OLOA 55531 - 0.75 sch40
OLOA 55531 - 0.75 sch40
OLOA 55531 - 0.75 sch40
9,160 ft
Exchanger Fluid Volumes
Approximate shellside (ft3) 7,363
Approximate tubeside (ft3) 2,631
Shell Construction Information
TEMA shell type AEU Shell ID (inch) 13,2500
Shells Series 1 Parallel 1 Total area (ft2) 319,878
Passes Shell 1 Tube 2 Eff. area (ft2/shell) 318,968
Shell orientation angle (deg) 0,00
Impingement present No
Pairs seal strips 1 Passlane seal rods (inch) 0,0000 No. 0
Shell expansion joint No Full support at U-Bend Yes
Weight estimation Wet/Dry/Bundle 2175,1 / 1551,7 / 433,10 (lb/shell)
Baffle Information
Type None Baffle cut (% dia)
Crosspasses/shellpass 1 No. (Pct Area) (inch) to C.L
Central spacing (inch) 108,595 1
Inlet spacing (inch) 0,0000 2
Outlet spacing (inch) 0,0000
Baffle thickness (inch) 0,0000
Tube finned in baffles Yes
Tube Information
Tube type Longitudinal Fin Tubecount per shell 30
Length to tangent (ft) 9,160 Pct tubes removed (both) 3,33
Effective length (ft) 9,050 Outside diameter (inch) 1,0500
Total tubesheet (inch) 1,3250 Wall thickness (inch) 0,1340
Area ratio (out/in) 5,7388 Pitch (inch) 1,9500 Ratio 1,8571
Tube metal Carbon steel Tube pattern (deg) 30
PBX: +57-1-564 3066 / 260 4706
Dirección: Cra 53F # 5C-20
Bogotá D.C. –Colombia
E-mail: comercial1@proton-colombia.com
Service of Unit Item No. Page 3
Type AEU Orientation Horizontal Connected In 1 Parallel 1 Series US Units
Surf/Unit (Gross/Eff) 319;88 / 318;97 ft2 Shell/Unit 1 Surf/Shell (Gross/Eff) 319;88 / 318;97 ft2
Fluid Allocation Shell Side Tube Side
Fluid Name OLOA 55531 Steam
Fluid Quantity, Total 1000-lb/hr 15,4322 0,5876
Vapor (In/Out) wt% 0,0 0,0 100,0 0,0
Liquid wt% 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Temperature (In/Out) F 68,00 140,00 280,97 280,85
Density lb/ft3 60,555 60,555 0,1174 57,913
Viscosity cP 7032,1 462,97 0,0136 0,1992
Specific Heat Btu/lb-F 0,4624 0,5100 0,5492 1,0235
Thermal Conductivity Btu/hr-ft-F 0,0743 0,0709 0,0169 0,3960
Critical Pressure psia
Inlet Pressure psia 17,000 50,000
Velocity ft/sec 9,669e-2 14,67
Pressure Drop, Allow/Calc psi 1,000 0,062 1,000 0,097
Average Film Coefficient Btu/ft2-hr-F 22,38 2653,39
Fouling Resistance (min) ft2-hr-F/Btu 0,00200 0,00050
Heat Exchanged 0,5431 MM Btu/hr MTD (Corrected) 173,8 F Overdesign 68,07 %
Transfer Rate, Service 9,79 Btu/ft2-hr-F Calculated 16,46 Btu/ft2-hr-F Clean 17,90 Btu/ft2-hr-F
CONSTRUCTION OF ONE SHELL Sketch (Bundle/Nozzle Orientation)
Shell Side Tube Side
Design Pressure psig 150,000 150,000
Design Temperature F 13,2500 inch