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The passage discusses the symbolism of Thor's hammer in Norse mythology and how it represented divine power and protection. It was commonly depicted on artifacts from the Viking era.

Thor's hammer originally represented the god of thunder in Norse mythology. It provided protection and was seen on items like amulets. It later took on associations with concepts like life, death, and defense.

As Scandinavia Christianized, Thor's hammer and the cross were sometimes seen as opposing symbols. However, elements of the hammer's original symbolic meanings were adopted by Christianity. It eventually faded except in folk traditions.

Thor's Hammer

Author(s): H. R. Ellis Davidson

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Folklore, Vol. 76, No. 1 (Spring, 1965), pp. 1-15
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of Folklore Enterprises, Ltd.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1258087 .
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Thor's Hammer
EVENin our sophisticated,urban civilization, we can still feel
somethingof the terrorand marvelof a thunder-storm.'That is
God's voice speaking',I was solemnly told by my grandmother
when I was a small child. When the thunder breaks,as it seems,
directly overhead, it is either an inspiring or an intimidating
experience, accordingto temperamentand upbringing:some go
out to watch the lightning, others cower in the broom cupboard.
God's voice or not, I can well remembera severe storm over the
Merseyin childhood,and the vivid sense it broughtof a menaceto
the secureand establishedworld - the edge of the abyssopening.
A passagein Tolstoi's novel AnnaKarenina,which like so much in
that bookmust havebeen basedon a personalexperience,sums up
the sense of power and disorientationfelt when a great tree was
struckby lightning:
... Suddenlytherewas a glareof light,the wholeearthseemedon
fire,andthevaultof heavencrackedoverhead.Openinghisblindedeyes,
to his horrorthe firstthingLevinsawthrougha thickcurtainof rain
betweenhim and the woodswas the uncannilyalteredpositionof the
greencrestof a familiaroakin themiddleof the copse.'Canit havebeen
struck?'The thoughthadbarelytimeto crosshis mindwhen,gathering
speed, the oak disappeared behindthe othertrees and he heardthe
crashof thegreattreefallingontheothers.
To people of an earliercivilization,living in vulnerablehouses of
wood or in tents and caves, such a sight as this must have been
It is not surprisingthen thatthunderis visualized,in landswhere
storms are frequent, as the manifestationof divine power, and
symbolized accordinglyin the ancient world. My grandmother,
1 Anna Karenina, VIII, 17; from Rosemary Edmund's translation, Penguin
Books, p. 847.

with her 'voice of God', was no doubt drawing on Hebrew Biblical

tradition; since the Jews did not create visual images of the God of
Heaven, thunder was to them the sound of his warning voice, as in
Psalm 104:
The waters coweredbefore thy rebuking word, fled away at thy voice
of thunder.
This tradition incidentally has left a deep imprint on our drama
from Elizabethan times onwards. Outside Israel however it was
usual to represent the thunder by various visual images, such as a
bird, a dragon, sharp arrows, or a pronged spear.2
I am concerned here with one of these images, that used in
Northern Europe in the Migration and Viking periods, which was
an axe or a hammer. These were familiar symbols of everyday use,
at a time when most men did their own smithying and carpentering,
but the hammer of the Thunder God was not in general depicted
like the hammers which have been found in Viking graves.
For the Vikings the hammer of the thunder was the weapon of
their god Thor. We know a good deal about him, because of the
rich literature surviving in Scandinavia in the form both of poems
and prose stories. Many accounts of his exploits have become
schoolroom tales, like one telling how the great Thor was mocked
at by a magician and hid in a giant's glove, or another relating how
his hammer was stolen away, hidden many leagues under the
earth, and only regained when Thor, disguised as the goddess
Freyja and muffled in a bridal veil, went with Loki to the hall of the
giant Thrym to get it into his own hands again. Most of these
stories and poems were not written down until the thirteenth
century or later, after belief in the god had been replaced by
Christianity, and many of them appear to be told simply for
entertainment, and show Thor as a semi-comic figure. On the
other hand, Christianity came late to Scandinavia; it was not
established in Iceland until A.D. 1000, while heathenism continued
later still in parts of Norway and Sweden. So the memory of the
Hammer God was likely to be reasonably fresh in men's minds,
and even from the more frivolous tales it is possible to learn some-
thing of the kind of figure which he must have been in his prime.
Indeed he stands out most clearly perhaps of all the Old Norse
2 A good account of such representations will be found in C.
Blinkenberg, The
Thunderweaponin Religion and Folklore, Cambridge, 19 1.

gods, a characteristic hero of the stormy Viking world. When he

appears in the stories, he is described as a huge man with a red
beard, with a great voice and terrible, fierce, burning eyes.
Outspoken, indomitable, he strode through the Northern heavens,
filled with vigour and gusto. He set his reliance in his strong right
arm and in his simple weapon, the hammer Mjpllnir. With this he
could overcome any giant or troll as long as physical might alone
and not cunning magic was in question. Thor had no horse, like
Odin and the other great gods, but he preferred to walk, or
to ride in his chariot drawn by two goats, and he was accordingly
known as Qku-pdr, Thor the Driver. Among the Lapps, who
seem to have borrowed ideas about the Thunder God from the
Scandinavians, he lived on as Horagalles, from Thor karl, or 'Old
Man Thor'.
We hear a good deal in the literature about temples built in
honour of Thor in Sweden, Norway and Iceland, in which his
image stood either alone or flanked by those of the other gods. Two
famous places where he was worshipped were Uppsala and
Thrandheim, but there were many small shrines beside. A rich and
famous temple stood in the Viking kingdom in Dublin, where a
forest sacred to the god stood on the north bank of the River Liffey;
this was not destroyed until 994, when the shrine was plundered by
an Irish king.3 Splendid images of the god stood in these temples,
always armed with a hammer. We have one small example of what
they may have been like from Iceland, where a little bronze amulet,
the figure of a bearded man leaning on a hammer, was found near
Akureyri in North Iceland, and is thought to date from about
A.D. I000.4 In the temples however, according to the stories, the
figures of Thor were life-size or larger; sometimes Thor was
depicted in his chariot, and it was said that the image at Thrandheim
was so made that the chariot could be pulled by a cord, imitating
the noise of thunder as it rolled along.5
For Thor above all was the god of the thunder, and the protector
of gods and men from the evil beings that menaced the secure
world. If the thunder was the noise of his rolling chariot, the
S C. Marsbrander, 'Thor en Irelande,' Revue Celtique, 36, 1915-16, pp. 243 ff.
In Reykjavik Museum. I am grateful to Kristjain
4 Eldjirn for information about
this and the Thor's hammer mentioned below. Both are discussed in his book,
Kuml og haugfid ir heidnumsid d Islandi, 1956.
6 Flateyjarbdk I, 268, pp. 319

thunder-bolts were caused by the hurling of the terrible hammer

Mjgllnir, 'Crusher', which flew through the air, rending rocks and
slaughtering giants. MjQllnir was hailed as the greatest treasure of
the gods. The thirteenth-century antiquary and poet, Snorri
Sturluson, who collected the old tales of the god and retold them
for the benefit of young poets in the Prose Edda, tells in
Skdldskaparmdl 35 the story of how the hammer was made.
According to him, Loki, the problem youth among the gods, one
day cut off the golden hair of Thor's wife Sif, in a fit of mischief.
The hot-tempered god would have killed him, if Loki had not
found two skilful dwarfs to forge new tresses of real gold for the
goddess, which would grow upon her head like natural hair. The
dwarfs then went on to make two other marvellous treasures,
Freyr's magic ship, and Odin's great spear, Gungnir. The gods
were delighted, but Loki was not satisfied; he found two other
wonderful dwarf-craftsmen, and set the two pairs to compete
against each other, wagering his head that it was impossible for the
second pair to outdo what the first had made. So they too began to
forge; first they made for Freyr a wonderful boar with bristles of
gold which would shine in the darkest night; then they made for
Odin the gold ring Draupnir, from which nine other rings would
be formed every ninth night; and last of all, they made Thor's
hammer. Loki realized that he was going to lose his wager, so he
turned himself into a fly to hamper the smiths at their work, and as
one of them was stung in the eyelid and had to raise his hand from
his work at a crucial moment, the hammer remained short in the
handle. But in spite of this it was a superb treasure, which when
thrown through the air would never miss its mark, and which
would always return to the hand of the thrower. Knowing that such
a weapon would render them safe from the giants, the gods
proclaimed it the greatest of all the six treasures, and Loki was due
to forfeit his head, only with his usual cunning he managed to
survive after all.
This story need not be taken too seriously. But it tells us of the
importance of the hammer, or its miraculous powers, and how it
was apparently regarded as a missile hammer, to be thrown through
the air. The shortness of the handle seems to be recognized in
another myth, told by the twelfth-century antiquary of Denmark,
Saxo Grammaticus, who relates that the end of the shaft was cut

off in a battle between Hotherus and the gods.6 The efficiency of

the hammer is attested by many stories of Thor's prowess, and
apparently in other myths referred to briefly in early poems, but
now lost to us. In these tales Thor sometimes uses the hammer as a
blunt instrument, to shatter the skulls of his opponents at close
quarters, and sometimes throws it through the air, cleaving stones
and rocks and killing giants and trolls unerringly. Thrym, the
giant who stole the hammer, was knocked down with all his family
once Thor got it back into his own hands; Hymir was sent flying
into the sea; the giant Hrungnir was slain in a duel by the hammer
thrown through the air, shattering the giant's weapon (a whetstone)
on the way and breaking his skull in pieces. The Midgard Serpent,
when it raised its terrible head from the waves on Thor's far-famed
fishing expedition - the theme of many old poems - was thrust
back by a hammer blow.
We cannot doubt that the hammer signified the thunder-bolt,
the lightning flash that shatters trees and rocks and kills men.
There are few thunder-storms in Iceland, and as a result we hear
comparatively little about this side of Thor in Icelandic stories.
The earlier poems however make it abundantly clear that the storm
rages as Thor drives through the heavens:
The Son of Earth drove to the iron game, and the way of the moon
resoundedbefore him. ... The holy places of the powersburnedbefore
Ull's kinsman; earth, ground of the deep, was beaten with hail as the
goats drew the wagon-god forwardfor his meeting with Hrungnir ...
the rocksshookand the boulderswere shattered;high heavenburned.
(from Haustlong,a ninth-centurypoem by Thj661lfr6r Hvin).
Thor in fact bore his hammer as Jupiter carried his thunderbolt,
and the god Zeus his axe, (which like MjQllnir came back to him,
carried by an eagle, after use), and the god of the Assyrians his
three-pronged spear. The idea of a thunder-weapon flying through
the air must have been much older than Thor, since there is
evidence for it over most of Europe, much of western and central
Asia, and part of Africa. Figures brandishing axes appear on some
of the earliest rock carvings of the Neolithic period, although we
cannot of course be certain that they depict a thunder god.
6 Although here it is called a club, with which Thor was knocking down all his
foes 'swinging it with marvellous might', until Hother 'hewed it off at the haft'.
(Saxo Grammaticus, Danish History, trans. Elton, III, 73, p. 88.)

The association of thunder with a weapon thus anticipated the

cult of Thor in the North, and also long survived it. The use of
small weapons as protection against lightning continued in
Northern Europe up to our own time. Small prehistoric stone
weapons, such as axe-heads or arrow-heads of flint, or stone fossils
such as belemnites or fossilized sea-urchins, were long regarded as
'thunder-weapons'. The theory about them was that they fell
during a storm, and sank deep into the earth - seven fathoms, it
was sometimes said - and that in seven years time they would rise
to the surface again. These charms against thunder were popular
in Denmark at the close of the last century, when most homes had
one or two carefully put away. In 1908, 1909 and 1910 Blinkenberg
collected evidence about such stones,' and found instances of them
being kept beside the hearth, above the built-in bed, in a drawer or
cupboard, or perhaps hidden in the roof, wall, or floor; it was
thought important that they should be in some place 'where no-one
can set foot', and should be touched as little as possible. These
little stone missiles were believed to preserve the house from
lightning and fire; and many flatly refused to part with them or sell
them to collectors. If she kept it, there was no need to have the
house insured against fire, was one woman's comment - perhaps a
joke, but she held on to her little stone all the same. They were not
potent unless one found them for oneself. Some of those questioned
remembered as children going out to search for them after a
In Germany the larger prehistoric stone axe-heads with a hole
bored through them were particularly valued. These of course
were much harder to come by. The connection with Thor's
thunder-weapon becomes closer when we find it recorded that in
East Prussia it was customary to put a finger through the hole,
swing the axe-head round three times, and hurl it against the door
of the house during a storm, to protect it from being struck by
lightning.8 Such stones were believed to be impervious to fire, and
could be tested by wrapping a string round them and throwing
them into the fire, for if they were real thunder-weapons, it was
said the string would not burn. The hoarding of such charms was
not unknown in England. A Bronze Age perforated axe-head
Blinkenberg, op. cit., especially p. 68 f.
Ibid., p. 5 ; cf. G. F. Kunz, Magic of Jewels and Charms, 915, pp. Io8 ff.

was found under the hearth of an Elizabethan house at Langham,

Essex, and is now in Colchester Museum.9 Lumps of iron pyrites
were found in the plaster of some old cottages near Newbury,1o
while a mace-head of stone dredged up in the Blackwater was hung
up 'for luck' in a boat-builder's yard, and he refused to part with it."1
Other examples of such hoarding are recorded in early numbers of
It was customary to wear little models of the Thunder God's
hammer as amulets in the tenth century, and these were usually
fitted on to a ring, and sometimes on to a twisted chain as well. A
carving of Thor's hammer on a Swedish gravestone from Stenkista,
Sddermanland shows it hanging on a kind of cord, which forms the
border to the stone (Plate I). From such illustrations it seems
possible that Thor's hammer was sometimes thought of as a missile
weapon hanging on a string, and this might account for the idea
that it could return to the hand of the thrower. It may be noted
that most of the model hammers from Scandinavia have very short
handles indeed, and this again is understandable if the hammer
was thought of as something to be thrown rather than used as a
tool. It seems possible too that we find an odd survival of an
ancient ritual in a modern branch of athletics, the throwing of the
hammer, popular at Highland Games and now established as a
regular part of the Olympic contests. The Highland games have
been denounced as bogus, quaint and Victorian in origin, and it is
difficult to come across any evidence about them before the
nineteenth century. On the other hand, a sledge-hammer and not
an iron ball, as at present, was certainly used in the last century,
and in England much earlier.13 Dr Johnson in the eighteenth
century speaks of the custom of throwing the hammer; Peachem in
the seventeenth century, in his treatise on The CompleteGentleman,
speaks of the hammer as an exercise proper for soldiers in camp or
the amusement of the prince's guard; and a hammer was evidently
used at the Cotswold Games in 1636, since it is shown in a
contemporary illustration.14The author of the article on Hammer-
9 Folklore, 49, 1938, 10
p. 48. Ibid., 44, 1933, P. 236.
11 Ibid., 49, 1938, p. 48.
12 Ibid., 19, 1908, 298 ff.; 23, 1912, pp. 46 ff. and 40, 1929, pp. 37 ff.
13 See W. M. Combie
Smith, Athletes and Athletic Sports of Scotland, 1891,
p. 31 and J. Strutt, Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, new edition,
edited by J. C. Cox, 1903, p. 61.
14 F. W. Hackwood, Old English Sports, 19o3.


Throwing in the Encyclopedia Brittanica (who unfortunately gives

no references) states that the use of a smith's sledge-hammer in-
stead of a stone came from Scotland into England about the time of
King Edward II, in the early fourteenth century, and became a pop-
ular sport. Certainly Edward III forbade throwing of stone, wood and
iron because this made men neglect the long-bow, but I have been
unable so far to find any proof of a Scottish origin of the hammer.
To describe the hammer of the Thunder God as a throwing
weapon is not however to exhaust its potentialities. It could also be
used to imitate the noise of thunder, if beaten against a resounding
object. This action takes place in the smithy, when the hammer
beats upon the anvil, and sparks, like lightning, are produced. The
general pattern of myths about the storm god from various parts of
the world is that he has a celestial weapon, specially forged for him
by a celestial smith, to do battle against the monsters, and usually
against one particular monster - serpent or dragon - menacing
the world.'5 Sometimes the Thunder God is himself a smith, as in
Tibet, but in the North, as we have seen, Thor had his hammer
specially forged by the dwarfs. In accordance with the general
pattern however, the act of forging is not forgotten, even in the late
form of the myths.
The beating with the hammer to imitate thunder appears to have
been carried out at one time in Thor's temples. Such at least is the
implication in a passage in Saxo Grammaticus in the twelfth
century, when he states that in I 125 - not very long before he was
writing his book - Magnus Nilsson took away from Thor's temple
in Sweden several models of Thor's hammer:
He took care to bring home certain hammers of unusual weight,
which they call Jupiter's,used by the island men in their antiquefaith.
For the men of old, desiringto comprehendthe causes of thunder and
lightning by means of the similitudeof things, took hammersgreatand
many of bronze,with which they believedthe crashingof the sky might
be made, thinking that great and violent noises might very well be imi-
tated by the smith's toil, as it were. But Magnus,in his zeal for Christian
teaching and dislike to paganism,determinedto spoil the temple of its
equipment and Jupiter of his tokens in the place of his sanctity. And
even now the Swedes consider him guilty of sacrilege and a robber of
spoil belongingto the gods. (History,XIII, 421; Elton's translation.)
15 M. Eliade, The Forge and the Crucible, 1962, pp. 29, 97.
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From Manker, Die lappische Zaubertrommel


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A MOULDFROMJUTLAND,now in the Danish National Museu

Thor's hammers were made. Plates and decorated hammers f
are shown.

If Saxo is correct, it seems that the Swedes used their hammers to

imitate the noise of thunder. It may be that the Lapps, who
continued the worship of the thunder-god after he was forsaken in
Scandinavia, had this in mind when they used a hammer to strike
their magic drums. The god with a hammer was often depicted on
the drums (which bore pictures of the realms of the gods, of the
country of the dead, and many religious symbols), and the beating
of the drums was a religious ceremony to assist the Lappish
shaman to fall into an ecstatic trance. The hammers which the
shamans used struck the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century
scholars by their resemblance to Thor's hammer. Modern anthro-
pologists have accounted for the resemblance by the use of reindeer
antlers which often appear like a hammer in shape.16 I think it
possible however that the early scholars were at least partially right.
A folk-practice in which the noise of thunder was imitated by the
whirling of a piece of wood through the air, in the manner of the
bull-roarer, is recorded from Argyllshire in the last century. This
was called the Thun'er Spell, and the object was made of wood,
rounded at one end, with a hole for the cord pierced through it.
It is said to have been swung during a thunder-storm to secure
immunity from lightning.17
These various practices show that the weapon of destruction was
used as a means of protection from the terrifying power of the
thunder. Man, as it were, ranged himself behind the hammer, and
by imitating the action of the god, was defended from his wrath.
In the myths, the hammer of Thor stood between the gods and
their enemies, and preserved both gods and men from the threat of
chaos. Had Thor not recovered the stolen hammer, the gods were
doomed, and had he not triumphed over the Serpent in his fishing
expedition, the destruction of the world was imminent. The
implication of these myths is clear, in spite of the comic treatment
of the theme in late versions. It was natural that those who put
their trust in Thor should wear the hammer as a sign of his
protection. This became a popular practice in the tenth century in
Scandinavia, possibly in emulation of the crucifixes worn by the
Christians. The hammers were quite small and were worn either
round the neck or on an armring. Some were plain, some decorated
16E. Manker, Die lappische Zaubertrommel,Stockholm, 1938, pp. 343-6.
1 L. Spence, Myth and Ritual in Dance, Game and Rhyme, p. 84.

by what may be symbolic markings, and suggest rain and lightning.

Distribution of the hammers show that they were popular in
Denmark, Sweden and Norway, but rare in Iceland (where
thunder-storms are rare).18 Two examples are known from
England, one from the Cuerdale Hoard from Lancashire, probably
in private possession,19and one from the Goldborough Hoard from
Yorkshire.20The latter shows resemblance to the Christian cross,
and may possibly have been used as a Christian symbol. In
Denmark indeed a mould has been found in which both hammers
and crosses were made side by side, by some enterprising
ecclesiastical craftsman who liked to satisfy all types of customers21
(see Plate II). The early crucifixes found in Denmark are very
close in form to the hammer, and an equal-armed cross was
already in use as a symbol in the heathen period, and seems to have
been associated with Thor.
The chain on which the hammer was hung could also have had
symbolic value, for it could symbolize Thor's great enemy, the
World Serpent. The runic stone from Stenkista has serpents
entwined with the band on which the hammer is hung, while some
chains which have survived with hammer amulets end in animal
heads. A small silver cross-hammer of a different style from
Iceland has the head of a monster on one end.22An earlier fashion
of wearing the hammer was with other amulets, or in a set of
several hammers, on a metal ring. The Anglo-Saxons seem to have
practised this custom much earlier, judging from some examples of
tiny hammers from the Kentish cemeteries of Gilton and Ash
(Plate I). With the hammers were tiny models of what appear to
be spearheads and knives.23
It is significant that most of the hammers were not found in
graves but on house sites (like some of the examples from Birka)
and in hoards of coins and other valuables. Either the hammer was

18 For a full list of finds, see P. Paulsen, Axt und Kreuz in nord- und osteuropa,
Bonn, 1956, pp. 205 ff.
1" Archaeological Journal, 4, 1847, p. I29.
20 D. M.
Wilson, Antiq. Journal, 36, 1957, p. 72.
21 Found at Trendgaarden,
Jutland, now in the Danish National Museum.
Isolated find from Foss, South Iceland. See note 4 above.
23 Six of these, from Gilton and Ash, are in
Liverpool Museum, and I am most
grateful to Miss Tankard for permission to examine them, and for supplying the
photograph reproduced here. Their existence was first pointed out to me by
Mrs Audrey Meaney.

placed there to safeguard the hoard, or it may have been dedicated

to the god when buried. There are too many examples of finds in
hoards for this to be accidental, and the idea of the protective
power of the hammer is well attested by folklore. The little stone
axes in Denmark were not only relied on to keep away fire and
lightning, but also trolls, witches and rats; they were believed to
ward off disease, to keep milk from going sour, and to help the
butter to come in the churn. Sometimes they were put into water,
or some dust from them was filed off to make a medicine. They
were hung round children's necks, and put into the cradle with the
unchristened child, as well as in the stable to guard the horses from
harm. Similarly in Viking times the sign of the hammer seems to
have been put to many uses in the life of the community. It was
made over the new-born child accepted into the community. It was
used at weddings, to hallow the bride, and the purpose was no
doubt to ensure fertility. This is the point of the story of Thor's
recovery of his hammer; he was disguised as Freyja in a bridal veil,
and was brought into Thrym's hall ostensibly to marry the giant.
When after the bridal feast it was commanded that the hammer be
brought in to hallow the bride, it was laid in Thor's lap, and so he
was able to seize hold of it once more. The hammer or axe as a
marriage symbol may be very old indeed, if the interpretation of
one of the Bronze Age rock carvings in Scandinavia is correct; here
a large phallic figure with what appears to be a hammer or axe held
high in one hand confronts two smaller figures, and this is thought
to represent a marriage ritual.24Again the idea of the hammer as
the male symbol of the Sky God is found as part of the pattern of
his worship in the Ancient world. The marriage between the Sky
God and the Earth Goddess was symbolized by an axe placed in a
deep cleft in the earth, or thrust into a pillar or tree-trunk, and
such axes have been found-in both Greece and Crete.25In certain
parts of Norway and Sweden, it continued to be the custom for a
bridegroom to bear an axe at the wedding long after Thor was
forgotten; the weapon was said to give him the mastery, and also to
ensure a fruitful union. Other echoes of the old belief can be noted
in recorded folk customs. From Germany it is recorded that it was

24 Shown O. Almgren, Nordische Felszeichungen als religi6se

Urkunden, 1934
(stone from Huitlijcke, Bohnlin, Sweden).
25 M.
Eliade. The Fire and the Crucible, 1962, p. zI.

thought lucky for the bride if a thunder-storm took place during

the wedding ceremony, while if at this time or during the first
storm which takes place after her marriage she carries something
heavy, she will be strong and healthy: which means, presumably,
that she will bear healthy children.26It seems likely that the heavy
object which she was supposed to carry was originally an axe or a
The fact that model hammers were fitted on to a ring in most
cases may again be of significance, because the ring also was the
symbol of the god Thor. It formed an essential part of the
furnishing of his temple in late heathen times, and in the Icelandic
sagas it is described as a heavy ring of gold or silver, sometimes
large enough for the priest to wear on his arm. Such a ring was
taken from Thor's temple in Dublin in 994, and in 876, when King
Alfred made peace with the heathen Danes, they are said to have
sworn oaths to him on their holy ring, which must have been the
ring of Thor.27 Oaths and compacts between men were under the
protection of the god, and it was said that his wrath fell upon the
oath-breaker. The Althing in Iceland, the court where the main
law-cases were held, opened on Thor's day, Thursday, and his
image stood in the Thing-place at Uppsala. It is possible that there
is some connection here with the hammer of the auctioneer, and
with the mallet used by chairman and president. It would be
interesting to know more of their early history in England.
The protective sign of the hammer was worn by women, as we
know from the fact that it has been found in women's graves. It
seems to have been used by the warrior also, in the form of the
swastika. This sign has had varying significance at different periods
and in different parts of the world, but it has always been a
meaningful sign, from early pre-historic times to modern Nazi
Germany.28Primarily it appears to have had connection with light
and fire, and to have been linked with the sun-wheel. It may have
been on account of Thor's association with the lightning that this
sign was used as an alternative to the hammer, for it is found on
memorial stones in Scandinavia beside inscriptions to Thor. When

28Handworterbuchdes deutschenAberglauben, 'Donner', pp. 311 ff.

27F. P. Magoun, 'On the Old-Germanic Altar or Oath-Ring'. Acta Philologica
Scandinavica, 20, 1949, Pp. 277 if.
J. Lechler, 'Kreuz, Hakenkreuz und Irminsul', Mannus, 27, 1935, PP. 345

we find it placed on the pommel of a warrior's sword and on his

sword-belt, the assumption is that the warrior was placing himself
under the Thunder God's protection. The swastika has been
found on swords of the seventh century in Anglo-Saxon England,
and appears earlier on scabbards of the Migration period in
Denmark.29 It is interesting to note, in view of this, that the little
thunder-stones were believed to give protection in battle. As late
as 1870, soldiers in the German army were getting fossil stones
from the chemist to protect them from bullets in the Franco-
German war.
The sagas tell us that the sign of the hammer could be made with
the hand, like the sign of the cross. Possibly this arose from
imitation of the Christian practice. We have a story30of Hakon the
Good, an early Christian king of Norway, who was forced by his
heathen subjects to attend the autumn sacrifice; embarrassed and
unhappy, he was observed to make the sign of the cross over the
cup which was passed round in honour of the gods. One of his
supporters however anticipated criticism by declaring:
The King acts like all those who trust in their strengthand might; he
made the markof the hammerover it beforehe drank.
The T-shaped sign of the hammer could of course be easily
suggested with the hand.
Finally the protection of the hammer of Thor was believed to
extend beyond the grave. The hammer was clearly depicted upon
Swedish gravestones (Plate II). The inscriptions accompanying
the hammer-sign bear this out:31 'May Thor hallow this memorial,'
the runes read, or 'May Thor hallow these runes,' or, most striking
of all, 'May Thor, the Almighty God, take to himself the body
which lies under this stone.' Sometimes the swastika replaces the
hammer. Earlier still the swastika appears, and is given great
prominence, on cremation urns of the heathen period in Anglo-
Saxon England. There are some excellent examples from East
Anglia, to be seen in the Cambridge Museum of Ethnology and
29 H. R. Ellis Davidson, The Sword in Anglo-Saxon
England, 1962, pp. 67,
78, 93.
30 Heimskringla, Hdkonar S. gdda, 17.
3" Paulsen, op. cit., p. 216: M. Olsen, 'Til R6k-indskriften', Ark. f. nord.
Filologi, 37 (33), 1921, pp. 225 ff.

The hammer-sign, in short, stood for the continuing protection

of the god, and may indeed have signified the idea of continuing life
after death. One myth at least carries this implication.32 As Thor
was journeying with his companion Loki, they stayed the night at a
farm, and Thor provided them with supper by killing the goats who
drew his chariot. When the meal was over, the bones were carefully
placed together, and Thor raised his hammer over them, whereupon
the goats stood up, restored to life. It was an unfortunate accident
that one of the diners had broken a bone in an attempt to get out
the marrow, with the result that one goat was left with a limp. This
sardonic twist is typical of the Norse story-teller, but the implication
behind the story is I think a serious one. More moving is the
account of Balder's funeral as told by Snorri, when Thor is said to
raise his hammer to hallow the pyre on which the body of the loved
son of Odin was to be burned.
There is no doubt that in the sign of the hammer of the god
Thor in heathen Scandinavia we have a symbol of many associations,
rich in its effectiveness. The hammer/axe was prominent in
prehistoric times in the North; little votive amulets were known
from the Stone Age and throughout the Roman period. As we have
seen, it continued to have meaning long after Thor was forgotten,
and folk-custom has preserved it as an image of destruction and
protection up to our own day. In the tenth century, when
Scandinavia was being drawn into the Christian church, the
hammer and the cross drew together, and at the same time the
opposition sharpened between them. It was Thor who was viewed
in the North as Christ's main opponent, challenging him to a duel,
as Steinunn, an Icelandic poetess of the tenth century put it.33 She
would probably have visualized the conflict as between the hammer
and the cross, which the participants would hurl against one
The Christian sign undoubtedly took over in its turn much of
the old idea of defence and protection which had been afforded by
the hammer symbol. For the hammer had extended its power over
all that had to do with the life and well-being of the community,
with birth, marriage and death, feasting and fighting, land-taking,
travel and the making of oaths between men, and the keeping
Gylfaginning 44, in Snorri Sturlusons Prose Edda.
S3 Njdls Saga, 10o.

secure of possessions. It stood for the defence of civilization and

the community against darkness and chaos, for the defence of men's
precarious little world, menaced by forces beyond their control,
which they symbolized by the monsters and giants of their
mythology. With the advent of the cross, the hammer gradually
faded into the background, except for vague and scattered folk-
beliefs and customs. But it would seem that one cannot keep a
potent symbol down for long. Just as the swastika has reappeared
in sinister form in our own lifetime, so now the hammer has
become, with the sickle, the symbol of a new way of life, a defensive
and offensive sign once again. The tool has in fact a longer chance
of symbolic life than the weapon; while the sword is almost
forgotten, the hammer, even in an industrial age, is still familiar
to every man who works with his hands, while it is a symbol
of power in the factory. So Thor's hammer has outlasted Thor
in the end.


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