The Nature of ART
The Nature of ART
The Nature of ART
Art does not need to be “understood” to be enjoyed. Like life itself, it can simply be experienced.
What is ART?
• The term arts is derived from latin, ARS, meaning ability or skill.
• It may also defined as the process and product of a skillful making.
• It is the result of man’s manipulation of talents and materials.
• The quality, production, or expression of what is beautiful, appealing or of more than ordinary significance.
• It also refers to any object, thing or procedure, which express feelings, imagination, and ideas that use the skills
of the artist or creation.
• Art is subjective and art is more subjective than objective.( Art for art itself)
• There is a connection between beauty and art and beauty is the measure of quality of art.
What is ART?
1. Art is signifying practice which is grounded in society and history.
2. The work of art is viewed in the dialogic situation of the work and its viewer.
3. Art is a construct and not a universal given
4. Art bears a value system: Aesthetic, philosophy, social history.
1. MAJOR ARTS – These includes architecture, painting, sculpture, music, dance, theater, cinema, and literature
2. MINOR ARTS – Decorative arts, popular arts, graphic arts, plastic arts, and industrial arts
1. VISUAL ARTS – artworks that are perceived by our eyes, which may be classified into graphic and plastic arts.
A. GRAPHIC ARTS – two-flat dimensional surface, such as painting, drawing, and photography.
B. PLASTIC ARTS – 3D forms. These includes architectural designs and construction of buildings and other
structures: landscapes and furnishing designs.
2. PERFORMING ARTS – These includes theater, play, dance, and music. It involves movement, speaking, and
3. LITERARY ARTS – These includes short stories, novels, poetry, drama, and essays
4. POPULAR ARTS – It includes films, newspaper, magazine, radio, and television
5. Gustatory Art of the Cuisine – Skill in food preparation
6. Decorative Arts – visual objects produces for beautifying houses, offices, cars and the like.
• A true work of art is made by man himself not imitatively, but creatively.
• Art must be creative
• Art must benefit and satisfy man – man make use of arts in practical life through artistic principles, tastes and
• Art is timeless
• A work of art is the visual expression of an idea or experience formed with skill through the use of medium in
order to communicate himself to his fellow
Is a particular material, along with is accompanying technique.
Art made with a combination of different materials
The source of all art, science, and technology—in fact, all of civilization—is human imagination, or creative thinking.
Five traits that define creativity
1. Associating
The ability to make connections across seemingly unrelated fields.
2. Questioning
Persistently challenging the status quo, asking why things function as they do now, and how or why they might be changed.
3. Observing
Intently watching the world around, without judgment, in search of new insights or ways of operating.
4. Networking
Being willing to interact with others, and learn from them, even if their views are radically different or their competencies
seem unrelated.
5. Experimenting
Exploring new possibilities by trying them out, building models, and taking them apart for further improvement.
1. F - beauty does not measure the quality of art
2. F - A true work of art is made imitatively and creatively.
3. A kind of visual art that has two-flat dimensional surface, such as painting, drawing, and photography.
4. What is the source of all art, science, and technology—in fact, all of civilization—is human imagination, or creative
5. A form of arts that refer to Decorative arts, popular arts, graphic arts, plastic arts, and industrial arts
6. A classification of art that refers to visual objects produces for beautifying houses, offices, cars and the like.
7. Arts subject that do not make a reference to the real world
8. Ways of representing a subject that the original objects have been reduced to simple geometric shapes and they can
be rarely identified unless the artist named it in title.
9. it could also mean twisting, stretching or deforming the natural shape of the object.
10. Combination of realism and distortion
11. one of the characteristics of creative man who explore new possibilities by trying them out, building models, and taking
them apart for further improvement.
12 – 14 value system of an arts
15. It refers to any person, object, scene or event described or represented in a work of art.