PAAM - Steps in A Criminal Case
PAAM - Steps in A Criminal Case
PAAM - Steps in A Criminal Case
...may be confusing to a victim or witness. The following summary will explain how a case generally progresses
through Michigan's criminal justice system. Speci c procedures may be modi ed by local courts or judges.
Police Investigate
Investigation may include interviewing victim, witnesses, suspects; collecting physical evidence; visiting, viewing,
photographing, measuring crime scene; identifying suspects; through line-ups ... etc.
When a crime is committed in a police of cer's presence --- or the of cer has probable cause to believe that certain
misdemeanors or any felony was committed that the of cer did not see happen --- an of cer may arrest a suspect on
the spot without an arrest warrant. The of cer will later submit a charging/warrant request to the Prosecuting
Attorney, suggesting potential charges to be authorized.
Most cases begin with a warrant request. This is generally the rst time that the Prosecuting Attorney's of ce is
involved in a case, unless a prosecutor reviewed a search warrant or visited the crime scene. At this stage, the
Prosecutor determines whether a person should be charged with a crime and, if so, what the crime should be. The
Prosecutor must thoroughly review all reports and records concerning the case, including witness statements. The
Prosecutor also reviews the suspect's prior criminal or traf c record. Occasionally, the reviewing Prosecutor sends
the case back to the police to conduct additional investigation.
Warrant Issued
The Prosecutor can issue a charge if he or she reasonably believes that probable cause exists that the suspect
committed the offense. But, most reviewing Prosecutors apply a higher standard --- whether the charge can be
proved beyond a reasonable doubt at trial with the information known at that time.
The delay between the crime date and the defendant's arrest on an authorized charge can take any length of time
(e.g., if the defendant's whereabouts are unknown, or if the defendant has left the State of Michigan).
This is the rst court appearance for any misdemeanor or felony. Once arrested and charged with a felony, the
suspect appears in District Court for arraignment. The defendant is told what the charge(s) is (are) and the maximum
penalty if convicted, and is advised of his constitutional rights to a jury or bench trial, appointed attorney,
presumption of innocence, etc. The charging document is called a Complaint. The conditions and amount ofbond are
determined by the judge. In some cases --- generally based on the nature of the charge --- the Judge imposes
conditions on the bond, such as no contact with the victim. Bond is set in almost every case, but it is up to the
defendant's own resources to post the bail money, which allows him to be released.
All further pre-trial procedures are determined by whether the defendant is charged with a felony or misdemeanor:
At a misdemeanor arraignment, the defendant will be given a chance to enter a plea to the charge: plead guilty, plead
not guilty, or stand mute (i.e., remain silent, which is treated by the court as if the defendant pled not guilty). If the
defendant pleads guilty or no contest, the Judge may sentence the defendant on the spot or may reschedule the case
for a sentencing date, which will give the probation department time to prepare a pre-sentence report including
background information about the defendant and the crime, make a sentencing recommendation, etc. If the
defendant stands mute or pleads not guilty, the case will be scheduled for a pre-trial conference.
Pretrial Conference --- All misdemeanor cases are scheduled for a meeting between an Assistant Prosecuting
Attorney and the defendant (or his attorney) to determine whether the case will go to trial or be resolved with a plea.
These meetings focus on resolving the case short of trial. The Judge and witnesses are not directly involved in
misdemeanor pre-trial conferences. If a plea bargain is going to be offered by the Prosecutor, it is done here.
At a felony arraignment in District Court, the defendant does not plead guilty or not guilty. He is advised of his right
to a preliminary examination within 14 days of the arraignment. The arraigning judge may also consider a defendant's
request for a court-appointed attorney at this time.
Pre-Exam Conference --- Some courts schedule a "Pre-Exam Conference" several days before the scheduled
Preliminary Examination. The Pre-Exam Conference operates like a misdemeanor pre-trial conference, as a meeting
between the Prosecutor and defendant (or his attorney) to see if the case can be resolved without the need to
subpoena witnesses for the "Prelim".
Felony Preliminary Examination --- This is a contested hearing before a District Court Judge, sometimes called a
"probable cause hearing", held within 14 days after arraignment. The Prosecutor presents witnesses to convince the
Judge that there is at least probable cause to believe that the charged crime(s) was (were) committed and that the
defendant committed the crime(s). Because the burden of proof is much less than at a trial, the Prosecutor generally
does not call all potential witnesses to testify at the "prelim"; generally, the victim and some eye witnesses plus some
of the police witnesses testify. The defendant, through his attorney, can cross-examine the witnesses and present his
own evidence (including witnesses). If probable cause is established, the defendant is "bound over" (i.e., sent to)
Circuit Court for trial. If the Judge decides that there is not probable cause that the defendant committed the
charged crime(s), the judge can bind the case over on different charges, can reduce the charges to misdemeanors for
trial in District Court, or can dismiss charges. A defendant can give up his right to a Preliminary Examination. Most
felonies arrive in Circuit Court after such a "waiver".
Circuit Court Arraignment --- After the case is sent to Circuit Court, the defendant is again arraigned (given formal
notice of the charges against him or her). The charging document is called an Information. He or she is again advised
of his/her constitutional rights, and enters a plea to the charge (guilty, not guilty or stand mute).
Pre-Trial Conference --- The Circuit Court may schedule a meeting between an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney and
the defendant's attorney to determine whether the case will go to trial or be resolved with a plea.
Pretrial Proceedings --- The Circuit Court Judge may be called upon to resolve various pre-trial issues, some of
which determine whether the case will continue to a trial, be resolved with a plea, or be dismissed; whether evidence
will be admissible at trial; etc.
A trial is an adversary proceeding in which the Prosecutor must present evidence to prove the defendant's guilt
beyond a reasonable doubt. The defendant is not required to prove his or her innocence or to present any evidence,
but may challenge the accuracy of the Prosecutor's evidence.
Both the defendant and the Prosecutor (representing the People of the State of Michigan) have the right to a trial by
a jury. Sometimes, both sides agree to let a Judge listen to the evidence and decide the case without a jury; this is
called a "bench trial". In a jury trial, the jury is the "trier of fact"; in a bench trial, the judge is. After the evidence is
presented, the judge or a jury will determine whether the evidence proved that the defendant committed the crime.
1. residents of the local county are randomly selected from a Secretary of State list of licensed drivers, and are
summoned to the Court as potential jurors;
2. a blind draw selects twelve people from that group in felonies (six in District Court misdemeanors);
3. Voir Dire: the Judge, Prosecutor and defense attorney question the jurors about their backgrounds and beliefs;
4. the attorneys are permitted a limited number of "peremptory" challenges to various jurors (or an unlimited
number of challenges for good cause);
5. after twelve (or six) acceptable jurors remain, the Judge administers an oath to the jury and reads basic
instructions about the trial process, etc.;
6. the Prosecutor gives an opening statement to outline the People's case and evidence to the jury;
7. the defense may give a similar opening statement, or wait until later in the trial;
8. the Prosecutor calls witnesses, which the defense may cross examine;
9. the People close their proofs;
10. the defense may call witnesses, if it wants, and the Prosecutor may cross-examine them;
11. the defense rests;
12. the Prosecutor may present "rebuttal" witnesses/evidence to challenge evidence presented by the defendant
during his proofs;
13. the Prosecutor rests;
14. occasionally, the trial judge will let the defense present "sur-rebuttal" witnesses to respond to the Prosecutor's
rebuttal witnesses' testimony;
15. the Prosecutor presents a closing summary to the jury;
16. the defense attorney presents a closing summary to the jury;
17. the Prosecutor may present a rebuttal argument to the jury to respond to the defendant's attorney's closing
18. the judge gives the jury detailed legal instructions about the charged crimes, the deliberation process, etc.;
19. the jury deliberates and returns a verdict.
Sentencing in Michigan varies with the crime and can be the most confusing part of the criminal process. Most often,
sentences are at the judge's discretion. The judge will consider the information in the pre-sentence report (subject to
factual corrections by the parties), additional evidence offered by the parties, comments by the crime victim, and
other information relevant to the judge's sentencing decision. For felonies, the Circuit Court judge will consult
"sentencing guidelines" (originally established by the Michigan Supreme Court, but now applicable by recent "Truth in
Sentencing" laws). The sentencing guidelines factor in aspects of the defendant's criminal conduct and his prior
record, to determine the minimum jail/prison sentence. The judge may consider different alternatives, such as a ne,
probation, community service, a sentence to jail or prison, or a combination. The judge must also order the defendant
to make restitution to any victims who have suffered nancial harm.
Appeals from the District Court are heard in the Circuit Court. Appeals from a Circuit Court or Probate Court order
are heard in the Michigan Court of Appeals. Appeals from Court of Appeals decisions are heard in the Michigan
Supreme Court.
There are three kinds of appeals: (1) interlocutory, (2) of right, and (3) by leave.
Interlocutory appeal: occurs when a party tries to appeal a judge's decision before the case has come to trial or
before a trial is nished.
Appeal of right: occurs after a nal order has been entered by the trial court (either a sentencing order, or an order
dismissing the charge). A recent amendment to the Michigan Constitution has eliminated most appeals of right when
a defendant pleads guilty. Most appeals of right now focus on the sentence imposed.
Appeal by leave of the court: occurs when an appeal of right is not available (e.g., because an available appeal of right
was not led on time). The appellate court has the discretion to reject the appeal or can "grant leave".
If the appellate court grants leave to appeal, the defendant and Prosecutor le briefs that summarize the case facts,
frame the legal issues to be decided, and present persuasive written arguments (supported by constitutional,
statutory or prior case decision authority). Either party can request that the case be scheduled before the appellate
court judges for oral argument. The appellate court will eventually issue a written opinion (or several opinions, if the
justices disagree). Not all appellate opinions are "published" (i.e., printed in of cial "reporter" services, such as
Michigan Reporter or Michigan Appellate Reporter). The legal analysis and conclusions in published opinions are
given greater precedential authority than "unpublished" opinions.
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