The First Principle & Foundation St. Ignatius of Loyola (Contemporary Translation)
God who loves us creates us and wants to share life with us forever. Our love response takes shape in our
praise and honour and service of the God of our life.
All the things in this world are also created because of God’s love and they become a context of
gifts, presented to us so that we can know God more easily and make a return of love more readily
As a result, we show reverence for all the gifts of creation and collaborate with God in using them
so that by being good stewards we develop as loving persons in our care for God’s world and its
development. But if we abuse any of these gifts of creation or, on the contrary, take them as the centre of
our lives, we break our relationship with God and hinder our growth as loving persons.
In everyday life, then, we must hold ourselves in balance before all created gifts insofar as we
have a choice and are not bound by some responsibility. We should not fix our desires on health or
sickness, wealth or poverty, success or failure, a long life or a short one. For everything has the potential
of calling forth in us a more loving response to our life forever with God.
Our only desire and our one choice should be this: I want and I choose what better leads to God’s
deepening life in me.
Conversation, the apostleship of listening to oneself, others and God – to identify the gaps
between the reality and the vision;
Deepest Desires, life generating dreams for oneself, others and the workplace – the shared vision
of current leadership thinking;
Helping Others (Souls), love ought to manifest itself more by deeds than words (servant
Ignatian Spirituality
“seeking and finding God in all things” – a “way of proceeding”
✓ to become sensitive to the activity of God already active in the life of each person
✓ Ignatian families and communities are world-affirming as places for co-operating with God.
✓ They are stewards of God’s world.
✓ stewardship as an important part of leadership, effective only if it is based on a pursuit of
excellence… tested by reflection and prayer and having exposed people to the social and
structural injustices that cripple societies worldwide.
Praying the Examen can be our compass to help us find our way.
✓ The EXAMEN is a form of daily prayer that is a helpful ‘way of proceeding’. It is a tool that
enables constant contact with one’s desires and with what is going on in one’s world.
How do we find our way to GOD?
✓ Mindful and conscious of God’s presence and movement in our lives, within and around us
✓ Knowing where to go in order to experience Him more and move closer to Him.
✓ As we look over the day we seek to appreciate all the good things that have
happened to us and to thank God for these. We recall with gratitude all that has
been given to us.
✓ We pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us understand ourselves better in
terms of our values, inner self. Why do we act the way we do? Is it from
selfishness? Pride? Fear? Confusion? Tiredness? Frustration? Love? Generosity?
✓ Finally, as we look to tomorrow, we ask for God’s grace and help. We ask God
to touch particularly those areas, which have come into focus during our prayer.
Are there some attitudes in us that we would like God to change? Are there some
decisions we need to make? Would we like to be more sensitive to the presence
of God and others in our day? Ask for what you need.
• Every way of preparing and disposing the soul to rid itself of all the disordered tendencies, and,
after it is rid, to seek and find the Divine Will as to the management of one’s life for the salvation
of the soul.
• to discern how God is operating in one’s life
• to see how one is being called into relationships with others, creation and God
• to identify the authentic self, who then has the potential to interact with others authentically, in
the same way as the authentic leader engages in relationships.
The Accompaniment Model
The giver of the Exercises (director) and the one making the Exercises (retreatant) are companions in the
search for the right relationship with God, with self and creation. The director “accompanies” the
retreatant in his or her prayer with God over the thirty days.