December 14-17, 2004
Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas
s s
M := Iny + Ng Z = Iny + Ng Cpid In (9) Then all stabilizing controllers Cg for G can be expressed
s+a s+a y as Cg = Y −1 X = XY −1 , where
By (9), a = 0, rankM (0) = rank(a−1 Ng (0)Ki ) = ny ≤
min{rankNg (0), rankKi } ≤ min{ny , nu } = ny implies Y := (D
c − QN
g ), X
:= (N
c + QD
g ),
rankNg (0) = ny . Then there exist a right inverse Ng (0)I ∈ Y := (Dc − Ng Q), X = (Nc + Dg Q) , (16)
IRnu ×ny , i.e., Ng (0)Ng (0)I = Iny . Define M̂ as nu ×ny c − QN g )(∞) = 0
and Q ∈ S satisfies det(D
s+a s s −1
[15], [7]. Using Y X = XY −1
and (9), Ĉ in (14)
M̂ = M= I + Ng Cpid . (10)
s+ρ s+ρ s+ρ can be written as: Ĉ = Y −1 (X + Cpid ) = Y −1 X +
ρ −1 −1
Y (Y Dg + XNg )Cpid = Y X(Iny + Ng Cpid ) +
In (10), add and subtract s+ρ Iny to obtain
Dg Cpid = XY −1 Iny + Ng Cpid + Dg Cpid = (X +
ρs Ng (s)Ng (0)I − Iny Dg Cpid
M −1 Y ) Y −1 M (
In )−1 . Therefore, an
M̂ = Iny + ( Ng Ĉpd + ) . (11) s+a s+a y
s+ρ s −1
RCF Ĉ = Ncr Dcr for the controller Ĉ is given by
Since s+ρ
= ρ, for any ρ > 0 satisfying (6), we have
−1 s
Ncr Dcr = (X + Dg ZM −1 Y )( M −1 Y )−1 , (17)
ρs Ng (s)Ng (0)I − Iny s+a
( Ng Ĉpd + ) < 1 . (12)
s+ρ s where Ncr , Dcr ∈ M(S) and Dcr is biproper. It follows
by (9), (15) and N g Ng that ML = D
g Dg = D g Dcr +
By (12), M̂ is unimodular; equivalently, M is unimodular s
Ng Ncr = Dg (
M Y ) + Ng (X + Dg ZM −1 Y ) =
since a, ρ > 0; therefore Cpid stabilizes Ng . s+a
g ( s M −1 Y + Ng ZM −1 Y ) + N
D g X = D
g M M −1 Y + - Cpid v
g X = D
N gY + N
g X = In is unimodular. The system r e w ?u y
-e -N
e -D
−1 -e- G -
Sys(G, Ĉ) is stable since ML in (1) is unimodular. Since c c
s −6 6
Dcr (0) = ( M −1 Y )|s=0 = 0, Dcr has blocking zeros
s+a Q
at s = 0. By Definition 2.2, any Ĉ = Ncr Dcr given by
(14) is therefore an integral-action controller for G. -D
−1 - e g
g N
The block diagram of Sys(G, Ĉ), with Ĉ as in (14), is in
Fig. 2. For Q = 0, the integral-action controller Ĉ becomes
Fig. 2. The system Sys(G, Ĉ) with integral-action controller Ĉ.
c−1 Cpid .
Cˆo = Cgo + D (18)
- s−1 I - Ki Cpid
The controller Ĉ in (14) is simplified for stable plants as
follows: Let G ∈ Sny ×nu , rankG(0) = ny ≤ nu . Let - sKd ?
Cpid , with Ki = 0, be a PID-controller that stabilizes G. τd s + 1 6
Then Ĉ is an integral-action controller for G if and only - Kp
if Ĉ = (I − QG)−1 ( Q + Cpid ), where Q ∈ Snu ×ny v
satisfies det(I − QG)(∞) = 0. -Q
r e ?- e?w u y
The parametrization given in (14) can also be obtained -e - −K - e -?e-G -
using a state-space representation (A, B, C, D) of G ∈ −6 ?
Rp ny ×nu , where A ∈ IRn×n , (A, B) is stabilizable and e - −L
(C, A) is detectable. Let K ∈ IRnu ×n and L ∈ IRn×ny be 6
such that FL and FK defined in (19) are stable: e C (sI − A)−1 ?
6 x̂ 6
FL := (sI −A+LC)−1 , FK := (sI −A+BK)−1 . (19) B
Then using G = Ng Dg−1 = D g , where
g−1 N 6
Dg = I − KFK B , Ng = (C − DK)FK B + D,
D g = I − CFL L , N
g = CFL (B − LD) + D , (20) Fig. 3. Sys(G, Ĉ) using full-order observer-based controller Cgo
a controller Cgo = D c
c = Nc D−1 is given by
−1 N
(C − DK)(A − BK)−1 (sI − A + BK)−1 sBNg (0)I
implies s−1 (Ng (s)Ng (0)I − I) = (C − DK)(A −
c = I + KFL (B − LD) , N
D c = KFL L , BK)−1 FK BNg (0)I . The bound in (6) for ρ > 0 becomes
Dc = I + (C − DK)FK L , Nc = KFK L ,
ρ < Ng (s)Ĉpd +(C −DK)(A−BK)−1 FK BNg (0)I −1 .
Cgo = K ( sI − A + BK + L(C − DK) )−1 L . (21) (24)
With the nominal full-order observer-based controller Cgo Then Ng is stabilized by the PID controller Cpid in (7).
in (21), the expression for all integral-action controllers in B. Integral-action design based on plant augmentation
(14) of Theorem 3.1 becomes Ĉ = [I + KFL (B − LD) − We briefly review the well-known full-order observer-
Q(CFL (B−LD)+D)]−1 [ KFL L+Q(I −CFL L)+Cpid ], based integral-action controller synthesis, where the integra-
where Q ∈ Snu ×ny is such that det(I −Q(∞)D) = 0. With tor’s states are also included in state-feedback [5], [4]. The
Q = 0, the controller Cˆo in (18) is expressed as state-feedback matrix can be designed using pole-placement
Cˆo = K(sI − A + BK + L(C − DK))−1 L + D c−1 Cpid . or LQR. Let (A, B, C, D) be a state-space representation of
(22) G ∈ Rp ny ×nu , where A ∈ IRn×n , (A, B) is stabilizable,
The block diagram of Sys(G, Ĉ), with Cgo as in (21), is (C, A) is detectable. Let L ∈ IRn×ny be such that FL ∈
in Fig. 3. The PID block for Ng = [(C − DK)FK B + Sn×n . Define the (n + ny )-th order augmented system as
D] can be designed using Proposition 3.1: Since G has no
A 0 B
transmission zeros at s = 0, Ng (0) has a right-inverse Aa := , Ba := , Ca := [ C 0 ] . (25)
−C 0 −D
Ng (0)I = D − (C − DK)(A − BK)−1 B . (23) The pair (Aa , Ba ) is stabilizable if and only if (A, B) is
stabilizable and G has no transmission zeros at the origin.
The expression (6) is simplified as follows: Since FK ∈
A state-feedback Ka = [ Kx Kξ ] is then determined for
M(S), FK (0) = (−A + BK)−1 exists. By (23), [Ng (s) −
the augmented system in (25), and the resulting (n + ny )-th
Ng (0)]Ng (0)I = [(C −DK)FK B +D−D+(C −DK)(A−
order observer-based controller is called Ĉ a , given by
BK)−1 B]Ng (0)I = (C − DK)(A − BK)−1 [(sI(A −
BK)−1 − I)−1 + I]BNg (0)I = (C − DK)(A − Ĉ a = −Ka [sI − Aa + Ba Ka + La (Ca − DKa ) ] La ,
BK)−1 [(sI(A−BK)−1−I)−1 sI(A−BK)−1 ]BNg (0)I = (26)
−L the PID block for Ng in (20) of the RCF G = Ng Dg−1 .
where La := . The block diagram of Sys(G, Ĉ a )
Iny Choosing K̂ p = 15I3 and K̂ d = 0, the inequality
with the (n + ny )-th order Ĉ a is in Fig. 4. The augmented (24) becomes 0 < ρ < Ng (s)Ĉpd + (C − DK)(A −
system is stabilized using Ka ; if Kξ = 0, the design BK)−1 FK BN I −1
does not guarantee stability with Kx acting alone. The ⎡ g (0) = 0.3292. Choose ⎤ ρ = 0.3; with
4.44 −0.58 −0.05
integrators cannot be taken out of service completely. Ng (0)−1 = ⎣ 0.57 4.43 −0.35 ⎦, Cpi = ρ(K̂ p +
0.09 0.32 4.46
We apply the integral-action controller design procedure Ng (0) ) = 4.5I3 + Ng (0)−1 . Finally, with Q =
s s
of Section III-A to temperature control in RTP systems. 0, the integral-action controller Cˆo = Cgo + D −1 Cpi =
We use the linearized model described in [4], with three (hij ) /dˆ, where dˆ = sd, is a fourth-order controller due
standard tungsten halogen lamps as actuators, and three to the third-order observer-based controller Cgo in the first
temperature sensors. Let x = [x1 x2 x3 ]T denote the stage and the first-order PI block in the second stage.
temperatures. The linearized MIMO system has a state- We also design a standard observer-based controller Ĉ a
space representation (A, B, C, D), where as in Section III-B using the augmented plant description
⎡ ⎤ (25), with n = 3, ny = 3. We use the same state-estimator
−0.0682 0.0149 0
gain L as in (27) and choose the augmented state weighting
A = ⎣ 0.0458 −0.1181 0.0218 ⎦ ,
Qa = diag[ 20I3 , I3 ] , the control weighting R = I3 .
0 0.04683 −0.1008
⎡ ⎤ The state feedback Ka = [ Kx Kξ ] is found using
0.3787 0.1105 0.0229 LQR. The integral-action controller Ĉ a is computed
B=⎣ 0 0.4490 0.0735 ⎦ , C = I3 , D = 0 . using (26). Fig. 5 shows the closed-loop step responses
0 0.0007 0.4177 of the three temperatures individually for Sys(G, Cˆo ) and
We design an integral-action controller following the two- Sys(G, Ĉ a ), with unit steps applied at each of the three
stage procedure of Section III-A; a full-order observer-based inputs. The step response characteristics are very similar
stabilizing controller is chosen for the first stage and a PI- for all three temperatures. The response of Sys(G, Cˆo )
controller for the second block. We choose to design the (solid line) displayed no overshoot and fast rise time
initial controller Cgo as in (21). The estimator is designed (less than 1 sec.) in the absence of actuator saturation.
here by pole placement, with the poles of FL located at Temperature uniformity on the wafer surface is also
{−3, −4, −5}. We use LQR to find a state-feedback gain maintained. The responses for Sys(G, Ĉ a ) are slower
K ∈ IR3×3 such that FK is stable. We choose the state and have 22% overshoot. Step responses of Sys(G, Cˆo )
weighting matrix Q̂ = 20I3 and the control weighting and Sys(G, Ĉ a ) when the integrators are turned off due
matrix R̂ = I3 . Then L, K ∈ IR3×3 are to actuator saturation are shown in Fig. 6. Saturation
⎡ ⎤ nonlinearities included in the control loop saturate at
2.9318 0.0149 0 ±0.3. The step responses of both systems are slowed
L = ⎣ 0.0458 3.8819 0.0218 ⎦ , (27) down because of the actuator saturations, with Sys(G, Cˆo )
0 0.0468 4.8992 displaying faster response. Although integral-action is
⎡ ⎤
4.2308 −0.4739 −0.0610 not available due to saturation, the steady-state errors are
K = ⎣ 0.6725 4.1515 −0.2611 ⎦ . (28) negligibly small for both systems. Another anti-windup
0.0966 0.4407 4.2242 1.5
The controller = K(sI −A+BK +L(C −DK)) L =
Cgo 1
- s−1 I ξ-
−Kξ Ĉ a v 1
r e ? w u y
-e - −Kx -e -?
e- G - 0.5
−6 ?
e - −L
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
time (sec)
6 1.5
e C (sI − A)−1 ?
e 1
6 x̂ 6
D 0 2 4 6
time (sec)
8 10 12
anti-windup gains (Kaw ) of integrator limiting feedback
loops for Sys(G, Cˆo ) and Sys(G, Ĉ a ) are selected as 0.18 0
0 5 10 15
and 1.2, respectively. Slightly faster responses are obtained time (sec)
the entire PI block Cpi can be turned off when the system 0.5
block is reasonably fast and the steady-state error is small, 0.5
although it is not zero due to the absence of integral-action.
These simulation results indicate that Sys(G, Cˆo ) generally 0
0 5 10 15
has better step response than Sys(G, Ca ) in the absence time (sec)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
time (sec)
[13] K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall,
New Jersey, 1997.
[14] J. D. Stuber, I. Trachtenberg, T. F. Edgar, “Design and modeling of 0
0 5 10 15
rapid thermal processing systems,” IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manufac- time (sec)