Articles Pastors Thanksgiving Service Order
Articles Pastors Thanksgiving Service Order
Articles Pastors Thanksgiving Service Order
David’s psalm of thanksgiving found in Reader 2: Declare his glory among the
1 Chronicles 16 serves as the order of service for nations, his marvelous deeds
this Thanksgiving celebration. Two readers lead among the peoples. (v. 24)
the order of service by reading one and two verses
at a time, with the congregation responding Reader 1: For great is the LORD and most
appropriately according to the content of the vers- worthy of praise; he is to be feared
es read. You may prefer to substitute any given above all gods. (v. 25)
element (song, etc.) with an element more appro-
priate for your congregation. Hymns with num- Reader 2: For all the gods of the nations
bers are from the Baptist Hymnal, 1991 edition. are idols, but the LORD made the
Scripture is from the New International heavens. (v. 26)
Chorus: “Be Exalted, O God”
Reader 1: Give thanks to the LORD, call on [Words and music by Brent Chambers. © 1977
his name; make known among the Scripture in Song (Admin. by Integrity’s
nations what he has done. (v. 8) Hosanna! Music c/o Integrity Music, Inc.)]
Hymn 206: “Blessed Be the Name” Reader 1: Splendor and majesty are before
him; strength and joy in his
Making Known What God Has Done dwelling place. (v. 27)
Through Baptism (optional)
Reader 2: Ascribe to the LORD, O families of
Prayer of Thanksgiving nations, ascribe to the LORD glory
and strength, ascribe to the LORD
Reader 2: Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell the glory due his name. (v. 28)
of all his wonderful acts. (v. 9)
Reader 1: Bring an offering and come before
Hymn 227: “Praise Him! Praise Him!” him; worship the LORD in the
splendor of his holiness. (v. 29)
Reader 1: Glory in his holy name; let the
hearts of those who seek the LORD Offering (while choir sings chorus “We Bring a
rejoice. (v. 10) Sacrifice of Praise”)
[Words and music by Kirk Dearman. © 1984
Reader 2: Look to the LORD and his strength; John T.Benson Publishing Company (ASCAP).
seek his face always. (v. 11) ARR UPB of Benson Music Group, Inc. (365
Great Circle Road, Nashville, TN)]
Testimony of God’s Blessings (layperson)
Reader 1: Tremble before him, all the earth!
Chorus: “As the Deer” The world is firmly established; it
[Words and music by Martin Nystrom, © 1984 cannot be moved. (v. 30)
Reader 2: Let the heavens rejoice, let the Reader 2: Praise be to the LORD, the God of
earth be glad; let them say among Israel, from everlasting to ever-
the nations, “The LORD reigns!” lasting. (16:36a)
Hymn 4: “To God Be the Glory”
Chorus: “Our God Reigns”
[Words and music by Leonard E. Smith Jr. © Leader: Then all the people said. . .
1970, 1974 Leonard E. Smith Jr. New Jerusalem
Music] Congregation: “Amen” and “Praise the
Lord.” (16:36b)
Reader 1: Give thanks to the LORD, for he is
good; his love endures forever. Congregational Response/Benediction
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