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The document outlines the structure, clergy roles, ceremonies and administration procedures of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (EGC) within Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO).

The document discusses the general considerations, membership, clergy roles including patriarchate, primacy, episcopate, priesthood and diaconate as well as recognition of ordination. It also covers bishops in amity and the laity.

The document discusses the Gnostic Mass ceremony and other ceremonies such as baptism, confirmation and marriage. It provides guidelines on public vs private celebrations and approved texts.

O. T. O.

E. G. C.



Effective August 30, 1996 e.v.

Revised January 20, 1997 e.v.

Issued by Order:

Hymenaeus Beta
Frater Superior, Ordo Templi Orientis
Sovereign Patriarch, Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica

Sabazius Xº
National Grand Master General, U.S. Grand Lodge of O.T.O.
Primate of E.G.C. within the U.S.A.
Table of Contents

I. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
II. Structure of E.G.C. within O.T.O. .............................................................................. 1
A. General Considerations ........................................................................................... 1
B. Membership ............................................................................................................ 2
C. The Clergy.............................................................................................................. 2
1. The Patriarchate................................................................................................... 2
2. The Primacy ........................................................................................................ 3
3. The Episcopate .................................................................................................... 3
4. The Priesthood .................................................................................................... 4
5. The Diaconate ..................................................................................................... 4
6. The Novitiate....................................................................................................... 5
7. Recognition of Ordination.................................................................................... 5
8. Recognition of Ministerial Status ......................................................................... 5
9. Withdrawal of Recognition and Authority ............................................................ 6
D. The Laity ................................................................................................................ 6
E. Bishops in Amity..................................................................................................... 6
III. Ceremonies ............................................................................................................... 6
A. The Gnostic Mass ................................................................................................... 6
1. General Considerations ........................................................................................ 6
2. Public and Private Celebration ............................................................................. 7
3. Approved Texts of Liber XV ............................................................................... 8
4. Steps and Signs.................................................................................................... 8
5. Cakes of Light ................................................................................................... 10
6. Communion Wine .............................................................................................. 10
B. Other Ceremonies ................................................................................................. 10
1. General Considerations ...................................................................................... 10
2. Baptism ............................................................................................................. 11
3. Confirmation...................................................................................................... 11
4. Marriage............................................................................................................ 11
5. Last Rites .......................................................................................................... 12
6. Ordination to the Diaconate ............................................................................... 12
7. Ordination to the Priesthood .............................................................................. 12
8. Ordination (Consecration) to the Episcopate ...................................................... 13
9. Feasts and Celebrations...................................................................................... 13
IV. Administration......................................................................................................... 13

U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. E.G.C. Manual



I. Introduction

This manual sets forth the policies of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica within the U.S.
Grand Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis with respect to the celebration of the Gnostic Mass,
the administration of the various Ceremonies of E.G.C., and the qualifications, powers,
authorities, duties and responsibilities of the clergy of E.G.C. None of the policies set
forth herein are intended to infringe on the legitimate authority of any Church outside

II. Structure of E.G.C. within O.T.O.

A. General Considerations
Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.), or the Gnostic Catholic Church (the
Church), is the ecclesiastical aspect of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). The Gnostic
Catholic Church was founded in 1907 e.v. by Jean Bricaud, Gérard Encausse and Louis-
Sophrone Fugairon; the latter two having been bishops of Jules Doinel's Gnostic Church
(1890) before Doinel's abdication as Patriarch. In 1908 e.v., Theodor Reuss appears to
have received episcopal consecration and primatial authority in the Gnostic Catholic
Church from Encausse, Bricaud and Fugairon in gratitude for his issuance to Encausse of
a patent for the Masonic Rites of Memphis and Mizraim. The same year, Encausse,
Bricaud and Fugairon changed the name of their church to the Universal Gnostic Church,
leaving Reuss exclusive authority in the Gnostic Catholic Church. As with all his other
affiliations, Reuss incorporated the Gnostic Catholic Church into the system of O.T.O.
The name "Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica" was coined by Aleister Crowley when he
wrote the Gnostic Mass for O.T.O. in 1913 e.v. Reuss translated the Gnostic Mass into
German and published it in 1918 e.v., adopting it as an official rite of the Gnostic Catholic
Church; and proclaiming himself "Sovereign Patriarch and Primate of the Gnostic Catholic
Church," as well as Gnostic Legate to Switzerland for Bricaud's Universal Gnostic
Church. Reuss's publication of the Gnostic Mass constituted the formal acceptance of the
Law of Thelema by the Gnostic Catholic Church, and its formal declaration of
independence from Bricaud's Universal Gnostic Church.
Thus, the Gnostic Catholic Church, or Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, is an
inseparable part of Ordo Templi Orientis; and the Gnostic Mass is one of the official
rituals, more specifically the central ritual, of Ordo Templi Orientis.
While E.G.C. traces its historic origins to the French Gnostic revival of the turn of
the century, which was a movement within Christianity, it has since accepted the Law of
Thelema, has declared itself independent from the Christian Universal Gnostic Church and

U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. E.G.C. Manual

its successors, and is no longer to be considered a Christian Church. E.G.C. does not
administer Christian Sacraments, and its ecclesiastical powers are founded on a spiritual
succession from the Master Therion and the constituent originating assemblies of O.T.O.,
rather than on the traditional Christian Apostolic Succession. The theology, doctrines and
sacramental theory of E.G.C. are based on the principles of the Thelemic Religion. Its
rites and ceremonies, while eclectic in form (drawing upon the sacerdotal practices of a
wide variety of cultures and historical religious systems) are fundamentally Thelemic in
character. The traditional doctrines, theology, canon law, and insignia of the Roman
Catholic, Orthodox, and Jacobite Churches do not operate within E.G.C.

B. Membership
There are three recognized subclasses of Church membership, the Clergy (Clerical
membership), the Laity (Lay membership) and Bishops in Amity (Advisory membership).
The Clergy is composed of the Father (or Mother) of the Church, the Primate, the
Bishops, the Priests and Priestesses, and the Deacons. The Father (or Mother) of the
Church may, from time to time, designate additional subcategories within the above
classes of Church membership, with such qualifications, privileges and duties as he or she
may deem desirable.

C. The Clergy

1. The Patriarchate
a. The Father (or Mother) of the Church, also known as the Sovereign Patriarch
or Sovereign Matriarch, is the O.H.O., regardless of the country in which the Church is
established. For convenience, the term "Patriarch" is used hereinafter to mean the Father
(or Mother) of the Church. All official rites and ceremonies used within E.G.C. are
subject to the approval of the Patriarch. The Patriarch has the sole authority to suspend,
revoke, and reinstate the recognition of any person's clerical status as Bishop, Priest,
Priestess or Deacon within E.G.C., and any person's Clerical or Advisory membership in
E.G.C. The Patriarch has the authority to approve texts to be used in celebrations of the
Gnostic Mass by Priests and Priestesses of E.G.C., modify the Gnostic Mass to suit special
functions and occasions, to set guidelines for its proper performance, and to issue
guidelines for the preparation of the eucharistic elements.
b. At this time, the Patriarch is Frater Superior Hymenaeus Beta, Caliph and
Acting O.H.O. of O.T.O.

U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. E.G.C. Manual

2. The Primacy
a. The Primate, or Presiding Bishop, is the National Grand Master General Xº.
The Primate shall in general supervise and control the affairs of E.G.C. within the U.S.A.,
subject to the ultimate authority of the Patriarch. The Patriarch may delegate, in full or in
part, any or all of his or her duties and authority within E.G.C. to the Primate for exercise
within the U.S.A. Such delegation does not constitute surrender of authority, and any
duties and authority so delegated may be revoked and recovered at any time.
b. At this time, the Primate of E.G.C. within the U.S.A. is Sabazius Xº, National
Grand Master General of the U.S. Grand Lodge of O.T.O. Frater Superior Hymenaeus
Beta has delegated, in full, his duties and authority within E.G.C. to Sabazius Xº for
exercise within the U.S.A. The actions and decisions of the Primate are subject to
modification or reversal by the Patriarch upon appeal by any Bishop within the U.S.A.

3. The Episcopate
a. The Bishops of E.G.C. are men or women who are recognized by the Patriarch
as possessing episcopal powers, which powers they apply in the furthering of the Law of
Thelema through their ministry. Effective October 1, 1991 e.v., only Initiate members of
the Theoreticus sub-degree of Seventh Degree in good standing are eligible for
recognition as Bishops within the Clerical membership of E.G.C. Bishops in good
standing recognized prior to this date need not be members of the Seventh Degree, but
shall be known as "Auxiliary Bishops" until such a time as they are initiated to the
Theoreticus sub-degree of the Seventh Degree.
b. Within E.G.C., the Bishops shall have such authority, and perform such duties
as may be prescribed from time to time by the Primate and the Patriarch.
At this time, Bishops have the power and authority within E.G.C. to celebrate the
Gnostic Mass; to ordain Priests, Priestesses and Deacons of E.G.C.; and to perform
baptisms, confirmations, marriages and last rites, in accordance with local laws.
The term "Bishop" as used herein shall mean a Bishop who possesses the
Theoreticus sub-degree of VIIº unless the term is preceded by the word "Auxiliary" or
followed by the words "in Amity." Auxiliary Bishops of E.G.C. have all the privileges and
authority of the E.G.C. Priesthood, along with those additional privileges and authority
specified herein for Auxiliary Bishops, and those conferred upon them individually by the
Primate or the Patriarch.
c. Bishops and Auxiliary Bishops of E.G.C. have the responsibility of serving as
official representatives of E.G.C. within O.T.O. Therefore, any public celebration of the
Gnostic Mass which involves the participation of a recognized Bishop or Auxiliary Bishop
of E.G.C. as an officer is by definition an official O.T.O. event and is subject to the
policies of O.T.O. regarding official O.T.O. events.
d. The term "Bishop" does not carry the same meaning within E.G.C. as it does in
Christian Churches or in the so-called "Wandering Bishops" tradition. Possession of a

U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. E.G.C. Manual

valid and documented Apostolic Succession does not make one a Bishop of E.G.C.;
neither is a Christian Apostolic Succession necessary to the Bishops of E.G.C.
e. Gnostic Bishops of the Doinel Succession assume a Mystic Name prefaced by
the Greek letter "T" or "Tau" upon their consecration. Bishops and Auxiliary Bishops of
E.G.C. who wish to emphasize this part of their spiritual heritage may, at their option,
follow this tradition. However, the Double Tau is reserved for use by the Patriarch and
the Primate.

4. The Priesthood
a. The Priesthood of E.G.C. includes both Priests and Priestesses. The Priests
and Priestesses of E.G.C. are men and women, respectively, who are recognized by the
Patriarch as possessing sacerdotal powers, which powers they apply in the furthering of
the Law of Thelema through their ministry. For Priests and Priestesses to be recognized
and accorded full status as such within the Clerical membership of E.G.C., they must be
Initiate members in good standing of at least Knight of the East and West; and their
ordination must be reported to and recorded by the Grand Secretary General and the
Ecclesiastical Secretary. Prior to their ordination, they must have been accorded Lay
membership in E.G.C. With the permission of the Primate, they may, prior to their formal
ordination, take on limited duties and authority of the Priesthood under the supervision of
a Bishop.
b. Within E.G.C., the Priests and Priestesses shall have such privileges and
authority, and perform such duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Primate
and the Patriarch.
Priests and Priestesses have the Sacerdotal power and authority to celebrate the
Gnostic Mass as representatives of E.G.C. within O.T.O. A Bishop may also delegate to
them the authority to ordain Deacons and perform baptisms, confirmations and last rites;
and, in certain cases, to perform weddings. Priests and Priestesses are expected to
coordinate their work with a Bishop, with whom they should communicate frequently.
c. Priests and Priestesses of E.G.C. have the responsibility of serving as official
representatives of E.G.C. within O.T.O. Therefore, any public celebration of the Gnostic
Mass which involves the participation of a recognized Priest or Priestess of E.G.C. as an
officer is by definition an official O.T.O. event and is subject to the policies of O.T.O.
regarding official O.T.O. events.

5. The Diaconate
a. The Deacons of E.G.C. are ordained assistants to the Priests and Priestesses.
For Deacons to be recognized and accorded the status of Clerical member of E.G.C., they
must be Initiate members in good standing of at least Second Degree; and their ordination
must be reported to and recorded by the Grand Secretary General and the Ecclesiastical
Secretary. Prior to their ordination, they must have been accorded Lay membership in

U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. E.G.C. Manual

b. Within E.G.C., the Deacons shall have such privileges and authority, and
perform such duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Primate and the
At this time, Deacons have the power and authority only to assist recognized
Priests and Priestesses of E.G.C. in the performance of their duties. They are not
considered as official representatives of E.G.C.

6. The Novitiate
a. Initiate members of any degree who have been accorded Lay membership in
E.G.C. may undergo a period of Novitiate training under the supervision of a Bishop, to
prepare them for ordination as Priest, Priestess or Deacon. Such Initiate members may
participate in the celebration of the Gnostic Mass as Novice Priests, Priestesses and
b. Novice status is not formally recognized by the Order, and is not included in the
Order's records.

7. Recognition of Ordination
To apply for official recognition, ordained Priests, Priestesses and Deacons must
write to the Grand Secretary General and the Ecclesiastical Secretary and provide the
following information:
a. Full Civil Name and any Magical Names or Mottoes
b. Mailing Address
c. Telephone Number
d. Membership Class for which recognition is requested (i.e. Priest, Priestess or
e. Name and E.G.C. Rank of the person who administered the ordination
f. Date of the ordination
g. Signature of the applicant
h. Signature of the person who administered the ordination.

8. Recognition of Ministerial Status

Those Bishops and Auxiliary Bishops regularly providing public performance of
the Gnostic Mass in accordance with O.T.O. policies, and providing religious services to
their congregation on a weekly basis, may apply to the Supreme Grand Council of O.T.O.
U.S.A. for recognition of ministerial status within O.T.O. They will then be assisted by
O.T.O. U.S.A. in undertaking such legal registrations as are necessary within their State of
residence to permit them to serve their congregation by performing marriages, baptisms,
last rites and other religious functions. Such registrations require the review of the
Supreme Grand Council of O.T.O. U.S.A. if any part of the Bishop's authority to

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undertake such registration is derived from his or her Ecclesiastical membership within

9. Withdrawal of Recognition and Authority

Clerical authority and recognition of Ministerial Status within E.G.C. can be
revoked for cause by the Patriarch at any time, and is automatically lost upon resignation,
suspension or expulsion from O.T.O., or lapse of active membership status in O.T.O.

D. The Laity
a. Lay Membership in E.G.C. is conferred by the ceremony of confirmation, which
must be preceded by the ceremony of baptism. Lay Membership conveys no authority or
special privileges within E.G.C. The Patriarch may, from time to time, modify or waive
the ceremonial requirements for Lay membership in E.G.C.
b. Baptism is open to any person of at least the age of 11 years, but does not, in
itself, confer Lay Membership. Confirmation is open to any person who has been baptized
and who has attained the age of puberty. Baptism and/or confirmation for any person less
than 18 years of age requires the prior written consent of a parent or legal guardian.
Baptism and confirmation are public ceremonies.

E. Bishops in Amity
a. Bishops from affiliated or distant branches of the Gnostic Church with or
without an historical connection with O.T.O. may affiliate with O.T.O. upon mutual
recognition. Such Bishops shall affiliate as Advisory members of E.G.C., and shall be
known as "Bishops in Amity."
b. Advisory membership in E.G.C. confers no clerical authority within E.G.C.

III. Ceremonies

A. The Gnostic Mass

1. General Considerations
Aleister Crowley wrote Liber XV in 1913 in Moscow, the year after his
appointment by Theodor Reuss as the Xº Head of the British Section of O.T.O.
According to W. B. Crow in A History of Magic, Witchcraft and Occultism (Aquarian
Press, London 1968), Crowley wrote it "under the influence of the Liturgy of St. Basil of
the Russian Church." Crowley published the Gnostic Mass three times during his life: in
1918 in The International, in 1919 in The Equinox, Volume III, No. 1 (the "Blue
Equinox"), and in 1929 in Appendix VI of Magick in Theory and Practice. Theodor

U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. E.G.C. Manual

Reuss published a German variant in 1918. It was first publicly celebrated on Sunday,
March 19, 1933 e.v. by Wilfred T. Smith and Regina Kahl in Hollywood, California.
Crowley writes in Chapter 73 of his Confessions:
"During this period [The summer of 1913 e.v. - Ed.] the full interpretation of the central
mystery of freemasonry became clear in consciousness, and I expressed it in dramatic
form in `The Ship'. The lyrical climax is in some respects my supreme achievement in
invocation; in fact, the chorus beginning:
Thou who art I beyond all I am...
seemed to me worthy to be introduced as the anthem into the Ritual of the Gnostic
Catholic Church, which, later in the year, I prepared for the use of the O.T.O., the
central ceremony of its public and private celebration, corresponding to the Mass of the
Roman Catholic Church."

2. Public and Private Celebration

a. A public celebration of the Gnostic Mass is one which is open to members of
the public; or which is noticed in any official O.T.O. publication under the name "Gnostic
Mass," "Gnostic Catholic Mass," "Liber XV," or equivalent names. A private celebration
of the Gnostic Mass is one at which the individual participants are all initiate members of
O.T.O. of at least 0ø. Private celebrations of the Gnostic Mass may be held for initiates of
higher degrees as well.
b. Public celebrations of the Gnostic Mass shall be performed in accordance with
the guidelines contained herein and with any other guidelines issued by the Primate under
the authority of the Patriarch; and at least one of the three principal celebrating officers
must be a Clerical member of E.G.C. with recognized status as Priest, Priestess, Bishop,
or Auxiliary Bishop. In developing areas, this last requirement may be waived by the
Primate or the Patriarch when the Gnostic Mass is being celebrated by Novices under the
supervision of a Bishop.
c. Public celebrations of the Gnostic Mass are to be held to the highest standards
of performance and fidelity to the approved texts of Liber XV (listed below). The officers
of the Mass should know their parts by heart and should not use scripts; with the
exception that the Deacon may use a script while intoning the collects if necessary.
d. The text of Liber XV, including the Collects, is not to be added to or modified
without the express permission of the current Patriarch.
e. Passages quoted from Liber CCXX in Liber XV may be revised to conform to
the original wording of Liber CCXX; i.e., "children of the Prophet" may be changed to
"child of the Prophet."
f. Additional names shall not be added to the List of Saints in the Fifth Collect, or
elsewhere in the Gnostic Mass, without the express permission of the Patriarch. Bishops
may petition the Primate to recommend to the Patriarch the addition of a name to the list
of Saints. The names Karl Johannes Germer and Grady Louis McMurtry may optionally
be added to the list of Saints in any celebration of the Gnostic Mass.
g. All Anthems other than that included in Liber XV must be approved in advance
by the Patriarch prior to use in a public celebration of the Gnostic Mass.

U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. E.G.C. Manual

h. For performance purposes in public celebrations of the Gnostic Mass, the stage
directions and descriptions of costuming and temple furniture given in the text of Liber
XV are to be interpreted in a straightforward manner, not as metaphor or euphemism.
i. Interpretations of Liber XV by Auxiliary Bishops, Priests, Priestesses and
Deacons for public celebrations of the Gnostic Mass are subject to review and
modification by the Bishops. The decisions of a Bishop on interpretation may be appealed
to the Primate.
j. Local economic and spatial constraints may prevent the full implementation of
the provisions in Liber XV regarding temple furniture and costuming. However, these
provisions should be implemented as best as possible; and improvements should continue
to be made as additional resources become available.
k. For public celebrations of the Gnostic Mass, the role of Priest shall be filled by
a man, and the role of Priestess shall be filled by a woman.
l. The roles of the two "Children" in Liber XV should be filled whenever possible
for public celebrations of the Gnostic Mass. These roles may be filled by any two
individuals who have been baptized in E.G.C., including adults. The Children serve the
Cakes of Light and goblets of wine to the individual communicants. Where the roles of
the Children cannot be filled in a public celebration of the Gnostic Mass, the Deacon
should serve the Cakes of Light and the goblets of wine to the individual communicants.
m. Liber XV may be modified for Requiem Masses by including a brief mention of
the deceased at the eleventh Collect.
n. Any celebration of the Gnostic Mass which is held at, or is sponsored by, an
official O.T.O. Local Body is, by definition, an official E.G.C. and O.T.O. event, and is
subject to the policies set forth herein and to the policies of O.T.O. regarding official
O.T.O. events regarding drugs, firearms, etc. The Master of the Local Body is responsible
for enforcing these policies.

3. Approved Texts of Liber XV

As of the date of issuance of this Manual, the following texts of Liber XV are
approved by the Patriarch for public celebration of the Gnostic Mass:
a. The text published in "The International," March 1918 e.v.
b. The text published in "The Equinox," Vol. III, No. 1
c. The text published in "The Equinox," Vol. III, No. 10
d. The text published in "Book IV," Samuel Weiser, December 1994 e.v.
e. The text published in "Mystery of Mystery," Red Flame No 2, June 1995 e.v.
Texts other than the above shall not be used for public celebration of the Gnostic
Mass without the prior permission of the Patriarch.

4. Steps and Signs

For private celebrations of the Gnostic Mass where only initiate members of
O.T.O. of at least IIIº are present, the steps and signs known to initiates may be used. For

U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. E.G.C. Manual

public celebrations of the Gnostic Mass, the following steps and signs shall be used, which
are the steps and signs which were in use by O.T.O. when the Gnostic Mass was written in
1913 e.v.:

a) The Step and Sign of a Man and Brother

(1) The Step. Stand perfectly erect, your feet formed into a square (Left foot
pointing forward, right foot pointing right with the right heel in the hollow of
the left foot). Hands, with linked thumbs, are held loosely. Take a short pace
with your left foot, bringing the right heel into its hollow.
(2) The Sign. Hands are held open, fingers together. Place your right hand level,
with the thumb extended in a square towards the throat, just left of the
windpipe. Draw the hand smartly across the throat to the right, and drop it to
the side.

b) The Hailing Sign (of a Magician)

Hands are held open, fingers together. Press the right hand on the left breast,
extending the thumb perpendicularly upward to form a square. Throw the left
hand up, with the left arm horizontal from the shoulder to the elbow, and
perpendicular from the elbow to the ends of the fingers, with the thumb and
forefinger forming a square.

c) The First Three Regular Steps

(1) Stand perfectly erect, your feet formed into a square. Hands, with linked
thumbs, are held loosely. Take a short pace with your left foot, bringing the
right heel into its hollow.
(2) Take another short pace, as before.
(3) Take another short pace, as before.

d) The Three Penal Signs

Hands are held open, fingers together.
(1) Place your right hand level, with the thumb extended in a square towards the
throat, just left of the windpipe. Draw the hand smartly across the throat to
the right, and drop it to the side.
(2) Place your right hand level, with the thumb extended in a square towards the
heart. Draw the hand across the breast to the right and drop it to the side.
(3) Place your right hand level, with the thumb extended in a square towards the
navel. Draw the hand across the lower abdomen to the right, drop it to the
side, and raise it again to place the point of the thumb upon the navel.

U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. E.G.C. Manual

5. Cakes of Light
For any celebration of the Gnostic Mass, individual members of the congregation
may bring their own Cakes of Light which they have prepared themselves for their
exclusive personal consumption. Such Cakes of Light should be easily identifiable and
distinguishable from all the other Cakes of Light; and individually wrapped, if necessary, in
wax paper or the equivalent.
For all celebrations of the Gnostic Mass, public and private, except for those
private celebrations of the Gnostic Mass at which all participants have specifically
requested otherwise, the Cakes of Light provided by the celebrants to the congregation
shall be made with the following ingredients and with no other ingredients:
a. Meal (any ground edible grain);
b. Honey;
c. Leavings of red wine;
d. Oil of Abramelin (a blend of cinnamon, myrrh, galangal and olive oils);
e. Olive oil; and
f. Optionally, one of the following ingredients may be added:
(1) Livestock blood obtained legally from a butcher shop or a farm; or
(2) Ash from Cakes of Light made according to any reasonable interpretation of
CCXX III:23 and which have been burned in accordance with CCXX III:25.

The Cakes of Light are placed on the Paten before commencement of the
ceremony. Communicants shall not be provided with lancets or other means of extracting
blood at any celebration of the Gnostic Mass.

6. Communion Wine
For public celebrations of the Gnostic Mass, each communicant shall be provided
with an individual goblet of communion wine, in accordance with the text of Liber XV.
The wine may be kept on the High Altar during the ceremony.
Those who cannot drink alcohol may be provided with water, grape juice, or other
acceptable substitute. One method which has been found widely acceptable and which
preserves the "spirit" of the wine is to fill the goblet with wine, pour the wine out, and fill
the goblet again with pure water.

B. Other Ceremonies

1. General Considerations
Any modification of the Gnostic Mass for public or private celebration, or any rite
or mystery which involves the modification of the Gnostic Mass for public or private
celebration, must be approved in advance by the Patriarch.

U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. E.G.C. Manual

Approved rites for baptism, confirmation, and ordination, and recommended rites
and ceremonies for other E.G.C. functions may be issued from time to time by the Primate
under the authority of the Patriarch for use within the U.S.A. These may be modified for
local use subject to the approval of the Primate.
In some jurisdictions, civil registration may be required to perform certain religious
functions. Generally, civil registration is required only for the performance of weddings,
but in some jurisdictions the performance of other religious functions may require civil
registration as well. The Supreme Grand Council of O.T.O. will assist those Bishops and
Auxiliary Bishops who qualify for recognition of Ministerial Status within O.T.O. to
obtain the appropriate civil registrations (see Recognition of Ministerial Status, above).
Bishops and Auxiliary Bishops with Ministerial Status who possess the necessary civil
registrations may assist Priests and Priestesses within their jurisdictions to obtain their own
civil registrations, if necessary.

2. Baptism
The ceremony of baptism may be administered by any recognized Priest or
Priestess of E.G.C. under the direct or indirect supervision of a Bishop or Auxiliary
Bishop. The person baptized must be of at least 11 years of age, and need not be an
Initiate member of O.T.O. Baptism does not confer Lay Membership in E.G.C.
The Gnostic Mass should be celebrated as part of the baptismal rite, at which only
the Priest and the child baptized partake of communion. Baptismal rites used within
E.G.C. must be approved in advance by the Primate or the Patriarch. An approved rite of
baptism is available from the Grand Secretary General.

3. Confirmation
The ceremony of confirmation may be administered by any recognized Priest or
Priestess of E.G.C. under the direct or indirect supervision of a Bishop or Auxiliary
Bishop. The person confirmed must have previously been baptized, must have reached the
age of puberty, must have committed the Creed to memory, and need not be an Initiate
member of O.T.O. Confirmation confers Lay Membership in E.G.C.
The Gnostic Mass should be celebrated as part of the confirmation rite, at which
only the Priest and the persons confirmed partake of communion. Confirmation rites used
within E.G.C. must be approved in advance by the Primate or the Patriarch. An approved
rite of confirmation is available from the Grand Secretary General.

4. Marriage
The ceremony of marriage within E.G.C. may be administered by any Bishop or
Auxiliary Bishop of E.G.C. whose Ministerial Status is recognized within O.T.O. and who
has obtained the necessary civil registrations to perform such a function. In certain cases,
recognized Priests or Priestesses of E.G.C. may also obtain authorization to perform the

U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. E.G.C. Manual

ceremony of marriage, under the direct or indirect supervision of a Bishop or Auxiliary

Bishop with recognized Ministerial Status.
If appropriate, the Gnostic Mass may be celebrated as part of the marriage rite, at
which only the Priest and the two to be married partake of communion.
Several approved rites of marriage are available from the Grand Secretary General,
although the persons to be married will often wish to participate in the composition of the
ceremony with the assistance of the presiding clergy, and will usually wish to compose
their own vows.

5. Last Rites
Last Rites may be administered by any recognized Priestess of E.G.C. under the
direct or indirect supervision of a Bishop or Auxiliary Bishop. Ideally, the Priestess
performing Last Rites should also be a Dame Companion of the Holy Grail. A Priest may
perform Last Rites if a Priestess is not available. Liber 106 shall be included as a part of
the Last Rites service. An approved ceremony for Last Rites is available from the Grand
Secretary General.

6. Ordination to the Diaconate

Any Initiate Member of O.T.O. of at least IIº who has been accorded lay
membership in E.G.C. (baptism and confirmation) may be ordained a Deacon of E.G.C. by
any Bishop or Auxiliary Bishop of E.G.C.; or in the absence of a Bishop or Auxiliary
Bishop, by any recognized Priest or Priestess of E.G.C. under the direct or indirect
supervision of a Bishop or Auxiliary Bishop. In developing areas, an Initiate member of
the Iº may be ordained to the Diaconate upon approval by the Primate.
The Gnostic Mass should be celebrated as part of any rite of ordination to the
Diaconate. Ordination rites used within E.G.C. must be approved in advance by the
Primate or the Patriarch. An approved Diaconate ordination rite is available from the
Grand Secretary General.

7. Ordination to the Priesthood

Any male Initiate Member of O.T.O. of at least the rank of Knight of the East and
West (K.E.W.) who has been accorded lay membership in E.G.C. (baptism and
confirmation) may be ordained a Priest of E.G.C. by any recognized Bishop or Auxiliary
Bishop of E.G.C.
Any female Initiate Member of O.T.O. of at least the rank of Dame Knight of the
East and West (K.E.W.) who has been accorded lay membership in E.G.C. may be
ordained a Priestess of E.G.C. by any recognized Bishop or Auxiliary Bishop of E.G.C.
Ideally, the ordinand will have served as a Deacon, and will have been ordained to
the Diaconate, prior to his or her ordination as Priest or Priestess.

U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. E.G.C. Manual

The Gnostic Mass should be celebrated as part of any rite of ordination to the
Priesthood. Ordination rites used within E.G.C. must be approved in advance by the
Primate or the Patriarch. Approved Priesthood ordination rites are available from the
Grand Secretary General.

8. Ordination (Consecration) to the Episcopate

All persons who attain to the Theoreticus Sub-degree of the VIIº of O.T.O. are, as
part of their initiation, consecrated Bishops of E.G.C. Only the Primate and the Patriarch
have the authority to consecrate Bishops within E.G.C. Regardless of the putative validity
of his or her Apostolic Succession, no person consecrated by any person other than the
Primate or the Patriarch after October 1, 1991 e.v. will be recognized as a Bishop of

9. Feasts and Celebrations

The Feast for the First Night of the Prophet and His Bride (August 12), the Feast
for the Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law (April 8, 9, and 10), the Feast
for the Supreme Ritual (March 20), Rituals of the Elements and Feasts of the Times (at
the equinoxes and solstices), Feasts for Fire (celebrating male puberty), Feasts for Water
(celebrating female menarche), Feasts for Life (celebrating birth), Greater Feasts for
Death, and other occasional festivals, celebrations and observances may be conducted as
official E.G.C. rites by the membership of the Church under the direct or indirect
supervision of a Bishop. An Initiate Member of O.T.O. of at least K.E.W. must be
physically present if the rite is to be held publicly as an official E.G.C. or O.T.O. event. If
the Gnostic Mass is celebrated as part of a Feast or occasional festival, celebration, or
observance, only the Priest partakes of communion (see instructions at the end of Liber

IV. Administration
All funds collected at official Ceremonies of E.G.C. within O.T.O. shall be duly
recorded and reported through a chartered local body of O.T.O. to the Grand Treasurer
Ordinations should be reported to the Grand Secretary General and the
Ecclesiastical Secretary for recording and official recognition. Baptisms and consecrations
may also be reported to the Ecclesiastical Secretary.
Certificates commemorating baptism, confirmation and ordination may be issued
by individual Bishops. The design of such certificates must be submitted to the Grand
Secretary General for approval by the Primate.

U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. E.G.C. Manual

The Ecclesiastical Secretary is an Assistant Secretary of O.T.O. whose duty is to

log and maintain records of Ecclesiastical Membership.
Questions on E.G.C. policies and procedures should be addressed to the Grand
Secretary General.


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