Pedia Abnormal CMO 15 Updated
Pedia Abnormal CMO 15 Updated
Pedia Abnormal CMO 15 Updated
FACULTY ROSTER Assoc. Prof. Rouena S. Villarama, MAEd, RN; Asst. Prof. Ma. Elizabeth N. Jurado, MAN, RN; Asst. Prof. Jaclyn Charmaine J. Magpantay, MAN, RN; Asst. Prof. April Joy
M. Gascon,
6 Units Lecture
COURSE CODE NUR81014 NO. OF UNITS 1 Unit RLE/Skills Laboratory
5 Units RLE/Clinical
Community Health Nursing 1, Care of Mother Child and Adolescent (Well
Client), Health Care Ethics
Asst. Prof. Ma. Elizabeth N. Jurado, MAN, RN
REVIEWED BY Assoc. Prof. Rouena S. Villarama, MAEd, RN/ (Level Chair) SIGNATURE
Prof. Rowena Escolar Chua,PhD RN
Dean, College of Nursing
RATIONALE This course involves principles and techniques applied in the care of the sick child, utilizing the nursing process in various settings.
FOCUS The utilization of the knowledge on physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the care of healthy and high risk mother, child and family.
The graduate nurse will be able to utilize relevant research evidence to improve healthcare delivery systems among clients with obstetrical and pediatric conditions in varied health
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AN EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATOR 8. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using Utilize effective verbal, non-verbal, written and electronic
A nurse who displays literacy and proficiency in the ethical and legal process, as well as the use and culturally-appropriate language.(PO5) communication skills in the management of ill pediatric clients.
relay of information
9. Report and document up-to-date client care accurately and
comprehensively. (PO6)
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A PRO-ACTIVE COLLABORATOR 10. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra- and Collaborate effectively with ill pediatric clients, their significant support
A nurse who values positive relationships with inter-, intra- and multidisciplinary and multi- cultural multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams (PO7) persons and members of the health team and allied professionals to
teams achieve positive outcomes on the therapeutic modalities
A COMPETENT, COMPASSIONATE COMMITTED ETHICAL LEADER 11. Function effectively as a conscientious Thomasian leader – manager Demonstrate leadership potentials in various learnings and
A nurse who imbibes the epitome of a genuine professional; leads by example and effectively and member of the healthcare team in the delivery of client care. (PO8) collaborative activities related to care of children with disorders
collaborates with team members
AN ENTHUSIASTIC LIFE-LONG LEARNER 12. Engage in purpose-driven lifelong learning to keep abreast with Execute health teaching strategies, based on assessed and actual
A nurse who engages in multidisciplinary learning for the pursuit of holistic, personal and national and global developments in general, nursing and health needs of children with pathologic condition
professional development. developments in particular.(PO10)
A SOCIALLY RESPONSIVE FILIPINO CITIZEN 13. Demonstrate responsible and engaged citizenship behaviors and Demonstrate a lasting enthusiasm in learning and applying
A nurse who is aware and understands oneself, others and the interrelationships of political, pride in being a Filipino Thomasian nurse in response to national and concepts of specific disorders affecting pediatric nursing care
economic, social, cultural, technological and environmental aspects, who takes responsibility of global issues.(PO11)
oneself and the welfare of others, and who takes pride in one’s heritage.
14. Apply entrepreneurial skills in the delivery of nursing care (PO14)
At the end of Second Year, given a normal and high risk patient, the learner should be able to:
1. Utilize knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the care of healthy and high risk mother, child and family.
2. Acquire the holistic understanding of the human person as a bio-psycho-cultural being focusing on the concept of health and illness in the care of the individual, family, groups and community with
emphasis on the mother and child.
3. Apply ethico-moral, legal principles in the holistic care of the mother, child and family.
4. Utilize relevant research evidence to improve healthcare delivery systems among clients with obstetrical and pediatric conditions in varied health settings.
5. Apply statistical tools in analyzing research data
6. Manifest the Catholic / Thomasian Charisms in one’s personal and professional life.
7. Utilize appropriate and accurate modes of communication with emphasis on nurse-patient interaction.
8. Practice accurate and comprehensive reporting and documentation of up- to-date patient care
9. Practice effective collaboration with inter-, intra- and multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams
10. Practice beginning leadership and management skills in various learning and collaborative activities related to obstetric, pediatric and community health nursing practice.
11. Manifest passion for the nursing profession through life-long personal and professional development.
12. Integrate holistic understanding of one’s self and others.
13. Participate in the planning and implementation of programs that are of national and global relevance particularly related to health care.
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Related Learning
Classroom TA Experience (SL, Hospital, TA
ILO 1. Integrate the concepts I. Care of the Ill Child Lecture Discussion Drug Administration Paper and pencil test
of a sick child and collaborate Demonstration
effectively with ill pediatric II. Pediatric Drug Administration Reflection Paper Reflection Paper
clients, their significant A. Oral VS monitoring in children
4.5H 15H
support persons and B. Intramuscular
members of the health team/ C. Intravenous Video presentation Clinical rotation in Pediatric
allied professionals to achieve D. Intraosseous wards/ Health Center
positive outcomes on the
therapeutic modalities. III. Pediatric VS monitoring
ILO 2. Integrate the concepts IV. Nursing care of the High-risk Newborn Related to Maturity (Gestational Lecture- discussion Demonstrate the care of a Paper and pencil test
of the needs of the risk Age) and those with Problems Related to Birth weight newborn inside the incubator
neonates with the nursing A. Premature Case presentation
process to achieve safe and a. Definition/ Classification of prematurity Clinical rotation to the NICU/
quality child health care. b. Causes of preterm delivery Health Center
c. Assessment
d. The physiologic handicaps of prematurity
e. Medical/ Nursing care
B. Post-mature
a. Causes
b. Assessment
c. Associated problems
d. Medical/ Nursing care
4.5H 15H
e. Prevention of post term delivery
C. Other Risk Neonates
a. According to birthweight
b. RDS (Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
c. Sepsis
d. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
e. Hyperbilirubinemia
f. SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
g. Hemolytic Disease of the Neonate
h. Hypoglycemia due to Maternal DM
i. Drug Withdrawal
j. Fetal alcohol syndrome
k. Narcotic Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)
ILO 3.Synthesize knowledge V. Care of the Pediatric Client with Problems Affecting the Respiratory Case presentation of a selected Demonstration of the different Capstone project: Nursing care
of pathologic disorders with System simulated case representing the respiratory modalities plan intended for mothers/
the nursing process to A. Factors leading to respiratory problems different systems involved in 4.5H 15H caregivers of children with disease
achieve quality child health B. Conditions causing respiratory dysfunction oxygenation Demonstration of blood condition (optional: brochure)
nursing care. a. URI’s (Upper respiratory tract infections) transfusion
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b. Infection of the Lower Airways
c. Communicable diseases Demonstration of NGT insertion/
d. Pulmonary Dysfunction caused by non-inflammatory checking placement/ gavage
function and lavage
VI. Care of the Pediatric Client with Problems in Oxygenation Related to Rotation to the Pediatric Ward/
Cardiovascular Dysfunction Health Centers
ILO 4. Utilize the created A. Factors leading to development of cardiovascular problems in
nursing process in the children Bedside discussion of the cases
effective case management of B. Classifications of Defects present in the ward
the sick pediatric clients. a. Acyanotic
b. Cyanotic Ward Class on a selected case
c. Acquired
Case presentation of a selected
VII. Care of the Child with Problems in Oxygenation Related to case
Hematologic Dysfunction
A. Disorders affecting RBC
a. Anemia
b. Defects in Hemostasis
c. Neoplastic Disorders
d. DHF
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D. Hydrocephalus Video presentation of a client with
E. Medical/ surgical/ nursing care seizure disorder
Lecture classes are all held at St. Martin De Porres Building. Classrooms can comfortably accommodate 40 students. All rooms are fully air conditioned, equipped with whiteboard and LCD Projectors
and laptop for presentations and with adequate number of movable chairs for every student. Each room has two doors and evacuation and emergency exit plan placards are posted by the door.
CCTV cameras are installed in all rooms and corridors.
Skills laboratory rooms are located in the 6th floor annex building. It has two (2) classrooms for lecture and demonstrations physically arranged for adequate viewing for the students and with movable
CLASSROOM 40 – 45 chairs; with 1-2 hospital beds, mannequin and other equipment necessary for patient care. Air conditioning unit, whiteboard, podium and LCD unit are also available. Simulated equipped
patient care units are available for practice and return demonstrations.
Class Standing: 70% Paper and Pen examination 55-60 minutes a week ( classroom and RLE)
Quizzes: To be given at the end of every unit. Total 15 hours
65% correct items= 75 (grade).
Long Exam: 30% Activities suggested on the independent
study hours:
LECTURE 1. Studying the lesson
2. Watching videos related to the
3. Writing reflections
4. Practicing the role play assigned
SKILLS LAB: 100% attendance is required Return demonstration of specific skills 55-60 minutes a week ( classroom and RLE)
Return demonstration of specific procedure is expected from each Total 15 hours
EXPERIENCE student with 100% accuracy in performance criteria set.
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Activities suggested on the independent
study hours:
1. Practicing the skills
2. Watching videos related to the
3. Writing reflections
4. Peer critique on the skills for
return demonstration
Main Reference:
Silbert-Flagg, Pilliteri, A..,(2018) Maternal & Child Health Nursing (Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family) 8th Ed
Related Resources
Hockenberry, M. J., & Wilson, D. (2015). Wong's nursing care of infants and children. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier. [RJ245 .W846 2015].
A Dictionary of nursing. (2014). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [RT81.5 .D561 2014].
Berman, A., Snyder, S. J. & Frandsen, G. (2016). Kozier & Erb's fundamentals of nursing: concepts, process and practice. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education
Limited. [RT41 .B392 2016].
Buchbinder, S., & Shanks, N. (Eds.). (2014). Cases in health care management. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones & Bartlett Learning. [RA971 .C268 2014].
REFERENCES Burchum, J. R., & Rosenthal, L. (2016). Lehne's pharmacology for nursing care. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier/Saunders. [RM301 .B893 2016].
Catalano, J. T. (2015). Nursing now! : today's issues, tomorrow's trends Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company. [RT82 .C28 2015].
Chinn, P. L. & Kramer, M. K. (2015). Knowledge development in nursing: theory and process. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Mosby. [RT84.5 .C441a 2015].
Davies, J. J. (2016). Illustrated guide to medical terminology. Australia: Cengage Learning. [R123 .D287 2016].
de Chesnay, M., & Anderson, B. A (Eds.). (2016). Caring for the vulnerable: perspectives in nursing theory, practice, and research. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett
Learning, [RT86.5 .C191 2016].
de Chesnay, M., & Anderson, B. A. (Eds.). Basic, intermediate, & advanced skills. Elsevier.
New York, NY: Elsevier, [RT41 .B292v 2014].
DeBruyne, L. K., Pinna, K., Whitney, E. (2016). Nutrition & diet. San Francisco, CA: Cengage Learning, 2016 [[RM216 .D354 2016].
Delves-Yates, C. (2015). Essentials of nursing practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. [RT71 .Es74 2015].
Denham, S. A., Eggenberger, S., Krumwiede, N., & Young, P. (2014). Family-focused nursing care. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Co. [RT120.F34 .D414 2016].
Duderstadt, K. G. (2014). Pediatric physical examination: an illustrated handbook. St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Mosby. [RJ50 .D863 2014].
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Frazier, M. S. & Drzymkowski, J. W. (2016). Essentials of human diseases and conditions. St. Louis, Mo.: Saunders/Elsevier. [RC46 .F869 2016].
Glasper, A., Coad, J., & Richardson, J. (Eds.) (2015). Children and young people's nursing at a glance. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Inc. [RJ245
.C437g 2015].
Golan, D. E., Armstrong, E. J. & Armstrong, A. W. (Eds.). (2017). Principles of pharmacology: the pathophysiologic basis of drug therapy. Philadelphia: Wolters
Kluwer. [RM301 .P935 2017].
Green, C. J. (2016). Maternal newborn nursing care plans. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. [RT49 .M419 2016].
Harding, M. M., Synder, J. S. & Preusser, B. A. (2016). Winningham's critical thinking cases in nursing: medical-surgical, pediatric, maternity, and psychiatric. St.
Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Mosby. [RT55 .W731 2016].
Howatson-Jones, L., Standing, M. & Roberts, S. (2015). Patient assessment and care planning in nursing. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. [RT48 .H837
Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical examination & health assessment. St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier. [RC76 .J298 2016].
Jensen, S. (2015). Nursing health assessment: a best practice approach. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health. [RT48 .J453 2015].
Kyle, T. & Carman, S. (2017). Essentials of pediatric nursing. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer. [RJ245 .K986 2017].
Lauwers, J. & Swisher, A. (2016). Counseling the nursing mother: a lactation consultant's guide. Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning. [RJ216
.L379 2016].
Lynn, P. (2015). Taylor's clinical nursing skills: a nursing process approach. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer. [RT41 .L989 2015].
Mattson, S. & Smith, J. E. (2016). Core curriculum for maternal-newborn nursing. Saint Louis, MO: Elsevier. [RG951 .C812 2016].
Morrison, K. M. (2015). Lippincott nursing drug guide. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. [RM301.12 .K144 2015].
Nair, M. & Peate, I. (2015). Pathophysiology for nurses at a glance. Chichester, West Sussex; Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons Inc. [RB127 .N143 2015].
Nursing 2016 drug handbook. (2016). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer. [RM125 .N938 2016].
Pazdernik, T. L., & Kerecsen, L. (2010). Rapid review pharmacology. Maryland Heights, Mo.: Mosby/Elsevier. [RM105 .P298 2010].
Peate, I. & Nair, M. (2015).
Anatomy and physiology for nurses at a glance. Chichester, West Sussex; Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons Inc. [QP38 .P329 2015].
Perry, A. G., & Ostendorf, W. R. (2016).
Nursing interventions & clinical skills. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Mosby. [RT41 .N938i 2016].
Rizzo, D. C. (2016). Fundamentals of anatomy & physiology. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning. [QP34.5 .R529 2016].
Skidmore-Roth, L. (2016).
Mosby's 2016 Nursing drug reference. St Louis, MO: Elsevier Inc. [RM301.12 .Sk32 2016].
Smith, B. T., (2016). Pharmacology for nurses. Burlington, Mass.: Jones & Bartlett Learning. [RM301.28 .P494 2016].
Weber, J. R., & Kelley, J. H. (2014).
Health assessment in nursing. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. [RT48 .W388 2014].
Widmaier, E. P., Raff, H. & Strang, K. T. (2016).
Vander's human physiology: the mechanisms of body function. New York: McGraw-Hill. [QP34.5 .W634 2016].
Wilkinson, J. M. (2016). Fundamentals of nursing. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company. [RT41 .W659f 2016].
Yoost, B. L. & Crawford, L. R. (2016). Fundamentals of nursing: active learning for collaborative practice. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier. [RT41 .Y8 2016
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Journal in Nursing Research
JOURNALS American Journal in Nursing
1. The student must have attendance in at least 80% of the total class hours and 100% of total RLE hours. Deficiencies in the RLE will be made up according to the existing policy of the college on absences/tardiness.
2. Missed quizzes and long examinations will be given only to students who have valid reasons of absence. It must be arranged by the student with the professor and be completed within the week of return to school.
A certification letter from parent or guardian or a medical certificate validated by the UST health service is required.
4. Written requirements will be submitted on the scheduled date. Late submission will be dealt with accordingly.
POLICIES 5. A passing grade of at least 75% must be obtained after completion of all the requirements.
6. School policies apply to cheating, plagiarism and related infractions.
7. Incomplete grade will be given for failure to meet the requirements. Completion of deficiencies must be done within a month after encoding of grades; otherwise, it will mean, repeating the course.
8. A retake policy is undertaken based on the Memorandum A012-5 issued by the Curriculum Committee of the College. Counselling is provided to the failed student before retake is given.
9. If student fails the retake examination, a revalidation exam may be given at the end of the semester after giving remedial classes to the student
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Orientation to the Course Introduction to Ill Child Care Introduction to Ill Child Care Care of a High Risk Neonate Care of a High Risk Neonate
Monthly Grading Period
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Care of a Child with Respiratory Care of a Child with Respiratory Care of a Child with Cardiac Care of a Child with Cardiac Care of a Child with Hematologic
Problems Problems Problems Problems Problems Preliminary Grading Period
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