Open Source and Free Software
Open Source and Free Software
Open Source and Free Software
1. Describe the basic concepts of open source software (OSS) and free software
- The concept of "free software" was developed by Richard Stallman in the 1980s. The
focus is on what the recipient of software is permitted to do with the software: "Roughly,
it means that the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change, and
improve the software."
2. Describe the differences between open source software, free software, and
proprietary software, particularly in respect of licensing.
- Software Licenses
Proprietary software consists of software that is licensed by the copyright holder under
very specific conditions. In general, you can use the software, but you are not allowed to
modify the software or distribute it to others.
The original source code for the software is not available, which means you can't see
the actual code written by the programmers. Proprietary software is, therefore, also
referred to as closed-source software. This is done on purpose to protect the intellectual
property invested in software development. If the source code were released, even with
copyright restrictions, competitors could benefit from using this code.
- Free and Open-Source Software
Open-source software, as the name suggests, is software for which the source code is
released. This means that users can look at exactly how the software was created using
one or more programming languages. This is done on purpose so that anyone can
benefit from using the code. A typical license for open-source software gives users the
right to modify and distribute the software.
Open-source software is typically free to use, which has led to the use of the term free
and open-source software, or FOSS. This acronym is widely used, but many people use
'FOSS' and 'open-source software' interchangeably.
The license for most open-source software uses what some have called copyleft. This is
a play on the word 'copyright.' To understand what this means, it is worth considering
how open-source software could be misused by someone. Consider that anybody can
download, modify and distribute open-source software. What would stop a company
from creating its own version of the software and then start selling it? That is where
copyleft comes in. The license for open-source software specifically states that a user is
not allowed to put restrictions on its use or distribution. So, by agreeing to the license,
you can't start selling the software later.
4. Describe some of the open source and free software applications currently
available, both healthcare-specific and for general office/productivity use.
- Libre Office
- Shotcut
- Audacity
- Mozilla Firefox
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- FileZilla
- Linux
Epi Info is public domain statistical software for epidemiology developed by Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
- The Concept of HDOs. The committee chose the phrase health database organization
(HDO) to refer to entities that have access to (and possibly control of) databases and
that have as their chief mission the public release of data and of results of analyses
done on the databases under their control.
- Boolean Logic is a form of algebra which is centered around three simple words
known as Boolean Operators: “Or,” “And,” and “Not”. At the heart of Boolean Logic is
the idea that all values are either true or false. Within the Lotame platform, the use of
Boolean Logic allows for the creation of more complex audience definitions, allowing for
audiences to be built to a very specific set of definitions. This article explores the uses
of individual Boolean operators and how they relate to building audiences.
9. Understand methods for querying and reporting from databases (VistA FileMan,