S4HANA Self Upgrade For SD Consultant
S4HANA Self Upgrade For SD Consultant
S4HANA Self Upgrade For SD Consultant
As we all know there is new innovation at SAP technology side and many companies adopting to
it, upgrading their systems to new one etc, but when we look into self upgrade from consultant
perspective may be we wont find something consolidated details which can be referred
Self update for any SAP consultant to align parallel with SAP developments specially with
respect to S/4HANA related is very much required now to continue with long career in same.
Myself being SAP SD consultant when I started my journey to learn S/4HANA from its very first
release 1511 there were so many confusions what to learn, from where to start, where to refer,
practice etc. But today I think after 2 years of continuous efforts I am able to consolidate some
contents which I learnt through continuous research on website, practice and through leading
S/4HANA early bird team from my past company.
I know still there are so many SAP SD consultants who want to learn S/4HANA but there might
be many confusions, may be the same what I too faced from my last 2 years tenure of learning.
Hence I decided to take some time to write this post to help all my SAP SD consultant friends
share some knowledge about learning contents for S/4HANA on consultant perspective.
Whatever i am sharing here its just from my learning experience and as per my understandings
and level of knowledge i have. I am may be wrong some time but please excuse if so.
Here are the minimum S/4HANA content that every SD consultant must know in order to say
himself as S/4HANA ready consultant, so that he can practice further and try to get involved in
any projects.