Prog FIRST STEP 2019
Prog FIRST STEP 2019
Prog FIRST STEP 2019
9.00-9.30 US Physics: what is it, how does it work? Registration fee by 25 January 2019 by 8 March 2019
A talk together (Fee VAT included) Euro 485,00 Euro 585,00
Dr. Antonio La Torre
No on site registration available.
9.30-10.00 Transducers and their properties
A talk together The fee includes: course materials, a CD with the lessions, coffee
Dr. Antonio La Torre break and light lunch.
The Course that will be held on March, 18th 2019 is limited to
10.00-10.30 Neuroultrasonography: in pursuit of an optimized 18 participants. The Organizing Secretariat will confirm the regis-
examination. Coronal and sagittal planes. The tration to the first 18 participants.
main points of view: anterior and posterior In order to submit your registration and/or hotel reservation,
fontanel, mastoid fontanel please open the page:
Prof. S. Monica Epelman
10.30-10.45 COFFEE BREAK
UEMS – European Union of Medical Specialist
10.45-11.45 *First pratical session (phantom): UEMS credits will be applied for. They are valid all over Europe, the
the technical properties of US machine, United States and Canada (reciprocity agreement with the American
the basic rules of a good exam Medical Association).
* The lecturers of the practical sessions are: S.M. Epelman, A. La Torre, M. Riccabona