1st Week.... Nail Care
1st Week.... Nail Care
1st Week.... Nail Care
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the use of tools and equipment in Nail Care Services
B. Performance Standards The learners independently use nail care tools and equipment in Nail Care Servicing.
C. Learning Competencies/ LO 1. Prepare the Necessary Tools and Equipment for the Specific Nail Care Activity
Objectives 1.1. Classify the tools and equipment used in nail care
Write the LC code for 1.2. Identify the uses of tools and equipment in nail care according to task requirements
each 1.3. Use tools and equipment according to task requirement
1.4. Observe safety procedure of using tools and equipment
Introduction of the Topic & Nail Care Tools and Equipment Functions of Nail Care Tools
and Equipment
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials 6-7 8-11 11-16 17-18 28-29
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Technical-Vocational- Technical-Vocational- Technical-Vocational- Technical-Vocational- Technical-Vocational-
from Learning Resource Livelihood Home Economics Livelihood Home Livelihood Home Livelihood Home Economics Livelihood Home Economics
(LR) portal Beauty Care (Nail Care Economics Economics Beauty Care (Nail Care Beauty Care (Nail Care
Services) Manual (DEPED) Beauty Care (Nail Care Beauty Care (Nail Care Services) Manual (DEPED Services) Manual (DEPED
Services) Manual (DEPED Services) Manual (DEPED
B. Other Learning
Resources Powerpoint Internet Internet Nail File, Pusher, Nail
Presentation/Actual Tools Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Brushes, Nail Cutter, Cuticle
Nipper, Orange Woodstick and
materials such as cotton,
cuticle remover, etc.
A. Reviewing previous Administration of a Pre-test
lesson or presenting the (10-point multiple choice type)
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose Presentation of the four
for the lesson learning competencies to be
learned from this course
specifically the expectations
in each competency.
C. Presenting Dual Activity # 1. Unlocking
examples/instances of Technical Terms
the new lesson Description: Each student will
get their own partner and will
sit beside each other. Each
partner should provide a piece
of paper for writing their
A table with provided
possible answers is provided
where they will get their
answers for the given
Nail bed
Cuticle, etc.
The group who will get
the right answers will be given
2 points each.
D. Discussing new Lesson 1.1: Discussion Discussion Proper #2 Discussion Proper #3
concepts and practicing Proper #1 3. The next discussion will 4. After identifying the tools
new skills #1 1. Students will understand be concentrated on and materials, the teacher
first the difference materials used in nail will now present pictures
between tools, materials, care services. These will of equipment use in the
and equipment that are be presented using beauty care services.
being used in performing pictorial images/actual
nail care services. materials.
2. Presentation of the tools
used in the service
through pictorial images
or showing actual tools
when available.
E. Discussing new Lesson 1.2: Discussion
concepts and practicing Proper #1
new skills #2 1. Introduce the 3 sets of
topic as follows:
a. Manicure and
b. Hand Spa and
Foot Spa
c. Personal
2. First to be discussed
are the tools used in
performing manicure
and pedicure services
and how these tools
are being used through
discussing about their
F. Developing mastery Dual Activity # 2. Identify Dual Activity # 3. Tool or Group Activity # 4. Pick Me! Dual Activity # 6. Skills Trial
(leads to Formative Me! Material? Description: The class will be in Manicuring
Assessment 3) Description: Set of pictures Description: Students are divided into five (5) groups. Description: Each student
will be flashed on T.V and task to work with their Using the words to be presented will get his/her partner. Both
the partners will identify the partner. The activity is just on a powerpoint presentation, are given 20 minutes each for
pictures to be shown. A the same last meeting but by each group is tasks to classify showing how to use the
correct response will get this time, they must be able each as a tool, material or different tools and materials
corresponding points of two. to classify the flashed image equipment. needed in performing the
as either tool or material. The groups’ outputs will be manicure service (the 20
Each correct answer checked as one. minutes will only be allotted in
will get 2 points. their left hand nails only).
In this activity, the
partners will be allowed to
critic/evaluate each other’s
output following a criteria.
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Individual Activity #5:
Administration of a Short
As part of the learning
competency, the students will
identify and classify the tools,
materials, and equipment to be
given in this quiz.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by:
Principal I