And finally I thanks to our principal Prof. L.A. Patil for his support for his
Sl. NO Contents
1. Executive summary
2. Industry profile
3. Company Profile
4. Introduction to the
5. Research
6. Data analysis and
7. Findings and
8. Conclusion
9. Appendix
Executive Summary
The Nandi Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane Niyamit Krishna Nagar was register on 5-
5-1982. It got license from central government in the year of 1992 that is with
the capacity of 3500 T.C.D. it is an co-operative society. Factory started its
production in the year of 9-12-1992. The area occupied by this organization is
210 Hectares.
An amount of 2500 Lakhs has been invested to complete this project. The
Authorized Share capital of the Factory is Rs. 16 Corers, the paid up capital Rs.
10, 79,67,000 the Number of share holders is about 11,508/-.
During the first three years organization suffered loss, but it was recovered
very soon in the year 1995-1996 and where the story of profit continued and
now the amount of profit has even raised
Sugar is made from Sugarcane and was discovered from thousands of years
ago in New Guniea. An than route was traced to India and Southeast Asia.
India was the first to begin with the production of sugar following the process
of pressing sugarcane to extract juice and boil it to get crystals. The
government of India in 1950-1951 made serious industrial development plans
has to set money targets for production and consumptions of sugar. These
plans by the sugar industry in its 5 year plans. India is well known as the
original home of sugar and Sugarcane
15 Consumption
Brazil EU India China US
Sugar industry is recorded 2nd after textile industry in India as per the agro
processing in the country . The industry currently has 453 operating sugar mills in
different parts of country. Indian sugar industry has always been a focal point for
social – economic development in the rural areas. Today nearly fifty million sugar
cane farmers and a large number of agriculture labors are involved in sugar cane
cultivation and ancillary activities contributing to 7.5% of the rural population.
Indian sugar industry generates power for its own requirement and even
gets surpus power of export to the grid based on by product bagasse. There is
even production of ethanol, an ecofriendly and renewable energy foe blending
with petrol. Sugar companies have been established in a large sugar cane growing
states like – U.P, K.A, M.H, G.J and A.P are 6 states contributing more than 85% of
total production in India. And 57% of total production is together contributed by
utter Pradesh and Maharashtra. Indian sugar industry has been growing
horizontally with large number of small size plants set up throughout India has
opposed to the consolidation of capacity in the rest of the important sugar
producing countries and sellers of sugar, were there is greater concentration on
large capacity sugar plants.
Employment opportunities:
Jobs in Indian sugar industries has been created ample employment
opportunities in India. Today the Indian sugar industry has absorbed about 5
lakh rural people. The cultivation of sugar cane employs about 4.5 crore
farmers which is the first phase of sugar production. Indian sugar mills may be
co-operative, public or private enterprises. The industry today provides
employment to about 2 million skilled/ semi-skilled workers and others mostly
from the rural areas.
The Indian sugar industry comes under the classification of “RED” which
represents highly polluting industries.
Latest Development.
ISEC is successful in capturing new markets with strategic advantage like Sri
Lanka, Pakistan, Russia, Indonesia, etc. There is marvelous achievement for the
first time, Indian white sugar was marketed by ISEC for direct consumption in
Europe while in the past Indian sugar shipped to Europe was diverted to other
destinations. In the year 2000, 10,000MT was exported in container’s for the
direct consumption in the Europe countries.
Company profile.
The nandi sahakarisakkarekarkhaneniyamit Krishna nagar, DtBijapur was
registered on 5-5-1982. And the licensed foe 2500 TCD was issued by the central
government in the year 1989. An amount of Rs 2550 lakhs has been invested to
complete this project and started crushing from 9-12-1992. About 200 Acers of
land was purchased foe establishment of the factory.
Three above mentioned factories are old sugar factories and they are having
goodwill in the market, but still Nandi shakari sakkare karkhane niyamit managed
them to earn profit in such competitive environment. There is continuous
increase in the sale of sugar, bagasses, and molasses.
Pampasa Distilleries, Hospet.
laxmiNarasima distilleries, Karag.
Jyoti industries ,hubli.
Shyandri starch industries, Miraj.
Campbell Knit Wear, Belgam.
Ghataprabha Paper mills.
Satyabhushan Agencies, Bangalore.
Vitrag Sugar, Bangalore.
Habib Lateef, Bangalore.
Laxmi Narayan Company, Hyderabad
Rs 2000 each.
Rs 2000 each.
Rs 2000 each.
Rs 2000 each.
Membership and paid-up capital information:
3. “C”class 1 8,28,500.00
Share selection.
This selection has got full responsibilities related to the matter of shares it may
be anything, but it should related to shares. It is the department where the
account of shares is maintained.
First of all the applicants should fill the form which is available in this
The application of the applicant is taken to the notice of the board of
directors, they will decide whether the applicant is eligible to be
shareholder or not.
After the decision of the board of directors, if the applicant is eligible to
become a shareholder then he has to pay for the share in cash counter of
the company.
After the final approval of board of directors is taken.
Share Ledger: share ledger show the share sold and the total amount paid by
particular member.
Share member: this book shows the details about the registration & register of
the member.
Staff and workers.
About 659 workers are working in this factory, they have implanted third wage
scale and provided fund is paid as per provident fund Act.
Residential quarters have been constructed foe the workers, these quarters are
divided into six kinds i.e. A, B, C, D, E & F. “A” is meant for chairmen and managing
directors, “B” is for top management officer’s like superintendent etc.
“C” and “D” has been allotted to administrative staff, “E” is being reserved for
supervisor and technicians lastly “F” is allowed to labor.
Engineering 263
Manufacturing 141
Administration 66
Civil 21
Time office 10
Vehicle 31
Store 21
Total= 659
Time section.
This is another section under administrative department, this section works
for 24 hours in a day which is divided into 3 shifts each shift of 8 hours.
Different types of register which are maintained in this section are as follews:
Engineering Department:
It is the main department is the factory, in this department all the work related to
engineering take place that is unloading, sugarcane kicking, crushing, pressing and
boiling of water etc.
2. Milling section.
It is next where come after Weight Bridge, the step under this section:
Steam produced.
4. Bagasse’s:
It is one of the basic raw materials used in boiler heating water.
After the pressing process of sugar cane juice and bagasse’s are separated. The
juice goes to boiler house and bagasse’s go to outside production unit through
the bagasse’s chain depending upon the requirements the bagasse’s is taken
from that chain and the remaining is left outside for preparation of bagasse’s
5. Work shop:
It is another section in engineering department, the main function of
the work shop is to repair the machinery and take care of them. This
department is also maintains the stock of spare parts such as nuts, bolts, etc
for machinery, machine in work shop are as follows.
Leathe machine.
Drilling machine.
Shaing machine.
Cutting machine.
There are 16 workers working per shift in this department, they working if this
section is divided into three shift plus one general shift, jobs in this section are as
given below:
2. Juice heating:
It is the second process in this step; the raw juice is heated and is
converted to clear juice, to the raw juice treated juice and clear juice the required
temperature is 70c 120c and 110c respectively in the boiling house.
3. Sulphitation tank:
It is the third step in this process. The raw juice is added with lime and
sulphur gas and is mixes properly. 6.3 – 7.0= P.H. sulphur, 10-11 =P.H lime.
Then the raw juice will be called as sulphur juice which is heated at
temperature 105c to 110c.
The sulphur juice received from the forms the mill will be
colored turbid fluid, rendered forth by entangled air. The color varies from light
grey to dark green; depending upon the non-sugar constituents is generally
derived from the matter in the cane stalk. The coloring matter is derived from soil
and extrados matter received with the sugar cane.
4. Clarification:
In this process through the vacuum filter the mud particles and
the juice filtration takes place
5. Filtration:
Duty: - to filter the settled mud of clarified and recover as much as
sugar as possible by desugarisation of the cake on the drum by application of
6. Evaporator:
The clarified juice coming out of clarifier 7.0 ph. And 125-150 brix is
concentrated to syrup having 60-65 brix. The concentration of clear juice from its
initiate’s brix up to syrup stage is done in multiple effect evaporators.
Stages of evaporation:-
It collects the over flow juice from the vapor cell body. The water level in that
juice reduced by heating under pressure of steam i.e. 2 to 5 pound.
It collects the juice from the first body evaporator and the juice is boiled here to
make it solid.
in this evaporation the solid paste is collected to pure solid. It will be more solid
compared to the 2nd body evaporator.
it require 25 inch vacuum boiling of juice the juice becomes more soils compared
to 3rd body evaporator. It gives 45-60 syrups brix. The solid form of sugar is than
again passed to sulphur tank.
7. Pan section:
The object of pan boiling is to obtain maximum amount of sugar from
syrup through crystallization by concentration under vacuum in vacuum pans. Just
like any other heat exchange a pan will have separate jacket for steam or heating
vapor, space for circulation of molasses/syrups being concentrated and adequate
space allowance for the generated vapors and splashing of sugar or juice particles.
They syrup generally subject to 3 stages to prepare A, B and C massecuite.
The massecuite are centrifuged to separate the grains and mother liquor. High
grade i.e. A-massecuite is cured is vertical batch by automatic or semi-automatic
recycle machine with applicants of super-heated water wash or hot water wash
and steaming. Heavy and light, molasses are separated and stored separately.
Efficient separation of heavy and light molasses is very important for proper pan
boiling and quality of sugar.
Gradation is the last process in the manufacture of sugar. It collect the
totally mixed sugar from centrifugal section through hipper and sugar passes from
it to each elevator. Sugar is lifted to a grade part from there grader part will
separate the by grade wise. It has two types grades.
*M – Grade.
*S – Grade.
M – 30=Big crystal.
S – 30 a = medium crystal.
The industry has 4 tanks for storage of molasses. 3 tanks have a capacity of
14000 tons and one tank has capacity of 1600 tons. Molasses is directly collected
from the factory to the tanks through the pumps and dumps in distant areas.
Godown section:-
The industry has 8 godowans with capacity of sugar. After receiving the
delivery note from the marketing department they releases the sugar bags as
mentioned to their concerned party.
Daily delivery.
Weekly delivery.
Monthly delivery.
Capacity of godowans:
*Enquiry pad.
*comparative pad.