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EXP1 - Relative Density-Min

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Mapúa Institute of

School of Mechanical and Manufacturing

Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 1




2013107147 Date Performed: April 26, 2017

ME139L/ B1 Date Passed: May 3, 2017


Engr. Teodulo A. Valle


Objectives 1

Theory and Analysis 1

List of Apparatus 4

Procedure 5

Set-up of Apparatus 6

Final Data Sheet 8

Sample Computation 9

Test Data Analysis 10

Questions and Answers 11

Conclusion 13

Reference/s 14

Appendix: Preliminary Data Sheet 15


1. To determine the relative density of sample fluids and fuels

2. To be able to determine the viscosity of sample fluid liquid(glycerine).


The properties of common liquids, gases, and vapors have been the subject of
lifelong investigation by many competent experiments; hence the required
information is usually available from reference tables and charts.

In the intimate mixing and vaporization of liquid fuel and air for proper
combustion, the volatility, viscosity, density and other properties of the fuel are
important. The ASTM has numerous standards which apply to petroleum products.

Density measurements of a liquid must often be made for identification,

classification, or checking of purity. Viscosity measurement is also a common
requirement. With the density and the viscosity determined at one or more
temperatures, other properties of the liquid can usually be found from published
tables or charts.

Density is defined by as the mass per unit volume. Specific gravity of a liquid
is defined as the ratio of the weights of equal volumes of the liquid to that of distilled
water at a specified standard temperature usually 60 OF. The density of a liquid is
determined by pycnometer or specific gravity bottle method, hydrostatic weighing,
hydrometer, or Westphal balance.

Pycnometer are glass vessels having definite volumes and various shapes. It
may be used for liquids, for semisolids of low melting point or powders or granular
solids. The method of use (ASTM Standards D-1217) is first to weigh the clean and
dry empty bottle with stopper on a sensitive analytical balance (weight W p). Then
fill bottle with fleshly boiled distilled water at 60 OF, and weigh (Wpw). Take care to
expel all air bubbles, and fill up to and including capillary tube in stopped. Follow
above procedure again for the sample (Wpo).

𝑊𝑝𝑜 − 𝑊𝑝
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 =
𝑊𝑝𝑤 − 𝑊𝑝

In commercial practice the specific gravity of liquids is usually determined by
means of an instrument called a hydrometer. The proper weighted-bulb hydrometer
with graduated stem is allowed to sink into the sample to a level of two smallest
scale div

isions below that at which it will float and is then released. The reading on the scale
of this instrument, which is the level of the surface of the liquid, is the specific

Hydrometers are made with two standard scales. One is the ordinary specific
gravity scale graduated to correspond to the determinations of specific gravity as
defined for determinations with the specific gravity bottle. The other is an arbitrary
one known as Baume’s and is much used by trade people. For short, it is often called
the “gravity” scale. The oil industry has adopted the Baume scale specified by the
API, but some hydrometers are graduated according to the Baume scale specified by
the National Bureau of Standards. Equations for converting the readings of either
hydrometer to specific gravity are:
API scale:

𝑆𝑝. 𝑔𝑟. 𝑎𝑡 60/600 𝐹 =
131.5+0 𝐴𝑃𝐼 𝑎𝑡 600 𝐹
Bureau of Standard Scale:

𝑆𝑝. 𝑔𝑟. 𝑎𝑡 60/600 𝐹 =
130+0 𝐴𝑃𝐼 𝑎𝑡 600 𝐹

In general, viscosity (µ) is the property of a homogeneous fluid which causes

it to offer resistance to motion. In the case of a liquid, viscosity is a measure of
relative fluidity at some definite temperature. This property may be measures in
several ways, for example (1) by the torque required to rotate a cylinder or cup in
the liquid, as in the Mac-Michael and Stormer instruments used for oils and viscous
liquids; (2) by the time required for a sphere (usually a steel ball) to fall through the
liquid, as in the Gardner Holdt instrument used for paints and other highly viscous
liquids; or (3) by the time required for the liquid to flow through a capillary or a
short tube as the Saybolt, Engler, and Redwood viscometer used for petroleum oils.

In the falling sphere viscometer, the liquid is placed in a tall transparent cylinder and
a sphere of known weight and diameter is dropped in it. If the sphere is small enough,
Strokes’ Law will prevail and the fall velocity of the sphere will be approximately
inversely proportional to the absolute velocity of the liquid. That is so may be seen
by examining the free body diagram of such a falling sphere (Figure 1).

𝐹𝐷 = 3𝜋µ𝑉𝐷

𝜋𝐷 3
𝐹𝐵 = Ɣ 6

𝜋𝐷 3
𝑊 = Ɣ𝑠 6

The force acting include the gravity, buoyancy, and drag. Strokes’ law states that if
DV / v < 1, the drag force on a sphere is given by 𝐹𝐷 = 3𝜋µ𝑉𝐷, where V is the velocity
of the sphere and D is its diameter. When the sphere is dropped in a liquid, it will
quickly accelerate to terminal velocity, at which ∑ 𝐹𝑧 = 0. Then,
𝜋𝐷3 𝜋𝐷3
𝑤 − 𝐹𝐵 − 𝐹𝐷 = Ɣ𝑠 −Ɣ − 3𝜋µ𝑉𝐷 = 0
6 6

Where Ɣ𝑠 and Ɣ represents the specific weight and the sphere and liquid,
respectively. Solving the above equation, we get
𝐷2 (Ɣ𝑠 − Ɣ)

In the preceding development it was assumed that the sphere was dropped into a
liquid of infinite extent. In actuality, the liquid will be contained in a tube and a wall
effect will influence the drag force and hence the fall velocity. It has been found that
the wall effect can be expressed approximately as

𝑉 9𝐷 9𝐷 2
=1+ +( ) =𝐾
𝑉𝑡 4𝐷𝑡 4𝐷𝑡

Where 𝐷𝑡 is the tube diameter, and 𝑉𝑡 represents the fall velocity in the tube, this
equation is reliable only if 𝐷⁄𝐷𝑡 < 3.

From the data obtained from the performance of the experiment, compute the
following for each run:

1) Kinematic Viscosity
a) Ratio of the sphere and tube diameter
b) The correction factor of wall effect K
c) The observed velocity of fall V
2) Dynamic Viscosity: 𝑉 = µ⁄𝜌
3) Plot V versus 𝐷⁄𝐷𝑡


1. Pycnometer
2. Hydrometer
3. Graduated cylinder
4. Digital balance
5. Falling sphere viscometer
6. Stop watches
7. Thermometer
8. Caliper
9. Steel balls
10.Meter stick


1. Pycnometer Method
1. Clean the pycnometer bottle and weigh it on the analytical balance and
designate the weight as 𝑊𝑝 .
2. Fill the bottle with freshly boiled distilled water at 600 𝐹 , and weigh using
𝑊𝑝𝑤 as the designation.
3. Clean the pycnometer, and follow the above procedure again for the
samples to be tested (SAE, Diesel, Gasoline, and Kerosene) call the
weightof the sample as 𝑊𝑝𝑜 .
4. Compute the specific gravity using the pycnometer method equation for
specific gravity.
2. Hydrometer Method
1. Clean the hydrometer and the graduated cylinder.
2. Pour the liquid (SAE 30) to be tested inside the graduated cylinder.
3. Drop slowly the hydrometer inside the graduated cylinder.
4. Read the valve in the hydrometer.
The depth of immersion is then read as follows:
If the sample is sufficient transparent, this point shall be determined by
placing the eye slightly below the level of the liquid and slowly raising it
until the surface of the sample first seen as a distorted ellipse seems to
become a straight line cutting the hydrometer scale. For nontransparent
liquids, it will be necessary to read from above the surface and to estimate
as accurately as possible the point to which the liquid rises on the
hydrometer stem.
3. Falling Sphere Viscometer
1. Determine the temperature and specific gravity of the liquid whose
viscosity is desired.
2. Drop cautiously one of the spheres into the viscometer noting whether the
sphere is guided correctly or is off-centered.
3. Determine the time required for the sphere to travel the certain distance.
4. Repeat the procedure for each sphere given.


EXPT. No 1 : Relative Density and Viscosity ME139L/B1
GROUP NO. 2 DATE: April 26, 2017


Wp Wpw Wpo Sp. Gr. Sp. Gr.

23.30g 72.60g 63.1g 0.807 0.805 0.2481


23.30g 72.60g 62.3g 0.791 0.79 0.1265


23.30g 72.60g 60.8g 0.7606 0.76 0.0789

23.30g 72.60g 64.7g 0.8398 0.84 0.0238

SAE 20 23.30g 72.60g 66.2g 0.872 0.86 1.3857

SAE 10 23.30g 72.60g 65.9g 0.8641 0.86 0.4756


TRIAL 𝜸𝒔𝒃 t 𝑽𝒕 Dsb 𝑫𝒔𝒃 /𝑫𝒕 K Vo 𝝁 𝝊

69.93 0.306 0.1978 1.595*10

1 3.27s 4.75mm 0.0749 1.197 0.366m/s
kN/m3 m/s Pa-s -4
68.08 0.429 0.546 0.224 1.806*10
2 2.33s 6.2mm 0.099 1.272
kN/m3 m/s m/s Pa-s -4

70.2995 0.2625 0.3144 0.2312 1.8797*1

1 3.81s 4.74mm 0.0751 1.1976
kN/m3 m/s m/s Pa-s 0-4
78.3409 0.5618 0.8169 0.4076 3.3138*1
2 1.785s 9.51mm 0.1507 1.4541
kN/m3 m/s m/s Pa-s 0-4
77.335 1.1002 0.45899 3.7015*1
1 1.44s 0.69 m/s 11.81mm 0.1562 1.5946
kN/m3 m/s Pa-s 0-4
71.721 0.3466 0.21177 1.7078*1
2 3.38s 029 m/s 4.71mm 0.0743 1.1951
kN/m3 m/s Pa-s 0-4

SG of the Glycerin: 1.23 Length: 1m Dt: 63.1mm



A. Determination of Specific Gravity (Gasoline)


𝑊𝑝𝑜−𝑊𝑝 60.8−23.3
Sp. Gr. = 𝑊𝑝𝑤−𝑊𝑝 = 72.6−23.3 = 0.7606

B. Determination of viscosity by falling viscometer @ steel ball 2

𝑚𝑔 𝑘𝑔 𝑚
𝛾= = 1230 𝑚3 (9.81 𝑠2) = 12.0663𝑘𝑁/𝑚3

1 𝑚
𝑉𝑡 = 3.81 = 0.2625 𝑠

9 4.74 9 4.74 2
𝐾 =1+ ( )+( ( )) = 1.1976
4 63.1 4 63.1

𝑉𝑜 = 𝑘𝑉𝑡 = 1.1976(0.2625) = 0.3144𝑚/𝑠

1 2
2 (4.74)2 (
𝐷𝑏 (𝛾𝑏 − 𝛾𝑔 )
= 1000) ((70.2995) − 12.0663))(1000) = 0.2312 𝑃𝑎 − 𝑠
18𝑉𝑜 18(0.3144)

𝜇 0.2312
𝛾= = = 1.8797 × 10−4
𝜌𝑔 1.23 ∗ 1000


In the Pycnometer method, we were able to find out, by comparison

method through the use of old pycnometer for the first trial and the new
pycnometer for the second trial, that Diesel has the highest value of Specific
Gravity (Sp. Gr.), while Gasoline has the lowest Sp. Gr. value, compared to
other liquids that were tested with the respect to the reference material which
in this case, water. Moreover, the students were also able to know that not all
the liquids that were tested passed the standard (std.) Sp. Gr. It is because
SAE20, and Kerosene were below the standard values while Gasoline and
Diesel had the equivalent value as the standard values set, which means that
out of 6 liquids tested ( SAE20, SAE10, Alcohol, Diesel, Gasoline and
Kerosene) only Gasoline and Diesel passed the standards.

In the Hydrometer method, the students find out that among the 6 liquids
tested SAE20 has the highest value of Specific Gravity while Gasoline has the
lowest value. In addition, using this method, a hydrometer that was submerged
on a specific liquid fuel and placed on the graduated cylinder, was used and
by observing the placement, specifically the float part, of the hydrometer, the
students discovered that the higher the location of the float, the denser the
liquid fuels, which means that the density of the liquid fuel with respect to
water is directly proportional to the elevation of the float of the hydrometer.

In the determination of viscosity by falling viscometer, the students have

been able to learn that as the mass of the steel ball used decreases, the
travelling time of the ball to reach 1m length increases, as well as when the
diameter of the ball also decreases. Furthermore, by observation the students
have been able to learn that in terms of the deviation of the ball to its path,

larger diameter balls have less deviation compared to the smaller diameter


1. What is the difference between viscosity and viscosity index?

-The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to shear or angular

deformation.Viscosity index is a relative measure of an oils viscosity
change with respect to temperature change. Oil having a low VI is one that
exhibits a large change in viscosity with temperature change. High VI oil
does not change appreciably with temperature change.

2. What is the difference between density and specific gravity?

-Density is defined as mass per unit volume. Specific gravity is the density
of a material at a certain temperature divided by the density of water at a
certain temperature; the reference temperature is usually 20 degrees
Pycnometers measure volume. However, having weighed the sample, you
can obtain density by dividing the volume into the sample mass. This is
done automatically by the 1330 since the mass is entered as one of the
sample parameters.

3. Why pycnometer has a conical top with an opening?

-The purpose of conical top is to reduce the cross section gradually to a

minimum such that any difference in level of water in different stages
should not cause serious error. Further, the opening will allow any air
present in the voids of liquid to be expelled out.

4. What is the difference between dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity?

-The viscous forces in liquids are equivalent to friction forces in solids.

The dynamic viscosity is involved in the relation between stress and strain
tensors. The kinematic viscosity is equal to the ratio of the dynamic
viscosity by the density. The kinematic viscosity is involved in the
classical Navier Stokes equation governing the fluid motion. If you are
particularly interested in the interaction between molecules that can be
interpreted in terms of mechanical stress, the dynamic viscosity is more
appropriate. Nevertheless, the kinematic viscosity is recommended when
you are interested in fluid motion and velocity field. It can inform us about
the propagation of the movement by friction.

5. What is API scale?

-The American Petroleum Institute gravity, or API gravity, is a measure of

how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water: if its API
gravity is greater than 10, it is lighter and floats on water; if less than 10,
it is heavier and sinks.API gravity is thus an inverse measure of a
petroleum liquid's density relative to that of water (also known as specific
gravity). It is used to compare densities of petroleum liquids. For example,
if one petroleum liquid is less dense than another, it has a greater API
gravity. Although mathematically, API gravity is a dimensionless
quantity, see the formula below, it is referred to as being in 'degrees'. API
gravity is graduated in degrees on a hydrometer instrument. API gravity
values of most petroleum liquids fall between 10 and 70 degrees.


We were able to successfully meet the objectives of this experiment. The

specific gravities of the sample fluids were determined using the pycnometer
and hydrometer. The viscosity was also determined by using the falling sphere
viscometer outside the room.

After performing the experiment, we can say that the specific gravity of
a given fluid is the proportion of density of test liquid to water density, if the
specific gravity of the fluid is more prominent than one the liquid is heavier
than the water and if the particular gravity of the fluid is short of what one the
liquid is lighter than water. The specific gravity reference for fluid is water and
for gasses is air since they are rich and we can make easier perception of the

The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to gradual

deformation by shear stress or tensile stress. For liquids, it corresponds to the
informal notion of thickness.

By comparing our results we got from the pycnometer method to the

hydrometer method, we knew that we were right because our data meets each
other and close to each other. The two methods gave us the value we need for
the specific gravity of fluids.

We got the viscosity of the glycerin by simply using the Stoke’s Law,
we just need the mass, diameter of the steel ball and the diameter of the
viscometer and followed the steps required.

We see our errors as our lesson for the upcoming experiments. The
sources of errors in this experiment maybe are caused by the impurities since
the pycnometers used were already used and we do not know what fluids where
there for the past terms. Also, the use of stopwatch when recording the time
travelled of the steel ball in the viscometer.


[1] The PSME Code and Standards Committee, Philippine Society of Mechanical
Engineers, (2003) The Philippine Mechanical Code: 2003 Edition, (pp.321-344);
PSME Building, 19 Scout Bayoran Street, South Triangle, Quezon City, Philippines.

[2] http://www.answers.com/topic/deviation

[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viscosimeter

[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_gravity

[5] Answers.com.definition of calibration of diesel index

[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/API_gravity


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