Dermatology Notes
Dermatology Notes
Dermatology Notes
5th year/ Faculty of Medicine
1. Infections :
A. Bacterial skin infections
1. Impetigo
2. Cellulitis
3. Syphilis
4. Gonorrhea
B. Viral skin infections
1. Herpes simplex
2. Herpes zoster
3. Orf
C. Fungal infections
D. Infestations
1. Leishmania
2. Scabies
3. Pediculosis
5. Sebaceous Gland Disorders :
5.1 Acne Vulgaris
5.2 Acne Rosacea
6. Skin Tumors :
6.1 Basal Cell Carcinoma ( BCC )
6.2 Squamous Cell Carcinoma ( SCC )
6.3 Malignant Melanoma ( MM )
1. Epidermis :
It is the upper most skin layer and it varies in thickness from less than 0.1
mm on the eyelids to nearly 1 mm on the palms and soles.
Embryology notes: 7th week of gestation – It starts to form.
B. Prickle Cell layer (stratum spinosum): in addition to keratinocytes, it also
contain Langerhans cells which are dendritic shaped, antigen presenting
cells (APC).
C. Granular cell layer ( stratum granulosum )
D. Flat cell layer ( stratum corneum )
2. Dermis:
There is 5x106 hair in the whole body, 1x105 hair in the scalp of an
The growth rate of hair is 0.5mm/24hour. While the growth rate of
nails is 0.1/24hour.
Hairs are classified into 3 types: Lanugo hairs (Fine long hairs
covering the fetus), Vellus hairs (Fine, short hairs covering much of
the body surface), and Terminal hairs (long, course hair seen in the
scalp and public regions).
The hair cycle: there are three phases of follicular activity: Anagen
(the active phase of hair production), Catagen (a phase of conversion
from active growth to the resting phase), and Telogen (a resting
The dermis is a connective tissue and it consists of: cells, fibers and
amorphous ground substance.
The main cells in the dermis are the fibroblasts (responsible for synthesis
of collagen and elastin fibers and ECM glycosaminoglycans, giving the
shape, elasticity and strength of the skin), but there are also small number
of macrophages, lymphocytes and mast cells.
The dermis consists of 2 layers: superficial papillary layer and deep
reticular layer.
3. Acanthosis: a skin condition characterized by increased thickness of
stratum spinosum.
1. Primary skin lesions: are the lesions that appear first in the disease
process and progress to secondary lesion if it is not treated. The table
below explains examples of primary skin lesion:
2. Secondary skin lesions: these evolve form primary skin lesion :
Bacterial skin infections:
I. Impetigo:
Treatment include:
1. Broad spectrum systemic antibiotics (dicloxacilin or cephalexin).
2. Topical antibiotics (gentamycin and fusidic acid).
II. Cellulitis:
III. Gonorrhea:
The clinical presentation is variable. In males, urethra is mainly infected
and patients are presented with yellowish urethral discharge, and dysuria.
In female patients, the cervix is the affected part and patients are
presented with lower abdominal pain, bloody vaginal discharge, and
Diagnosis starts with history and physical examination. It is confirmed by
examination of a smear obtained from the urethra 2 cm form the external
urethral meatus or midstream urine catch specimen in males, and by
cervical swab (not vaginal swab) in females. This way, the possibility of
contamination is reduced.
Histological preparation of smear includes gram staining, Gonorrhea appear as
intracellular gram negative (i.e. pink color in opposite to gram + which appear blue)
In Gonorrhea history taking, important to ask about sexual activity history and allergy to
IV. Syphilis:
It is a bacterial infection and a sexually transmitted disease, too.
Treponema pallidum is the causative organism (detected by dark-field
The incubation period ranges between 9-90 days from the time of
exposure. The average is 21 days. The clinically presentation can be
classified in 4 distinct stages and the disease is contagious in all stages.
These stages can be summarized in the figure below.
1. Primary syphilis:
The primary skin lesion is a small papule. It lasts for 7-12 days. After that,
a superficial ulcer (chancre) appears at the site of inoculation as a
secondary skin lesion. (In some cases the papule disappears spontaneously
and does not continue to the following stages).
Many doctors think that primary skin lesion is chancre not papule because the patient
seeks medical attention for chancre not papule as it’s underestimated.
A typical chancre is ulcerated, although NOT painful, button like lesion
(with central umbilication or look like a volcano, spongy texture) that is up to 1.5 cm in
diameter accompanied by local painless lymphadenopathy. If untreated it
lasts for 4-6 weeks and then clears spontaneously.
Differential diagnosis for genital ulcers include:
1- Syphilis ( painless ulcer)
2- Behcet disease (painful oral and genital ulcers).
3- Blistering skin disease like pemphigus.
4- Fixed drug eruption: may appear as ulcerated blue colored lesion. It
recurs at the same site with each exposure to each particular
medication. Drugs causing fixed drug eruption: some NSAIDs and
5- Herpes simplex: a painful vesicle or ulcer.
6- Candida infection: desquamated ulcer and burning sensation. In males
it could present as balanitis (infection of the glans penis)
7- Contact dermatitis: could be ulcerating but a wider lesion (3-4cm) with
erythema, scaling and itchy.
8- Chancroid: it is caused by a bacterial infection, too. It differs from
chance in: It could be multiple; it is painful, and accompanied by painful
adenopathy. It’s caused by the bacteria Haemophilus ducreyi
9- Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
10- Bowen’s disease (risk of malignant transformation). (SCC in situ)
2. Secondary Syphilis:
C. Condyloma lata:
1. Condyloma acuminata: genital warts caused by HPV infection.
2. Other viral infections (painful, raised, and irregularly shaped)
D. Allopacia:
1. Allopacia Areata:
2. Discoid lupus (associated with scar formation)
3. Seborrhoeic dermatitis
4. Tinea Capitis
5. Psoriasis
6. Lichen planus
7. Trichotillomania (psychiatric disorder).
(Note: discoid lupus and lichen planus cause permanent hair loss)
3. Latent Syphilis:
Is the hidden stage where there is positive serological tests and no clinical
symptoms and signs. (All previous 4 features disappear)
It is divided to two phases:
1. Early latent syphilis ( <2 years from first exposure)
2. Late latent syphilis (>2 years from first exposure)
4. Tertiary syphilis:
It may occur after 3 to 15 years after the initial infection and may be
divided into 3 different forms:
1. Gummatous syphilis: multiple nodular lesions with have the same color
as the skin called Gumma. (Note: the differential includes lupus vulgaris
of TB but this condition is characterized by apple juice color and lipomas).
2. Cardiovascular syphilis: CVS involvement particularly aortic aneurysm
(requires investigation with echocardiography). May lead to sudden death.
3. Neurosyphilis: LP and CSF analysis show (increased protein, decreased
Glucose, pleocytosis (increased WBCs), and + VDRL).
Syphilis History talking must include: sexual activity (usually the patient denies), travel
history, occupation, allergy to penicillin and you must ask about related STDs like AIDS,
genital warts, Gonorrhea)
In general, the diagnosis of syphilis is based on good history (history of sexual contact,
travel history, drug allergy like penicillin since it is the treatment of choice), good
physical examination (examination of the skin, scalp, oral cavity and genital areas), and
the diagnosis is confirmed by laboratory tests.
Lab tests for diagnosis of syphilis include:
1. VDRL (venereal disease research laboratory): a serological test used for
screening of syphilis (it has high sensitivity, but more specific tests are
used for diagnosis). False positive test may be seen in: leprosy, TB,
connective tissue diseases like SLE and sarcoidosis, measles, certain
malignancies like lymphomas, and pregnancy.
So if a pregnant lady had +VDRL ask her detailed history then do the specific test.
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction: is one of the potential side effects of
treatment. It frequently starts within 1 hour and lasts for 24 hours, with
symptoms of fever, muscle pain, headache and tachycardia. It is caused by
cytokine release caused by immune reaction against bacterial toxins not a
reaction against penicillin. Treatment is a single pill of NSAIDs.
Viral Infections
The Differential diagnosis of the clinical phase include the blistering diseases like
pemphigus vulgaris, pemphigoid, drug reaction, burns, dermatitis herpatiformis,
erythemia multiform, bullous impetigo
1. Systemic acyclovir (oral): 800 mg x 5 times daily for 5 days. It is given to
reduce the incidence of postherptic neuralgia and it is ONLY effective in
the first 72h form the onset of skin rash appearance.
2. Analgesic like NSAIDs.
3. Topical acyclovir to promote healing and epithelialization.
If you detect it in the prodromal phase give only systemic acyclovir, after that if
vesicles appear give topical.
To estimate the time of lesions onset:
- Intact blisters (filled with plasma or even blood) < 24 hours.
- Ruptured and necrotic lesions (dark brown and crusted) > 72 hours.
(Systemic acyclovir is not given in this case since it is ineffective).
- Post-herptic neuralgia, it may last for 3-6 months. Give gabapentin
- Active infection during pregnancy increases the risk for congenital
malformations (like cleft palate and hydrocephalus).
Acyclovir is completely safe during pregnancy.
III. Viral Warts:
Warts are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). Infections occur when
wart virus in skin scales comes into contact with breaches in the skin or
mucous membranes.
Warts adopt a variety of patterns:
1- Common warts (verruca vulgaris).
2- Plantar warts: usually confused with plantar corns. Often multiple,
plantar warts can be painful.
3- Mosaic warts.
4- Plane warts (flat warts or verruca plana): most commonly on the face
and head.
5- Anogenital warts (Condyloma acuminata)
6- Verruca vegetante ( cauliflower shaped)
7- Line shaped warts.
IV. Orf:
Note: erythema multiform can affect skin and also mucous membranes of bronchi
and oropharynx leading to bleeding or dyspnea so it’s an emergency that may
necessitate ICU admission.
Infections, drug interaction, Stevin Johnson syndrome (emergency)
V. Molluscum contagiosum:
A viral infection presented as skin lesions. Individual lesions are shiny,
white or pink, and hemispherical. A central punctum, which may contain a
cheesy core, gives the lesions there characteristic umbilicated look.
Treatment: many simple destructive measures include squeezing out the
lesions with forceps. Liquid nitrogen may also be helpful.
Fungal infections:
Dermatophyte infections (ringworm):
Dermatophytes invade keratin only (this is why they are only superficial infections, no
keratin in lungs or heart for them to survive). Visceral fungal infections are not
Dermatophytes. In general zoophilic fungi (those transmitted to humans
by animals) cause a more severe inflammation than anthropophilic ones
(spread from person to person).
Lichen planus and discoid lupus cause special type of hair loss with scarring called
cicatricial alopecia, it’s permanent irreversible hair loss as the hair follicles become
Diagnosis is confirmed by microscopic examination of skin scraping,
containing hair, treated with 10% KOH solution. The test will be positive
when branching hyphae are seen. Spores can also be detected.
Dry samples of skin/hair are taken by scrubbing
If the lesions got fluids go for a smear
Why KOH ? to dissolve the keratin
Spores appear black colored cocci (like bacteria), and are seen in the hair shafts not
around the hair.
Treatment includes:
1. Systemic antifungal medications: Griseofulvin is the drug of choice
(12.5 mg/kg/day for 6 weeks). The dose can be increased up to 20
It’s in syrup form so may cause GI disturbances, if so switch to Terbinafine for
patient compliance.
If the patient is compliant but after 2 weeks there is bad outcome you have 2
choices: either you increase the dose to 20 mg/kg/day or switch to Terbinafine.
2. Topical antifungal preparations: (Topical ketoconazole and
moisturizers) the main goal is prevent the spread of infection (highly
contagious). So can use anything that prevent spread like vaseline, antihistamine ..etc
If it’s highly contagious, do we prevent the child from going to school for 6 weeks ? No,
just use topical preparations, wear a hat or any head cover, and tell the teachers/
principle to keep him away from other children as possible.
3. Follow up in 2 weeks to cheek the progression and compliance.
II. Other types of tinea infections include: (Note: The treatment for the
following conditions is topical preparations except for tinea
unguium. All are confirmed by KOH test, you can also add antihistamine).
1. Tinea corporis (also called tinea circinata) affects arms and legs. DDx
includes: drug reaction, urticaria, secondary syphilis, guttate psoriasis,
2. Tinea versicolor: affects the trunk and proximal extremities. DDx vitiligo
(only color change), 2nd ary syphilis.
3. Tinea manuum of the hands. DDx: contact dermatitis, psoriasis.
7. Tinea barbae of the beard.
1. Psoriasis (in this case most of the nails are affected not only one nail, also psoriasis is
likely to affect other areas).
2. Contact dermatitis
3. Lichen planus
4. Trauma
6. Atopic dermatitis
7. Paronychia (see below)
Treatment :
Parasitic infestations:
I. Leishmania:
Leishmania organisms are
protozoa whose life cycle:
The most affected areas are sun exposed areas like the face. Transmission
from human to human is not documented.
- Leishmania intradermal skin test (similar to PPD test). It gives 50% false
positive results (not specific).
(Note: types of skin biopsy are: 1. Fine needle aspirate 2. Punch biopsy
3. Excisional biopsy 4.shaving biopsy )
2. Keratoacanthoma
5. Viral warts
6. Pyoderma gangrenosum
Note: important to include 1, 5, 6 and 2 in acute cases (ie 3 weeks history) while
3,4 are chronic ( years).
Treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis:
II. Scabies:
It is a highly contagious disease caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei
hominis. It is transmitted from person to person through close body
Once on the skin, fertilized female mites burrow through stratum corneum
(subcorneal space). It is more active at night hence the classical
presentation “night itching”. It is also more active in hot and wet
environment. The primary skin lesion in scabies is burrow (C or V shaped).
Clinically, it can be seen as a small line starting with a vesicle. Burrows are
best seen in elderly and children; because they have thin skin.
- The patent suffers from itching due to foreign body reaction against the eggs.
- Burrows are like tunnels, so recognized by entrance site vesicle at the beginning of the
C or V shaped burrow.
DDx of burrow is furrow, it’s like a groove not a tunnel , it got no roof.
life cycle of the acarus is about 30 days.
Fertilized female may Produce 1-2 eggs every day.
Classical clinical presentation: itching, often affecting several people and
being particularly severe at night. On examination, urticarial popular rash
may be seen on the trunk, around the nipples, armpits, interdigital spaces
and umbilicus. On infants and children palmoplanter sides may be
involved. Other skin lesion that can be detected: burrows, scratching
marks, popular urticarial rash.
Diagnosis is based on history and physical examination.
History: night itching? Location of itching and timing? Travel? Other
family members itching ?
Differential diagnosis:
1. Contact dermatitis
2. Psychological stress
3. Other medical conditions: renal or liver failure (pruritis), obstructive
4. Drug reaction.
5. Duhring’s disease: (or dermatitis herpetiformis, despite the name, it is
not related to herpes virus!). It is a specific manifestation of celiac
disease (CD).
Treatment of scabies:
III. Lice infestations (Pediculosis):
Lice are flattened wingless insects that suck blood. Their eggs attached to
hairs or clothing, are known as nits.
Nits Vs. Dandruff? Nits are closely attached to hair shaft and hard to remove, dandruff is
removed easily.
Treatment is the same as scabies
- For head lice in a shampoo form, it dissolves the keratin that forms the cell wall of the
eggs/nits, apply shampoo for 15 – 20 min then the hair is combed with a special comb
with narrow spaced teeth, antihistamine reduces itching, and it’s important the treat
all the surrounding children to prevent re-infection.
- For body lice same as scabies. ( clinical presentation same as scabies but with no
burrow on physical exam)
Papulosquamous skin diseases:
I. Psoriasis:
It is a chronicnon infectious
Inflammatory skin disease,
Characterized by well-defined
erythematous plaques bearing large
adherent silvery scales. Usually, it
appears between the ages of 15 and 40.
The prevalence ranges between 1% and
7. Nail psoriasis
Note: Paronychia: seen in a house wife with water use, composed of fungal and bacterial
infections; Candida and staph. Treated with systemic antibiotics and topical antifungal.
8. Psoriatic arthropathy
9. Flexural psoriasis (inverse psoriasis) affects skin folds.
10. Erythrodermic psoriasis (the worst prognosis, with risk of cardiac
failure). 33
Nail psoriasis is characterized with pitting of nails involved you can also see furrow ( in atopic
dermatitis, contact dermatitis)
How to differentiate onychomycosis and psoriasis ? Only one nail or multiple? And KOH test
Diagnosis of psoriasis is based on:
This include:
1- Topical steroids (it has anti-inflammatory effects)
2- Keratolytic preparations (lactic acid and salicylic acid preparations)
3- Systemic antihistamine
4- Dithranol (decrease energy supply by the mitochondria, and
decrease cell proliferation that occurs in psoriatic plaques).
5- Vitamin D3 preparations - Vit.D decreases DNA replication
6- Local phototherapy.
Complications of long-term use of topical steroids include:
PUVA is also used for treatment of: vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, allopacia
areata, lichen planus, and mycosis fungoides.
RE/PUVA is indicated for psoriasis only, not other diseases treated by PUVA.
** Causes of skin atrophy/dermal atrophy:
- ACNE vulgaris (as a complication you get skin atrophy, ie depressed area on skin)
Use pulse (sequential) therapy method, to give steroids for 1 week followed by 3 weeks free.
** About ultraviolet light spectrum (mentioned by the doctor, numbers and details from Roxburgh’s common
skin diseases)
UVC - short wave 250 - 280 nm (not found in nature, used for sterilization purposes in operation rooms)
UVB (around 290 nm) causes sun burn, sun tan, and skin cancer; it only penetrates as far as basal layer of
UVA: penetrates the dermis causing dermal degeneration known as solar keratosis, causes skin aging, cancer
and photosensitivity.
- Renal / liver failure - for the chemotherapeutic agent psoralen - age less than 10 - photosensitivity. -
erythrodermic psoriasis, as the patent is severely ill and too weak to stand in the machine, he can fall down and
damage the machine (which is very very expensive)
** Why visiting areas like Jericho and Dead Sea improves the patients? - Jericho is lowest area on earth 36
UV-light is concentrated, like it's a natural PUVA. - Psychological support.
II. Pityrisais Rosea:
It is an acute, non-contagious,
papulosquamous skin disease frequently
affecting the trunk (chest, abdomen, and
back). It has usually a sudden onset but it is
associated with certain triggers, including:
1. Infections
2. Drugs
III. Lichen planus:
The precise cause of lichen planus is unknown, but the disease is thought
to be related to some immunological process. It is still considered a chronic
papulosquamous skin disease.
Very characteristic to lichen planus that it's a rash that don't respond to antihistamines.
DDx of lichen planus: scabies, tenia versicolor , D.herpatiformis, contact dermatitis, drug
4 places affected in lichen planus :
- Skin: polygonal, dry, itchy, scaly, lilac colored, transverse lines/wickham's striae
- nail : grooving, destruction
- mucous membranes : ulcers that if not treated can turn SCC.
- scalp : cicatritial allopecia.
can be difficult. Treatment modalities include: potent topical
steroid, systemic steroid courses, and Photochemotherapy (PUVA).
The most serious complication is that ulcerative form of lichen planus in
the mouth may lead to squamous cell carcinoma.
Bullous skin diseases:
I. Pemphigus:
Clinical presentation is characterized by flaccid blisters of the skin and
mouth and, after the blisters rupture, by widespread painful erosions.
Usually, the blisters range between 2cm and 7cm in diameter. Most
patients develop the mouth lesions first, and mucous membrane
involvement may be the only clinical manifestation. Positive Nickolsky’s
sign is characteristic for pemphigus vulgaris. The sign is present when
slight rubbing of the skin results in exfoliation of the outermost layer or
expansion of the bullae.
- Patient got bad fishy smell due to fluids infection from blisters
DDx of skin lesions in PV includes: burns, epidermolysis bullosa, erythema
multiforme, Steven Johnson syndrome (SJS), dermatitis herpetiformis,
drug reaction, bullous impetigo, or herpes zoster. Mouth ulcers can be
mistaken for aphthae, lichen planus, Behcet disease, trauma, or drug
Skin biopsy shows that the vesicles are intraepidermal, with rounded
keratinocytes floating freely within the blister cavity (acantholysis). Direct
immunofluorescence of adjacent normal skin shows intercellular
epidermal deposits of IgG and C3. Serum antibodies detected by indirect
immunofluorescence can be used to confirm the diagnosis. (NOTE: Tzanck
test, also known as Tzanck smear, is scraping of ulcer base to look for
Tzanck cells; multinucleated giant cells). Tzank test show acantholysis cells - giant
multinucleated cells.
* Immunofluorescence: direct for diagnosis, indirect for screening and follow up.
(The fluorophore allows visualization of the target distribution in the sample under a fluorescent microscope
(e.g. epifluorescence and confocal microscopes). We distinguish between two IF methods depending on
whether the fluorophore is conjugated to the primary or the secondary antibody:
- Direct IF uses a single antibody directed against the target of interest. The primary antibody is directly
conjugated to a fluorophore.
- Indirect IF uses two antibodies. The primary antibody is unconjugated and a fluorophore-conjugated
secondary antibody directed against the primary antibody is used for detection.)
4. Consider tapering the dose when: old lesions heal by crusting and no
new lesions appear. Prednisolone is tapered in a rate of 5-10mg every
2-3 days till a level of 40 mg daily is reached. Lifelong prednisolone
(10mg) is usually required. Immunosuppressive drug can be reduced to
half the dose initially and then stopped.
Treatment details:
Single dose per day, at morning time after breakfast (for lowest level of cortisol level
according to cortisol cycle in body), use prednisolone as it's short acting and not
hydrocortisone or other steroids
Patent is hospitalized for close follow up for a week - 10 days for biopsy, labs,
education and daily examination for healing of previous blisters and no new blisters
When this is reached (healing of previous blisters and no new blisters formation.)
decrease prednisolone 5 -10 mg every 2-3 days, immunosuppressive is kept 100.
If it's stopped, rebound effect will happen; blistering become worse and we have to
start all over again! (From hospitalization to 10 mg prednisolone!)
Allergic skin diseases:
I. Urticaria
Urticaria is a common type I hypersensitivity reaction pattern in which
pink, itchy, or burning swelling (wheals) can occur anywhere on the body.
Traditionally, urticaria is divided into acute and chronic forms, based on
the duration of the disease rather than of individual wheals.
Urticaria is believed to be caused by a reaction between antigens
(bacteria, drug or certain chemicals) and antibodies (frequently IgE) on the
surface of mast cells. This reaction causes the mast cells to degranulate
and release heparin, histamine and other inflammatory mediators.
Triggers of urticaria may include: infections, drugs, or even psychological
Mast cells are found in the dermis near blood vessels like the police in streets.
Treatment: the first step in the treatment is to identify the cause and then
to eliminate it.
Note: sometimes urticarial rash (wheals) is not obvious on skin, so we use what is called
Darier test (rubbing of the lesion – with a wooden stick- leads to linear urtication and
erythema ( liner wheals) over and around the suspected area of hidden urticarial, this is
called Darier sign or Dermographism. This condition is called: Urticaria pigmentosa (UP)
and it’s a form of mast cell disorders.
Angioedema is a variant of urticaria (but with more histamine release) that primarily
affects the subcutaneous tissues, so that the swelling is less demarcated and less red
than an urticarial wheal. Angioedema most commonly occurs at junctions
between skin and mucous membranes (e.g. peri-orbital, peri-oral and
genital). It may be associated with swelling of the tongue and laryngeal
mucosa. Treatment is systemic corticosteroids and antihistamines.
II. Contact dermatitis:
It is a type of skin inflammation results from exposure to allergens (allergic
contact dermatitis) or irritants (irritant contact dermatitis).
Signs and symptoms of both types of contact dermatitis are very similar.
The first sign is usually the presence of rash or skin lesion at the site of
exposure. Other symptoms may include itching, skin redness or
inflammation, localized swelling and the area may become more tender or
warmer. These symptoms are more prominent in irritant contact
permeability of the skin. It is also associated with alteration of normal flora
populating the skin with staph species increasing to 70%.
The prevalence is 7%-17% in children with most people out grow it. 70% of
the patients have family history of atopy. 40% of the cases are associated
with food allergy too.
40% of patients with atopic dermatitis also have food allergy.
Top 5 foods causing food allergy: egg, milk, fish, Soybean and wheat (all 5 of them can be
found in Cerelac!)
Diagnosis can be done by Patch test, Elisa test for specific IgE subtypes.
Treated with diet restriction if possible and trails of desensitization can be done.
1- Infantile phase (<2 years): where it may affect the entire body with
erythema and scaling appear in the face as well. In 50% in the case it
disappears by the age around 2 years ( 18 months).
2- Childhood phase (2 years – 11 years): it affects the flexural areas.
3- Adult phase (>12 years): affects extensor sides, external genitalia and
The diagnosis of atopic dermatitis using the following criteria (Hanifin and
Rajka criteria) requires that patients have at least 3 of the 4 major criteria
and 3 of the 23 minor criteria.
- Major criteria are:
1. Pruritus
There is no known cure for AD, although treatments may reduce the
severity and frequency of flares. Treatment modalities may include:
Note: you will never see food allergy presenting with solitary lesions
Many different treatments are used for acne. The drug of choice depends
on the severity and type of skin lesion:
3. In nodulocystic type of acne; and if the above treatment regimens did
not work, oral retinoids are used. Isotretinoin (Accutane) is very
effective. It reverses the four pathophysiological changes that occur in
acne vulgaris (see above). Isotretinoin is given in a standard dose
related to body weight (0.5-1 mg/kg/day). The estimated dose is
calculated by this equation:
The optimal dose is reached by the end of the treatment period as 120
mg/kg. The duration of the treatment is as much as 5 months (150
days). Improvement is typically seen after one to two months of use.
- Nodulocystic changes
- Social cases : people who need a good looking face, i.e. lecturer, secretary ,,etc.
Q- You started the treatment, then the patent developed jaundice or dark urine, what
to do?
Re-do the tests, if elevated, stop the treatment for 7 – 10 days, redo them then, if back
to normal continue the drug.
If no improvement after 7 -10 days, use low dose treatment (0.3-0.4 mg/kg/day)
Q- Both standard dose and low dose treatments share the same efficacy, compliance,
same cost effect.
So why not using the low dose from start? Less cumulative dose (you need 120 mg
cumulative dose in 5 months for optimal results).
Hormonal therapy:
When to consider hormonal therapy?
Clinical signs like hirsutism, obesity, acne, DM you send the patent to do
ultrasound for the ovaries and check hormones levels.
Q- What if the US was normal and normal hormone levels? Give the hormonal
therapy even with normal tests with clinical signs; this is most likely target tissue
Rosacea affects both sexes, but is almost three times more common in
women. Yet, complications are more common in men. Rosacea is
commonly found in people between the ages of 30 and 50 and is more
common in those of Caucasian descent.
Diagnosis: there is no single, specific test for rosacea! In most of the cases
the diagnosis is based on history and physical examination. A trial of
common treatments is useful for confirming a suspected diagnosis.
History of acne rosacea: does the redness increase with sun, pathing with hot water,
heat exposure ?
DDx of Telangiectasia: chronic steroids use, aspirin/ heparin use, liver disease and cirrhosis,
alcoholic persons.
Mild cases of acne rosacea are not treated and therapy for the treatment
is not curative. The two primary modalities of rosacea treatment are
topical and oral antibiotic agents.
1- Topical metronidazole (1%) cream is used to produce vasoconstriction.
2- Oral antibiotics of the tetracycline class such as doxycycline are also
commonly used to reduce papulopustular lesions.
3- Because sunlight is believed to be a common trigger, some people
benefit from sun protection and avoiding sunlight.
4- Antimalarial medications are no longer used. Side effects may include:
psoriasis, G6PD, and night blindness.
5- Isotretinoin by mouth is used in some cases.
6- Laser embolization and interventional radiologic procedures.
7- Systemic and topical steroids may worsen the condition and are
Skin cancer:
There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma (BCC),
squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and melanoma. The first two together
along with a number of less common skin cancers are known as
nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC).
6- Sclerosing basal-cell carcinoma
In general, the treatment modalities used for premalignant lesions are:
sunlight protection, 5-fluorouracil, imiquimod, and intralesional interferon
injection. In malignant lesions: Cryotherapy, electrotherapy and surgery
are used. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are used in some cases of skin
cancers (especially when metastasized).
II. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC):
Marjolin's ulcer refers to an aggressive ulcerating squamous cell
carcinoma presenting in an area of previously traumatized, chronically
inflamed, or scarred skin.
III. Melanoma:
2- Nodular melanoma
3- Lentigo melanoma
4- Acral melanoma
A popular method for remembering the signs and symptoms of melanoma
is the mnemonic "ABCDE":