- Harpur Memorial Hospital in Menouf, Egypt began as a small dispensary in 1910 and has since grown to provide 100 years of medical services.
- It was founded by Dr. Frank Harpur, an Irish doctor who began providing medical outreach on houseboats along the Nile in the late 1800s.
- Over the decades, the hospital expanded its facilities and services under leadership of dedicated British and Egyptian doctors and faced financial difficulties but continued operating through challenges.
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- Harpur Memorial Hospital in Menouf, Egypt began as a small dispensary in 1910 and has since grown to provide 100 years of medical services.
- It was founded by Dr. Frank Harpur, an Irish doctor who began providing medical outreach on houseboats along the Nile in the late 1800s.
- Over the decades, the hospital expanded its facilities and services under leadership of dedicated British and Egyptian doctors and faced financial difficulties but continued operating through challenges.
- Harpur Memorial Hospital in Menouf, Egypt began as a small dispensary in 1910 and has since grown to provide 100 years of medical services.
- It was founded by Dr. Frank Harpur, an Irish doctor who began providing medical outreach on houseboats along the Nile in the late 1800s.
- Over the decades, the hospital expanded its facilities and services under leadership of dedicated British and Egyptian doctors and faced financial difficulties but continued operating through challenges.
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- Harpur Memorial Hospital in Menouf, Egypt began as a small dispensary in 1910 and has since grown to provide 100 years of medical services.
- It was founded by Dr. Frank Harpur, an Irish doctor who began providing medical outreach on houseboats along the Nile in the late 1800s.
- Over the decades, the hospital expanded its facilities and services under leadership of dedicated British and Egyptian doctors and faced financial difficulties but continued operating through challenges.
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Hospital on the Nile
Harpur Memorial Hospital
100 years of service to Egypt Introduction
In 1910, the foundation was laid for Harpur Memorial
Hospital in the city of Menouf. This booklet shows some of the milestones in this history of 100 years of Anglican/Episcopal service to our beloved nation of Egypt. If the history of Harpur Memorial Hospital shows anything, it is the importance of people with a vision and with the ability and the stamina to make their vision a reality. History is created by the lives of ordinary people who do extraordinary things. History is also mysterious. Why are we able to celebrate the centennial of this hospital, while other great projects and initiatives have disappeared? We believe that this has to do with the unseen hand of God who has guided the minds, the hands, the feet, of the people involved in Harpur Memorial Hospital. We have done according to the best of our abilities; God has blessed our work. This is also our confidence when we look at the future of Harpur Memorial Hospital. ‘The God of heaven, he will prosper us, therefore we his servants will rise and build.’ We hope the reading of this booklet will encourage you to also participate in this project that has served so many people in the past 100 years, so that we will be able to serve many more in the years ahead. To the glory of God, and for the wellbeing of our beloved people.
Rt Rev Mouneer Hanna Anis
Houseboat on the Nile
In 1889 the young doctor Frank J. Harpur, an Irishman,
came with his wife to Egypt for starting a medical service to the nation. For him and his colleagues, this was a manner of expressing their love for God through Jesus Christ. While on the ship on which he sailed to Egypt, he wrote that in his opinion his medical work needed ‘a large population both at the center selected and in the country around, where excursion could be undertaken in order to make friends with the people and get known as a doctor.’ The initial idea was to do so in Suez, but Dr Harpur decided that Old Cairo would be a better place to start from. At that time, Old Cairo was the major Nile harbor of Cairo, so the place was always full of boatmen and merchants. In Old Cairo, Dr Harpur began with an outpatient clinic, but to his delight the first beds were filled with inpatients in 1890. Most of the first patients preferred to sleep on the floor on mats and mattresses. By 1895 the hospital has 10 beds and it became clear that a much larger building would be needed. On 18 February, Harpur wrote in his journal: ‘158 patients today. 16 operations performed (mostly Trichiasis)’. Patients were coming from the Old Cairo district, but also from the provinces of Giza, Qalioubiya and Menoufiya. In 1897, a new and larger hospital with 25 beds was opened, after Harpur had worked hard to convince CMS, his sending agency in England, that this was urgently needed. Present at the opening of the new hospital were, among many others, High Commissioner Lord Cromer and the Coptic Orthodox Patriarch Cyril (Kirollos) V. Harpur valued his medical work in the province of Menoufiya very highly. From the beginning he and his team made trips with houseboats for visiting formers patients and helping new patients. As early as 1894, we read in his diary of his visits to Menoufiya: ‘In May and June 1894, we itinerated on Tewfiqiya and Menoufiya canals in a houseboat. The dahabiya [houseboat] stopped at six centres. We visited 42 villages; 2,844 patients were treated; forty small surgical operations were performed.’ These trips resulted in a permanent outstation being started in the city of Menouf. Harpur must have made quite an impression on the Egyptian farmers; he would often go from village to village on a donkey, for treating patients whenever he was called. As he did not come to the people as a foreign ‘master’ but as one of them, he was deeply appreciated by the people he had come to serve. Endearingly, the people called him ‘Harmel’, and therefore even today the hosital is called Harmel Hospital by many. Harpur was so eager to develop the work in Menoufiya, that he left the Cairo hospital completely in 1903. This hospital was now widely known and of very good reputation. Harpur preferred to develop new work by touring Menoufiya with a houseboat. In 1910 this resulted in the opening of a small dispensary in Menouf, which became the basis for a century of service to the people of Menouf and its surroundings. Harpur Memorial Hospital (1910-1980)
Harpur made the dispensary in Menouf the center for
his medical work in the region, with outstations in Ashmoun and Bey al-Arab. The work in Menouf grew I find the patients trust me fast, so in 1918 more because they trust the land was bought and reputation of Harpur. The new buildings erected. hospital is well known in the A real hospital was area and it is known for its built; the original excellent care of patients. dispensary was (Nahed Fayez, General Practice converted into inpatient Nurse, 2010) wards. From the inception of the medical work of the Anglican Church in Egypt, the major diseases that plagued the farmers were bilharzia and ancylostomiasis, two diseases causes by parasitic worms. The results of the treatment of bilharzia by Harpur and his team were so good, that the Egyptian Ministry of Health was insoired to set up treatment units in every city of Egypt, using Harpur’s method of treatment. After this initial phase of hospital development in Menouf, Harpur considered his work there done, and he returned to Old Cairo. His leadership role in Menouf was taken over by Dr Alfred Hargreaves, another British gentleman. Under Hargreaves, the hospital in Menouf and its outclinics continued to grow. In 1922, the hospital had 40 beds. In the previous year, 11,268 outpatients were treated, and 793 operations performed. A third outstation was opened in Shubra Zanga. In 1924-5, quarters were built for the Egyptian doctors that worked in the Menouf Hospital. The British founders had always hired Egyptian doctors and nurses, and their role was increasingly important. People like Dr Tawfiq Naguib, Dr Andrew Shakhashiri, Dr Abd el-Malik Saad and Dr Wahba Basta were well known during these early years of the hospital for the professional work they performed out of love for God and for their countrymen. This attitude of love and service has been build into the foundation of the hospital and its personnel. A major step for the hospital was the appointment in 1929 of Dr Abd el-Malik Saad as the director, after Hargreaves was transferred to work in Palestine. Abd el-Malik had worked for many years in the hospital, and besides being an able doctor, he was totally devoted to serving his own people. When the hospital went through a phase of dramatic financial problems in 1932, Abd el-Malik was prepared to personally The treatment is so very good see to it that the work here! I’ve been here only 2 could survive. hours and I already feel much Is it strange that from better! (Patient in intensive care this environment of with Unstable Angina, 2010) professionalism and Christian love, some of Egypt’s greatest medical doctors were developed? They cannot be mentioned all, but a few suffice to show the great quality of the doctors in Menouf. Dr Fouad Boulos, an assistant of Abd el-Malik, became one of Egypt’s foremost urologists. Dr Saad Fahmy, one of the leaders in Menouf in the 1950s later settled in England as an orthopedic Surgeon. By then, the name of the hospital had been changed into Harpur Memorial Hospital, to remember the great man who with his vision, energy and love had become a great blessing to innumerable Egyptians. In 1956, Dr Ramzy Moawwad became the director. This gentle doctor was able only with his kindness to lighten the pain of his patients! He inherited the leadership of the hospital in a very difficult time. Whereas in previous years, the hospital and its medical work could always count on the generosity of benefac- tors worldwide, 1956 marked the beginnings of international tensions At Harpur they discovered that impacted the my TB which went hospital. For many undiagnosed under so years, the service of the many doctors whom I’d dedicated doctors and seen before. (Patient with nurses of Harpur Diabetes and Memorial Hospital Hypertension, 2010) suffered from financial tensions. One of the reasons for this was that in 1961, the government’s ophthalmic hospital had taken over half of Harpur Memorial for four months. Well, those four months actually lasted 20 years. This reduced the number of beds from 80 to 40, cutting the income for the hospital by 50%. This made it impossible to invest in modern diagnostic equipment; different depart- ments had to close in order for the hospital as a whole to survive those difficult years. Renewal (1980-2010)
In 1980, Dr Mouneer Hanna became the director of
Harpur Memorial I am a Muslim and before I Hospital; with youthful didn’t know how to talk to enthusiasm he was Christians. Now I interact with able to put the them all the time and I am so hospital on a course used to it. (2010) of modernization. That was urgently needed as at that time, because the hospital had for years been suffering from underfunding. After Dr Mouneer took over, he was encouraged by Dr Adel Aziz to resurrect the old surgical department. Dr Taky Sanad opened a pediatric clinic, and Dr Faafat Riad joined the hospital. Dr Afaf Milad professionalized the dispensing of medicines. The level of nursing care was remarkably raised by Mrs Kawthar Higazy, who trained so many nurses. Within years, Dr Two other hospitals Mouneer was able to recommended Harpur increase the services Memorial Hospital to me. I the hospital rendered to was referred here 4 months Egypt and its people. ago with assurance I would be Very helpful was that in treated very well. All the staff 1981, the government here are good. The hospital released full power over has given me a level of care the hospital to its that I no longer need surgery owners again! Between on my foot; it has healed by 1980 and 1984, the itself.” total number of patients (Patient suffering from Leprosy, increased from 3,400 to 9,982. 2010) the number Especially of outpatients increased, in line with the growing insight that whenever possible community based rehabilitation should replace the concept of keeping patients in the hospital. The number of X-rays increased from 297 to 1,715. While in 1980 no blood analysis was done, in 1984 3,194 analyses were done. The number of operations increased from 26 to 189. In the last years of this decade of renewal, the number of operations grew I received a letter only last to more than 800 per year, week from a government with about 2000 inpatients. health minister who was so The hospital does annually impressed by the staff at the over 5,000 scans, 25,000 lab hospital that he felt the need tests. to write and express his In the year 2000, Dr gratitude for the service Mouneer was called by his here to the Egyptian diocese to become the new people”, While getting the bishop of Egypt, North Africa best possible mecical care, and the Horn of Africa. Dr many patients for the first Henny Abadir took over as time in their life interact on a deeper level than ever before with Christians. That is so important for the social fabric of our society. (Dr Samir Rizkalla, the director of Harpur Memorial Hospital. 2010) the hospital director. People who know him characterize him as ‘a very gifted physician, who took good care of his patients. A very caring doctor.’ Under Dr Henny, a Family Medicine department was started. Family Medicine is an emerging specialty in Egypt, with very little formal training available. The Family Medicine department at Harpur is small (2 full time doctors), but in 2009, it saw over 12,000 patients. Since 2010, Harpur’s Familie Medicine department offers training to five in-house junior doctors for a period of two years. In 2004, Dr Samir Rizkalla became the hospital director, with Dr Michel Fahmy as his deputy. Under their leadership, Harpur Memorial Hospital contimued serving the city of Menouf and beyond. Presently, Harpur Memorial has 13 fulltime and 17 part-time doctors, beside 36 nurses and two pharmacists. The hospital has 75 beds. It has continued to add to its specializations. Therefore presently, the hospital has the following specializations and departments: Internal Medicine and Cardiology Hepatology GIT Endoscopy Dermatology Clinic Pediatric and Neonatology Department General surgery and Urology Department Gynaecology, Obstetric and Family Planning Clinic ENT Ophthalmology Orthopedic Surgery Dental Clinic Laparoscopic Surgery Radiology and Ultrasonography Intensive Care Rehabilitation Lab Pharmacy The city of Menouf now has about 400.000 inhabitants, with more in the villages around. Against this backdrop, the fact that in 2010, 60.000 outpatients were served, the impact of the hospital is clear. And the medical needs in and around Menouf continue to be great. Some people also come from further away; people with leprosy, for instance, come to this hospital from across Egypt, as most other hospitals will not treat them. They feel that here, at this hospital, they are loved and accepted, as well as treated. This gentle and professional care in the name of the Lord is recognized my many.
2010 and Beyond
Looking back to how Harpur Memorial Hospital has
been able to serve the nation of Egypt should make its staff and all people who are involved, proud and thankful. It shows how much can be accomplished when people dedicate themselves to serving with professionalism. In the years ahead, Harpur Memorial will continue serving the people of Menouf and its environment, very much as was done in the past 100 years. There will be changes as well. Community based health care and rehabilitation will get more attention. There is much need for rehabilitation of patients at home, for instance after suffering from a stroke or after an operation. Primary health care will also get more attention, as well as Family Medicine. Especially marginalized groups will be served, like women, the elderly, and special groups like leprotics. All the dreams dreamt and the lessons learned in the past 100 years, will also be extended by the hospital staff in Menouf, to its new ‘outstation’ in Sadat City. In this manner Harpur Memorial Hospital hopes to not only continue serving its own environment of Menouf in the years ahead. Hopefully, in 100 years time, new generations that have been served with health care in Sadat City will commemorate the centennial of the opening of their own Sadat City Hospital. Thus the vision and energetic work of love of Dr Frank Harpur will continue to impact our beloved people of Egypt.