Local Business Environment
Local Business Environment
Local Business Environment
-rank 56th in most competitive nation in the world out of 140 countries in 2018 edition of Global
Caompetitiveness Report
Philippines imposed foregin ownership restriction (Foreign Investment Act aka 60-40 rule)
-2nd quarter of the year summer season, last quarter of the year rainy season
Many international companies take advantage of lax labor laws in certain countries like China
-enables the flow of money and resources in and out of the country
-increased profits and better conditions for emerging businesses, leading to economic growth
Phases of Economic Development
Mercantilism (1500-1780) - rise of major European colonial powers such as Spain and Portugal
brought the emergence of the mercantilist system of trade aka barter trade
Industrial Revolution (1780 - 1880) - production and distribution became mechanized since many
businessmen saw the benefit of investing in machines and equipment. It led to the construction of
large factories and an increase in employment.
Fordism (1880 - 1970) - This phase saw the rise of multinational corporations through the pioneering
work of Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company. Ford introduced a standardized production process for
his Ford Model. Mass production
Post Fordism (1970-2010) - Computer controlled tools and efficient techniques customized and
tailored the production process to a particular location. The internet provided a more convenient
medium for communication among consumers, suppliers, investors and employees
Globalization (2010 - present) - Companies are operating within a global marketplace and economy.
This has given rise to the establishment of regional economic organizations that enable companies
from different countries to engage in free trade with each other.
Sole Proprietorship - firm owned by one person who handles all the day to day activities of the
General partnership - form of partnership wherein the partners have unlimited liability for the debts
and obligations for the partnership
Limited partnership - form of partnership wherein one or more general partners have unlimitied
liability and the limited partners have liability that is only up to the amount equal to their capital
Advantage - wider capital base, allows for diversification and expansion is easier.
Disadvantage - jointly liable fo all the obligations and effects stemming from the decision of other
partners, limited life because of general instability
Corporation - ownership of business owned by five to fifteen owners called shareholders and enjoys a
personality distinct from its owners.
Non stock corporation - does not issue shares of stocks and established primarily for public interests.
Advantage - limited liability to shareholders, deduct the benefits it provides to its employees, general
Disadvantage - process of forming the corporation is more complicated due to it is closely monitored
by the government
Branch office - organized to do the activities of the head office from the host country
Representative office - deals directly with the clients of the parent company
Regional headquarter - supervises and coordinates its subsidiaries, affiliates and branches in the
Regional operating headquarters - provide services like administration and planning, acquisition of raw materials,
marketing, and communications to its affiliates and branches
Classification of Businesses
1. Service Business - type of business that provides labor and other services to customers.
2. Merchandising Business - type of business that purchases products from other businesses and sells them to
customers at a higher retail price
3. Manufacturing business - type of business where raw materials are transformed into finished goods through
product processing, labor and other manufacturing processes.