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Article · January 2019

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5 authors, including:

Chris Sagarino
Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology


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Anthony D. Gerarman, Jane B. Onotan, Queen Marie M. Putungan, Chris T. Sagarino

and Jackylyn M. Maneja

Iligan City National High School

Senior High School Department


Abstract: Iligan City National High School’s Faculty and Staffs decided to organize a review for
the upcoming System Admission and Scholarship Examination (SASE) to help the students have
a bigger chance of receiving free scholarship to the prestigious institution, Mindanao State
University-Iligan Institute of Technology. The researchers decided to conduct a research in order
to determine whether the review was effective or not and also the researchers would like to
distinguish the varying feedback of the reviewees. The researchers formulated and made test
questionnaires that were given to the selected Grade 12 students of ICNHS. After the
commencement for the conduction of the research, the researchers retrieved all the test
questionnaires that were distributed to the respondents. The researchers then arranged all the
retrieved information and interpreted the tabulated data.
Based on the information that was given by the selected grade 12 respondents, majority
of the respondents are coming from Humanities and Social Sciences. Also the researchers have
also found that majority of the respondents who are SASE passers who took the review are from
Accountancy and Business Management while majority of the non-passers who took the review
came from Technical Vocational Livelihood. The majority of the respondents also agrees that all
of the subjects of the review (English, Mathematics, Science, and Abstract) the scope of the
review was wide and comprehensive. Majority of the respondents also rated all the subject areas
of the review 26-50% regarding the usefulness of the Mathematics review on the actual MSU-
SASE exam.
Based on the findings and conclusion presented, the researchers recommend that the
school would consider maintaining their style of reviewing because it made a positive effect to
the students’ who took the SASE exam. The students are encouraged to take the SASE review
organized by ICNHS because based from the findings, students who took the exam last year
found that the review was very useful to the actual exam. The researchers encourages the
facilitators of the SASE review to sustain their way of demonstrating their subject because the
reviewees are satisfied with their performance.

Keywords: assessment, review, msu-system admission and scholarship exam

“Assessment of Iligan City National High School Reviewees on the 2018 Mindanao….” Page 1
ASSESSMENT OF ILIGAN CITY NATIONAL contributed to the assessment of the 2018 System
HIGH SCHOOLREVIEWEES ON THE 2018 Admission and Scholarship Examination (SASE)
MINDANAO STATE UNIVERSITY-SYSTEM review conducted in Iligan City National High School.
ADMISSION AND SCHOLARSHIP Furthermore, the researchers would like to know the
EXAMINATION REVIEW relationship of the SASE Percentage of Passers with
the students’ track and gender. Thus, the researchers
By: Anthony D. Gerarman, Jane B. Onotan, Queen would like to determine which part of the review are
Marie M. Putungan, Chris T. Sagarino its strengths and areas of improvement when it comes
and Jackylyn M. Maneja to performance.


“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to
learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice”.
Not all graduating students have the capabilities to
afford the expenses that is required in going to college.
That is why students take the rare opportunities of
being granted with free education. One of the
institutions that offers this rare opportunities is the
Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of
Technology. Students who make it to the cut off score
(67) will have a chance of being admitted in the MSU Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
System Unit of their choice. These distinctions should not be considered as
The previous 2018 System Admission and mutually exclusive. In addition, none of these
Scholarship Examination (SASE) administered by approaches is universally considered as the best
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of approach to teacher education. These approaches can
Technology was held last December 10, 2018. In even vary based on the subject matter that is being
preparation for this entrance exam, the faculty and taught (Schriven, Wheeler, & Haertel, 1992).
staff of Iligan City National High School Senior High However, the theories of teacher education are
School Department decided to organize a review on presented to show that quality education and quality
the Grade 12 students who will take the said teaching are defined differently based on each
examination. In hopes for a higher students passing approach. For example, in the teacher education
rate, instructors coached the students who decided to approach of teaching as a craft, it might be considered
register in the review in different subject are as appropriate for a teacher to make mistakes since
namely: Abstract, English, Math, and Science. teaching is believed to be accumulated by trial and
The utilization of the examination review was error. Making errors might not be acceptable in any
created to help students prepare for an upcoming other approach, though, since it is generally considered
entrance exam that leads to more improved test results as a sign of bad teaching.
in comparison to not having a review at all Figure 1 illustrates the relationship of Track and
(King,2010). Years of research on teacher quality Gender (independent variable) when it comes to the
support the fact that effective teachers not only make percentage level of SASE Passers (dependent
students feel good about school and learning, but also variable). It is perceived in the conceptual framework
that their work actually results in increased student that the result of the SASE Examination has a direct
achievement (Darling-Hammond, 2000). Quite effect to the feedback of the reviewees regarding on
remarkably, regular poor academic performance by the the conducted review of the ICNHS staff and faculty.
majority students is fundamentally linked to Through this assessments, the school will be able to
application of ineffective teaching methods by make improvements and changes on the upcoming
teachers to impact knowledge to learners (Adunola, 2019 SASE review by enhancing areas that is in need
2011). To smooth the way of knowledge transmission, of improvement and maintaining performance.
the instructors should apply suitable teaching methods
that fits the most on the specific objectives. 1.3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
The researchers undertook this study in order This study will aim to determine the number
to identify the teacher factors and student factors that of SASE Passers and the Feedback of the reviewees to

“Assessment of Iligan City National High School Reviewees on the 2018 Mindanao….” Page 2
the review conducted by the faculty and staff of Iligan and enhance professional development. Also, the
City National High School of school year 2017-2018. teachers would be able to come up with a more
This study will also answer the following questions: improved technique and methods when it comes to
teaching to improve comprehension level of students.
1.) What is the percentage of SASE passers who STUDENTS. The findings in this study will help
registered on the review in terms of Track: students improve their performance on the upcoming
1.a Science Technology Engineering and 2019 MSU-SASE Review. Also, this study will help
Mathematics the students have a more improved passing rate than
1.b Accountancy and Business Management the previous batch of SASE takers.
1.c Humanities and Social Sciences
1.e Technical Vocational Livelihood This study will aim at determining the
2.) What is the percentage of SASE non-passers who assessment of the different tracks and gender of Grade
registered on the review in terms of Track: 12 students who decided to register on the review
2.a Science Technology Engineering and conducted by the Iligan City National High School
Mathematics staff and faculty on their SASE examination. The
2.b Accountancy and Business Management researchers will use the Descriptive and Correlational
2.c Humanities and Social Sciences Research Design to identify the relationship of track
2.d Sports and gender between the percentage of SASE Passers.
2.e Technical Vocational Livelihood It will also be useful in showing the effect of the said
3.) Is there any significant difference of the assessment examination to the feedback of the students regarding
of the reviewees on the following subjects (Review on the review conducted by the ICNHS faculty and
Materials, Instructor, and Scope of the review): staff. The researchers will collect the data using Open-
3.a Abstract ended and Survey Questionnaire Method. Interview
3.b English Method will be useful to have a deeper understanding
3.c Mathematics of the different feedbacks of the students because their
3.d Science opinion may vary from each other based on their
4.) What are the recommendation of the experiences. In addition, Survey Questionnaire
respondents on the review conducted by the faculty Method will help the researchers to generalize the
and staff of Iligan City National High School strengths of the review and its areas that needs
improvement of the conducted review.
The following hypothesis were tested by this study: 1.7 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS
H1: There is a significant difference of the To give a better understanding of the study,
percentage of SASE passers reviewees in the following terms are defined both conceptually and
terms of track. operationally.
H2: There is a significant difference of the Assessment. Is the act of judging or deciding
reviewees who passed and who failed. the amount, value, quality, or importance of something
H3: There is a significant difference of the or the judgement that is made (Cambridge, 2018).
assessment of reviewees of the different subjects. In this study it is referred to the students
comment, review, or feedback regarding the 2018
1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY MSU-SASE Review. They were able to give their
The findings of this study will be a great significance opinions whether the review was able to help them
to the following: when takin the exam or no help at all.
ICNHS FACULTY AND STAFF. The findings Comprehension. It is the act or action of
provided in this study will help the school’s staff and grasping with the intellect (Merriam-Webster, 2018).
faculty to be able to assess the strengths and areas of In this study it is referred to the student’s
weaknesses when it comes to performance for correct implication of their learnings on the review to
improvement of the review conducted through the the actual SASE examination. This refers if the
objective and unbiased application of this process. reviewees were able to learn something from the
This data will be communicated to the teacher in a instructors and had a difference rather than not
constructive way and, through interaction, a reviewing at all.
Professional Growth Plan will be developed to support

“Assessment of Iligan City National High School Reviewees on the 2018 Mindanao….” Page 3
Effective teacher. To be an effective teacher Business Management, Humanities and Social
is to be able to assess where the students are at and Sciences, SPORTS, and Technical Vocational
help them construct knowledge and further their Livelihood. This is also the Independent Variable of
understanding of the world around them. (MDE, the created Conceptual Framework of the researcher.
In this study it is referred to the Review 3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN
Instructors who have directly influenced and end The researchers will choose a Correlational
enhanced students’ learning and comprehension. and Descriptive research design because it best served
ICNHS Faculty and Staff. Are group of to answer the questions and the purposes of the study.
teachers who import education to the students in The Correlational Study determines whether
school or college (Keydifference, 2018). or not two variables are correlated. This type of
In this study it is referred to the Iligan City research design will be very useful to the researchers
National High School- Senior High Department in a way that it will show that the results of the SASE
teachers who became the Instructors of those students has a correlation to the feedback of the students who
who decided to register on the 2018 SASE Review. have taken the review and also it will also show if
Passing rate. The percentage of the number of there are any correlation between the reviewer’s
examinees per school who are passers of a given teaching methods between the students’ performance
examination in a given period (Philippine Statistics on the exam.
Authority, 2006). Descriptive research is a study designed to
In this study it is referred to the number of depict the participants in an accurate way. More
ICNHS SASE takers who have reached above the cut- simply put, descriptive research is all about describing
off score (67) and were able to pass the examination. people who take part in the study. Open-ended
Professional development. It is used in questions allow for a greater variety of responses from
reference to a wide variety of specialized training, participants but are difficult to analyze statistically
formal education, or advanced professional learning because the data must be coded or reduced in some
intended to help administrators, teachers, and other manner.
educators improve their professional, competence,
skill, and effectiveness (EdGlossary.org, 2013). 3.2 RESEARCH SETTING
In this study it is referred to improvement of This study will be conducted in Iligan City
the way the instructors would transmit knowledge to National High of Iligan city. The school is located in
the reviewees because of the feedback of their past General Wood St. Mahayahay, which is situated near
review. It would create a more competent and the Central point of the city.
advanced technique of reviewing in the next batch of
Review. Reading things again and making
notes in order to be prepared for the examination
(Collins, 2010).
In this study it is referred to the 2018 MSU-
SASE review conducted by the ICNHS Staff and
Faculty in preparation to the SASE exam.
Socio-economic Factor. A field of study that
examines social and economic factors to better
understand how the combination of both influences
something (Business Dictionary, 2018).
In this study, it is referred as a factor that Figure 2: Map of Iligan City
affects students learning during examination reviews.
Track. This will help you prepare yourself for 3.3 RESPONDENTS
the subject specialization of the college course that In this study, the researchers will investigate
you will take in the future (Edukasyon.ph, 2018). the selected respondents who are past grade 12
In this study, it is referred to the different students of Iligan City National High School who
tracks of the Grade 12 students who registered on the decided to register for the SASE Review of
2018 SASE review namely Science Technology Iligan City National High School. This grade 12
Engineering and Mathematics, Accountancy and students came from every strand namely Science

“Assessment of Iligan City National High School Reviewees on the 2018 Mindanao….” Page 4
Technology Engineering and Mathematics, questionnaires were then approved or rejected
Accountancy and Business Management, Humanities depending on the appropriateness, readability, and
and Social Sciences, SPORTS, and Technical coherence of the test questionnaires by the experts.
Vocational Livelihood. There are 412 grade 12 The researchers will then derive at revising the
students who registered (115 from Technical correction that were made and arrive at a more
Vocational Livelihood, 111 from Humanities and polished and enhanced test questionnaires that the
Social Sciences, 109 from Accountancy and Business respondents would easily understand.
Management, 77 from Science Technology
Engineering and Mathematics, and 0 from Sports). The
said grade 12 students who passed the SASE exam are
now currently studying at MSU-IIT that’s why the
researchers need to go to their campus to gather data.


This study that will be conducted by the
researchers will make use of the following instruments
in analyzing and interpreting data:
Likert-type scales. It is a type of a close-
ended survey questionnaire wherein the respondents
are being interviewed by the researchers whether they
are satisfied regarding the last System Admission and
Scholarship Examination held last 2017. The Figure 4: Illustration flow of the data gathering
researchers made scales from 0-25%, 26-50%, 51- procedure
75%, and 76-100% to enable the respondents to rate After the test questionnaire being approved by
the quality of the review conducted by the Iligan City the experts, the researchers will now choose the
National High School Faculty and Staff. respondents who will answers those questions. In this
Open-Ended Questionnaire. This type of study, only the students of Iligan City National High
research instrument asks the respondents to supply and School who decided to register on the 2017 SASE
give their own ideas and thoughts towards a question. review. The researchers will use the Purposive
The researcher will not provide a pre-defined answers, Sampling method because the respondents that were
so respondents would be able to express what they selected was based on characteristics of a population
want in a free manner. This type of research and the objective of the study. This type of sampling
instrument is very useful to the researchers because it can be very useful in situations when you need to
will allow the respondents to define the central issue reach a targeted sample quickly, and where sampling
and also, it can broaden the perspective of the for proportionality is not the main concern.
researchers on the study through the insights of the The researchers will then start conducting the
respondents. research on the respondents by providing them with
Multiple Choice Questions. This type of research the approved test questionnaire. The researchers will
instrument is done by the researchers asking the then retrieve the test questionnaires after the
respondents to choose between two or more answer respondents have properly answered. Based on the
options. Researchers provided the respondents with results of the testing, the researchers will then analyze
pre- defined choices such as Strongly Disagree, the data that was gathered from the respondents
Disagree, Agree, and Strongly Agree. This would be through tabulation. The tabulated scores will then be
very helpful to the researchers because this type of interpreted by the researchers to arrive at a conclusion.
research instrument is very easy to answer and the
results of this research instrument are easily to compile 3.5 DATA ANALYSIS
and analyze. The researchers will transform what was
collected or observed from the respondents and covey
3.4 DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE it into numerical data. This involves measuring or
The researchers have constructed test counting attributes. This will be concerned with
questionnaires using the Likert-Type Scales, Open- finding evidence to either support or contradict an idea
Ended Unstructured Interview, and multiple choice or hypothesis the researchers might have. Quantitative
questions for the respondents to answer. The test data analysis enables you to make sense of data by

“Assessment of Iligan City National High School Reviewees on the 2018 Mindanao….” Page 5
organizing them, summarizing them, doing Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
exploratory analysis and to communicate the meaning who passed the SASE exam is 48 and it is 25% out of
to others by presenting data as tables, graphical 100%. There is 56 in Accountancy and Business
displays, and summary statistics. We can also use Management making up the 29.17% out of 100%. In
quantitative data analysis to see where responses are Humanities and Social Sciences there is 50 and it is
similar, if there are differences between the things we 26.04% out of 100%. In Technical Vocational
have studied, and if there is a relationship between the Livelihood there is 38 making up the 19.79% out of
things we have studied. 100%. There were no respondents who passed the
Mean. This will be very useful to the SASE exam on the Sports Track.
researchers in a way that it will help find the average Table 1 implies that Accountancy and
score of the students during the 2017 SASE and the Business Management had the largest number of
researchers were able to analyze if the respondent had SASE passers who took the review with 29.17% of the
passed or failed the System Admission and entire population size. On the other hand, Sports Track
Scholarship Examination. had the lowest number of SASE passers who took the
Slovin’s Formula. The researchers used this review because no one registered for the review in
type of formula to know the sampling size that would their track resulting into 0%.
be enough to serve as a representative of the whole
Frequency Percentage Distribution. In this WHO REGISTERED ON THE REVIEW IN
study this will be going to be used to find the TERMS OF TRACK
percentage of a sublevel like percentage of the
students who passed by strand. Table 2. Percentage of SASE non-passers who
registered on the review in terms of Track
The tables are arranged in the same order as Frequency Percentage
they are present in the statement of the problem. 1.) Science 18 13.33%
Table 1. Percentage of SASE passers who registered Engineering
on the review in terms of Track and
STRAND NUMBER OF SASE PASSERS 2.) Accountancy 39 28.89%
Frequency Percentage Management
1.) Science 48 25% 3.) Humanities 32 23.70%
Technology and Social
Engineering and Sciences
Mathematics 4.) Technical 46 34.07%
2.) Accountancy 56 29.17% Vocational
and Business Livelihood
3.) Humanities and 5.) Sports 0 0%
50 26.04%
Social Sciences
Table 2 presents the percentage of the SASE
4.) Technical 38 19.79% non-passers who registered on the review of Iligan
Livelihood City National High School. The respondents coming
5.) Sports 0 0% from Science Technology Engineering and
Mathematics who failed the SASE exam is 18 and it is
13.33% out of 100%. In Accountancy and Business
Table 1 presents the percentage of the SASE Management there are 39 students making up the
passers who registered on the review of Iligan City 28.89% out of 100%. In Humanities and Social
National High School. The respondents coming from Sciences there are 32 students and it is 23.70% out of

“Assessment of Iligan City National High School Reviewees on the 2018 Mindanao….” Page 6
100%. In Technical Vocational Livelihood there are front were able to understand the lessons of the
46 students making up the 34.07% out of 100%. There instructor. When asked to rate the percentage level of
were no respondents who passed the SASE exam on the contribution of the Instructors/Teachers on the
the Sports Track. review as a whole, 40.55% respondents said that the
Table 2 implies that Technical Vocational level of contribution was 26-50%.
Livelihood Track had the highest number of non- In Part 2, the researchers asked the
passers who registered on the review with 34.70% of respondents to assess the subject area English. 58.82%
the whole population size. However, the Sports Track of the respondents agrees that the review materials on
had the lowest number of non-passers who registered this subject were so helpful. 59.13% of the
on the review because no one registered for the review respondents agrees that the instructor of this subject
in their track resulting into 0%. demonstrated his/her expertise very well. 56.66% of
the respondents agrees that scope of the review was
wide and comprehensive. When asked to rate the
4.3 SURVEY RESULT OF THE SASE percentage level regarding the usefulness of the review
REVIEWEE ON THE INSTRUCTORS’ on the actual MSU-SASE exam 42.41% of the
PERCENTAGE respondents rated 26-50%.
The researchers asked the respondents to
Table 3. Survey result of the SASE reviewee on the assess the subject area Mathematics. 60.99% of the
instructors’ percentage respondents agrees that the review materials on this
subject were so helpful. 55.73% of the respondents
agrees that the instructor of this subject demonstrated
his/her expertise very well. 61.30% of the respondents
agrees that scope of the review was wide and
comprehensive. When asked to rate the percentage
level regarding the usefulness of the review on the
actual MSU-SASE exam 42.11% of the respondents
rated 26-50%.
The researchers asked the respondents to
assess the subject area Science. 54.48% of the
respondents agrees that the review materials on this
subject were so helpful. 60.37% of the respondents
agrees that the instructor of this subject demonstrated
his/her expertise very well. 57.27% of the respondents
agrees that scope of the review was wide and
comprehensive. When asked to rate the percentage
level regarding the usefulness of the review on the
actual MSU-SASE exam 40.55% of the respondents
rated 26-50%.
The researchers asked the respondents to
assess the subject area Abstract. 51.70% of the
respondents agrees that the review materials on this
subject were so helpful. 52.53% of the respondents
agrees that the instructor of this subject demonstrated
In Table number 3 it can be seen that in the his/her expertise very well. 53.86% of the respondents
Part 1, when it come to the Assessment of the agrees that scope of the review was wide and
Instructors, 61.60% agree that the teacher makes comprehensive. When asked to rate the percentage
difficult topics easy to understand and remember. level regarding the usefulness of the review on the
54.18% agrees that the instructor did not miss any actual MSU-SASE exam 39.32% of the respondents
review session. 64.40% agrees that the teacher knows rated 26-50%.
whether or not the class is keeping up with the pace of Table 3 implies that Mathematics had 60.99%
the review. 58.82% agrees that the Teacher uses of average making it the highest average when it
variety of teaching materials during reviews. 38.70% comes to the helpfulness of the review materials while
of the respondents agrees that only those sitting on the Abstract had the lowest average with 51.70%. In terms

“Assessment of Iligan City National High School Reviewees on the 2018 Mindanao….” Page 7
of well-demonstration of the instructor of his/her respondents agrees that the learning materials of all
expertise, Science had the highest average garnering subject area did helped them during the actual exam.
60.37% while Abstract only had 52.53% which was
the lowest average. When it comes to the subjects’ 5.2 CONCLUSION
being wide and comprehensive, Mathematics had the Based on the findings, the researchers conclude the
highest average with 61.30% unlike Abstract with following:
53.86% which was the lowest average. According to 1. The review materials of Iligan City National
the respondents, the most useful subject on the actual High School was effective
SASE exam was the subject English garnering 42.41% 2. 58.72% of the respondents have passed the
compared to Abstract with 39.32% which was the SASE Examination
lowest average. 3. 41.28% of the respondents did not pass the
5.1 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 4. There are more students who passed the exam
Iligan City National High School’s than those students who failed to pass the
Faculty and Staffs decided to organize a review for the exam.
upcoming System Admission and Scholarship
Examination (SASE) to help the students have a 5.3 RECOMMENDATION
bigger chance of receiving free scholarship to the Based on the findings and conclusion
prestigious institution, Mindanao State University- presented, the researchers recommend the following:
Iligan Institute of Technology. The researchers 1. The students are encouraged to take the SASE
decided to conduct a research in order to determine review organized by ICNHS because based
whether the review was effective or not and also the from the findings, students who took the exam
researchers would like to distinguish the varying last year found that the review was very useful
feedback of the reviewees. The researchers formulated to the actual exam.
and made test questionnaires that were given to the 2. The researchers recommend that the school
selected Grade 12 students of ICNHS. would consider maintaining their style of
After the commencement for the conduction reviewing because it made a positive effect to
of the research, based on the information that was the students’ who took the SASE exam.
given by the selected grade 12 respondents, majority 3. The researchers encourages the facilitators of
of the respondents are coming from Humanities and the SASE review to sustaine their way of
Social Sciences. Also the researchers have also found demonstrating their subject because the
that majority of the respondents who are SASE passers reviewees are satisfied with their performance.
who took the review are from Accountancy and
Business Management while majority of the non-
passers who took the review came from Technical
Vocational Livelihood. In addition, majority of the
respondents agrees that the teacher makes difficult
topics easy to understand and remember. They also
agree that the instructors did not miss any review
session, the teachers know whether or not the class is
keeping up with the pace of the review, and that the
teacher uses variety of teaching materials during
review. In spite of this, majority of the respondents
agrees that only those sitting on the front were able to
understand the lessons of the instructor. The majority
of the respondents also agrees that all of the subjects
of the review (English, Mathematics, Science, and
Abstract) the scope of the review was wide and
comprehensive. Majority of the respondents also rated
all the subject areas of the review 26-50% regarding
the usefulness of the Mathematics review on the actual
MSU-SASE exam. Furthermore, majority of the

“Assessment of Iligan City National High School Reviewees on the 2018 Mindanao….” Page 8
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