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Internatıonal Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences 9 (2): 07-16, 2015

ISSN: 1307-1149, E-ISSN: 2146-0086, www.nobel.gen.tr

Designing the Column Base Plate of a Steel Industrial Building according to AISC-
LRFD Method

Gunnur YAVUZ1* Pinar Salahaldin Hussein HUSSEIN1

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey

*Corresponding author: Received: September 04, 2015

Email: gyavuz@selcuk.edu.tr Accepted: October 02, 2015

Base plates used in steel column-concrete block connections as one of the most important elements in steel structures can influence the
total behaviour of structures. Behaviour of base plates as one of the connections that are used in buildings, has its own complexity. The
existence of different materials such as steel and concrete, interaction between materials, existence of axial force, shear and moment are the
most important problems in analysing these connections. In this study, column-base plate connection design procedure of a steel industrial
building according to the AISC Base Plate and Anchor Rod Design Guide 1-LRFD method was studied, the column base plate design
procedure was explained for different five load cases. In this study, two dimensional analysis for an industrial building that supports was act
as fixed was done in SAP2000 program, then the support reactions that taken from analysis results were used to evaluate column base plate
dimensions according to AISC-LRFD procedure and details of column base plate connection was checked in ASDIP-steel program according
to AISC-LRFD. As results, the chosen base plate and footing dimensions and anchor bolts were adequate for the design criteria.
Keyword: Steel, Industrial building, Column base plate, LRFD.

INTRODUCTION includes design guidance in accordance with both "Load

and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)" and "Allowable
Stress Design (ASD)". In this study, an industrial building
Column base connections are critical components in that column bases acts as fixed affected by horizontal and
steel structures because they must transfer column forces vertical loads and moments, base plate design was done
and bending moments safely to the foundation. Column according to AISC Design Guide 1-LRFD method (AISC-
base plates that used in steel structures may generally be LRFD method) based on forces and moments that occurs
classified into two groups, "exposed column base plates" do to applied loads. Column base plate connections
and "embedded column base plates" [1]. When laterally controls were done in ASDIP-steel program according to
loaded, exposed base plate used for steel columns bases AISC-LRFD method.
deform under bending moments and (associated) shear
forces mainly by rotations. Behaviour of column base
plate connections is of major importance in the overall
structural behavior under lateral loading conditions [2]. A
lot of reports about exposed column base plates conclude
that the exposed base plates must be modeled as a semi-
rigid connection in order to more accurately represent the
behaviour of frames subjected to important lateral forces
[1]. Previous research studies, showed that connections
between columns and foundation elements behave in a
semi-rigid manner and, in most of the cases, heavily
influence the overall structural system [1,3,4]. Typical steel
column base with exposed base plate and concrete block
connections are shown in Figure 1.
Base plates as one of the most important connection
elements in steel structures can be influenced the total
behaviour of structures. The existence of different materials
such as steel and concrete, interaction between materials,
existence of axial force, shear and moment are the most
important problems in analysing these connections. The
technical analysis of these connections has always had its
special complexities, because the large number of
parameters involve in the behaviour of column base plates
[5]. In this study, a steel industrial building column base
plate design was done according to LRFD design procedure
that shown in AISC Design Guide 1: Base Plate and
Anchor Rod Design [6]. This Guide is based on the 2005 Figure 1. Typical steel column base with base plate and concrete
AISC specification for structural steel buildings [7] and block connection
G. Yavuz and P. S. H. Hussein / IJNES, 9 (2): 07-16, 2015 8

Design of Steel Column Base Plate According To =0.75 value must be used to obtain the design tensile
AISC-LRFD Method strength for LRFD;
AISC Design Guide 1 provides the design requirements Rn  (0.75)(0.75) Fu Ab  0.563Fu Ab (3)
for typical column base plate connections for five different
ACI 318-08, Appendix D provides the design tensile
design load cases; "concentric compressive axial loads",
strength of an anchor by Eq. (4),
"tensile axial loads"," base plates with small moments",
"base plates with large moments" and "design for shear". In Rn  Fu Ats  0.75Futa Ats (4)
this study, selected building column base was fixed so base Where,  = 0.75, Ab = nominal bolt area, in2, Ats =
plate under moment effect and tensile axial load design tensile stress area, in2 and Futa is lesser of Fu, 1.9Fy and 125
procedure was explained in detail and evaluate base plate ksi (861.84 MPa).
Concrete Anchorage for Tensile Forces
Concentric Compressive Axial Loads Base plate design under tensile force effect includes
When a column base resists only compressive axial "concrete pullout strength", "concrete capacity design
loads, the base plate must be large enough to resist the method (breakout strength)" and "development by lapping
bearing forces transferred from the base plate and the base with concrete reinforcement". ACI concrete pullout
plate must be of sufficient thickness [6]. The design of strength is based on the ACI 318-08, Appendix D
column base plate subjected to axial compressive loads provisions (Section D5.3), [8]. Concrete pullout strength
only is done according to three cases that are; A2 = A1 , A2 can be determined by Equation (5).
≥ 4A1 and A1 < A2 < 4A1 ,where A1 is area of the base
plate and A2 is maximum area of the portion of the N p   4 Abrg 8 fc' (5)
supporting (footing area).
In this equation,  = 0.70 and ψ4 = 1.4 if the anchor is
Base Plate With Moment (Small and Large
located in a region of a concrete member where analysis
indicates no cracking at service levels, otherwise ψ4 = 1.0.
In AISC-LRFD method, when base plate affected by
fc' is specified compressive strength of concrete,psi and Abrg
moment, the column base design is performed according to
is net bearing area of the anchor rod head,in 2.
small or large eccentricities [6]. In Table 1, general design
In the concrete capacity design (CCD) method, the
procedure in AISC Design Guide 1-LRFD method for a
concrete cone is considered to be formed at an angle of
base plate under moment effect is shown.
approximately 34° (1 to 1.5 slope). The cone is considered
to be square rather than round in plan (Figure 2)[6].
Tensile Axial Loads
According to ACI 318-08 Appendix D, the CCD method is
In AISC-LRFD method, the design of anchor rods for
valid for anchors with diameters not exceeding 2 in. (50.8
tension consists of four steps [6]. These are; "determine the
mm) and tensile embedment length not exceeding 25 in.
maximum net uplift for the column", "select the anchor rod
(635 mm) in depth. The concrete breakout strength for a
material and the number and size of anchor rods required to
group of cast-in anchors in normal weight concrete is [8]:
resist uplift", "determine the appropriate base plate size,
thickness, and welding to transfer the uplift forces" and Ncbg   3 24 f c' hef1.5 N for hef  11 in (279 mm)
"determine the method for developing the strength of the ANo (6.a)
anchor rod in the concrete (i.e., transferring the tension AN
force from the anchor rod to the concrete foundation)". N cbg   3 f c' hef5 / 3 for (6.b)
Anchor Rod Tension 25 in (635 mm)  hef  11 in (279 mm)
The tensile strength of an anchor rod is equal to the
strength of the concrete anchorage of the anchor rod group Where,  = 0.70, ψ3=1.25 considering the concrete to
(or those anchor rods participating in tension in the case of be uncracked at service loads, otherwise ψ3=1.0. hef is
tension due to moment) or the sum of the steel tensile depth of embedment,in., AN is concrete breakout cone area
strengths of the contributing anchor rods according to the for group, in2, ANo is concrete breakout cone area for single
AISC design guide 1. anchor, in2. In development by lapping with concrete
The limiting tension on an anchor rod is based on the reinforcement the extent of the stress cone is a function of
minimum area along the maximum stressed length of that the embedment depth, the thickness of the concrete, the
rod. For an anchor rod, this is typically within the threaded spacing between adjacent anchors, and the location of
portion (except upset rods). ANSI / ASME B1.1 defines the adjacent free edges in the concrete. The shapes of these
rod threaded area as [6]: stress cones for different situations are shown in Figures 2,
 0.974  (1) 3 and 4. The anchor rod embedment lengths can be defined
Ats  0.785 D   by the required development length of the spliced
 n 
reinforcement. Hooks or bends can be added to the
where, n is number of threads per inch, D is major
reinforcing steel (Figure 5) according to ACI 318-08,
diameter. The nominal tensile strength of an anchor rod
Appendix D [6].
according to the AISC Specification stipulates as:
Rn  0.75Fu Ab (2)
G. Yavuz and P. S. H. Hussein / IJNES, 9 (2): 07-16, 2015 9

Table 1. General design procedure for base plate with moment according to AISC Design Guide 1-LRFD method
Base plate with small moment Base plate with large moment

1. Determine the axial load and moment. 1. Determine the axial load and moment.
2. Determine a trial base plate size, N× B. 2. Determine a trial base plate size, N× B.
3. Determine the equivalent and critical eccentricities, 3. Determine the equivalent and critical eccentricities,
Equivalent eccentricity : e = 𝑟 𝑃 Equivalent eccentricity : e = 𝑟 𝑃
𝑟 𝑟
𝑁 𝑃𝑟 𝑁 𝑃𝑟
Critical eccentricity : 𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡 = - Critical eccentricity : 𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡 = -
2 2 𝑞 𝑚𝑎𝑥 2 2 𝑞 𝑚𝑎𝑥
If e ≤ ecrit, go to next step (design of the base plate If e > ecrit, go to next step (design of the base plate
with small moment); otherwise, refer to design of the with large moment); otherwise, refer to design of the
base plate with large moment. base plate with small moment.
Check the inequality of Equation below;
𝑁 2 𝑃 (𝑒+𝑓)
(𝑓 + )² ≥ 𝑟
2 𝑞 𝑚𝑎𝑥
If it is not satisfied, choose larger plate dimensions.
4. Determine the bearing length, Y. 4. Determine the equivalent bearing length, Y and
Y = N - (2)(e) tensile force in the anchor rod, Tu .
𝑁 𝑁 2𝑃𝑟 (𝑒 + 𝑓)
𝑌= 𝑓+ ± 𝑓+ −
2 2 𝑞𝑚𝑎𝑥
5. Determine the required minimum base plate 5. Determine the required minimum base plate
thickness 𝑡𝑝(𝑟𝑒𝑞 ) . thickness tp(req) at bearing and tension interfaces.
If Y ≥ m ; Choose the larger value.
If Y ≥ m ;
4{𝑓𝑝 } 𝑓𝑝
𝑡𝑝(𝑟𝑒𝑞 ) = 2
= 1.49m 4{𝑓𝑝
} 𝑓𝑝
0.90 𝐹𝑦 𝐹𝑦
𝑡𝑝(𝑟𝑒𝑞 ) = 2
= 1.49m
0.90 𝐹𝑦 𝐹𝑦

If Y < m ; If Y < m ;
𝑓𝑝 𝑌 𝑚 − 𝑓𝑝 𝑌 𝑚 −
𝑡𝑝(𝑟𝑒𝑞 ) =2.11 2 𝑡𝑝(𝑟𝑒𝑞 ) =2.11 2
𝐹𝑦 𝐹𝑦

𝑇𝑢 𝑥
Tension interface ; tp(gerekli) = 2.11
𝐵 𝐹𝑦
6. Determine the anchor rod size. 6. Determine the anchor rod size.

Figure 2. Full breakout cone do to tension force [6] Figure 3. Breakout cone do to tension force near edge in
concrete block [6]
G. Yavuz and P. S. H. Hussein / IJNES, 9 (2): 07-16, 2015 10

Pubrg  1.3 fc' A1 and (8)

for   0.65, Pubrg  0.8 fc' A1

In here, Al is embedded area of the shear lug. For

bearing against an embedded base plate or column section
where the bearing area is adjacent to the concrete surface,
ACI 318-08 recommends that

Pubrg  0.55 f c' Abrg (9)

In here, Abrg is contact area between the base plate

and/or column against the concrete.

Shear in the anchor rods

For the typical cast-in-place anchor group used in
building construction, the shear strength determined by
concrete breakout can be evaluated using Equations (10)
and (11) according to the AISC Design Guide 1.

Figure 4. Breakout cone for group anchors [6] Av (10)

Vcbg    5 6 7Vb , kips

 l 
Vb  7  do f c' c11.5 for normal weight concrete
 do 
In these equations, = 1.0 for all anchors at same
load, , = a modifier to reflect the capacity reduction
when side cover limits the size of the breakout cone,
for uncracked or with adequate supplementary
reinforcement and In here, c1 is the edge distance
(in.) in the direction of load
The pryout strength of a single anchor in shear is
defined by Equation (12) according to ACI 318-08 [6].

φVcp = φ kcp Ncb (12)

In the Eq. (12) ; φ = 0.70, kcp = 1.0 for hef < 2.5 in.
(63.5mm), kcp=2.0 for hef ≥ 2.5 in. (63.5mm).
Figure 5. The use of steel reinforcement for in thin slab
developing anchor rods [6] Determination of Column Base Plate Dimensions
That Used in Steel Industrial Building
Design for Shear In this study, the design of column base plate for a steel
There are three principal ways for transferring shear industrial building column shown in Figure (6) that had
effect from column base plates into concrete [6]. They are, fixed support was evaluated, then checked according to
"friction between the base plate and the grout or concrete AISC-LRFD method in ASDIP-steel program[10]. The
surface", "bearing of the column and base plate, and/or considered loads on industrial building and schematic view
shear lug, against a concrete surface" and "shear in the of base plate dimensions are shown in Figure (6) and (7),
anchor rods". respectively [11]. The column and beam sections for
industrial building are, W18 x 119, d=18.97 in (482 mm),
Friction between the base plate and the grout or bf=11.265 in (286 mm), steel material properties was taken
concrete surface as Grade 36, yield strength fy=36 ksi (244.8 MPa) and
The shear strength can be calculated using Equation (7) concrete compressive strength fc'= 4 ksi (27.2 MPa). In
in accordance with ACI 318-08 and ACI 349-06 Appendix SAP 2000 program [12], the two dimensional analysis for
D criteria, industrial building according to load combinations that
Vn=μPu ≤ (0.2 fc'Ac or 800Ac,whichever is smaller) (7) used in AISC-LRFD method was done and results for
For friction between steel base plates and concrete a μ support for the most critical load combination
value of 0.4 is given in ACI 349-06[9], Appendix D, = (1.2Dead+1.6Snow+0.8Wind) was taken. The support
0.75 reactions that obtained from analysis results were, moment
Mu=-2350.279 kip.in (-265.55 kN.m), vertical reaction Pu=
Bearing of the column and base plate, and/or shear 39.076 kip (173.82 kN), horizontal reaction Vu= - 22.136
lug, against a concrete surface kip (- 98.466 kN).
ACI 349-06, Section D.4.6.2 recommended the bearing
limit as shown in equation below;
G. Yavuz and P. S. H. Hussein / IJNES, 9 (2): 07-16, 2015 11

M u 2350.279
e   60.15 in. (1527.8 mm)
Pu 39.076
f p (max)  c (0.85 f c' )  0.65 * 0.85 * 4 * 1  2.21 ksi
(15.028 MPa )

q(max)  f p (max) .B  2.21 * 25  55.25 kip / in (9.675 kN / mm)

N P 30 39.076
ecrit   u    14.65 in (372.11 mm)
2 2qmax 2 2 * 55.25

e > ecrit, so base plate is at large moment effect. The

anchor rod edge distance was assumed 2.5 in. (63.5 mm).
According to AISC design guide 1-LRFD design
procedure, the calculation controls were done and the
chosen dimensions were found sufficient as shown below.

N 30
f   2.5   2.5  12.5 in (317.5 mm)
2 2

2 2
 N  30 
 f    12.5    756.25 in (487902.25 mm ) 
2 2

 2  2
2 Pu (e  f ) 2 * 39.076 * (60.15  12.5)
  102.76 in 2
qmax 55.25
(66296.64 mm2 )
Figure 6. (a) Dead and snow loads distribution, (b) wind load
distribution on two dimensional industrial building At large moment effect according to AISC Steel Design
Guide 1 the tensile force Tu that must transfer by anchor
bolt was calculated as shown below.

2 P (e  f )
N  N
Y f   f    u 
2  2 qmax

2 * 39.076(60.15  12.5)
 30   30 
12.5    12.5    
 2  2 55.25
27.5  25.56  53.06 in (1347.7 mm)
 1.94 in (49.3 mm)

Tu  qmax Y  Pu  (55.25 * 1.94)  39.076  68.109 kip

(302.96 kN )

Base plate thickness was calculated according to

bearing and tension interfaces and chosen the largest one.
Figure 7. Schematic view of steel column base plate assumed
bending lines a) Thickness calculation at bearing interface:

Base Plate Dimensions and Thickness Calculation N  0.95d 30  (0.95 * 18.97)

m   5.99 in (152.1 mm)
The support reactions that obtained from analysis 2 2
results used to calculate the base plate dimensions f p  f p (max)  2.21 ksi (15.028 MPa )
according to AISC design guide 1-LRFD method, as below

N > d+ 2 ( 3 in) ; N> 18.97+ 2*3 = 24.97 in (634.2 mm) for Y  m :

B > bf + 2 (3 in ); B> 11.265 + 2*3 = 17.267 in (438.5 f p (max) .Y .(m  Y / 2)
mm) t p ( req )  2.11 
Trial base plate size N x B = 30 x 25 in (762 x 635 mm). 2.21 * 1.94 * (5.99  1.94 / 2)
Eccentricity: 2.11  1.63 in (41.4 mm)
G. Yavuz and P. S. H. Hussein / IJNES, 9 (2): 07-16, 2015 12

b) Thickness calculation at tension interface: 68.109 kip (302.96 kN), the force per rod = 22.703 kip
(100.988 kN). From AISC Steel Design Guide 1, Table 3.1
N d tf 30 18.97 1.06 for ASTM F1554 Grade 36 steel and 1 1/4 in (31.75 mm)
X     2.5     2.5  3.545 in diameter anchor bolt available tensile strength= 40 kip
2 2 2 2 2 2
(177.92 kN), from this table the hole size for 1 1/4 in (31.75
(90.04 mm) mm) diameter anchor bolt was 2 1/16 in (52.4 mm). From
Tu .x 68.109 * 3.545 this table, for fcʼ =4,000 psi (27.2 MPa) and 1 1/4 in (31.75
t p ( req )  2.11  2.11  1.09 in mm) diameter anchor bolt, the anchor bolt concrete pullout
B.Fy 25 * 36
strength was determined as 50.2 kip (223.29 kN). This
(27.69 mm) shows that the chosen anchor bolt carried force 50.2 kip
(223.29 kN) was greater than the force that anchor rod must
be transferred it 22.703 kip (100.988 kN), so the anchor rod
The thickness was checked using the value of n. size was sufficient.
Addition to base plate dimensions and anchor bolt sizes
B  0.8b f 25  (0.8 * 11.265) determination, anchor bolt embedment length= 20 in.(508
n   7.994 in (203 mm) mm), concrete block thickness= 40 in (1016 mm) and
2 2
concrete block dimensions (80 x 80 )in. (2032 x 2034 mm)
f p (max) .Y .(n  Y / 2) were selected.
t p ( req )  2.11 
Design in ASDIP-STEEL Program
2.21 * 1.94 * (7.994  1.94 / 2) ASDIP is an engineering software program using for
 2.11  1.93 in (49 mm)
36 steel, concrete and footing design. In ASDIP Steel 3
version 3.5.1 program, AISC 360 (ASD (Allowable Stress
According to thickness calculation at bearing and Design), LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design)) and
tension interfaces results, the base plate thickness was ACI 318 Appendix D codes are used for steel element
taken as 2 in. (50.8 mm). design. In this study, the steel industrial building column
base which initial dimensions was calculated above was
Determination of Anchor Bolt Size checked according to AISC-LRFD in ASDIP-steel. The
According to base plate dimensions and the tension obtained results details are shown in Table 2 to 6. In Figure
force that must be carried by anchor bolt, three anchor bolts 8, load distribution under base plate, tension breakout area
were used on each face of the column. From above and shear breakout area determined by ASDIP are shown.
calculation tensile force that effect the base plate Tu=

Table 2. Base plate design details for axially loaded plate

Axially loaded plates
Bearing stress fp = P/(W*L) = 39.1/(25*30) = 0.1 ksi (0.689 MPa)
Bearing strength Fp = 0.85*fc´ A1 6000 = 6.8 ksi (46.88MPa) ACI 10.14.1
 0.85 * 4
A2 750
Under –strength factor Φ = 0.65 ACI
Bearing strength ratio    0.01  1.0 OK
Fp 0.65 * 6.8
Critical section m = 0.5*(L-0.95*d)=0.5*(30-0.95*19)=6 in (152.4 mm) AISC-DG#13.1.2
Critical section n = 0.5*(W-0.80*bf) = 0.5*(25-0.80*11.3) = 8 in (203.2 mm)
 4 * d *bf   4 * 19 * 11.3  AISC-DG#13.1.2
X  2 
* Bearing ratio   2 
* 0.01  0.01
 ( d  b f )   (19  11.3) 
2 X 2 0.01
   0.11
1 1 X 1  1  0.01
n'  0.25 d .b f  0.25 * 19 * 11.3  3.7 in (93.98 mm)
Controlling section k = Max (m , n , n' ) = Max (6, 8, 0.11*3.7) = 8 in (203.2 mm)
Plate moment M = fp * k2 /2 = 0.1 * 82 /2 = 1.7 k.in/in (19.21 KN.mm/mm)
Plate thickness 2. f p 2 * 0.1 AISC-DG#13.1
tk  8*  0.45 in (11.4 mm)
Phi . f y 0.9 * 36
G. Yavuz and P. S. H. Hussein / IJNES, 9 (2): 07-16, 2015 13

Table 3. Base plate design details for plate under moment

Base plate with moment
Blodgett Method
Eccentricity e=M/P=195.9*12/39.1=60.1 in (152.65cm) > (L-Rod offset)/3= (30-12.5)/3 = 5.8 in (147.3 mm)
Factor k1 = 3*(e – L/2) = 3*(60.1 - 30/2) = 135.4
Factor k2 = 6 * n * Tension rods * Area/ W * (Rod offset + e )
= 6* 8*3*1.23/25*(12.5+60.1) = 515.9
Factor k3 = -k2 * (L/2 + Rod offset) = -515.9 *(30/2 + 12.5) = -14188.0
Solving the polynomial Y3 + k1 * Y2 + k2 * Y + k3 = 0
Bearing length Y=8.3 in (210.8 mm)
Tension T = -P*[(L/2 – Y/3 - e) / (L/2 – Y/3 + Rod offset )]
T = -39.1*[(30/2-8.3/3-60.1) / (30/2 – 8.3/3 + 12.5)] = 75.7 kip (336.73 kN)
Max bearing stress f  2 * ( P  T )  2 * (39.1  75.7)  1.1 ksi (7.584 MPa)
Y W
8.3 * 25
Bearing at critical section fp1=(Y-m)*fp /Y= (8.3-6)*1.1/8.3=0.3 ksi (2.068 MPa)
Moment due to bearing Mb=0.5*[fp1*m2 + m2*2/3*(fp - fp1)
Mb=0.5*[0.3*62 + 62*2/3*(1.1 – 0.3)]= 15 k.in/in (169.48 kN.mm/mm)
Moment due to tension Mt=T*[m-(L/2 – Rod offset)] / [2*(m-(L/2-Rod offset))]
Mt=25.2*[6-(30/2-12.5)]/[2*(6-(30/2-12.5))]= 12.6 k.in/in (142.36 kN.mm/mm)
Plate thickness 4.M c 4 *15 AISC-DG#13.1.2
t   1.36 in (34.5 mm)
Phi. f y 0.9 * 36

Table 4. Base plate design details for anchorage design

Anchorage Design
Rod material specification……A36
6 Rods , fya = 36 ksi (244.8 MPa), futa = 58 ksi (394.4 MPa)
Anchor rod siz 1-1/4ʼʼ diam.  20 in emb. Ase= 0.97 in² (626 mm²), Abrg = 2.24 in² (1445 mm²)

Table 5. Base plate design detail for anchorage design in tension force effect
Tension Analysis ACI D.5
Total tension force Nu = 75.7 kip (336.73 kN). # of tension rods = 3
Tension force per rod Nui = 25.2 kip (112.095 kN)
-Steel strengt.h of anchors in tension ACI D.5.1
steel strength Nsa = Ase * futa = 0.969 * 58 = 56.2 kip (249.99 kN) ACI Eq.(D-2)
Under-strength factor Φ = 0.75 ACI D.4.3
Nui 25.2 ACI D.4.1.1
Steel strength ratio    0.60  1.0 OK
N sa 0.75 * 56.2
-Concrete breakout strength of anchors in tension
No reinforcing bars provided ACI D.5.2
Effective embedment hef = 20 in (50.8 cm) ACI D.5.2.3
Anchor group area Anc = (Ca + Cb1 )*(Ca + Sa + Cb1 )
Anc= (30 + 27.5 ) * (30 + 20 +27.5) = 4600 in 2 (29677.36cm²) ACI D.5.2.1
Single anchor area Anco=9 hef2 = 9*(20)2 = 3600 in2 (23225.76 cm²) Eq.(D-5)
Single anchor strength Nb= 24 . hef1.5 = 24 4000 *201.5 =135.8 kip (604.068 kN) Eq. (D-6)
Eccentricity factor Ψec= 1.00 (No eccentric load) ACI D.5.2.4
C a , min 27.5 ACI D.5.2.5
Edge effects factor  ed  0.7  0.3 *  0.7  0.3 *  0.98
1.5.hef 1.5 * 20
Cracking factor Ψcn = 1.25 (Uncracked concrete at service load level) ACI D.5.2.6
Breakout strength Ncbg  nc . ec . ed cn .Nb
4600 Eq.(D-4)
Ncbg  *1.00 * 0.98 *1.25 *135.8  211.4 kip (940.35 kN)
Under –strength factor  = 0.70 ACI D.4.3
Nu 75.7 ACI D.4.1.1
Breakout strength ratio    0.51  1.0 OK
Ncbg 0.70 * 211.4
Breakout strength ratio controls (0.51 < 1.51) ACI D.5.2.9
G. Yavuz and P. S. H. Hussein / IJNES, 9 (2): 07-16, 2015 14

-Concrete pullout strength of anchors in tension ACI D.5.3

Single anchor strength Np= 8 Abrg fc´= 8*2.24*4=71.6 kip(318.49 KN) ACI Eq(D-14)
Cracking factor Ψcp =1.40 (Uncracked concrete at service load level) ACI D.5.3.6
Pullout strength Npn= Ψcp Np = 1.40*71.6 = 100.2 kip (445.71 KN) ACI Eq(D-13)
Under –strength factor Φ = 0.70 ACI D.4.3
Nu 25.2 ACI D.4.1.1
Pullout strength ratio    0.36  1.0 OK
N p 0.70 *100.2
-Concrete side-face blowout strength of anchors in tension ACI D.5.4
Side –face blowout Nsbg = N.A. (Embed < 2.5Ca .20<2.5*27.5=68.8) ACI D.5.4.1
Nu ACI D.4.1.1
Tension design ratio   0.60  1.0 OK
N n

Table 6. Base plate design details for anchorage design in shear force effect
Shear Analysis ACI D.5
Shear resisted by anchor rods only (Anchor rods are not welded to the base plate)
Total shear force Vu= 22.1kip (98.305 kN). Shear per rod Vi= 7.4kip (32.92 kN) (Only front rods are effective)
-Steel strength of anchor rods in shear
Steel strength Vsa=0.6*Ase*futa*groutfactor=0.6*0.97*58*0.8=27kip(120.10 kN) ACI D.6.1.2
Under –strength factor Φ = 0.65 ACI D.4.3
Vi 7.4 ACI D.4.1.1
Steel strength ratio    0.42  1.0 OK
Vsa 0.65 * 27
-Concrete breakout strength of anchors in shear ACI D.5.2
No reinforcing bars provided
Anchor group area Avc = (1.5*Ca1 )*(Ca2 + Sa + Cb)
Avc = (1.5*26.67)*(30 + 40 + 30) = 3200 in 2 (20645.12cm²) ACI D.6.2.1
Single anchor area Avco=4.5*Ca2 =4.5*(26.67)2 =3200in2 (20645.12cm²) Eq.(D-32)
f 
Single anchor strength Vb  7. e  . d a . f c' .Ca1.5
 da 
 10  Eq.(D-33)
Vb  7 *   * 1.2 * 4000 * 26.71.5  78.4 kip (348.74 kN)
1.2 
Eccentricity factor Ψec = 1.00 (No eccentric load ) ACI D.6.2.5
ca 30 ACI D.6.2.6
Edge effects factor  ed  0.7  0.3  0.7  0.3 *  0.93
1.5ca 1.5 * 26.7
Cracking factor Ψcv = 1.4 (Uncracked concrete at service load level) ACI D.6.2.7
Thickness factor Ψhv = 1.0 ACI D.6.2.8
Avc 3200
Breakout strength Vcbg   ec . ed . cv . hv.Vb Vcbg  *1.00 * 0.93 *1.40 *1.00 * 78.4  101.5 kip (451.49 kN)
Avco 3200
Under –strength factor Φ = 0.70 ACI D.4.3
Vu 22.1 ACI D.4.1.1
Breakout strength ratio    0.31  1.0 OK
Vcbg 0.70 *101.5
Breakout strength ratio controls (0.31 <0.68 ) ACI D.6.2.9
-Concrete pryout strength of anchors in shear
Pryout strength Vcpg = 2.0*Vcbg = 2.0 * 101.5 = 422.8 kip (1880.71 KN) ACI D.6.3.1
Under-strength factor Φ = 0.65 ACI D.4.3
Vu 22.1 ACI D.4.1.1
Pryout strength ratio    0.07  1.0 OK
Vcpg 0.65 * 422.8
Vu ACI D.4.1.1
Shear design ratio   0.42  1.0 OK
-Tension-Shear interaction
Combined stress ratio = [(tension ratio)1.67 + (shear ratio )1.67]0.6
Combined stress ratio =(0.601.67+ 0.421.67 )0.6= 0.78 < 1.0 OK ACI RD.7
Anchorage Design is Ductile.
G. Yavuz and P. S. H. Hussein / IJNES, 9 (2): 07-16, 2015 15

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8. ASDIP-steel results (a) load distribution under base plate in ASDIP program (b) tension breakout area, (c) shear breakout area

c1 : The edge distance in the direction of load

Ca : Distance from the center of an anchor shaft to the edge
CONCLUSIONS of concrete in one direction
Cb1 : Smaller of: the distance from center of a bar or wire to
A steel column base consists of a column, a base nearest concrete surface, and one-half the center-to-center
plate, concrete block and an anchoring assembly. In steel spacing of bars or wires being developed
structures, column bases are critical components that must d : Overall column depth
transfer loads from building into foundation system. In do : The rod diameter
general, they are designed with unstiffened base plates, but da : Outside diameter of anchor or shaft diameter of headed
stiffened base plates may be used where the connection is stud, headed bolt, or hooked bolt
required to transfer high bending moments. In this study, e : The eccentricity
column base plate design procedure was explained based ecri : The critical eccentricity
on AISC design guide 1-LRFD method and ACI-318 code. Fu : Factored force acting in a strut, tie, bearing area, or
Loaded steel industrial building column base plate nodal zone in a strut-and-tie model
dimensions were calculated and the required plate thickness fp : Bearing stress between the plate and concrete
was found as 2 inch (50.8 mm). Then, the obtained base fp1 : Bearing stress at critical section
plate dimensions and anchorage members were checked in Fp : Bearing strength
ASDIP-Steel program according to AISC-LRFD and f c : Specified compressive strength of concrete
ACI318 code. In this program; plate thickness, maximum Fy : Specified yield stress of base plate
bearing stress, bearing strength and design ratio were futa : Specified tensile strength of anchor steel
calculated. The design was obtained ductile, anchorage and hef : Depth of embedment
base plate design were adequate the design criteria and ℓ : Embedment depth
reliable results were obtained. Ld : Development length in tension of deformed bar,
deformed wire, plain and deformed welded wire
NOTATIONS reinforcement, or pretensioned strand
A1 : Area of the base plate Ldh : Development length in tension of deformed bar or
A1 : Embedded area of the shear lug (design for shear) deformed wire with a standard hook, measured from critical
A2 : Maximum area of the portion of the supporting section to outside end of hook
Abrg: Contact area between the base plate and/or column Mr : Bending moment Mu according to Drake and Elkin
against the concrete assumption
Ab : Nominal bolt area Mu : The factored bending moment
Ats : Tensile stress area Mb : Moment due to bearing
ANo, Anco: Concrete breakout cone area for single anchor Mt : Moment due to tension
AN, Anc : Concrete breakout cone area for group N : Base plate length
Av, Avc :The total breakout shear area for a single anchor,or Ncbg: Concrete breakout strength for a group of anchors
a group of anchors Nn : Nominal tension force
Avo,, Avco: The area of the full shear cone for a single anchor Nsa : Steel strength
or a group of anchors Nrg : Rebars strength
Ac : Area of concrete section resisting shear transfer Nsbg : Side-face blowout strength of a group of anchors
Ase : Effective cross-sectional area of anchor in shear or Nu : Total tension force
tension Nui : Tension force per rod
B : Base plate width Ncb : Nominal concrete breakout strength in tension of a
bf : Column flange width single anchor
G. Yavuz and P. S. H. Hussein / IJNES, 9 (2): 07-16, 2015 16

Nb : Basic concrete breakout strength in tension of a single [8] ACI318-08, 2008. Building Code Requirements for
anchor in cracked concrete Structural Concrete and Commentary, ACI318-08/ACI
Np : Pullout strength in tension of a single anchor in 318R-08, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills,
cracked concrete MI.
Npn : Nominal pullout strength in tension of a single anchor [9] ACI 349-06, 2006. Code Requirements for Nuclear
n´ : Yield-line theory cantilever distance from column web Safety-Related Concrete Structures and Commentary, ACI
or column flange 349-06, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
Pr : Axial force Pu according to Drake and Elkin assumption [10] ASDIP STEEL 3, V 3.5.1 program,
Pu : The factored axial compressive force http://www.asdipsoft.com/products/steel/.
qmax: Maximum bearing force [11] Hussein, P.S.H., 2015. Investigation of Steel
qY : Resultant bearing force Column Base Plate According to LRFD and EuroCode 3
Sa : Center-to-center spacing of bolts Codes, graduate seminar, Selcuk University, Konya,
Tu : Tensile force in the anchor rod Turkey (in Turkish).
tp(req): Minimum plate thickness [12] CSI. SAP2000.V-15. Integrated finite element
Vu : The factored shear force analysis and design of structures basic analysis reference
Vn : Nominal shear strength manual. Berkeley (CA. USA): Computers and Structures
V : Total shear force or shear force per rod Inc.
Vsa : Steel strength
Vrg : Rebars strength
Vb : Basic concrete breakout strength in shear of a single
anchor in cracked concrete
Vcbg: Nominal concrete breakout strength in shear of a
group of anchors
Vcpg: Nominal concrete pryout strength of a group of
Y : Bearing length
Pubrg: The bearing limit (design for shear)
 : Strength reduction factor
 : The friction coefficient

This study is containing a part of ongoing MSc thesis
of P.S.H.Hussein. This study was supported financially by
the Coordinating Office of Scientific Research Projects of
Selcuk University (project no: 15701692).


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