All debit transactions in any order succeed.

Scenario 2
1. The system processes the four reserveDebit transactions in sequence.
2. The system approves the first three, reducing the available balance to $0.
3. The system declines the fourth transaction for insufficient balance.
4. The system processes the reserveCredit transaction, bring the available balance to $100,000.

Scenario 3
1. The system processes the fourth reserveDebit transaction, reducing the balance to $0.
2. The system declines the first and third transactions for insufficient balance.
3. The system processes the reserveCredit transaction, bring the balance to $100,000.
4. The system processes the second reserveDebit transaction, reducing the balance to $50,000.

How do you calculate my available balance when executing funding instructions?

When you submit a set of funding instructions, we calculate your available balance as PayFac Settlement Account
current balance + Reserve Debits (from funding instructions). The total funding instruction credits must be less than
your calculated available balance for us to execute the submitted instructions. Please refer to the examples below.

Example: Instruction Batch that Passes Front-End Checks

– Current balance of Settlement Account = $300
– Current balance of Reserve Account = $300
– PayFac Credits (FIPC) = $100
– sub-merchant Credits (FISC) = $300

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

– sub-merchant Debits (FISD) = $300

– Reserve Debits (FIRD) = $200
Calculation: $100 (FIPC) + $300 (FISC) = $400 total credits
$300 (Current Balance) + $200 (FIRD) = $500 available balance
$400 total credits <= $500 available balance

Example: Instruction Batch that Fails Front-End Checks

– Current balance of Settlement Account = $300
– Current balance of Reserve Account = $300
– PayFac Credits (FIPC) = $100
– sub-merchant Credits (FISC) = $300
– sub-merchant Debits (FISD) = $300
Calculation: $100 (FIPC) + $300 (FISC) = $400 total credits
$300 (Current Balance) = $300 available balance
$400 total credits > $300 available balance

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

Instruction Processing

What is the maximum number of instructions I can submit in a single Batch?

Although the hard limit for any single Batch file is 100,000 instructions, the recommended number of instructions in a
single Batch file is 20,000. If you need to submit a larger number of instructions, create multiple Batch files within the
Session file. A Session file, which is a group of Batch files, must not exceed 1,000,000 instructions across all Batches.

For example, if you wish to submit 200,000 funding instructions, Worldpay recommends for you to create a Session
file containing 10 Batches of 20,000 instructions each.

If I submit multiple instruction Batch files in a Session and one of the Batches has
an over balance issue, do you reject all the Batches?

No. Worldpay rejects only the Batch file with the issue. The processing of instructions in the other Batch files occurs

How do I know that the submitted Batch file was received by Worldpay?

We produce an acknowledgment file shortly after receiving the Batch file. The timing depends upon the size of the
submitted file, larger files take longer. To retrieve the acknowledgment file do the following:

5. Open your FTP connection to the Worldpay outbound directory.

6. Locate the response file, which will have the same name as the file you submitted. If the response file has a
.prg extension, it is still transferring. The extension changes to .asc when the transfer to the outbound
directory completes.
7. Retrieve the response file.

What is my cutoff time for sending funding instructions?

The cutoff time for submission of funding instructions is 7:00PM ET, except for those marked for same day funding.
The cutoff time for same day funding is 11:00 AM ET.

What is my cutoff time for submission of payment transactions for next day
settlement into my FBO Settlement account?

Generally, the processing cutoff time for next day settlement is 10:00PM ET for Worldpay Core (i.e., submit EMD file
by 10:00 ET), and 10:00 PM ET for the eComm platform, unless you utilize next-day Direct Debit, which changes the
cut-off for all deposits to 8:00PM ET. Note: Your contracted time may differ.

Assuming I sent multiple funding instructions to various accounts on any given day,
do you roll-up the transactions to reduce the number and if so, how does the roll-up

We roll-up all funding instructions to/from your Operating account (FIPC/FIPD) for given day into a single ACH
transaction. Similarly, we roll-up funding instructions to/from your Reserve account (FIRC/FIRD), as well as Physical
Check service instructions (FICC/FICD). For Vendor instructions (FIVC/FIVD), we roll-up the instructions based upon
the account number transferred to/from, not the vendor.

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

We never roll-up instructions related to sub-merchant accounts or FastAccess Funding instructions. Each instruction
translates to an ACH transaction.

How do I find out if my funding instructions have failed or been returned?

In SSR, Worldpay generates a daily report, the Funding Reject Report by ACH Return Date report, which provides
details about failed/returned instructions, including the reasons for the failures/returns. The report includes the return
date, the original date, and the attempted funds transfer date. The return date is the date the issuing bank processed
the funding instruction. The original date is the original date of the transaction (i.e., Batch post date). The Attempted
Funds Transfer Date is the date that Bank attempted to settle funds. Please refer to the Worldpay eComm Scheduled
Secure Report Reference Guide for additional information.

NOTE: You can also access information about failed/returned funding instructions in the
eCommerce iQ. Please review the next question.

If all of your funding instructions failed or you submitted your funding instructions after the 7:00 PM cut-off, your next
day Funding Instruction Confirmation Report will be generated empty (i.e., headers, but with no data).
If your funding instructions pass the front-end validation, but fail the back-end validation, we will notify your company's
First Line Support Contacts.

Where, in iQ, can I find information about failed or returned funding instructions?

iQ shows the associated payment stream for an instruction. In the case of a failed/returned funding instruction, he
Instruction Detail page displays the status, reason code, and reason message. You can access the Instruction Detail
page in iQ from either the Batch Detail Report or Instruction Search results. The return appears as an associated
transaction for the returned instruction. You cannot search for the return itself.

Instruction Search enables Payment Facilitators using Dynamic Payout to find information on sub-merchant funding
instructions processed by Worldpay, including credits and debits for Payment Facilitator, sub-merchant, reserve, and
vendor accounts, and well as physical check credits and debits. After clicking the Search button, the results panel
appears below the Instruction Search. The Instruction Search Results list displays a hypertext link for each Worldpay
Payment ID matching your search criteria. To navigate to the associated Instruction Detail Screen, click Worldpay
Payment ID. The Instruction Detail screens display comprehensive information about a single funding instruction
The Batch Detail report provides a detailed breakdown of transactions contained within a batch, and includes a
summary of batches in the top panel as well as a detailed data table below. From the same report window, you can
click a link to navigate to the Batch Detail Screen and then click a link to navigate to the Instruction Detail Screen for
further details on a Dynamic Payout funding instruction.

How do I find out if Worldpay received my funding instructions successfully?

The funding instruction response includes confirmation. Successfully received instructions contain "Approved" in the
message element of the response. Please refer to the Worldpay eComm cnpAPI Reference Guide for additional

In iQ, you can also determine if your funding instructions were received successfully via the Session Activity report.
The Session Activity report provides a real-time view of the data you present for processing, to ensure that the data
has been transmitted correctly to Worldpay. From the Session Activity report, you can monitor sessions in different
states of completion for the selected date range (Sessions Started, Sessions with Activity, and Sessions Ended),

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

including a summary of all batches, transactions in the batch and a table detailing the batches contained in the
selected session type. The Batch Detail report provides a detailed breakdown of transactions contained within a
batch. From within each of the tabs in the Batch Detail report, you can click a link to navigate to the Instruction Detail
Screen for details on a PayFac Dynamic Payout funding instruction. Please refer to the Worldpay eCommerce iQ
Reporting and Analytics User Guide for additional information.
The Funding Instruction Confirmation Report includes all successfully delivered funding instructions. This report
shows all Funding Instruction delivered successfully to the bank on the previous business day. These funds should
settle to the accounts on the current business day. Please refer to the Worldpay eComm Secured Scheduled Report
Reference Guide for additional information.

Do you perform dupe checks on funding instructions?

Dupe checking for funding instructions takes place at the batch level. That is, batches submitted and accepted on the
same day with the same totals and counts will fail dupe checking and be rejected. If you resubmit a previously
rejected batch, it will not fail dupe checking, because the initial submission was not accepted, it is not included in dupe
checking comparisons. If you believe we rejected a batch in error, please contact your Partner Account Manager, as
the dupe check feature can be disabled for a particular batch, if necessary.

If Worldpay rejects a Batch for insufficient balance, do I need to resubmit it or will

it process once the balance issues are resolved?

If we reject a Batch for insufficient funds, or any other reason, you must resubmit the Batch once the issue is resolved.
We do not automatically re-run rejected submissions.

Is there a way to void a submitted funding instruction?

If you have coded to cnpAPI V10.1 or above, you can use a fundingInstructionVoid transaction to remove an
instruction from the submitted batch, as long as you submit the void before the cutoff time on the same day you
submitted the instruction you wish to void. For example, if your cutoff time is 7:00 PM and you submit a batch of
funding instructions at 2:00 PM, you have until 7:00 PM to submit fundingInstructionVoid transaction(s) to remove one
or more of the submitted funding instructions submitted in the original batch. If the void operation succeeds, Worldpay
adjusts your available balance by the amount of the voided funding instruction within approximately 30 minutes. The
voided fund are not available for distribution until that time.

Is there a way to search for funding instructions in iQ?

Yes. The Instruction Search page in iQ enables you to find information on funding instructions that Worldpay has
processed, including credits and debits for PayFac, sub-merchant, reserve, and vendor accounts, and well as physical
check credits and debits. The Instructions Search Results provide a color-coded list based on your search criteria, of
all exact, partial, and mis-matched data points. Instruction Search results also include Trace Number, the unique
identifier of the funds transfer, as assigned by the bank. Please refer to the iQ eCommerce Reporting and Analytics
User Guide for additional information.(see figure below).

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

When submitting a debit or credit to either a sub-merchant or vendor account I

have to define the account type (<accType> element). How is this used?

This information is extremely important, since it determines the record type and format we submit for processing to the
ACH network. Failure to properly define the account type could result in the rejection of the funding instruction by the
ACH network. Use Checking or Savings to indicate the account is a consumer account and the type. Use Corporate
or Corp Savings to indicate this is a corporate account and the type. Failure to properly define the account type could
result in the rejection of the funding instruction by the ACH network.

Other Items

Can I wire funds using Dynamic Payout?

No. Dynamic Payout uses the ACH network, which does not include the capability of performing wire transfers.

How do funding instructions appear on our sub-merchant’s bank statements?

In the graphic example below, the highlighted items are as follows:

• Yellow Highlighted items - the Funds Transfer Display Name from your PayFac Profile on the Worldpay eComm

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

• Red Highlighted items - suffix appended to all instructions to differentiate funding instructions from other
transactions. This value always has the following format:
xV9T#, where x = P (PayFac), R (Reserve), S (Sub-merchant), V (Vendor), or C (Physical Check), and # = 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 (day of week)
• Green Highlighted items - the Direct Debit Billing Descriptor.

NOTE: The illustration below represents a typical back statement, but please keep in mind that the
receiving bank controls what information appears on the bank statement and may include/exclude
any of the highlighted fields.

Are chargebacks deducted from my Settlement account?

No. Chargebacks are debited from your PayFac Operating account.

How should I recover chargebacks from my sub-merchant?

This depends upon your operating model. Typically, you would either recover funds directly from the sub-merchant as
part of a prearranged process, or you would use funding instructions to debit the sub-merchant account (FISD) and
credit your Operating account (FIPC).

How do I determine interchange on a particular transaction, so I can accurately bill

my sub-merchants on an interchange+ basis?

The Net Settled Sales by Transaction report includes the interchange on each transaction. Using this information, you
can add your fee and send the instructions to move the appropriate amounts.

Does Dynamic Payout support Canadian processing?

No. Dynamic Payout only supports US processing.

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

What reports are available to inform me about account balances and money

The table below provides information about several reports Worldpay provides for you to track money movement and
account balances. Please refer to the Worldpay Scheduled Secure Reports Reference Guide for additional

NOTE: The report availability times shown in the table below are target times. While we strive to
always meet the target time, delays may occur on occasion. Worldpay will notify
Merchants/Payment Facilitators, if there are delays.

Report Availability
Transaction Type Report Time Description

Acquired Shows all acquired, settled

(MC, VI, DI, Direct Settlement Report Mon. - Fri. 10AM ET transaction for the date
Debit) generated.

Conveyed Shows all transaction from

Activity Report Daily 10AM ET
(AmEx Floated) the previous day.

Shows all Funding Instruction

delivered successfully to the
Funding Instruction bank on the previous
Funding Instructions Mon. - Fri. 10AM ET
Confirmation Report business day. These funds
should settle to the accounts
on the current business day.

Shows all returns and rejects

Failed Funds
Bank Rejects/Returns Mon. - Fri. 10AM ET from the previous business
Transfer Report

Shows the real-time balance

Account Balance Hourly, Mon. - Fri. 1PM
Available Balance of all PayFac accounts as of
Report to 9PM ET
the date/time generated.

Shows the bank activity,

starting balance and ending
Balance Summary
Bank Balance Tues. - Sat. 10AM ET balance of the PayFac FBO
Settlement account for the
previous day.

Shows all Notices of Change

related to Funding
Funding Instructions NoC Report Mon. - Fri. 10AM ET
Instructions from the previous

What is a Notification of Change (NoC)?

NoCs are account update notices sent automatically by receiving banks through the ACH network to advise that
account data sent in the original transaction is either incorrect or has been changed. Worldpay makes this information

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PayFac Dynamic Payout FAQs

available to you via the daily SSR NoC Report by ACH Return Date report. Per NACHA rules, you are required update
the account information on your systems within 6 banking days or prior to sending subsequent transactions for the
same account, whichever is later.

Are there situations where a funding instruction succeeds and a NoC is also issued?

Yes. Depending upon the reason for the NoC, the receiving bank could accept the funding instruction and issue a
NoC so you can correct your records for future instructions.

How can I trace the receipt of funds from a particular transaction to my FBO
settlement Account?

To determine if fund from a particular transaction settled to your FBO Settlement Account, use exported data from the
iQ Account Summary report, located under the Financial Reports. Select the FBO Settlement Account and click on the
CSV export icon ( ) next to the instruction count for the activity that applies to the transaction (see Figure below). In
the exported file, you can locate the transaction using the Worldpay Payment Id, which the data includes.

Is there a way I can check the eligibility of a card for use with FastAccess Funding?

Yes. We recommend that all Payment Facilitators using Dynamic Payout subscribe to the Worldpay Master Merchant
BIN File report. Within this report there is a Cardholder Funds Transfer Flag field. If this field has a value of Y for a
particular BIN, you can use FastAccess transaction with any card having that BIN.

NOTE: Subscribing to the Worldpay Master Merchant BIN file report requires you have an sFTP
account on our Core platform. Please consult you Account Manager or Implementation Consultant
for additional information.

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