Moving Up Ceremony Script of Emcee
Moving Up Ceremony Script of Emcee
Moving Up Ceremony Script of Emcee
(Voice Over): Friends, the program will start in a few minutes. Let us observe silence.
A pleasant morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Let us welcome the graduating class of School Year
2017-2018 at __________ High School together with their teachers, principals, Division Superintendent and
To start our program, please stand at attention for the Philippine National Anthem (to be led by ______
Chorale if there is any) under the baton of ___________. It will be followed by the singing of the ____
City/Municipality Hymn and Prayer to be led by __________, student with High Honors.
Today you will witness the graduation at __________ High School. We are pleased to inform you that Our City
Mayor, Hon. ________, Congressman/Congresswoman___________, Councilors, Barangay Captain, Schools
Division Superintendent __________ (or representative) are with us in the significant occasion.
The Senior High School Graduating Class of School Year 2017-2018 will be presented and attested by our
principal,______________. Confirmation of their graduation and distribution of diplomas will be done by the
Schools Division Superintendent, ________________(or representative).
To inspire our Graduates, we shall now hear important messages from two of our distinguished guests. Ladies
and Gentlemen, may I present the Hon. _____________, the (Most Outstanding Mayor of the Philippines).
Another message will be given by our ever supportive Congressman _________.
Thank you very much for the very inspiring and insightful messages you imparted this morning/afternoon.
Your words will surely guide our graduates as they tread a new path in their lives. May your messages
motivate them to strive harder.
Deserving graduates will now be awarded medals of honor. We would like to request the parents of students
with honors/students with high honors and students with highest honors to come up the state to give the
award to their children.
They will be assisted by our principal and the Schools Division Superintendent.
Let us now listen to the farewell message of our student with Highest Honor, after which she/he will lead the
Pledge of Loyalty.
Before the Final Song, we gratefully acknowledge the presence of ______ and _________ in the graduation.
At this juncture, we shall listen to the graduates’ final song entitled ____________, Mrs. __________,
In behalf of the School’s Administrative staff and faculty, we joyfully congratulate the graduates, their parents
and advisers. We sincerely thank all the donors of the medals and awards, those who helped and supported
us and all our guests who attended this momentous event.
Friends, the recessional will be led by our guests, our Schools Division Superintendent, Principal, Department
Heads, Parents and Graduates.