Problem 1 Estimate in km the distance on the Sun corresponding to one
arcsec when the Earth is in perihelion (about 4th of January each year) and
is in 147.5 million km from the Sun and when it is in aphelion (about 4th of
July), in 152.6 million km from the Sun.
Problem 5 Show that in the case of constant pressure, the energy equation
ργ d
= −L, (2)
γ − 1 dt ργ
can be rewritten as
ρcp = −L, (3)
where cp is specific heat at constant pressure,
γ kB
cp = .
γ−1 m
Warwick PX420 Solar MHD 2019-2020: Problems 2
Problem 10 Sketch the magnetic field lines for B = 1ex + 2xey , and deter-
mine the j × B force at the point x = 0, y = 1.
dv d p GM ρ
ρv =− − , (7)
dr dr r2
d p
v = 0. (8)
dr ργ
Show that the Euler equation may be rewritten as
dv γ p d γ−1 GM
v =− ρ − , (9)
dr γ−1 ργ dr r2
v2 Cs2 GM
+ − = const. (10)
2 γ−1 r
Problem 12 Observations by GOES spacecraft show that the integrated soft
X-ray flux of a solar flare varies with time as F (t) ∝ exp(−t2 /t2f ), where tf
is about 500 s. Determine the expected time dependence of the hard X-ray
and microwave fluxes generated by the flare.
Problem 15 Spectroscopic measurements show that outside the loop the plasma
is cooler and less dense than inside. What information it gives you about the
ratio of the magnetic field inside and outside the loop?
Problem 16 Imaging observations in EUV show that the global kink mode
of a coronal loop has the phase speed of 1000 km/s. The loop appears to
be 100 times brighter than the background plasma. Show that in the low-β
Warwick PX420 Solar MHD 2019-2020: Problems 4
plasma the kink speed can be estimated as CK ≈ CAi 2/(1 + ρe /ρi ). Using
this expression or otherwise estimate the Alfvén speed in the loop. (Here the
indices in and ex refer to the physical parameters inside and outside in the
loop, respectively.)
∂ Ṽ ∂ p̃ ∂ ρ̃ ∂ Ṽ
ρ0 =− , + ρ0
∂t ∂z ∂t ∂z
where ρ0 is the constant equilibrium density, and the tilde denoted perturba-
tions of the physical value.
(b) Show that with the use of the expression p̃ = Cs2 ρ̃ where Cs is the
sound speed, the above equations combine to the wave equation
∂ 2 Ṽ 2
2∂ V
− C s = 0.
∂t2 ∂z 2
(c) Apply the “rigid wall” boundary conditions (V = 0) at the loop foot-
points (z = 0 and z = L) and determine the resonant frequency of the global
acoustic (also called “longitudinal”) mode of the loop.
where V is the component of the bulk velocity vector, tangential to the loop,
and s is the coordinate along the loop. Show that these equations could be
combined into the ODE
V − s = −g0 cos(s/RL ), (11)
V ds