MagicShopEncounters PrinterFriendly
MagicShopEncounters PrinterFriendly
MagicShopEncounters PrinterFriendly
by Various Authors
Table of Contents
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
So, a Wizard and Her Simulacrum Walk Into a Magic Shop… by Alan Tucker . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
So, a Blind Man and a Boy Walk Into a Magic Shop… by Ciaran O’Halloran . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
So, a Wizard’s Apprentice and a Demon Walk Into a Magic Shop… by David McDonough . . . . . . 9
So, a Cleric and a Cultist Walk Into a Magic Shop… by Elise Cretel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
So, a Tyrannosaur and a Wizard Walk Into a Magic Shop… by Aaron M Lopez . . . . . . . . . . . 13
So, a Beggar and a Thief Walk Into a Magic Shop… by Justyn Johnston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
So a Bifurcated Bard and His Duplicate Walk Into a Witch’s Hut… by Bryan Holmes . . . . . . . .18
So, a Cleric and a Zombie Walk Into a Magic Shop… by Jeromy Schulz-Arnold . . . . . . . . . . .20
So, a Priestess of Lolth and Her Slave Walk Into a Waterdeep Magic Shop… by Andrew Bishkinskyi . . . 22
So, a Treasure Hunter Carrying a Bag of Holding Walks Into a Magic Shop… by Jeff C. Stevens . . 25
So, a Lich and His Dog Walk Into a Magic Shop… by Oliver Clegg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
So, a Ghost and Her Dog Walk Into a Magic Shop… by Richard Malena-Webber . . . . . . . . . . .30
Design & Layout: Alan Tucker
Art: Forrest Imel, Jason Adams, Alan Tucker, and licensed and modified stock art from and DMsGuild Community Resources
Editing: Linda May and Alan Tucker
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon ampersand, and all other wizards of the Coast product names, and their
respective logos are trademarks of wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright ©2019 by MAD Design, Inc., Alan Tucker, Ciaran O’Halloran, David McDonough, Elise Cretel, Aaron M Lopez,
Justyn Johnston, Bryan Holmes, Jeromy Schulz-Arnold, Andrew Bishkinskyi, Jeff C. Stevens, Oliver Clegg, Eddie Gioffre, and Richard Malena-Webber and published
under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Foreword Adventure Customs
Sometimes the party just wants to go shopping!
Potions, magic items, trinkets, and supplies—
and S horthand
every adventuring group ends up in a magic Within the adventure, you will see text that is set
shop at some point in the campaign. How about apart in a box, like this:
spicing up that shopping trip with an unusual
encounter? This text is meant to be read aloud or paraphrased
Following in the footsteps of the amazingly to the players.
popular So, a Cleric and a Vampire Walk Into a
Other items will be highlighted in bold, referring
Tavern, this collection of short encounters is set
to an ability check, saving throw, monster, or
in your local magic shop or apothecary. Con-
item from one of the published D&D materials,
taining a baker’s dozen of imaginative stories
such as the Monster Manual. The core published
from some of the DMsGuild’s best and bright-
books for 5th edition are abbreviated as follows:
est contributors, you’re sure to find something
PHB = Player’s Handbook
to make the party’s trip to the store one they’ll
never forget! DMG = Dungeon Master’s Guide
Also, be sure to check out the next in this MM = Monster Manual
series: So, a Blind Woman and a Medusa Walk
VGtM = Volo’s Guide to Monsters
Along the Road…—because traveling from one
place to another should never be boring! XGtE = Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
I sincerely want to thank the tremendous com- MToF = Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
munity of DMsGuild authors, artists, and other
contributors for their amazing support. This cre-
ative collective is absolutely top notch and true
fans of this hobby we all love.
—Alan Tucker
Magic Shop… “My uncle likes meeting new people,” says the boy.
If the party waits by the door, no one comes to Pause between each passage below. Tyriss takes
attend them. When they decide to move forward, his time and deliberately creates an awkward
read the following: atmosphere.
You edge your way around the shop, walking past His fingers touch your face. You feel them explore
shelves lined with old parchment, jars of colored your hairline, then move down along your cheek
powder, preserved insects and misshapen rocks. bone.
Once you reach the opposite side you see a heavy
wooden counter along the wall. “Ah, let me see—yes, yes”
Behind the counter more shelves and drawers He pinches your nose then presses his thumbs
reach to the ceiling. You see various boxes of lenses, softly into your eyelids.
scrolls, crystals, a box of tails, and jars of yellow
and orange paste. There is still no sign of movement He tweaks your ear gently before cupping your
and the door beyond the counter is closed. chin and raising your head.
The bell chimes again. The front door swings open Finally, he holds your face in both hands and
beyond your sight. You hear something tapping brings his own closer. You feel the warm draft of
on the stone floor. his breath as he nods up and down.
Wait a moment, then read the following: “You’ll have to forgive my uncle,” the boy says.
Making his way through the shop comes a small “He… sees things. He has visions… sometimes
boy. As he turns, you see his arm crosses his they overwhelm him, sometimes they fill him with
chest and grips a pale hand at his shoulder. He joy. He doesn’t really understand how to talk with
guides a figure in gray robes who taps a stick normal people. He is blind—”
against the floor as he walks. The sun shines
against the older man’s hairless head. A smile
continued next page…
Magic Shop Encounters | Page 7
• “You seem to be trying to put right a great
“No, I can see clearly,” the old man intones. “Much
wrong. But you have never learned to resist
more clearly than most…”
temptation. I see a dark path for you. I see
The old man goes on to describe details of the you at a table, drinking and eating. Your
character’s background: places, people, and friends need you, but you cannot overcome
events. Tyriss can ‘read’ a character’s traits, your selfish thirst.”
bonds, flaws and ideals. He uses his knowl- As with all popular forms of futurology, there
edge of their history to entice them into paying is enough truth in what he says for those who
to have their future told. Depending on how already believe to remain convinced. For some
the character has treated the blind prophet, he PCs, Tyriss’s prediction could become a self-ful-
either predicts that a character will realize their filling prophecy.
ideal or that their destiny will be thwarted by
their flaw. Tyriss ‘sees’ images and senses the About the Author
atmosphere each creates. He describes this to Ciaran is a new contributor to the DMs Guild.
the character. For telling the future he charges He is a DM, Dad, and Drama teacher.
Suddenly, you hear the chime ring from the At the Magic Shop
shop’s entrance. A young man frantically enters, Characters who succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom
his white-trimmed blue cloak marked by arcane (Perception) check will notice the second fig-
runes, identifying him as a wizard, albeit just ure has long claws, needle-like sharp teeth, and
an apprentice by his age. His clothes are dirty, a horn that peeks out of its hood. Characters
weathered, and stained, including with what who succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana
looks like dried blood. or History) check will recognize it as a babau
demon Characters who eavesdrop on conversa-
As the panic-stricken apprentice runs into the tion between Lucian and the shopkeeper, and
room, he looks behind him as though expecting who succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
someone to follow. He reaches the shopkeeper and check, will hear a frantic conversation about the
whispers; the shopkeeper stares at the door as well. spells banishment and planar binding.
Characters who talk to Lucian will be told the
The front door’s chime rings again, as another story about the demon, though he will avoid
form enters. Covered in blood-stained gray robes, commenting about his slaughtered classmates
the newcomer’s face is hidden in the cowl—though or guards, unless characters succeed on a DC
you notice hands that are pitch black. This figure 18 Charisma (Persuasion) check. The shop-
leans languidly against the closed door, arms fold- keeper claims that he does not have a scroll of
ed, and in a strange accent says “Come on Lucian, banishment. He is also trying to explain to Lu-
there’s no running from the inevitable.” cian that the demon should disappear in only a
few minutes, after the end of the planar binding
Background spell. Characters who know the spell, or succeed
on a DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) check, will
The two figures who enter the shop are a wiz-
know this information about the spell as well.
ard’s apprentice named Lucian and a babau
demon (VGtM p136). Lucian, a student at a The Taunting Demon
school for wizardry, was the frequent target of The babau will ignore the adventurers; its at-
his classmates’ taunts and bullying. The night tention is fixated on Lucian. It tells the wizard’s
before, when the school’s archmage was away, apprentice:
Lucian used his master’s spellbook to summon
the demon and, with a scroll of planar binding, “Your time is nearly up,” and “You cannot run
instructed the babau to protect him from his from fate.”
tormentors. continued next page…
Magic Shop Encounters | Page 9
If the characters go close to Lucian, the demon Such encounters could lead to additional adven-
will loudly ask: turing opportunities.
Thief Walk Into a ing as he tries to untangle himself from the myriad
of items on the floor, he apologizes profusely for his
His Duplicate Walk Into 10 The twins aren’t letting either get a word in edgewise. It
seems one knows precisely what the other is about to say
a Witch’s Hut…
and counters it early, making it hard to follow along.
13 You spy tattoos visible just under their vests. An intricate
delicate design. Whoever created the sigil must have a very
by Bryan Holmes
steady hand to be able to mirror it so perfectly.
Suggested Party Level: Any 15 It takes you a while but you realize from their conversation:
they’re not twins. They’re both Cade Delvicious.
DC History
Cade Delvicious is a tiefling bard. Legends tell
10 The twins look exactly like the fabled bard, Cade Delvicious.
how the gods conspired to make a bard who had
Although he’s far more famous for being a primadonna than he
an ego so great, it was more than the sum of all
is for having good musical talent.
bardic egos ever. Of course, the way Cade tells
13 Cade Delvicious was recently visiting some of the larger
this story, he replaces “egos” with “talent.”
cities of the region and was thrown out of nearly every
So great is his legend that no other bard would
tavern he could find. Each tale describing why is more
work with Cade. This brought him to a witch
unbelievable than the last.
named Agatha. Cade wished for a backup per-
15 Not long ago, Cade was searching for assistants. He wanted
former with as much talent as himself.
to perform more elaborate musical pieces, and was unable to
The crone granted his wish, but it resulted in
secure partnerships with any other talented musicians.
a horrible curse that created an exact duplicate
of himself. Agatha stomps through the beaded curtain, lifts
Setup a finger and both tieflings are rendered silent by
a spell. She smiles crookedly. “Good. Now please
The party should already be assembled in the hut
customers, excuse this lout. He’s unhappy with
of Agatha, the witch. She’s a snarky old woman,
services rendered and refuses to accept that his
but not without charm. Her hut resides near a
fate is out of my hands.”
large town where folk come asking for their for-
tunes told or charms to ward away sickness. If asked, Agatha explains her story: Cade came to
her wanting a magically created backup singer.
You’re browsing the wares laid out for display:
She cast a spell which split Cade into two, but
silken head scarves and wooden carvings. Agatha
unfortunately his copy has an equally large ego.
even mentions having some more lewd carvings in
the back, beyond a beaded curtain. The wooden “I told him the only way to reunite his halves is
walls of the hut seem to store more on the inside get along with himself. And—”
than appeared possible from the road.
Suddenly free of her magic, Cade interrupts. “This
Your concentration is broken when you hear a horrific, warted hag cursed me! It’s embarrassing,
shouting match outside. A moment later, twin being around someone who is always trying to—”
tieflings walk in through the door arguing with
one another. Their crimson skin is beaded with “Cut you off!” his duplicate finishes, to the visible
sweat, cascading down their faces as they contin- annoyance of Cade.
ue to shout louder and louder.
Cade and his duplicate are identical. Red skin, Agatha smiles and motions to you “Please allow
blackened horns, and taut physiques. Each me to offer a proposal. I don’t want either of these
wears a vest, which does nothing to hide their charlatans in here. Finish your purchases, take
muscular frames. Their eyes are pools of liq- them with you, and help break this so-called
uid orange and yellow, shifting constantly. The curse. If you do, I’ll return your money on whatev-
characters can make either Wisdom (Perception) er you buy.”
or Intelligence (History) checks to see what they
Page 18 | Magic Shop Encounters
The two are getting along, but the duplicate is
Cade pipes up. “And, I’ll let you come to all my
still here.
shows, for free, for life. That’s a Delvicious prom-
Proceed to Agatha’s Bargain.
ise and those are as good as gold. Better, really.
In fact there are some banks in distant lands who
Conflicted Success:
now only accept my word as their local currency.”
“Well we don’t sound bad, but honestly I still don’t
Cade’s duplicate nods enthusiastically. think this is going to work. We did manage to play
a song together, perhaps the hag will be nice and
The Task lift the curse anyway. Couldn’t hurt to ask nicely,
The characters must try to get the two halves to could it?”
work together. This must take the form of the
Cade seems unsure, but you can see some-
duplicate (whose tattoo is backwards) playing
thing has changed. His larger than life ego has
backup to the original Cade and successfully
shrunk just a little. Maybe Agatha will lift the
performing a song.
curse after all.
The players need to roleplay this encounter
Proceed to Agatha’s Bargain.
outside the hut. The DM should roleplay Cade
and his duplicate as total divas, refusing to play
Total Failure:
second fiddle (even if it’s to the greatest musician
that ever played). The song, as predicted, is horrible. Each performer
Have the players use their character’s skills to tries harder to play louder than the other. It ends
help the two agree to perform a song together. up in an all out fist fight that requires you all to
Allow them to determine what skills to use, but pull them off of each other. It’s obvious this will
don’t allow them to simply say “I use persua- never work.
sion.” Ask them, “How do you persuade them?”
For each check, the DC is 14. If they come up That’s when a voice from within the hut calls out
with a particularly good idea, or use magic in a ‘I’ve had enough of you two. All of you, get in here
creative way, grant them advantage on the roll or now!’. She sounds mad, and you doubt ignoring
even an automatic success. her would have any good come of it.
Depending on how quickly you want the en-
counter to go, allow each player one or two at- Proceed to Agatha’s Bargain.
tempts at convincing the bards. Keep track of how
many successes they achieve. Agatha’s Bargain
Time To Shine You all enter the hut, where Agatha holds a pen-
dant in the shape of a silver harp. “I’m feeling
“Alright, alright, we’ll do it.” the duplicate relents, generous. I’ve shifted Cade’s curse to this pen-
with an annoyed expression. After taking a moment dant. Cade, you can decide to break it and absorb
to figure out which song to play, the bards begin. the other Cade. Duplicate, you can break it and
absorb the original. Or, one of you can take it and
Make a DC 16 Charisma (Performance) check trust the other to never break it, allowing you to
for each version of Cade. Their bonus is +6 and keep your new compatriot.”
add +1 for each success earned above. If both
bards succeed, then you have a great success. Great Success: At this juncture, Cade offers
If only one succeeds, you have a conflicted suc- the players the silver harp pendant in order to
cess. If neither succeeds, you have total failure. keep it safe, and know that their trust will never
Great Success: be tested.
Conflicted Success: For this condition, the DM
“Ok so maybe that’s not so bad. Hey, we sounded should have whoever played better take the pen-
great, harmonized perfectly and maybe I’ve been dant. Give the players a moment to bargain, but
a bit rough on you, but I have such high expecta- unless they come up with a good argument, the
tions when someone is as talented as we are.” harp is broken and the other Cade disappears.
continued next page…
Magic Shop Encounters | Page 19
Total Failure: Read the following:
Suggested Party Level: Any At the slightest hesitation, Elminster will appear
The following encounter can be easily added to slightly disgruntled, and add, “On my good word,
an existing campaign the next time your par- I will return the item promptly! Now make haste!”
ty finds itself in a large city. With a little work, If the party takes no action, the store worker
DMs can make this part of a larger adventure or (an apprentice wizard to the store’s owner) hands
campaign. over a magic item (DMs choice) and the Sage of
Shadowdale rushes out of the store.
The party is in town when an Elminster impostor
Detecting the Ruse
attempts to steal a magic item from a local magic If the party is watching the exchange, allow indi-
shop. The heroes will be asked to use all their vidual characters to make whatever skill checks
skills to track down the thief and retrieve the might be appropriate for them. Depending on
stolen item. what skill checks the party is successful with,
they may learn all or some of the following:
The Ruse • While Elminster initially asks for “the most
A few months ago Ever Parkman was just a small powerful item”, he was actually pointing to
time criminal in the backstreets of Shadowdale. the nearest item in the store [DC 12 Wisdom
One night, after a very successful burglary, Ever (Perception)]
found himself in possession of a hat of disguise • Elminster kept his back to the party as
(DMG pg173). Having seen The Old Mage on an much as possible. Ever is afraid the party
occasion or two (from a distance), the young may know the real Elminster and can see
criminal cooked up his most ambitious plan to through the disguise [DC 15 Wisdom (Per-
date. With the aid of the magical hat, Ever would ception or Insight)]
cloak himself in the guise of Elminster and at-
tempt to swindle magic items from local shops. • Elminster is more concerned with getting
Through trial and error, Ever learned that he can to the door than in making sure the item is
only approximate Elminster’s appearance, so the powerful enough for his spell [DC 12 Wis-
disguise falls short for anyone who has actually dom (Insight)]
meet the mage. This is when he started traveling • There is no such creature as a “Demonbane
to nearby towns, where the Sage of Shadowdale Lichmonger” [DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana)]
was likely to be heard of, but not well known • There is no such spell as a “Banishing De-
enough where his disguise would be detected. His struction” [DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana)]
typical plan is to pose as Elminster and “acquire”
a magic item in one town, and sell it off (under a • There is no such outer realm called the
different disguise) in another town. “Other World” [DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)]
The wood forming this formal wooden cane was Armor Class: 11
Hit Points: 45 (10d8)
harvested from a haunted forest and exists in both Speed: 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)
the Material and Ethereal planes. While held, it
doubles the duration of any spell or effect which
7 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)
grants the frightened condition.
Damage Resistances: acid, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning,
About the Author piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities: cold, necrotic, poison
Richard is a contributor and author of many Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, grappled,
projects on the DMs Guild, including the Ravni- paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
ca adventure The Tomb of Svogthos and Rise of Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
the Champions. Languages: Common, Elven
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Ethereal Sight. Amalia can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when
she is on the Material Plane, and vice versa.
Raging Owlbear Incorporeal Movement. Amalia can move through other creatures and
Large monstrosity, unaligned objects as if they were difficult terrain. Amalia takes 5 (1d10) force damage
Armor Class: 13 (natural armor) if she ends its turn inside an object.
Hit Points: 59 (7d10 +21)
Spellcasting. Amalia is a 7th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability
Speed: 40 ft.
is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She has the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA following wizard spells prepared:
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
Cantrips (at will): firebolt (2d10 damage), mage hand, minor illusion,
Skills: Perception +3
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
1st level (4 slots): charm person, color spray, magic missile
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, phantasmal force, suggestion
Keen Sight and Smell. The owlbear has advantage on Wisdom 3rd level (3 slots): fear, fireball, tongues
(Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell. 4th level (1 slot): ice storm, polymorph (expended)
Reckless Attack. The owlbear throws aside all concern for defense to
Withering Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
attack with fierce desperation. While attacking, the raging owlbear
target. Hit: 13 (3d6 + 2) necrotic damage.
gains advantage on melee weapon attack rolls, but attack rolls against
it have advantage. Etherealness. Amalia enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material
Plane, or vice versa. Amalia is visible on the Material Plane while she is
Actions in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet she can’t affect or be affected
Multiattack. The owlbear makes two attacks: one with its beak and by anything on the other plane.
one with its claws.
Horrifying Visage. Each non-undead creature within 60 feet of Amalia
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 that can see her must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be
(1d10 + 5) piercing damage. frightened for 2 minutes. If the save fails by 5 or more, the target also
ages 1d4 × 10 years. A frightened target can repeat the saving throw at
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 the end of each of its turns, ending the frightened condition on itself
(2d8 + 5) slashing damage. on a success. If a target’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends
for it, the target is immune to Amalia’s Horrifying Visage for the next 24
hours. The aging effect can be reversed with a lesser restoration spell.