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Held on : 06-12-2015
PART I : GENERAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIONS (Qs. 13-21): Find the odd word/letters/ number
pair from the given alternatives.
1. From the given alternative words, select the word which
13. (a) GLOVES (b) SWEATER
cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.
14. (a) PORTRAIT (b) DRAW
(c) BARRING (d) GARNER 15. (a) HAND (b) NOSE
2. From the given alternative words, select the word which be (c) MOUTH (d) EYES
formed using the letters of the given word. 16. (a) 6 : 22 (b) 8 : 25
ENDEARMENT (c) 13 : 40 (d) 15 : 46
(a) TEMPER (b) MEANS 17. (a) 21 (b) 81
(c) TENDER (d) TENT (c) 71 (d) 51
3. If BOY is represented as 42, then GIRL is represented as : 18. (a) HNOP (b) VUTS
(a) 46 (b) 48 (c) RQPO (d) HGFE
(c) 40 (d) 43 19. (a) D ST (b) Q37Q
DIRECTIONS (Qs. 4-12) : Select the related word/letters/ number (c) N OP (d) KZM
from the given alternatives. 20. (a) 100 (b) 125
4. 6 : 42 :: 5 : ? (c) 343 (d) 216
(a) 40 (b) 30 21. (a) VXB (b) PSV
(c) 35 (d) 45 (c) DGJ (d) FIL
5. Hockey : India :: Baseball :? DIRECTIONS (Qs. 22-25): A series is given, with one/two term
(a) USA (b) Russia missing. Choose the correct alternatives from the given ones
(c) Australia (d) China that will complete the series.
6. Ant : Fly : Bee :: Hamster : Squirrel : ? 22. 6, 2, 9, 4, 12 , –, –
(a) Rodent (b) Mouse (a) 6, 15 (b) 4, 13
(c) Cat (d) Spider (c) 8, 24 (d) 13, 15
7. 144 : 13 : : 49 : ? 23. A D H M S ?
(a) 8 (b) 10 (a) T (b) W
(c) 11 (d) 9 (c) X (d) Z
24. –1, 0, 3, 8, 15 , ?
8. ABDE : GHJK :: MNPQ : ?
(a) 23 (b) 26
(a) RTUW (b) STVX
(c) 24 (d) 25
9. ACE : GIK : : MOQ : ? (a) M (b) N
(a) SUW (b) VXZ (c) O (d) L
(c) RTU (d) STU
DIRECTIONS (Qs. 26-28): Select the missing number from the
10. GNIDAER : READING :: NOITULOS :? given responses.
(a) Solunoit (b) Nailosut
(c) Pollution (d) Solution 26. 12 18 30 16 32 40 36 18 27
11. Brick : Wall : : Cell :?
(a) Chlorophyll (b) Organs
(c) DNA (d) Tissue
12. 21 : 3 :: 574 : ? 6 8 7
(a) 23 (b) 82 (a) 12 (b) 18
(c) 113 (d) 97 (c) 6 (d) 9
2015 - 2 Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam
27. 34. What is the best way to order the progression in Hardware ?
? 1. Silicon chips 2. Transistors
7 3. Vacuum tube 4. Integrated circuits.
42 (a) 3, 4, 1, 2 (b) 4, 2, 3, 1
(c) 4, 1, 3, 2 (d) 3, 2, 4, 1
21 18 35. Of the 5 towns A, B, C, D and E situated close to each other.
A is to the west of B,C is to the south of A, E is to the north
of B and D is to the east of E. Then C is in which direction
(a) 58 (b) 45 with respect to D?
(c) 54 (d) 42 (a) South–West (b) North–West
28. (c) North–East (d) South–East
? 9 36. Karthik travelled 3 km east, then took a right and travelled 4
kms. How far is he from starting point ?
(a) 12 kms (b) 3 kms
33 17
(c) 7 kms (d) 5 kms
37. Find the number of triangles in the following figure :
(a) 60 (b) 65
(c) 68 (d) 55
29. In a line, Naresh is 17th from the left & 22nd from the right.
How many students are there in the line ?
(a) 40 (b) 38
(c) 39 (d) 37
30. Some equations have been solved on the basis of certain
system. Find the correct answer for the unsolved equations (a) 8 (b) 14
on that basis ? (c) 10 (d) 12
38. Find out the set of numbers amongst the four sets of
If 72 × 19 = 23, 13 × 48 = 35 and 16 × 43 = 18 then 39 × 22 = ?
numbers given in the alternative which is most like the set
(a) 27 (b) 51
given in the question. (12, 24, 144)
(c) 31 (d) 21
(a) (15, 45, 90) (b) (10, 25, 100)
31. Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the (c) (14, 28, 112) (d) (13, 26, 169)
gaps in the given letter series shall complete it ?
ab_cba_bcc_aabccb_ _ bccba DIRECTIONS (Qs. 39 & 40): One/ two statement are given,
each followed by two conclusion/assumption, I and II. You have
(a) abbac (b) cccab
to consider the statement to be true even if they seem to be at
(c) cabaa (d) abcab
variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which
32. From the given answer figures, select the one in which the
of the given conclusion/ assumptions, if any, follows from the
question figure is hidden/ embedded.
given statements.
39. Statement
Continuous training is essential for all employees to increase
their productivity
I. Training is an essential component for productivity.
II. Profitability & productivity are supplementary to each
(a) Only assumption II is implicit
(b) Neither assumption I nor II are implicit.
(c) Both assumption I and II are implicit
(a) (b) (d) Assumption I is implicit.
40. Statement
Travelling by metro in Delhi is more convenient and
(c) (d) I. Other modes of transport are not available.
II. Metro services are reasonably good.
(a) Only assumption I is implicit
33. If LISTEN is coded as 593417 then SILENT is code as : (b) Neither I nor II are implicit.
(a) 591734 (b) 391754 (c) Both I and II are implicit
(c) 591743 (d) 395174 (d) Only assumption II is implicit.
2015 Solved Paper 2015 - 3
41. In a class of 45, Neha's rank is 15th from first, what is her
rank from the last ?
(a) 30 (b) 32
(c) 33 (d) 31 (c) (d)
42. If + means ¸, ¸ means ×, and × means +, then following will
be :
64 + 8 × 32 ¸ 4 47. Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship
(a) 128 (b) 160 among classes given below :
(c) 136 (d) 144 Athletes, Sprinters, Marathon runner
43. A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given
in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in
the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets
as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of (a) (b)
Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are
numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be
represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g. 'A'
can be represented by 03, 14 etc, and 'L' can be represented
by 56, 65 etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the
word 'BRIDE'. (c) (d)
DIRECTIONS (Qs. 79-82): Four words are given in each R. For many, it has become the most important object
question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the both in home and at the workplace.
correctly spelt word and mark your answer in the Answer sheet. S. One of the worst offenders is the computer.
79. (a) prediliction (b) predilection 6. Small wonder then, that I have managed to keep this
(c) predalection (d) pridilection ubiquitous machine out of my home.
80. (a) accumulate (b) acummulate (a) PQRS (b) QSRP
(c) accumullate (d) secummulate (c) RPSQ (d) SRPQ
81. (a) restaurent (b) restuarant 90. 1. Moisturisers for the face
(c) resturent (d) restaurant P. as oily ones may block
82. (a) manoeuvre (b) manouvre Q. in greater concentration on the face
(c) manuvere (d) manouevr R. the oil glands found
DIRECTIONS (Qs. 83-86): A sentence/ a part of the sentence is S. should be chosen carefully.
underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part 6. and cause pimple/acne to break out.
which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. (a) SRPQ (b) SQPR
In case no improvement is needed choose "No improvement". (c) SPRQ (d) SPQR
83. Rani has completed her graduation from a reputed university DIRECTIONS (Qs. 91-94): Some parts of the sentences have
last year. errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence
(a) completed (b) No Improvement has an error and blacken the circle corresponding to the
(c) was completed (d) had been compelted appropriate correct option. If a sentence is free from error,
84. The terrorist as well as his accomplices was killed in the blacken the circle corresponding to "No error" option in the
encounter. Answer Sheet.
(a) was being killed (b) were killed 91. Scientist now hope that cloning can successfully be
(c) No improvement (d) have been killed conducted in human beings in the near future.
85. The Councillor behaves as if he is the Chief Minister. (a) human beings in the near future.
(a) has been (b) were (b) can successfully be conducted in
(c) No improvement (d) was (c) Scientists now hope that cloning
86. Inspite of age he is my senior. (d) No Error
(a) He is my senior, in keeping with his age. 92. When one takes great risks they must be prepared for great
(b) He is my senior in regard of his age. losses.
(c) No improvement (a) When one takes great risks
(d) In respect of age, he is my senior. (b) No Error
DIRECTIONS (Qs. 87-90): The 1st and the last part of the (c) they must be prepared
sentence are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split (d) for great losses.
is into four parts and named P, Q, R & S. These four parts are not 93. What delicious flavour these mangoes have!
given in their proper order. Read the sentence and find out (a) have! (b) What delicious
which of the four combinations is correct. Then find the correct (c) flavour these mangoes (d) No Error
answer and indicate it in the Answer Sheet. 94. They had to put of the garden party because of the heavy
87. 1. Everyone rain.
P. the case calmly (a) because of the heavy rain
Q. acknowledges (b) No Error
R. who knows you (c) They had to
S. when he considers (d) put of the garden party
6. that you have been wronged. DIRECTIONS (Qs. 95-98): Out of the four alternatives, choose
(a) PSQR (b) QRSP the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word and
(c) SRPQ (d) RQSP mark it in the Answer Sheet.
88. 1. It is those good works
95. Vocation
P. that lead to peak performance
(a) virtue (b) holiday
Q. which we do with passion
R. our understanding of our purpose (c) break up (d) occupation
S. and which come to reflect 96. Limpid
6. in this life. (a) ruffled (b) crippled
(a) PRQS (b) QPSR (c) lopsided (d) clear
(c) QSRP (d) SRQP 97. Merge
89. 1. I am a self confessed technophobe. (a) blend (b) meet
P. I believe that computer is responsible for the dying of (c) mixture (d) contact
the art of conversation. 98. Gourmet
Q. I have come to hate technology and the way it (a) fussy (b) constant
dominates every aspect of life. (c) gastronome (d) praise
2015 - 6 Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam
DIRECTIONS (Qs. 99 & 100): A sentence has been given in 107. The total money spent on clothes and miscellaneous items
Active/ Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, are :
select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/ (a) None of the options (b) ` 3600
Active Voice and mark your answer in the Answer Sheet. (c) ` 900 (d) ` 2000
99. Please close the door. 108. If the total amount spent is ` 7,200. Find the amount spent
(a) Please be the door closed by you on food ?
(b) Let the door be closed by you. (a) ` 3000 (b) ` 4500
(c) You please close the door. (c) ` 6000 (d) ` 1500
(d) You close the door yourself. 3- 2 3+ 2
100. We must take care of our parents. 109. If a = and b = , then the value of
3+ 2 3- 2
(a) Our parents will be taken care of by us.
(b) Our parents are taken care of by us. a 2 b2
+ is :
(c) Our parents must be cared for by us. b a
(d) Our parents had been taken care of by us. (a) 970 (b) 930
(c) 1030 (d) 1025
PART III : QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE DIRECTIONS (Qs. 110-114): Study the following bar graph
and answer the questions.
101. In DABC, ÐB = 60°, and ÐC = 40°; AD and AE are 80
respectively the bisector of ÐA and perpendicular on BC. 80 75
116. The length of two parallel sides of a trapezium are 15 cm and 125. The compound interest on `12000 for 9 months at 20% per
20 cm. If its area is 175 sq. cm, then its height is : annum, interest being compounded quarterly is :
(a) 10 cm (b) 15 cm (a) ` 1750 (b) ` 1891.50
(c) 25 cm (d) 20 cm (c) ` 2136.40 (d) `2089.70
117. A hemispherical bowl has internal radius of 6 cm. The 126. Value of the expression :
internal surface area would be : (take p = 3.14)
1 + 2 sin 60 ° cos 60 ° 1 - 2 sin 60 ° cos 60 °
(a) 400 cm2 (b) 289.75 cm2 +
(c) 225 cm2 (d) 226.08 cm2 sin 60 ° + cos 60 ° sin 60 ° - cos 60 °
118. A train 150 m long passes a km stone in 30 seconds and (a) 0 (b) 2
another train of the same length travelling in opposite (c) 3 (d) 2 3
direction in 10 seconds. The speed of the second train is :
(a) 125 km/hr (b) 25 km/hr sin q + cos q
127. If = 3 then the value of sin 2q is :
(c) 90 km/hr (d) 75 km/hr sin q - cos q
119. If water is freezed to become ice, its volume is increased by
10%, then if the ice is melted to water again, its volume will 4 2
(a) (b)
be decreased by : 5 5
1 1 3
(a) 8% (b) 9 % (c) (d)
2 5 5
(c) 9% (d) 9 % 3
11 128. If sin 2 q = then the value of sin 3q is equal to :
120. The simplified value of following is : 2
(take (0° £ q £ 90°)
æ 3 5 5 3 5 5 4 ö 10 2 3
çè a b c ´ ab c ÷ø ¸ a bc 3
15 9 27
(a) 0 (b)
9 2 4 1 4 4 10 2
(a) a bc (b) a b c
10 10 1
(c) 1 (d)
3 4 10 4 3 4 3 2
(c) a b c (d) ab c
10 10 129. The volume of the largest right circular cone that can be cut
121. A number of boys raised ` 12,544 for a famine fund, each
boy has given as many rupees as there were boys. The æ 22 ö
out of a cube of edge 7 cm? çè use P = ÷ø
number of boys was: 7
(a) 122 (b) 132 (a) 13.6 cm3 (b) 121 cm3
(c) 112 (d) 102 (c) 147.68 cm 3 (d) 89.8 cm3
122. The value of x in the equation 130. Two positive whole numbers are such that the sum of the
p p p p p first and twice the second number is 8 and their difference
tan 2 - cos2 - x sin cos tan is : is 2. The numbers are :
4 3 4 4 3
(a) 7,5 (b) 6,4
3 3 3 (c) 3,5 (d) 4,2
(a) (b)
2 4 131. The speed of a car is 54 km/hr. What is its speed in m/sec?
2 1 (a) 150 m/sec (b) 19.44 m/sec
(c) (d) (c) 194.4 m/sec (d) 15 m/sec
3 3
123. ABCD is a square. Draw a triangle QBC on side BC 132. The income of a company increases 20% per annum. If its
considering BC as base and draw a triangle PAC on AC as income is ` 26,64,000 in the year 2012, then its income in the
its base such that DQBC ~ DPAC. year 2010 was :
(a) ` 28,20,000 (b) ` 28,55,,000
Area of DQBC (c) ` 18,50,000 (d) ` 21,20,000
Then Area of DPAC is equal to:
133. The distance between centres of two circles of radii 3 cm
and 8 cm is 13 cm. If the points of contact of a direct common
2 1 tangent to the circles are P and Q, then the length of the lien
(a) (b)
1 3 segment PQ is :
1 2 (a) 11.9 cm (b) 11.5 cm
(c) (d) (c) 12 cm (d) 11.58 cm
2 3
124. The current ages of Sonali and Monali are in the ratio 5 : 3. 134. A shopkeeper marks his goods 20% higher than the cost
Five years from now, their ages will be in the ratio 10 : 7. price and allows a discount of 5%. The percentage of his
Then, Monali's current age is: profit is :
(a) 9 years (b) 15 years (a) 14% (b) 15%
(c) 3 years (d) 5 years (c) 10% (d) 20%
2015 - 8 Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam
158. Who has been named ICC World Cup 2015 Ambassador? 173. In 2010 a newspaper published its 70,000th issue. Which
(a) Sanath Teran Jayasuriya was the newspaper ?
(b) Allan Robeet Border (a) The Oxford Gazette
(c) Sir Issac Vivian Alexander Richards (b) The Washington Post
(d) Sachin Tendulkar (c) The Times of London
159. Soldering of two metals is possible because of the property (d) The Hindustan Times
of : 174. Impeachment Proceedings against the President for
(a) Osmosis (b) Viscosity Violation of the Constitution can be initiated in :
(c) Surface tension (d) Cohesion (a) The Supreme Court
160. Stalactites & Stalagmites form due to the precipitation of : (b) The Rajya Sabha
(a) CaCl2 (b) MgCO3
(c) Either House of Parliament
(c) MgCl2 (d) CaCO3
(d) The Lok Sabha
161. Which of the following is a form of sexual reproduction :
175. Who built the "Purana Quilla"?
(a) Fission (b) Fragmentation
(a) Babar (b) Shershah
(c) Budding (d) Harmaphroditism
162. Who among the following is not a Bharatanatyam dancer ? (c) Aurangzeb (d) Akbar
(a) Sitara Devi (b) Leela Samson 176. The opening ceremony of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015
(c) Geeta Ramachandran (d) Sonal Mansingh was held on 12 February 2015 in which cities of New Zealand
163. The 73rd Constitutional amendment act is related to ? and Australia ?
(a) Panchayat Raj (b) Foreign Exchange (a) Christchurch and Melbourne
(c) Finance Commission (d) RBI (b) Hemilton and Perth
164. Ryder Cup is a famous tournament of : (c) Napier and Adelaide
(a) Badminton (b) Golf (d) Wellington and Sydney
(c) Cricket (d) Lawn Tennis 177. A light wave is incident over a plane surface with velocity
165. Kanha National Park is located in : X. After reflection the velocity becomes :
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Bihar (a) x (b) 2x
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Madhya Pradesh
x x
166. Who wrote 'Discovery of India'? (c) (d)
4 2
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) APJ Abdul Kalam 178. The five key indicators of global climate change of our
planet are :
167. Who is the first woman IPS officer in India ?
(a) Sea–level, Rising temperatures, Rainfall, Nitrogen and
(a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Kiran Bedi
Actic Sea ice
(c) Bachendri Pal (d) Indira Gandhi
(b) None of the options
168. Perfectly inelastic demand is equal to :
(c) Arctic sea ice, carbon dioxide, Global temperature, Sea
(a) One (b) Zero
level and land ice.
(c) Infinite (d) Greater than one
(d) Antartic sea ice, Oxygen, Rainfall, Drought and Sea level
169. In which region of electromagnetic spectrum does the Lyman
179. In operating system, Round Robin Scheduling means:
series of hydrogen atom lie ?
(a) A kind of scheduling
(a) x–ray (b) Ultraviolet (b) A process allocation policy
(c) Visible (d) Infrared (c) A memory allocation policy
170. Which of the following is the right expansion of ILO? (d) Repetition policy
(a) International Labour Organization 180. The area reserved for the welfare of wild life is called
(b) Indian Legal Orientation (a) Sanctuary (b) Botanical garden
(c) Internatioanl Law and Order (c) Forest (d) National pak
(d) Inter–State Lawful Ordinance 181. Where did Chandragupta maurya spent his last days ?
171. Which state of India has made rain water harvesting (a) Thaneshwar (b) Kanchi
compulsory for all houses ? (c) Patliputra (d) Shravanabelagola
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Punjab 182. Project tiger programme was launched in :
(c) Haryana (d) Maharashtra (a) 1994 (b) 1973
172. An electrochemcial cell which is used as a source of direct (c) 1975 (d) 1971
electrical current at constant voltage under standard 183. The National Green Tribunal deals with cases relating to ?
conditions is called a : (a) Criminal offenses
(a) Power transistor (b) Issues relating to protection and conservation of
(b) Battery historical monuments.
(c) Generator (c) Civil cases
(d) Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) (d) Environmental protection and conservation of forests.
2015 - 10 Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam
184. Who was the First Speaker of the Lok Sabha ? 192. The redness in atmosphere at Sunrise and Sunset is due to:
(a) K.S. Hegde (a) Dispersion of light (b) Scattering of light
(b) Hukum Singh (c) Refraction of light (d) Reflection of light
(c) Ganesh Vasudev 193. Which day is celebrated as International Yoga Day ?
(d) Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy (a) April 23 (b) September 21
185. FORTRAN is called : (c) July 21 (d) June 21
(a) Floppy Translator (b) Formula Translator 194. December 1 is celebrated as :
(a) Indian Navy Day (b) UNICEF Day
(c) File Translator (d) Format Translator
(c) Children's Day (d) World AIDS Day
186. Which Indian newspaper has the largest readership ?
195. Distant objects are visible as a little out of focus in this
(a) The Malayala Manorama condition :
(b) Indian Express (a) hypermetropia (b) presbiopia
(c) The Hindu (c) astigmatism (d) myopia
(d) The Dainik Jagran 196. Maximum oxygen is available from :
187. The gas dissolved in water that makes it basic is ? (a) Green forests (b) Deserts
(a) ammonia (b) hydrogen (c) Grass lands (d) Phytoplanktons
(c) sulphur dioxide (d) carbon dioxide 197. Which one of the following tribes practices pastoral
188. The biggest oil spill in world history took place in the ? nomadism ?
(a) Persian Gulf (b) Caspian Sea (a) Boro (b) Masai
(c) Mediterrarean Sea (d) South China sea (c) Pygmies (d) Eskimo
189. Among the foollowing which country has the highest life 198. Who was the first Secretary General of UNO?
expectancy ? (a) Kurt Waldheim (b) Dag Hammarskjold
(c) Trygve Lie (d) U–Thant
(a) USA (b) Switzerland
199. Who is the author of 'Indica'?
(c) Japan (d) Denmark
(a) Fa–Hien (b) Hiuen Tsang
190. Yellow complexion, Medium stature, Oblique eye with an
(c) Megasthanes (d) Seleucus
epicanthic fold is the characteristic feature of :
200. In a reaction of the type A + B ® C + D one could ensure it
(a) Australoids (b) Negroid to be a first order reaction by :
(c) Mengoloid (d) Cancosoid (a) Increasing the concentration of a reactant
191. Chromosome designation of Turner syndrome is : (b) Adding a catalyst
(a) 44A + XO (b) 44A + XXY (c) Increasing the temperature
(c) 44A + XXX (d) 44A + XYY (d) Increasing the concentration of a product
2015 Solved Paper 2015 - 11
24. (c) +1 +3 +5 +7 +9
-1 ¾¾® 0 ¾¾® 3 ¾¾® 8 ¾¾® 15 ¾¾® 24
Similarly 25. (a) 1 3 5 7 9 11 13
Letter position A C E G I K M
N O I T U L O S from left
Letter position Z X V T R P
from right 1 3 5 7 9 11
2015 - 12 Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam
4 km
6 8
36 18 27 C
×4 ×2 ×3
AC = ( AB)2 + ( BC )2
27. (c)
18 × 3
AC = ( 3 )2 + ( 4 )2 = 9 + 16 = 5 kms.
= 54 7
37. (b)
14 × 3 14 38. ´2
(d) 12 ¾¾ ´12
= 42 ® 24 ¾¾¾ ® 144
7 × 3 18 ´2 ´13 169
13 ¾¾ ® 26 ¾¾¾ ®
= 21
So, (13, 26, 169) follows the same pattern.
28. (b) 39. (d) Continuous training is essential for all employees to
33 × 2-1 9 increase productivity so we can assume that for good
= 65 productivity training is necessary to avoid losses due
17 × 2-1 9 × 2 - 1 to unskilled person but statement does not imply
= 33 =17 profitability and productivity are supplementary to each
other. It depends upon other factors also.
29. (b) Naresh is 17th from left and 22nd from the right. 40. (d) Travelling by metro in Delhi is more convenient and
So, total number of students in the line = 17 + 22 – 1 = 38 economical. So we can assume that metro services are
reasonably good. So assumption II is implicit.
30. (c) 72 × 19 = 23 Þ (7 × 2 + 1 × 9 = 23)
13 × 48 = 35 Þ (1 × 3 + 4 × 8 = 35) 41. (d) Total number of students in the class = 45.
16 × 43 = 18 Þ (1 × 6 + 4 × 3 = 18) Neha’s rank from first = 15th
So , 39 × 22 = ? Þ (3 × 9 + 2 × 2 = 31) So number of students from the last = 45 – (1 + 14) = 30
31. (c) The series is So, Neha’s rank from the last is 31st.
abccbaabccbaabccbaabccba 42. (c) Writing the expression with actual sign
So, missing set of letters is c a b a a. 64 ¸ 8 + 32 × 4 = 8 + 128 = 136
43. (d) If we read Matrix I & II carefully, alphabets in the word
32. (a) The figure is embedded in BRIDE can be found in this pattern.
33. (d) L I STEN
55 21 57 86 22
¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯ 44. (b) The words can be arranged in following order in
5 9 3 4 1 7 dictionary :
So, code for word SILENT is 395174. Voluntary Voracious Vortex Voucher
34. (d) Order of progresseon in hardware is (4) (1) (3) (2)
Vacuum tube ® Transistor ® Integrated circuits So, correct order is 4,1,3,2
® Silicon Chips.
45. (d) Abiogenesis Abrasive Absolute
35. (a) Town E Town D (5) (2) (1)
Absorption Abundance
N (3) (4)
Town A Town B NW NE
t So, correct order is 5,2,1,3,4
W 46. (b) Dot is only in first circle so figure (b) will complete the
th- W E
u picture in the question figure.
Town C SW SE 47. (d) Sprinters and Marathon runner both are athletes. Some
S sprinters can be marathon runners also.
So, C is in south-west of D.
2015 Solved Paper 2015 - 13
48. (c) 79. (b) 80. (a) 81. (d) 82. (a)
83. (a) We will use ‘completed’ as it is simple past which is
used to express the idea that an action started and
finished at a specific time in the past.
84. (c)
85. (b) We will replace ‘is’ with ‘were’ because in an unreal
49. (c) Water image of conditional sentence where the events are contrary to
the facts, the we use ‘if ’ clauses with ‘were’ even if
the pronoun is singular.
86. (d)
87. (d) The correct combination is RQSP.
O I I O 88. (b) The correct combination is QPSR.
50. (c) 89. (b) The correct combination is QSRP.
51. (a) Fatalism means acceptance of the belief that all events 90. (c) The correct combination is SPRQ.
are predetermined and inevitable. 91. (b) 92. (c) 93. (d) 94. (d)
52. (d) Gullible means someone who can be easily deceived
95. (d) ‘Vocation’ means the work in which a person is
or duped
employed or occupation. Therefore, occupation is the
53. (b) Ephemeral means lasting for a very short time.
synonym of vocation.
54. (a) Etiquette means the code of polite behaviour in society
or among members of a particular group. 96. (d) ‘Limpid’ means perfectly clear. Therefore, clear is the
55. (a) 56. (a) correct synonym of Limpid.
57. (b) Since ‘observe’ means to watch something carefully. 97. (a) ‘Merge’ means to blend or combine to form a single
58. (d) Since ‘heavenly’ means belonging to the heavens or entity. Therefore, blend is the correct synonym of
sky. Merge.
59. (c) 98. (c) ‘Gourmet’ means a connoisseur of good food. Whereas
60. (a) Since ‘astronomers’ are the experts who study the stars Gastronome means a lover of good food. Therefore,
and planets using scientific equipments such as ‘Gastronome’ is the synonym of ‘Gourmet’.
telescopes. 99. (b) 100. (c)
61. (d) 62. (b) 63. (c) A
101. (d)
64. (d) 65. (a) 66. (c)
67. (a) ‘A sacred cow’ means a person held to be above
68. (b)
69. (a) A dog’s breakfast means a complete mess.
70. (b) ‘The seamy side of life’ means the most unpleasant or
roughest aspect of life. 60°
71. (c) 72. (a)
73. (d) Here ‘remarked’ refers to giving your opinion about
something or stating a fact.
74. (c) Since ‘irritable’ means showing a tendency to be easily In D ABC
annoyed. ÐA = 180°- (60° + 40°) = 80°
75. (a) Illicit means something which is forbidden by law. ÐBAD = ÐDAC = 40° (AD is bisector of ÐA)
Whereas Legal means relating to the law. Therefore, In ÐAEC
legal is the antonym of a Illicit. ÐEAC = 180° – (90° + 40°) = 50°
76. (a) ‘Demand’ means a strong need for something. So, ÐEAD = ÐEAC – ÐDAC
Whereas ‘Supply’ means to make something needed = 50° – 40°
available to someone. Therefore ‘supply’ is the correct ÐEAD = 10°
antonym of ‘demand’. 102. (a) Sum of 13 results = 13 × 70 = 910
77. (b) ‘Descent’ means an act of moving downwards. Sum of 7 results = 7 × 65 = 455
Whereas ‘ascent’ means the act of climbing or moving Sum of last 7 results = 7 × 75 = 525
upwards. Therefore, ‘ascent’ is the antonym of So, 7th result (455 + 525) – 910 = 70
103. (d) Days No.of Labourers Work done
78. (c) ‘Notorious’ means someone known for some bad
quality. ‘Honourable’ means someone honest and fair, 12 20 58
or deserving praise and respect. Therefore, 4 ? 5 3
1- =
‘Honourable’ is the antonym of ‘notorious’. 8 8
2015 - 14 Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam
m1 D1.w2 = m2 D2 W1 = 125 + 125 + 360 + 360
= 250 + 720
3 5 20 ´ 12 ´ 3 ´ 8
20 ´ 12 ´ = M 2 ´ 4 ´ Þ M 2 = = 36 = 970
8 8 4´5´8
110. (d) Average production of the given years
Hence, 36 – 20 = 16 more men needed to complete the
remaining work in 4 days. 25 + 40 + 60 + 45 + 65 + 50 + 75 + 80
104. (d) p = – 0.12; q = – 0.01; r = – 0.015 8
So, p < r ; p<q
=p<r<q = =55
105. (d) Ratio of amount spend on food and clothes
= 150 : 30 So, during 1997, 1999, 2001 and 2002 production was
=5:1 more than average production.
106. (b) % money spent on food compared to house rent 111. (d) % increase in production in 2002 compared to that of
150 80
= ´ 100 = 125% 1995 = ×100 –100 = 320 –100 = 220%
120 25
107. (a) Money spent on clothes and miscellaneous items 112. (b) % age decline in production from 1997 to 1998 is
cannot be determined as total money is not given. 60 - 45 15
´ 100 = ´ 100 = 25%
150 60 60
108. (a) Amount spent on food = ´ 7200 = ` 3000
40 + 60
113. (c) Average production of 1996 and 1997 = = 50
3- 2 3- 2 2
109. (a) a = × Average production of years 1995 and 2001
3+ 2 3- 2
25 + 25
( )
2 = = 50
3- 2 3+ 2 - 2 6 2
= = = 5-2 6 .
3- 2 1 So average production of 1996 and 1997 is equal to
average production of 1995 and 2001.
3+ 2 3+ 2 114. (b) Percentage increase in production as compared to
b= ×
3- 2 3+ 2
40 - 25
previous year is maximum in 1996 = ´ 100 = 60%
( )
3+ 2
= = 5+2 6
3-2 115. (d) x 2 – 4x – 1 = 0 can be written as x 2 – 4x + 4 – 1 = 4
So ( x - 4 )2 – 1 = 4
( ) ( )
2 2
a 2 b2 5-2 6 5+ 2 6
So, + = + x – 2 = 4 +1
b a 5+ 2 6 5- 2 6
x = 5+2
( 5 - 2 6 ) + (5 + 2 6 )
3 3
( ) 1
So, x 2 + = 2+ 5 +
(2 + 5)
( 5 )2 - ( 2 6 )
=4+5+ 4 5+
4+ 5+ 4 5
( ) (
) ( 5 - 2 6 ) + ( 5 )3
= ( 5 )3 - 2 6 - 3 (5) 2 6
+ ( 2 6 ) + 3 (5 ) ( 2 6 ) ( 5 + 2 6 )
3 = 9+4 5 +
9+ 4 5
25 - 24
(9 + 4 5 )
9+4 5
125 - 48 6 - 150 6 + 60(6) + 125 + 48 6 +
150 6 + 60 ( 6 ) 81 + 16 ( 5 ) + 72 5 + 1
= =
1 9+4 5
2015 Solved Paper 2015 - 15
162 + 72 5 æ 3 5 6 3 5 5 4 ö 10 2 3
= 120. (c) ç a b c ´ a b c ÷ ¸ 27 a b c
9+4 5 è 15 9 ø
1 6 11 7 10 2 3
162 + 72 5 9-4 5 = a b c ¸ a bc
= × 9 27
9+4 5 9-4 5
1 6 11 7 27 –2 –1 -3
(162 + 72 5 )(9 - 4 5 ) =
a b c×
a b c
3 6–2 11–1 7–3
= a b c
= (162 )( 9 ) - (162 )( 4 ) ( 5 ) + 72 (9 ) 5 - 72 ( 4 )( 5 )
3 4 10 4
= 1458 – 648 5 + 648 5 – 1440 = a b c
= 1458 – 1440 = 18. 121. (c) Contribution of each boy = Number of boys
116. (a) Area of trapezium Total contribution raised = ` 12544
150 3 3x
118. (c) Speed of first train = =5m/sec Þ =
30 4 2
Let the speed of second train be x m/sec
3´ 2 3
Relative speed = (5 + x) m /sec x= =
3´4 2
\ = 10 123. (c) A B
5+ x
50 + 10x = 300 2 1
300 - 50
x= = 25m/sec
18 P
= 25 × = 90km/h
5 ABCD is a square.
119. (d) Let initial volume = 100 D QBC ~ D PAC
AC (Given)
110 Area DQBC BC2
Volume after increase = 100× = 110 \ =
100 Area DPAC AC2
110 - 100 If BC = 1 then AC =
So, decrease = ×100 2
BC2 1
10 1 \ Required ratio = =
= ´ 100 = 9 % AC 2 2
110 11
2015 - 16 Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam
124. (a) Ratio of present ages of Sonali and Monali = 5 : 3
sin q + cos q
After 5 years ratio of ages of both girls = 10:7 127. (a) =3
sin q - cos q
Let actual present ages are 5x and 3x years.
By componendo and dividendo
5x + 5 10
= = 2sin q 4
3x + 5 7 = =2
2cos q 2
= 35x + 35 = 30x + 50
So, tan q = 2
5x = 15
x= 3 æ ö
sin2q = (1– cos2q) = ç1 - ÷ 2
So, Monali age = 3 × 3 = 9 years è sec q ø
125. (b) P = ` 12000;
R = 20% per annum = 5% per quarter sec 2 q - 1
T = 9 months = 3 quarters sec2 q
æ 5ö
tan 2 q ( 2 )2 4
So, A = 12000 ç 1 + ÷ = = 2 =
è 10 ø 1 + tan 2 q 1 + ( 2 ) 5
Height of cone = 7cm
3 êQ sin 60° = ú
ê 2 ú 1 22
2 + 2 So, Volume of cone = × × 3.5×3.5×7
= ê 1 ú 3 7
3 +1 3 -1 êë cos 60° = 2 úû
2 2 = 89.8cm3.
130. (d) Let the two numbers are x and y
2+ 3 2- 3 So, x + 2y = 8 … (i)
= +
3 +1 3 -1 x–y=2 … (ii)
Solving both equations
2+ 3 3 -1 2 - 3 3 +1
= ´ + ´ x = 4; y = 2
3 +1 3 -1 3 -1 3 +1
So, numbers are 4,2
2 3 + 3- 2 - 3 2 3 -3- 3 + 2 5
= + 131. (d) Speed of car in m/sec = 54 × = 15m/sec
3 -1 3 -1 18
132. (c) Income in 2012 = ` 26, 64,000
1+ 3 3 -1 Every year % of increase in income = 20%
= +
2 2
100 100
So, income of company in 2012 = 26,64,000 × ×
2 3 120 120
= = 3
2 = ` 18,50,000
2015 Solved Paper 2015 - 17
13 m 2K
tan a 616 ´ 7
+ cos 2 b + sin 2 b 4pr2 = 616 r = = 7cm
= 4 ´ 22
cot a
2 4
= tan a + 1 So, volume of sphere = p (7)3
= sec 2 a
4 22
140. (d) Using property of direct common tangent = × ×7×7×7
3 7
` Required ratio = Ratio of radii = 5 : 3
10 1 3
141. (b) CP = = ` 0.833 cm = 1437
12 3
145. (d) 12l of milk taken out of 60l milk So 20% water is added
12 to milk
SP = =`1
10 Milk = 48l; Water = 12l
1 - 0.833 Now, again 20% water is added to this mixture
So, Gain% = × 100
0.833 48 38.4 21.6
® and
0.167 ( milk ) -9.6 ( milk ) ( water )
= × 100
0.833 So, ratio of milk and water = 38.4 : 21.6
= 20%. = 16 : 9
146. (d) (2a – 1)2 + (4b – 3)2 + (4c + 5)2 = 0
142. (d)
= 2a - 1 = 0; 4b - 3 = 0; 4c + 5 = 0
1 3 -5
a= ; b= ; c=
2 4 4
14 m 3 3
a + b + c – 3abc = (a + b + c) (a2 + b2+ c2 – ab – bc – ca)
But a + b + c = 0
So, a3 + b3 +c3 – 3abc = 0
a 3 + b 3 + c3 - 3abc
So, =0
a 3 + b3 + c 3
Outer circumference = 528m
147. (a) Let list price = ` z
528 ´ 7
\ Outer radius = z(100 - x)
2 ´ 22 So, Sale price (y) =
= 84m
\ Inner radius = 84 – 14 = 70m 100y
100 - x
Outer area of circular race – track = × 84 × 84
7 1 1
148. (b) a + =1 and b + = 1
= 22176 m2 b c
22 1
Inner area of circular race – track = × 70 × 70 b = 1-
7 c
= 15400m2.
So area of track = 22176 – 15400 = 6776m2 So, a + =1
Cost of levelling the circular track = 6776 × 10 = ` 67760 1-
2015 Solved Paper 2015 - 19
158. (d) Sachin Tendulkar was named as the ICC Cricket World
Þa+ =1 Cup 2015 Ambassador.
c -1 159. (d)
160. (d) Stalactites and Stalagmites are formed due to the
Þ a=1– precipitation of Calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
c -1
161. (d) Hermaphroditism is a form of sexual reproduction in
which an organism can self-fertilize or mate with another
c -1 - c 1
Þa= =- individual of the same species.
c -1 c -1
162. (b) Leela Samson is a Bharatanatyam dancer, choreographer
1 instructor and writer from India.
æ 1 ö
So, c + =c+ ç ÷ 163. (a) 73rd Constitutional amendment act is related to provide
a è1/ c -1ø
3-tier system of Panchayati Raj for all states having
= c– (c – 1) population of over 20 lakh.
= c–c+ 1 164. (b) Ryder Cup is a biennial men’s gold competition
=1 between teams from Europe and the United States.
165. (d) Kanha Tiger Reserve, also called “Kanha National
10 ´ 20 ´ 50 Park” is one of the tiger reserve of India and the largest
149. (b) Required number of days=
10 ´100 national Park of Madhya Pradesh.
= 10 days 166. (b) The Discovery of India was written by India’s first
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru during his
250 imprisoment in 1942-46 at Ahmednagar fort in
150. (b) % of 90
3 Maharashtra.
167. (b) Kiran Bedi was the first woman IPS officer in India.
250 Bedi joined the Indian Police Service (IPS) in 1972.
= 90 ×
300 168. (b) When the price elasticity of demand for a good is
perfectly inelastic i.e. Ed = 0.
60% of x = x 169. (b) Lyman series of hydrogen atom spectral lines in the
100 Ultraviolet.
170. (a) ILO stands for International Labour Organisation
250 60
So, 90 × = x which is a United Nations agency dealing with Labour
300 100
90 ´ 250 ´100 171. (a) In Tamil Nadu, rain water harvesting was made
x= compulsory for every building to avoid ground water
300 ´ 60
3 ´125 172. (b) An electric battery is a devices consisting of two or
x= = 125 more electrochemical cells that convert stored chemical
3´ 2
energy into electrical energy.
151. (c) Porus fought Alexander the Great in the Battle of the
173. (c) The Times of London in 2010 Published its 70,000th
Hydaspes (also known as Jhelum) in 326 BC and is
believed to be defeated.
174. (c) Impeachment of the president for violation of
152. (a) Black soil or Black Lava Soil is considered most suitable consititution of India may start in either of the two
for sowing cotton crops. houses of the Parliament.
153. (c) Neyveli lignite field in Tamil Nadu is the largest lignite 175. (b) Purana Qila was built by the Afghan king Sher Shah
coal mine in India. Suri.
154. (c) Right to Information Act (RTI) was enacted on 15th 176. (a) The opening ceremonies of ICC Cricket World Cup
June 2005 and came fully into force on 12th October 2015 was held on 12th February 2015 in Christchurch,
2005. New Zealand and Melbourne, Australia.
155. (a) Indian Social activist Medha Patkar is the founder 177. (b) Plane
member of Narmada Bachao Andolan. Incident Mirror
156. (d) As a Banker to Banks, the Reserve Bank of India acts speed X
as the “lender of the last resort”.
157. (a) Sex ratio is used to describe the number of females per
1000 males in country. In the Population Census of Reflected
2011 it was revealed that the population ratio in India X
2011 is 940 females per 1000 of males. Therefore, relative speed= x + x = 2x
2015 - 20 Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam
178. (c) NASA has developed a series of interactive a maps 189. (c) Japan has the highest life expectancy among the
and graphs to describe the global climte and how it countries across the world.
change over time. The focus of 5 key climate 190. (c)
indications include Arctic sea ice, carbon dioxide 191. (a) Turner Syndrome, represented by 44A + XO. This
concentration, Global surface temperature, Sea level occur in females in which one of the X-chromosome is
and land ice. missing.
179. (b) 192. (b) Scattering of light causes redness in atmosphere at
180. (d) The area reserved for the welfare of wildlife is called Sunrise and Sunset.
National Park. 193. (d) International Yoga day is celebrated annually on June
181. (d) Chandragupta Maurya is said to have lived as an 21.
ascetic at Shravanabelagola for several years before 194. (d) World AIDS Day is observed on 1st December, to raise
starving himself to death, as per Jain Practice of awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread
Sallekhana. of HIV infection.
182. (b) Project Tiger was launched in 1973 by the Government 195. (d) Myopia also known as short sightedness is a condition
of India during Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s tenure. of the eye where one looking at a distant object seems
183. (d) The National Green Tribunal deals with cases relating a little out of focus.
to environmental protection and conservation of 196. (d) In the process of photosynthesis, phytoplankton
forests and other natural resources. release oxygen into the water. Half of the world’s
184. (c) Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar was the first speaker of oxygen is produced fr om phytoplankton
Lok Sabha. photosynthesis. The other half is produced via
185. (b) FORTRAN is derived from Formula Translator. photosynthesis on land by trees, shrubs, grasses and
186. (d) According to the figures compiled by Media Research other plants.
Users Council (MRUC) in the Indian Readership 197. (c) Pygmies follow practices of pastoral nomadism.
Survey (IRS) 2014, the Indian newspaper with the 198. (c) Trygve Lie was the first secretary General of UNO.
largest readership is the Dainik Jagran. 199. (c) Megasthenes gave an account of India in his book
187. (a) ‘Indica’.
188. (a) Kuwait Spill in Persian Gulf, Kuwait of 19th January 200. (a)
1991 was the biggest oil spill in world history.